SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish 608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL 60439 Parish Staff Pastoral Ministry Rev. Waldemar “Valdi” Stawiarski Pastor Deacon Michael Ciciura Deacon Norbert Lesnieski Education Mrs. Shirley Tkachuk Parish School Principal December 28, 2014 Mrs. Trish Nickleski The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Sacramental Prep Religious Education Coordinator Kim Zajec Religious Education Secretary Music Ministry Miroslawa Sojka-Topor Music Director Youth Ministry Michael Lundberg Youth Minister Administration Denise Duda Business Manager Lynn Bailey Assistant Business Manager Monika Bochenek Beth Rachwalski Peggy Sniegowski Parish Secretaries Cheryle Long Debbie Grand Evening Receptionists Dennis Sepessy Facility Manager Renée Yep Bulletin Editor Our Parish Mission Statement We are a family of faith, entrusted with the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Rooted in a rich tradition of worship, service and prayer, we foster the unity and faith of this community. Enlivened by the Spirit, we share our gifts, talents and resources to bring about the Kingdom of God. Page Two SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” December 28, 2014 Welcome to SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish The Parish Staff of St. Cyril’s welcomes all to our historic parish that has carried on the mission of Jesus since 1884. Parish Information Rectory: School: Religious Education: 608 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Denise Duda, Business Manager (630) 257-2776; (630) 257-9372 Fax [email protected] website: 607 Sobieski Street, Lemont, IL Shirley Tkachuk, Principal (630) 257-6488; [email protected] Trish Nickleski D.R.E. (630) 257-9314; [email protected] Mass Schedule: Saturday: 7:00 AM & 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:30 (Polish), 10:30 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:30 PM (Polish) 5:00 PM (St. Patrick’s - English) Special Masses: Weekdays: Tuesday PM: First Friday: First Saturday: 7:00 AM 8:00 PM Polish 7:00 AM, 7:00 PM (Polish) 9:00 PM (Polish) after devotions Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:30 - 5:00 PM First Fridays: 6:00 - 7:00 PM Also available by appointment. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Minister of Music: Mira Sojka-Topor [email protected] (630) 257-0100 Youth Minister: Michael Lundberg [email protected] (630) 257-2414 Polish Club: (630) 863-9304 Polish School: Jan Lichacz President: 630-669-9700 Halina Szyrzyna Principal: (630) 669-9058 Minister of Care: Carol Mierendorf (630) 257-2776 Parish Council: Rita Suchecki, President 2014/2015 Bulletin: [email protected] Helping Hands: [email protected] New Parishioners: Please fill out the registration forms on the welcoming table in the back of church & place in the registration box, rectory or collection. You may also complete the form online at our website. A member of the welcoming committee will contact each new parishioner. Baptisms: Parents need to be registered, active and supporting parishioners prior to arranging a Baptism at St. Cyril’s. If this is a firstborn child, the parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal Preparation Class. Both sponsors should be adults and one an active, practicing Catholic. Marriage: The bride and groom are encouraged to be registered, active, contributing parishioners of SS. Cyril & Methodius. Arrangements are to be made with the priest as soon as possible (preferably six months before the wedding.) A Marriage Preparation Program is a requirement of the Archdiocese. To schedule a wedding, please contact the rectory office. Following the Monday morning 7:00 AM Mass. Social Media: In an effort to enhance communication with our Rectory Hours: Each weekday the rectory will be closed parishioners and visitors, please visit these websites to stay better connected with the many events and ministries of our between the hours of 12 PM - 1 PM. parish. Monday through Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Closed Parish Website: School Website: Parish Facebook Page: Parish Youtube Page: Page Three SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” From the Pastor’s Desk We, Americans, are a competitive people. We have this drive to always want to be better than someone else. As a result, we spend a lot of energy comparing ourselves or our situations with those we work or live near. Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. In our natural competitive attitude, we are tempted to look at the Holy Family as the ideal that we can not realize in our families. But Jesus, Mary and Joseph had their share of struggles. The trust which is fundamental to a marriage was challenged by the pregnancy. Joseph must have felt terrible when he had to bring his wife to a stable to have the child. Living in a foreign land, Egypt, away from family and traditions, was far from ideal. Still, the Holy Family made it through the difficulties of their family life for one reason only: they had great faith. Joseph had faith in the angel of his dreams and treated the pregnant Mary in an honorable way. He had faith that God would help him protect the child, and he moved the family to Egypt. Mary had faith, both in the angel and in God's working through Joseph. Jesus, having emptied himself of his divinity, had faith in his parents to care for him. The Holy Family conquered their struggles through their faith-life. This must be the primary concern of our families. For example, so many parents wish they had the financial resources of their neighbors to be able to provide so much more for their children. What children need is a Christian home, not the things that the neighbor’s kids have. The readings for this Sunday present some aspects of a Christian home. The first reading from Sirach says that children need to respect their parents. Little children learn respect for their parents from the respect they see their parents giving each other and the respect their parents have for their grandparents. I have always believed that the way you treat your parents will be the way your children will treat you. If your relations with your parents are motivated by respect and love, and are evident in your kindness to them, your children will have learned this aspect of Christianity and will treat you the same way when you get older. The second reading deals with the interrelationships of the family. Paul tells the Colossians and us to deal with each other out of kindness, to be patient with each other, to forgive each December 28, 2014 other continually. If we strive to live this way, than as a family we can pray together, not just in Church, but in every aspect of our lives. "Whatever you do, whether in speech or in action, do it in the name of the Lord." The heart of this reading is that husbands and wives must respect each other. This same line of thought continues with children being told to respect their parents, and parents being told not to nag, to continually find fault, with their children. Today’s Gospel is acted out almost every Sunday here at SS. Cyril & Methodius. Mary and Joseph went to the temple with Jesus. This happens here also when you bring your children to church. One young couple told me something that I know all of you realized when you brought your first child home from the hospital. They said, “You know, we can’t come and go and do the things we did before we had the baby, but we have so much more now. Life was great before, but much better now.” I love seeing how much you love your children. I love the fact that you all are determined to provide the best for your children. To be the best parents you can be, remain grounded in the Lord. Make prayer a part of your home life. Pray with your children at bedtime and pray for them after they fall asleep. Teach your children respect. Let them witness your respect for them, for each other, and for others and demand that they respect others, including you. Do your best, and trust God to do the rest. May all our families be Holy Families. And now a few things I want you to know: Thank you for your great participation in our Christmas celebration. Thank you to all who have helped us to celebrate Christmas in such a special way here at SS. Cyril & Methodius. Thank you to the Art & Environment Committee members with many volunteers for decorating our church so beautifully including gym, Sivore Hall and the outside. Thank you to the Music Ministry people providing great music. Thank you to Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Altar Servers for your help. Thank you to kids for performing the Christmas pageant. Thank you to counting teams for counting your generous Christmas donations. Thank you to my staff and deacons for your work. Keep the spirit of Christmas alive. Please, join us for our Christmas concert this Sunday at 6 PM. Bring along your family and friends. Thank you for your continuous support and your Christmas generosity toward SSCM church. God bless you and your loved ones and Happy New Year, Fr. Valdi Vicariate V Welcomes Archbishop Blase Cupich The faithful of Vicariate V are invited to welcome Archbishop Blase Cupich as the new shepherd for the Archdiocese of Chicago. A special Mass will be held on Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 7:00 PM at St. Rita High School. Because seating is very limited, leaders of parishes, high schools, religious orders, and other Vicariate Catholic institutions are being issued a specified number of tickets to distribute. Our pastor has received our allotment of tickets. The diversity of the 61 parishes and missions, along with our six Catholic high schools and other institutions will be represented. Whether you are at the Mass or at home, please join in prayer as we ask our heavenly Father to bless our Archbishop as he serves as the leader of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Page Four SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” “Celebrating 130 Years of Catholic Education” SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish School Dear Parents, Students, faculty and staff are on vacation and enjoying the time away from school and our usual routine. I did want to acknowledge the fantastic job our school did by helping the parish with the “Tree of Love”. The students and staff worked together to help provide gifts for many people. Once again, as a family of faith, our school demonstrated the Gospel message of helping others! Prior to our break, the students in Kindergarten and PreK presented their beautiful Christmas pageant. Thank you to everyone who was involved and to all of the parents and grandparents who attended the performance. The entire school took part in “Computer Science Education Week” by working on the Hour of Code. This program is a first step for students to learn what computer science is all about. Enjoy the pictures from both of these events! Catholic Schools’ Week will begin on Sunday, January 25th. We will again host an Open House for prospective and current school families immediately after the 10:30 AM Mass. All parishioners are welcome to attend. Sincerely, Mrs. S. Tkachuk SS. Cyril & Methodius School Kindergarten & Preschool Christmas Pageant December 28, 2014 Hour of Code for our SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish School during the week of December 8th Page Five SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” December 28, 2014 Religious Education News By: Trish Nickleski, D.R.E. The Religious Education Staff would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe holiday season. The Religious Education Program is off on the following days for Christmas vacation: Sunday Classes: Dec. 28th & Jan. 4th Monday Classes: Dec. 29th & Jan. 5th Wed. Classes: Dec. 31st and Jan. 7th Classes will resume the week of January 11th. Market Day Help your parish school and feed your family with Market Day! Flyers are located in the back of the church. Pickup is once a month located in the school gym and we will earn up to 20% on each order! Please call Mary Kulaga at 708-204-2910 with any questions. Job Opening at SS. Cyril & Methodius A Full-Time Maintenance Position with full benefits is now open for our parish campus. Skills & Responsibilities: Management skills Day to day maintenance involving physical work Handyman skills required Fluent English required Find the application online at or call the rectory at 630-257-2776. Application deadline: December 26th. SS. Cyril & Methodius Annual Holiday Concert Today, December 28, 2014, 6:00 PM From Oratorio to Christmas Spirit! Our church will be filled with beautiful music featuring sacred and secular arias. Join us for a very unique and wonderful experience during the holidays. Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) Mass Schedule Vigil - December 31, 2014 4:00 PM English 5:30 PM Polish New Year’s Day - January 1, 2015 8:30 AM Polish 10:30 AM English 12:00 PM English 1:30 PM Polish Parking During the Winter Season Cars will be ticketed by Lemont Police Officers if they are illegally parked during Mass. Please respect the intent of handicapped spaces, be considerate of our neighbors’ property and also remember that emergency vehicles need to have open access to the church, school and fire hydrants at all times. As winter weather approaches, including snow, please park in lots that have already been cleared of snow to give our plowing service access. Thank you! Page Six SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Christmas Season Schedule of Services 2014 December 28, 2014 Pilgrimage to St. Adalbert’s December 12th, 2014 Sunday, December 28th Feast of the Holy Family 7:00 AM – Fr. Kutch 8:30 AM (Polish) – Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski 10:30 AM – Fr. Lucas 12:00 Noon – Fr. Lucas 1:30 PM (Polish) – Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski 5:00 PM at St. Patrick – Fr. Larry Gorski 6:00 PM Annual Holiday Concert New Year’s Eve Wednesday, December 31st 7:00 AM – Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski 4:00 PM – Fr. Bill Stenzel 5:30 PM (Polish) – Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski New Year’s Day Thursday, January 1st, 2015 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) 8:30 AM (Polish) – Gość 10:30 AM – Fr. Kutch 12:00 Noon – Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski 1:30 PM (Polish) – Fr. Waldemar Stawiarski Holy Name Sponsored Breakfast with Santa Cog Hill, December 14th, 2014 Altar & Rosary Christmas Breakfast Cog Hill, December 7th, 2014 Page Seven SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Congratulations to December 28, 2014 Reasons to Register Your Family • God calls each one of us by name, through Baptism, to be united in faith as God’s family. Registration is a sign of commitment and support to the overall life of a parish community. It indicates one’s willingness to belong to our parish family. • It is necessary that our Parish Staff has the basic information to contact and communicate with individual families. Telephone numbers and home addresses provide helpful information so that we can minister to families, especially in times of emergency. • Every Catholic needs to have their sacramental information documented. Copies of one’s Baptismal, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage records are required at various times in our life. Christina Veglio & Gregory Bies Married Saturday, December 12th, 2014 Helping Hands Food Pantry Our Helping Hands pantry shelves are very low. Please consider bringing a bag of food for Helping Hands. It can be left by the tables at the back of the church. Helping Hands Sunday is always the first Sunday of each month. Next Collection: January 3rd & 4th For SSCM Parish Please consider sponsoring one or more of these items on our “Wish List”. A plaque of acknowledgement will be placed on the item sponsored unless you choose otherwise. Thank you for your continued support of our parish. Flower Stands Carillon Bells Altar Server Chairs Reconstruct Light Fixtures Above Side Altars Thank you to those who have already fulfilled a wish! • A family that plans to enroll their children in either our Parish School or Religious Education Program should be registered parishioners who actively support the parish, especially if they intend to have their children receive the Sacraments of the Church in the near future. • A registered family is able to receive important information about the parish that often comes through a direct mailing. • Sometimes a person is asked to serve as a godparent for a relative or friend. They are required to provide information stating that they are currently a registered parishioner, practicing their faith and supporting the overall life of their parish. • Note that our Parish Mailing List is only used for church purposes and never shared with businesses or other organizations. Name: ____________________________________ Address: __________________________________ City: ___________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ________________________________ Home or Cell Phone Number: ____________________________ Please drop this form into the collection basket, into the registration box on the back table in church or return it to our rectory. Thank you for registering. Page Eight SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Christmas & Year End Giving December 28, 2014 Intentions for the week of December 28th - January 4th In memory of Eddie Blazonczyk By Nowak Family The Blessed Sacrament candle that burns above the altar 24/7 is available to be offered for your intentions or in memory of your loved God calls us to be good and faithful stewards. ones. This candle is replaced every Sharing our blessings helps us to build the Kingdom Monday morning. Please call our parish office to book of God. your week. A donation of $100 will be requested and a Your financial support helps us to continue the missions and ministry of Jesus. As we approach Christmas and the year end, please review your parish contributions. Please consider donating to our parish online through, a convenient, completely secure online giving system. Gifts made on or before December 31st may be tax deductible for this tax year. Gifts of stocks and other securities, held more than one year, are excellent gifts to make. You may be able to deduct the stocks’ fair market value and avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation of the stock. Gift annuities are an option for people wishing to donate money to their parish over a long timeframe. Does your employer offer matching gift donations? Please consider donating your time, talent and resources to the church or school through one of the many church/school ministries or organizations. Volunteering can be such a rewarding experience. name of the donor and his/her intention will be acknowledged in our bulletin for the week booked. Page Nine SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” December 28, 2014 Early Bird Alert! January 9th! BEAT THE LOTTO SS. Cyril & Methodius Beat the Lotto! Tickets are $100 each Only 1,500 tickets will be sold! Winner need not be present. Special seller’s raffle: Entry with every 5 tickets sold! Early Bird Drawing January 9th, 2015 Prize: $5,000 Grand Drawing March 8th, 2015 Grand Prize: $40,000 2nd: $4,000 3rd: $3,000 4 - 6th: $2,000 7th - 21st: $1,000 22nd - 25th: $500 Members of our LOTTO committee will be at all the Masses on January 3rd and 4th. Tickets may be turned in or purchased at that time. Good luck! Your participation in BEAT THE LOTTO helps to offset the expenses of a variety of ministries here at SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish and School. Don’t forget to indicate your sharing organization! To answer any questions please contact one of our LOTTO committee members below: Ma ry Beth: (630) 257-2998 Na n cy: (630) 257-2860 Ma ry: (630) 257-0569 La u ra: (630) 783-8385 Rose: (815) 254-0367 Joan: (630) 257-2939 Mickey: (630) 243-6386 Don na: (630) 257-7062 Keith: (630) 257-9791 Ma ry: (630) 739-0130 Page Ten SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Praca na PEŁNY ETAT ze świadczeniami na stanowisku woźnego przy kościele i szkole św. Cyryla i Metodego. Dlaczego warto zarejestrować się do parafii? Przez Sakrament Chrztu Świętego, Bóg wzywa każdego z nas po imieniu do jedności w wierze. Rejestracja jest znakiem przynależności do Kościoła i zaangażowania w życie parafii. Aby umożliwić wzajemny kontakt i służyć rodzinom które uczęszczają do naszej parafii, potrzebujemy podstawowych informacji takich jak: adres, numer telefonu. W różnych okresach naszego życia potrzebne są dokumenty takie jak dokument Chrztu, Pierwszej Komunii, Bierzmowania i Ślubu. Każdy Katolik powinien posiadać wpis o sakramentach świętych do ksiąg wieczystych. Rodzina, która chce zapisać dzieci do szkoły parafialnej czy na lekcje religii, powinna być zarejestrowana i aktywnie wspomagać parafię, zwłaszcza kiedy dzieci w najbliższej przyszłości będą przystępować do sakramentów świętych. Zarejestrowana rodzina otrzymuje ważne informacje dotyczące parafii bezpośrednio drogą pocztową. Zdarza się, że jesteśmy proszeni przez rodzinę bądź też przyjaciół na rodziców chrzestnych, wówczas musimy dostarczyć dokument, potwierdzający to, że jesteśmy obecnie zarejestrowani w parafii, jesteśmy praktykującymi katolikami i uczestniczymy w życiu parafii. Zaznaczamy, że dane osobowe parafian służą tylko i wyłącznie potrzebom Kościoła i nigdy nie są przekazywane żadnym innym firmom czy organizacjom. Obowiązki i oczekiwania: Zdolność zarządzania Codzienne naprawy i praca fizyczna Zdolności „złotej rączki” Znajomość języka angielskigo Aplikacja do pracy na stronie lub pod tel. kancelarii parafialnej. Termin składania aplikacji: 26 grudnia Lista rzeczy potrzebnych do Kościoła Św. Cyryla i Metodego Prosimy o rozważenie sponsorowania jednego lub kilku poniżej podanych przedmiotów z naszej "Listy Życzeń". Tablica pamiątkowa z nazwiskiem fundatora zostanie umieszczona na ufundowanym przedmiocie, chyba że ktoś ma inne życzenie. Dziękujemy za nieustanne wsparcie naszej parafii. Kwietniki Dzwony Carillon (karylion) Krzesła dla ministrantów Odnowienie Lamp nad Ołtarze Boczne Podziękowania dla tych, którzy już pomogli w wypełnieniu "Listy Życzeń"! December 28, 2014 Imię i Nazwisko: _____________________________ Be a sponsor of a weekend's fresh flowers to decorate our main altar ($150) or side altars ($100). Please call our parish office to make arrangements. An acknowledgement and a thank you for the sponsor will be published in our bulletin. Bądź sponsorem kwiatów do ołtarza głównego ($150) lub do ołtarzy bocznych ($100). Zainteresowanych, prosimy o kontakt się z biurem parafialnym. Podziękowanie dla ofiarodawcy zostanie opublikowane w naszym biuletynie. Adres: _____________________________________ Miejscowość: ___________________ Stan: ______ Kod Pocztowy: _______________________________ Numer telefonu komórkowego lub domowego: ___________________________________________ Wypełnioną formę proszę oddać na plebanię lub wrzucić do koszyka ze składką lub wrzucić do skrzynki z tyłu Kościoła. Dziękujemy. Zachęcamy do udziału w Polskim Nabożeństwie Pierwszych Sobót Miesiąca o godz. 7 wieczorem, a następnie we Mszy Świętej. Page Eleven SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” Drodzy Parafianie, My Polacy jesteśmy konkurencyjni. Mamy w sobie coś takiego, że chcemy być lepsi od innych. W rezultacie poświecamy sporo swojej energii na porównywanie siebie, lub naszej sytuacji do osób z którymi pracujemy lub obok których mieszkamy. Dzisiaj obchodzimy Święto Świętej Rodziny. W naszym naturalnym konkurencyjnym zachowaniu, jesteśmy wręcz kuszeni, aby popatrzeć na Świętą Rodzinę jako na ideał, którego może nie widzimy w naszej rodzinie. Jezus, Maryja i Józef też mieli swoje zmagania. Zaufanie, które jest fundamentem każdego małżeństwa, zostało zakwestionowane przez ciążę. Józef napewno czuł się strasznie, kiedy musiał zabrać swoją żonę do stajni, aby porodziła dziecko. Życie w obcym kraju, Egipcie, z dala od rodziny i tradycji było dalekie od ideału. Jednak Święta Rodzina przetrzymała wszystkie te trudności tylko dlatego, że mieli wielką wiarę. Józef uwierzył aniołowi, który ukazał się mu we śnie. Maryję w ciąży traktował z szacunkiem. Wierzył, że Bóg pomoże mu chronić dziecko i dlatego też przeniósł się z rodziną do Egiptu. Maryja miała wiarę w anioła i w Boga, który działał przez Józefa. Jezus ogołocił samego siebie ze swojej boskości i miał wiarę w opiekujących się nim rodziców. Święta Rodzina przezwyciężyła wszystkie trudy dzięki swojemu życiu w wierze. Głównym problem współczesnych rodzin staje się brak życia w wiarze. Na przykład, wiele rodziców marzy, aby mieć środki finansowe ich sąsiadów, aby dać swoim dzieciom jak najwięcej. Dzieci potrzebują chrześcijańskiego domu, a nie rzeczy, które mają dzieci sąsiadów. Czytania dzisiejszej niedzieli pokazują nam niektóre aspekty chrześcijańskiego domu. Pierwsze czytanie z Księgi Syracydesa mówi, że dzieci muszą szanować swoich rodziców. Małe dzieci uczą się szacunku do swoich rodziców widząc, jak rodzice szanują się nawzajem i jak traktują ich dziadków. Zawsze wierzyłem, że jak my traktujemy rodziców, tak samo dzieci będą nas traktowały. Jeśli twoje stosunki z rodzicami są na bazie szacunku i miłości, i widoczna jest życzliwość do nich, to twoje dzieci widząc to nauczą się tego aspektu chrześcijaństwa i w ten sam sposób będą traktowały ciebie kiedy się już zestarzejesz. Dzisiejsze drugie czytanie mówi nam o wzajemnych relacjach w rodzinie. Św. Paweł mówi do Kolosan i do nas, abyśmy traktowali się z życzliwością, byli cierpliwi i nieustannie wybaczali sobie nawzajem. Jeśli będziemy starali się żyć w ten December 28, 2014 sposób, wtedy jako rodzina możemy modlić się razem nie tylko w kościele, ale w każdym aspekcie naszego życia. "I wszystko, cokolwiek działacie słowem lub czynem, wszystko czyńcie w imię Pana Jezusa." Sercem tego czytania jest, aby mężowie i żony wzajemnie się szanowali. Idąc dalej tym samym tokiem myślenia, dzieci mają szanować swoich rodziców, a rodzice mają nie zrzędzić i nie szukać ciągle winy w swoich dzieciach. Dzisiejsza Ewangelia jest odgrywana prawie w każdą niedziele w naszym kościele. Maryja i Józef udali się z Jezusem do świątyni. To dzieje się również kiedy przyprowadzacie swoje dzieci do kościoła. Jedna młoda para powiedziała mi coś, co wiem że wszyscy zdaliście sobie sprawę po przywiezieniu pierwszego dziecka do domu. Powiedzieli, "Wiesz, nie możemy robić wielu rzeczy tak jak dawniej, zanim mieliśmy dziecko. Teraz mamy więcej. Życie wcześniej było wspaniałe, ale teraz jest o wiele wspanialsze." Cieszę się, widząc jak bardzo kochacie swoje dzieci. Cieszę się z faktu, że chcecie dla swoich dzieci jak najlepiej. Abyście byli najlepszymi rodzicami jakimi tylko możecie być, pozostańcie zakorzenieni w Panu. Niech modlitwa stanie się częścią waszego domowego życia. Módlcie się ze swoimi dziećmi przed snem i za nich jak już zasną. Uczcie dzieci szacunku. Niech będą świadkami waszego szacunku do nich, do siebie nawzajem i dla innych. Wymagajcie, aby szanowali innych, włączając ciebie. Starajcie się wychować dzieci jak najlepiej, a resztę zaufajcie Bogu. Niech wszystkie nasze rodziny będą Świętymi Rodzinami. Kilka spraw z życia parafii: Dziękuję za Wasz udział w obchodach Świąt Bożego Narodzenia w naszej parafii. Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się i pomogli nam, abyśmy mogli świętować w tak wyjątkowy sposób. Dziękuję członkom Komitetu Art & Enviroment i wielu wolontariuszom za piękne udekorowanie naszego kościoła, sali gimnastycznej, Sali Sivore , a także na zewnątrz. Dziękuję wszystkim zaangażowanym w przygotowanie pięknej oprawy muzycznej. Dziękuję Marszałkom, Lektorom, Nadzwyczajnym Szafarzom Eucharystii za wszelką pomoc. Dziękuję dzieciom, które brały udział w przedstawieniu bożonarodzeniowym. Dziękuję pracownikom i diakonom za ich ciężką pracę. Niech duch Bożego Narodzenia wciąż w Was żyje. Zapraszamy na Koncert Świąteczny w tą niedzielę, 28 grudnia o godz. 6 wieczorem. Przyjdźcie z rodziną i przyjaciółmi. Dziękujemy za ciągłe wsparcie i Waszą hojność w Boże Narodzenie. Życzę miłego tygodnia i niech Bóg błogosławi Was i Waszych najbliższych. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! Ks. Waldemar Stawiarski Wierni z Wikariatu V zaproszeni są do powitania Arcybiskupa Błażeja Cupich jako nowego pasterza Archidiecezji Chicago podczas specjalnej Mszy Świętej, która zostanie odprawiona w czwartek 8 stycznia 2015 roku o godz. 19:00 w Liceum im. św. Rity (St. Rita High School). Ze względu na ograniczoną ilość miejsc, liderzy parafii, liceów, zgromadzeń i innych katolickich instytucji Wikariatu V otrzymają określoną liczbę biletów do rozprowadzenia. Ksiądz proboszcz każdej parafii Wikariatu V otrzymał już przydział biletów. Reprezentanci 61 parafii i misji Wikariatu V oraz sześć katolickich liceów i innych instytucji będą uczestniczyć w tej uroczystej Mszy Świętej. Prosimy Wszystkich Wiernych o łączność duchową w modlitwie - zarówno tych, którzy będą uczestniczyć w Mszy Świętej powitalnej, jak i tych, którzy w zaciszu swych domostw razem modlić się będą o błogosławieństwo Boże dla naszego Arcybiskupa w posłudze duszpasterskiej i przewodzeniu Archidiecezją Chicago. Page Twelve SS. Cyril & Methodius “United in Faith” December 28, 2014 Mass Intentions Monday — December 29th 7:00 AM = ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family GOD’S BLESSINGS & HEALTH FOR THERESA by Family Tuesday — December 30th 7:00 AM = ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family JÓZEF SZELIGA 8:00 PM (PL)= KENNETH ULANSKI by Wife & Children = MARIA KOWALCZYK by Anna Król Wednesday — December 31st 7:00 AM = ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family 4:00 PM = CICIURA & BIERNAT FAMILIES by Deacon Mike & Family 5:30 PM (PL) = MARIA & JÓZEF KAJPUST by Family = MARIA KOWALCZYK by Anna Król = JAN KIETA by Friends Thursday — January 1st 8:30 AM (PL) = STANISŁAW FALTYN by Zofia Ligas O BOŻE BŁ. DLA RODZINY GALARA = JÓZEFA i STANISŁAW KOCZWARA by Rodzina 10:30 AM = ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family 12:00 PM = FR. MARION SOPRYCH by Parishioners & Family 1:30 PM (PL) = ALEKSANDER i ANDRZEJ BIENIEK by Rodzina = ZOFIA i KAZIMIERZ ZIARNO by Rodzina = MARIAN i STANISŁAW ZIARNO by Rodzina Sunday — January 4th 7:00 AM = ALBERT & SOPHIE MAZIARKA by Family = ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family 8:30 AM (PL)= JAN GAL by Rodzina Łabuda = STANISŁAW KALEC by Rodzina = JÓZEF OLSZEWSKI by Daughters 10:30 AM = CHARLOTTE JAGODZINSKI by Bob & Jeri Wheeler 12:00 PM = STANISŁAW SUCHECKI by Wife & Daughters GOD’S BLESSINGS FOR SUSAN CYCON by Sophie Grele 1:30 PM (PL) = JÓZEF BUDZ by Rodzina = BARBARA MADANOWSKA by Religious Ed. Staff = STANISŁAW KOMPERDA by Rodzina January 18, 2015, 2 - 4 PM Starts at Federal Plaza (50 W. Adams) Friday — January 2nd 7:00 AM CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY 7:00 PM (PL)= ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family Saturday — January 3rd 7:00 AM MOTHER’S DAY INTENTIONS = ZOFIA MIKOŚ by Family 5:30 PM FOR ALL PARISIONERS LIVING & DECEASED 7:00 PM (PL) TRIUNE HEALTH GROUP Office Closed Please note the rectory will be closed due to New Year’s: Wednesday, December 31st at 12 PM Thursday, January 1, 2015 Page Thirteen SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” December 28, 2014 Devotions: Please pray for… Tuesday, December 30th: Weekly devotions at 7 PM followed by Polish Mass at 8 PM Saturday, January 3rd: English Rosary at 6:30 AM, Polish Novena at 7 PM followed by Mass We ask you to please keep in your prayers the following parishioners who are on active duty in the military: Upcoming Events: Sgt. Bogumila Bielanska; LCPL Matthew Gill; Josh McManus, USMC; Gunnery Sgt., Stephan Staniulis, USMC; LCPL Robert Stasiak; Don Tabron, CWO 5, US Army; Staff Sgt. George T. Burke, USMC, Iraq; LCPL Cassie Leja, USMC, Iraq; Capt. Catherine R. Chappell, Pilot HC130, U.S. Air Force; Frank Romanowski, Army Combat Medic; Keith Zajac, U.S. Navy; SPC Ryan Sherwood. Sunday, December 28th: Christmas Concert at 6 PM in the church. Sunday, January 4th: Polish Club Mtg. at 9:30 AM in Fr. Sivore Hall 2014 Contribution Statements Contribution statements for 2014 will be mailed upon request only. Please fill out the following form and return to the rectory, or in the collection basket at Church, with your name, address, phone & envelope number. Your statement will be mailed to you after January 31st. Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Envelope #: ________________________________ Please call the parish office if you have a loved one you would like our parish community to pray for. Francis Cardinal George Cheryl Klein Debbie Madia Chris & Larry Slowina Nena Casica Audrey Mead Lucille Handorf Virginia Kozlowski Celia Dziekan Steve Cozzolino Lillian Wroblewski Barbara Witt Jeffrey Sniegowski David Sniegowski Betty Sivek Robert Cole Lorraine Malm Milda Praninskas Stanislaw Leja Ks. Wojciech Kowalczyk A name of a sick person will stay on the list for two months, then be removed unless you update us on his/her condition to prolong the prayer request. Thank you for your cooperation. Front Cover: Parish Contributions December 13th & 14th, 2014 Envelopes 775 $ 14,750.00 Children’s envelopes 24 37.00 GiveCentral - Dec. 8th - Dec. 14th 39 1,098.00 Total $ 15,885.00 Retired Religious Collection $ 3,986.97 775 envelopes plus GiveCentral Sunday donations represent 38% of our parishioners. Your donations help meet our immediate needs, repairs and improvements. We sincerely appreciate your generosity. The Holy Family with the Little Bird Bartolome Esteban Murillo, 1650 Oil on canvas, Museo del Prado, Madrid Spain Weekend Caretaker Wanted We are looking for a strong male or female nurse or caretaker. Weekend caretaker wanted: 8 AM to 8 PM Saturday & 8 AM to 8 PM Sunday. No overnights required. Must speak English. Duties include assisting elderly gentleman and lifting and assisting MS patient with needs. They live in Lemont area. Pay negotiable. References required. If you are interested please call 630-624-5574 and ask for Cheryl. Page Fourteen SS. Cyril & Methodius Parish “United in Faith” December 28, 2014 Liturgical Ministers’ Weekend Schedule January 3rd & 4th Celebrant Liturgical Ministers’ Weekend Schedule Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers 5:30 PM English Mass Fr. Scott Donahue J. Sworan A. Lorang R. Walschlager S. Nosal J.Tejkowski Volunteer D. Arenberg J. Doyle S. Pavlovic Stephen K. Bart L. Andrew L. 7:00 AM English Mass Fr. Lucas L. Wood K. Shannon B. Zintak J. Kalkowski M. Rudis R. Platon J. Cisek Justin L. Daina M. Mikayla K. 8:30 AM Polish Mass Salvatorian Fathers M. Mendaluk T. Karpiesiuk B. Bogun U. Pazdan J. Baluch C. Maturlak K. Maturlak Paul S. Peter S. Alex L. 10:30 AM English Mass J. LaSota Fr. Stawiarski w/ J. LaSota Deacon Mike Ciciura Deacon M. Ciciura D. Ciciura N. Rogers T. Rogers K. Gonsch J. Gonsch Y. Sullivan L. Harbison L. Dastych Zachary K. Maria P. Conrad M. 12:00 PM English Mass Fr. Stawiarski B. Damiani D. Anderson A. Rimbo M. Laskowski J. Wilczewski R. Wilczewski T. Cisneros M. Labno C. Long Adam P. Gabriel P. Gianfranco M. 1:30 PM Polish Mass Salvatorian Fathers M. Predki K. Predki A. KubinskaLatawiec A. Swiderek A. Galara Stasiu H. Andrzej H. Sebastian H. 5:00 PM St. Patrick Fr. Stawiarski Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... For further information, please call the Parish Office. 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 000016 Ss Cyril & Methodius Church (C) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 GREG MUCHA Broker, Realtor, Parishioner “Consider Your Home SOLD!” Mowie Po Polsku Office 708.301.4700 Cell: 630.546.7877 Business & Truck Insurance Mowimy Po Polsku GOLDEN SECURITY INSURANCE AGENCY 1011 State St., Ste. 240 Lemont, IL Telephone 630-355-6040 630.243.2435 Fax 630 355-3116 LEMONT CRYSTAL GRAND BANQUETS MONICA’S CLEANING SERVICE HOMES, CONDOS, OFFICES • QUALITY SERVICE • REFERENCES AVAILABLE • FREE CLEANING WITH REFERRAL • All Occasions • Funeral Luncheons • Catering 630.257.0200 12416 S. Archer Ave. (630) 243-6103 Parishioner The Best Things in Life Are Edible! • Get Wells • Thank Yous • Birthdays • Parties 7511 Lemont Rd., Darien (SE Corner 75th & Lemont Rd) 630.985.8543 Ilene & Bob Toth Parishioners Family Owned for 4 Generations ZOFIA CYGAN, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. Diplomate American Board of Family Practice and Geriatric Medicine MEDICAL CARE FOR ENTIRE FAMILY IMMIGRATION PHYSICALS DOT, CDL TESTING 1100 State Street Lemont 630-257-5959 640 S. WASHINGTON ST., STE. 212 NAPERVILLE, IL 60540 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT Always with Flowers (Irene’s Flowers) 1138 B STATE ST., LEMONT 630.257.0339 WEDDINGS FUNERALS • EVENT DECORATION • ALL OCCASIONS • BALLOONS • • BEATA I. STYKA, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE / GERIATRICS Accepting New Patients 12130 S. Harlem, Ste. B Palos Heights 708.448.5500 STOFFEL & TOMAZIN DENTAL 12371 Derby Rd. Suite C Lemont, IL 60439 630-243-6622 Free Consult & Digital X-Rays for New Patients Invisalign Andrew Scott Attorney at Law (630) 324-6666 Specializing to Help You In: Litigation | Real Estate | Traffic and Criminal Law Bankruptcy | Employment Law | Civil Rights Hot Foods • Deli • Dessert • Catering Platters Delicious Meats & Cheeses • Produce and Groceries Polish and Lithuanian • Family Owned Business $5 OFF any purchase of $50 or more 630.655.2200 Mon-Fri 8am-9pm • Sat 8am-8pm • Sun 8am-6pm 7145 S. KINGERY HWY. ROUTE 83, WILLOWBROOK, IL Najtaniej Najszybciej Najbezpieczniej Samochody od $800 Paczki $0.34/# Kontenery, RO RO, AGD Your Community Law Firm. Learn More Today at PC MD Paul J. Zieba ZAPRASZAMY WELCOME PC & MAC Sales & Service Agent Networking • Wifi • Internet Mowie Po Polsku (630) 789-3971 TOM [email protected] We Still Make House Calls! 630-321-0492 BELCHER LAW OFFICE FREE HOME PICK UP 1-855-558-3461 - Polish, Ukrainian, Russian Ubezpieczenia Na: Samochod, Dom, Motor, Zycie, Biznesy Parishioner 708.629.007924T H An ideal companion for personal prayer. OUR OWING 7043 W. 153 ST. RD ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 CHRISTOPHER KREZEL 773.586.7044 Auto • Home • Life • Health • Business • 6444 W. ARCHER AVENUE, CHICAGO [email protected] Graduating from Catholic grade school, high school and law school has provided me the foundation of social justice I’ve relied upon the last 20 years helping injured people like you and your family members. I hope you call me for a FREE CONSULTATION. 800-566-6150 • –Matt Belcher BEZPLATNY NUMER PO BEZPLATNA PORADE™ 1-800-239-6528 , 630-257-2133 , 15947 W. 127th St., Suite H, Lemont NY REPAIR 20% OFF AOVER $100 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal DR. JOHN MASTRUD, D.D.S. • General & Cosmetic Dentistry • Implants Parishioner COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & DIAGNOSTIC CENTER • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • DIESEL REPAIR AND MORE DAMAR-KAMINSKI FUNERAL HOME 630.323.5056 PARISHIONER Family Owned/Located Next To Resurrection Cemetery MARK A. KAMINSKI, Owner/Director 7861 South 88th Ave. (79th & Archer Rd.) 708-496-0200 000016 Ss Cyril & Methodius Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 Markiewicz Funeral Home 108 Illinois Street Lemont, Illinois 60439 Tel: 630-257-6363 Adam’s Flowers Fresh & Silk Flowers Wedding & Funeral all occasions Anthony Sendra (630) 863-0129 MOWIMY PO POLSKU Mowie Po Polsku 315 Illinois St. Introducing Dr. Eva Coggin, D.D.S. Relocated To Clarendon Hills Special For New Patients 15531 127th St. Ste. 102, Lemont (630) 257-6145 Parishioner Services: Hours: Mon, Tues 8am - 7pm • Wed, Thurs 8am - 5pm Some Fridays & Saturdays • 630.325.9298 235 Burlington Ave. • Clarendon Hills • Rozmawiamy po Polsku • Sales • Service • High Efficiency Furnaces • A/C • Boilers Internal Medicine 14244 McCarthy Rd. 630.754.0141 Theo J. Gorski and Son, Inc. LEMONT PATRICIA KOWALCZYK-GENNARO, DDS Residential & Commercial Mowie Po Polsku (708) 912-9017 Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, $50 OFF Initial Visit Initial Exam Crowns • Implants • Cosmetic Orthodontics • Whitening Dentures • General Family Dentist • Specialist Team Optometrist • Vision Care 708.448.5675 FREE JACEK GRELA, M.D. DR. JULIANNE KOS 7600 College Dr. Palos Heights (630) 243-9935 School & Charter Bus Service Lemont Help Wanted 257-5441 NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Petkus-Lemont Funeral Home Donald M. Petkus 12401 S. Archer Ave., Lemont, IL Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español 630-691-1114 (800) 994-7600 EWA FILA Family Owned Since 1929 • Deli Meats • Catering • Bakery • Party Platters • Produce • Salads • Grocery • Carry Out Dinners • Sandwiches 814 State St. 14164 McCarthy Rd. 630/243-6870 630/243-1669 Attorney - Adwokat Zbigniew “Ziggy” Kois 708.467.0033 7163 W. 84th St., Burbank Mowimy Po Polsku The Clubhouse Inn at Palos Country Club 708-687-7474 List With Me. Save A Lot! Broker, Parishioner Skillful Negotiator 708.268.7273 Sell • Buy • Invest CLASSIC REALTY GROUP • Featuring Weekend Seafood Specials FILA 13100 Southwest Hwy. CONSTRUCTION Orland Park 708.448.6550 Complete Remodeling • Kitchens • Baths • Basements Banquets from 25 to 400 • Carpentry & Repair Quality Work - Best Price! “We Do It Right The First Time” Mowimy Po Polsku 708.361.5772 A Catholic Family Owned Business Ask For Parishioner Discount MIROSLAW PIOTROWSKI, M.D. SENESE & ASSOCIATES BOARD CERTIFIED IN FAMILY MEDICINE Tax Preparation • Internal Medicine • Pediatrics Financial Planning • Dermatology • Gynecology We do it all • Immigration & School Physicals from personal tax returns to corporate • Physical Therapy • Ultrasound financial issues. DR. ROBERT L. TENTLER LEMONT IV SEDATION DENTISTRY CATERING TO SPECIAL NEEDS CHICAGO 16600 S. 107 COURT ORLAND PARK TH For MRI, CAT Scan, Stress Test Sleep Study Call 708.423.9982 ATTORNEY - ADWOKAT Mowie Po Polsku Parishioner Burr Ridge 630.908.7730 [email protected] COMPREHENSIVE & COSMETIC DENTAL CARE WITH ORTHODONTICS & PERIODONTICS in Homer Glen DR. MARY ELLEN HOYE, GENERAL DENTIST DR. BARRY ABEL, GENERAL DENTIST DR. DEBRA ALAVI, ORTHODONTIST • DR. ROBERT BAIMA, PERIODONTIST DR. RON BARAN, GENERAL DENTIST, ROOT CANAL THERAPY 708.301.3444 15927 SOUTH BELL ROAD ~ WWW.DRHOYE.COM BEHIND BONFIRE RESTAURANT COMPREHENSIVE, QUALITY FOOT CARE Diana Emini, DPM Michelle Kim, DPM Podiatric Physicians & Surgeons 630.863.7517 (Derby Plaza) 14236 McCarthy Rd., Lemont BRINGING SMILES TO FAMILIES EVERYWHERE MATTHEW WITT, DDS 1011 State Street, #110 New Patient Special Lemont • 630.243.6600 Exam, X-Rays & Cleaning $ 99.00 • Breakfast • Lunch • Catering/Parties 14355 S. Bell Road Homer Glen 708.645.0766 Forzley Eye Clinic MARGARET RADZISZEWSKI, DDS DAZZLING DENTISTRY, INC. 5000 OFF $ Your First Visit With This Ad 000016 Ss Cyril & Methodius Church (A) LEMONT BASEBALL & SOFTBALL REGISTRATION 2015 SEASON Visit our website to Register Contact [email protected] for additional information Mention this ad & receive a 10% discount on any service. BLUEBERRY HILL CAFE 708.403.3355 WWW.DRTENTLER.COM 15345 127TH STREET Contact us for a free initial consultation: 630.484.8868 630-876-9820 5912 S. ARCHER AVE. 773.735.5544 Attn: 1st Time Clients: Margaret Las-Marusarz Mowimy Po Polsku 773-586-5040 6941 S. Archer Ave. LEMONT CLEANERS DR. SAMUEL FORZLEY • Alterations • Shirts • Leather & More Optometrist - Parishioner 1192 Walter Street Helena Las, Parishioner Mowimy Po Polsku (630) 243-2020 Fax (630) 243-1100 12269 Walker Rd. 630.257.5700 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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