ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON CHURCH 328 WASHINGTON AVE. DUNKIRK, NEW YORK 14048 PHONE 716-366-1750 FAX 716-366-4398 Web Site: E-mail address: [email protected] Parish Vision St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Roman Catholic Church seeks to be a vibrant and diverse faith community. We are nourished by the Eucharist and empowered by the Spirit to spread the message of the Gospel to the larger community through our many ministries and outreach opportunities. PASTOR Rev. Dennis G. Riter IN RESIDENCE Rev. Walter Werbicki RECTORY 366-1750 Mary Jo Kessler (Administrative Assistant) Daniel B. Hillman (Financial Administrative Coordinator) SCHOOL 366-0630 (Northern Chautauqua Catholic School) Principal, John Georger RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Wendy Kachermeyer, 366-2827 R.C.I.A. & C.I.C. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) (Christian Initiation of Children) Mrs. Wendy Kachermeyer, 366-2827 ST. MARY’S CEMETERY Mr. Kenneth R. Drozdziel, Superintendent, 366-2371 HOLY MASSES Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:00 a.m.; 11:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. – Spanish Daily – 7:00 a.m. Holy Days – As announced in bulletin SICK CALLS Any time, day or night. Call the Rectory as soon as possible Please call the Rectory for an appointment. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (concludes with Evening Prayer) First Fridays 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. (concludes with Evening Prayer and Benediction of Blessed Sacrament) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Every Saturday at 4 p.m.; Thursday before First Friday 4 p.m. YOUNG ADULTS Upon reaching their 19th birthday should assume their own identity by registering with the parish. REGISTRATION & WELCOMING OF NEW PARISHIONERS BAPTISMS Third Sunday of the month at 12:15 p.m. BAPTISM PREPARATION PROGRAM Both parents are asked to attend the baptismal preparation class prior to the celebration of the sacrament, the ideal time to attend is during the pregnancy. Please call for an appointment. MARRIAGES Wedding arrangements should be made at least six months prior to the desired date. Call Rectory for an appointment. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION A prospective godparent or sponsor needs some evidence that he/she is an active, contributing member of the parish and leads a life in harmony with the Catholic Faith. We can only give such testimony to those who are actually parish members. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday: 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 9:00 a.m.–12:30 pm, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Closed Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays) FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY ST.ELIZABETH ANN SETON December Lottery Winners Dec 20th, 2014 Mid-Day # 081 Paula Jakubowski Evening # 567 Gerald Haase Those who honor their father,atone for sins; those who respect their mother, store up treasures Readings for the Week of December 27/28, 2014 Sunday: Sirach 3:2-6,12-14Colossians 3:12-21/Luke 2:22-40 Monday: John 2:3-11/Luke 2:22-35 Tuesday: John 2:12-17/Luke 2:36-40 Wednesday: John 2:18-21/John 1:1-18 Thursday: Numbers 6:22-27/Luke 2:16-21 Friday: John 2:22-28/John 1:19-28 Saturday: John 2:29--3:6/John 1:29-34 Sunday: Isaiah 60:1-6/Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6/Matthew 2:1-12 Our Offering to God Stewardship: The collection for the weekend was $5,281.87. Thank you for supporting the work of your parish. Events this Week Sunday, January 4 3 Kings Celebration 3:30 p.m. Parish Hall Schedule for R.C.I.A. Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Jan. 07 SEAS Mar. 11 SEAS Jan. 14 St. Joseph Mar. 18 St Joseph Jan. 28 St. Joseph Mar. 25 St. Joseph Feb. 4 Team Mtg. Apr. 1 St. Joseph Feb. 11 SEAS April 8 SEAS Feb. 25 St. Joseph Apr 22 St. Joseph Mar. 4, SEAS April 29 SEAS May 6 Team Mtg. Parish Office Hours The parish office will close at noon New Year’s Eve and remain closed for New Year day and the day after Christmas. Solemnity of Mother of God Masses: December 31 at 7 p.m. and January 1 at 7 a.m. and Noon January 1st Holyday st On this Thursday, January 1 , we honor Mary with a special title,” Mother of God.” On one level, this is preposterous! Yet since we believe that Mary’s child was fully divine as well as human, the title is most fitting. It recognizes her unique position as the one who bore God’s Son in her womb and nourished Him for 9 months before giving the Savior to the world. She is that first ray of dawn that announces a new day for humanity. We come together to recognize her at the start of a new year. Masses will be according to the normal holyday schedule; i.e. Wednesday, December at 7 p.m. and st Thursday, Jan. 1 at 7 am and at 12 noon. Adoration Cancelled on January 2nd There will be no adoration of the Blessed Sacrament nd on Friday, January 2 and no First Friday Confessions the day before. Be A Lifeline For Someone In Need Catholic Charities’ Telephone Assurance Program is a free volunteer service providing regular telephone calls to seniors and disabled individuals of those who are isolated and homebound. Relationship grow and last for years through a regular daily, weekly or monthly call. If you know of someone in Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee or Orleans counties who want to receive calls, contact Carolyn Kwiatkowski at Catholic Charities at 716-2181450. 2003 DUNKIRK, NEW YORK DECEMBER 27/28, 2014 Faith Formation Classes Following the Christmas Recess, Classes will resume on Sunday, January 11. Are You Called To Serve? By Baptism we have become God’s holy family in today’s world. Some are called as priests, deacons and religious to minister and serve the holy families of God in the world. If you think God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Father Walter Szczesny-716-847-5535. You can also check out the “Priest of the Month” stories on our website! First Reconciliation The following young parishioners encountered the merciful and healing Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time last week. They are: Ethan Arias, Janelle Arias, Dylan Bankoski, Jaedon Rosario, Justin Rosario and Ian Storey. In the years to come may they have confidence in the Good Shepherd who came to bind up our wounds and bring back the stray! (Vigil) 5:00 p.m. Guillermo Rivera (anniv) by Sons and Daughters Sunday, December 28, 2014 –-The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, Joseph (Feast) 8:00a.m. Arthur Budniewski (anniv) by Family 11:00 a.m. Eunice C. Corbett by SEAS Rel. Ed. Staff and Students 2:30 p.m. Spanish- In Thanksgiving Monday December 29, 2014-The Fifth Day within the Octave of Nativity of the Lord 7:00 a.m. Parishioners of SEAS Chautauqua County Hotline Tuesday, December 30, 2014- The Sixth Day within the Octave of Nativity of the Lord 7:00 a.m. Ignatius Gould by Leo and Sandy Bain 4:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration If you are a victim of Domestic Violence, rape, or sexual assault and in need of access to safety planning, counseling, crisis intervention, legal, medical and other service information, call 1-800-252-8748. The Salvation Army is equipped to provide comprehensive crisis intervention services to assist in healing and regaining control of lives. Services are free and confidential. Wednesday, December 31, 2014-The Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord St Sylvester 1, pope 7:00 a.m. All Souls 7:00 p.m. John and Theda Gibon by Carrie Gawronski and Family Help Us Spread the Word The goal of the Catholics Come Home Campaign is to bring lapsed Catholics back to the Church. You can help us. Please share the CCH videos on your social media pages to spread awareness. The diocesan Facebook and Twitter feeds will be sharing several commercial throughout Advent. Find us at and on twitter @buffalodiocese. Remember to Pray For The following who are ill: Bob Bartkowski , Aurea Echevarria, Fr. Dan Fiebelkorn, Frank Gawronski Jr., Herb Horey, Cindy Krebs Chuck Milks, Judy Mezzio, Rosemary Parise, Carolyn Schmidt, And Fr. Charles Zadora Call us or leave an e-mail at [email protected] to include a name on this listing. A listing is normally for three weeks only. If someone should improve, please inform us so we can remove the name. Thursday, January 1, 2015 –The Octave day of the Nativity of the Lord-Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God- holy day of Obligation 7:00 a.m. Leo Bain Sr. by Leo and Sandy Bain 12:00 p.m. Richard Boorady (wedd anniv) by Thomas and Rita Lynch 8:30 a.m. (No NCCS Mass) Friday, January 2, 2015—Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, bishops and doctors of the church 7:00 a.m. Fortunato Pacciarelli by Melonie and Al Feser Saturday January 3, 2015 Christmas Weekday- The Most Holy Name of Jesus 7:00 a.m. Rosetta Siraguso by Peter and Paula Fote (Vigil) 5:00 p.m. Tony and Emily Banach (anniv) by Szwejbka and Cooper Family Sunday, January 4, 2015- THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 8:00a.m Theresa Szymanski by Richard and Jean Dill 11:00 p.m. Richard Boorady (wedd anniv) by wife Nohade Asmar and Children 2:30 p.m. Spanish-Richard Dale Rammacher by Family 2014 CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS DONORS IN MEMORY/HONOR OF Anson Bain Mr. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mr. and Mrs. Ball Mr. and lvlrs. James Balzer Banach Banach Mrs. Dolly Bankoski Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. And Mrs. Robert Maxine Anson, Daniel Anson, Vicki Patterson, Sister Stella Joseph and Stella Kolasa, Leo and Helen Bain, Arthur Kaiser, Kay Madill William and Mary Wroblewski, Andrew and Hattie Balzer, Andrew and Jeannette Balzer, Lee and Elsie Dmon Joseph and Helen Banach, Richard and Mary Haase Eunice Corbett Kaczor Family Corbett Stojanovich Georgevich Families Husband, Robert Jr. by Dolly, Parents Steve and Ann Gould, lnlaws Sophia and Harry, Mel and Roscoe Mizwa William Cortes Sr., Joseph L. Cortes Mrs. Barbara Barberich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ba(kowski Bauza Becera Mr. and Mrs. Norman Begier Robert Radloff Gachy Valentin, Rosa Gonzalez, AdaBauza Alvin, Martha and Gary Kaymore; lgnatius and Mabel Kaymore; Caroline and Andrew Kolassa; Alfonso, Aurora, Al and Bill Becerra Audrey Begier Edmund and Betty Begier Family and Felix Nellie Gawlowicz Noeman, Edna, Fred, Robert, Edward; Deceased Members of Asmar Mrs. Jean A. Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Jay Bishop Mr. Paul J. Bochenski Miss Judith Bohn Boorady Boyle Browne Budniewski Mrs. Richard J. Ms. Michelle Mr. John Mrs. Barbara Mr and Mrs James Bunse Bunge Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Carllis Mr. David Can Ms. Lori Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colaiacovo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conti Mrs. MaryAnn Corsoro Miss Patricia Mrs. Eleanor Mr. and Mrs. Domingo Cortes Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Arlene Crane Criswell Mrs Kathy Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Luis Cruz Mr. and Mrs. Mose Cruz Jr. Culmo Cybart Miss Jo Anne Mr. and Mrs. Paul Damico Debicki DeJesus Mr. and Mrs. David Miss Laura Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Dempsey DeRider Deszez DiBiase Dietzen Dombrowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David Mr Bob Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mr. and Mrs. John G. Eleandor and John Bochenski Sharon Bochenski David Zielinski Carol F. Shea Janet A. Guidroz AII deceased family, all deceased friends, all deceased members of DHS class of 1982, all deceased military people Richard Boorady and members of the Boorady and El Asmer Families Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sadowski, Mr.and Mrs. Brian Katta. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ziegler Patrick and Elizabeth Browne, George H. McGraw Daniel Budniewski, Casimir and Mabel Hyland and Family, Edmund 3::n?:n??:l'B:iff'11,5il'jvno r,,r,,ion Bunse, Budd paruck,suzanne Rirey Walter and Marion Bunge my son Max Waters, Norm and Jane Bromley, Mike Bomasuto, The Christopher amd Walter Family Carl and Virginia Lis, William and Mary Wroblewski, Andrew and Haftie Balzer Sr. & Sons, Family and Friends JoAnn Car (mother) Carol Lonadiere, Lisa Gostomski, Ron Deland, Anita Deland Ross and Colaiacovo Families Peg and Bill Smith, Louis Conti, Deceased members of Hyland and Smith families, deceased members of Castillana and Conti families Sam Corsoro,Maureen Catalano, Corsoro and Catalano Families Edward and Florence Crane, Edward and Ralph Centner lrene Helwig Geri Goldhardt Virginia PavMak, Mr.and Mrs. Moises Cruz.Mr.and Mrs. Frank Powlak, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Alphonse Pawlak, deceased members of Miller- Bohn,deceased members of Michalski families, Dr. John Connelly, John Conedella, Ellen Kubera,Thomas Everett Barbara Saletta, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stempien,Deceased members of Pausgek& Pawlak, family Deceased member of Cruz-Caneras families Deceased: Cruz-Carreras Family, Deceased: Perez-Bauza Family Mary and Joseph Culmo and their infant son, Carrie and Grace Polito Florence and Gordon Thom; Kathy Szwejbka; Richard Cybart; Larry, Betty and Bill Kaiser Delores Schrantz, Patricia Damico, Arlene Kalfas Ed Mezzio, William and Ruth Fisk, Walenty Debicki, Christopher Derick Martine/Perez: Francisco (dad), Emilia (mom), Pablo (uncle), Robert (brother), Beverly Martinez Cain (niece) Katie Dempsey, Sherri Zielinski Nick and Julia Szymanski, Richard and Aleatha DeRider Matthew Deszez and Ester Deszez Sophia Kozlowski, Bo and Rick DiBiase Robe( Eberhardt, Esther Eberhardt, James Eberhardt, Janet Dietzen Julie, mom and dad 2014 GHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS DONORS IN MEMORY/HONOR OF Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Walter Drag Mr. and Mrs Steven Dudek Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dziduch Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dziduch Mrs. Rosemary Bernard Dougherty Jr., Lori Ann Dougherty (infant daughter), Joseph Ross Family, Bernard Dougherty Sr anf wife Alice Walter Drag Sr.,Evelyn Mazullo, Leonard Szymanski,, Elizabeth Fischer Walter Halas, Kathryn Weingart Sullivan, Edward Sullivan, George and Anna Halas Stanley Dziduch, Dolores Gregory, Donna Rae Sweet Victoria Carroll, Frances and Joseph Czekanski, Grandma Clara, Julia and George Dziduch, Theresa and Raymond Gregory Mr, Jose Espinoza Mr. and Mrs Donald Fadale Mrs. Phyllis Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Mr. and Mrs Richard Mrs. Frances Fellinger Fijal Frey Galofaro Ganey Gawronski Gawronski Gibbons Maria Gill Mrs. Virginia Gill Mrs. Alexis Ginley Mr. and Mrs Howard Gloss Wane and Peggy Gloss Mrs. Janet Guenther Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Haase Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haase Miss Mary Mrs. Carrie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. James Hall Harper Harris Hayes II Hayes Hofer Hoffman Hollander Huels Suie Richard and Mrs. Robe( and Mrs. Allan Mr. Edward Hayes Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs Michael Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mr. Steven Mr. and Mrs. David Jagoda Mrs. Phyllis Mrs. Rosalie Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Kathleen Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kaminski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ms Mr. Mr. Mr, Deceased Members Fellinger Family, Deceased Members, Burlett Family Cynthia Fijal Frey Family, Reed Family Tony D. Galofaro, Mearl and Elizabeth Aldrich Family, John Million Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ganey Sr.,Carol Lonadier, Lisa Gostomski Frank Gawronski Sr.,Ryan Gawronski, mom and dad Paternostro Henry and Loretta Bak Gibbons, Langdon, Doyle, Sullivan Families Richard Gill, Emelia Correa Richard Gill, Emily Vazquez, Magdaline Clements Veronica Ginley Deceased Familiy Members Margaret Gerken, Donald Szwejbka John Guenther-husband, Parents and Brother Cerrie and Haase Families Randy Haase, Richard Haase Sr., Mary Haase, Fritz and Phyllis Worosz, Anna and Walter Raths Mr. Mrs Teddy Hall, Daniel Zublena, James Reading ,John Misura my wife Jean Janet S. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harris, Ron Waren, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Valone Jean K. Harper-mom Ed and lrene Hayes Ed and lrene Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Diefenbach, Barbara Adams, Rick and Susan Hayes Mr. and Mr. Theo Hofer, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Johnson, David Miller, Catherine Johnson Sean O' Rourke John and Vicki Dominiak Robert P. Huels Jagoda Robert Jagoda Sr. Jagoda James L. Jagoda Sr., James L. Jagoda Jr., Anthony Majka.Theresa Majka Jakubowski Robert and Victoria Merrill Jasinski Joseph Jasinski Jr., Mr. and Mrs Joseph Jasinski, Mr.and Mrs Theodore Morrison Keppel Richard and Dorothy VanValkenburg, Albert and Rita Keppel, Timothy John Keppel, Deceased members of the Keppel & Van Valkenburg families Mr. Robert M. Klemann Mrs Isabel Klemann, Ruth Ronan, Mary Kohler,Joan Manna Klemann Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kubasik Arthur Wuerstle, Gerald Kubasik Sr. Mrs. Arlene Kuhn Richard Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leone Sam and Fannie Barone, Anthony and Anna Leone, Mrs. Julia Leweizki Peter and lrene Skzypek, Janet Dietzen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Linder The Linder Family, The Leone Family, The Barone Family Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lis Carl and Virginia Lis, William and Mary Wroblewski, Andrew and Hatiie Balzer Sr. & Sons Family Lennertz Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dolores Mr. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mackowiak Maslach Maurer Mazurek McTigue Sr Mezzio Michalak Mr. and Mrs. Brian Meyer Mrs. Judy Mae Mrs. Mary Jane Family and Friends Mildred Lennertz, John and Victoria Schrantz, Richard Schrantz Marcia E. Mackowiak, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Mackowiak, Mr. and Mrs.Francis Draves Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roman, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Maslach Laura Miller, Richard and Beatrice Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazurek, Mr. lgnatius Bielat Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McTigue, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayes Sr., Jack Larivey, James Harrington Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyer Jr., Donald Fafinski Eddy Mezzio Chris Derick Walter Golubski, Golubski and Michalak Families, Mollie Michalak, Stella Reding 2014 CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS DONORS IN MEMORY/HONOR OF Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michaels Mrs Esteban Mrs. Caryn Mr. Gerald J. Mr. and Mrb. Thomas Muldowney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Muscato Mr. Robert Millan Mirek Moore Esteban Millan Honor of Olga Vega Raymond Popozelski, Sandra Popozelski,Helen Patti Geneieve Halas Moore, Marshall G. Moore Nawodzinski Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Mr. and Mrs. David Newman Nicosia Nikitas Nosek O'Brocta Miss Gertrude Ortlieb Mr. and Mrs. James O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Zenon Olow Mrs. Loretta Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mr and Mrs Frank Pacos Palmatier Palmatier Pazderski Helen Echevarria Pierce Mrs Patricia Mrs. Genevieve Mr. James Mr.and Mrs. James Pinkowski Reading Renckens Rivas Rivera Roesler Salisbury Family Schrantz Mrs. Mary Louise Schulenberg Miss Christine Sell Mr. and Mrs. James Sheedy Mary Shelton Mr. James Shuler Mr. and Mrs. John Sievert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sievert Mrs. EstherSmith Mrs. Dorothy Mr. David Mrs. Nancy Mr. and Mrs Rafael Mr. George Mr. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Paul The Schober Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Frances Nawodzinski (2005), Leonard Nawodzinski (1994), Angeline Sobecki (1994), Florence Brenecki (2006) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Damon, Mrs. Leigh Ellen Thrasher Michael and Carrie Nicosia, John and Ruth Coe Milton Nikitas, Kzakala Family Zentz Family, Nosek Family, Czarnecki Family Marie Majecki, Howard and Vera Rokr,Frank and Caroline O'Brocta ,James M. Schrantz Ortlieb and Spoden Families Sean O'Rourke,John O'Rourke, Edward Ludwig Joseph and Casimera Riola, Zenon and Frances Olow, Riola, Majecki Olow Family Members, Klaudette Drozdziel Stanley Pacos, Katie Roesch, Deceased Members Walawevdero Pacos Families Clarence Palmatier, Lester and Mary Recek Jacqueline Palmatier, Anna Hibual, Carl Palmatier, George Palmatier Vincent,Frances and Richard Ellman, Art, Evelyn and Julie Pazderski Salvador Echevarria,Echevarria-Hernandez Families, Maldonado-Luciano Families Pierce- Nolan Families Husband, Leonard; ourparents Charles Sr. and Catherine Reading, James Reading, Joan and Ted Hall Paul Renckes lll, Paul and Lillian Renckens Jr, Charles and Virginia Ricksecker Antonia Perez ,Juan and Joan Feliciano, Juan and Cleotide Rivas, Ramona and Flopipe Perez Forgotten Veterans, All Lost Souls Mrs. Richard lsabel Roesler Smith Sobecki Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Symans Mrs. Barbara Szocki Mrs. lrene Tarnowski Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tarnowski Mrs. Carolyn Terese Deceased LaBarbera-Salisbury Families Delores Marmurowicz, Elaine Dombrowski Our Parents, Tom Schrank, Roy and Alice Weaver, lrene Plamer, David Mc'Corrmack and Jane Szymanowiez John A. and Gertrude S. Houghtaling, Russell C. Falco Dorothy and Richard Sell Adelaide Rosier, Chrisiine Sheedy, John Sheedy, Howard Rosier Mr. Harry R. Shelton, Mrs. Marlyon R. Shelton Walter and Evelyn Shuler Eugene Frankiewicz, Esther Frankiewicz, Richard Hoffman Jack and Grace Sievert lsabel Roesler, Monica and Felix Czekanski, Becky and Leonard Luczkowiak, Josephine and Clem Lutz Janet Dietzen, Leroy Dietzen Gerald Sobecki, Sr., Mike and Mary Guziec, Connie and Jeanette Sobecki, Gearldine and Art Wolmering Sommer and Braun Families John R. Symans (son), Henry and Mildred Symans, Edward and Brenice Kulpa Richard Szocki, mom and dad Komada AI Tarnowski John and Agnes Tarnowski, Emily Kopec, Ed and Anna Whatley The Tarnowski Family, The Dailous Family Samuel C. Terese Sr., Thomas J. Dobek, Deceased of Terese, Speziale Families Mrs. Caroline Tofil Mrs. Maria Mrs. Cynthia Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Van Den Mr. and Mrs. Luis Mrs. Frances Mrs. Marlene Rev. Walter Rosa lrizrry Garlo and Elizabeth Galardo, Stanley and Elizabeth Wronski,Wilhelmina Murphy Tom and Nell Durkin, Tom and Ann Valone; Brian Reed; Patrick,Dan and Kevin Durkin Leland and Beatrice Washburn, Norman and Rene Van Den Vouver Francisco Vega Jose Ruiz (Deacon) Joseph Wdowiasz, Mabel Lanski, John O. Lanski, John F. Lanski Jim Webster, Vicki Patterson, Martha Slater, Maxine Anson Marion and Katherine Werbicki, Kay Madill Mrs. Patricia Mrs. Gerald Torres Tuning Valone Vega Wdowiasz Webster Werbicki Vouver 2014 CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS DONORS Whalen Wheeler Mrs. Linda. Wingfield Mrs. Evelyn Mr. Patrick Woelfle Woelfle Zacharias EdgarZiegler Adam J. Miss Lisa Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. IN MEMORY/HONOR OF Cudzilo Family Whalen Family James R. Wheeler, Joan E. Wheeler, Mike R. Wheeler, James J. Wheeler John V. Jones, Sandy Wingfield, Frank Gawronski Sr., Ryan Gawronski,Paternostro and Gawronski Families ArthurWoelfle, Cameron Marsowicz Arthur Woelfle, Cameron Marsowicz Mr. and Mrs. Casper Zacharias, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reid, Jean Zacharias lrene and PeterZiegler, Jean and Frank Sadowski,all our relatives and friends Richard L. Conti-Parishioner 338 Central Ave, Dunkirk, Suite 310 363-7072 G & E TENTS, TABLES AND CHAIRS 366-0141 “RAIN OR SHINE, WE’LL COVER YOUR ASSETS” OWNED AND OPERATED BY: BOB BANKOSKI AND BOB KARIN Avon Representative Lucy Gestwicki-Welle A Dunkirk and Fredonia Tradition Free brochures and samples 525 Main Street * Dunkirk 366-1445 716-785-4908 St. Mary’s Cemetery Williams Street Dunkirk,NY 366-2371 Superintendent: Kenneth Drozdziel Dunkirk’s Full Service Cemetery We can take care of all your needs. In-ground burials, Columbarium niches, or Mausoleum crypts. 3995 Please patronize our advertisers… let them know you saw their ad in our bulletin.
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