Newsletter of Immanuel United Methodist Church 800 N. Main Street Edwardsville, IL 62025 “The Old Church with the New Attitude” January, 2015 From New Resolutions to New Renovations In my many travels between hospital visits and meetings, I noticed a sign outside of one the hotels I drive by regularly. The sign said, “Newly Renovated.” Well, that was an exciting thought to suppose that the rooms in the hotel had been refreshed and upto-date décor now donned the hallways and breakfast area. But one thing I noticed— the “w” in newly had fallen slightly through the crack in the sign and was hanging only by a margin. Then, I noticed that the “v” in renovated was experiencing the same trauma! Right smack dab in the middle of the message that the hotel was trying to advertise, dangled a very different message. Was the hotel truly renovated? Had they looked at their sign? Did they know that the message they were communicating was not one of new renovation? I pondered this thought because I asked myself as Christians— at Christmas Time—we talk about renewing our souls in the Christmas Story. We ask for rebirth. We long for there to be a place for our hearts in the Inn. We anticipate the wonder and the awe of that night so long ago—the night in Bethlehem. We try to feel excitement and joy. And we do all this because we love God and God’s people. But, do we have some dangling pieces at the very center of our lives that communicates a very different message? Have we paid attention to the sign that we use to communicate to others? Are our lives newly renovated with the renewal and refreshment of that exciting and unique Christmas Story? Has our visit to the stable caused the fresh winds of revitalization to blow out the dust balls and cobwebs of our dingy hearts and souls? This Christmas, spend time at the manger, in the presence of the Holy Child. Get to know the King that was born in a simple and small space that allowed true renovation of each life. And then, check the message we are sharing. Do you have any dangling letters that you need to straighten up? Begin the year 2015 – Newly Renovated! Pastor Jackie The Vision Page 2 Sunday, December 28, 2014 ONE SERVICE 10:00 am Darla McFadden Nashville recording artist Darla McFadden, a Christian music artist from Lake St. Louis, Missouri, will be appearing at our 10:00 am worship service on Sunday, December 28. Darla is in her 25th year of traveling and ministry. Her experiences have led her to develop a ministry that is heartfelt and sincere. Darla’s ability to speak to the broken spirit and understand their pain is a gift she shares from her heart. We look forward to welcoming Darla on December 28th! Souper Evening!! Greeters Needed The 55+ Fellowship Group will be meeting on January 11, 2015 in the Journey’s Inn Room at 5:30 p.m. for a sharing of delicious Soups and the Breaking of Bread together. Anyone that has a soup, chili, bean soup, ham and bean, etc. recipe to share with our group is welcome to come. Bring a small pot of your best recipe to share and a side dish or dessert. Bowls and silverware are at the church, as well as drinks. We have a need for additional Greeters at both services. If you would be willing to Greet worshipers at 9:00 am or Greet and take the offering at 10:30 am, please put your name on the Sign-Up sheet in the Hospitality Room. We hope to set up a rotation whereby your turn would only come up once every two or three months. Thank you very much for serving Christ and Immanuel by welcoming our guests and members to worship. Those attending are asked to bring a donation for the Glen-Ed Food Pantry. Some items needed are: Personal Hygiene Items: Soap, shampoo, conditioner, feminine products, toilet paper, tissues, etc. Food: Canned meats, condiments like mustard, ketchup, mayo, spices, packaged foods, all non perishable. May we be generous with our donations and be Thankful for all our Blessings. Everyone is welcome to attend!! Kiss the Pig Parking Lot Party On April 26, 2015 Immanuel UMC is throwing a Bash!! As you all know, we have been so excited about the new parking lot that was finished just in time for winter months. As Spring approaches, we wish to invite friends and family from our community to celebrate in our Kiss the Pig Parking Lot Party! Ahead of time, chances will be sold to cast your vote as to who you want to see Kiss the Pig! Food Vendors will set up in our parking lot to offer opportunities for good eats! There will be a variety of children’s activities—Fun for All! Plan now—Join our Bash! Page 3 The New Year Brings New Opportunities! We are adding another Christian Education Opportunity to our Sunday morning schedule. Errick Cameron will begin a class on developing and maintaining Christian parenting skills. This class is entitled, “Parenting Potential.” January 18th is the starting date for this class and all those interested in this topic are invited to meet in the Youth Room downstairs at 9:45 am. Errick’s history reflects stern but compassionate understanding of raising four boys through many extenuating circumstances, such as the loss of their mother to ovarian cancer. Errick’s wife, Cindy, has raised two children, a boy and a girl to experience equal challenges with love and determination. Both of these individuals add a wealth of knowledge, experience and just down-right love for God and God’s people. Welcome to the Christian Education experiences at Immanuel UMC! We will continue to offer stimulating and engaging conversations in the Wired Word class taught at the same time by Penny May. People have spoken about Penny’s skill and open-mindedness in the Wired Word Class. Current topics always invite various opinions and perspectives. Thank you, Penny for leading such a raucous group! This class meets downstairs in what used to be the Quilter’s Room! The Seekers class is also a main-stay at Immanuel UMC. Betty Gengler teaches this class and has done a wonderful job in asking good questions, inviting good dialogue and preaching good news. This class meets in the Church office at 9:30 am. The Vision Thank You Immanuel!! Thank you to all those that donated, helped, cooked and served at our Free Lunch Friday meals all year, the Thanksgiving dinner and the Christmas dinner. Sincere appreciation for all that was done to help make this mission successful in 2014. May we serve Christ with our hearts and hands in 2015 at our Friday meals. The Fundraising Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, January 7th at 6 pm to start reviewing the new 2015 fundraisers. Anyone that would like to help this committee is welcomed to attend, and all of the 2014 members are encouraged to attend. March to the Manger Christmas offering envelopes are available at church. Please remember the gift of Jesus Christ. May you be blessed as you give as the Spirit leads to the work of building the kingdom of God at Immanuel UMC. We hope this contribution will enable us to pay our apportionment obligation. Looking Ahead… Sweetheart Dinner & Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, February 7. Be on the look out for items to donate to the Silent Auction!! Paint with Ali will be the next 55+ Fellowship event on Sunday, February 22 from 2-5 pm. More information will be coming! Rummage Sale May 1, 2 and 3. Think of us when deciding what to do with your unneeded items! The Vision Page 4 POINSETTIAS Many thanks to the following for furnishing poinsettias for our holiday season this year: Lisa Allen Family & Pat Schott In loving memory of family members Sherry Buhrmester In memory of the Buhrmester and Cheney Families Betty Burns In memory of Robert & Geneva Stein Donna Condrey In memory of Dick Condrey Joanie Green In honor of Noah and Anna Middlekamp In memory of my mother, Mary Belle Brueggemann Ron & Mary Ann Goldsmith In Memory of Catherine Howells and Lois Fiala Sid & June Helle In memory of the Helle and Spitze Families Gary Koenig & Family In memory of Edward Koenig, Parents, Grandparents, Loved Ones and Friends Wanda Marth In memory of the Diefenbach and Marth Families Chloe McIntyre In memory of Robert McIntyre Kerry O’Sullivan In memory of Craig Durkee Don & Roberta Piper In memory of loved ones Mike & Ruth Portell In memory of loved ones Barbara Taliana & Norma Thompson In memory of our dear friend Amy Frye Barbara Taliana In Honor of Norma Thompson Karen Trone In memory of loved ones Ethel Witschie In memory of loved ones If you purchased poinsettias or if one was placed in your honor, we ask that you please take it home following our Christmas Eve worship services. Page 5 The Vision Crocheted Ornaments Chancel Choir Thank You New this year was the opportunity to place a crocheted angel or star on our sanctuary Christmas tree to Honor or in Memory of someone. Many thanks to Jill Winte and Kiffon Lewis for lovingly crocheting these ornaments! The angel and star ornaments were placed on our Christmas tree in Memory/Honor of the following: The Christmas Cantata was sung for our traditional worship service on December 7th. Thanks to all the regular and recruited members of the Chancel Choir. Their hard work was appreciated. We would like to add a heartfelt thank you to Butch Mestemacher who so skillfully directed the choir, and Sheila Acuncius, who gave of her time, gifts and talents to provide such beautiful accompaniment for the choir. We also add a sincere appreciation for the continued support that Becky Mestemacher offers to each member of the Immanuel UMC Chancel Choir—always making sure everyone has dates correct and music in shape! Thanks!!! Eloise Allen Jesse Allen Lisa Allen Zinnia Allen Greyson Brase Mavis Emily Brase Jack & Aaron Brase Les & Kathy Buhrmester LiVertie Burnham Mark Cornell Dorothy Fellhauer Herb Fellhauer Amy Frye Gene Havis Helle Family Kate Hibbard Mary Hinnen Jesus’ Birth Joan Kane Nancy Kellam Edward Koenig Vera Koenig Harland Marth Ed May Orville May Grandpa Tom MCarty Bill Schott Pat Schott Spitze Family Ruth Stark Geneva Stein Robert Stein Evelyn Stine John Stine Thanks to all who placed an ornament on our tree! Training Event St. John’s United Methodist Church will host a Training Event on Saturday, January 24th from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. At this Training Event, information will be shared to enlighten leaders on the responsibilities with Lay Servants, Conflict Transformation, Stewardship and Finance, and Trustees Facilities. Lunch will be $10 per person. Our church leaders are encouraged to attend this event if at all possible. If you plan to attend one or all of these workshops, please register with Pastor Jackie, specifying which workshops. Inclement Weather Reminder If the weather outside becomes frightful and you are wondering if we will be holding church services, please go to our website: where the latest information will be posted. If services are cancelled, the first call will be to Al Davis who will post that information on the website. Then those who do not have the internet available to them will be called. The Vision Page 6 Lay Leadership in 2015 Recording Secretary: Pam Clarkin Pastor: Rev. Jackie Havis-Shear Worship Leaders: Butch Mestemacher Jordan Grammer Worship Committee: Peggy Worthey Communications: Ashley Starks Missions: Don & Evelyn Schaake CHURCH COUNCIL Chairperson: Joe Newman Lay Leaders: Al Davis Ashley Starks SPPR Chair: Ronald Goldsmith Finance Chairs: Jordan Grammer Rhonda Grammer Trustees Chair: Don Piper Treasurer: Penny May Lay Delegate: Pam Clarkin Youth Rep: Dave/Trish Rader Sunday School Representatives: Board of Trustees Chairperson: Members at Large: 2015 Pam Clarkin Missy Carter Don Piper Kiffon Lewis Jill Winte UMM President: UMW President Floyd Fisher Penny May Phyllis Fisher Penny May Committee on Finance Chairperson: Rhonda/Jordan Grammer Pastor: Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear Lay Delegate: Pam Clarkin Council Chair: Joe Newman SPPRC Chair: Ron Goldsmith 2015 Mary Ann Goldsmith Don Schaake Carolyn Land Children’s Ministries Coordinators Trustee Representative: Lay Leader(s): Treasurer: Finance Secretary: Auditor: 2016 Sherry Buhrmester Lara DeGroot Rhonda/Jordan Grammer Don Piper Al Davis & Ashley Starks Penny May Anita Seehausen Larry Lucy 2017 Maurice Mestemacher Peggy Worthey Matthew Lewis Don Piper David Kriege, Leonard Land 2016 Phyllis Fisher Carl Reiter Tom May 2017 Tim Moline Mike Portell Gary Koenig Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Chairperson: Ron Goldsmith Lay Leader(s): Al Davis & Ashley Starks Lay Delegate: Pam Clarkin Pastor: Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear 2015 Ron Goldsmith Ron Schaake Evelyn Schaake 2016 Kathy Hatton Lisa Allen Dave Rader Committee on Nominations and Leadership Chairperson: Rev. Jackie K. Havis-Shear 2015 2016 Pam Clarkin Pat Schott Deloris Fisher Larry Worthey Al Davis Don Schaake 2017 Pamla Newman Sheila Page Marc Franke 2017 Ashley Starks LeeAnn Kane Sherry Buhrmester Page 7 The Vision Immanuel’s Youth and Children did a great job in presenting “Bethlehem Bound” to the congregation on Sunday, December 14th. Breakfast with Santa followed the service. Thank You to Paige Brase and Dave Kriege for these Photos! The Vision Page 8 Prayer Ministry († Indicates weeks—call office to continue another 4 weeks) † Family of John Hibbard, nephew of Pat Schott, who passed away on Monday Carolyn Land had carpal tunnel surgery on Friday Emily Johnson, friend of Gwen Cornell’s family, 23 years old with 17-month old daughter, diagnosed with Tumeral MS (the worst kind) Jeremy Carmen, friend of Gwen Cornell’s family, prostate cancer has returned †† Floyd Fisher recovering at home from heart procedure Family of Bill Powell, father of Nancy Schwalb ††† Mary Etherton, friend of Shannah Wagner, cancer Donald Hardbeck possibly facing end of life issues Donna Hardbeck, recovering from pneumonia Joan Long who will be seen by an Orthopedic Surgeon on December 30th at Mayo Clinic †††† Whitley Hedger, 12-year old from St. John’s with inoperable brain tumor Thank You... Praise Report! Dear Church Friends, Thank you for your healing prayers when I had my knee surgery. Thanks to Pastor Jackie for coming to the hospital and for the wonderful meals from Sherry, Sharon and Gary, and LaVonne. It all meant a lot to me! -Joanie Green Brian Wasser, the three-year old great grandson of Don and Evelyn Schaake’s friends Bud and Betty Schmidt, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and has been on Immanuel’s prayer list for most of the past year. During that time he has undergone three surgeries and many sessions of radiation and chemotherapy, and on December 3 “rang the bell” after receiving his final treatment and getting a clean bill of health. His family feels he received excellent medical care at Barnes Children’s Hospital, but also feel the power of prayer played a big part in his recovery and want to thank everyone at Immanuel Church for their prayers and support during this stressful time. From our District Superintendent: Thank you so much for the birthday cake I received [at Charge Council!] I appreciate your thoughtfulness! Give my thanks to your church! -Pastor Roger God bless the Pastor, the members and the volunteers who make the Friday lunch available. You do such a fine job and aren’t told enough how much you are appreciated. Thanks so much for all you do. - Jean & Jerry McCullough 2015 Contribution Envelopes If you requested a boxed set of contribution envelopes on your pledge card for 2015, or if you had a boxed set this year and did not turn in a 2015 pledge card, contribution envelopes have been prepared for you. You may pick them up from the table in the Hospitality Room. If you had a number higher than 310 in 2014, then you have received a new number for 2015, due to cutting back on the number of envelopes that we ordered. If you would like to have a boxed set of contribution envelopes and one has not been prepared for you, please call or e-mail the church office and we will take care of that. If you did not want to received the contribution envelopes, a number will be assigned to you. You will be receiving a letter telling you the number to place on your checks and offerings. The Vision Immanuel United Methodist Church 800 North Main Street Edwardsville IL 62025 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED CONTACT US! Office: (618) 656-4648 Fax: (618) 656-1162 Web Site: Church E-mail: [email protected] Pastor’s E-mail: [email protected] Look us up on Facebook Reverend Jackie Havis-Shear Cell Phone: (618) 531-9134 Maurice “Butch” Mestemacher Choir Director Jordan Grammer Contemporary Worship Leader WORSHIP SCHEDULE Contemporary Service 9:00 a.m. In Sanctuary Common Time 9:45 a.m. Includes: Children’s Sunday School Adult Bible Study Youth Group Devotions Coffee + More Chancel Choir Rehearsal Traditional Service 10:30 a.m. In Sanctuary Nursery Available All Morning
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