St. George Episcopal Church 1250 Paige Place, The Villages, FL 32159 (352) 750-1010 St. George Episcopal Church Staff The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, Diocesan Bishop The Rev. F. John Kelly, Rector 750-1010 or 352-446-5769 The Rev. Dr. Lloyd L. Olsen, Jr. , Assoc. Rector 750-1010 or 407-341-8600 The Rev. Janet Galbreath, Deacon 728-4504 The Rev. Tom Bankowski, Deacon 551-4768 Barbara Coulter, Music Director 751-7311 Ann Taylor, Choir Director 750-1010 Tom Trainor, Sexton 750-1010 Debbie Shartle, Office Manager 750-1010 Vestry Senior Warden Junior Warden Vestry Clerk Vestry Member Vestry Member Vestry Member Vestry Member Vestry Member Vestry Member Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Jim Callahan Phil Partington Dorcas Miller Archie Duncan Bob Gunn Marilyn Hood Vince Maury Tom Ryberg Bob Updike Ruth Wadman Diane Prather 750-6543 750-2455 259-3412 750-9817 753-3653 259-3990 259-9287 751-3297 751-7376 259-0908 751-7098 Week of December 28—January 3 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00AM 10:00 AM — 9:30 AM 10:00 AM — — 6:00 PM Worship Service—Rite One Worship Service—Rite Two — Gems of Truth Study Altar Guild Office Closed—New Year’s — Ultreya First Sunday After Christmas December 28, 2014 The Holy Eucharist—8:00 AM The Word of God Opening Salutation Gloria Collect of the day Lessons Psalm The Gospel Reading Sermon Nicene Creed Prayers of the People Confession and the Absolution The Peace BCP 319 BCP 324 Insert Insert Insert Insert The Rev. Tom Bankowski BCP 326 BCP 328 BCP 330 The Holy Communion Eucharistic Prayer I The Breaking of the Bread The Blessing The Dismissal BCP 333 BCP 337 BCP 339 8:00 AM Flag Bearer Lectors Ushers Greeters Newcomers Table Additional Christmas Flower Donation Fr. Lloyd & Dr. Ginette Olsen in Loving Memory of Dr. Lloyd L. Olsen, Dr. Luc Eustache and Ginette Esther Eustache If you would like to donate flowers on Sunday in honor or memory of a loved one, contact the church office. Flowers are $40.00 and you may take them home following the 10:00 service or they may be delivered to a shut-in. If you prefer, you may purchase just one arrangement for $20.00. Reserve your special date early! Sunday Seating Today’s Service Leaders Greeters Newcomers Table St. George is about to kick-off of its Saturday 5:00 PM service. This is not only another worship choice for our parishioners, but also a new tool for Evangelism. Consider telling your friends and neighbors who may be interested in attending. The first worship service is Saturday, January 10th. How to Place Flowers on the Altar Blessing of Birthdays & Anniversaries Flag Bearer Lectors Ushers Saturday Service Wayne Bryan Tom Ryberg & Elaine Teetsel Vince & Ruth Ann Maury Judy Owen & Jim Vilseck Chuck Fulcher Pat Lytle 10:00 AM Keith Douds Maggie Bilanin & Jeanne Willette Fred & Sandy Pack Peter & Jean Haslam Jim & Jeanne Willette Jerry & Ellie Albertson During the winter months our attendance at the Sunday 10:00 a.m. services will be a challenge for our ushers requiring them to ask us to move a little closer together so that we may seat everyone. Please do not ask a visitor or a member to move "from my seat." We do not have assigned seating. Thank you for helping make everyone feel welcome at St. George. Church Parking St. George is growing and the snowbirds are returning. How can you help our parish with its limited parking? Here are a few ideas: If you are a two car St. George couple become a one car St. George couple! Pick up a friend and come to Church together. Are you physically able? Park across the street at the Hacienda Center. If you can, leave your car and take your golf cart. Don’t forget! If you come to Church in a golf cart, park in the designated area on the north side of the Church by the office. Keep the traffic lane clear for emergency vehicles. Thanks . Fr. John Kelly, Rector. Visitors Welcome—Coffee Hour The Holy Eucharist—10:00 AM We welcome all visitors to St. George. Everyone is invited to the coffee hours held between services at 9:00 a.m. or after the 10:00 service in the Parish Hall. The Word of God If you are a visitor please sign our guest book in the Narthex. Healing Service Healing service is every Wednesday at 12:00 noon in the Church. Everyone is welcome. There will be no Healing Service this Wednesday. Happy New Year! Services resume on January 7th. Healing Service Special Speaker Don Yeager, Director of the Healing Ministry at All Saints Church in Winter Park, will be our Guest Speaker at on January 14th at the Wednesday Healing Service, 12PM. Don is the only person I know of who has been divinely healing of A.L.S. His is a tremendous testimony. Please come and invite a guest. Prelude “Puer nobis nascitur” Processional Hymn “America“ (vs. 4) Opening Salutation Gloria Collect of the Day Old Testament Reading Psalm New Testament Reading Gospel Hymn (vs. 1, 2) Gospel Gospel Hymn (vs. 3, 4) Sermon Nicene Creed Prayers of the People-Form III Confession and the Absolution The Peace arr. Paul Manz Hymn 102 Hymn 717 BCP 351 S-280 Insert Insert Insert Insert Hymn 94 Insert Hymn 94 The Rev. Tom Bankowski BCP 358 BCP 387 BCP 360 Blessing of Birthdays & Anniversaries Prayer Station At the 10:00 a.m. service there is a person, who stands near the votive candles, available to offer healing prayers for you or one you love. All are welcome. Invitation to Communion All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the real and living presence of Christ in this Holy Communion. To receive the Bread, extend your hands upward, palms crossed. When receiving the Wine, please guide the chalice as it is offered. If you prefer, you may leave the Bread on your palm for the person administering the chalice to dip into the Wine and place on your tongue. Anyone may come forward for a prayer for God’s blessing in lieu of receiving Communion. Please indicate your desire for a prayer for God’s blessing by crossing your arms on your chest. Ladies are encouraged to blot lipstick before receiving Communion. Ushers will direct the congregation to receive Communion. The Holy Communion Offertory “O hearken ye” Doxology Eucharistic Prayer A Sanctus The Breaking of the Bread Agnus Dei Communion Hymns “O Lord, you’re beautiful” “Hosanna” “Glorify thy name” Prayer of Thanksgiving The Blessing Processional Hymn The Dismissal Postlude “Noel en Musette” Alfred Burt BCP 361 S-129 BCP 364 S-164 (booklet #37) (booklet #22) (booklet #15) BCP 366 Hymn 96 Louis Claude Daquin Holy Unction: The Rev. Janet Galbreath St. George Prayer Lists P lease be aware that names on the Parish Prayer List, Long-Term Treatment and Nursing Homes/Assisted Living will be read aloud in church. Names on the Extended Family list will be removed after four weeks. Please call the Church Office to request being put back on the list, as needed. Our Mission O ur mission is to proclaim by word and action the healing love and Good News of God in Christ. Parish Prayer List Doris Austin Connie Boudreau Charlie Ellis Nancy Evans John Findley George Gangemi Ruth Gosline Peggy Hatfield John Kane Ed Kirchdoerfer Betsy Konefal Bob Lawrence Jack Perryman Connie Ryan Kathryn Sears Pete Shrider Doris Turner Donna Ward Cell Phones P Y lease silence your cell phone ring in Church. Thank you for your consideration. ou may donate old cell phones to the Troops by bringing them to the church office. We send them off to be refurbished and have minutes added so that soldiers and their families can be in contact. Long-Term Treatment Peter Adams Charlie Anderson Pete Anderson Dotsy Ann Barry Agnes Bellomy Irene Birtwell Dana Bishop Dot Bishop Alma Coit Dave Comp Pat Comp Deanna Ellis Don Galbreath Frank Gambino Al Grigull Ted Hummel Erdine Lewis Linda Lewis Joan Martin Bill Moylan Nancy Nash Chet Naylor Gene Olson Nancy Parks Jackie Preston Tom Price Deborah Ruhsenberger Father David Ryan Bob Schulze Eileen Schulze Doris Seip Ben Shrader Barbara Simpson Rick Sundstrom Ray Treinen Richard Tubby Beverly Turner Nedra Updike Jane Van Wyen Nursing Homes/Assisted Living George Beers Cora Kelley Martha Key Frank Killea Loren Poff Jock Spies Extended Family Dan Baker Brandon Berry Glenn Bilanin Jane Boldrick Tobi Graham Keyes Roger Michaud Marjorie Pilla-Dinan Muriel Plourde Brittany Prather Mary Sherman Jimmy Smith Announcements S ee the enclosed insert, “Saints Alive!” newsletter, or our website at for news and announcements. Military Prayer List Andrew Banasmer Amos Barrows Daniel P. Bello Sheila Black-Watson Karl Blinkinsop Justin Lee Buch Stephen W. Buch Ted Bucieika Chris Cadieux Shawn Coleman McAllister Collins Andrew Conn Christopher Czumak Michael DeLuca Eleanor E. Derouin Blake Faller Michael George Justin Gist Jack E. Kelloff Charles W. Kojak Travis Lewis Chris Love Scott Lugo Darrell Mitchell Dana Moore Tyler O’Bryan John O'Grady Jim O’Neal Brian Parmeter Nicholas Parsai Ryan Rieman Keil Schreiber Joey Severes Brian Shear Arthur Smith Kayley Squire Chris Stanifer Darian Tate Christopher Timinski William Verrett David Wilbur Ryan Wilcox Joe Williams Please notify the church office of updates to this list.
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