St. George Episcopal Church

St. George Episcopal Church
1250 Paige Place, The Villages, FL 32159 (352) 750-1010
St. George Episcopal Church
The Rt. Rev. Gregory O. Brewer, Diocesan Bishop
The Rev. F. John Kelly, Rector
750-1010 or 352-446-5769
The Rev. Dr. Lloyd L. Olsen, Jr. , Assoc. Rector
750-1010 or 407-341-8600
The Rev. Janet Galbreath, Deacon
The Rev. Tom Bankowski, Deacon
Barbara Coulter, Music Director
Ann Taylor, Choir Director
Tom Trainor, Sexton
Debbie Shartle, Office Manager
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Vestry Clerk
Vestry Member
Vestry Member
Vestry Member
Vestry Member
Vestry Member
Vestry Member
Assistant Treasurer
Jim Callahan
Phil Partington
Dorcas Miller
Archie Duncan
Bob Gunn
Marilyn Hood
Vince Maury
Tom Ryberg
Bob Updike
Ruth Wadman
Diane Prather
Week of October 26—November 1
10:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:00 PM
6:00 PM
10:30 AM
6:00 PM
Worship Service—Rite One
Worship Service—Rite Two
Gems of Truth Study
Altar Guild
Bible Study
Healing Service
Choir Practice
Scripture Discussion
Twentieth Sunday
after Pentecost
October 26, 2014
The Holy Eucharist Rite One—8:00 AM
The Word of God
Opening Salutation
Collect of the day
The Gospel Reading
Nicene Creed
Prayers of the People
Confession and the Absolution
The Peace
Twelve Minutes
BCP 323
BCP 324
The Rev. Dr. Lloyd Olsen
BCP 326
BCP 328
BCP 330
raditionally in Anglican and Episcopal Churches, the service begins with a few minutes for silent prayers. This is a time for moving into a worshipful and reverent attitude to God. It is a time to bring
your personal prayer concerns before the LORD. It is a time to allow
other people the opportunity to pray quietly without unnecessary distractions.
There is a tradition allowing twelve minutes for quiet prayer before
the services begin—twelve minutes for the twelve apostles. Thus at
both services, one of the acolytes will light the candles at twelve minutes before the hour. The lighting of the Altar candles will be the call
to prayer.
Likewise, at the close of the service, the candles are extinguished
and then the dismissal is immediately given, signaling the end of our
worship service.
Blessing of Birthdays & Anniversaries
Healing Mission with Fr. Nigel Mumford
The Holy Communion
Eucharistic Prayer I
The Breaking of the Bread
The Blessing
The Dismissal
BCP 333
BCP 337
BCP 339
Today’s Service Leaders
Fr. Nigel Mumford will be leading a Healing Mission at All Saints
Church, Winter Park, on Tuesday, November 11th at 6:00 PM. Fr.
Mumford is the former director of the Healing Ministry at Christ the
King Spiritual Life Center in Greenwich, New York, and founder of By
His Wounds Ministry in Virginia. Fr. John and Tish will be leading a
car pool of anyone interested in attending. There will be a sign up in
the Parish Hall during Coffee Hour during the next few weeks.
8:00 AM
Flag Bearer
Newcomers Table
Flag Bearer
Newcomers Table
Don Carr
Tom Ryberg & John Sievertson
Don & Elaine Carr
Dawn Jasinski & Marilyn Hood
Jim & Anne Vilseck
Jack & Peg Busch
10:00 AM
Frank Rutty
Sandi Jordhamo & Dean Corbett
Keith Douds & Don Chaplin
Lu McGraw & Prudence Arnold
Jack & Karen Bigford
Nancy Parris & Sally Hoffman
Bible Study and Healing Service
Bible Study is every Wednesday at 10:45 a.m. in the Parish Hall. Healing service is every Wednesday at 12:00 noon in the Church. Everyone
is welcome.
How to Place Flowers on the Altar
f you would like to donate flowers on Sunday in honor or memory of
a loved one, contact the church office. Flowers are $40.00 and you
may take them home following the 10:00 service or instruct the office
to have them delivered to a shut-in. If you prefer, you may purchase just
one arrangement for $20.00. Call early to reserve your date!
Visitors Welcome—Coffee Hour
The Holy Eucharist Rite Two—10:00 AM
We welcome all visitors to St. George. Everyone is invited to the coffee hours held between services at 9:00 a.m. or after the 10:00 service in
the Parish Hall.
The Word of God
If you are a visitor please sign our guest book in the Narthex.
Prayer Station
At the 10:00 a.m. service there is a person, who stands near the votive
candles, available to offer healing prayers for you or one you love. All
are welcome.
Invitation to Communion
All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the real and living presence of Christ in this Holy Communion. To receive the Bread, extend
your hands upward, palms crossed. When receiving the Wine, please
guide the chalice as it is offered. If you prefer, you may leave the Bread
on your palm for the person administering the chalice to dip into the
Wine and place on your tongue.
Anyone may come forward for a prayer for God’s blessing in lieu of
receiving Communion. Please indicate your desire for a prayer for
God’s blessing by crossing your arms on your chest. Ladies are encouraged to blot lipstick before receiving Communion. Ushers will direct
the congregation to receive Communion.
Church Parking
f you come to church in your golf cart, it is requested that when possible, you use the designated golf cart parking spaces in the parking
lot on the office side (north side). This could help alleviate parking
congestion on Sunday mornings. Please do not park in the traffic lanes.
These must be clear for emergency vehicles. Thank you for your consideration. The Vestry.
Fire Lane
o not park your vehicle in the fire and ambulance lane, which is
marked by yellow painted curbs. This is an important safety issue
and we have been instructed by the Lady Lake Police to maintain emergency vehicle access at all times. You may get a ticket.
“Beautiful Saviour”
Processional Hymn
“America“ (vs. 4)
Collect of the Day
Old Testament Reading
New Testament Reading
Gospel Hymn (vs. 1, 2)
Gospel Hymn (vs. 3, 4)
Nicene Creed
Prayers of the People—Form III
Confession and the Absolution
The Peace
Flor Peeters
Hymn 637
Hymn 717
BCP 355
Hymn 602
Hymn 602
The Rev. Dr. Lloyd Olsen
BCP 358
BCP 387
BCP 360
Blessing of Birthdays & Anniversaries
The Holy Communion
“The heavens are telling”
Eucharistic Prayer A
The Breaking of the Bread
Agnus Dei
Communion Hymns
“There’s something about that name”
“Father, I adore you”
“On eagles wings”
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Processional Hymn
The Dismissal
Ludwig van Beethoven
BCP 361
BCP 364
(booklet #49)
(booklet #13)
(booklet #40)
BCP 366
Hymn 436
G. F. Handel
Holy Unction: The Rev. Janet Galbreath
St. George Prayer Lists
lease be aware that names on the Parish Prayer List, Long-Term
Treatment and Nursing Homes/Assisted Living will be read aloud in
church. Names on the Extended Family list will be removed after four weeks.
Please call the Church Office to request being put back on the list, as needed.
Our Mission
ur mission is to proclaim by word and action the healing love and
Good News of God in Christ.
Parish Prayer List
Doris Austin
Irene Birtwell
Dana Bishop
Dot Bishop
Luci Davies
Phyllis Duncan
Charlie Ellis
John Findley
George Gangemi
Peggy Hatfield
Pat Hyde
John Kane
Ed Kirchdoerfer
Betsy Konefal
Bob Lawrence
Gene Olson
Lee Paradis
Kathryn Sears
Faye Shirley
Pete Shrider
Doris Turner
Sharon Vaughn
Donna Ward
Cell Phones
lease silence your cell phone ring in Church. Thank you for your
ou may donate old cell phones to the Troops by bringing them to
the church office. We send them off to be refurbished and have
minutes added so that soldiers and their families can be in contact.
Long-Term Treatment
Peter Adams
Charlie Anderson
Pete Anderson
Dotsy Ann Barry
Agnes Bellomy
Alma Coit
Dave Comp
Pat Comp
Deanna Ellis
Don Galbreath
Al Grigull
Ted Hummel
Carole Kuhn
Erdine Lewis
Linda Lewis
Doris Lilly
Joan Martin
Bill Moylan
Nancy Nash
Chet Naylor
Nancy Parks
Marcie Partington
Jack Perryman
Jackie Preston
Tom Price
Deborah Ruhsenberger
Father David Ryan
Jim Saulnier
Bob Schulze
Eileen Schulze
Doris Seip
Ben Shrader
Barbara Simpson
Rick Sundstrom
Ray Treinen
Richard Tubby
Nedra Updike
Harvey Van Wyen
Jane Van Wyen
Nursing Homes/Assisted Living
George Beers
Jackie Joyce
Cora Kelley
Martha Key
Frank Killea
Loren Poff
Jock Spies
Extended Family
Dan Baker
Arnold Goldstein
Laura Goldstein
Ashley McCullen
Roger Michaud
Marjorie Pilla-Dinan
Muriel Plourde
ee the enclosed insert, “Saints Alive!” newsletter, or our website at for news and announcements.
Military Prayer List
Andrew Banasmer
Amos Barrows
Daniel P. Bello
Sheila Black-Watson
Karl Blinkinsop
Justin Lee Buch
Stephen W. Buch
Ted Bucieika
Chris Cadieux
Shawn Coleman
McAllister Collins
Andrew Conn
Christopher Czumak
Michael DeLuca
Eleanor E. Derouin
Blake Faller
Michael George
Justin Gist
Jack E. Kelloff
Charles W. Kojak
Travis Lewis
Chris Love
Scott Lugo
Darrell Mitchell
Dana Moore
Tyler O’Bryan
John O'Grady
Jim O’Neal
Brian Parmeter
Nicholas Parsai
Ryan Rieman
Keil Schreiber
Joey Severes
Brian Shear
Arthur Smith
Kayley Squire
Chris Stanifer
Darian Tate
Christopher Timinski
William Verrett
David Wilbur
Ryan Wilcox
Joe Williams
Please notify the church office of updates to this list.