Denbigh United Presbyterian Church A Union of Second and Denbigh Presbyterian Churches December 2014 Denbigh Campus 302 Denbigh Blvd. Newport News, VA 23608 (757) 877-2048 (757) 898-1076 (Fax) (757) 898-1043 (Preschool) [email protected] Second Campus 201 Menchville Road Newport News, VA 23602 We invite you to experience comfort and joy in a special worship service series for Advent. Each service in the 4-part series focuses on a selected portion of Isaiah 40 that captures one of four specific aspects of the comfort Christ comes to bring -- peace, pardon, presence and power. Our children will be studying the same themes in Children's Church and doing special crafts related to what they are learning about comfort and joy. Stewardship, Preschool, Staff Team 10 We also have an Advent Bible study on the peace, pardon, presence and power of Christ on Thursdays from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Join us on December 4, 11 and 18 for a light soup luncheon and Bible study, led by Deborah Dail, Jay Dunn, Kristi Spivey and Rusty Norton. If you do not have an opportunity to sign up and would like to attend any of the sessions, please call the church office (877-2048) by the Wednesday before the study so that we may include you in the soup count. Please join us! Children’s/Youth Ministry 11 Christmas Eve Services Announcements 12 Congregational Care 13 Birthday/Anniversary/ Sympathies 14 Inside This Issue Comfort and Joy Christmas Eve Services 1 Worship/Session News 2 Adult Education 3 Outreach 4-7 Fellowship 8 Makemie Woods, Luncheon, Thank You 9 December Sunday Volunteer Schedule 15 December Calendar 16 On Wednesday, December 24, DUPC will hold 2 services. The 6:30 p. m. service will be a family-friendly service appropriate for all ages and the 9:00 p.m. will be our traditional Christmas Eve Service. Communion will be served at both services. Join us as we prepare to celebrate the most blessed day of days. Church Record Active Membership (500 as of August 2014) Attendance 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 Worship 168 143 158 135 141 Nurseries 6 6 6 5 3 Sunday School 39 47 51 43 40 Celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Please join us in celebrating the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, December 7 and Christmas Eve, December 24. Please prayerPastor The Reverend Deborah Dail fully prepare for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Our Church Staff Ministerial Assistant Rusty Norton Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries Liz Marshall Director of Music Ministries Jane Martin Accompanist Al Buchanan Administrative Assistant Jane Martin Sexton Team Mark and June Tessarolo Nick and Lauren Tessarolo Preschool Director Tammy Castagna Nursery Coordinator Alicia Lewis Treasurer Lorena Riely Received informational presentation on Polity/Church Government with emphasis on the process for amending the Book of Order. Approved DUPC Treasurer's report through October 31, 2014. Approved minutes of Stated Session Meeting of October 14, 2014; Called Session Meeting of October 18, 2014; Called Board of Trustees Meeting of October 14, 2014; and Congregational Meeting of November 2, 2014. Accepted with regret the resignation of Helen Highsmith from the Session effective immediately. Received report of Ruling Elder Commissioner Joe Bender on October 28, 2014 Presbytery of Eastern Virginia meeting. Approved request from Facilities Committee to authorize the replacing of the sanctuary heating unit at a cost not to exceed $6,100.00 (Actual cost was $3,750) Approved the 2015 dates for communion. Received update on formulation of the 2015 budget. Received notification of the resignation of Ministerial Assistant Rusty Norton effective December 31, 2014 Are You Looking for a Circle of Friends? A Small Group May Be the Answer. Here at Denbigh United we have several Small Groups and are eager to start more. A Small Group is a group of 6-12 people who meet weekly or every other week for Bible study/discussion, prayer, fellowship and service. Deep and abiding friendships can grow in these groups as believers study God’s Word and support one another. Our existing groups are listed below. If you are interested in an existing group or in being a part of a new group, please contact Deborah Dail or Tim Jacoby. Sunday evenings (every other week) from 6:00-7:30 p.m. This group meets at the church and childcare is provided. The facilitator is Kristi Spivey, and the group is currently studying Managing Life. For information, call Kristi at (757) 814-9538. Sunday evenings (every other week) from 5:30-7:30 p.m. This group discusses state, national and world current events in the context of the Presbyterian faith. This group meets at the home of Dale and Keith Pennell. For more information, contact Dale Pennell at (757) 303-7762. Monday evenings (every week) at 7:30 p.m. This group meets at the home of Tim and Debbie Jacoby. The group is discussing What’s So Amazing About Grace? For more information, contact Tim Jacoby at (412) 720-4808. Adult I Sunday School Class The Adult I Sunday School Class meets at 9:15 in the Conference Room. Jay Dunn teaches this class. Acts of Worship will be our study theme with readings in Psalms, Daniel, Matthew, Luke, John, Ephesians, Hebrews, and James. All adults interested in Bible study are welcome to come. Ladies Discussion Group The Women’s Discussion Group is studying “A Season of Peace – Things That Make for Peace” on Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the Parlor. The study will focus on the inner and outer dimensions of peace as foundational to faithful discipleship. Amy Schmidt leads this class. Living as a Committed Christian in the Kingdom in the 21st Century Class The Discussion Group on “Living as a Committed Christian in the 21st Century” led by Mike Langrehr continues to meet in the Library. No books, no reading, just a discussion of local and world events from a Christian perspective. If we bring just one food item every Sunday. . . Some suggestions for THRIVE’s pantry: Canned Peanut butter Meat Fruit Cereal Jelly/Jam Crackers Cookies Gravy Dry or canned Potatoes Canned meals (stew, ravioli, etc.) Beans Peas Corn Rice Dry Jello Stuffing or Pudding milk (individual pkgs.) mix THRIVE Peninsula formerly D.U.C.O. (Denbigh United Christian Outreach) is in critical need of food supplies. Each week the need is greater than the week before. We thank you in advance for all of your support. You may bring your food donations to church and place them on the kitchen counter where they are picked up and taken to D.U.C.O. each week. Food items should be canned/boxed/non-perishable . . . the shelves would never be bare. JUST A REMINDER…… Articles for the January Digest are due in the office by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, December 15. Any announcement you wish to have in the Sunday bulletin must be called in, emailed, or delivered to the office by noon on Thursdays with the exception of the summer months (June, July and August) when the deadline will be Wednesdays at noon. THANK YOU ! Did you miss a recent Sunday at church and wish you could go back and hear the sermon, or maybe you were there and are just trying to remember what was said? Well fear not, you are in luck! Just go to our website, look on the left side for 2014 Sermons, and find the Sunday you may have missed. There are both audio and text versions for most sermons, which you can download or stream online. Also, a full recording of the entire service can be obtained if you make a request through the church office. Older sermons are archived and can also be made available if you are looking for a particular one as well. The Men of the Church will work at the Food Bank on Saturday, December 20. Please contact Terry Hall for additional information. S.H.A.R.E. Dates for December and January December 2014 S.H.A.R.E. orders will be placed the week of December 15. The December orders will be distributed in the Narthex area of Denbigh United Presbyterian Church on Saturday, December 20 from 7:00-7:30 AM. All orders must be picked up by 7:30 AM on the The 2014 Food Bank Volunteer Schedule is now posted on the bulletin board near the kitchen counter. Please make note of when your group (e.g., PrimeTimers, Youth, etc.) is scheduled. Thank you to Ken Bowers for developing the schedule again this year. The Board of Directors and Staff of the Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center gratefully acknowledges that a gift was made by Denbigh United Presbyterian Church for $750 on November 14, 2014 in support of our ministry of counseling. We appreciate the support it represents. Rebecca Glass, Executive Director Worship at the Gardens at Warwick Forest As some of you may know, DUPC conducts a Monday morning worship service at The Gardens at Warwick Forest four times a year. Please join us on December 29 at 10:00 a.m. for the next service. The Gardens is a Riverside Hospital continuing care facility. Depending on their physical condition, those in residence may attend the chapel service or watch the live televised program from the comfort of their rooms. Last month, over twenty DUPC members participated in the worship service as greeters, in singing, as comforters, and in general support of this outreach. It is a true blessing to see the impact we have on those who may not otherwise have a worship experience. Are you interested in helping? Participation in this rewarding effort is made easy. Come and sing, greet, pass out bulletins, or act as a worship leader. For information, please call Rusty Norton at 757-814-1091 (C) or send an email to [email protected]. Blessings to all, Rusty If you have donations of coats, sweaters, clothes, furniture, etc., please consider donating them to LINK or PORT or others in need. Please remember the Homeless Shelters are always in need of new white socks (all sizes), travel-sized toiletries, blankets, coats and more. If you can donate items please notify Joe Bender at 757-969-1365 to set up a time to meet at Denbigh United and he will gladly take the donated items to where they will do the most good. CHURCH BUDGET Actual Year to Date October 31, 2014 Total Income Total Expenses Net Difference $ 363,113.58 $ 332,590.18 $ 30,523.40 DUPC Clothing Ministry We have a new clothing ministry. We are collecting all sizes of clothes. Once a month, we will be putting all clothing (including shoes and accessories) on display in the fellowship room. At that time, anyone may come and choose items needed at no charge. The next shopping events will be held on Saturday, December 13 from 3:00—6:00 p.m. and Sunday December 14 from 11:30 a.m. —2:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Marian Gore at 757-594-6036. The Session has approved raising funds to purchase a van or bus. This vehicle will allow us to more efficiently transport children and adults to all Church events and provide a way for youth, seniors and others to travel to activities and service opportunities. If you would like to contribute, designate your check “Church Vehicle Fund.” If you would like to help with fund-raising, contact Verni Saunders at 874-3923 or [email protected]. Angel Board Outreach Ministry Many thanks for your generosity to the missions of Denbigh United Presbyterian Church. Once again this year we are through our Paul's Ministry providing gifts for children and food for their families for Christmas. For some of you the gift process may be new, so here is some clarification. ♥Each child receives underwear, t-shirts or bras, socks and a gift of approximately $20 or less. Please note on the tags for socks, you are provided the shoe size in order to select the proper size socks. You are not asked to buy shoes. ♥To maintain the anonymity of the children and their families, each family has a number and each child has a letter. Some of you have asked how to sign up to help a child with all four of his/her gifts. You would go to the bulletin board where the tags are posted and select (for example) all of the tags for 5A. The number represents the family and the letter represents the child. If you would like to buy all of the gifts for that one child, all of the tags (there would be 4) would read "5A". There is of course no pressure whatsoever to do all the gifts for one child. We are just providing this information for those who have inquired. ♥Please remember to write your name on the tag which remains stapled to the bulletin board, tear off the top tag to take with you and place it securely on the gift which the Outreach Committee is requesting be put in a gift bag. The gift bags are due in by December 14. ♥If shopping is impossible or daunting for you, we are accepting financial donations toward the gifts and we have shoppers at the ready. ♥Further, if you wish to provide or donate toward the food being provided to the families for the Christmas holiday and break from school, please see the list provided in the bulletin or make your donation designated "Christmas Food." If you have questions, please call the church office at 877-2048. Once again, thank you for your generosity now and throughout the year. December 28, 2:00 PM – Holiday gathering at the home of Verni Saunders and George Brown ~ Please bring your favorite finger food to share. Sign-ups will begin on Sunday, November 30 at the kitchen counter. Our Trunk-or-Treat event on October 31 was a huge success! Many thanks to the those who provided the trunks & the many children who enjoyed a great evening! Youth Retreat at Makemie Woods: "Awesome!" Eleven of our middle school students attended a Presbytery-wide youth retreat at Makemie Woods November 21-23. They worshiped, played, studied and celebrated with more than 100 other youth from churches in the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia. Thank you to Vanessa Gamble and Juanita Singletary who attended the retreat with the youth. Thank you to Kathy Baldwin, Deborah Dail and Debbie Ames who provided transportation for the students to Makemie Woods. Thank you to the entire DUPC congregation for your generous gifts to the operating budget of the church as this allowed the 11 students and 2 chaperones to attend this meaningful retreat. Christmas Luncheon On Sunday, December 21, we will have a covered dish Christmas Luncheon immediately following the service. You are invited to bring a dish plus a bit more to share and enjoy the fellowship of this event. There may even be a surprise visitor after lunch! A note from Carol Lynch: Dear Reverend Dail and New Comers Committee Members, Thank you for taking the time to do the New Members class. It was nice having the opportunity to meet you and the other prospective members over lunch. I now have a better understanding of The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), its history and governmental structure. Mike’s sharing of his spiritual ideas as a Christian and a member of DUPC was most encouraging. I look forward to getting to know each of you better. In Christ’s love and with appreciation ~ Carol Lynch Stewardship Committee December is the month in which we remember those who have dedicated their lives to the service of the church. We do this through the Christmas Joy Offering. This gift also supports leadership development and education. Please be in prayer for this offering. Preschool News During the month of November, our preschool students learned about being thankful and sharing with those who are less fortunate. Our families donated over 50 food items for THRIVE and filled 6 shoeboxes to send to Operation Christmas Child. I hope that the valuable lessons we are teaching at a young age will lead to a lifetime of charitable giving and kindness towards others. Once November has come and gone, we will be getting ready to celebrate the Christmas holiday! Our annual Christmas chapel will be held on December 17 and 18. The program will begin at 11:30 a.m. each day, so please join us if you can. The children have already been practicing their songs and bell ringing, and they will be so excited to perform. Plus, they look so cute dressed up in their Christmas best. In addition to Christmas chapel, December will be filled with special celebrations and events. Our four year old classes will be baking gingerbread men. Watch out-the gingerbread man has been known to run away! The students always have fun searching for him. We will also have a special visit from Mrs. Claus. The three year olds will learn about reindeer and have a special reindeer snack. All of the children will be learning about the true meaning of Christmas. All of the staff of DUPP would like to wish all of you a joyous and fun-filled holiday. Merry Christmas! Tammy Castagna, DUPP Director The DUPC Staff and Volunteer Oversight Team recognized Veronika Jones for her many years of service as sexton at SPC on Sunday, October 26, 2014 during the worship service and at a reception after the worship. The team accepted the resignation of Rusty Norton as ministerial assistant/ chaplain effective December 31, 2014. We are very appreciative of his dedicated service here at DUPC. Kindergarten through 5th Grade students are studying from a new curriculum called Grow, Proclaim, Serve! Each child will come to know the wonders of God's love with lessons from the Bible. Unit 1 - Hope is Born Unit 2 - Touched by Jesus Unit 3 - Miracles We are providing Children’s Church for students in kindergarten through 5th grade. Children will be excused from the sanctuary after the children’s sermon. Parents are asked to pick up children from room 5 after the worship service. Students will learn about worship, engage in worship and learn a Bible lesson. Volunteers are needed for this ministry to continue on a weekly basis. After a very successful fall term of Faith Weaver Friends, this ministry to children in kindergarten through high school will resume on Wednesday, January 14 at 5:45 p.m. The winter/spring term will run until April 29. This ministry reaches 30-40 children/teens weekly with dinner/ fellowship, Bible study, recreation/crafts. Your financial gifts and the gift of your service in this ministry make it possible. More adult volunteers are always needed. Please contact Liz Marshall at 877-2048 to see how you can support this ministry to our children and youth. Faith Weaver Friends to Resume January 14 Circles DUPC offers 3 Circles for ladies. All Circles meet on the third Tuesday of the month. The Esther Circle meets at the church in Room 9 at 10:00 a.m. The Lydia Circle meets at 10:00 a. m. in the homes of various members. In the “Looking Ahead” section of our Sunday Bulletin, it will tell where the meeting is located. The Priscilla circle meets at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Dale Pennell. The next date for the Circles is December 16. If you would like to join a circle, please feel free to attend the meeting. We hope to see you there! Prayer Group Ministry Our Prayer Group Ministry notifies members of prayer needs, updates and blessings! If you are not a member and wish to become one please send an email to: [email protected]. To be sure that you receive all emails, please enter that email address in your address book. For those who do not have email, please call Verni at 874-3923 and she will find a prayer partner for you. Menchville House Are you looking for some new recipes? Do you enjoy helping others? We have answers to both of those questions! The Menchville House Cookbook will provide delicious recipes and the purchase of the book will help support Menchville House. Please call Barbara Keesee – 757-877-0052 - if you would like to purchase a cookbook. ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫Music Ministry ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ The Chancel Choir is always looking for any and all singers from high school age and up (there is no limit to up!). The Chancel Choir provides music for worship services from September through June. If you cannot attend a Wednesday evening rehearsal, feel free to join us at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning before the service. Our Handbell Choir has room for more ringers! The Chancel Choir practices from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. The Hand Bell practice will run from 8:10 – 8:45 starting in January. Join us as we make a joyful noise! Our Military Joan Kiser Rhett Hickman Myrna Bickhart Amelia Britt’s daughter-in-law Amelia Britt Leslie Maloney Chip Shefelton’s father Morris Kincaid Hiromi O’Keeffe Scott, nephew of Rita Stevens and Lillie Gagliardi Ham and Nancy Fairfield Beau Riely Paul, Lynn and Kevin Ardary Dawn Renee Moss’s stepfather Lisa Canaday’s father Marcie Lynn Scott Jones Betty Young Robert Brown Dee Dee Smith Ray Minch Scott Jones Our Deployed Military Joel Silva Bruce Baffer Fred Wong Joel Silva Robert Depp Jacob Mayes Michael Shea Pete Marshall Ryan Jones Daniel Jones Jennifer Lambert David Powers Dan Barnhart Mark Manoso Lazaro Durruty Jessica Horine Jonathan Graebener (Nephew of Joanna and Bev Daniels) Our Missionaries Bruce and Deb Robinson Meredith and Sandy Elder Bob and Sharon Hallissy Thank you so much for all the prayers, well wishes, and meals for me and my family during my tonsillectomy. I am truly blessed for such a loving and caring church family. Thanks you - Liz Marshall I wish to thank our church family for all the prayers and support you have given me during my diagnosis and ongoing treatment. Your calls, cards, emails and food were greatly appreciated. Just knowing that I am being held in your prayers is very encouraging. My doctors and I are optimistic that this treatment will be successful. Ray Minch We are so very grateful for all the support and all the work done by so many DUPC folks in supporting Betty's funeral service at the Second Facility. Also we would like to thank the church family for the support, prayers, cards and personal encouragement given to us during Betty's illness. Bob Young and family Writing to share happy news, and to thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Our son, Drew Holt, (grandson of Beverly and Charles Krespach), returned home safely from US Army deployment this week. Drew will continue to serve in the reserves, and plans to seek employment while continuing to work toward his college degree. As many of you know, your church meant the world to my mom and dad. Your prayers, as those who loved and worshipped with them, held us up this year. Thank you ~ Dave and Claire Holt 3 A5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 A9 A10 12 12 12 13 A13 15 15 16 16 16 16 A16 A17 18 18 A18 19 19 A19 A19 21 21 20 22 A22 23 A24 25 25 A26 27 A27 Letitia Snead Donald and Suzanne Kinkade Amelia Britt Alison Temple Joe Bender Sarah Manoso Robbie Depp Derrick Parker Jesse Lassiter Junior Uma John and Jennifer Amos Jessica Horine Shelbey Burns Bob Murphy Mykalia Lloyd Lee Gonzalez Steve and Betty Carr Addam Graham George Brown Dawn Hafner Jamie Spivey Joseph Lajoie Megan Spivey Bill and Betty Cole Doug and Lisa Spruill Dorothy Spraker Aaron Lewis David and Jennifer Lambert David Alexander Kirk McCullough Ken and Marcia Bowers Robert and Sarah Brown Linda Ruggles Ashlyn Hall Pete Marshall Bette Johnson Bob and Liz Burroughs Savannah Gore Don and Myrna Bickhart Debbie Vollmer Jill Jones Don and Charlotte Eason Paul Ardary William and Claire Dick 28 28 29 A29 31 Chloe Lascara Judy Buchanan Steffi Harris David and LuAnn Jusino Jennifer Lloyd Birthdays Anniversaries Congratulations to Robert Manoso and Emily Harp who were married on November 15, 2014. We express our sympathies to the following families. May God bring comfort and hope to all who grieve. To the Young family on the death of Betty To the Humphries family on the death of Grace To the Gruber family on the death of Phil Youth Reader Worship Leader Ushers * Denotes team captain Murawski, Pat Graves, Meme Norton, Rusty *MCLEOD, JOHN Miller, Martha Morrison, Bill Singletary, Juanita Miller, Martha Minch, Ray 7 Williams, Marianne Jones, Veronika Miller, Martha Marshall, Liz Spruill, Tyler Skaar, Becky *DANIELS, BEV Daniels, Joanna Jacoby, Debbie Jacoby, Tim Pennell, Keith Moss, Dawn 14 Ames, Debbie Bender, Brenda Hall, Patti Hall, Terry Murawski, Sandi Morgan, Ashley Dail, Dan *SPRUILL, DOUG Hiltabidle, Jim Skaar, Becky Spruill, Tyler Morrison, Bill Morrison, Janet 21 Norton, Rusty Young, Bob *LASSITER, EARL Marshall, Liz Marshall, Pete 24 (6:30 p.m.) Dunn, Jay *KINKADE, DON Uma, James Hoopes, Irene Hull, Donna Dunn, Mary Lee Ellis, Gerry 24 (9:00 p.m.) Hall, Patti Marshall, Justin Marshall, Liz Marshall, Sara *MARSHALL, PETE Harvey, Peggy Hoopes, Irene 28 Greeters Children’s Moment Bensten, Jeanne Smith, Pat Shefelton, Kinsey Burns, Dreama (front/rear entrances) Infant/Toddler Nursery Dunn, Mary Lee Hafner, Haley Bender, Brenda Edwards, Theal Wong, Beth Harvey, Peggy Marchese, Andrea Edwards, Theal Mayes, Betty Young, Bob Coll, Stacy Hoopes, Irene Spivey, Megan Spivey, Kristi Ragsdale, Christine Horine, Jessica Pre-school Nursery Woodard, Carolyn Harrison, Terry Kinkade, Suzanne Langrehr, Mike Marshall, Pete Shefelton, Barbara Jones, Bill Jones, Dee Kyle, Jean Lassiter, Earl Young, Betty Young, Bob Shefelton, Chip Skaar, Becky Williams, Bonnie Kincaid, Joyce Vassos, Carolyn Moss, Dawn Melvin, Stacey Norton, Penny Amos, Jennifer Amos, John Anson, Shirlie Graves, Diamond Welcome Table Williams, Phil Burns, Suzanne Burns, William Coll, Stacy Hull, Donna Hunt, Connie Jacoby, Tim Jones, Veronika Uma, James Counters M Preparation of Elements Communion Eason, Charlotte Eason, Don Harrison, Terry Harvey, Don Harvey, Peggy SUN MON WED THU 4 DECEMBER 2014 TUE 3 5 FRI 5:00 – 8:00 Decorate Sanctuary 2 5:00 – 8:00 Decorate Sanctuary 8:00 AA (FR, CR) 12 1 6:00 Youth Dancers (S) 7:00 Chancel Choir 11 12:30 Advent Bible Study (FR) 6:00 Real Estate Team (CR) 7:00 Budget Meeting (FR) 7:30 OA (RM9) 10 7:00 Session (FR) 7:30 OA (Rm9) 6:00 Youth Dancers (S) 7:00 Chancel Choir 18 8:00 AA (FR,CR) 19 High School Gathering @ Shefletons’ 6 SAT 8:00 -1:00 AA (FR,CR,K) 3:00 Baby Shower (FR) 13 10:00 AA (FR, CR) 3:00-6:00 Clothing Distribution (FR) 20 17 5:30 Foodbank Men of the Church 7:00 SHARE 10:00 AA (FR, CR) 16 Preschool closed for Christmas Break 27 9:45 Preschool Christmas Chapel Practice (S) 10:00 AA (FR,CR) 9:45 Preschool Christmas Chapel Practice (S) 11:00 Preschool Christmas Chapel (S) 26 10:00 Esther (Rm 9) 10:00 Lydia 12:30 Advent Bible Study (FR) 9 9:45 Preschool Chapel 8 10:00 PG (P) 7 2nd Sunday of Advent 10:00 PG (P) 9:45 Preschool Chapel 10:00 Congregational Care (CR) 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Communion New Members received 5:30 Small group @ Pennells’ 15 Digest 14 3rd 9:45 Preschool Christmas Chapel Practice (S) 10:00 PG (P) Sunday of Advent 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 11:30-2:00 Clothing Distribution (FR) 8:00 AA (FR, CR) 25 Christmas Day Office Closed 8:00 AA (FR, CR) AA – Alcoholics Anonymous S – Sanctuary PG – Prayer Group EASE – Early Alzheimer’s Support and Education WOC – Women of the Church FWF – Faith Weaver Friends HS – High School P-Parlor or Pastors Office CR-Conference Room L-Library MS – Middle School OA– Overeaters Anonymous PEVA – Presbytery of Eastern Virginia BS – Bible Study PT’s – Prime Timers FR-Fellowship Room Office Closed 9:45 Preschool Christmas Chapel Practice (S) 11:00 Preschool Christmas Chapel (S) 12:30 Advent Bible Study (FR) 23 Christmas Eve 6:00 Youth Dancers (S) 7:00 Chancel Choir 11:00-2:00 EASE (FR, CR) 31 6:30 Worship Service 9:00 Worship Service 24 7:00 Priscilla @ Pennells 7:30 OA (Rm9) 22 30 7:30 OA (Rm9) 10:00 PG (P) 29 21 4th Sunday of Advent 28 10:00 PG (P) 10:00 Worship at Warwick Gardens 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship/Cantata/Christmas Joy Offering 11:30 Church Family Luncheon 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship 2:00-5:00 Prime Timers Holiday Gathering@ the home of Verni and George 7:30 OA (Rm9)
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