December 26, 2014 4 Teves 5775 Volume 18, Issue 16 Dates to Remember: T 12/30 – Parent Teacher Conferences Th 1/1 – Asara B’Teves, FRIDAY SCHEDULE M 1/5 – Parent Teacher Conferences Thank you to our Rosh Chodesh Teves Sponsors, Mr. & Mrs. Kimyagarov. Tech Smart presented by Magen A Workshop for Parents this Monday at 8PM at Young Israel of Queens Valley. An innovative program designed to teach all of our children about responsible digital citizenship. This program will be brought to Bnos Malka’s 6th – 8th grade students. REMINDERS: There will be no bus service from Mon, Dec. 29 through Thu, Jan 1. ASARA B’TEVES: The entire school will be running on a Friday schedule. Dismissal will be at 12:45 PM. Candle Lighting 4:16 Rabbi Michael Weichselbaum Menahel Wow!! We’ve had a very exciting חנוכהhere at Bnos Malka. We’ve had beautiful Pre1A and Kindergarten presentations as well as parties, guest lecturers, Color War and we even managed to get some learning in!! The highlight, I believe, was our Intergeneration Day at which our 3rd and 4th grade students had the opportunity to spend time with and learn a little more about a special, older relative. While everyone was entitled to take away their own lesson from Intergeneration Day, I learned that whereas I used to believe that grandparents were old, the truth is that they are very young. It makes me feel better about myself. Speaking of family time, given today’s economic realities (especially for frum families with several young children) setting a budget is a common exercise. Knowing what items are too important to sacrifice is as important as knowing what must be slashed even when doing so is painful. In this week’s פרשה, we meet with two such circumstances. When בני ישראלarrived in מצריםas total strangers, (the Dream Act had not yet been instituted), they relied on יוסףfor all of their needs. When it came to feeding the children the פסוקtells us that, לחם לפי הטףwas provided, “bread according to the needs of each child”. By telling us specifically that the children received bread according to their needs, the Torah is teaching us, explains Rav Hirsh, that the adults must cut back on their portions during difficult times and that it is forbidden to do the same for children. Whenever possible, even during times of famine, children may not be made to suffer. How can we expect a healthy future if our children do not receive a healthy childhood? The other example of economizing takes place earlier in the פרשה. After יוסףreveals his identity to the brothers, he tells them not to bother bringing down their possessions with them. Rav Yakov Kaminetsky explains that due to their vast wealth, it was impossible for the family to have enough horses, Shabbos Ends 5:25 donkeys and camels with which to transport their belongings to מצרים. Yet we are taught that there were some items which יעקבinsisted they must bring with them. Stopping in באר שבע, they take along עצי שטיםwhich were planted by אברהם אבינו. These were to be used by ’יעקבs great grandchildren when they were commanded to build the משכןhundreds of years later. I think that the lesson that we can glean from the teachings of Rav Hirsch and Rav Kaminetsky is that one is permitted to sacrifice the present but he many never sacrifice our future. Healthy bodies will בע''הlead to healthy spirits and minds. Boards of wood planted by a צדיק in holy soil will provide an appropriate sanctuary for the שכינהwhich in turn will lead to the growth of a holy nation. מעשה אבות סימן לבנים. Our forefathers were cognizant that their every deed and word would affect their progeny forever. This is true in our time as well. I am always impressed and greatly appreciate all of the sacrifices which you as parents make on behalf of your children. In the merit of your sacrifices may you all be זוכהto raise children who will bring Yiddishe nachas to you, your families and to all of כלל ישראל. Class Milestones Pre-1a - Mrs. Tzivia Cohen Winter is now officially here, but Pre1a has been learning about it for a while now! The girls have listed what they know about the season, including: the weather, what we wear, what we do (activities), etc. They have enjoyed being read a number of fiction and non-fiction books about winter and even making one of their own! The girls’ ability to blend is improving every day and they now know over 14 sight words! Wow! In math, the Pre-1a girls have been focusing on ordinal numbers and the 5 frame. The classes are enjoying the exciting math and reading related projects and can't wait to continue the theme next week! While it may be getting colder outside, the Pre-1a girls’ skills are just getting warmed up! Chanukah at Bnos Malka – Mrs. Shana Teitz The 5A students, together with Class 5, were busy working in groups to prepare the halachos of Chanukah and share their information with their fellow classmates. They used posters, power point on the computer and prizes to do this. They even formulated questions to be used on their Chanukah test. We ended our learning sessions by watching “Living Lessons” which left us with inspirational stories about Chanukah. The girls were then happy to perform, in עברית, the story of Chana and her 7 sons. The highlight was a joyous party of games, food and fun at my home. The girls did a great job of helping. A grand time was had by all! – Mrs. Sharon Herzberg Our girls are reading beautifully, and have already completed letter ayin. We are almost finished learning the whole Aleph Bet and soon we will be able to read EVERYTHING! Please keep reading at home - it is the best thing you can do for your daughter's reading. Once we finish learning the whole Aleph Bet, we will be able to daven from our siddurim. To this end, we are practicing very hard for our Siddur play. We are sure you are hearing your daughters say their parts and sing their songs at home. The excitement is growing day by day! Now that Chanukah is over, we are starting our unit on Choref - Winter. Our girls are learning all about winter clothes, the parts of the body and many verbs. We are speaking and writing using our new vocabulary. It is exciting and fun! Shabbat Shalom. 6th Grade SS – Ms. Ellie Shulman In social studies, we have been investigating what life was like in ancient Egypt. This correlates nicely with The Egypt Game that the girls have been reading in their English class. In class, we have explored the power of the pharaohs and how they differed throughout the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms of ancient Egypt. We have also discussed the social hierarchy of ancient Egypt and how jobs were typically passed down in a family. 2A – Mrs. Amanda Rosenfelt Class 2A had a fun filled week! Between learning all about Chanukah, and diving into the deeper world of Chumash, the girls have been learning so much! We spent the week learning the story of Chanukah and trying to understand what it means to be a “Gibor”. The girls learned that just like the Macabim conquered certain things in order to become a Gibor, we as well can overcome certain difficulties in order to become stronger. In Chumash, we have been focusing on the traveling of Avram Avinu and his family. The girls learned the different places where Avram set up camp. We also focused on the reason that Avram set a mizbeach for Hashem. From here the class learned that just like Avram Avinu always showed hakaras hatov to Hashem, so to, we should also remember to always show appreciation for the good that is given to us. I am so proud of my class! Some people might have been sad to see חנוכהgo, but for our 3rd & 4th graders, the day after חנוכהwas Intergeneration Day! This special day allows our students, their parents and grandparents to enjoy a program just for them. We started with warm words of welcome from Rabbi Weichselbaum. Then our Executive Director, Mr. Salzbank, spoke about his family and the importance of knowing your family history. The students and their relatives had the opportunity to rotate through four specially designed stations. The girls interviewed their parents and grandparents about what school was like for them. They also made an extensive family tree with help from the “older” generation. The students also decorated “you and me” t-shirts & decorated delicious brownies. We hope our students were able to gain a sense of what their parents’ and grandparents’ educational experiences were like. Some figured out that they even enjoy the same subjects! We thank the parents and grandparents who were able to come and share with our students to help make our Intergeneration Day a huge success. 5th, 7th, 8th Grade Math – Mrs. Chaya Brand 5th Grade - We have just completed our unit on adding and subtracting decimals, and I was so happy to see how well the girls did on that test. We then moved on to chapter 4 and discovered patterns of multiplication and how we know which direction and how many times to move the decimal point. We noticed how numbers can get larger or smaller based on the type of number you multiply them by. The girls are doing great thus far and I look forward to seeing continued success from them. 7th Grade - We have been busy with operations of rational numbers and we have used number lines to show the sums and differences. We have also learned how to use equivalent fractions as well as the long division algorithm to change fractions into decimals. We are wrapping up our lessons and next week we will be getting ready to begin reviewing for our upcoming midterm. 8th Grade - The 8th graders have been working hard on various types of linear equations. They have worked with simple linear equations as well as those that are in disguise. They applied their 7th grade knowledge of solving proportions to solve these types of equations, and have even been able to check them. We then moved on to writing and solving equations when given a word problem. We are wrapping up our lessons and next week we will be getting ready to begin reviewing for our upcoming midterm.
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