B. C. HILL. CURTAIN FIXTURE. APPLxcATloN FILED SEPT. 3. 191s. Patented Mar. 4,1919, 1,296,289. www ...uw BEULAH C. HILL, OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CURTAIN-FIXTURE. Specification of Letters Patent. rammed nar. e', 191e. Application ñled September 3, 1918. serial No. 252,299. To all wiz-0m ¿I? may concern .' ln the accompanying drawings, which Be it known that I, BEULAH C. HILL, a _form a part of this specification, I have citizen of the United States, residing at illustrated two forms of the adjustable rod Chicago, in the county of Cook and State of support, each of which is a preferred form illinois, have invented certain new >and use-> in the use to which it is particularly adapt ful In'iprovements in Curtain-Fixtures, of ed. In these drawings F igure l is a face which the following is a specification. view of a window frame, showing a two My invention relates to devices for hold part curtain and the curtain rods’held by ing curtains by means of top and bottom theJ devices of Figs. 2 and 6, the holding 'ele rods. More specifically it relates to an ad ments being enlarged proportionately and justable member for holding one end of one the curtain being shown as mere strips of of the rods. 15 20 i 60 65 fabric, for clearness of illustration; Fig. 2 The objects of my invention are chiefly is a face view of the ñxture applicable to lthe to provide simple, low-cost and readily op inner sides of ‘a window frame, as in Fig. l, erable means for holding a curtain on the together with a fragment of the frame; curtain rods so that the effective distance Fig. 3 is an edge view of the device of Fig. between the upper and lower rods may be 2; Fig. 4 is a face view of a form of the ‘de 70 varied, whereby curtains of dilferent lengths vice for application to the window frame or may be placed upon the rods and maintained sash surfaces which are substantially par 75 in the desired taut or stretched condition, allel with the window; Fig. 5 is an edge and, importantly, whereby the curtain may View of the device of Fig. 4; and Fig. 6 is a perspective of the lower lrod-retaining mem rial shrinkage thereof, due to washing, and, ber of Fig. 1. further, whereby, after washing such cur Referring' to Fig. E2, the structure con be so maintained, although there be mate tain, it may be‘put upon the rods while wet sists of a strip of metal 10, suitably of iron and the rods then separated until the fabric or brass, stamped up to "provide thepro _ is drawn taut, thus substantially “ironing” the washed curtain without the great difli culty incident to stretching vthe same onV 30 some auxiliary device. As to the specific 40 45 jec'ting'middle portion 11, which is notched at 12 to receive the'end of the upper curtain rod 13. The device is thus provided with two legsA and B, extending from the cen construction, it is a prime object to provide tral portion 11, and each of these legs is pro a form of device of simple construction, of vided with a longitudinal slot 14 of a width few parts, and one which may be readily in suflicientto receive loosely the shank of a stalled; and, further, a form of device which holding screw, and a plurality of screw >may be used on either side of the window receiving slots or brancheslö extending on frame, thus avoiding the difliculty incident each side of slot 14 and turned normally up to the application of “rights” 'and “lefts”, `ward at‘thei'r ends respectively, when this as where the devices are used in pairs. Fur member'lO-is used for holding' the' top rod. ther objects and advantages will appear The provision of such lateral slots or hereinafter. Í branches- 15'on both sides of the central slot It is common practice to secure window 55 90 95 14 makes the device available for use on curtains by means of a rod passing through either side of the window frame. As shown a hem or turned-overportion at both the top in Fig. 2, the screws 16 and-17, which may and bottom of the curtain. Numerous ad be ordinary wood-screws of commerce, pref 100 vantages exist in such an arrangement over erably round-headed, are screwed into the the method of suspendingl the curtain from a wood frame, the two being’preferably in a single rod at the top. Heretofore, however, substantially vertical line, and are spaced 50 80 such difficulties as maintaining the curtain apart the distance between corresponding taut under the various conditions Lof service grooves or branches 15 in the upper and 105 and diiiiculties of installation, removal, etc., lower legs of the structure 10. ’The con have limited the eifectiveness and practica struction and arrangement are such that the bility of the two-rod system. These difiicul structure 10 may be moved up and down ties are overcome by the present improve with the screws 16 and 17 in the longitudinal ments, and numerous advantages due to the slots 14, and becomes looked against down 110 particular form of construction illustrated ward Vmovement'when the structure 10 is are also obtained. moved laterally so that the screws 16 and 17 1,296,289 2 of the variations in length ordinarily will each be _engaged by one of the grooves less found to exist. Furthermore, when these cur or branches 15 in the upper and lower legs, are washed they usually shrink quite vA and B. The structure 10 may therefore, tains by a simple movement of the hand, be moved considerably, which shrinkage can be readily 65 in effect, by the simple adjust out of one of its locked positions and into overcome, ment of the rod-holding members 10 another thereof, higher or lower, thus vary or 20, as theupper case may be. I have found, ing the distance ‘between the upper and too, that a notable advantage can be secured lower rods. The screws 16 and 17 are not by putting the curtains back on the rods turned into the frame so tightly as to bind in their wet condition after being washed, 70 10 upon the device 10,but only Vso closely there and, by means of the adjustable feature de Vto as to maintain the device 10 substantially close to the window frame, while permitting scribed, drawing -them taut and leaving its movement for adjustment in the manner them to dry in that condition, thus avoid ing much additional and laborious work. Referring to Fig. 4, the device 20 is simi By this construction, too, the curtain may be 15 removed and replaced as desired. larlyV provided with two legs A and B, readily The device can be formed by stamping Y each having a longitudinal slot 21, and, on one >side of this slot, a plurality of branches processes well understood. indicated. Y l or recesses 22, each terminating in an en 20 larged recess 23, one portion of the en I claim: ' 1. A curtain fixture Comprising a rela 80 largement extending upwardly and .the tively long and narrow plate-like base hav other poî‘tion downwardly with reference to ing intermediate its ends Va support for a the recess 22. This construction admits of curtain rod, said support being carried by the same device being used on either side said base, each end portion of the base hav of fthe window frame, making it at once a ing a longitudinal slot therein provided “right” and a “left” by merely turning it with a plurality of branches extending -lat upside down. The screws 16 and 17 are erally therefrom, each of said slots and the spaced 'apart theV distance between corre branches thereof being respectively adapted sponding branches or recesses 22 in the to accommodate a screw-like .holding ele ment, substantially as described. 30 two legs A and B, and the operation of 2. A curtain rod support comprising a »_ shifting the structure to make adjustments base and a rod-supporting elementV carried is as already described for Fig. 2. thereby, said -rod-supporting element hav Intermediate of the two legs A and B, a rod-supporting extension 25 is turned sub ing an opening on' one side thereof to Vac commodate a curtain rod and being closed 35 stantially at right angles to the base parts 90 95 A `and B and then turned over at 26 and Y on the opposite side thereof to prevent said then back toward the base A and B as at rod from projecting through said support, 40 45 27, the part 27 constituting a. stop for the said base having a main longitudinal slot end of the upper rod 13. The parts 25 and and branching slots extending therefrom 26 are slotted as at 28 to receive the end on one side thereof, each branch slot termi of the rod 13, and the slot in the part 25 nating in an enlarged opening having a part is cut out to form an enlarged recess 29, thereof extending beyond saidbranchslot one part of the enlargement extending in each of the general directions of said downward and the other part upward main slot to form a seat for a screw-like with reference to the slot 28, the enlarge holding element when the device is applied 100 105 ment 29 thus providing a firm seat for the with either end up, substantially as -de rod 13 when the device is used on either 3. A curtain fix-ture comprising a rela side of the window frame. ` Y tively long and narrow base adapted to rest The lower rod 30 will ordinarily be held 110 by a fixed and non-adjustable holding de vertically against a window frame part, an outwardly projecting support for the end vice as 32, secured, as by screws, upon the window frame. It is usually desirable to ofa horizontally disposed curtain rod car- ' have the lower end of the curtain main ried by said base, said basev having a main tained close Ito the lower horizontal part of longitudinal slot normally vertically dis 115 posed and a plurality of lateral branchv 55 the window frame. locking slots extending on oneside of said It is diflicult to make curtains from the scribed. Y Y materials usually employed of such exact main slot for accommodating the shank of 60 length as to fit tightly between two fixed a holding screw or the like in the window as set forth. c rods. ^ With the present device, the curtain frame part, substantially BEULAI-I C. I-IILL. can be drawn and maintained Itaut regard Copies of this patent may be obtained for ñve cents each, by addressing the “Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. G.”
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