PRAYER AND WORSHIP GATHERINGS 2015 15th January 2015 Prayer and Worship led by Hannah Persaud 12th February 2015 Time of Prayer led by Chad Whitefriars: a Praying Church Sunday 25th January 2015 Day of Prayer Come and join us as we pray for our new Incumbent 8-9am; 2-3pm and 7-8pm At the Bridge 12th March 2015 Prayer and Worship led by Darren Barker 16th April 2015 Time of Prayer led by Nicola Mizon 14th May 2015 Prayer and Worship led by Hannah Persaud & Darren Barker 18th June 2015 Time of Prayer led by Simon King God our Father, you have welcomed each one of us in Jesus and called us to be his body at Whitefriars; send us your Holy Spirit at this time of uncertainty and change, to fill us with vision, energy and faithfulness in prayer, that we may be true to our calling to bring new life to our community. Guide with your heavenly wisdom those who are to choose a new Incumbent for this parish, that the one who we receive may be a wise and gentle shepherd of your people: ready to serve us with joy, to build us up in faith and to lead us by example in loving obedience to your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. PRAYER DIARY – JANUARY 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 New Year ’ s Day – As we make Pray for our Retireds Group who Pray for our mission link ‘ Open our resolutions for the year ahead, meet this afternoon, that all who Doors ’ as they help to bring let us go forward with great hope attend will find a warm welcome relief to those in war-torn areas that all things are possible with and encounter God through the and work to liaise with those in God ’ s help and guidance love and care shown authority to find peace 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 Pray for our Children ’ s and Pray for families today as they Epiphany – Pray that as the star Pray for the staff team ( Chad, Pray for our mission link in the Pray for our Stepping Out Youth ministry as this morning prepare for the children to go back led the Wise Men to Jesus, may Sharon and Nicola ) , ask the Lord Bungoma Diocese, St. Philip ’ s is communities as they prepare to sees the re-start of the Sunday to school tomorrow, especially for he lead us forward during the that they may be strengthened a church plant where the congre- meet tomorrow morning groups for the New Year those who find school a difficult interregnum and may we be in throughout 2015 and guided by gation meet under a tree on bor- place to be. Pray for peace in step with his leading God in all that they do. rowed land and for Rev. John who their hearts today. leads them 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Human Trafficking Awareness Pray for Philip as he starts his Pray for our mission link ‘ Gospel Pray for the Churchwardens As we start 2015 pray for our Pray for those who are unwell, Pray for our mission link at the Day - Pray for the rescue and new job today. for Asia ’ in their work training ( S imon and Alistair ) as they politicians and country as we face lonely or bereaved. Ask that they Agape Kindergarten in Vaslui in restoration of the countless num- We also pray for the Bridge and indigenous Christians, empower- lead the church through this time a General Election in later in the may be strengthened and en- Romania, for the children who ber of Minibus management committee ing them to work within their own of interregnum. year. Pray for fairness and re- folded in God ’ s embrace have been rejected by their fami- people who have become victims who meet tonight, pray for good communities, many of whom face spect as candidates prepare to lies and for Mihaela who often of trafficking and commercial stewardship of the gifts that God persecution as they are seen as stand for seats across the UK. makes personal sacrifices to sexual exploitation has given to us. abandoning their own religion 18 19 20 As we start this week of prayer for Christian Unity, pray that we will ensure the children get what they need 21 22 23 Pray for the PCC who meet this Pray for Melvyn. our Pastoral Give thanks for our Worship Pray for our mission link evening, we pray for wisdom and Assistant, as he seeks to support teams as they help us to meet ‘ C hristian Solidarity Worldwide ’ be more welcoming and under- unity of this group as they make people throughout our church with God through music, pray for as they provide information about standing towards others and decisions and oversee the church community; pray for guidance and all who are involved in our worship and negotiation for those who are reduce the suffering in our world during the interregnum. wisdom as he ministers to them. that they will be in tune with God impounded and under threat of and will help others to meet with physical persecution and death Him too. because of their faith 29 30 25 26 27 28 Today on our day of prayer for the International Holocaust Remem- Pray for our mission link in Huyton interregnum, we ask for God ’ s brance Day – Take time to re- in Liverpool, particularly for the guidance as we look for a new member the six million Jews who KidzKlub team who work hard to Vicar. We ask that God will were killed by the Nazis in WW2, support children and families in prepare us as a church to wel- pray that such a terror will never their poverty and help young come the person he has chosen, happen again and for God ’ s people to stay clear of crime. unite us as a praying, worship- justice and mercy to reign ping, serving church 24 31
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