2015 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION SCHEDULE JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH 11 12 11 12 ZONE 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZONE 5 12 WHAT DAY IS GARBAGE & RECYCLING DAY? Calendar dates are colour coded to show which zone is scheduled for garbage and recycling pickup that day. Collection days advance one day after each statutory holiday. HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER APRIL MAY JUNE 18 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Containers are to be placed at curbside before 7:00 am on collection day when at least half full. Container lids must be completely closed for pickup. Do not overfill or compress items. Cut down large cardboard pieces. 1 Containers must be kept clean. Secure all containers on private property on non-collection days. OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1 During Bear Aware season, Apr. 1 - Nov. 30, do not set containers out before 4:00 am. 11 12 MOVING? Containers are registered with the property address, so please do not take containers with you when you move. Container change requests are to be made by registered homeowners only. Please set out your containers in a location that provides safe access for collectors. Debris, weeds & overhanging trees limit our ability to provide service. In winter, place containers in an area free of ice and snow so that collection is possible. FOR DAMAGED & MISSING CONTAINERS OR FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 250.828.3461 y 5 Old Hw CITY OF KAMLOOPS Ha Miss io Bank Rd de Rd W es t sy Hill si Franklin Rd Blv d nds sla ra s G Rd Wy Harper Mounta in Rd BARNHARTVALE LANDFILL & YARD WASTE ad a Hwy E Kipp Rd r Dalla s D d Ba r nh art W Qu'Appe lle Bv Co ld Rd wa ter Dr F G Rd [ ck c Wy Sum mit D d ll R we ci fi n Va d ea L Lac h er pp Co r D Pa r H une e Je tt Pra Rd ne or Rd Aberd een Dr Barn hartv a pb el lR an ge ek Rd m Campbell Cre Ca Princeton- loops Hwy RECYCLING DEPOT Ka m LANDFILL SITE Rd No.5 Hwy Hwy ead low h alla and Ye l Coq uih COMPOST SITE p Rd Trans-Canada Hwy Bla Hil l Shus wa va le d se r dR Ro Tod de H illsi Dr wy llan Dr R iv e r Rd Valle yvie wD r h St Trans-Ca nada H -Can Gran Bv d Tran s Tana Dr ger Hig h land Rd Vicars Rd Rd 10th it D m Riv er St Columbia 6th w ap Oriole Rd aul Lorne St 1st m Su Vic toria Se y mou r s Shu Mt P Sarcee h lR Gil Mc A St Columbia Wy Chilcotin l 3rd 12th St Singh St Southill St Windbreak St Schreiner St River St d Tranquille Rd Lorne St e Hillsid Dr nz ie Notre Dame Dr Hugh Vict oria Skeey mo u r La Wy r rt D Dr ube ne Sc h rtu Fo Rd St ranquille T 7th F h G Hwy da ana s- C Richmond Av d Hil ls ide Dr N McGILL YARD WASTE e l Lak Pau York Av Ro ya Miss ion F lats R Co ard Rd Notre Dame Dr d ay ten Koo 8t h S t Tran qu ille Rd ton R ctor nne wy Dr H als Halston Av Ma ck e [ n Tra lor LEGEND Legend h H head c he B at MISSION FLATS LANDFILL Ord Rd Parkcrest Av tion ul - Pritch d d w Yello sR F G ZONE ZONE 1 1 ZONE 2 2 ZONE ZONE 3 3 ZONE ZONE 4 4 ZONE ZONE 5 5 ZONE CN Junc Rd Pa r it D Boi ille Rd rN ntan Pina d ll R Gi Mc Du Tran qu de D ills Lac Tr an q Cr uille ee -C k R ris d s ts R l R kH n Fla l Ro ya Porterfield m m Su CINNAMON RIDGE COMPOST Oa nz ie e Wy Wawn Rd York Av Mt P au Ma ck e Rd Lake Kokane 5 wy Old H Rd d Hw y Tranq uille l Pau r rt D Dr ube ne S ch rtu Fo Rd St ranquille T 7th Puett Ranch Rd tt oc h-M cKe agu e 8th St 1 Ma 12th St in d To un ta Mo Rd Rd 10th uis r ecto onn C n lsto 6th y Hw d Yellow a Spurraway Rd ffle He o y-L he le y- L ou is C re e k Rd SOLID WASTE ZONE BOUNDARIES 1st Ë Heff le R d BONUS TEAR-OUT SOLID WASTE INFO GARBAGE RECYCLING BLUE LID GREY LID City approved containers only PAPER Newspapers, magazines, catalogues, phone books, junk mail, cards, office paper, file folders, paper bags, paper egg cartons, hard & soft cover books. Note: Please contain shredded paper in a box or paper bag. City approved containers only CARDBOARD Corrugated cardboard & boxboard, (cereal, detergent, shoe boxes, etc). Note: Please cut large cardboard into pieces no larger than a magazine, do not fold. GLASS PURCHASE GARBAGE STICKERS AT: Bottles & jars only (jam, pickle, beverages, etc). PLASTIC CONTAINERS AND BAGS METAL All bottles, food tubs & lids with the recycle number 1-7, (soft plastic, milk jugs, yogurt, shampoo, laundry detergent, bubble wrap, etc). City Hall, Hasty Market, Safeway (Sahali, North Shore), 7-Eleven (Summit Dr.) Food & beverage containers, lids, caps, aluminum trays & foil. NOT ACCEPTED IN THE RECYCLING CART Grass & Yard Waste Windows & Dishes Waxed Cardboard Electronics & Cell Phones Medical Waste & Needles Oil & Antifreeze Containers Food Contaminated Paper Products Plastic or Foil Laminated Paper Propane Tanks SURPLUS GARBAGE Any surplus waste must be in garbage bags no larger than 26” x 36”. Surplus bags will only be collected if they have a $2 orange sticker. Tires & Car Parts Light Bulbs Batteries Plastic Toys Styrofoam Scrap Metal Paint Cans Liquids Diapers Clothing PLEASE RETURN ALL REFUNDABLE BEVERAGE CONTAINERS TO LOCAL BOTTLE DEPOTS. W W W.K AMLOOPS.C A /REC YCLING NOT ACCEPTED IN THE GARBAGE CART Grass Clippings Clean Recyclables Dirt, Sod & Rocks Paints, Solvents Liquids Used Oil & Filters Construction & Demolition Materials Offal Waste Flammable, Toxic, Hazardous, Explosive, Volatile or Corrosive Material Hot Ashes / Charcoal Pesticides / Herbicides Medical Waste / Needles Propane Tanks Scrap Metal, Tires FOR OTHER RECYCLING OPTIONS: Recycling Council of British Columbia www.rcbc.bc.ca • 1.800.667.4321 Return-It Electronics www.encorp.ca Electronics & Batteries www.call2recycle.ca For donating clothing and other reusable household items see www.kamloops.ca/garbage W W W.K AMLOOPS.C A /GAR BAGE DISPOSAL SITE INFO PLEASE REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE BEFORE VISITING THE LANDFILL YARD WASTE DEPOTS Lawn clippings, leaves, garden waste and branches up to 15cm (6”) in diameter. No kitchen or animal waste please. And remember to sort, separate and save on your loads of demolition, renovation and construction waste: LANDFILLS Please support our diversion initiatives by separating these items from your load. 10:00 am - 7:00 pm, 7 days a week • Propane Tanks • Batteries • Electronics • Appliances • Newsprint • Tires MCGILL ROAD YARD WASTE DEPOT MISSION FLATS LANDFILL 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, 7 days a week 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, 7 days a week BARNHARTVALE YARD WASTE DEPOT BARNHARTVALE LANDFILL 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Friday to Monday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Friday to Monday CINNAMON RIDGE COMPOST FACILITY (Closed Christmas and New Year’s Day) Located on Tranquille Road, 4.5km west of Airport Road (Closed December 1st to February 28) Located on Bunker Road at the west end of McGill Road (Closed December 1st to February 28th) Located at the Barnhartvale Landfill at the end of Eliza Road RECYCLING DEPOTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN • Wood • Concrete • Metal • Asphalt Shingles • Cardboard (Closed Christmas and New Year’s Day) Located at the end of Mission Flats Road (accepts cash, cheque, debit or credit card) (Closed Christmas and New Year’s Day) Located at the Barnhartvale Landfill at the end of Eliza Road (accepts cash only) FOR LOCATIONS CALL: 250.828.3461 OR GO ONLINE: WWW.KAMLOOPS.CA HAZARDOUS MATERIAL Bring your leftover hazardous materials to one of the Product Care Depots located at both landfills. LATEX PAINT SPRAY PAINT ALKYD PAINT HOUSEHOLD PAINT FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS DOMESTIC PESTICIDES GASOLINE Some restrictions may apply, please visit www.productcare.org for more information
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