BWA Regulations 2014-2015

2014/2015 SEASON
Table of Contents
100 Authority of Regulations
101 Club Regulations
101.1 Obligations of Clubs
(a) Mandatory Grades
(b) Finance
(c) Player Eligibility and Clearances
101.2 Nominations and Withdrawal of Teams
101.3 Defunct Clubs
102 Players Regulations
102.1 Registration of Players
102.2 Temporary Residents (Senior Player Only)
102.3 Playing Restrictions
103 Game Regulations
103.1 Playing Facilities
103.2 Player Restrictions in Games
(a) Bye Situations
(b) Maximum Allowable Bench (Senior Grades Only)
(c) Age Limitations
(d) Unfinancial Players
(e) Senior Grades
(f) Lower Grades, Colts & Juniors
(h) Forfeits
(i) Junior Players
103.3 Pitching Limits
103.4 Blood Rule
103.5 Uniforms
103.6 Equipment
(a) Balls
(b) Bats
103.7 Commencement of Games
103.8 Termination of Games
103.9 Time limit Games
103.10 Time Delay Regulations (“Speed Up Rules”)
103.11 Results of Matches
103.12 Protested Games
104 Coaching Regulations
104.1 Accreditations
105 Finals Regulations
105.1 Club Eligibility for Finals
105.2 Player Eligibility for Finals
(a) Minimum Games
(b) Game Credits
(c) Playing Up or Down
(d) Grading
(e) Under Age Players
105.3 Premiership Format
(a) Standings
(b) Final Round Format
105.4 Awards
106 Breaches of Regulations
106.1 Penalties
106.2 Specific Offences
(a) Physical Confrontation
(b) Melee Rule
(c) Spectator Conduct
(d) Tobacco
(e) Audible Obscene Language / Gesture
(f) Indecent Language / abuse / gesture towards Umpire / Official
(g) Equipment Abuse
(h) Bringing the game into Disrepute
(i) Contact with an Umpire
106.3 Application of Penalties (process)
106.4 Officiating
106.5 Protests and Disputes Procedure
(a) Reporting authority
(b) Reporting Procedures
(c) Authority of Protests and Disputes Tribunal
(d) Protests & Disputes Tribunal -Hearings
107 State Representation
107.1 Representative Teams
108 Regulation Exceptions
108.1 Re-Entry Rule
108.2 Slide/Collision Rule-Juniors
Heat Policy
Social Media Policy
100 Authority of Regulations
(a) These regulations of Baseball WA (BWA) are issued in accordance with the Constitution #
9.3. Should at any stage there be a conflict between the provisions of the Constitution and
these Regulations then the Constitution will prevail.
(b) Unless otherwise stated in these Regulations the Rules of Baseball as currently endorsed by
Baseball Australia will prevail.
(c) Regulations, as provided in the Constitution provision 9.3, can be amended by the Board of
Directors of Baseball WA (BWA) from time to time.
(d) Regulations will be current as at the 1st of October each year or when finalised by the Board.
The board has the right to amend the regulations as it deems necessary during the season.
(e) In these regulations, unless inconsistent with the context, words denoting one gender shall
include the other gender.
101 Club Regulations
101.1 Obligations of Clubs
(a) Mandatory Grades
State League Clubs must run their own ‘division’ of Senior Baseball (i.e. meets criteria for
and runs its own administered competition) or must field teams in State League, AAA,
Colts & 1 other Grade. Clubs who are unable to field all required grades on consecutive
years will lose State League status.
State League Club requirements effective for 2014-2015 season.
(1) Senior: All clubs must have a minimum of four (4) senior teams playing at the
mandatory State League grades.
(2) Junior: minimum of Three (3) with 1 in Colts and 2 in Junior League of which there
must be a minimum of one ASC team with three (3) Little League Teams.
(3) Any club meeting the above set of criteria are eligible to nominate to play in the
State League Competition.
Clubs not fulfilling State League requirements will be considered Minor League Clubs.
No Association or club affiliated with BWA shall arrange or take part in any match with
any team, within the State of Western Australia or outside the State without first
obtaining the consent of the Board. Such consent shall not be granted unless the
governing body of Baseball in the State in which the match is being played and Baseball
Australia has sanctioned such a match. Pre-season matches are not applicable to this
(b) Finance
Any club which is un-financial with BWA, the WA Baseball Umpires Association or the
WA Baseball Scorers and Statisticians Association as at the closing date for nomination
of teams to participate in an official BWA competition shall:
(1) Be excluded from the relevant competition; and
(2) Forfeit any right of representation to BWA until the outstanding debt has been paid.
Clubs must pay the fees and levies by the dates stipulated in the annual budget. Failure
to comply with this stipulation will incur the following penalties:
(1) No Premiership wins awarded for any games played during the first thirty (30) days
of a Club being un-financial.
(2) Should the Club remain un-financial after 30 days, no team within that Club shall be
permitted to play in sanctioned competition.
Any club un-financial to BWA after 14 Days will not be allowed to use any temporary
residents to play or coach in any grade
In addition to the penalties stipulated under clauses 101.1(b) (i) and (ii), a penalty
interest rate as determined by the Board shall be charged on all overdue BWA accounts
and fees.
(c) Player Eligibility and Clearances
A Club can at any time clear or release a player of any further obligations to the club by
its own volition. Players seeking clearances will make application to their respective club.
If cleared, the player must lodge the required clearance form with BWA before playing
for another club. If the player is on the protected list of the original club, the transfer fee
must accompany the clearance form prior to playing for the new club; however the
original club may choose to waive the transfer fee. Players seeking clearances are
required to be financial with their original clubs prior to the clearance being granted.
Players may play their first game of baseball with any club. There are no residential
restrictions on players except if a player has previously played at a tee-ball club that has
a formal agreement with a baseball club that has been approved by BWA then such
player is tied to the said baseball club.
No player who is registered as a playing member with one club shall be allowed to play
with another club until the player has obtained a clearance from the club with which he
is already registered. A player is permitted to play with one club and coach at a different
Clearance must be in writing and be approved by the Competitions Department prior to
playing. A player who has just received a clearance from his former club may compete in
a weekend games so long as the completed clearance has been received in the BWA
office prior to the first business day following the weekend’s games.
For a clearance to be considered it must be lodged prior to December 31st except where
a clearance is requested by a person who has not previously played baseball during the
season in any recognised baseball competition in Australia or overseas.
Interstate players must produce a clearance from their last club with which they played
and submitted to the BWA registrar prior to playing.
Any person or club furnishing false or misleading information to BWA shall be liable to
such penalties as decided by the Board.
Playing an uncleared player will result in forfeiture and a fine of $100 against the
offending club.
All junior players will be tied to the club at which they play their first game of baseball
(unless cleared by said club). Exceptions:
(1) A junior player will be eligible to appeal to BWA for a transfer between clubs if they
move their place of residence and are closer to different club.
(2) A junior player will be eligible to appeal to BWA for a transfer between clubs if their
parents are separated and they nominate two residential homes in two different
(3) The Competitions Department shall have the right to hear and decide any appeals
against clearance decisions by individual clubs. Should a junior player be denied the
clearance through the appeals process, the player will only be permitted to play for
the original club for the remainder of the season before the clearance will be
(1) All Clubs will be able to protect a maximum of 10 players who are no longer age
eligible for the Colts competition. All college players will be protected automatically
for 1 season, commencing immediately after the completion of their enrolment.
(2) Any player who is not on the protected list is eligible to transfer clubs without
compensation being provided to the original club.
(3) Clubs will be required to submit to BWA a list of protected players by 1 April each
(4) Clubs who seek clearances for players on the protected list will compensate the
original club $500.00 for that player.
(5) Clubs will be limited to $1500.00 in clearance acquisitions each year.
(6) A non-playing coach cannot be placed on the protected list and is eligible for
transfer without compensation. A player, who is on a protected list, and who intends
to begin a coaching career will be permitted to transfer clubs without incurring the
transfer fee so long as the player does not play. In the instance above, if the coach
resumes playing the transfer fee will apply according to where the player was
protected for that season. If the coach resumes playing in the following season or in
a subsequent season, the fee will be decreased by $500 per year from where the
player was last protected.
(7) Temporary Residents will automatically be protected in their first season. In
subsequent years the player would have to be included in the 10 player protected
list for the club.
101.2 Nominations and Withdrawal of Teams
Clubs are required to nominate teams for the BWA competition grades by August 31
each year. Clubs are required to nominate at least 2 umpires for B grade, C grade, D
Grade and all Junior Teams.
The Competition Department shall consider nominations from all clubs when
determining grading, but shall have complete discretion when the final grading and
fixtures are decided.
A club withdrawing a nominated team before the season commences, but after the
fixtures are finalised, shall pay a max penalty of $200.
No club, either State League shall enter more than one team in any mandatory grade of
the BWA's competition, unless approved by the Competition Department.
A club withdrawing a team once the season has commenced shall withdraw the lowest
graded team of that club. (For Colts, Junior League & Little League age groups it will be
the lowest graded team within that age group) Alternatively, in the opinion of the
Competition Department such other team in order to minimise fixturing disruption. All
costs associated with the withdrawal of that team shall be paid to BWA.
Requests for amendment to Colts or Junior League grading after season commencement
must be made in writing to BWA, in sufficient time for the requesting team’s particular
Division to complete an even round/s of fixtures should a change be made. Where
possible, should a change occur, it will be made at the end of a completed round, and
the team concerned will commence play in the new division with a new win-loss record.
In categories where there is a split in the division a portion of the way through the
season, the win-loss record of teams forming the new divisions will be carried over.
101.3 Defunct Clubs
(a) Clubs can be expelled or withdraw from BWA in accordance with the Constitution provision
# 5 and be declared defunct. No club shall be defunct until declared by the Board,
(b) In the event that a player, who previously played with a club which is declared defunct,
wishes to transfer to another club, they may do so under such conditions as determined by
the Board.
102 Players Regulations
102.1 Registration of Players
The Board shall appoint a BWA Competitions Department Registrar who shall keep a
true record of all registered clubs and players, clearances and the results of all games
played under the control of BWA. It is a responsibility of the Club concerned to ensure
that all players are correctly registered.
The BWA Competitions Department Registrar shall deal with all matters relating to
registrations and clearances, and may refer any dispute or irregularity to the
Competitions Manager for resolution.
Competitions Manager may require the production of evidence either written or spoken
from the club or person, to establish bona fide’s of matters before them, and may refuse
any registration or clearance until such evidence is produced.
All players shall complete and sign an official registration form that the club will keep on
file. The information from the registration form must then be uploaded on the “my club”
data base prior to the player participating in their first game. Failure to do so will result
in a $100 fine for each game that the player participates in prior to being posted on the
data base.
The Competition Department reserves the right to refuse registration of a player if it
considers his safety is threatened by participation in Senior or Junior baseball
A player once registered with a Club remains a registered member of that Club until such
time as the player seeks and is granted a clearance to another Club regardless of any
change in place of residence
Any BWA registered player remains bound by the rules of BWA including the adherence
to Policies appended to these Regulations (Codes of Conduct, Health, Harassment-Free,
Vilification-Free, Drug Free, Infectious Diseases, and Liquor Policies)
The penalty for playing an unregistered/non cleared player shall be $100 and forfeiture
of game by the offending club
If a player has not been registered or participated in a BWA competition for Four (4)
seasons they will be allowed to register at a new club regardless of previous registration
without requiring a clearance;
Registration Procedures
Clubs are required to follow these procedures for registering players for their respective
Print Registration form off of the BWA Metro competitions website click “Competitions” in the main
menu then click “Registration Information”.
Copy as many forms as required for players registering at your club.
Get the form filled out and signed by the registering player/member.
Keep the form for your club’s files.
The trusted club official will upload the information from the registration form onto
the data base.
Complete all the required fields including mailing address and email address (if they
have one). BWA Regulations 2014-2015 Page 4
Ensure players are on the data base before they play.
Submit Team Nomination Form by August 31st.
Inform BWA well in advance of any withdrawal or regrading of teams.
102.2 Temporary Residents (Senior Player Only)
A player who is not an Australian citizen or permanent resident shall be deemed to be a
temporary resident
No temporary resident will be allowed to participate in BWA fixtures until the
application for temporary residence is sanctioned by BWA
The Immigration Department’s requirement for endorsement of Visa applications for a
temporary residency of an overseas player by BWA, will not be considered if the club
requiring the endorsement is in debt to BWA, for any reason, for an amount of $500 or
Before the start of each season, a club must nominate any player registered with that
club who is classified as a temporary resident of Australia. During the season, a club
must also nominate any such player before the person plays their first game;
The nomination under (d) shall include a photocopy of the completed registration form
accompanied by a copy of the current passport and electronic copy of visa of the player
sent to BWA Competitions Department Registrar prior to the player participating in his
first game. Without all documentation registration will not be given.
Clubs are limited to fielding a max of two (2) temporary residents in any one (1) game;
Any current temporary resident who has applied for permanent residency of Australia
may be allowed to play in BWA Competitions under the same rules and restrictions that
apply to Australian residents in the BWA regulations. To remove the Temporary Resident
restrictions the club must write to the BWA Competitions Manager and provide the
(1) Copy of application to the Department of Immigration
(2) Copy of receipt for fee to department of Immigration
Any “Temporary Resident” returning to the same club after three (3) consecutive years
(starting from the 2011-2012 season) will be allowed to play without any restrictions. If
that player on his fourth (4) year goes to another club then he will be classified as a
Temporary Resident again. (If the player believes he should be allowed to play at
another club without restriction he may appeal to the Board for an exemption).
All applications will be assessed by the BWA Competitions Committee prior to the
Temporary Resident being allowed to play under these rules. If the application for
permanent residency is refused then that player will revert back to being a temporary
resident and will then be subject to the temporary resident restrictions as per BWA
Work Visas (Seniors)
Any person on a work visa brought out by a Company may play without “Temporary
Residents” restrictions, but must provide the following information.
a) Copy of passport showing entry visa or visas into Australia
b) Copy of 457 visa from passport
c) Copy of letter from Employer (457 visa holders) the employer must
not be associated with any Baseball club
102.3 Playing Restrictions
SL, AAA, AA, A and Colts
No individual “Temporary Resident” may pitch in consecutive games for the same team.
The “Temporary Resident” will not be eligible to pitch for any team until after the
completion of the next scheduled game for which he/she last pitched. I.e. Temporary
Resident Throws AAA can’t throw until after the completion of the next week’s fixtures.
No team can pitch any “Temporary Resident” in consecutive games in the same grade.
Subject to compliance with regulations 1a) and 1b) and all other player eligibility rules
and regulations: Only One “Temporary Resident” may pitch for a team in any individual
Only Two (2) “Temporary Residents” can play in any one (1) game.
A “temporary resident” who play’s in a previous grade on the same day, cannot play in a
State League game on that day. Exception: Game two of a double header, a “temporary
resident” who played in lower grade may play in the second game.
PENALTY: Loss of Game and $500 fine.
Note: For the purposes of this Regulation 102.3, games that are not played for points
(except Finals and tournaments) shall not be treated as games.
A new pitching rotation is deemed to commence with the final series irrespective of
when the temporary resident last pitched in regular season games.
A change from temporary resident status must be approved prior to a player playing in
the BWA competition under different residency status. Proof of Permanent Residency or
Australian Citizenship must be provided to enable the change of status
10 | P a g e
103 Game Regulations
103.1 Playing Facilities
The following are the MINIMUM requirements necessary for all levels of baseball played under the
control of BWA. Clubs must ensure all equipment meets safety standards for players, officials, and
Base paths, including 1st base tramlines to be clearly marked.
1st and 3rd foul lines clearly marked for a minimum of 50m from 1st and 3rd bases
Flagpoles, a minimum height of 1.5m are to be positioned at the extremities of the foul
1st, 2nd and 3rd bases and pitching rubber to be pinned.
A back net (minimum size 4m wide x 3m high) to be positioned at a min of 15m from
home plate for the main diamond. All other diamond back nets are to be a minimum
10m from home plate.
A designated "dead ball" line from the edges of the back net and parallel to the 1st and
3rd base lines (white line marking is acceptable) except State League main diamond
which must have a minimum of rope
The club's main diamond to have a minimum distance from home plate along the foul
lines to the home run fence of 99m and from home plate to centre field of 110m.
Diamonds other than the main diamond to have a minimum distance from home plate
to the home run fence of 90m.
Seats or benches for at least 10 people at each bench area.
Shade for all players on the home and visitor's bench and provide 15 litre drinking
container with ice
Provision of a table, chairs and shade for the scorers.
Access to both male and female toilets within reasonable distance of the diamond.
All State League clubs are to have a minimum of 2 pitching mounds and Minor League
clubs 1 pitching mound available for use at each game day.
All State League club grounds must have a completely enclosed home run fence on the
main diamond. All main diamonds to have protective screens in front of the dugouts.
Diamond Dimensions:
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Colts: 90 feet (27.43m) base paths and 60 feet 6 inch (18.44m) pitching distance;
Women: 90 feet (27.43m) base paths and 60 feet 6 inch (18.44m) pitching distance;
Seniors: 90 feet (27.43m) base paths and 60 feet 6 inch (18.44m) pitching distance.
Pitching mounds must be used when available in ALL grades. Mounds are compulsory for
Sufficient L screens for pre-game batting practice for all teams
103.2 Player Restrictions in Games
Bye Situations
Where a bye situation occurs for any team, a player who has played in that team (grade)
during the previous round of fixtures is ineligible to play in a lower grade UNLESS the
person has played a greater amount of regular season games in that grade or lower
before the bye (a round where a particular grade is not competing is considered a bye).
Maximum Allowable Bench (Senior Grades Only)
Maximum number of players permitted on the bench is 21 including coaching staff. All
players and coaches are to be in uniform. All players and coaches are to be listed on the
line up sheet prior to the game. Players & coaches who are not listed will not be allowed
to participate in the game. For State League Finals the number may increase to 24
Age Limitations
All Colts players (Under 19’s) and Junior League players (Under 15’s) are bound by
pitching and catching restrictions that apply to that age group for the whole season,
irrespective of any grade they play;
(i) To qualify to play in the Colts, players must be under 19 for the entire season. Junior
League players must be at least 13. They must be under 15 for the entire season.
(ii) Request for player to be play outside of their eligible age group (Colts & Junior
League). A request for a player to play below their age group must complete the
Baseball WA consent form and supported by statistics for both the grades played.
The Competition Department is empowered to make such downgrading if it thinks
fit and the downgrading is legal and binding. All applications to be forwarded to the
Competitions Manager Fax 9377 4502
(iii) The minimum age to play in the women’s competition is 14 prior the start of the
season, but can’t play in any other senior grade until attaining the age of 15. (Players
parents must submit letter of consent) to the Competitions Manager
(iv) Junior players may play up by 1 age category from their appropriate age grouping;
however a junior player must be 15 or turning 15 during the current season before
being permitted to play in a senior competition.
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Un-financial Players
(i) No person shall participate by way of playing or coaching, in any game, if that person
is declared by the Board to be unfinancial with BWA.
(ii) A person may be unfinancial if he owes monies to BWA, for whatever reason, or is
in possession of any equipment or other goods that are the property of BWA or a
member of BWA.
(iii) Seven (7) days after notice in writing of the declaration of being unfinancial has been
given to the person and the club with which he is registered, any game in which that
person participates shall be forfeited until the debt is cleared.
Senior Grades
A person who has previously played in a lower senior grade during that day shall not
enter a second game until the start of the fourth innings, except in the case of injury
as described in 103.2(e)(ii);
Any player, who has previously played in a lower senior grade on that day, cannot be
included in the starting line-up of the second game but may enter their second game
upon any injury to a player in the starting line-up.
Where the Baseball WA State League has two (2) scheduled games on the same day,
player(s) from lower grades may be included in the starting line-up of the second
scheduled State League game.
A person entering a second game, other than State League, on the same day (except
double headers) irrespective of the innings played in the second game will be
credited with having played a full game for the purposes of finals eligibility.
In grades other than State League, any other player on the bench who has not
previously played on that date must enter before the entry of a player who has
played previously on the same day.
Players are restricted to 2 games per day regardless of grade played.
Lower Grades, Colts & Juniors
Any player, who has previously played in a lower grade or age group on that day,
may be included in the starting line-up of a second game however they may not
start ahead of another player on the team who has not yet played that day. If there
are no spots available for the player who played earlier in the day to fill, the player
will not be able to enter the game until the start of the fourth innings, except to
replace an injured player. However, any other player on the bench who has not
previously played on that date must enter before the entry of a player who has
played previously on the same day. i.e. No Junior League player may play before a
legitimate Colts player,
13 | P a g e
Where the Baseball WA has two scheduled games in the same junior grade on the
same day, player(s) from lower grades may be included in the starting line-up of the
second scheduled game without restriction.
A person entering a second game, on the same day, irrespective of the innings
played in the second game will be credited with having played a full game for the
purposes of finals eligibility.
All Players are restricted to 2 games per day regardless of grade n.b Any Junior
League player that has already played 2 games on that day cannot play in the Colts.
Where a Colts game is scheduled to be played at night prior to a State League game,
it is possible for the Colts players to be listed in the starting line up with normal
pitching regulations to be applied.
A forfeiting team must give 48 hours’ notice to BWA and the other club of its
intention to forfeit. Any fees incurred because of the forfeit or penalties defined in
Regulation 106.1 shall be charged to the forfeiting club;
Where a forfeit situation occurs for any team, no player from the forfeiting team
shall play in a lower grade on that day, unless they played in the lower grade the
previous week. Or if they have played the greater amount of games in the lower
Penalties for forfeiture by teams do not apply to situations where a team having
started a game in accordance with these regulations forfeits as a result of not
having enough players to complete the game in accordance to Regulation 103.2 (h)
A game declared a forfeit shall have a score recorded as 9 to 0 in a scheduled nine
innings game or 7 to 0 in a scheduled seven innings game in favour of the nonoffending team;
The minimum number of players to avoid forfeiture is nine (9) for State League,
AAA, AA, A and Colts Div 1. For all other grades the minimum number of players
required to avoid forfeiture is eight (8). Teams will not be penalised with an
automatic out when playing with 8 players.
Junior Players
Junior League players may only play as high as Colts;
Note: Grade Hierarchy
For the purposes of these Regulations, the following shall be taken as being the standard
hierarchy grade seniority:
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SENIOR GRADES: SL, AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, Women’s
JUNIOR GROUPS: Colts, Junior League and Little League
Masters are excluded from hierarchy determinations.
103.3 Pitching Limits
Pitching Assignments
U18 Yrs. of age
Rest Period
40 or less
2 Days from
3 Days from
Pitching/ Catching
1 Day from Playing
It will be the responsibility of the scorer to notify the Chief Umpire and each team when
a pitcher is within 10 pitches of the max allowable number. Note: a pitcher may finish
the batter he is pitching too once he reached the maximum pitches.
A pitcher who throws a major assignment may not be permitted to play in the field for
the remainder of the day (but may stay in the batting line up) or the following day after
the completion of his pitching assignment.
A balk Pitch delivered to the plate whether it is hit safely or not shall be considered to
be valid for the purpose of recording the “number of pitches”.
Pitchers up to the age of 18 must be identified on the line-up with an (*).
Back to Back Outings in Same Game, on the Same Day, or on Consecutive Days
(i) Minor followed by a Substantial or Minor to total a MAJOR (Cannot exceed the
major limit): 3 Days rest from pitching and catching
(ii) Minor followed by a Substantial or Minor to total a SUBSTANTIAL • 2 Days rest from
pitching and catching
(iii) Minor then Minor to total a MINOR: • No rest required.
Clarification – Major Assignments -This rule is to be applied such that if a pitcher
throws a MAJOR assignment or two assignments in the same game, on the same
day, or consecutive days, regardless of the number of pitches thrown during the
major assignment, he/she will not be able to play a defensive position throughout
the completion of that game, or any other game to be played on the same day, or
any game played the next day. The mandatory rest period commences immediately
following the removal of the pitcher from the mound, with the count on the required
rest days commencing with the next day being the first day of rest. A pitcher who is
on required rest following a major outing may continue to hit only (if only 9 players),
but may not play a defensive position.
A pitcher may not throw a second assignment in the same game, on the same day, or on
consecutive days if they have thrown a substantial or major in their first outing.
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A pitcher cannot pitch more than two outings in a calendar day.
Junior League aged pitchers & catchers are governed by Little League by-laws for
pitching & catching restrictions regardless of grade played (please refer to the Little
League By-laws on the Little League WA website)
The umpire has the authority to police the pitching rule as per Regulation 103.3(a) to (e).
A pitcher may catch after pitching a minor assignment.
103.4 Blood Rule
If any player bleeds during a game, then the umpire shall stop the game whilst the
player receives first aid treatment. A reasonable amount of time, at the discretion of the
umpire, shall be given to stop the bleeding and dress the wound. Prior to recommencement of play the bleeding must have been stopped, all contaminated clothing
and equipment replaced or cleaned and wound covered;
If the bleeding cannot be stopped in a time considered reasonable to the umpire, or if
the bleeding re-occurs then the player must be removed from the game;
Only Colts players will be eligible to re-enter the relevant game in accordance with
regulation 108.1.
103.5 Uniforms
Applies to any participant occupying a position within the playing area including the
dugout/bench at any time from pre-game diamond work to the conclusion of the game
All participants MUST be attired as a MINIMUM as below:
(i) Club Cap (Same Design & Colour)
(ii) Club Playing Top – including unique numbers no smaller than 15cm (Seniors Only)
(iii) Club Baseball Pant (all must be of the same style & colour. i.e. If white pants with
black stripe all must have white pants with black stripe)
(iv) Caps, Playing Tops and Pants MUST be uniform amongst ALL participants of that
game, optional additional uniform Items (Warm-Up Jackets, Slickers etc.) must
appear consistent with the sport, failure to comply may result in the individual’s
removal from the game.
Coaches taking infield / outfield warm up or base coaching in all grades must be in the
teams uniform;
All base coaches in ALL grades (senior & junior) are required to wear protective helmets.
Junior players must wear a double eared helmet when base coaching. Failure to wear a
helmet will be removal from base coaching if a coach refuses to comply. If a coach
continues to return without a helmet after being warned then the offending person shall
be ejected from the game.
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The wearing of an eared helmet (min 1 leading ear) is compulsory for batting and baserunning. All helmets must be uniform in colour for each grade and in good condition and
must meet the NOCSAE requirement. Double-eared helmets must be worn at all times
by batters and base runners in the Colts and Junior League. All bat boys / girls must wear
a double-eared helmet;
Any fielder may wear a non-shiny helmet the same colour as the club's cap.
Any person warming up a pitcher shall wear a face mask and a helmet no matter
whether in the bullpen or on the playing field. The face mask will have a throat guard
attached to it unless the throat guard forms part of the mask.
All clubs must register their uniform colours with BWA and are not to change those
colours or design of uniform without the written approval of the Competition
103.6 Equipment
(i) The Home Team (including games at Baseball Park) will supply new balls for games
in each grade during regular season games. For Finals, the host club is responsible
for supplying balls and BWA will provide balls for finals games hosted at Baseball
(ii) State League teams are required to supply 4 approved baseballs per game. All other
grades are required to supply 2 approved baseballs per game. Match balls of the
approved type and quality must be replaced immediately and as necessary to
complete the game with the required number of balls.
(iii) Games will not commence without the required number of approved balls.
(iv) Approved Balls – Minimum Standards
(a) Colts, AA-E Grade Women’s
Diamond Ace Major League Easton 600 Wilson A1010 Rawlings ROLB-1
(b) AAA, SL
Diamond Ace Major League Easton 777 Wilson A1010 Rawlings ROLB
(i) Senior League Competitions
(a) Players participating in State League and AAA shall ONLY use wood or
wood composite / laminated bats conforming to the Official Rules of
Baseball. The maximum allowable bat size: (difference between length
and weight of a bat e.g. a 33 inches 28 ounce would have a –5), is a
maximum barrel size of 2.75” and a maximum length of 42”.
(b) All lower grades (AA & below) can have a Maximum barrel 2.75”, max
length 42” but the bats may be either conventional wooden type, wood
composite, aluminium, ceramic or carbon graphite.
(ii) Colts Bats
(a) The bat must be designated by the manufacturer as compliant with at
least one of the following standards and marked as such on the original
17 | P a g e
• "Senior League"
• "Official Baseball"
• "BESR Certified"
There are no lengths to weight differential restrictions for these age groups.
Notation: Bat regulations may vary from ABF National Tournament
103.7 Commencement of Games
The Team Manager/Coach shall, 30 minutes before the commencement of the game,
supply the Scorers with official line up information.
The Manager of each team shall hand to the Umpire-In-Chief, five minutes before the
official commencement of the game, 2 copies of an official line up sheet listing the
starting line-up, their order at bat and position in the field.
All games will start on time irrespective of whether teams have completed their pregame warm ups, unless preceding game or games cause a legitimate delay. If the same
Umpires are involved then a min of 30 minutes between games is required
Any alteration to an official game starting time must be approved by the Competitions
Manager one (1) week prior to the revised starting time
Other than wherein described all warm ups must take place outside the playing diamond
area (infield). It is the home team manager’s responsibility to ensure that the diamond is
available for the visiting team to warm up for a period of seven (7) minutes, twenty (20)
minutes before the scheduled starting time. The home team is entitled to warm up on
the diamond for a period of seven (7) Minutes, twelve (12) minutes before the
scheduled start time. In the event of the diamond not being available for the visiting
team twenty (20) minutes before the scheduled start time, the visiting team is entitled
to take its full seven (7) minutes by using time normally allotted to the home team.
Neither team may continue warming up past five (5) minutes before the scheduled
starting time.
103.8 Termination of Games
Subject to Clause 3.10 (c) of the "Official Baseball Rules", any State League fixture that
has progressed far enough to be classified a regulation game as described in clause 4.10
(c) of said Rules and is terminated due to rain, darkness, light failure or weather, will be
considered a completed game at the point of termination.
Any game that has not commenced or become a regulation game as referred to in
103.8(a) will be called an abandoned game.
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Notwithstanding (a) or (b) above, any game that has become a regulation game and:
Is then terminated due to the aforesaid conditions; and
The relevant inning is incomplete; and one of the following situations applies:
The visiting team has scored one or more runs to tie the score, and the home team
has not scored
The visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead, and the home
team has not tied the score or retaken the lead; or
The home team has scored one or more runs to tie the score, the game will be
continued and completed from the point of termination at the first opportunity the
same two teams are next scheduled to play, or at a date determined by the
Competition Department.
In the case of light failure during night games, time lost up to a max of 30 mins shall be
added to the scheduled completion time. If the light failure is during the first game of
the night, the second game will commence 20 mins after the completion of the first
One Sided Games
Seniors & Colts –The game shall be called when one team is leading by ten (10) or
more runs after five (5) completed innings in a seven (7) innings game, or after
seven (7) completed innings in a nine (9) innings game.
Risk Management
During any game played under the auspices of BWA any BWA Official (employee), Board
Member, or Umpires Adviser is empowered to terminate a game if in their judgement
weather, darkness, or other conditions are such that players and/or spectators are
exposed to a significant risk of injury.
Cancelled Games
Except for State League, regular season games cancelled due to weather, darkness, or
other conditions, BWA will not reschedule any make up games. NB: If both clubs can
arrange the game to be replayed then BWA will allow that game to be played, all make
up games must be made up prior to the final week of the regular season. All playoff
games will be made up. Tournament games will be made up if schedule allows.
103.9 Time limit Games
In other than State League games, three innings played shall constitute a regulation
game for time limit game.
When the time limit has been reached in a time-restricted game, the innings currently
being played shall be immediately declared the last innings of the game, with any rules
normally applying to the ninth innings of a regulation game, being applied to that
19 | P a g e
Where the time limit has been reached in a time restricted game, and the declared last
innings of the game has been completed with both teams possessing an equal score, the
game shall be declared a “Tied Game”.
Where both teams have an equal score at the completion of designated innings and the
time limit has not been reached, play shall continue until one team leads after equal
innings have been played, providing the time limit for the game has not been exceeded
(See 103.9(b)).
An innings is deemed to have commenced immediately after the third out is made in the
previous innings.
The time limit applicable to any Grade shall be as determined by the Competition
Department Limits currently applicable are as follows:
SL– Sunday Games 9 Innings
SL - Single Night Games 7 Innings or 2 hours
SL – Double Header Day Games (1st game 2hrs or 7 innings) (2nd game 9 innings)
SL – Double Header Night Games 2.0 hrs or 7 innings
AAA, AA Sunday Games 2.5 hrs or 9 innings
A, B, C, D, E, Women 2.0 hrs or 9 innings
Colts, Junior League, 2.0 hrs or 7 innings
Termination of night games due to an enforced curfew. No new innings shall commence
should there be 10 minutes or less remaining for the time schedule for completion of
the game. Time and game will be called at the scheduled completion time and should
the game be incomplete it shall revert back to the last fully completed inning.
If time limit games are not started on time, the full time allotted should be played so
long as completing the game will not be restricted due to curfew, darkness, or the start
of a subsequent game.
103.10 Time Delay Regulations (“Speed Up Rules”)
The intention of these Regulations is to eliminate unnecessary time wasting during games.
Batters must:
Move directly into the Batter’s Box
Not vacate the Batting box once the Pitcher has received the baseball. GAME
PENALTY: Pitcher can pitch. Each pitch is called a strike.
Designated Base Runner
In State League & AAA games there will be NO designated runners. In all other
grades, a designated runner may replace the pitcher or catcher but only when
there are two (2) outs;
20 | P a g e
Any registered player may be a designated base-runner provided the person is not
in the starting line-up but must be nominated before the start of the game and if
replaced, notified in the same manner as a substitute player.
The person cannot be a base-runner in any grade lower than which they are
qualified to play at any time during the season;
If all players have participated, any player not in the current line-up may be used or
when only nine (9) players are available the last batter out must be the designated
Innings Changeover
Max changeover between innings shall be 90 seconds. The Chief Umpire will call
“ball out”.
GAME PENALTY: If the pitcher is not ready within the allocated time, the Chief
Umpire shall call “Play Ball” and indicate “One Ball” on the batter if in the opinion
of the Umpire the Pitcher continues to delay the game.
If the Batter is not ready within the allocated time, the Chief Umpire shall call “Play
Ball” and indicate “one Strike” on the Batter;
A “Ball” or “Strike” will be called by the Chief Umpire for each subsequent 10second delay.
Defensive Visits
Only one infielder at any time, (excluding Catcher), can go to the mound, and only one
such visit per innings will be allowed.
Offensive Visits
Limited to three per game. An offensive visit shall be called any time an offensive player
or coach delays the game for any length of time to talk with another offensive player or
coach. An offensive player may be a hitter, base runner or on deck batter.
103.11 Results of Matches
Each team shall provide a scorer who shall keep a detailed score for their team in a
Baseball WA approved scorebook and shall be responsible to see that the score book is
signed by the umpire and that the game report is submitted to Baseball WA on the
approved 2014-2015 forms with no modifications
Team scorers shall sit together and as far away from the team benches as possible.
All clubs must fax or email game reports to BWA by 12noon on the Monday following
the weekend or the day after a weekday game. Failure to do so will invoke a penalty of
$10 per report.
103.12 Protested Games
21 | P a g e
Where a Club Manager, Coach or Official protests a game, claiming a violation of Rules
and/or Regulations, notification must be received by the Chief Umpire at that time in the
game and before the next pitch or the next out is made. The Chief Umpire shall ensure
each team scorebook is notarised and signed accordingly. (Signing at completion of the
game is acceptable).
The lack of an Umpire's signature may not invalidate the protest; however that umpire
may be liable to suspension from the umpiring panel by the Umpires Adviser.
A detailed written report of such incident shall be forwarded to BWA within 48 hours of
the occurrence of the incident with a copy of the signed scorebook.
Protest reports, shall be accompanied by a lodgement fee as set down by the Board. The
fee will be refunded at the completion of the hearing unless the protest is deemed
The lodgement fee is $100.
All protests may be referred to the P&D Committee for their consideration at the first
available meeting.
104 Coaching Regulations
104.1 Accreditations
All coaches of teams in BWA competitions are encouraged to attain formal ABF / NCAS
coaching accreditation.
State League coaches must have ABF / NCAS Level 3 coaching accreditation.
105 Finals Regulations
105.1 Club Eligibility for Finals
Any club that owes monies to BWA and/or Scorers Association and/or Umpires
Association ten (10) days before the first game of any Finals shall be disqualified from
having ANY team participate in the finals.
If a club is disqualified from competing in the finals as a result of being unfinancial then
in each grade where that club’s teams are disqualified, all other financial teams shall
move, in order, up the premiership table. These positions shall constitute the finishing
order only for the purposes of playing the finals in each grade.
105.2 Player Eligibility for Finals
22 | P a g e
Minimum Games
Minor Grades - A person must receive game credits in at least six (6) regular season
games for that club during the season to be eligible to play in final round fixtures
for that club in grades below State League. No dispensations will be granted for
players to participate in finals games.
State League -To play in State League final round fixtures a player must receive
game credits in at least eight (8) regular season games for that club.
Game Credits
Minor Grades -When calculating player eligibility for final round fixtures ALL
regular season games in which the player participated in (started or substituted
into the line-up) for that club shall be considered. Player are required participate in
a minimum of Position Player/DH must complete 3 outs or 1 plate appearance and
Pitcher must complete a batter.
State League -Players will only receive game credits for State League Games if they
were listed in the starting line-up or if they came in to pitch in the game (Position
Player/DH must complete 3 outs or 1 plate appearance and Pitcher must complete
a batter). State League players will continue to receive game credits until the final
regular season games are completed.
Perth Heat Pitcher Qualifications for State League – Australian Players Only
If the pitcher is on 6 active rosters for the Perth Heat this would equate to 6 games
being played by the player. They will still require 8 games to qualify for finals
therefore must play at least two games for their club.
Year End – Lower grade players will receive game credits according to the above
until the conclusion of the lower grade fixtures. That is, no lower grade player may
receive game credits to qualify for the lower grades by playing in State League
which may have regular season rounds remaining after the completion of the
lower grade schedule.
Playing Up or Down
A player shall not be eligible to play in the finals for a team graded lower than the grade
for which the player has qualified. However, players may participate in a higher grade
under the limitations of 103.2(e). For the purposes of this regulation, the standard
grading hierarchy shall be as noted in regulation 103.2.
Note: A player who has qualified at Colts is not automatically qualified to play in any
senior grade final they wish. The player must play in the senior grade that they have
played the most number of senior games in and is subject to requirements of 105.2(e).
Players are eligible for finals play in the grade where they have played greatest
percentage of fixture games for that grade. If a player has an equal percentage in more
than one grade, they are eligible to play in the higher of the two grades. If a player starts
in a higher grade final then that player will not be eligible to play in the lower grade final
for the reminder of the finals. A player may come off the bench/bullpen and return to
the lower grade that he has qualified for.
23 | P a g e
Under Age Players & Women’s
For a Woman to be eligible to participate in the finals, they must have played six
(6) regular games in that grade.
For a Colts player who has played in a higher age group or open competition to be
eligible to participate in the finals, they must have played in at least eight (8)
regular season games for the team at their corresponding age group and at least
four (4) Regular season games for the team in the higher age category to be
eligible to play finals for both teams. NB: If a Colts player has played more games in
a higher grade then that player is ineligible to play in the Colts finals.
Junior League players must play 4 games in the Colts to qualify to play finals, if a
club has two Colts teams in different divisions, then they have to qualified in the
lower division to play in the higher division final.
If a player plays in more than one grade in a particular age category, they must play
finals for the grade that they played the greater percentage of fixture games. If a
player has played an equal number of games in two grades, that player will be
eligible to play at the lower of the two grades but may choose to play up.
105.3 Premiership Format
Standings will be in order of WINNING PERCENTAGE, i.e.: (WINS + .5 X # TIES/
If teams are tied in the standings, the team having the best win loss record in
games contested between the teams tied will be ranked higher.
If teams still tied in the standings, the team having the best runs against per
defensive innings ((runs against)/ (defensive innings)) in the games contested
between the tied teams will be ranked higher.
Where there are 3 or more teams tied, the above formula will be used to
determine the top ranked team(s). Once the top ranked team is determined, the
remaining teams are subsequently ranked again in order according the above
criteria to determine the remaining places.
If still tied, teams will play a 1 game tie breaker to determine the higher ranked
Final Round Format
Format for the Finals series is as per the published fixtures.
After State League semi-finals the team who is ranked highest after the home &
away season will assume home team status for game one & three if required.
Time Limits
The time limit applicable to final round fixtures shall be determined by the
Competitions Committee before any season and shall at this time be:
• State League; 9 innings
• AAA, AA; 9 innings
• A, B; C, D, E, Women 2.5 hours or 9 innings
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• Colts; 2.5 hours or 7 innings. Junior League 2 hours or 7 innings
Tied Score
In the event of a tied score play shall continue until 1 team leads after equal innings
have been played.
105.4 Awards
For Players to be eligible for BWA awards Team Score Books and Statistics must be forwarded
to the Western Australian Scorers and Statisticians Association for assessment for that grade.
There will be notice sent to all clubs and posted on the website prior to the last regular season
scheduled game of where and when Score Books have to be dropped off.
Any Player ejected from a game and found guilty of the offence shall not be considered for
awards of best and fairest.
106 Breaches of Regulations
106.1 Penalties
Any association, club or member committing a breach of these Regulations shall be
subject to penalty. By order of the Board, adjudication of such matters is delegated to
either the P&D Tribunal or Managing Director or Competition Department as is
appropriate to the particular offence.
The Board may endorse any suspension or disqualification imposed by any controlling
body of baseball if notification of such suspension or disqualification has been placed
before the Board in writing.
Any person or club under suspension or disqualification by BWA shall be barred from
taking part in any match under the control of BWA, except that unless the offending
person was an umpire at the time of the offence they may participate in matches as an
umpire during their suspension.
Any association, club or member failing to carry out any reasonable direction of the
Board shall be liable to suspension, disqualification or other such penalty as the Board
may determine.
Players found guilty of an offence must serve the full penalty in the grade in which the
penalty occurred and as documented in the P&D Report with the next eligible playing
date clearly stated. The P&D Chairman or Tribunal will decide the penalty as they deem
appropriate. The player is able to participate in any game they are otherwise eligible to
play at the commencement of the day recorded.
Schedules of Penalties
Accreditation Level (State League)
Unable to coach
25 | P a g e
Age limit, pitcher and catcher restrictions
Forfeit or $50 fine if team has lost game.
Facilities below standards
Competition Department Discretion
Forfeiture of game
1st Offence: $50 plus umpire fees, 2nd and subsequent Offences: $100 plus umpire
Ineligible player (Includes bye situation)
Forfeit or $50 fine if team lost game.
Junior re-entry
Forfeit or $50 fine if team has lost game.
Late payment of fees
Outstanding up to 30 days: Unable to win games until debt cleared. Outstanding
greater than 30 days: Unable to participate until debt cleared.
Melee & bring the game into Disrepute (Club)
To a Max of $5000 plus any other penalties as determined by the P&D Tribunal.
Non-provision of Umpire by Club
1st Offence: Warning, 2nd and subsequent Offences: $50
Playing out of age group
Forfeit or $50 fine if team has lost game.
Playing without clearance
Forfeit and $100 fine.
Late Submission of Game Reports
$10 per Game
Spectators entering field of play
Spectator: As determined by P&D Tribunal; Club deemed responsible: $500 and/or
such penalty as determined by P&D
Temporary Resident infringement
Forfeit and $100 fine
Unfinancial to BWA (player)
If, following formal advice to a club, an unfinancial player participates in sanctioned
competition the team for which the player competes shall forfeit any points gained in
respect of games in which the player participated during the period of indebtedness.
26 | P a g e
Incorrect Uniforms (Player & Club)
Umpire warning during game, BWA formally advised $25.00 per person
Unregistered player/playing under an assumed name
Forfeit and $100 for each game played prior to being registered on data base
Withdrawal of team after fixtures drawn
$200 fine
Chewing or Smoking Tobacco products on the Diamond or in the Dugout area
Ejection from game and reported to P & D.
Baseball Park only - additional $50.00 fine to player or coach
Intentional Delay of Game
PAYMENT OF MONETARY PENALTIES: Any monetary penalty imposed in respect of these Regulations
shall be paid to BWA within fourteen (14) days of imposition. Should the penalty remain unpaid after
this period, the relevant player, official, or club shall be suspended from participation in all grades of
official competition until such payment is made.
NB: Discretionary options available to the P and D Tribunal and the Managing Director or
Competition Department determining the penalty to be imposed under the authority of these
regulations shall include, but not be limited to the following:
• Warning;
• Financial penalty;
• Game forfeit;
Playing restriction on player, team or club (may be applied as “Suspended (Partly or wholly) or
served immediately”).
“Schedule of penalties” offences occurring within twenty-four months of a previous “Schedule of
penalties” offence attract the relevant second or subsequent penalty.
106.2 Specific Offences
Physical Confrontation
Any players engaging in physical confrontation, including holding, wrestling, punching,
striking, kicking and fighting, WILL BE ejected from the game and reported by the
officiating umpire/s in accordance with Regulation 106.5(b).
Melee Rule
Should any member(s) of any team(s) move from any part of the playing venue and
take part in any action to confront, inflame or initiate any situation that brings the
game into disrepute, they may be ejected and reported by the officiating umpire(s)
in accordance with Regulation 106.5(b).
All participants ejected shall be subject to penalties as determined by the P&D
Chairman or Tribunal.
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Relevant clubs WILL be reported and be subject to the penalties as specified in
Regulation 106.1 -Schedule of Penalties
Replacement players must be notified to the umpire and must be available to
immediately play and must have been previously listed on the Umpire’s copy of the
line-up sheet.
Teams unable to continue the game because the ejections do not permit
compliance with the number of players required to play that grade in accordance
to Regulation 103.2(h) (v) will forfeit the game. Both teams must nominate their
substitutions before play can continue after a melee situation. If both teams are
unable to field the required number of players, neither team will be awarded
premiership points.
Spectator Conduct
The home club is deemed responsible for the conduct of spectators except where
it can be proven to the satisfaction of the P&D Tribunal that a spectator is a
member of, or aligned to, another club. In such circumstances the latter club will
be deemed responsible for the conduct of that spectator.
Each club is responsible for its spectators conduct when playing at Barbagallo
Ballpark and are subject to Baseball WA’s smoking, tobacco & alcohol usage inside
the Ballpark. Any spectator found smoking or chewing of tobacco inside the venue
will be asked to move outside. If the spectator refuses then that members club will
be subject to any penalties deemed appropriate by Baseball WA. No Spectator may
bring alcohol into Barbagallo Ballpark at any time.
If a spectator is found to have entered a playing field to become involved in a
melee, fracas, fight or any other incident considered detrimental to the best
interests of baseball, both spectator and any club/s deemed not to have taken all
reasonable steps to prevent such conduct shall be penalised in accordance with
Regulation 106.1 -Schedule of Penalties.
The chewing or smoking of any tobacco product on any baseball ground by any
participant is strictly prohibited. Any clubs member caught smoking or chewing tobacco
inside Baseball Park will be removed and their club fined $50.00.
Audible Obscene Language / Gesture
Any player / coach who use audible obscene language or make an obscene gesture can
be ejected from the game and reported.
Upon the first incident of this nature during a game, the umpire shall issue an official
warning to the player AND a team warning to the coach. If in the judgement of the
umpire, the offence is deemed serious enough, the umpire may dispense with the
warning and immediately eject and report the player or coach.
Any subsequent incident in the same game by any person from the team receiving an
official warning SHALL be ejected from the game.
Indecent Language / abuse / gesture towards Umpire / Official
28 | P a g e
Any player / coach who uses abusive or obscene language or makes an obscene gesture
towards an umpire or official SHALL be ejected from the game and reported.
Equipment Abuse
Any person deemed by the umpire to have abused equipment during a game MAY be
ejected from the game and reported.
Bringing the game into Disrepute
Any BWA Official (employee), Board member, Umpires Adviser or umpire in control of
any game played under the auspices of Baseball WA is empowered to report any person,
club, player or club official who, in his or her opinion has engaged in conduct that can
reasonably be deemed:
Detrimental to the best interests of baseball; or
Likely to bring the game of baseball into disrepute.
Such authority includes any practice game in which an accredited umpire officiates
Contact with an Umpire
Any player, coach, spectator or official making contact with an officiating umpire
including the prolonged invasion of personal space SHALL be reported by the umpire for
engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct.
106.3 Application of Penalties (process)
An ejected individual may be required to attend a P&D hearing in respect of any matter.
Written confirmation of penalty will be provided through the club president.
Should a club seek to appeal on behalf of an individual against a penalty, written advice
of that intention must be submitted to the Competitions Department by 5:00pm on the
next business day following the relevant receipt of notification. An Appeal application
fee of $100 must be presented to the Competitions Department or Appeal Chairman
prior to the hearing that will only be refunded if the appeal is upheld.
The person awarding the penalty, which is being appealed, shall not sit as a member of
the Appeal Tribunal.
Any report made by a non-accredited umpire will be referred to the P&D Tribunal for
106.4 Officiating
29 | P a g e
The Umpires Adviser is responsible to BWA for the training, conduct and game
performance of umpires in BWA competitions
Umpires are official representatives of BWA when officiating at BWA sanctioned
Umpires must:
 Sign the score books in ink;
 If making a report, follow the procedures as stipulated in Regulation
With the exception of Colts players umpiring Little League, Little League & Junior League
players are ineligible to stand as umpires in official competition unless Nationally
All grades are to have a min of TWO umpires.
Seniors -The plate umpire and the base umpire are both to be provided by the
home team.
Juniors – The plate umpire to be provided by the home team and the base umpire
to be provided by the visiting team. In the case where an official umpire is
provided for home plate, the home team will provide the base umpire.
Umpires in Chief (Plate Umpire) must be situated behind home plate and wear the
necessary equipment i.e. Uniform top (Green Shirt if Level O or first year Level 1), face
masks chest plate, leggings, protective cup, enclosed footwear and dark grey umpiring
pants, grey baseball pants or similar. Singlets, shorts, thongs and sandals are not
permitted. Umpires in chief are not permitted to umpire from the mound during regular
From 2014 onwards all State League scorers must have C.A.B.S Level 2 accreditation;
AAA scorers must have C.A.B.S Level 1 accreditation.
106.5 Protests and Disputes Procedure
Reporting authority
Any BWA Official (employee), Board member, Umpires’ Adviser or officiating umpire is
empowered to report any person, team, player or club official who, in his or her opinion
has engaged in conduct that can reasonably be deemed
Detrimental to the best interests of baseball; or
Likely to bring the game of baseball into disrepute.
For the purposes of this Regulation, the authority of the officiating umpire to lay reports
shall extend from arrival at the relevant playing venue until subsequent departure.
Reporting Procedures
All reports by an Accredited Umpire shall be made on the Official Report Form. A
copy of the report form may be obtained from the BWA web-site (under the
30 | P a g e
Competitions heading). The report shall include as much information as possible,
including reason for report, time, date, place, name, grade, and club of persons
involved. Umpires are to indicate whether they believe the report warrants further
action but this recommendation is not binding on the P&D Chairman or Tribunal.
The umpire should contact the Umpire’s Adviser and inform him of the report
preferably before submitting it to BWA.
Should compliance with these procedures not be followed it shall not prevent a
report being accepted by the P&D Chairman, if in his opinion, the parties to the
report have not been prejudiced by lack of compliance
An electronic or written copy of the report shall be forwarded to the Competitions
Department of BWA by 5.00pm on the next working day after the occurrence of
the reported incident.
The Competitions Department of BWA will then forward a copy to the P&D
Chairman and the Club President and the offending player via email when
The person making the report shall retain a copy of the report.
In grades where the official report form is unavailable, the person umpiring the
game shall:
(1) Report incident in writing and the scorer/s must note ejection on game report;
(2) Send the report to the BWA Competitions Department by 5.00pm on the next
working day after the occurrence of the reported incident.
Authority of Protests and Disputes Tribunal
The Board shall appoint members of a Protests and Disputes Committee, (P&D) to
hear where applicable and decide upon any report or request. The P&D shall
consist of a Chairman who is appointed by the Board and at least two other
The P&D Chairman in the first instance may impose any penalties for breaches of
the Rules of Baseball and these Regulations, as he deems appropriate.
If the P&D Chairman deems it necessary to convene a full Tribunal, the Tribunal
may impose any penalties for breaches of the Rules of Baseball and these
Regulations, as deemed appropriate.
Protests & Disputes Tribunal –Hearings
Meetings of the P&D Tribunal, to hear reports and protests were deemed
necessary by the P&D Chairman shall be held at BWA office at 6:00pm on
Thursdays, or time and date convenient to the P&D. During finals, reports shall be
heard prior to the reported players' next game.
Any person or club reported, or any club lodging a protest, shall attend the P&D
hearing where the P&D Chairman deems it appropriate.
Any umpire who lodges a report which the P&D deems requires the umpire’s
attendance must attend the P&D hearing of the report. In the event of the
reporting umpire not being in attendance at the appointed time the Chairman shall
allow a reasonable period of grace. The report shall not lapse but will be rescheduled for hearing at a date and time to be advised to all parties. The
Competition Department must be advised of the umpire’s failure to attend the
hearing and the umpire will be required to furnish an explanation of his absence.
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The Board in conjunction with the Umpire’s Adviser will then decide if any
disciplinary action is warranted against the umpire who refuses to attend.
However, should the Tribunal after exhaustive investigation ascertain the reporting
umpire cannot or will not be able to attend a hearing then at their discretion
finalise the matter. The reported person may at the discretion of the P&D Tribunal
participate in any games to be played prior to the re-scheduled hearing.
Umpires, reported clubs and persons involved may have an official representative
support them at P&D hearings. A reported player Under 18 years of age must be
accompanied by an adult who will act as their advocate. An advocate will remain
while all evidence is being given, and assume control of the reported person’s
defence. However, they will not be permitted to give evidence. The reported
player will not be permitted to speak unless it be is to give evidence on their own
If a reported person or club does not attend a P&D hearing as required, the
Tribunal may hear the report in the absence of that person or club, suspend the
person or club from participation in any game until the person or club attends the
relevant hearing; or allow participation in any game or games to be played prior to
a re-scheduled hearing.
The P&D Tribunal may conduct hearings in any manner it considers appropriate
and may, having due regard for procedural fairness, adjourn any hearing until a
later time. The laws of procedural fairness are based upon:
(a) The reported person knowing the nature of the report made;
(b) The reported person having the right to respond to the report made;
(c) The reported person receiving a fair hearing by a decision maker paying
due regard to material considerations and ignoring all that is immaterial or
When called upon, players and / or club officials must attend any hearing or
investigation convened to assess complaints or breaches of these Regulations;
The P&D Tribunal may allow such evidence as it considers appropriate and may
allow amendment of any report before any hearing commences.
Each party to do a report, including the reporting umpire, clubs or players may call
witnesses however the hearing of witness testimony shall be at the sole discretion
of the Tribunal. It is not the responsibility of the Tribunal or Competitions
Department to arrange for the presence of any such witnesses
Should a report be amended, the reported party may request a hearing
adjournment. Granting of such an adjournment shall be at the sole discretion of
the Tribunal
Within 24 hours of each consideration of a report, the P&D Chairman shall provide
to the Competitions Department written determination of findings.
Within 24 hours of receipt of Tribunal determination, the Competitions
Department shall notify: Clubs directly involved President, Registrar, and Player via
Prescribed penalties may be determined by the Board.
Should compliance with these procedures not be followed, it shall not prevent a
report being considered by the P&D, if, in the opinion of the P&D Chairman, the
parties to the report have not been prejudiced by lack of compliance.
107 State Representation
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107.1 Representative Teams
Any player chosen to represent a State Team shall submit to the authority of the
Manager of such team.
Any player chosen to represent Baseball WA shall hold themselves at the disposal of
Baseball WA when called upon.
All players chosen to represent a State Team must be Financial to Baseball WA prior to
travelling to National Tournaments
108 Regulation Exceptions
108.1 Re-Entry Rule
Any member of the starting line-up may be removed from a game and replaced by a
substitute so long as the substitute takes the same line up position as that of the
replaced player;
If the original member re-enters the game he or she will replace the substitute and
resume the same position in the starting line up;
A substitute once removed from the game may not re-enter the game in any capacity
except ‘speedup runner’;
A pitcher may not re-enter in a BATTERY position after throwing a substantial;
Where only nine players are available the last batter OUT will be the ‘speed-up runner’.
108.2 Slide/Collision Rule-Juniors
The intent of this rule is to ensure the safety of the defensive player while making plays on runners
in different circumstances.
A runner attempting to break up a double play at 2nd or 3rd base must slide directly into
the base and not beyond the base. It is an illegal slide if; the runner slides away from the
base line in the direction of the fielder; the runner uses a rolling or cross body block, or if
the runner uses a pop-up slide into the fielder.
When sliding the runner’s lead leg must be below the knee of the infielder and should
first contact the base at its nearest side.
Contact is allowed if the runner; makes a legal slide directly to the base; or is on the
ground at the time of contact and the fielder moves directly down the line between the
two bases to attempt a play. Interference shall NOT be called.
If the runner does not slide, he shall not intentionally create contact or intentionally
attempt to dislodge the ball on a tag play. On close plays the runner should slide. When
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the player is obviously out, the runners should get in a rundown, try to avoid the tag, or
give themselves up.
Game Penalty
If a slide is deemed to be illegal, the runner shall be called out.
If the illegal slide has occurred on a forced play, irrespective of what base is involved, the batter
runner shall also be called out due to the “interference” of his team mate whether or not the fielder
attempts to complete the play.
A Player who intentionally creates a collision or intentionally dislodges the ball shall be called out and
ejected from the game.
Note: If “interference” is called, other runners shall not be allowed to advance. Example: bases
loaded no outs. Double play attempt at second base and interference is called. The runners at second
and third must return to their original base.
108.3 Social Grade
May have up to 14 players listed in batting order and the players must stay in that order.
They can have 9 only with substitutes.
If the team start with 14, it must finish with 14. They may have more players and can do
normal substitution and if a player leaves the batting position they cannot return to the
Field playing positions to be listed at start of game with 9 positions listed.
The playing positions don’t have to start with top of batting line-up.
If a player drops out and no replacements are available the team has an automatic out.
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Baseball WA “Heat” Policy
Heat stress and injury can lead to impaired player performance, physical distress e.g. dizziness,
headaches, collapse and illness. In its extreme form it can be life threatening.
Round Cancellation
If the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s forecast temperature exceeds 39.5 degrees then the BWA
Competitions Manager has the authority to suspend and/or abandon fixtured rounds.
Except for State League, regular season games cancelled due to extreme temperatures, BWA will not
reschedule any make up games. NB: If both clubs can arrange the game to be replayed then BWA
will allow that game to be played, all make up games must be made up prior to the final week of the
regular season. All playoff games will be made up.
Risk Management
During any game played under the auspices of BWA any BWA Official (employee), Board Member, or
Umpires Adviser is empowered to terminate a game if in their judgement the weather conditions are
such that players and/or spectators are exposed to a significant risk of injury due to extreme
Reducing the Risk
1. Shade and Drinks
Host clubs of games that are played under hot conditions must provide sufficient shade and
an adequate supply of cold drinking water to players and officials.
2. Sunscreen
Host clubs of games that are played under hot conditions must provide adequate quantities
of SPF 30+ sunscreen for players, officials and spectators.
3. Players
Players can minimise the impact and risk of heat induced injury by also taking the following
Use a mixture of water and electrolyte drinks for rehydration
Notify medical and coaching staff when affected by heat or when performance
noticeably effected
Use pre-game and post-game cooling strategies
Use of cooling aids such as – ice vests, spray bottles, sponges, wet towels and fans
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Social Media Policy
Adopted – September 2014
Original – September 2012
Baseball WA acknowledges the emergence of new technology and communication media and wishes
to encourage the use of social media for the benefit of the sport and its participants. Baseball WA
also recognises that its members need some level of protection from possible threats of vilification
and/or cyber bullying through such social media channels. Hence this policy document outlines the
recommendations and restrictions when discussing Baseball WA related matters on a public forum
like social media and the subsequent punishment process for members who have been found to be
When using technology Baseball WA and its associated clubs need to ensure that members’ privacy
is protected, clear boundaries are maintained, and bullying and harassment does not occur.
(i) Information on competitions, social events, committees, polices, constitution, rules
and by-laws will be placed on the Baseball WA webpage and audited in accordance
with the Governance Policy.
(ii) No offensive content or photos will be uploaded to Baseball WA or its associated
clubs’ webpages.
(iii) Any YouTube video postings will feature positive team performances and require the
consent of all featured individuals.
(iv) Permission will be sought from parents/guardians to upload photos of their children,
and care will be taken not to provide information that identifies them.
(v) A dedicated web master will be appointed to provide accountability and control over
what goes on Baseball WA and associated clubs’ webpages.
SMS and Emails
(i) Baseball WA, club committee members, coaches and team managers may use SMS
and email to communicate club business and club sanctioned social events.
(ii) Text communication should be short and only about club/team matters.
(iii) Email communication should be used when more information is required.
(iv) Communication about children should only be made through parents, using only
their email/phone number.
(i) Postings and uploading of videos will only feature positive club news and events and
should gain the consent of all featured individuals.
(ii) Personal information about members will not be disclosed.
(iii) No statements will be made that are misleading, false or likely to injure the
reputation of another person.
(iv) No statements will be made that might bring the game of baseball in WA into
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(v) Destructive or negative users must be deleted and blocked from engaging with any
Baseball WA related forum.
When using technology based forums Baseball WA members are expected to use the internet and
electronic communication appropriately following the below rules and recommendations.
Communication should not offend, intimidate, humiliate or bully any member of the
Baseball WA community and its subsequent clubs / associations. This includes the WA
Scorers and WA Umpires Associations.
Communication must not be misleading, false or injure the reputation of members or
Communication should seek to protect the privacy of members and others.
Communication must not bring the sport or Baseball WA and its associated clubs into
Members should not engage in negative or destructive discussions or postings.
Abusive, harassing, discriminatory or offensive communication should not be posted.
Do not use personal information of yourself in any social media channel.
Use your best judgment.
Refrain from posting/writing if you’re feeling emotional or upset or are intoxicated.
Always ask for a person’s permission before posting their picture on a social networking
Never comment on rumours, do not deny or affirm them or speculate about rumours.
Only use social media channels to promote the sport/club in a positive light.
If you feel you have been vilified on a Baseball WA related matter through social media
then you’re encouraged to contact the Baseball WA front office.
Non-Compliant Members
Baseball WA treats the misuse of social media as a serious breach and as such noncompliant
members may be subject to the following disciplinary measures:
Any Baseball WA member found to have clearly broken one of the above mentioned
rules may face disciplinary action as outlined in our Anti-vilification and Anti-harassment
policies and immediately banned from posting on Baseball WA related pages.
Any Baseball WA member found to have clearly broken one of the above mentioned
rules may be asked to front questioning from the Baseball WA board and face
subsequent disciplinary action.
Members publishing false or misleading comments about another person in the public
domain may also be liable for defamation and face charges in a legal setting.
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