2015 Rule Proposals - The American Legion

2015 Rule
2015 Rule Proposals Playing Regula4ons Rule 1 Rule 1.E. – Courtesy Runners. Allow during regular season only the senior program to adopt the junior courtesy runner rule. (MN) Rule 1.Q. – Re-­‐entry Rule. Allow during regular season only the senior program to adopt the junior re-­‐entry rule. (MN & PA) 2015 Rule Proposals Player Eligibility Requirements Rule 2 Rule 2.B.4.a. – 2014 Graduated Student. Players who graduated in 2014 must have previously played American Legion Baseball to be eligible to play in 2015. (CT) Rule 2.D. – ClarificaKon discussion. (MA) 2015 Rule Proposals Player Recrui4ng Plan Rules 3 & 4 Rule 3. – Increase enrollment cap to 6,000. (IL) Rule 4. – Increase enrollment cap to 6,000. (IL) Rule 4.D.5. – ClarificaKon discussion. (MA) 2015 Rule Proposals Team and Player Cer4fica4on Rules 6 Rule 6.D. – Dual Par4cipa4on. “Points of Emphasis” Add “game” to “Any American Legion Baseball player missing any porKon of an American Legion tournament “game” because he parKcipated… (CT) Add “with the excepKon of players playing for their high school summer league team.” at the end of current rule. (IL) Rule 6.E. – Players Per Team. Increase roster size to no more than 20 registered players. (CT) 2015 Rule Proposals Senior Na4onal Tournaments Rules 9 Rule 9.D. – Na4onal Tournament Player Eligibility Protest Add that if fraud is discovered not only is the player removed, but the head coach be suspended for a minimum of three games. (AZ) New Rules 2015 Rule Proposals Rule 1.A. – Baseballs. All American Legion Baseball regular season games shall be with an approved marked baseball. Rule 2. – Player Eligibility Requirements. No player shall be allowed to play in department and naKonal tournaments unless they aYend a minimum of 25% of their regular season games. (CT) Rule 9.B. – Senior Na4onal Tournaments. Add “Senior NaKonal Tournaments begin at the department championship tournament” and that Tournament Rules and Policies adopted by the NaKonal Americanism Commission will be enforce.