The 40th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society June 10 – 13, 2015 Ithaca, New York GRADUATE SCHOOL FAIR th The 40 Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society will be hosted by the Cornell Local Section from June 10th to 13th, 2015 at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY. Sitting on the South Hill of Ithaca and overlooking the Cayuga Lake, Ithaca College is surrounded by many breathtaking waterfalls and gorges. With both Cornell University and Ithaca College located in the same town and many colleges and universities nearby, and quite a few local chemistry related industries as well, we are expecting more than 500 chemistry professionals and students from both U.S. and Canada to come and join us in this three days conference. The Graduate School Fair will be held at the grand opening poster/sic-mix session from 5 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday night, June 10th, 2015. Two poster sessions are scheduled that night at 5:15 pm – 7:15 pm and 7:20 pm – 9:20 pm. There will be many undergraduate students presenting and attending this session. We have up to 10 booths available, providing you a great opportunity to promote your school and graduate program. Please see the attached floor plan for the booth setup. Please visit our website at for more and updated information. Booth fee: Early-bird special rate (before March 15): $300 $200 Regular rate (after March 15): $350 $250 Booth fee includes: Registration for one person (Exhibitors are free to attend any technical sessions or workshops) One 6’X30” table (Table cloth available for additional cost of $15) Two chairs Free unsecured wireless internet access Mail list of the attendees Exhibitor listed on the meeting website and program book Space will be chosen by the exhibitor based on those available at the time payment is received. Please check our website ( for the floor plan and updates of available space. If you are interested in the exhibition or have any questions, please contact Teresa Porri, the Exhibition Co-Chair at [email protected]. Exhibitor Application In accordance with the Notes and Regulations, I (we) apply for exhibit booth space at the NERM 2015 ACS Meeting at Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY, June 10-13, 2015. Please complete the following information as you would like to appear in the meeting literature and on the meeting web site. Name: _________________________________________ Title: _________________________________ School name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ Email: _______________________________________ School web address: ______________________________________________________________________ Authorized signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Brief description of the graduate program(s) as you would like it to appear in the meeting program and on the meeting website (50 word limit): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please choose from the following: ☐ Early-bird rate (before March 15): $300 $200 Booth number preferences: ☐ Regular rate (after March 15): $350 $250 1st _____________ 2nd _________________ Name on Badge: ____________________________________________________ Payment Method: TOTAL COST: ___________________ ☐ Check (Please make check payable to NERM 2015, and send the check directly to: John H. Terry, NERM 2015 Treasurer, 112 Seventh Street, Watkins Glen, NY 14891) ☐ Credit Card: ☐ VISA or ☐ MASTERCARD or ☐ AMERICAN EXPRESS Card Number: ___________________________________________ Exp. Date: ____________ CVV:_________ Name on Card: ____________________________________ Signature: _________________________________ ***Please note: There will be a 6% administrative fee for all cancellation/refund requests where a credit card is involved. Please return your completed application and/or credit card payment information to Chun Li, NERM 2015 Exhibition Co-Chair, Chemistry Department, Ithaca College, CNS 355, Danby Road 953, Ithaca, NY 14850; Fax: 607-274-1848; Email: [email protected]. Notes and Regulations 1. The Graduate School Fair is held on Wednesday, June 10, from 5 pm to 10 pm. 2. Exhibit setup can begin at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, June 10. 3. Takedown will be after 10:00 pm on Wednesday. (You can choose to take down your exhibition on Thursday morning, but the exhibition area is not secured when not in session.) 4. Each exhibitor station includes one 6 feet table, two chairs, and free unsecured Wi-Fi. 5. Booth displays should not be placed in such a manner as to interfere with other exhibitors or obstruct the aisles for traffic. 6. The exhibitor assumes the sole responsibility for its exhibit presence and understands that neither the organizers nor the Ithaca College maintain insurance covering the exhibitor’s property. U Parking Lot Stairs to Registration And Food Court At First Floor Elev. - Grad School Booth Poster Session Emerson Suites Food Station NERM 2015 Poster Session (Emerson Suites in Campus Center, Ithaca College) Music Stage
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