Queen Parish Site: Queen of Peace 820 North Hills Avenue, Ardsley, PA 19038 of Peace Parish Parish E-mail: [email protected] Parish website: www.qofpeacechurch.org Rectory Phone: 215-887-1838 Rectory Fax: 215-887-8328 Worship Site: St. John of the Cross 2741 Woodland Rd, Roslyn, PA 19001 Convent Phone: 215-887-4785 PREP Phone: 215-886-3014 Pastor Rev. John J. Nordeman E-mail: [email protected] Deacon Deacon Raymond Jacobucci Sunday Ministry Rev. Rene Barczak, O.F.M. Joseph Costello - Parish Business Manager E-mail: [email protected] Music Ministry Dee LeFevre Organist/Pianist Parish Secretary E-mail: [email protected] Marie DePasquale Adult/Youth Choir Director Parish Services and Support Coordinator Email: [email protected] Chris Marsh - St. John of the Cross Worship Site Skipp Webb & Joe Wright Maintenance P.R.E.P. Anne Florian E-mail: [email protected] Mon. – Fri.: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM & 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Masses Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM Daily: 8:00 AM (Monday thru Saturday) !"#!" New Parishioners Catholic families who are living within the boundaries of Queen of Peace Parish are encouraged to register at the rectory. $ % $%'% *+//";<#'= < '< > ? <<<K =#<' T<$#U <<% $ $%$< =#<' $ <<< Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry should contact the Pastor at least six months to =%V <% X == #<% marriage can be made. Care of the Sick Each week the Holy Eucharist is brought by an Extraordinary Minister to = <%< Y %%'<Y$ <<$Z<<[' %\#%$ZVY '<=X<Y%=< Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School Phone: 215-886-4782 | Fax: 215-517-6708 | School Website: www.gscregional.org Principal: Sister Patricia Healey, I.H.M. | E-mail: [email protected] Advancement Director: Mrs. Barbara A. Gress School Business Manager: Mrs. Marilyn Shapiro Phone: 215-886-0126 Phone: 215-884-1591 | Fax: 215-887-9241 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] January 11, 2015 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, January 10, 2015 5:00 PM Jeremias & Rosario Reyes req. by Maria Loreto dela Torre Sunday, January 11, 2015 Is 42:1-4, 6-7 / Acts 10:34-38 / Mk 1:7-11 7:30 AM Edward S. McGinnis req. by Patti Duff 9:30 AM Mary Ethel Palmero req. by her family 11:00 AM Charles Latshay req. by Jack and Pat Thompson Monday, January 12, 2015 Heb 1:1-6 / Mk 1:14-20 8:00 AM Missa Pro Populo Tuesday, January 13, 2015 Heb 2:5-12 / Mk 1:21-28 8:00 AM Toni & Bill Bergan req. by Bill Bergan Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Heb 2:14-18 / Mk 1:29-39 8:00 AM James Kittredge req. by Terry Kittredge Thursday, January 15, 2015 Heb 3:7-14 / Mk 1:40-45 8:00 AM Moira Coll req. by Pat Sears Friday, January 16, 2015 Heb 4:1-5, 11 / Mk 2:1-12 8:00 AM Tom & Mary Pietray req. by the Grudy Family Saturday, January 17, 2015 Heb 4:12-16 / M 2:13-17 8:00 AM Joseph Quinn req. by Denise Avallon 5:00 PM Angie Silveri req. by Nick & Josie Silveri Sunday, January 18, 2015 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 / 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 / Jn 1:35-42 7:30 AM Peter Ford req. by Maryann ford 9:30 AM Margaret Tompkins req. by Sara & Jim Sharkey 11:00 AM Elizabeth Pappianni req. by Denise & Mike Pappianni SANCTUARY LIGHT MEMORIAL Week of January 11, 2015 This week, we ask our Parishioners to remember in their prayers Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life Sunday Offertory Collections Collection for December 27/28: $11,731.33 Collection for January 4/5: $14,824.00 Christmas Collection: $55,557.00 Thank you for your continued generosity. REST IN PEACE: Queen of Peace Parish expresses our sympathy and the promise of our prayers to the family and friends of: Sister Ave Maria, I.H.M., Clarence Windish, Elaina Rosemary Moran-O’Brien, Deborah H. Takakjy, Anne Rabke PLEASE PRAY for all those who are ill at home, in nursing homes, in hospitals and especially for: Savilla O’Brien, Bob Price, Tracy Nagle, Robert Engerer, Kathleen O’Lone, Maryann Ostrowski, Joe Zaro, Kendall Anderson, Elanore Oakes, Harry Wilson, Irene Pomerink, Brigid Cawley, Charles Nicholson, Alice Opdyke, Eleanor Slavin, Roberta Leadford, Eleanor Simpson, Marie Valoris, Tom Mitchell, Geri Fritz, Beatrice DiSandro, Steven Ring, Livia West, Tony Powers, Elaine Hopham, Dominic Kramer, Mary Krivitzki, Philip Kennedy, Keith Yarnell, Sloane Kalin, Bill Acker, Jim Blurton, John Cawley (of England), Marion Kash, Margaret Hebert, Baby Francesca Dever, Phil Adamo, Jr, Margaret Forcey, Thomas Forcey, Andy Funk, Matthew Gallagher, Tom Henry, Joseph Kendra, Jessica Kennedy, Ryan Kraenbring, Steven Knox, Joseph Kraft, Florence McDermott, Sr. Marcille McEntee, IHM, Barbara McKenna, Kate McManus Stephen Pearson, Donna Whelan, Joseph Wolos, Sr., John Wrigley, Rose Manzo, Vivian Razler, David Tack, John Kozlevcar, Donna Mellon, Betty Jean Smith, Pauline Tack, Martin Lennon, Mary Kay Mooney, William Trippel, Michael Dougherty, Sr., Marian McCullough, Al Dean, Elaine Scully, Harry & Pat Neubert, Clare Marron, Fred Woodward, Sr., Jerry Giovinazzo, Roberta McCormick, Mary Jo Egoville, Diane Wolfe, Maureen Kane, Colleen McKeever, Donald Poirier, Joseph Kendra, Kimberly Corbett, Sophia Corbett, Mike Fanelli, Rosemary Gardner PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all people serving in our Armed Forces at home and overseas, especially: 1st Lt. Sean Dudley, Jake Kelley, Jeffrey Rohrback, DC.FA Thomas A. Forcey (Japan), Scott Chilman, Josh Verlin, Bill Dougherty, Edward Short, Drew Pascuzzi, Thomas Meehan (Afghanistan), QofP– 149 p.2 PASTOR’S COLUMN: Dear Friends In Christ, The joyful Christmas season ends and Ordinary Time commences with our celebration today of the Baptism of the Lord. Ordinary time is anything but "ordinary". It is the time in the Church's calendar when we mark time by the numbering of Sundays since we are not celebrating the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent or Easter. The primary vestment color worn by the priest is green which is symbolic of hope and growth. Please take special note of our Adult Faith Formation announcement in this bulletin. As we did in the Fall, we will be showing the award-winning Catholicism series, produced and narrated by Father Robert Barron. I have heard Father Barron speak on two different occasions and I have viewed the Catholicism series and a lot of his other works which can be easily accessed on YouTube for those of you who are familiar with the internet. He is one of the most compelling and influential Catholic evangelists in our contemporary times and he presents the faith in a well-ordered and engaging manner. I strongly encourage all of you to consider joining us for this 9 week series. Toward the end of those 9 weeks, we will be introducing another opportunity for you to grow in faith as we build upon the foundation we have started in viewing Father Barron's great work. Have a blessed week. Yours In Christ, Fr. John Nordeman WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES All families are urged to get involved! You can text “World” to 51555 for updates or text “Pray to 80888 with your prayer intentions & to make a $10 donation. Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015. Like us on Facebook! Visit: www.WorldMeeting2015.org • • • • • Register to Attend Get involved Light a Candle Host a Family Pray QUEEN OF PEACE FUNDRAISER NIGHT AT BONNET LANE RESTAURANT Chase away the winter Monday blues with Great Food and Great Company! Join us Monday, January 26, 2015 for a Parish fundraising event at Bonnet Lane Restaurant, 1720 Old York Rd., Abington. The parish will receive 10 % of dinner sales between 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. RESPECT LIFE MARCH WASHINGTON, D.C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 2015 St. David’s Parish, Willow Grove, PA will be sending (2) buses to Washington, D.C. for the Annual Respect Life March on Thurs., Jan. 22nd. Buses will leave St. David’s parking lot at 7:15 a.m. and will return by 9:30 p.m. Cost for transportation & dinner is $40/adult and $30/teens. Please contact St. David’s rectory at 215-6570252 to reserve a seat or for additional information. ADULT FAITH FORMATON AT QUEEN OF PEACE As promised, we will join together in small groups to view and discuss the award winning series Catholicism. The series was produced and narrated by Father Robert Barron. He is the keynote speaker for The World Meeting of Families hosted by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia this coming September and he offers a compelling and inspiring view of our Catholic faith. Many of our parishioners who viewed the series this past Fall thought it was such a fruitful experience that they are coming to see it again. It is our hope that you will have the same blessed experience. We will be gathering in the Religious Education room in Lynaugh Hall, beginning the week of January 18th, and we will meet for 9 weeks on the following days and at the following times: Tuesday 9:00 AM Wednesday 7:00 PM Thursday 7:00 PM Please fill out the form below and return it to the rectory if you are interested or contact our D.R.E., Anne Florian at (215)886-3014 or our Deacon, Ray Jacobucci at (215) 887-1838. We hope that you will take this opportunity to grow together in faith with some other parishioners. NOTE: Once we have completed the Catholicism series, we will be introducing a new opportunity for Adult Faith Formation which will run until the end of May. We will provide more details about this in February as we near the end of this 9 week series. Name: ____________________________________ Phone: _________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Preferred day and time: _______________________ QofP – 149 pg. 3 Winning numbers for January 5th were: 4 - 9 - 12 - 23 - 26 There were two consolation prize winners, Each receiving $250.00 John Camp sold by Sandy Rota Anna May Austin sold by Fran Miller Our next drawing will be Monday, January 12th Jackpot = $100,000.00. Tickets are available for purchase after Masses or at the Rectory. LECTOR SCHEDULE YEAR B – 2014-15 BAPTISM OF THE LORD 01/10 – 5:00 PM Chris Carson Caroline Maher 01/11 – 7:30 AM Jim McCormick 9:30 AM Diana Figueroa Charles Zwicker 11:00 AM David Daniel Rosemary Tomanio 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 01/17 – 5:00 PM Anne Lyons Ellie Luczkowski 01/18– 7:30 AM Maria Delatorre 9:30 AM Bill Bergan Lucy Vittorio 11:00 AM Sister Rita Magraff Carol Hopkins ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 5:00PM; Will Price, Jubel & Cassandra Simenthy SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 7:30AM; Enzo Kerwood, Maria Notarianni 9:30AM; Isabella Chesnes, Megan Arble, Nicole Nguyen 11:00AM; Sophie Buttry, Megan Strange, Alyssa Sacco SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 5:00PM; Andrea & Jessica Sokolski, Armando Ugarte SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 7:30AM; Melissa Olimpo, Samantha Carlson 9:30AM; Liam Casey, Stephan Ciavardelli, Madison Gass 11:00AM; Kevin Discavage, Jack Duffey, Christopher Gress Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Anne Florian e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 215-886-3014 Religious Education Office is open daily, Mon-Fri. 10-3 January PREP Calendar January 14 Regular Class January 21 Regular Class January 28 Regular Class RECONCILIATION INFORMATION SHEET will be sent home with our PREP and Good Shepherd students who are preparing to receive First Reconciliation. Please be mindful of the deadline. Form is also available on the parish website CONFIRMATION PRACTICE FOR CONFIRMANDI & SPONSORS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015, AFTER 11:00 MASS. REMINDER: Sponsors who are NOT members of Queen of Peace need a letter of eligibility from the parish where they are registered members. CONFIRMATION RETREAT SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FROM 9:00-12:00. Sponsors welcome to attend with the students. We will be using buses for transportation to the St. Katharine Drexel Shrine in Bensalem. More details to follow. VALENTINE’S SERVICE PROJECT Personal Care Items Collection: PREP students will be collecting Personal Care Items during the month of January for retired IHM Sisters at Camilla Hall. Items include shampoo, body wash, toothpaste and brushes, tissues, body lotion and any other personal care item you care to donate. Items should be new and unopened. They will be delivered to the Sisters, along with personal Valentines from our PREP students, in time for Valentine's Day. Donations can be left in the boxes outside the Religious Education Office in Lynaugh Hall. YOUTH MINISTRY UPCOMING EVENTS! QUEEN OF PEACE SODALITY Sodality meets Tuesday evenings from 6:45 to 7:20 p.m. for prayers for the Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and devotions. Jjoin us January 13th for Evening Prayer and Benediction (Shepherd of Souls Booklet) 5th & 6th Grade MOVIE NIGHT Friday, January 23, 2015 @ 7 P.M. ************************************ 7TH & 8TH Grade TRIVIA NIGHT Friday, January 30, 2015 @ 7 P.M. QofP – 149 pg. 4 We thank the following parishioners for their generous donation to the Christmas Flower Collection and we remember their loved ones in our prayer. (Flower donations will be listed for the next two weeks) In memory of the Flanagan & Klescka families req. by Mr. & Mrs. Donald Scheuer In memory of the deceased members of the Price & Drum families req. by Nancy & Bob Price In memory of John W. Craig, Sr. req. by David Craig In memory of Charlie Dougherty req. by Judy Dougherty In memory of the Reyes and Delatorre req. by Santiago DeLaTorre In memory of Nunzi, Mae & John Constantio req. by Mae Constantino In memory of Connor Cupo & Robert P. Irwin req. by Mr. & Mrs. Al Cupo In memory of Patrick & Helen Irwin and Albert & Jenny Cupo In memory of the deceased members of the Bastian & Williams Families req. by Grace Bastian In memory of Edward Bell, Sr. req. by Mary T. Bell In memory of Mario Carlo, Jr. req. by Rosa Carlo In memory of Wilson Family req. by John H. Wilson In memory of John MacIntosh req. by Mary Ann MacIntosh In memory of Paul M. Alesi & Stephen Komraus req. by Sandra Alesi In memory of Antoinette & Frank DiMaria req. by Concetta DiMaria In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Sokolski & Mr. & Mrs. Furia req. by Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Sokolski In memory of the Lydon Family req. by Theresa Lydon In memory of Nancy & Bill Coyne req. by Patricia Timmins In memory of Mr. & Mrs. William Camp, Mr. Robert Holden, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lynd and Marie Weiss req. by Mr. & Mrs. John Camp In memory of Al & Betty Moffa req. by Rick & Betty Orr In memory of Walter & Ethel Orr req. by the Orr Family In memory of my grandparents req. by Christine Maher In memory of Cristina Batan Bolo req. by the Bolo Family In memory of Rosemarie & Chas & Marie req. by Joe Grindle In memory of Joseph E. Hepp req. by Terry Hepp In memory of Velma – Lena req. by Daniel Beal In memory of Theresa Dean & Russel and Margaret Broks req. by Alfred and Catherine Dean In memory of Wojtowicz & York Families req. by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wojtowicz In memory of the D’Ambrosio & Wright Families req. by Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Wright In memory of Rick Kelly req. by Karin Kelly & John Angiulo In memory of the Jesters, Parr, and Cihak Families req. by Dave & Sam Parr In memory of Andy Naessens req. by Nancy Naessens In memory of the deceased members of the Joyce and Karcher families req. by Pat & Dot Joyce In memory of Frank Theobald req. by Thomasina Theobald In memory of my mom Cass and Joe & Steve req. by Joyce Woodward In memory of Cass Wieber, Joe Wieber, Jr. & Steve Williams req. by Joseph Wieber In memory of W. Roger & Elizabeth Simpson req. by Susan Simpson Brown In memory of the Chilman & Casciato families req. by Mr. & Mrs. Scott Chilman In memory of Harry Hemmerle req. by Mary Gallagher In memory of the Shiels & Derrickson Families req. by Lorraine Shiels In memory of the deceased family members of the Viola and Barnes Families req. by Regina Barnes In memory of John Bradbury req. by Virginia Bradbury In memory of the Joseph & Acker Families req. by Margaret Joseph In memory of Mary & Pasquale Fragale req. by Maria & Dave Buccafuri In memory of Jack Anderson req. by Geraldine Anderson In memory of the Valera and Meakim Families req. by Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Meakim In memory of Victor & Mary Jane Subb req. by Maryann Subb In memory of Stanley Pawluk and Angela & Frank Traversa In memory of Carmen Ortega req. by Jose & Lucinda Garcia In memory of Barbara Maulder req. by Mr. & Mrs. David Daniel In memory of the Mackel & Brennan families req. by Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mackel In memory of the deceased members of the Detz, Galasso, O’Donnell and Templeton Families req. by Mr. & Mrs. James V. Templeton, Jr. In memory of Frances Peikert req. by Mr. & Mrs. David Zanoni In memory of Collin Michael Baptist req. y Mr. & Mrs. David Zanoni In memory of the Jensen & Griffin Families req. by Rebecca Griffin In memory of John & Gertrude Snyder and James & Louise Rocks req. by Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Rocks In memory of Charles Whicher req. by Mr. & Mrs. Peter Jones In memory of Margaret Schaefer req. by Gerald C. Schaefer In memory of Andrew P. McGuire req. by Tom & Andrea Rush In memory of Helen Hudak req. by Scott & Lauren Duffey In memory of Jenny Carminati and Eileen Wolos req. by Rick & Mary Carminati In memory of Dolores Espinoza req. by Jorge Ugarte In memory of Jim Thompson req. by Rita Thompson In memory of Mildred & Walter Ruhlin, Karl Lukens, Sr. and Michael Ganes req. by Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ruhling In memory of our grandparents req. by Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lubiski In memory of Ludwig & Marluise Schuster req. b Inge Schuster In memory of Gerald Purcell, Sr. req. by the Purcell Family In memory of Joseph Dahms req. by Marie Dahms In memory of Mary Hendel req. by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graham In memory of Buccafuri & Pizzino Family req. by Mr. & Mrs. Rosario Buccafuri In memory of Cleighton/Gindhart Family req. by Elizabeth A. Cleighton In memory of Ronald Eberz, Sr. req. by Kathleen Eberz In memory of Laura Schubert req. by James A. Schubert QofP – 149 pg. 5 Good Shepherd Catholic School A School fostering: God + Scholarship + Community + Service What does GSC offer? As a school community we model the Gospel values of faith, hope and love to lead our students to a deep and meaningful relationship with GOD. We challenge our students to value SCHOLARSHIP as a life-long love of learning. We lay the foundation for our students to become caring, responsible members of the global COMMUNITY. We lead our students to reach out to others through acts of charity and SERVICE in our parishes and neighborhoods. This is the MISSION of Good Shepherd Catholic School. GSC has all the advantages of a private school experience, but without the private school cost! Come join us! Appreciation… January 9, was named as “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.” The students demonstrated their appreciation for our local police by making cards, sending letters and donating money to a “Survivor Fund.” We continue to pray for our police and firemen who spend their lives to care for our local community. Chick-fil-a… Begin the New Year by eating chicken. Chick-fil-a “Spirit Night” for GSC will take place on January 15 at Willow Grove Mall. Come out and support GSC by enjoying some delicious chicken! Looking Ahead… The celebration of Catholic Schools Week will take place the week of January 25. Look for coming events in the church bulletin. Good Shepherd Catholic School ALL ARE WARMLY WELCOME TO VISIT! All are warmly welcome to visit us any day during the school week, M – F, 9 am to 2 pm, or schedule a private tour at your convenience. Contact our Advancement Director, Barbara Gress, at 215-8860126 or via email at [email protected]. We look forward to your visit! Buy Scrip ~ Save Money! Reduce your tuition and support your parish by shopping with gift cards from the QOP Scrip Program. “On-Hand” Scrip can be purchased after Masses on Sunday in the scrip room. Orders can also be placed for scrip that is not kept on-hand. Questions - Call Leslie 215-885-8495 or Pam 215-517-6857. From the Advancement Office Good Shepherd Catholic School ENROLLMENT OPPORTUNITIES We are excited to announce our Year of Christian Witness transfer grants available to students in public, private or charter schools, grades 1 - 8. We welcome an opportunity to talk with your friends, family, & neighbors regarding enrollment opportunities here at Good Shepherd Catholic School. We are steadfast in our commitment to provide families with an affordable, faith-based academy experience for their children. We ensure a rewarding academic, faith-filled journey for each student. We value your partnership; thank you for sharing our message regarding enrollment opportunities here at Good Shepherd Catholic School (esteemed legacy schools Saint John of the Cross & Queen of Peace STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS Please join other business leaders in our parish & school community & support Good Shepherd Catholic School students through Opportunity Scholarships. The Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (* OSTC) Program is like free money for GSC from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. You may use your State tax dollars to help Good Shepherd Catholic School students. As a business owner you can do this by simply redirecting the State taxes you already pay to GSC. The Pennsylvania OSTC Program allows you as a business owner to help Good Shepherd students by providing you with tax credits of up to 90% of your total contribution. Your contribution is your tax dollars. This is money you already pay to the State. This program provides a significant level of help & benefits our current & future GSC families. You can make a difference for many families in our community. We truly value & greatly appreciate your support. The following taxes are included in the State’s Program. * Corporate Net Income Tax * Insurance Premiums Tax * Capital Stock / Franchise Tax * Mutual Thrift Institution Tax * Bank & Trust Company Shares Tax * Title Insurance Companies Shares Tax * Personal Income Tax on Income from Partnerships / (LLCs) & S-Corporations Please contact me to begin your participation in this – 149 pg. 6 program on behalf of GSC students. I am happyQofP to provide you with more information & to answer any questions you may have. The State’s Program is administered by the Department of Community & Economic Development, Center for Business Financing, Tax Credit Division, 1-866-GO-NEWPA, www.newpa.org, Keyword: OSTC Barbara A. Gress Advancement Director Good Shepherd Catholic School [email protected] 215-886-0126 QofP – 149 pg. 6 Michael F. Breslin, Esq. KNAPP’S SERVICE STATION INC. PARISH MEMBER 1196 Easton Road • Roslyn, PA 19001 Wills, Trusts, Estates, Real Estate, Tax & Business Law COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 215-881-7789 ANGELONE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Domestic • Foreign • Light Trucks • Vans Exhaust • Brakes • Tire Batteries PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE FOR 45 YEARS 501 North Easton Road • Willow Grove 215-659-0202 Leandro N. Angelone, Jr. - Supervisor 215-884-9520 Hrs: M-F 7-8, Sat 7-5, Sun - Closed MONTCO REHAB COATES & COATES P.C. Choose us for Personal Care ANDREW A. COATES • MARYANNE C. COATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW • PARISHIONERS PHYSICAL THERAPY MICHAEL GIULIANI, MPT, PhD 1345 EASTON RD., ROSLYN 215-885-2022 Wills • Estates • Elder Law • Trusts • Estate Planning & Administration 2739 Limekiln Pike, North Hills 215.576.6007 AT THE HEART 215-572-1105 OF CHARITY IS ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Heating • Air Conditioning Drain Cleaning $16.99 2 large plain pizzas EAT-IN • TAKE-OUT • DELIVERY www.jerzeesglenside.com 215-425-4737 Serving PA, NJ & DE Free Estimates Follow us on: Carpet • Vinyl Hardwood Refinish Old Hardwood The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia 610-696-0100 is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 215.587.5650 CatholicFoundationPhila.org 215-657-1880 Roslyn Anthony C. Sweeney DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS Plumbing & Heating FOUNDATION REPAIR Registered Master Plumber, OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT Parishioner • Licensed & Insured EMERGENCY SERVICE 215-884-8375 FREE INSPECTIONS WATER HEATERS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: All Types of Plumbing & Heating: Repair or Installation From Small Jobs to Big www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured Since 1996 3005 Mt. Carmel Ave. 215.885.2814 St. Mary Manor 701 Lansdale Avenue • Lansdale, PA 215-368-0900 Over 80 Years of Compassionate Care Excellent Nursing Care Rehabilitation Therapies Independent Living Personal Care Apartments • Memory Support Daily Mass in our Historic Chapel www.stmarymanor.org CatholicHealthCareServices.org PA Lic. #006806 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 215-427-1727 www.luigisglenside.com $1.00 OFF Any Large Pizza w/ad ✓ Geriatric Rehab Program ✓ Diabetic Management and Training ✓ Specialized Extended Short Stay Program ✓ Comprehensive Wound Care ✓ Chronic Illness Management ✓ Post Hospitalization Rehab. “Dad needed Surgery and we knew he would need rehab. Brookside did a wonderful job caring for him. I am so please, Thank you Brookside.” Mary P 2630 Woodland Road, Abington, PA 19001 • 215-884-6776 www.Brooksidehealthcare.com Medicare and Medicaid Certified Tour our elegantly decorated facility in the heart of Roslyn, PA. Accepts HMO, PPO and Commercial Insurance plans Frenchy & Dee Soups And Stuff, LLC 15% OFF “Home Made Soups” Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Lobster Bisque, Beef Barley, Shrimp & Crab Bisque, Chicken Corn Chowder, Chili PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY! Parishioner Visit our Website: soupsbyfrenchy.com ELECTRIC Certified & Insured Commercial & Residential Cable • Phone • All Electrical Needs 215-370-0693 Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. 215-520-5881 [email protected] MATT ADELSBERGER $75 OFF PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM 149 Queen of Peace, Ardsley, PA (I) Rt. D ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding Licensed & Insured 1.866.264.8444 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net Est. 1979 W ILLIAM R. M AY F U N E R AL HO M E, I NC . Carpeting • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile No Wax Floors • Window Treatments 180 SOUTH MAIN STREET AMBLER, PA 19002 215-793-9000 State Inspection Emissions A Family Tradition of Care Easton Rd. & Keswick Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 Harry M. May, Supv Main St. & Elm Ave. North Wales, PA 19454 Michael J. McDonald, Supv. FITZGERALD’S 215-884-8410 TIRE & AUTO SERVICE JENKINTOWN & EASTON RDS. GLENSIDE 215-699-3442 (215) 885-1100 Alignments Brakes Tune-Up W W W. M AY F U N E R A L H O M E . C O M Monday-Tuesday 1 Kids Meal FREE (betwn. 5pm-8pm; from kids menu) 2708 LIMEKILN PK., GLENSIDE 215-517-7719 DINNER ENTREES Showers • Christenings Confirmations • Communions Funeral Luncheons Dine In Only All Pasta & Dinner Entrees NOW Include Salad SUNDAY thru THURSDAY ONLY Alice J. Tillger Attorney At Law Now offering...SNOW REMOVAL (267) 808-7200 24/7 Emergency Service 24 Hr. Emergency 215-880-9945 Painting • Patios/Decks • Home Repair/Remodeling http://www.propertyrecovery911.com Direct Insurance Billing Call for Parishioner Discount PARISHIONER, SENIOR CITIZEN & VETERANS DISCOUNTS Commercial • Residential • Fully Insured Donald J. Miller Donald J. Miller 813 Glenside Ave. Wyncote, PA 19095 (215)886-9513 #PA026511 Residential & Commercial Electric Contractors Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 813 E. Abington Ave., Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Phone: 215-233-0598 • Fax: 215-233-0133 Email: [email protected] • www.frankduffelectric.com Matt & Patti Duff • Parishioners Since 1993 Complete Car Care “A Neighborhood Repair Shop You Can Trust” Open for Lunch & Dinner Mention This Ad For 10% OFF 2846 Limekiln Pike, Glenside, PA 19038 (215) 886-7489 215-884-9727 Direct: 215-358-1066 www.maripatking.com 501 Old York Rd., Jenkintown Jenkintown Plaza • 215-886-2266 DK AUTO REPAIR Servicing, All Make & Models Maripat King (215) 358-1100 (215) 997-4100 Frank Duff Electric Service, Inc. Thomas Bowman ATTORNEY AT LAW 162 South Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Serving The Parish Since 1989 Jason Stone - Owner • Free Estimates www.StoneFinishRemodeling.com NEED ELECTRICAL WORK? Criminal Law - DUI & Juvenile Cases Wills & Estates • Accidents - Personal Injury Wills • Probate Elder Law Medicaid Planning Real Estate 215-657-7440 * Member PA & NJ Bar Realtor® “Your Neighborhood Expert” 215-576-6888 1185 Easton Rd., Roslyn Water Mitigation Mold Remediation • Fire Restoration Emergency Board Up Filitalia Abington Chapter Promoting the Italian Culture through meetings, classes and events. Scholarships available to members. New members welcomed. For information, call Gloria at: 267-716-8486. 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