PRESS NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO. : - 07/EE/UDP-DIVN/UDP/2014-15. Dated, 09.12.2014. The Executive Engineer, Udaipur Division, PWD(R&B), Udaipur, Gomati Tripura invites on behalf of the ‘Governor of Tripura’ separate sealed percentage rate tender(s) from the Central & State public sector undertaking / enterprise and eligible Contractors /Firms/Agencies of appropriate class registered with PWD/TTAADC/MES/CPWD/Railway/Other State PWD in PWD Form 7 (seven) up to 3.00 P.M. on 06.01.2015 and Tenders will be opened on same day at 3.30 P.M. if possible in presence of intending tenderers and others contractors who may like to be present for the following works:-. Sl. No. 1 Name of work Estimated Cost. 2 3 Earnest Money. 4 Time for completion. 5 1. Mtc. of road from Sataria Masjid to Salgarah Bazar from ch. 2.80 km to 4.60 km (L=1.80 km)/SH: 2. Providing retaining wall, Earth work, Metalling, PMC, Sand seal coat, tack coat etc. (2nd Call) ` 51,98,480/= ` 51,985/= 04 (Four) Months DNIT NO: - 115/NIT/SE-III/R/2013-14. Mtc. of road from Garjee to Tulamura/SH: Metalling, Carpeting of approach road of PSC bridge over Tulamura Cherra at ch. 9.00 km near Tulamura market and allied works. (2nd Call) ` 17,81,113/= ` 17,811/= 04 (Four) Months DNIT NO: - 01/NIT/SE-III/R/2014-15. 3. Mtc. of town road for East, South and West Bank of Jagannath Deghi (L=1.660 km)/SH: For patch carpeting and grouting works. (2nd Call) ` 20,30,894/= ` 20,309/= 02 (Two) Months DNIT NO: - 05/NIT/SE-III/R/2014-15 4. Mtc. of road from Jagannath chowmuhani to Chanban via Master para and Jagannath Chowmuhani to NH44 via Santipally/SH: Metalling, Grouting and repairing of patch carpeting, sand seal coating (PhaseI, L=2.100 km and link roads L=0.420 km) and providing 1 (One) No. RCC slab culvert and some portion road side pucca drain. ` 43,52,640/= ` 43,526/= 06 (Six) Months DNIT NO: - 92/NIT/SE-III/R/2014-15. 5. Mtc. of road from Udaipur to Maharani PWD road (L=8.850 km)/Construction of Box-cell culvert (3.00 x3.00 m clear span) by replacing of spun pipe culvert at ch. 1250.00 m during the year 2014-15. ` 14,51,612/= ` 14,516/= 03 (three) Months DNIT NO: - 15/NIT/EE/UDP-DIVN/UDP/R/2014-15. 6. Mtc. of road from Dataram to Maidabari PWD road (L=5.680 km)/Construction of Box-cell culvert (3.00 x3.00 m clear span) by replacing of spun pipe culvert at ch. 2060.00 m during the year 2014-15. ` 5,98,340/= ` 5,983/= 03 (three) Months DNIT NO: - 16/NIT/EE/UDP-DIVN/UDP/R/2014-15. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Earnest money should be deposited in the State Bank of India or any scheduled Bank of India guaranteed by the RBI in the shape of “Deposit-at-call” or “Demand Draft” on schedule bank only in favour of the Executive Engineer, Udaipur Division, PWD(R&B), Udaipur, Gomati Tripura. The Deposit-at-call or Demand Draft must be submitted along with the tender. Tender form application will be received upto 4.00 P.M. on 02.01.2015 in the Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD, Udaipur Division, Udaipur, Gomati Tripura on payment of ` 1000.00 (Rupees One thousand) only for Sl. No. 2 to 6 and ` 2500.00 (Rupees two thousand five hundred) only for Sl. No. 1 in cash/ Demand Draft(Non Refundable) on any working days as specified above on production of documentary proof of registration of the firm, Nationality, PTCC / STCC (Wherever applicable) and valid license regarding engagement of workers in the contract work from Labour Department, Government of Tripura, in original along with xerox copy. Contd. Page-2 Page-2 Demand drafts furnished towards Earnest Money along with the tender shall be valid for a period of 6(six) months for Sl. No. 1 and 3 (Three) Months for Sl. No. 2 to 6 from the last date of receipt of tender. Tender (s) which are not in prescribed printed form and are not purchased from Office of the Executive Engineer, PWD, Udaipur Division, Udaipur, Gomati Tripura. Shall be rejected at the time of opening of the tender. In case of firms and companies tendering for the work, these firms and companies shall be registered in India. The conditions regarding PTCC / STCC etc. enumerated above will equally apply in case of firms and companies. Tender can be sent through Registered Post / Speed Post or dropped in the tender box at the Office of the Executive Engineer, Udaipur Division, PWD (R&B), Gomati, Tripura and office of the Sub-Divisional Officer, PWD(R&B), Kakraban Sub-Division, Kakraban. So as to reach or dropped well upto 3.00 P.M. on 06.01.2015. The notice can also be seen at Web site at /pwd or (Er. N. Dalal) Executive Engineer, PWD (R&B), Udaipur Division, Udaipur, Gomati Tripura.
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