THURSDAY, FEBRUARY n , , 9 z 6 SHE TIMES, CANISnEQ, gTEUBEN COUNTY, NEW YORK PAGE SIX SSSSB RECORD OF PERSONAL ITEMS IN CANISTEO FOR THE WEEK A James Craze Picture At Boiler's This Week. METHODIST CHURCH Another popular and noted picture will be Bhown in Boiler's theatre, CauiBteo, this week when Manager Boiler \ presents "Mannequin," Fannie Hurst's 150,000. Liberty Magazine story on Fri. C. X. Hutchinson, pastor. day and Saturday nights, Feb. 12 and also a sojourner in Boston and Atr ** George Hilts ia ill, with au attack TONIGHT lantic city away. He expects to remain 13. This is a James Cruze production or the grip. Union services for prayer in the folSome of his pictures are: "The CovMrs. John MetalBki, who has been in Canisteo with his sister, Mrs. A.ered Wagon," and| "Merton of thelowing homes: Clinton Clark, North SlawBon until next fall. Hornell street; Roy Ham:A 31 Rus • ill, is better. Movies." sell street Mrs. Herbetr J. Gray, 22 Miss Blache L. Smith was a recent G. W. Jack went to Buffalo yesterStars in "Maunequin" are Alice day with a carload of lambs. E. Main street; F. E. Carpenter,. 15 visitor in Rochester. Rev. H. L. Somers was in Elmirn Joyce, Warner Baxter, Dolores Cos- Stephens street; E. C. Jeffer<j, 78 Mrs. M. Allison was taken ill with tello, Zasu Pitts. The picture Is. new Tuesday attending a committee of the » the grip on Tuesday. and very popular and Is having a big Greenwood street; Floyd Buuce, 1:2 Maple street. Frank Allen spent last week with PreBbytery o f Steuben. Mrs. Earl Vanderhoef viBited her business in the cities where Bhown. his daughter in Eluiha. These services will begin prompt'y Manager Boiler has secured an early John R. Keeler was confined to his Bister, Mrs. Eugene Gleason of Frank showing for his patrons. No finer, at 7:30 and will'continue one hour. lin street, Wellsville, last week. I home by illness last week. Let us fill these homes, each finding Mrs. Donald DeMarcn and son of better picture may be expected any- the home in his own group. Jason France of Jasper was a busiwhere this year than "Mannequin." West Virginia returned home yesterFRIDAY NIGHT ness caller in town Saturday. The Baker Bible class will hold Us Win. Moore of Troupsburg spent last day after a visit with Mrs;. Mae De Marce of 4th street This Week in The Presbjr* iqonthly gathering, with tureen supper week at his farm in this town. The Ever Ready class of the Baptisi in the church. i . Mrs. Andrew Stephens is confined tcrian Church. to the house y an attack of he flu. - church was pleasantly entertained by SUNDAY Rev. H. L. Somers, pastor. Clifford Prentice of Pottsvllle, Pa., Mrs. D, L Martin at the Biptist parThe preacher for the day will be Mr. Abbott Betard to Sjeak. sonage Tuesday evening. spent Sunday with his family here. Rev. Geo. W. Keeliug, pastor of' the The Men's Gallery class of the Editor Guy Comfort of Perry; and Mrs. Guy Plalsted and son of Green Spencer church, Hornell. Our pastor Presbyterian church will enjoy a rare wood were callers in this village on Cashier Rockwell Comfort of Midd.cwill preach in Spencer church. This Thursday. port were here yesterday to atteiu. treat next Sunday by having the privi- exchange of pulpits is made in the inF. Elton White of Troupsburgh was the funeral of the lato Frank E. Coin- lege of listening to Mr. Abbott Betard terest of the special evangelistic of Hornell, who will speak to the class a business caller in this village on movements now in progress in SpenDon Jackson, who has been 111 at Thursday. -Jt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. EU- during the Sunday school hour. cer church as here in Canisteo. It is Mr. Betard has had a varied and hoped Mrs. Minor A. Curtiss has been COIF that large congregations .will ertngton, is much Improved and will most interesting career, particularly fined to her home in Russell street greet Brother Keeliug both morning leave for his home on the Swale in a In Europe and during the late World and evening. Rev. Keeling will teach by illness. , , war, and his address will be one well the pastor's class. Deputy sheriff II. G. Austin and fam- few days. M Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cram, formerly worth hearing. The meeting wilf start ily spent.Sunday at their former home TUESDAY EVENING In Troupsburg. 3 Of Canisteo and well kndwn here, promptly at 12 m. and end at 1 p. m. Piayer services in the homes of: .sharp. All the men of the community moved from San Fracisco to Mrs. Blair Blowers of Scranton, Pa., Mrs. James Hendricks, Depot street; visited Mrs. Stella Blowers in this Los Angeles and will be located at are cordially invited to be present. Frank Brlghtman, 1,-6 Third street. 650 South Spring street place laBt week. Robert Kellogg, 31 Taylor street; Chas Among those ill at the home of Mrs. M. S. Williamson of Prospect E. June, 15 West Academy street; ,f avenue is ill and under the doctor's Fred A. VanOrsdale in Greenwood Mrs. Mae Stewart, South Elm street. street, is ill with the flu at St. James care from the flu. Mrs. Susan Potter is ill at the home Hattie Marley and Floyd VanOrsdale | of her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Wilson in all are-ill with the grip. Mrs. Mary Faulkner of Cunningham East Main street. Miss Irene Shults and Claude Shu Its creek is confined to the bed with heart of Buffalo spent Sunday "with Mr. and trouble and other complications of a serious nature. Her daughter. Miss Mrs. John Metelski. ij. D. L. Martin, pastor. Wm. J. Barry, a resident of Depot Alice Faulkner, is earing for he/. Mt«'. and Mrs. G. W. Jack returned $ street, is ill with the flut in St. James Topics for Sunday sermons: mornhome Friday night from Watertown hospital in Homell Manager David H. Travis bt the Can- ing, "Why go to church?" Evening, Miss Grace D. Williams was home where they attended the session of isteo lecture course announces that "The Valley of Decision." t tram Syracuse university from Thurs- the state Grange. Mr. Jack was the the next entertainment will be giv- ' No mid-week service at the church delegate from the Canisteo grange. day until Mo j.-jay. en in the Community building Mon- this Thursday evening. All are urged Andrew D. Travis went to Ithaca day evening, Feb. 15, by Dinsmore Up- jo attend the union cottage prayer Supervisor D. C. Hunter attended the meeting of the Board of Supervis- this week to attend the annual farm- son, a noted popular lecturer. meeting announced for the district ers' week program at Cornell univerors at Bath Monday. This number will be one of the best where they Hve. \ Mrs. William Flohr and daughter sity where he was a student and from and most instructive on the course Friday, Feb. 12.—All members of | Mary of Orchard street have been ill which he was graduated several years and all should plan to attend. troop 13 are urged to be present at during the past week. ago. 7:30 p. m. at the Community house » Fred A. VanOrsdale was ill and un- G. M. Beasor returned last week Boy Scout Supper for the Lincoln Birthday rally of all able to work several days last week from Washington where he had busiLast Friday evening at the Baptist troops of Hornell district No. 4. Reon account of the grip. » ness before the Interstate Commerce church there was a tureen supper for presentatives from 15 troops are exWm. J. Brotzman was In Bath on Commission relating to the consolida- troop 13 and their mothers. The other pected to take part in the contests. Thursday to attend the meeting of tion of the New York and Pennsyl- town and scout masters and pastors of Parents and friends are invited. No vania railway. the Dairymen's League. the town and Executive Dunn of Hor- charge for admission. Mr. aud Mrs- George J. Young have nell were present. Over 40 sat down to Mrs. Etta McCauley of Aj'vrts. CanTroop 13 will meet next week on ada, is spending the wller with Mr. moved from Hornell into the John the tables and after a bountiful sup- Tuesday evening instead of Monday. Murphy house in 4th street formerly per had been properly cared for, there and Mrs. James R. Miller. Edmund Venor spent Tuesday and occupied by Harley A. Chisholm. Mrs. was a very, interesting program carWednesday in Buffalo on a business Young is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ercises by the troop, T. Mitchell Jamison. ried out of speeches, music and extrip for the shoe factory. Byron Wagner and S. B. Hendcc, Mrs. Metier Smith of Black Lick, Card of Thanks. Penn., has returned home after a vis- residents of Fremont, came from that place Sunday night to attend the ser- We wish to extend our deep and it with Mrs. Amelia Smith. Fred D. Crane waB ablo to be out vice in the Canisteo Methodist church heartfelt thanks to our kind friends again on Saturday after being laid up and hear the fine address delivered by and neighbors for their aid and symBishop Adna W. Leonard. pathy in our great bereavement of the with the grip for four days. Mrs. Perry Wilson aud Mrs. Geo. A. L. Boiler, proprietor of Bollrr*3 loss of our husband and father. Wye Hooey of Buena Vista were callers theatre, who has been 111 for a month thank everyone for their automobiles with rheumatism, remainp about the flowers and all assistance rendered. in this place on Thursday. DR. and MRS. K. E. COMFORT, Mrs. H. S. Lent lias recovered from same. He had his teeth, which were in MRS. FRANK E. COMFORT, her illness of several weeks duration bad condition, extracted and is in hopes of soon i'gaining :iis ubual MADELINE COMFORT. and is able to be out again. r " Harold Clark of the Bibcock Co., health. Mrs. Ray F. Stewart of East Main .Homell was a business caller at The j -street, who hase been ill since ChristTIMES office op Tuesday, ^ Wm. G, Kellogg and son, William mas with sinus infection, isr-improving. jr., of Greenwood were guests of J Her mother, Mrs. Bona 3. Brown oi Frank Lathrop's hardware has a fine Woodhull, who has been caring for 0. Latham Salutday at lunch. show window filled with a display of her, returned home Sunday. Mr. StewMr. and Mrs. E. W. Chilson returnthe Gleckner harnesses and horse suped last week from Canaseraga where art took her home. plies for which the stoire is dealer. they had spent several weeks. The consignment of new goods has Mrs. Clarence Bunco of Maple street just been received and Is one of the spent the week end with her slater, Charles Fuller, Formerly largest ever made Into Steuben county. Mrs. Oscar Hulbert of Allegany. of Hartsville Dead. Mrs. Wm. Lane and daughter Julia Notice has been received of the of Perry spent several days this week ueath of Charles Fuller in Checotah, Canisteo Man Fined at the home of Mrs. Isaac Hall. Miss Lois Conklin and Miss Ada Oklahoma. Charles Fuller was born . For Illegal Hunting. Carter of Alfred university spent the and raised in the town of Hartsville and for a good many years resided week end with Miss Anna Mays. ROCHESTER. Jan. 23.-Reports filLynn D. Hepinstall left for Portland. in and around Hartsville. Nearly GQ ed here with inspector F. W. Hamilton Ore., Friday. Mrs. Roxie Hepinstall years ago he went to Michigan and of the Rochester district of the State from there drifted to other parts of Fish and Oame Conservation Commisaccompanied him as far as Buffalo. Mi-y. John Sweigert and airs. Hattie the west, having been back lo New sion show that Glenn Vanderhoef of Decker and son Charles or Howard York state only 2 or 3 times since. Canisteo settled for $17.50 for trapping For several years past he has lived in cottontail rabbits, and Charles French were callers -hi this village Friday. Merle Nicholson of Buena Vista is Oklahoma. His wife and 3 daughters and Robert Smith of Homell, each paid $12.50 for taking a raccoon from staying at John Bums' and having an passed away several yea.t'8 ago. his den in a tree. infected hand treated by the doctor. Attorney Howard Cobb and son James Barker, Charles MacCaxg, Jack of Ithaca were in Caatoreo Sunday Teacher Secured for Chester Rouch and Harold Wood of at the home of his brother. T. ChurchOntario paid a total of $160. for using Mathematics Room. ferrets ill Co"" to hunt rabbits, and Elmer PerRuHh Kettell, daughter of Mr. and deyne of Williamson paid $12.60 for Mrs. Annabelle French of % Leon Kettell of Depot street who possessing a ferret witnbut proper been ill with the measles, has rc- Is the new teacher of mathematics'to license. Canisteo Academy to fill the place bvored. Mrs. Wm. Dunkell of Jasper visit- caused by the resignation- of Mrs. ed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Walker who had to give up Russell Reynolds in this place last teaching on account of serious illness. Mrs. French has had 2 years exper-" week. lence as a teacher. She Is a graduate Mrs. Chas. Ellington has returned to from Syracuse university where she The first of the union cottage prayher home after spending 2 weeks in majored in mathematics. The school er meetings will be held this ThursHomell caring for her daughter aud board are determined to maintian the day evening In the following homes: little grandson. high standard in the department of District No. 1, at the home of ClinMrs. Alonso Groff of South Elm mathematics which Mrs. Walker has ton Clark, North Hornell street; disstreet entertained the Greenwood had for more than 25 years. trict No. 2, Roy Harvey, 34 Russell str^t tens of the Presbyterian church street; district No. 3, Mrs. Herbert at her home last week. J. Gray, 22 East Main street; district Frank Shanley of Olcan formerly of No. 4, Fred E. Carpenter, 16 StephRexville. spent several days last week H. Lane of Greenwood ens street; district No. 5, E. C. Jetfera, at the Gillls hotel while ho wag hav. Died Suddenly Monday. 78 Greenwood street; district No. 6, ing dental work dono hero. Clarence Bunce, 22 Maple street! Mr*. Raymond Stewart, of GreenH. Lalne ot West Greenwood was wood hill visited her aunt, Mrs. Louis taken with a severe headache MonMeeting of History Club Hour last week wbili> attending teach- day and died Within * few minutes The members of the History club ers' conference at. Homell. trojn the time he was taken. He was With their huRbands and a few other Mrs. M. E. WatmiiH has left Maple the only son of the late George Lane guests met with Mrs. D. L. Martin Street, where „he has been Hlsyine; of Christian Hollow and leaves besides Monday evening for a tureen supper Watch for our advertisement and has gone to Homell. She in lo.his wife, one sister, a nephew, Rob- The number who sat down to the and other useful information. Cgted at No. 34 School street. ert Slocum, of Greenwood. Buriul was tables was exactly 40. The house had Mr. and Mrs. LOB tor Cornell of Jas- made in Greenwood cemetery. been decorai«»d according to aeasoS per visited Mr. and Mrs. Ord Dunkell with long strings of rod hearts, many over .Sunday. They also visited in Hor Engagement Announced of tliein revealing rupids and many nell where her parents reside. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 8teveh% .,811- others pierced with golden arrows. Martin A. Tut.tle and daughter Ruth iRteo road announce the engagi A fine supper was served and the of Homell were callers at J. Claude of their daughter. Ellethra, to Willia; ial hour was enjoyed by all. Latham's on Monday. Mr Tuttle is La Valley of Hornell. The engagement enjoying splendid health and activity. was formerly qfttiounced at a luncheon Moved to Hornell, J. K. Stewart, who has been visit- and bridge party given at the home Alfred Layman*and family have mov •W* big hiH Hon. Ray V, Stewart of Kant of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford ot No. 911! Main street, went in Homell Sunday Walnut street, Klmlra. Saturday after- ed from the Eastman Drake Imuse lo lo spend a few weeks with his daugh- noon. Several Elmira college friends Maple street, to Hornell where they, will live In VanScooter Htrcet. He is ter. of Miss Stevens worn p,resent. employed In the, Eric shops. 1 '^p** Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs At the same time announcement itfm Baker of Spruce street. ha« re was made of the engagement of Miss League Had Slelghride ^•vered from the operation he under- Stevens' room mate. Miss Dorothy The Epworlh League had a sleighPwent a week ago for the removal of Snedecor. to John lgsec, both of Patch ride lo Hornell Friday night, after ogue, L. I. his tonsils. which they went to the home of Miss Mrs. Kannle Covert of Jaekp.m Lovlna Miller for a social evening. street who underwent an operation tin Operated ppon kidney atones Wodne.Hdav in st Miss Elizabeth Simpson, daught Another Chimney Burned Out James hospttal at Homell, is recover- Attorney and Mrs. L. J. Simpson, was fire companies were* called out I ing, nicely. operated upon tor appendicitis at again Mdhdfty sight at 7 oclock but] Dr. ft. C. Ptxley returned on Sunday Beth€*dA hospttal in Homell Thura. It was only aaother chimuay burning] from New York city where he haddmy by Dr. G. L-, WhUlag, She ia re- out. this one being that of Edward spent seven! weeks, Dr. Pixley was covering. Raaer iu Spring street. Winter Coats FOR WOMEN AND MISSES at One-half off An opportunity to buy a Coat of correct style, dependable quality of material, skilfully tailored and richly Furred at ONEHALF PRICE. Coats that were $29.50 SALE PRICE $14.75 Coats that were 39.50 SALE PRICE 1 9 . 7 5 SALE PRICE 2 4 . 7 5 Coats that were 49.50 Coats that were 59.50—-SALE PRICE 29.75 SALE PRICE 34.75 Coats that were 69.50 SALE PRICE 39.75 Coats that were 79.50 SALE PRICE 4 4 . 7 5 Coats that were 89.50 GOOD LECTURE IN THE COURSE BAPTIST CHURCH FEBRUARY 15 A LOT OF GOOD COATS VERY SPECIAL, $9,95 : INHODSia %0l ON CARTER WOOL UNDERWEAR <£*-• Hornell~}>kw~York 'lUh&eWhatVou. Buy ts Qoods! IOt m Cash Service Quality Fine Display of Harnesses at Lathrop's. OS m .WHERE CASH COUNTS. WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL EFFORT TO GIVE OUR : . CUSTOMERS THE BENEFIT OF A REGULAR argain ON THE LAST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH. \ Our next Bargain Day will be Tuesday, February, 23rd Union Cottage Prayer Meetings Tonight AT THAT TIME THERE WILL BE MANY LINES OF WINTER GOODS TO BE CLOSED OUT- -IN MANY CASES B E L O W C O S T A N D A LIBERAL REDUCTION ALL THROUGH OUR LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. MENS FURNBHINGS, NEW RUGS. LINOLEUM. WINDOW SHADES AND GROCERIES. NO ORDERS FOR FREE PANTS WITH TAILOR MADE SUITS WILL BE SHIPPED LATER THAN MARCH 1st. NO EFFORT WILL BE SPARED TO MAKE THIS BARGAIN DAY THE B E S T O N E WE HAVE EVER HAD. in next week's Canisteo papers for particulars witk PRICES BE SURE AND ARRANGE YOUR BUSINESS SO YOU CAN VISIT OUR STORE ON TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS WE WLL HAVE ON SALE ON THAT DATE. iOU WILL SAVE BIG MOI^EY. YOURS FOR A BETTER CANISTEO mmtm'mmk % # mm Untitled Document — -^ainJiiftni ''I'll ,-r;-\---'''^-'' MJ • •* «-»*^J' -^SttiSiiirtr i r v i i 'iiitf • ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 M|jf£faMi^ili|iiiiMiriilMia#laHb1liU 30 30 oc
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