January 10, 2015 Congregation Beth El El--Atereth Israel Parshas Shemos Stone Chumash p 292 Haftarah p 1146 Shema by 9:32 am Mincha 4:10 pm Seudah Shlishis Shabbos ends: 5:16 pm 19 Teves 5775 Kehillah Konnections Beth El Briefings Mazel tov— to Annie & Dan Goldish on the birth of their first grandchild, a boy born in Jerusalem to Ellinoa and Shimmy Goldish. May they raise him to Torah, chuppah, and maasim tovim. Child Friendly Family Luncheon— will take place, for all who have registered, immediately after kiddush. There willl be children’s entertainment by Silly Sally’s Entertainment & Events in the youth room. There will also be a program for the children led by our Shlichot, Roni and Idanit. Thank you— to Tami Wald & Shari Lederman for organizing the child friendly family luncheon and for shopping and preparing the food for it. Thank you to Mayer Kahan and Dani Goldring for making cholent, and Israela Kahan & Sarabeth Lefman for organizing the children’s entertainment. Thank you as well to Gina and Alex Spiegel for supporting the event as sponsors and to Tami and Sam Wald as donors. Father/Son Learning— This popular program for boys in grades 1- 8, co-sponsored by Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel and Boston Kollel, will continue this Motzei Shabbat, January 10th from 6:30-7:30 pm. Mother/Daughter Learning— this Sunday, January 11 at 10:30 a.m. will be the first session of the Mother/Daughter learning that will take place in our new renovated youth room. This program is co-sponsored by Beth El and the Kollel. Sunday Morning Breakfast— will take place in the youth room this Sunday morning after the 8 a.m. minyan. Thursday Morning Class— Rabbi Segal’s Thursday morning class will take place at 11:00 am in the library. The class will cover various topics on the Parashat Hashavua. Beit Midrash and Rabbi Segal’s Shiur— The Beit Midrash program for men, co-sponsored by Beth El and the Kollel, and Rabbi Segal’s weekly Talmud shiur, will continue on Tuesday, January 13 at 8:00 pm & 8:45 pm respectively. Bnei Akiva Snif— This Shabbat there will be a Bnei Akiva SNIF for grades 3-8 at 4:20 p.m. at Shaarei. Teen Minyan (Including M&M Minyan)— will be held this Shabbat, January 10 at 9:30 a.m. in the chapel for anyone in grades 6-12. The kiddush will include meat cholent. The Middle School Musaf Minyan will not be taking place this week. M&M Minyan will be participating in the teen Minyan downstairs at 9:30 am. Youth Minyan for 3rd-5th graders will take place in the first upstairs classroom. Thank you to Davey Schoenberg, Jonathan and Jordan Cohen, Sherri Cohen, Mayer Kahan and Dani Goldring for organizing the Teen Minyan and Kiddush. Bat Mitzvah Program— Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel and Ma’ayan is co-sponsoring a bat mitzvah program which will be led by our own Oranit Saadia. The next session of the program will take place on Sunday, January 11. Professor Steven Katz— will deliver a talk on Shabbat January 17th (Please Note Date Change) after kiddush on “Reflections of a Wandering Academic: Travels to Spain, Turkey, China, Iran and the Vatican, among other stops along the way” Our own Steven Katz has given talks and been politically engaged under various auspices -- governmental, academic and Jewish -- in many parts of the world. He will reflect on some of his experiences as a Jewish academic in these settings. Adult Friendly Shabbat Family Luncheon On Shabbat January 17, 2015 we will be having an Adult Friendly Shabbat Family Luncheon targeted toward individuals and families who are "empty nesters" and toward families whose youngest child is in middle school or older. This luncheon will immediately follow the talk presented by Professor Steven Katz. Please register online by January 11th at http://luncheon.bethelnewton.org Shabbat Shira Shabbaton— On January 30th-31st we will be having the well known singer and entertainer Lipa as our guest chazan for Shabbat Shira. See flier on the inside cover. Register at http://Shabbaton.bethelnewton.org Israeli Wine Tasting On Saturday Evening, January 24, AIPAC and Congregation Beth El-Atereth Israel invite you to the home of Jone and Allen Dalezman to taste unique wines from up and coming Israeli boutique wineries and will have a private briefing offered by Danielle Harsip, AIPAC’s Boston Area Director. It promises to be a wonderful evening and a fantastic opportunity to all get together and learn more about Policy Conference. Mishloach Manot— we will be having Beth El’s Mishloach Manot program on Purim through which you can send Mishloach Manot to fellow shul members. See flier on the back cover for more details or contact Tanya Fischer. Minyanim — January 11-17 AM Sunday 1/11 Monday 1/12 Tuesday 1/13 Wednesday 1/14 Thursday 1/15 Friday 1/16 Shabbos 1/17 7:00 am 8:00 am 6:30 am 6:40 am 6:40 am 6:30 am 6:40 am 7:45 am 9:00 am Candle Lighting 4:19 pm PM 4:25 pm 6:30 pm Maariv only 6:30 pm Maariv only 6:30 pm Maariv only 6:30 pm Maariv only 4:30 pm Shema by: 9:32 am 4:15 pm REGULAR CLASSES Mishnah Brurah Rabbi Segal Sunday: 1/2 hour before Shacharit (8:00 am) Halacha Yomi Rabbi Segal Daily, after Shacharit and between Mincha and Maariv Gemorah Mesechet Chullin Rabbi Segal Tuesday, 8:45pm Parshat Hashvuah Topics Related to Weekly Portion Rabbi Segal Thursday: 11:00 am Mishnayot: Seder Nezikin Rabbi Asher Shabbat morning Leeder 8:30 am Rabbi Leeder’s home Shabbat Morning Groups Youth Groups Toddlers-2nd grade 10:00am-end of Shul • Toddlers—1st Lower Level Classroom • Pre K– K—2nd Lower Level Classroom • 1st-2nd Grades—3rd Lower Level Classroom Youth Minyan 3rd-5th Grades 10:15-11:00am Chapel (in the basement) M&M Minyan 6th-8th Grades 10:45 a.m.—11:15 a.m. First Upstairs Classroom Interested in sponsoring a Youth Kiddush? Contact Shari Lederman at: [email protected] Please remember to remove all your trash from the Sanctuary! If you have any life cycle events that should be published in the Kishrei, please inform the shul office. Office Hours Monday-Thursday-9am-1pm Friday: 9:30am-1:30pm By Rabbi Avraham Fischer. A publication of the Orthodox Union in cooperation with the Seymour J. Abrams Orthodox Union Jerusalem World Center Parshat Shemot January 10, 2015 19 Tevet 5775 Pharaoh’s oppression of the Hebrews has reached its lowest point: And Pharaoh commanded his entire nation, saying, “Every son that will be born shall you cast into the Canal [Nile], but every daughter shall you keep alive” (Shemot 1:22). 18:2), light and flexible, so it is suitable for both calm and swift waters. Smearing the mud on the inside and the pitch on the outside makes the TEIVAH watertight, and spares the baby from the offensive smell of the pitch (Sotah l.c.). The gomeh very closely resembles the reed-grass (some say they are the same plant), so it provides excellent camouflage (Rashbam). For a fuller answer, let us compare Moshe’s TEIVAH with the only other TEIVAH in Tanach, namely, that of Noach, which Hashem commanded at the time of the Flood: Make for yourself an ark of (TEIVAT) gofer-wood; rooms shall you make for the ark; and you shall cover it from within and from without with tar (Bereishit 6:14). Why does Yocheved put the little baby in There are obvious differences between the TEIVAH, and the TEIVAH in the Nile? the two TEIVOT: the materials from which Has she utterly despaired of protecting Pharaoh’s astrologers have divined that her child, and wants only to keep herself they are made; the dimensions; and the the Hebrews’ savior has been born, and number of occupants. Furthermore, from seeing him taken from her, as Ibnthat his downfall would come via water. Yocheved does not make her TEIVAH, but However, it is unclear to them whether this Ezra suggests? If so, how is she any differ- rather took one she already had, while ent from the dissolute Hagar, who abansavior is a Hebrew or an Egyptian, so Noach constructed made his at Hashem’s Pharaoh’s decree even applies to his own doned the ailing Yishmael under a bush so command. Also, Moshe’s TEIVAH is kept she would “not see the lad’s countrymen (Rashi, based on Sotah 12a, stationary by the reed-grass, and is indeath” (Bereishit 21:15-16)? Shemot Rabbah 1:18, Sanhedrin 101b). tended for concealment, while Noach’s is held, or stopped, by Mount Ararat, and is Or, did her daughter Miriam – who is a The Hebrews’ savior is indeed born: prophetess (Shemot 15:20) – instruct her exposed. And there went a man of the house of Levi, and he took the daughter of Levi [in that this is the way to save the baby, as What is more significant, however, is the marriage]. And the woman conceived and Ibn-Ezra also suggests? If so, why did Yocheved not join her daughter in watch- similarity of the two TEIVOT: bore a son (2:1-2) . As sea vessels, they are moved entirely The woman is Yocheved, wife of Amram, ing to find out the outcome of their efforts? by wind and waves; they have neither and the child is Moshe (6:20). Ever on the rudder nor sails, and neither sailors nor lookout for newborn Hebrews, the EgypIs Yocheved, perhaps, merely removing oars. They are therefore completely relitians had known Yocheved was pregnant. ant upon Hashem’s benevolence. Therefore, the baby is born three months the baby from discovery at home, using the reed-grass as an interim hiding place, premature, but he is healthy: Both are meant to protect and save those unseen by those on the shore, like the And she saw him that he was good, within from the dangers, corruption and — so she can hide him until the Egyptians maidens of Pharaoh’s daughter (Bechor Divine decrees of destruction that rage Shor, Chizkuni)? But then, how can the will begin looking for him — baby remain undetected if he cries? And outside. and she hid him for three months (2:2) . Then she must take more drastic measures: doesn’t Yocheved know that people bath- Salvation comes through natural means: ing in the water might see the TEIVAH, as both Yocheved and Noach act without And when she could no longer hide him, eventually happens? Seeing all male babies, Egyptian and she took for him an ark of (TEIVAT) Hebrew, thrown into the Nile, and knowgomeh, and smeared [it] with mud and Perhaps Yocheved desperately hopes that ing the Egyptians’ reliance upon magic with pitch, and put the boy in it, and put there are still some compassionate Egypand astrology, Yocheved concludes (or [it] in the reed-grass on the shore of the tians who will care for the foundling, as perhaps hears from the officers) that the Canal [Nile] (2:3). suggested by Abravanel. [It is thus ironic – Hebrews’ savior is the target of the deA TEIVAH is a rectangular box with a flat and heartening – that that compassion is cree. Her son, born in the midst of all this, found in Pharaoh’s own household!] But, may have been born to be that savior. bottom that can rest on the ground. we are surprised that the saintly She looks for a way to thwart Pharaoh’s GOMEH is the Egyptian plant called paYocheved does not pray that one such designs. pyrus. It grows in marshy areas (Iyov person steps forward. Sforno says that Yocheved 8:11), and it is buoyant (Yesha’yahu Rabbi: Gershon Segal 617-244-7233 X2 President: David Fisher 617-969-0713 Vice Presidents Sam Wald 617-558-9985 Judy Packer 617-964-6956 Jack Schuss 617-964-6024 Treasurer Ira Scharf Associate Treasurer Gary Lasman Recording Secretary Burt Leeds 781-983-6196 Associate Recording Secretary Kenneth Snow Corresponding Secretary Michael Hirsh 617-969-7713 Associate Corresponding Secretaries Sarah Okon Larry Speiser Financial Secretary Payson Greene Associate Financial Secretaries Arnold Andler Chairman of the Board Philip Levy 617-244-5863 Vice Chairmen Herbert Birnbaum 617-965-8235 COMMITTEE CHAIRS ADULT EDUCATION Judy Packer 617-964-6956 ANNUAL APPEAL 617-558-9985 Sam Wald BROTHERHOOD Norman Hartstone 617-244-4891 ERUV FAMILY TABLE Jane Hanser 617-965-8257 FUND RAISING Phillip Levy HISTORY Ken Snow 617-332-4273 HOLOCAUST COMMITTEE David Fisher HOUSING Payson Greene 781-444-7184 Burt Leeds 781-983-6196 ISRAEL SOLIDARITY TZEDAKAH FUND MEN’S CHESED Mike Hirsh 617-969-7713 NEW MEMBERS Tami Wald 617-558-9985 Eliana Vidan 617-965-0484 POLITICAL ACTION PROGRAMMING Amy Rosen 617-965-1297 SHABBAT & YOM TOV YOUTH GROUPS Shari Lederman, Shari Bloom PUBLICITY Debbie Schuss RABBINIC ADVISORY Arnie Andler 781-235-4444 RENOVATIONS Mark Salzberg 617-796-9029 RITUAL Nahum Vishniavsky 617-527-8462 WOMAN”S CHESED Sara Okon 617-964-7375 YOUTH Sherri Cohen 617-527-3624 Shari Lederman 617-969-4169 קהלת בית א־ל עטרת ישראל Cong . Beth El-Ateret h Is rael 561 Ward Street Newton Centre, MA 02459 “chose the place of the reed-grass in order recalled forthwith, and the stage is set for Moshe to lead the surviving nation out of to transform the decree of casting him into the Canal into placing him in the reed-grass servitude. on the shore of the Canal [Nile].” Yocheved intended her child to become a As a result, Pharaoh’s astrologers misinterlatter-day Noach, and Hashem fulfills a pret the stars as saying that their prognostimother’s wish. cations have been fulfilled (Shemot Rabbah 1:25, 29; Sotah 12b). Pharaoh’s decree is
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