The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 From the desk of… Rabbi Rachel Safman Inside this issue: Seeing Both Trees & Forest Whereas in other aspects of our lives we might rightly be accused of losing sight of the forest for the trees, in our Jewish lives, we might equally appropriately be chided for failing to see the trees for the forest. In many areas Judaism excels in helping us make connections between broad principles and their specific application: Kashrut reminds us that a deeply held appreciation for life’s sanctity must be expressed through a mindfulness in the taking of life, animal as well as human. Tsedakah takes the ideal of caring for our fellows to the mat – or rather, the bank – reminding us that until we ensure that our neighbor’s stomach is full, any other expression of kindness is just lip-service. And in putting aside our work -a-day concerns on Shabbat, we are truly elevating the ideal of friends and family. But when it comes to caring for the environment or, more broadly, seeing ourselves as part-and-parcel of a larger natural world, Judaism often allows tachlis action to be eclipsed by flowery language. Though we speak daily in our liturgy of the glories of Creation, divinity manifest in the “bounty of the harvest” and the “splendor of the cedars,” there are actually relatively few statutes or rituals that reinforce this mindset or dictate terms on which we might embrace it. Furthermore, many of the best known or most commonly cited tenets of our relationship to the natural world – for example, the principle of ba’al tashchit, avoiding the needless destruction of resources – tend to get expressed halachically through strictures that have little relevance or resonance in our daily lives (“When you go to battle against a city, do not cut down its fruit trees …”). Although one could read this gap as reflecting an insincerity or lack of concern for the environment on the part of the Jewish tradition, I believe a more accurate reading goes back to my opening aphorism. As a people who lived throughout the formative years of our traditions (and for several centuries beyond) in a cheek-by-jowl relationship to nature in both its wild and domesticated forms, Jews eschewed making blatant pronouncements about this world, just as people today seldom comment about electricity – or gravity! Of course one needed to be a steward of the world around you because, absent an investment in the soil and the orchards, absent a concern for the purity of the water supply (which, by the way, we are forbidden to poison, even as an act of war) or the survival of the populations of fish and birds and herd animals that, among other things, provided the basis of our food supply, life itself would be impossible. So these concerns went largely unarticulated. But times change, and with them our relationship to the natural world – not to mention, our ability to alter it irreparably. For most of us, our relationship to the food chain is mediated through the supermarket and industrial agro-processors, that lead us Continued on page 3 Service Schedule 2 Rabbi’s message cont./ Lunchtime Torah Study 3 Family Shabbat & Potluck Supper 4 Tu B’Shevat Seder 5 Beth El Book Club 6 92nd St. Y Returns 7 Purim Celebration 8 Community Women’s Seder 9 Library News 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries 11 Beth El Gift Shop 12 Announcements 13 Donations 14/ 15 Volunteer Opportunities 16 Yahrzeits 17/ 18 February Calendar 19 Advertisements 20/ 24 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin SERVICE SCHEDULE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Service Candle Lighting Ma’ariv/Havdalah Daily Minyan Monday—Friday 7:00 a.m. Monday—Thursday 7:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. Sunday Friday 2/6 6:00 p.m. Saturday 2/7 9:30 a.m. Friday 2/13 6:00 p.m. Saturday 2/14 9:30 a.m. Friday 2/20 6:00 p.m. Saturday 2/21 9:30 a.m. Friday 2/27 6:00 p.m. Saturday 2/28 9:30 a.m. 4:53 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:02 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 5:19 p.m. 6:00 p.m. MINYAN REQUEST Most of our snowbirds have migrated south leaving our daily minyans short of the necessary number of participants. This is a request to every member of the congregation. We are the only regular minyan in this area and are here for the needs of the entire Jewish community. Please consider attending the daily minyan, even if only once per week. If everyone joins in, then the commitment of the entire congregation will make it possible to provide a minyan for all who are in need of it. Minyans are held daily (Monday - Friday) at 7:00 a.m., daily (Sunday - Thursday) at 7:30 p.m., and on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. 2 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin Our Mission Statement: The mission of Congregation Beth El is to foster a welcoming, diverse, and egalitarian community within the framework of Conservative Judaism, and to enrich the lives of its members through worship, learning, fellowship, celebration and tikun olam—healing the world. From the desk of… Rabbi Rachel Safman Continued from Page 1 to see the contents of our plate as the product of a cardboard box or wrapped Styrofoam tray. Our trash does not get composted back into the ground from which new food is grown, but rather hauled off to a distant facility where it is “disposed of”. In a livelihood so detached from the ultimate consequences of our actions on our planet, globally, and our food supply and living conditions more locally, we perhaps have need, in a way our ancestors did not, of not only annual rituals, like the Tu b’Shevat seder, but also daily rites that reinforce a connection that might otherwise be just cerebral. A good place to start, perhaps, is with one of the most basic of Jewish rites, a tradition well known but often performed (or ignored) unreflectively: the blessing of food before its consumption. By simply taking a moment before we eat to contemplate the chain of interlocking life forces that have brought our foodstuffs into existence, we tie ourselves inextricably to a larger web of existence and rekindle our awareness of our pivotal role in its perpetuation and stewardship. The forest could not exist but for the trees, nor can we subsist without either. Come & Learn … and Eat! Lunchtime Torah Study with Rabbi Safman at JFEC Come study Torah with Rabbi Safman at the Jewish Federation (28 Channing St., New London) on Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. Bring your own kosher lunch or call the Beth El office in advance to order a Subway grinder ($5.00 per tuna, cheese, or vegetarian) which will be delivered to the Federation. Come join us for a chance to feed both your stomach and soul. All participants are welcome, whatever their prior text study experience or skills. BETH EL OFFICE HOURS Jen Rolnick Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Upcoming visits: (860) 442-0418 February 6-7 February 20-21 3 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Please join us for a family Shabbat service followed by a potluck supper on Friday, February 20th. We will begin with a musical Kabbalat Shabbat service at 6:00 p.m. led by our Cantorial Intern, Jen Rolnick. At 7:00 p.m. we will enjoy a potluck supper in the Oolam. All food brought to the synagogue that evening should be prepared in conformity with the new kashrut policy. If you have any questions, please call the Beth El office at (860) 442-0418. ***The Friday night pot luck dinners have been a popular addi on to our Shabbat services. Karla Bendor has volunteered to coordinate them to ensure we have the right balance of main dishes and desserts. Please call Karla at (860) 442‐6940 to let her know what you'd like to bring and the number of people in your party. Karla is also looking for volunteers to help set up or clean up a er the dinner. Thank you!*** 4 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Tu B’Shevat Seder Saturday, February 7, 2015 Tu B’Shevat Seder 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. This event is for children and adults alike and will include Israeli foods & singing. Tu B’Shevat Seder RSVP by Friday, January 30th, 2015 Please respond by the RSVP date. There is no charge for this program, but we need to know how many will be attending in order to prepare the proper amount of food. Contact the office (860)442 0418 or [email protected]. 5 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Beth El Book Club Sunday, February 8th at 10:30 a.m. in the Oolam The first meeting of the book club was a thought provoking success. You don’t have to read the entire book to join in. One member came after having read only several reviews and made a point none of us thought of: In Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers who Reunited Jerusalem & Divided a Nation, Halevi said virtually nothing about Sephardic Jews. We also have decided to open the club to the entire reading Jewish community. A notice will be placed in The Jewish Leader. Our next meeting will be Sunday, February 8, at 10:30 AM in the Oolam. If the Oolam is locked, we can enter through the main door. We have to be quiet so as not to disturb the church group in the chapel. Our next book is The Prime Ministers by Yehuda Avner. Avner served as Israeli ambassador to England and adviser, speech writer, or secretary to 5 prime ministers. I suspect there will not be so many copies of that book in the state, but we’ll see. The ones we get will be @ Waterford Library. You have to ask for “the Beth El Book Club book.” It’s $9.99 on the Kindle. Because of the length of the book, we will plan to discuss only the first half and do the rest @ our next meeting. We are reading several books on modern Israel so we are all on a similar page historically. We will later branch out into other forms of non-fiction and fiction. In the future, Beth El book club may read: Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History by Joseph Telushkin. Among his books are The Book of Jewish Values and Jewish Literacy. For some reason (Chanukah?), Rebbe is only $1.99 on the Kindle. Not clear how long this will last but that's a great deal. Please come and share your thoughts! If you have any questions, please contact Dan Bendor at (860) 442-8033. 6 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 92nd St Y’s ‘Live’ Speakers Coming to Beth El Congregation Beth El will once again be rebroadcasting talks from the highly acclaimed lecture series hosted by the 92nd St Y in New York City. The talks will be aired in the congregation’s Social Hall (located at 660 Ocean Avenue, New London) on select Sunday afternoons from 3:005:00 p.m. and will include an introduction and question-and-answer period with a local authority on the subject matter in question. A suggested donation of $10/person ($5 for seniors and students) will be collected at the door. Light refreshments will be served. Details of the talks are as follows: Thomas L. Friedman in Conversation with Dov Seidman: The How of Repairing the World This first evening will examine the challenges in the global arena at this pivotal time and the fundamental shifts needed to solve our most pressing problems. - 2/8 William Ury: Getting to Yes with Yourself - Coauthor of the negotiator’s bible, Getting to Yes, and cofounder of Harvard’s program on negotiation, Ury has taught tens of thousands of people from all walks of life how to negotiate their way to success. The biggest obstacle he’s encountered is our own natural tendency to react in ways that don’t serve our true interests. Ury shares his revolutionary method—revealed in his new book, Getting to Yes with Yourself—for turning this obstacle into an opportunity, dramatically improving outcomes in all aspects of life. - 3/1 David Brooks: On Character – The New York Times columnist leads an in-depth discussion about what constitutes character as explored in his new book. Some people seem to possess inner lives that are more substantive than the rest of ours. How do they do it? Depth, argues Brooks, is the core of our being and something we cultivate over time; it’s engraved by thought and action; it’s built through the commitments we make—to a nation, a faith, a calling or loved ones—and the sacrifices we endure because of those commitments. – 5/17 92nd Street Y is a world-class nonprofit community and cultural center that connects people at every stage of life to the worlds of education, the arts, health and wellness, and Jewish life. Through the breadth and depth of 92Y’s extraordinary programs, we enrich lives, create community and elevate humanity. More than 300,000 people visit 92Y’s New York City venues annually, and millions more join us through the Internet, satellite broadcasts and other digital media. A proudly Jewish organization since its founding in 1874, 92Y embraces its heritage and enthusiastically welcomes people of all backgrounds and perspectives. 92Y is an open door to extraordinary worlds. For more information, visit 7 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Join in the fun! Come in costume! Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at Congregation Beth El Celebrate Purim! 6:30 p.m. ~ Ma’ariv Service 7:00 p.m. ~ Costume Parade - Children & Adults Megillah Reading with Shpiel Music by Klezmenschen Dessert to follow So that we can plan accordingly... Please R.S.V.P. by February 23rd to: Beth El office (860)442-0418 or email: [email protected] Beth Jacob (860) 886-2459 or email: [email protected] 8 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Thursday, March 19th, 2015 6:30 p.m. Rabbi Rachel Safman will be leading this all-female gathering in a celebration of freedom explored through the prism of midrash and contemporary women’s experiences. Women’s Seder** - Thursday, March 19th, 2015 ~ Catered by The Crown Market ~ Please complete this form and mail it with your check payable to: Congregation Beth El, 660 Ocean Avenue, New London CT 06320. Please RSVP by Monday, March 9th. Name________________________________________ ____Women (ages 12 and up) $36.00 each = $___________ *Vegetarian options are available. Total enclosed $_________ # of vegetarian meals___________ **Please note ~ Seder is contingent on the sign up of 30 women by the above deadline. 9 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Can an object have a soul! Can a battered and beaten instrument that was played in Hell attain a spiritual dimension upon its physical restoration? This is a compelling question one can ask oneself upon reading James Grymes’s VIOLINS of HOPE: Violins of the Holocaust – Instruments of Hope and Liberation in Mankind’s Darkest Hour. Amnon Weinstein is a master luthier who maintains his violin repair shop in Tel Aviv. He inherited his craft from his father, Moshe who arrived in Palestine in 1938 and started out servicing the newly established Palestine (Israel) Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1996, Amnon began the project of locating and restoring violins that had been played on by survivors of the Holocaust. VIOLINS of HOPE is the narration of the individual horrific experiences of each of the violins’ owners. For many of these survivors, their ability to perform well on the violin was the determining factor that saved them from “selections” for the gas chamber. “If you have very good ears and you are listening, it’s unbelievable what you can hear when these violins are played,” Amnon is quoted on the website: peepleofthebook as saying, “You can hear the suffering.” He has restored at least 20 of these violins and in September 2008, 16 of the instruments were played at a gala concert at the foot of the walls of the Old City in Jerusalem. In 2009, the movie “Amnon’s Journey” was produced chronicling Amnon Weinstein’s work. Below is a photo of Amnon Weinstein at work in his shop. NOTE: Keys to the library are in the office; the checkout box is on the window counter of the library. Please remember to use the sign out card in the back of any book you take. 10 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Ella Agranovich Linda Agranovitch Gregg Benson Jacob Betz Marcia Bratin Garon Camassar Linda Cohen Thomas Curran Philip Estrin Maier Fein Sunny Fein Joseph Feinberg Jacob Friedman Julie Fryburg Eleanor Koss-Glater Sol Glater Adam Goldstein Amy Goldstein Raisa Kamenetskaya Elliot Kimmel Margot Levy Barbara Lewis Jared Linder Bella Lisker Ivan Lissauer Lisa Marcus Tracee Reiser Joyce Resnikoff Alan Rhodes David Salsburg Yelena Sapozhnikov Gabriel Stern Sam Wechsler Mark Wolman Belated birthday wishes to: Anne Levine David Romei HAPPY FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARY Mickey & John Bemis Bobbi & Arvin Pine Rita & Myron Hendel Liliya Bekman & Yefim J. Rabinovich Nadine & Mark Lipman Fran & David Salsburg Liora & Neer Zeevi Thank you to our... January Simcha Shabbat Kiddush Sponsors Ruth Randolph - in honor of her birthday Sunny & Maier Fein - in honor of their anniversary Amy & Adam Goldstein - in honor of Rachel & Josh reading from the Torah Sue & Stuart Miller - in honor of Wendy’s birthday & her marriage Phyllis Holtzman & Richie Simonson - in honor of Richie’s birthday February 21st - Simcha Shabbat The Simcha Shabbat has been a wonderful success and will continue on this year! Each month we will have one specially designated Shabbat when we will be reserving honors in the Torah service for people who are marking a special occasion during the month. We will also be serving a more elaborate Kiddush lunch that Shabbat and are asking those who are marking special occasions that month to make contributions toward the luncheon -- and, of course, to come, along with your family members and friends! If you are interested in being a co-sponsor of the February Simcha Shabbat, which will take place on February 21st, please contact Merrill in the Congregation Beth El office, (860) 442-0418. 11 The Beth El Bulletin 12 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Summer Time ... Although winter has only officially just arrived it is already me to be thinking ahead toward the summer, especially for our school‐aged teens and young adults. There are some fabulous programs now recrui ng par cipants for their 2015 programs, among them: USY (USY on Wheels, Israel Pilgrimage, Social Ac on programs and a mission to Cuba), the Conserva ve Yeshiva (Summer Learning Program) Brandeis (App Design, Arts, World Affairs, Mock Trial, Public Service), the Hartman Ins tute (gap year program), and Camp Ramah. Informa on on these programs is available through the synagogue office. Many programs offer financial assistance and limited assistance will also be available through the synagogue. Do you know a teen or young adult who is questioning their sexual identity? The teenage years are a time of constant questioning of identity and can be particularly challenging for those who know – or suspect – that they are not “straight”. HAZON & Keshet are teaming up to offer a Jewish LGBTQ & Ally Teen Shabbaton, which will take place at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Falls Village, CT during the weekend of Feb 27, 2015. The Shabbaton will provide Jewish teens of all sexual orientations a chance to meet new friends, learn about LGBTQ organizing and identities, and celebrate Shabbat in a warm, welcoming environment. Email [email protected] for more information. Mazel Tov to: Donate usable eye glasses "Recycle for Sight" There is a Lion's Club International donation box by the synagogue office window where you can now donate usable eyeglasses. If you have any questions, please contact Sam Linder at [email protected]. 13 Rita & Myron Hendel on the birth of their new great-granddaughter Zoe Leia Hendel The Beth El Bulletin RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax Gabriella Schlesinger In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Gabriella Schlesinger In memory of David Bersutzky Joan & Izzy Schwartz In memory of David Bersutzky Jeannette Gershowitz & Seymour Leff In memory of the mother of Bill Alston Jeannette Gershowitz & Seymour Leff In honor of Gaby Schlesinger’s birthday Jeannette Gershowitz & Seymour Leff In honor of Sunny & Maier Fein’s anniversary Jeannette Gershowitz & Seymour Leff In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller & Andrew Lax Jeannette Gershowitz & Seymour Leff In honor of Mel Coleman’s birthday Jeannette Gershowitz & Seymour Leff In memory of Carl Stern at Yahrzeit Charlotte Stern In memory of baby Lea, granddaughter of Alan & Randi Greenstein Sue & Stuart Miller In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson, Clint Paul Astor Beth & Garon Camassar In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson The Steinman family In honor of the marriage of Andrew & Rachel Daren The Steinman family In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax The Steinman family In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson Helen Elperina & Michael Rabinovich In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax Helen Elperina & Michael Rabinovich Mazel Tov to Barbara & Artie Dean on the birth of their new granddaughter, Tehillah Helen Elperina & Michael Rabinovich In honor of the birth of Diane & Gene Maran’s new grandson Michael Sherb In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson Barbara Lewis ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of Paul Sandrew at Yahrzeit Carole Sandrew In memory of Jeffrey Goldblatt at Yahrzeit Carole Sandrew In loving memory of Dr. Kenneth Ritter Sunny & Maier Fein In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Sunny & Maier Fein In memory of Seena Cohen Sunny & Maier Fein February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller & Andrew Lax Sunny & Maier Fein For the good health of Mimi Seed Sunny & Maier Fein For the good health of Diane & Gene Maran’s grandson Sunny & Maier Fein For the good health of Gregg Benson Sunny & Maier Fein For the good health of Paul Agranovitch Sunny & Maier Fein For the good health of Mark Twiss Sunny & Maier Fein For the good health of Garon Camassar Sunny & Maier Fein In honor of the birth of Barbara & Artie Dean’s new granddaughter Sunny & Maier Fein In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson, Clint Paul Astor Amy & Adam Goldstein In honor of the birth of Diane & Gene Maran’s grandson, Samuel Amy & Adam Goldstein In memory of Bobbe Glassenberg at Yahrzeit Albert Glassenberg In memory of Dr. Robert Moyel at Yahrzeit Eunice Greenberg For the good health & speedy recovery of Beth Camassar Eunice Greenberg For the good health of Romana Primus Eunice Greenberg For the good health of Ruth Doukas Carole Sandrew In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax Carole Sandrew For the good health of Roz Mallove Carole Sandrew For the good health of Mimi Seed Carole Sandrew For the good health of Mimi Seed Fran & David Salsburg For the good health of Stanley Sadinsky Fran & David Salsburg In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax Jenny & Ed Cramer In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax Barbara & George Burton STROCHLITZ FUND For the good health of Romana Primus Beth & Garon Camassar In memory of Barry Sherb, brother of Mike Sherb Sema & Sam Stein In memory of Belle Jayson at Yahrzeit Sema & Sam Stein In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Sema & Sam Stein 14 14 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin MUSEUM FUND FOUNDATION FOR JEWISH EDUCTION In memory of Barry Sherb, brother of Mike Sherb Mr. & Mrs. D. Harold Goldberg In memory of Boris Pais at Yahrzeit Alek Kamenetsky & Bella Chernovitsky In memory of Sofie & Boris Pais Alek Kamenetsky & Bella Chernovitsky For the speedy recovery of Stanley Sadinsky Rena & Herb Linder For the speedy recovery of Roz Mallove Rena & Herb Linder In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Rena & Herb Linder In honor of the birth of Rita & Myron Hendel’s new great granddaughter, Zoe Hendel BETH EL DISCRETIONARY FUND Rena & Herb Linder In honor of the birth of Diane & Gene Maran’s grandson, Samuel In memory of Sydney Schiller Mona & Robert Levin Rena & Herb Linder In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson In honor of the birth of Diane & Gene Maran’s grandson, Samuel Mona & Robert Levin Rena & Herb Linder In honor of the birth of Barbara & Artie Dean’s granddaughter, Tehillah For the good health of Ruth Doukas Mona & Robert Levin Rena & Herb Linder For the good health of Gregg Benson Mona & Robert Levin HAROLD JULI MEMORIAL CONCERT FUND For the good health of Paul Agranovitch In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Mona & Robert Levin Harriet Juli For the good health of Michael Rabinovich In memory of Seymour Bauch Mona & Robert Levin Mr. & Mrs. D. Harold Goldberg In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson Mona & Robert Levin Mr. & Mrs. D. Harold Goldberg In memory of David Bersutzky, brother In honor of the marriage of Wendy Miller to Andrew Lax Barbara Lewis Ray Gottesdiener In honor of Janice Balkan’s special birthday NURSERY SCHOOL FUND Ray Gottesdiener In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton For the good health & speedy recovery of Beth Camassar Ray Gottesdiener Sally & Lewis Baker In honor of the birth of Barbara & Artie Dean’s granddaughter, Tehillah In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Matthew Somberg Sally & Lewis Baker In honor of the birth of Sharon & Rabbi Carl Astor’s new grandson Marcia & Karl Bratin BUILDING FUND In honor of the birth of Barbara & Artie Dean’s granddaughter, Tehillah In memory of Seena Cohen Marcia & Karl Bratin Trudy & Sol Klioze LIBRARY FUND In memory of David Bersutzky, brother of George Burton Michael Sherb Contact: Bikur Cholim if you need assistance - meals, a ride, etc. Volunteer: Offer to cook or drive! Coordinators: Sema Stein 860-691-0654 [email protected] Gaby Schlesinger 860-442-3841 [email protected] Sunny Fein 860-739-6842 [email protected] 15 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 Join us on our next build date! Sunday, February 8th from 12:30-4:30 p.m. New volunteers are always welcome! No experience is needed and it’s very rewarding! Please contact Victoria Dryden at [email protected] Volunteers are Habitat SECT's most precious and reliable resource. The Covenant Shelter of New London From Victoria Dryden: The Covenant Shelter is accepting donations of new under clothes – boxer shorts and t-shirts for men, L – 3X, and diapers – especially the larger sizes, including pull-ups. There is one young gentleman currently at the shelter who is size 3 – 4 X who desperately needs clothes. Gift cards would be great in the name of Joshua, sent to my attention at Covenant Shelter, 42 Jay Street, New London, 06320. My e-mail at Covenant Shelter: [email protected] FromtheN.L.CommunityMealCenter Alwaysneededarelargeandsmallcansoftuna ish,cansofcreamof mushroomsoupandlargecontainersofgratedparmesancheese. PleasedropyourdonationsoffintheboxoutsidetheBethElchapel. Volunteers Needed Beth El serves at the New London Soup Kitchen, located on Montauk Avenue, the 4th Wednesday of the month. The cooking for the meal is done the Tuesday prior at 1:15 at the Soup Kitchen. Please contact the office if you are interested in either serving or cooking! 16 The Beth El Bulletin February 6, 2015 18 Shevat-February 7 Samuel Kurtz Esther Randolph Jennie Wool Florence Zusman 24 Shevat-February 13 Lena Fishman Martin Gilman George Sarosi Maurice Wein February 13. 2015 19 Shevat-February 8 Beatrice Bersutzky Samuel Chertoff Robert Kaplan Lillian Levine Rose Perry 25 Shevat-February 14 Misha Bilman Jeffrey Goldblatt Rebecca Hendel Florence Simonson Esther Witkin 20 Shevat-February 9 Aaron Goldberg Morris Greenberg Sylvia Hecht Irving Hendel William Rosenburgh Anna Silverstein Isaac Tanenbaum Ernest Tylo 26 Shevat-February 15 Bessie Baker Selma Golden Louis Gordon Andrew Sheriff Isidore Traystman 21 Shevat-February 10 Samuel Belt Viliam Bratin Joseph Dean Samuel Friedman Solomon Gershowitz George Hillsberg Morris Konoff Louis Rosenbaum Elliot Smith 22 Shevat-February 11 Aaron Agrin Mamie Daren Harold Juli David Wool 23 Shevat-February 12 Rose Chesler David Gelfond David Goldberg William Miller Benjamin Shacter February 20, 2015 02 Adar-February 21 John Elion Rose Etscovitz Mary Lee Leibowitz Minnie Levinson Florence Rome Victor Rosen Henrietta Schiller 03 Adar-February 22 Zahava Golberg Gertrude Grossman Max Hillsberg Sara Polinsky Doris Rubin Dejoy 04 Adar-February 23 Eva Pliner Sadie Spitz February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 08 Adar-February 27 Bernard Cohen Doris Rosenthal William Swiman Michael Dane Israel Goldberg Sol Winick February 27, 2015 09 Adar-February 28 Sidney Ravitz Rose Goldberg Freda mandel Robert Rutman 10 Adar-March 1 Nathaniel Meshekow Ida Sulman Marshall Rachleff 27 Shevat-February 16 Hanna Lea Gottlieb Herman Hankin Lawrence Hendel Nathan Rubin Frances Salsburg 05 Adar-February 24 Golda Dranova Benjamin Hillsberg Joseph Wool Nelly Akkerman Sadie Sharaf 11 Adar-March 2 Ida Detz Joseph Dubowski Nathan Peck Yakov Shterman Nathalie Tanenbaum Lou Detz 28 Shevat-February 17 Dean Brache Irving Topkin Minikha Yablochnik 06 Adar-February 25 Yefim Chernovitsky Anna Robrish Rose Slosberg Ada Swidler Celia Swiman Irene Weinbaum Beatrice Goldblatt Melvin Rakosky 12 Adar-March 3 Benjamin Bergrin Manuel Finkle Michael Goldberg Samuel Smith Arnold Lawall Samuel Morris Sam Snow 29 Shevat-February 18 Bertha Bogad Benjamin Parker Harold Rosenthal Harry Salomon 30 Shevat-February 19 Marvin Chesler Harry Grand Sarah Hillsberg 07 Adar-February 26 Neil Getzoff Freda Greengrass Stanley Robrish Louis Rodensky Phyllis Thall 01 Adar 1-February 20 Sara Buder Yisroel Dean Ruben Katrosar Genya Lorman 17 13 Adar-March 4 Selma Camassar Mollie Sokol Ellis Benjamin Gordon Joseph Klotz Theodore Levy Tillie Mandrick Lillian Pollack Anna Taub Morris Mallove Sydney Weiss The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 continued 14 Adar-March 5 Sheyna Bekman Rivka Dubowski Edward Levinson Harold Slosberg Louis G. Sokol June Yaffe Arnold Cohen Ida Pumerantz 15 Adar-March 6 Donald Daren Barbara Grand William Mehlman Eva Dorenbaum Dorothy Markowitz We offer our condolences to Len Cohen & his family on the passing of his mother, Seena Cohen 17 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin February 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 9:00 a.m. Service 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Religious School 12:30 p.m. Senior Lunch sponsored by JFEC Wednesday 3 EREV 4 TU B’SHEVAT TU B’SHEVAT Thursday 5 Friday 6 7 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Service 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 2:00 –4:00 p.m. JFEC Adult Ed at Temple Emanu-El 6:00 J.C.H.S. 4:30 p.m. Midweek Hebrew 8 9 10 11 9:00 a.m. Service 9:30 a.m. Religious School 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 12:30 p.m. Senior Lunch sponsored by JFEC 12:15 Lunchtime Torah Study @ JFEC 10:30 Book Club in Oolam 12:00 p.m. Tu B’Shevat Seder 12:15 Lunchtime Torah Study @ JFEC 7:00-9:00 p.m. Ping Pong 4:53 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:00 p.m. Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Jen Rolnick 12 4:30 p.m. Midweek Hebrew 12:30 p.m. Habitat 6:00 J.C.H.S. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Ping Pong 15 16 17 9:00 a.m. Service 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Religious School No Sr. Lunch 12:15 Lunchtime Torah Study @ JFEC 3:00-5:00 92nd St. Y 18 19 NO J.C.H.S. 7:00-9:00 p.m. Ping Pong 22 23 24 9:00 a.m. Service 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Religious School 12:30 p.m. Senior Lunch sponsored by JFEC 12:15 Lunchtime Torah Study @ JFEC 6:00 J.C.H.S. TELEPHONE (860) 848‐2215 7:00-9:00 p.m. Ping Pong 6:00 p.m. M-H 13 14 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Service 5:02 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:00 p.m. Service 6:00 p.m. M-H 20 21 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Service 8:00 p.m. Board Mtg 25 8:00 p.m. Religious Committee Mtg. 26 27 28 8:30 a.m. Aerobics 9:30 a.m. Service 5:19 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:00 p.m. Service 6:00 p.m. M-H 4:30 p.m. Midweek Hebrew Looking ahead… FAX (860) 848‐8844 1st Passover seder: HENIE KURZMAN, D.D.S. PETER G. LACY, D.M.D. 907 NORWICH ‐ NEW LONDON TURNPIKE OFFICE HOURS P.O. BOX 465 BY APPOINTMENT UNCASVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06382 Friday, April 3rd. 19 19 February Simcha Shabbat 5:10 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:00 p.m. Musical Kabbalat Shabbat with Jen Rolnick 7:00 p.m. Potluck Supper 4:30 p.m. Midweek Hebrew PRESIDENT”S DAY Saturday 6:00 p.m. M-H February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin Byles-MacDougall Funeral Service, Inc. (860) 442-0343 (888)736-7036 Donald W. Byles Reid B. Burdick John D. MacDougall Byles Memorial Home 99 Huntington Street New London, Conn. 06320 20 Byles-Groton Memorial Home 310 Thames Street Groton, Conn. 06340 The Beth El Bulletin Dr. Arthur Dean ~ Periodontist Treating gum disease Dental Implants TMJ, Facial Pain, and Headaches 489 Route 184, Groton, CT 860-449-1643 21 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin 22 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin 23 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 February 2015 Shevat-Adar 5775 The Beth El Bulletin THE BULLETIN DEADLINE IS THE 7TH OF EACH MONTH If you have any news, articles, or announcements that you wish to have published, please send to the Beth El office by email: [email protected] or fax: 860-442-7112. Information must be received no later than the 7th of the month in order to appear in the next month’s bulletin. All articles included herein are the opinion of their authors, and not necessarily the policy of Congregation Beth El, its Officers, members, or the editors of the Bulletin. Rabbi Rabbi Emeritus Kol Bo Gabbi Emeritus Ba’alat T’fillah Rachel Safman Carl Astor Rabbi Isidore Greengrass z”l Lou Detz z”l Diane Maran Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Co-Treasurers Assistant Treasurer Recording Secretary Financial Secretary Elliot Kimmel Adam Goldstein Judi Goldberg Michael Cohen Karl Bratin Karla Bendor Rena Linder Office Personnel Office Manager Business Manager Merrill Mazzella Donna Butler Congregation Beth El 660 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 06320 860-442-0418 office 860-442-7112 fax Email: [email protected] VISIT US ON THE WEB: WWW.BETHEL-NL.ORG ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Congregation Beth El 660 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 06320 24 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 225 New London, Conn.
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