THURSDAY, JUNE ,7, ,926 THE TIMES, CANISTEO, STEUBEN COUNTY, NEW YORK PAGE TWELVE SELLS ROTO CIRCUS COMING TO HORNELL and Ruby and Emmett Loomis delivered cattle to Andover Tuesday. Carl Wallace and Nellie Atwell of Greenwood were through this place ou Sunday. James Leonard and Lloyd Short of Rexville were in this place on busiuess Monday. 4 James Wentworth and Archie You-f James ,, _. I m a n s of Andover were in this place on business Saturday. > / Mr. and Mrs. George Weber'of Hornell visited Mr. and Mrs. John Swarts and family on Sunday. Miss Ida Annette Brewster is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Miller at Hornell. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kemp and son, Oliver of Andover spent Saturday evening at John Swarts. S. A. Barker and son of Cazenovia. Madison county, N. Y., were in this place last week buying cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snyder aud grandson, Jack Snyder of Andover pent Sunday at John Swarts. were In Canisteo Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. s. J. Woodward aud Mrs. Effie Dennis spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Donald Hicks in Hornell. Mr. and Mrs. Justin House and tarn ily and Miss Mildred Davis were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heckman in Bath Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Butler are home dH A Son Mr and Mrs U M. Dennis and son after spending two weeks with their Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mtdz are the Harold called at Wayne Shelley's Sun daughter, Mrs. Coral Howard and family near Canisteo. Hundreds of persons from Canisteo parcaur of a son, bom to them at the i Mr. and Mrs. George House and Mr. will doubtless be in attendance at the hovgmot Mr. and Mrs. Ross Metx in | day. R M Walratn and W. B. Went Tjpoupsburg Friday June 11th. worth were in Hammondsporl Mon Aubrey Shea aud two children of Hor- performances of the Sells-Floto cirnell were the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. cus, when it pays its visit to Hornell, day. Watson Smith Sunday. on Saturday June 26th. This show, Will Give Social Mrs. Jane Jacobs spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Murphy and one of the most popular of the big The young crusaders class of the Hedgesville Presbyterian church will with her son, John Jacobs at Gang granddaughter, Norva Murphy spent circus organizations, according to adThursday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey vance press notices has been greatly give a social In the Grange hall at Mils. Miss Bertha Woodward spent sev- Cloos at Painted Post. enlarged this season, there having Hedgesville Friday evening of this eral days visiting in Hornell last Misses Mildred Davis and Flora been notable additions to. the proweek. week. House and Meseers Edgar House and gram of the circus and to the menaChildren's Day Mr. and Mrs. Leon Marlatt were Fred Bauister were callers at Lee gerie section as well. Children's Way will be observed al dinner guests at Merilt McMindes Cooper's Friday evening. Sells-Floto is known as the only Hedgesville Sunday afternoon at 2: Captain Hoffman of Hornell and exclusive circus in the world—that is Sunday. 30 p. m., in the Presbyterian church. Martin Campbell of Canisteo called Captain Yager of Elmiia were in it is purely a circus, and not an ag An interesting program by the on his daughter, Mrs. Charles Zeh, ou town the first of the week in the In- gregation of vaudeville acts under members of tho church will be giveu. Friday. terest of the Salvation Army. canvas. All the old-lime features of Mrs. Margaret McDonald spent SunAssistant county road supt., A. L. the circus are retained, and especially Mrs. Olive Deck of Canisteo was In day afternoon with Mrs. Andrew Coats Turner—Kibby Whiting and town supt., of highways, strong is the section which includes Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hortou aud fam Mis3 Viola Kibby of New York city town Sunday to see Mrs. G. W. Van- Forrest Loper, attended a road supt., the performing wild animals. and Wallace Turner of Jasper were Skiver. ily spent Sunday at the home of John meeting iu Dansville hursday. Included in this section are eleMr. and Mrs. George Gosper attendmarried at Wellsboro. P a , Thursday J. H*.France is on a business trip phants of courso, three herds ol O'Hargan. JuttpflOth. For the present they will ed the funeral of her mice in Canis- to jidfvidere, 111. Mr. France intended them, and all perfectly trained, twe Leo Parker aud W. Baker ot Brooktffftde with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. teo Friday. IB spend Sunday with his neice, Mrs. troupes of lions, two of Bengal tigers field, Pa., were In tills vicinity FrijjWkis Turner. Congratulations are exMrs. Anna House, Mrs. Lavina Col- Gerald Scott at Rochester, Pa. and two of polar bears, the latter day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Williard Wright and being a real novelty act in view ol vin and A. N. Craig spent Weduosday jr tended. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, jr., hnd Mr. and Mrs.'Arnold and two daugh- the fact that polar bears are among 2 children spent Sunday with relain Hornell. Lawrence O. Murray tives near Rexville. Mrs. John Cooper and son of Port ters of Wellsville called on Mr. and the most difficult to train. The sudden death of Lawrence O. As an added attraction the circus Dorothy Johnson spent a couple of Alleghany spent the week end with Mrs. Lee Cornell Sunday evening. Murray last Thursday afternoon at Miss Macie VanOrman of South has Buffalo Billl's Wild West, with a days the past week as the guest of his home la Addison Hill, has caustd Lee Cooper. Mrs. Anna Walrath is spending Canisteo, Wayne Jackson of Buffalo large number of Indians. sadness to his many friends in this and Floyd Jackson of Cameron called Of course, in this day of "jazz" no some time at her sou's, Earl Walrath on Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Drake Sunplace. one will want to miss the perform day. A number of years ago, Mr. Murray- in Addison. ances of the "Charlestoning EleMrs. Lawrence Burleson spent last Mrs. William Alger attended the O. phants." Sells-Floto have the only was a most successful teacher here. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. meeting in Troupsburg Wednes- ones who have been perfected iu the Was Injured William Dellll. day evening and spent the night at fad dance of the century. Atton F^eland of Wood hull receivMrs. Adelaide Hadley is seriously the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Aus Other well known acts include the ed an ugly wound in his forehead and 111 at her home in the state road tin. famous Flying Wards, "Poodles" was struck in the corner of his eye Mr. aud Mrs. Howard Wood and Hannafoixl and his riders, the 60 Lib wljifia piece of iron which flew while school district. Mr. aurJ Mrs. Floyd Barnes of Hor- two children Jack and Mary Ellen erty Horses, half a hundred clowns he was engaged in oiling the fly wheel GREENWOOD ST., CANISTEO. at the stone crusher last Thursday uell were guests al Mrs. Maiy Schoou- Miss Celia Ford and Ovid Charest of Vic Robbins' big band and 101 other Bath spent Sunday afternoon at F. W. acts which require the services oi forenoon. He was brought to Jasper, over's Sunday. more than 400 performers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rice visited her Wood's. to the office of Dr. E. E Wallace and Two performances will be given Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stephens and made as comfortable as possible. parents. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Eason in daughter and 'Mr. and Mrs. Caleb the circus being located in Hornell Canisteo Sunday. Friday and Saturday, John F. Doorley Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruen and Stephens of Canisteo were callers at N. Y., on the big lot at the fairgrounds. Mrs. Adelia Huntington's Sunday June 18 and 19 John F. Doorley, about 60 years old daughter. Bethel were shopping in | afternoon. employed on the Ja.sper-Woodiwll re- Hornell, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dennis of construction road work, dropped dead "Seven Keys to Baldpate»> West Greenwood Hill Mrs. Adelia Huntington and Mrs. Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. L»on nearly in front of Clem Drake's, Saturday morning. 'Mr. Doorley f was W. B. Wentworth spent Sunday with Stone were in Prattsburg, Saturday A beaming, screaming, teeming William Whalen was a visitor In evening, attending the annual county Hornell on Sunday evening. carrying water when sudleuly he Mrs- A. B. Swan. screen version of Geo. M. Cohan's Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Lewis and R. D. convention. pitched forward and dropped to the Supt. C. A. Bruen of Jas,pcr was a ground dead. After help arrived he daughter Leola were visitors at Otis Mr. and Mrs. Williard Walrath aiul visitor in this place Wednesday. biggest comedy hit: gasped only once. Dr. E. E. Wallace Turner's Sunday. family of Painted Post and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewster made Star—DOUGLAS MacLEAN. Mrs. J. E. House entertained her Mrs. Levi Walrath of Canisteo spent a business trip to Andover Tuesday. and Coroner E. E. Webster of Wood hull were summoned, who pronounced cousin. Mrs. L. B. Bennett of Troupe- Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mr. Beattie of Hartsvilta wac death due to acute heart disease. Mrs. O. C. Walrath. burg Wednesday. through this place Monday selling Tuesday and Wednesday, His body was removed to Smith's Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Snyder spent groceries. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. House and Mis. undertaking parlors in Woodhull and Arthur Snyder were in Hornell Wed- Saturday night at their son's, Walter June 22 and 23, Mr. Weber, the D. N. O. man from Snyder in Tyrone. On Suuday they Hornell was through this place on later to his home in Hornell. nesday morning. Edgar House and Lee La Bar spent attended a banquet given hy the Ce- Wednesday. "The AUCTION BLOCK" Jasper Methodist Episcopal Church Thursday evening ' at Benjamin La ! dar river hunting club at Lake LamoJohn Swarts and daughters, Fern Rev. Helena L. Charaplin, pastor ka. A stirring picturization of the Bar's in Risiugvilli. Junior League meets Saturday at Mrs. A. L. Whiting accompanied Mrs. Delbert VanSkiver visited her famous novel by Rex Beach. 2:30 p. m. this week. Sunday, 10:30 sister, Mrs. Ami's Button at South district deputy, Mrs. Edith P. VanKeua. m. Morning worship. This will be ren and Mrs. A. L. Spencer of Savona Stars—CHARLES RAY and ELthe last regular morning set-vice with Canisteo Tuesday. to Troupsburg Wednesday evening, Mrs. Effie Dennis of Gravel Run EANOR BOARDMAN. sermon, before the pastor's six week's where Mrs. VanKeuren made ner leave of absence takes effect, since speut Saturday with her sister, Mrs. official visit to the O. E. S. chapter the following Sunday will be chil- G. W. VanSkiver. of that place. Friday and Saturday, George France of Fort Niagara visidren's day; 11:45 a. m. Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Otto* VanSkiver and B. F. Smith, superintendent. There is ted his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. two children of Woodhull, Mrs. Clar! June 25 and 26, a class for you; C 30 p. m. Epworlh H. A. Lent last week. ence Wauffle and daughter of South League. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wood called on Canisteo and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Van'THE NEW Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown in Canis- Skiver anid daughter, Vera spent SunKLONDIKE" teo, Saturday evening. day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Presbyterian Church Mrs. Watson Smith was in Troups- G. W. VanSkiver. Sunday morning worship at 10:30, burg Tuesday and took dinner with With Thos. Meighan Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Whiting and conducted by the pastor, Rev. Phillip Mrs. James Brotsman. '•m,a m m m a$m-M. daughter, Doris of Canisteo, Mr. and and Lila Lee. A, Schwartz. The pastor will preach. Sold by the Canisteo Drug Co., CanMr. and Mrs. Lee Cornell spent the Mrs. Matt Rogers and Mrs. Jerome The choir will give a response after week end with Mr. and Mrs. John White of Greenwood, Mrs. Ida Whit- isteo, N. Y„ and by A. M. Wallace & the prayer and anthem. Mrs. Myra ing and James Corbett of Silver Co.. Jasper. N. Y. • Haluinen in Cameron. Wallace is the chorister. - " - —' ' '—-4 —Springs, Mr. and iMrs. Herbert White • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walrath and famThe Bible school meets after the and family, Mrs. Ralph Hale and Mr. -H morning services with Mr. Robert B. ily motored to Lawrenceville, Elkland and Mrs. Charles Clauson of Hornell, Miller as superintendent. "Judah's and Knoxvilel Sunday. Miss Esther Knapp of Tronpsburg Mr. and Mrs. Perry Preston and tarnpica" Cen. 44; 18-34 is the subject of ily of South Canisteo' called at Lua will spend the summer with her sisthe lesson. Children's day will be obCooper's Sunday. ter. Mrs. Ray Walrath. served ou Sunday June 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Griffen and The Christian Endeavor service will be held In the church parlors at 6:30 three daughters visited Mr. and Mrs p . m . Topic "How can we take our Garfield Stewart Sunday. Joel Wentworth was lu Canisteo Phillip Seibold and Merle Simpson Friday. religion with us on our vacation?" Psa. 19; 1-6 Hazel Harrie kads the were in Rochester Friday, where Mr. Mrs. Clare Jones wus in Canisteo Seibold went on business. meeting. Saturday. Miss Florence Grander and Mrs. If those who have pledged to the Mr. and Mrs. Isa Jones were InCau Salvation Army service will hand Harriet Hall of Canisteo were calling iBteo Saturday. their pledges to the pastor h«* will on friends in town Sunday. Lyle Dickey spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Perry Weidlcr and gladly forward the same to the treashis home here. urer In Hornell. Or pledges may be Mrs. Elizabeth Adams visited relaMr. and Mrs. Daniel Lamphler wert sent direct to Mr. Wm. G. Hollands, tives in Ratbbone Sunday. in Canisteo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Denuis were treasurer. Hornell. We are Hoping Don Jackson has goue to Portage that Jasper will be generous In this i week end visitors at T. R. and 1. W. to work on the road. uis several days this week. [ Stephens in North Jasper. good work. Blanche Dickey spent Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Earl York of Canis- with Mra. Nina Jones. Eldred Drake was In Hornell, Mon son. Robert were calling on relatives teo spent Sunday with her parents Grnevieve Jackson spent the week in Canisteo Sunday afternoon. day. Mr.Mrs. and Lida Mrs. Ray VanFleet. end at her home hero. Holiday of Wellsville R. M. Walratli was In Fremont oi Mrs. Ella Stephens Canisteo is Robert Pye of Canlstep was a callci •P" nt several days lastofweek in town Friday. visiting her •daughter, Mrs. Clark Den- at hte farm here Sunday. with relatives and on business. J. S. Musgrave wan in town Wed A large party of Hornell peopli Mr. and Mra. Otho Turner and family nesday. spent the week end at Camp Crickoo. „,»«WfHll Cornell has been ill with the of Burns spent Sunday with his patDarius Broughten and family art ents. Mr. aud Mrs. Oils urner. 'measles. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Huntington entertaining two men from Rochester. Mrs. James Alger has been 111 With Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart and gradnson w«»r«* in Horni-ll Tuesday to attend William called at Robert Stuart's Sun Harold O. Dfnnla was In Oreen- the funeral of Mrs. Eva McNett. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bullock and day. wood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eatle Jackson and son Elm<r Jackson of Canisteo was in son. Ralph and Mrs. H. M. Bruen Lawrence called at Robert Stuart's were callers in Canisteo Friday. town Sunday. Curtis Stewart spent Saturday even •Mrs. Carrie Whiting and son. Ross Sunday. Mr. and Mr«. Joel Wentworth Bpent • .ill -I on Mr. and Mrs. Bert VanWie lng in Hornell. Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Cliftoi Frank Little of Addison was in In Woodhull Wednesday evening. Rev. Miss Heh-na Champlln is Wentworth. town Saturday. Luella Jones, Sidney Dickey and spending several days this week on Your husband has every Paul Burdiek wan In Bath over Sun Lawrence Jackson tried regents this South Hill calling on parishioners. modern convenience in his day with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boardman of week at South Canisteo. Eugene Walizo spent Sunday at his IjosAngeles, (al.. spent the week end office. You should have the Mr. and Mrs. Clare Jones, Ruth and home In Rochester. Rodnry Jones and Margaret Taft with their aunt, Mrs. Olive Pierce. same advantages in your Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Walrath and were at Goodhue lake Sunday. Van Craig of Hornell visited hi* home. A Roper Gas Range Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lathrop and ba Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruen attended a parents ovpr Sunday. with its oven control—ventiby of Oak Hill spent Saturday night show in Hornell Saturday evening. Mrs, A. B. Swan Is 111 at her home lated oven, and "Touch-aMr. and Mrs. Robert Plans ted and with Mr. and Mra. Glenn Hawkins. at the Five Oomera. Dr. Whiting of Canisteo was on the daughter, Jean nf Hornell spent SunButton" Lighter, brings you Roper oven com ml Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Walght visited day wjflf Mr. and Mrs. John Taggcrt hill Wednesday to see Mra. Samuel «ilh »h« Roper venall the utmost in labor saving VMJr Atmstrong. state road cm Ireland and Mrs. Glenn Hawkins. tilated d»en Meure* at Ray Dyer's Sunday. perfect b.ktn* end convenience. It saves you pVp^v received an injury to one ol Mr. and Mrs., Andrew [laft and Supt. C. A. Bruen waa in Oreenrontting, Jwet «et the his fingers while at work Thursday. daughter of South Cameron spent Sun control and have no time—money and work. It wood Friday evening. Is again wntchint sad waitMr. and Mrs. Ivan Simpson ot day with their daughter, Mra. Nina beautifies your kitchen. . in*, 'Mra. N. A. Hartwell visited at Hen- llartsvtlle were visitors at the home Jones. ry Merchant's Friday. nf his brother. Cress Simpson, Sun Mr. and Mm. Monroe Dickey and Mra. George VanSkiver children and Miss Blanche Dickey Now is the time to come in day. proatratrtl with illness. called at the home of Isa Jones ou and see it. $5 down puts a Mr. and Mrs. Bert VanWie and two Mrs. Cora Stewart made a shopping Sunday. Roper in your home* 12 children of Woodhull were supper trip to Hofhell Saturday. Mr. ami Mra. Andrew Taft and at Mrs. J. II. France's Sunday evenmonths to pay balance. We daughter and Mrs. Nina Jones and Earl Walrath who has been so scr ing. children called at the home of Robert take in your old range too. lously 111 is now improving. Mra. John Vrooaan and daughter Stuart Sunday. IMr. and Mra. Delbert VanSkiver Mrs. Mabel Jones closed her school Elaine »• Boyd's called on her staler, were in Ca&Meo Monday. Mrs. Glenn Bullock Saturday after- at South Cameron Tuesday with » Mr. and Mra. A. M. Wallace were In picnic for puplU and parents. Mrs noon. Canisteo Saturday evening. Mrs. Minnie Riley returned home Nina Jones and sou Klwin accompan Russell Reynolds of Hornrll was In from Lee Cooper's last Friday, where led her. town the tlrat, of the wcHc. Mr. and Mrs. Ua Jones and children she spent four weeks caring for Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Dickey and child Hugh Foater was In Cantatas Tues- Cooper. day having teeth extracted. Rev. and Mrs. Wilson Harrie and ren, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Jackson and Bl firm* THK ROPER PtlRPI.E LIN* f_, - F"^T AND THt ROTES Dr. and Mra. E E. Wallace were in family and Mra. Roth of Buffalo were son Lawrence attended field day at OVEN CONTROL ARE ON THE OAS RANGE YOU BUT Canisteo Thursday afternoon. In Hornell Saturday evening to meet Hartsville Wednesday of last week. Bradford—Thomas Welllu to 'Mrs. Anna House and Mra. Claude Mr. Roth. Mr. and Mra. C. H. VanSkiver and j parsnone. land f 1. James B. Lot Glenn Bullock Butler were In Hornell Saturday. Vera,and Mrs. has daughter. J£d""aon Ralph Mrs, H. M. Bruen to Lamoka Power Corporation. Mass Reta Wilcox wasAddison In Canisteo -&Monday having dental work done. L. L. Richmond of Genesee. Pa., was In town buying wool Saturday. Dr. WWttemore of JASPER NEWS AND PERSONALS been in town this week testing cattle. Lester Cornell and Ray Dyer were in Canisteo and Hornell on Saturday. Alexander Scott of Westtield was a week end visitor at Bert Woodwards Mrs Ray VanFleet of West Jasper was a caller in town Monday'morning. Mr and Mrs. C. O. WtaHing and son. Douglas were in Hornell batur W. F. Hayek la suffering from an in fiction in b i s finger. Q. R. Dobbs was plowing for buck wheat recently on his Cameron farm A. K. Dennis was out assessing s e v eral d a y s last week. C. A. Cross visited at the home ot W. F. Hayes last Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Talbot is having an at. tack of neuritis In her arm and shornder. Mr. a n d Mrs. Bert Healey and Mrs Archie Marlatt were in Hornell sat' urday. iMr. and Mrs. James Williams ul Woodhull visited a t Allen Talbot's W. F. Hayes and sou were in Jasper Suuday. Mrs. Ella Stephens of Canisteo spent Saturday. last week with her sons, T. R. ami Rev. Helena Chapman visited iu this Isaac Stephens. locality last week. A. K. Dennis was on the sick list Pulteney;—Grace L, Smith to Elnitr part of last week. Sullivan, land $1. Elmer S. Clark et Archie Marlatt pressed hay for Wm al to Elmer Sullivan, land fl. Haluinen last week. friends at Petrolia. John McDonald was a business caller in Greenwood Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mark O'Neill were called to Andover Sunday by the death of a relative. Mr. Chase of Bath was in this vic^ «» M t u « m t i U t l n 8 machines o n Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coats and Mr and Mrs. All children spent part of Wednesday with her mother,- Mrs. A. Dennisou of Rexville. NORTH JASPER. liiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiii^ A REAL TREAT FOR DAD I SAUNDERS I ROLLER'S THEATRE • mr. Next Sunday is Father's day, certainly you'll want to have an especially good dinner for him. It is both fitting and proper that this day has been established to show our love and esteem to Father. ". »«**!( Here you can select from an attractive assortment of best meats that will help you to prepare an stuffs of all kinds that will help you to prepare an enjoyable family dinner. DELICIOUS STEAKS Everyone likes Beefsteak. Our steaks have a flavor that will tickle your appetite and have no bad effect on your digestion. When you want a nice steak, come here or call 94. A4aaV.< ii V . , Variety and quality in meats. WHEATOMMEAT Telephone 94 MARKET Depot street Canisteo iiiiiiimiiHiitiiiiiiiiiiiiif §1111111 liiw !•;• m dimmer Furniture— COMFORT ECONOMY QUAUIY, Summer is here and you will want to sit outside so that you can get the full enjoyment from long, cool summer evenings. We have a large assortment of attractive Put yourself on the same plane as your husband SWALE. CANISTEO GAS COMPANY Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 PORCH FURNITURE SWINGS AND HAMMOCKS CHAIRS AND ROCKERS in the newest styles. We would like you to see our a ^ a c ^ summer furniture and rugs. Come in and look, prices are right and we make Easy terrn^ when desired. ; \ '*!W:» E. C. JEFF! FURNITURE Main street UNDERTAKING Canisteo. N. Y.
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