Capital City Methodist From the Hilltop G reetings in the name of our Lord destroy God’s creations. and Savior Jesus Christ! It brings absolute joy to my heart to witness what Happy Bicenquinquagenary! That’s God is doing through the right, 2015 is the 225th Anniversary of talents of so many at First January 8, 2015 First United Methodist Church in Frank- Church. fort. God has been using people of many On the last Sunday of 2014, I issued a GLORIFY GOD generations at First Church to spread the challenge for 2015. In my sermon on by CONNECTING PEOPLE gospel. Those of us who are working Psalm 46:10, I encouraged all of us to with now in the church are a product of a begin to pray like we have never prayed JESUS CHRIST foundation that began literally out of the before. It is my conviction that prayer through earth. Today in 2015, we continue to changes things and one of things it SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT provide ministry and mission around the changes most is the pray-er! I invite you and DYNAMIC OUTREACH globe. to bring all things to God in prayer this I’ve noticed recently on Social Media year. Nothing too small or too large can that people seem to be rallying around be submitted to God for a blessing. ToIn this issue: the idea that people are leaving the gether, we begin to lay a strong foundachurch in droves. My mother used to tion for that generation of God’s people • From the Hilltop • Adam Hamilton’s Revival say, “If you can’t say something nice, who will serve in the Frankfort area • United Methodist Women you need to keep your mouth shut!” It through the ministry and mission of First saddens me many people without and United Methodist Church. What exciting News • Toy Sale Wrap Up/Thanks! within the church seem bent on trying to opportunities await us! break it down. Yet, once again, Satan is Blessings, • Upcoming Events known to use the weakest links to try and drPHIL • Sympathy • Congratulations “REVIVAL” has come to • Wesley Center Day School News First United Methodist of Frankfort! • Hope Circle News • First Spark News • 2015 Church Officers • “God Things 2015” • Morrisseys Speaking at FUMC • An Invitation to Prayer First United Methodist Church of Frankfort 211 Washington Street Frankfort, KY 40601 502.227.7430 office hrs: 8:30-3:00 M-F Don’t miss this great series taking place each Wednesday night! Glorify God by UMW ‐ Faith, Hope, Love in Action A ll women of the church are invited to join us for our first meeting of the year, a soup/salad luncheon on Tuesday, January 13th at 11:30 am in Asbury Hall. The annual “Call to Prayer and Self Denial” program will be led by Cindy Littleton, Spiritual Growth Coordinator. This program will highlight a special mission project designated by United Methodist Women, and an offering will be collected in its support. Another important part of this meeting is our annual Pledge Service which will be led Julia Hughes. We will have the opportunity to make our 2015 giving commitment to UMW. If you are unable to attend, you may contact Julia Hughes, Treasurer, or your circle chairs to present your pledge. We hope you can come and join us for the beginning of another wonderful year of missions! Our unit of United Methodist Women is fortunate to have seven circles that meet and have mission projects in addition to our unit meetings and projects. Below is a listing of the Circle Chairs and meeting times. Would you like to join a group in 2015? Contact one of the Chairpersons below, and they will give you any information you may need. • Faith Circle: Carol Anne deCallies-4th Monday, 10:00 A.M. in the Todd House Parlor • Family Circle: Patsy Kenner-Meetings as Announced • First Needles: Gayle Alvis-6:30 on Wednesdays in conjunction with Wonderful Wednesdays • Hope Circle: Julie Riddell- Monthly meetings as scheduled • Triangle Circle: Lynn Grogan and Kindra Stark- Meetings as Announced • Variety Circle: Sarah Williams- 3rd Tuesday, 10:00 A.M. in the Todd House Parlor • Wesleyan Guild: Arba Kenner- 4th Tuesday, 11:30 A.M.-Pot Luck Luncheon, Todd House Parlor Additionally, our unit has a Reading Club which meets the first Thursday of the month. Please contact Arba Kenner if you are interested. Connecting People with Jesus Christ Thank You! On Saturday, December 13, 2014, disadvantaged parents shopped for toys for Christmas. The parents were able to purchase two $20 toys per child at a cost of 25 cents each. Additionally, each child received the following: • one sweatshirt, • a cap/glove set, the majority of which were knitted or crocheted by First Needles, • candy canes, donated by Paul & Betty McNees, • school supplies donated by the Upper Room Sunday School class, • backpacks, donated by Sturm Insurance, • a new children’s book donated by Joe and Mary Ann Burgess, and • a used toy or two. Each family received a fleece throw (donated by our youth group), a Christmas activity book (donated by the Friendship Class), and wrapping paper, bows and gift tags from the Boy Scouts. Gideon Bibles (donated by Iris Winkler) were distributed and the Eads family donated pens inscribed with our church’s name and an inspirational book. Finally, we had a prayer request table for those parents who wished to fill out a form or stop and pray with our volunteers. Altogether, 140 children were served. On behalf of the children who had a merrier Christmas because of you, thanks for your prayers, contributions and hard work. Check us out on Facebook Looking for a few (GNN) Mugs! We're missing several of the coffee mugs with our First United Methodist Church logo. If an errant mug has found its way into your home, please return it to the kitchen. or through Spiritual Nourishment and Dynamic Outreach Upcoming Events Support the Team! Our Youth Spark "United" basketball team begins the season on January 11 at Frankfort Christian Academy gym. Come cheer on our youth! • January 11: 1:30 vs Buck Run • January 18: 1:30 vs Capital City Dining for Women (and Men are invited!) Our Dining for Women group meets on Tuesday, January 13 at 6:30 in Asbury Hall. This non-profit educational group meets for potluck and information via video on a project that helps women all over the world. Donations for what a dinner would cost are taken for the project. Arba Kenner and Tonya Kenner are the leaders for this group. It is open to all women and men in the community. Women Invited for Study and Fellowship Our new women's study on "Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World" begins on January 8 at the Averill House. Workbooks to prepare for the video and discussion are available in the church office for $11. Tonya Kenner leads this group from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. each Thursday. We will not meet if Franklin County Schools are canceled due to weather. Living Longer, Loving It in Winter Triple L members...Are you feeling frisky? FRYSC, Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, serve the needs of students all across Kentucky. Many of you are familiar with the Backpack Snacks program, which provides students with food while they are not in school. This is just one of the many programs that FRYSC coordinators offer to students. Come learn about FRYSC services on Thursday, January 15 at 11:30. Amy Nance, FRYSC coordinator at Franklin County High School will be our presenter. Chili lunch ($5) Join the Wonderful Wednesday Revival! Our Wonderful Wednesdays resumed on January 7 with a potluck meal followed by our children's JAM (Jesus and Me groups), youth Spark Bible study and our adult series by Adam Hamilton, "Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It." This video/discussion group includes insights and video travel in England, home country of John Wesley and our Methodist roots. This six week series includes sessions on Precursors for Revival: Epworth; A Longing for Holiness: Oxford; A Crisis of Faith: Georgia and Aldersgate; The Necessity of Grace: Bristol; The Works of Mercy: The Foundry, London; and Persevering to the End: City Road Chapel, London. Dr. Phil, Tonya and David will share in the leadership. Note that we will begin serving supper at 5:30 with groups beginning at 6:15 and ending at 7:00. Potlucks are planned for the first Wednesday of each month (meat provided) with catering by Celebration Catering/Peggy Williams on the other weeks. Cost is $6 for adults, $3 for children and $15 families. We need volunteers to help serve the food each week and we are looking to add volunteers to provide desserts on the non-potluck weeks. We will NOT meet if Franklin County Schools are closed. If inclement weather begins in the afternoon, please pay attention to emails, Facebook posts, and announcements on the radio and television (WHICH STATIONS??) or call the church office, 227-7430. Kids Konnection Bible Black Belts: Scripture with a Kick Our kindergarten through fifth graders are invited to be a part of the new study on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:15. Children will be challenged to learn certain scriptures and bible knowledge as they earn patches through the levels of difficulty. Volunteers are needed to help with the transportation, snacks, program and homework. If you are interested, please contact Tonya Kenner through the church office. We pick up at all county elementary schools and Second Street provides bus transportation. In Sympathy We express our sympathy to the familiy of Bob Flener. Bob passed away on December 19th. You may send your condolences to his wife Sue Flener at 1149 Kiowa Trail - Frankfort, KY 40601 We express our sympathy to the family of Bob Hutchison. Bob passed away on December 23rd. You may send your condolences to his wife Sue Hutchison at 1300 Seneca Trail - Frankfort, KY 40601 Congratulations! Congratulations to Nathan and Alexa Stepp on the birth of Felix Gregory Stepp on December 23rd. Proud grandparents are Greg and Lorri Stepp, 105 Morgan Court - Georgetown, KY 40342 Glorify God by Connecting People with Jesus Christ 2015 CHURCH OFFICERS WORKSHEET First United Methodist Church • Frankfort, KY The number in ( ) is the first full year of service. Members of the Church Council appeared in bolded type. Church Council Chair = _ Edgar Adams_ Church Council V. Chair = To Be Elected by the Council Recording Secretary = Sandy Parker (2014) Lay Leader = __Debbie Ison__(2015) Lay Members to Annual Conference = Rosie Doerting (2013), _Bill Elam_ (2015) Alternate Lay Members to Annual Conference = Rebecca Turner (2013), Patsy Blevins (2014) Bereavement Team Leader Congregational Care Timothy Team Leader Stephen Ministry Team Leader Prayer Team Leader Age Level Coordinators: Children’s Coordinator Youth Ministry Team Leader Young Adult/College & Higher Education Senior Adult Ministry Team Leaders Leisure Ministry Team Co-Leaders Boy Scout Team Leader United Methodist Women Co-Presidents United Methodist Men President United Methodist Youth Representative(s) United Methodist Children’s Home Library/Archives/History Shirley Norfleet/Sally Knight Betty McNees (cards) __________________________ Sarah Williams (Elected by Team) Edgar Adams Karen Nance Greg Hardison Holly Brunson Arba Kenner David & Robin Lawhorn Jeff Howson (2013) Nancy Howard and Kindra Stark Ron Alvis (elected by local UMM) Catherine Clements, Joe Meyer Jr., Courtney Woodyard Carol Anne deCallies Gayle Alvis *Staff – Parish Team Chair = Sheilah Kurtz_ Vice Chair - Secretary 2015 2016 2017 Rick Moreno Mike Sebastian Sandra Bush Sarah Gaddis John Moreland R.B. Brown Jill Burton Sheilah Kurtz John Heltzel Ex-officio = Lay Member to Annual Conference *Nominations Team 2015 Leon Townsend Shawn Foley Ken Miller Chair = Pastor; Co-chair = (To be elected by committee) 2016 2017 Jerrie Bradshaw Junior Lewis Jane Christopher Ashli Watts Corky Herbert Jean Farrisee *Finance Team 2015 Charles Bush, Jr. Jana Sturm Lindsey Briggs Chair = _Jana Sturm__ ; Vice Chair- ; Secretary2016 2017 Kenny Graham Bob Doris David Lawhorn Dick Smothermon Don Hughes Jr. Kim Wilkerson Other voting members include: Pastor, Lay Member to Annual Conference, Church Council Chair, Chair of the SPR, Representative from Board of Trustees, Lay Leader Treasurer - Paul McNees (See Paragraph 258g(17)4) Assistant. Treasurer = Clara Wade Financial Secretary - Julie Clouse (voice w/o vote) Continued on next page... through Spiritual Nourishment and Dynamic Outreach *Board of Trustees Chair = TB Elected by Committee, V.C. 2015 2016 2017 Bobbye Brown Steve Woodruff Joe Meyer Mike Whitaker Gary Grogan Steve Criswell Allen Jackson Jeff Hancock Carolyn Nemeth Grounds Supervisor: Ron Alvis (voice w/o vote) Outreach (Mission) Ministry Teams Chair = TB Elected by Committee; Vice Chair - ; Secretary 2015 2016 2017 Paula Miller Margaret Doyle Terry Magel Danny Garland Pat Bacon Sandy Jackson Willie Lile Rosemary Center Cate Collett ex-officio members: Evangelism Team Leader Larry Epley SIMON House Trevor Hanson ACCESS Men’s Shelter and Soup Kitchen Andrew Baker Kings Center Team Leader Kay Scott Mission Education and Action/VIM Coordinator Jim Burris & Cindy Littleton KSU Wesley Foundation Representative Edgar Adams Conference Mission Support Coordinator Bill Elam Toy Sale Brenda Rue Cinderella’s Closet Amy Nance Franklin County Women’s Shelter Jonell Soporowski Worship Team Chair = (To be elected by Team) 2015 2016 2017 ____Keith Goins________ Jason Powell Jane Christopher Marcia Garland Jennifer Reynolds Abbie Meyer Patricia MacDonald Jan Wright John Heltzel Audio - Chris Woodyard Video - Don Pollock IT - Greg Ramey Acolyte Coordinator - Erika Hancock Welcome Team Leader - Sylvia Elam Head Usher = (8:30) Jim Drake; (11:00) GNN Head Greeter= Corky Herbert Wesley Center Day School Board Chair – Valerie Smith; Laura Leigh Goins (Executive Director) 2015 2016 2017 Nancy Graham Holly Lewis Brunson Mary Pat Dobbins Valerie Smith Eric Kennedy (Vice Chair) Beth McDonald Susan Coblin Ryan Watts Barb Lambdin Ex-officio - Pastor Minister of Christian Education Board of Trustees Representative Parent of a Child in the Child Care Transitional Consultant - Karen Nance Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Ministry Committee (per ¶ 2534) - Chair - elected by Committee 2015 2016 2017 David Sturm Cleland White Ramona Newman Bob Whitaker Russ Wright Arba Kenner Addie Stokley Mildred Browning Ken Miller Kitchen Oversight Committee Chair: To be Elected by the Committee 2015 2016 2017 Carole Wilson Ken Ison Cheryl Meyer Joan White Shirley Lewis Laura Leigh Goins Patricia McDonald Rhonda Deaton Ron Hazelett WCDS Representative: April Douglas First United Methodist Church of Frankfort A s of today, we are for all intents and purposes full. The WCDS has 86 full or part-time students enrolled. Our current waiting list contains three infants, two 1-year olds and two children who will begin when they turn two-years old in February (our one year old room is full indefinitely as a result of our two nurseries). In addition to that wait list, we have holds placed for five infants to be born in 2015. We employ 21 full and part time staff members, including our cook and custodian. We maintain two substitute teachers who are paid only when they work and one part time substitute. FINANCES We are committed to not only being financially independent of the church this year, but of also beginning to make regular payments to the church for use of the facility. Our Board and team realize what an incredible blessing the Wesley Center is and feel that part of our mission should be to help retire its debt. We have two exciting fundraisers coming up this year. The first, which you’ll be hearing about in the weeks to come, is a Ten Dollar Talent Challenge. One of our (very gracious) supporters has donated seed money, which will in turn be offered to our team, parents, church members and church organizations to help raise even more money. For example, one group is considering using their seed money to finance a bake sale with all of the profits going back to the Wesley Center. Proceeds from the Ten Dollar Talent Challenge will be used to pay for Wesley Center priorities, including technology, programming and helping maintain our facility. Our second fundraiser is a fun event and promises to be popular. We are hosting a Daddy/Daughter Spring Fling. This will be a special night for young girls and their fathers (or father figures). If you are interested in serving on this committee, please let me know. CURRICULUM & LEARNING We are approaching the mid-year mark for our new curriculum and will be performing the Brigance tests on our three and four year old classes in January. Our teachers will be challenged to expand the use of technology in the classroom for the first quarter of 2015, hopefully putting our tools to work in greater ways. On December 1, we took another leap of faith and opened a preschool classroom, aimed at serving children who are young threes or preparing to turn three. This group is essentially the kindergarten class of 2017. The room currently has nine children but will grow as our children grow. We continue to offer a Snow Bird program for days when Franklin County Public Schools are out due to inclement weather. PRAYER REQUESTS Please continue to keep the Wesley Center Day School, our children, team and families in your prayers. DONATIONS We are in need of two high chairs and any classroom supplies – including construction paper, disinfectant wipes, crayons and chalk. HOPE CIRCLE The Hope Circle is excited to announce that it’s now even easier to help out the women and children in our community by simply shopping at Kroger. As most of you know the Kroger Community Rewards system has changed and now all you have to do to help Hope Circle is use your normal Kroger Plus Card! Please take just a few minutes and go to and register your Kroger Plus Card. The name is First UMC-Frankfort Hope Circle and the NPO is #23319. We greatly appreciate your support and are so happy to be able to continue such a wonderful program that benefits our community. First United Methodist Church of Frankfort First Spark News! On New Years Eve, the combined youth of several local churches anxiously awaited the close of 2014 and the beginning of 2015. Our own youth group, First Spark, comprised the majority of the group. It has become a tradition to partner and plan the annual New Year lock‐ in. After several opening games and fun in the Wesley Center, we journeyed across the singing bridge, past the Access Soup Kitchen, and finally arrived at South Frank‐ fort Presbyterian Church. Though most of the program‐ ming for the event happened on the FUMC campus, we enjoyed the opportunity to visit and worship with other Christian teens in our city. It was cold, and many teens weren’t dressed properly. I wondered, as they complained, if they could em‐ pathize with the homeless men we passed. As they anx‐ iously entered the Presbyterian Church their energy was hard to contain. So much had happened in the last year of their lives, and there they sat with the rest of their young lives ahead of them. Their youth pastor Jason Shaw spoke about how we should strive to be God’s light in the world, and encouraged us to let go of our burdens and let His light shine. Each teen lit a candle to light our way back, and they were each given a rock to represent our burdens. As we walked, each teen took precautions to keep their light burning. It wasn’t easy, with cold fingers and a strong wind. As we crossed again over the bridge, each teen took a moment to re‐ flect, and then cast their burdens (the rocks) into the river. (No boats were harmed in the making of this mo‐ ment.) So many people have contributed to our youth pro‐ gram in the last year. Had the teens noticed the meals lovingly prepared by parishioners who selflessly wanted only to show their love for them with food? Did they appreciate the time and talents given by those who have worked tirelessly to renovate and repair the Light‐ house for their use? Was all of this lost on them? No, I say with great faith, it was not a lost cause! We are First Spark: a name chosen by our teens to reflect their desire to be the spark that starts the flame. The Christmas program this year centered around this very theme. Our teens have volunteered at the Soup Kitchen and many other charitable organizations, and they con‐ nected with the people who do God’s work in those places and with the people they serve. The light from these teens has sparked growth in the program, and has brought many new teens to God and to our church. We had over 30 teens at our meeting last Sunday. These teens have shared their light through the energetic wor‐ ship programming, and have challenged our congrega‐ tion to let their own light shine. Don’t keep your light under a basket. Let it shine. The burdens of life are heavy, but through God and the fel‐ lowship of others we can get through in the darkness. Thanks for a GREAT year, and we look forward to the challenges of a new year. Greg and Melissa Hardison Your Youth Leaders First United Methodist Church of Frankfort 211 Washington Street Frankfort, KY 40601 502.227.7430 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Dr. Phil Hill - Pastor James Shepherd - Pastor in Residence Tonya Kenner - Christian Education Minister David W. Goins - Director of Music & Worship Laura Leigh Goins - Wesley Center Day School Director Regina Hellard - Administrative Assistant Roy Nance - Organist Meredith Goins & Raye Hurley - Children’s Choir Coordinators Greg & Melissa Hardison - Youth Directors Doug Eades - Communications Specialist God Things - 2015 I am compiling a daily blessing book to be titled God Things 2015. You will be the authors. I invite you to contribute your “God experiences”, no matter how small. Please be aware of times when God prompts, soothes, encourages, or reveals to you or just makes you smile (yes God is a wit) – any time God touches your heart. As you experience them, please give them to me, e-mail to [email protected], text or call 502-803-1010, mail them to me at 401 W. Main Street, Frankfort, KY 40601, or drop them off at the church office. You can remain anonymous if you wish. I will edit them if you need help. This will be a year of blessings – our shared blessings. – Vicki Easterly Morisseys to Speak on January 11th Mike and Sherri Morrissey will be the guests of the Outreach Team on Sunday, January 11 at 6 PM in the Todd House Parlor. They spoke to the United Methodist Women in November 2013 on their mission in Chonburi, Thailand. They will give an update on their Blessing Home and Pioneer Pastors ministries. The church family is invited to attend and meet the Morrisseys. An Invitation to Prayer You’ve heard drPHIL invite you to be a part of the new prayer ministry at FUMC. Prayer Warriors. Maybe this sounds a little intimidating. Maybe you’ve thought, “I’m not qualified to be called a prayer warrior. That’s for those REAL prayer warriors in the church!!” Well, I don’t feel ‘qualified’ either!! But I felt a nudge. Maybe you’ve felt a nudge. Maybe you’ve considered being more involved, to do ‘something’, but don’t like public speaking or whatever the reason just haven’t . If you’ve felt that nudge, you should respond to that nudge and say YES. Don’t be intimidated. Give HIM your YES. All we need is a willing heart and the Holy Spirit will take it from there! HE can do mighty things when we give him our YES. We will have copies of the prayer guide at church if you’d like to take a look. Contact me if you’d like to sign up to pray for a GNN service, Peggy McClure, at 502-330-2277(cell) or 502-875-5667(work), or email me at [email protected]. Sandy Parker is coordinating the 11:00 service and she can be contacted at 502-227-3560 or email at [email protected] . Joan White is coordinating the 8:30 service and she can be contacted at 502875-2221 or email at [email protected].
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