January 22
2015, SIX Swiss Exchange, Selnaustrasse 30, Zurich/Switzerland
08.30 – 09.00
Registration & Coffee
09.00 – 09.05
Welcome by Beat Hess (AAP)
09.05 – 09.30
State of the life settlement markets, Beat Hess (AAP)
AAP collects life settlement transaction data on a multi provider basis. The
presentation gives an overview about the current markets with regards to traded
volumes, average purchase prices, level of projected IRR in different market segments,
actual medical underwriting, market trends and so forth.
09.30 – 10.00
Valuation of life settlements, Prof. Alexander Braun (University of St.Gallen)
IFRS 13 and AIFMD require assets to be valued as close to actual market prices as
possible. This holds also for life settlements. The study ‘Life Settlement Funds: Current
Valuation Practices and Areas for Improvement’ from the University of St.Gallen
compares the valuation of life settlement portfolios with actual market prices, and Prof.
Braun presents the core findings.
10.00 – 10.25
AAP Investable Life Index, Beat Hess (AAP)
Investments in mortality and longevity are largely non-correlated to the financial
markets, and a respective investment therefore can improve the risk-reward
characteristics of a portfolio. The AAP Investable Life Index mirrors the performance of
open-end funds with an exposure to mortality and longevity.
10.25 – 10.50
Life settlements as fixed income investment, Gabriel Mäder (AAP)
Investors are looking for yields in today’s low interest environment. Life settlements
offer attractive projected IRR however linked to specific risks. AAP presents the
framework for a securitization of life settlements which transforms the cash flow
streams of a life settlement portfolio into a fixed income investment.
10.50 – 11.00
Q&A, final remarks
The number of attendees is limited and a reservation therefore necessary via the homepage of AA-Partners
Ltd. (http://www.aa-partners.ch/contact/; key word ‘AAP Life Settlement Roundtable’). After your registration
you will receive a confirmation with separate mail. The event is complimentary.
AA-Partners Ltd.
Witikonerstrasse 36, 8032 Zürich