CANISTEC ^ a v j f e c h 21, 1946. —~* •^nmw •mm- of spring and many of the slaw #*• showing signs of hating s n o w suits. Ruth Mattison oc the tot ' grade to school recently. Alberta Young brought a bouquet of pussy willow* entered the 1st grade on Monday* March 11. Mt. Finnerty, Steuben County 4 - 8 club agent, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Gold Star 4-H cl«b Thursday afternoon, March 14. Th» Hoard's Dairyman dairy cattle judging contest was the topic of discussion. ; sages in t h e next unit. James Rogers Mrs. Walter Potter. brought a rattlesnake skin to school FACULTY CHANGES Miss Jessie Taylor, who is gradu- for the 3rd grade to see. Carol Crane ating from Houghton College this brought a beautiful bouquet of pussy June, has been engaged to teach willows to school. Miss Briggs, the music in Troupsburg Central school music teacher, helped the 3rd graders beginning in September. She will r e - make up a tune for the poem, "If I HELEN V. GRAPKA, Q»EGTQR place Miss Mildred Briggs, who has Were a Sunbeam," which they have WON M>ST QOUTH CAJWSTBO, N. Y., March TEAM STANDINGS ifesigned t o take up work at Wheaton 8:00 P.M. Slfltts 53 39 MS^Our baked h a m supper with a Davd Sawyer of the 2nd grade CoUage, 111. Mrs. Charles Waiawright Henrys 90...:.. 42 HoHywood Breakfast program fdlwent to Dr. J. W. Cheeseman §ecently of Kjioxviile, Pa., has been engaged Tuesday, Ma«k 26^ IW6 Pratts 47 45 fow ng, held last Friday, was a sucto U»ch grade 4. She will replace and plans to have his tonsils out on JUNIOR BANl> Brooks 45 47 flnd drew a capacity crowd for Mtes. Ellsworth White. The present March 18. All of the 2nd grade signed nm'small church and about $60 was Westbrooks 42 50 E. Holmes teacbers who have agreed to stay in up for Religious instruction. Mrs Take Oft—Match . .rid for the Women's Society of Beavers 38 54 and Mrs. Morrison inG. E. Holmes Troupsbu*jg Central school for anoth- Boardman r h S t n Service under the chairMost of the bowlers in the Canis- Qoriana Waltz er year are: Mrs. Walter Potter, Mrs. structed the 2nd grade and the 1st THE CANISTEO flMHES S u p of Mrs. Reed, Wilkins. Dur- teo Fellowcraft League were moan- Indian Dance E. Holmes Lawrence Lawis, Mrs. Rodney Plais- grade. T h e 2nd graders have decoCanlsteo's own HOME newspaper. K h e supper hours the Misses Ruth ing and groaning over low scores in tedi Mm. G l w n Prutsman, Mrs. Geo. rated their room with different signs SENIOR B A N D S o t and Camilla Case of Canisteo la$t"~week's matches There was but d Wilfoid Hurd. Harvey S. Whistlef Swimley a nSCHOOL provided a lovely musica program, one 500 man—S. Westbrook. High Colors on Parade PLAY fMturing several piano selection* by single game of 198 was racked u p by R. M. Endresen When an author can take a simple, The Victor Miss Talbot and Irish songs b y Miss Glenn House. H. Porter had a 191 everyday occurrence, such as the loss Kay Ordway, Cornet Soloist £ , s e The main program was opened game, and S- Westbrook 190. of a letter, and make a play that hv the assembled company singmg a Foteet M. Shumaker moves along at a mile-a-minute pace The_veteran kegler, Ed. Childs, ad- A Little Vodka (Russian Mixup) Jymn and a prayer b y our district vises the boys that it takes a couple V. Monti and literally keeps an audience on the Csardas . . • superintendent, Rev. Earl Burdick of edge of their seats for an hour and a of weeks "to make the pins behave," rmi'-'teo followed by another selecHarold VanWie, Clarinet Soloist haV, that's good playwriting, isn't it? tion by the Misses Case and Talbot. and that when t h e jiax i s lifted, the Such a play is "Special Delivery," 200-games and 500-totals will b e on Julanne Stephens, Accompanist Our pastor, Rev. B. J. Graves, imperRobert Ray's newest comedy, which the scoresheet once again. sonating Tom Breneman, was master When Day Is Done . . . &• &&** K a t s c h e the Troupsburg Senior class will play Beavers rolled consistently March of ceremonies for the breakfast proin the Central school auditorium on Donald Lee, Baritone Soloist gram but was incapacitated b y a sore 13 to defeat Pratts, 4-0: April, 5. BEAVERS Gabriel-Marie throat for the salutation of the oldest . . • • • G R A P E NEWS Tot. Badine (Scherzo) S 1 2 1 ,dy present and like honors, but was. Bowler Helen Gardner^ Alto Saxophone Soloist The members of the 4th grade gave fror Her 480 153 141 186 ably assisted in these duties by Ames O. Bowker a very interesting assembly program, 130 175 157 462 julane Stephens, Accompanist Button, Ross W. Dennis and others. _N. Stanton Friday, March 15. The 6th grade is 440 Most D«ar C. Coons giving Mrs C W. Case of Canisteo had the C Florence ... 143 154 143 Sinbad the Sailor . . • • • • an assembly program Friday, 464 164 155 145 mrst recent birthday. Mrs. Sylvina G. Haring March 29. WIIFIATTR^THIIPAMPUS' 439 A Band Travesty of the Private Lite or Sinbad 120 130 171 Marsh of Canisteo Was the oldest E. Beaver Jack Doan of the 7th grade had the 333 111 guest present and received a corsage Handicap 111 H I William Dennis, Narrator misfortune to fracture his wrist. EvJT GtNUINt REGISTERED " | . of 2 white orchids, not from Hollyeryone enjoyed the minstrel given Tea for Two . . . • • • ' Vincent Youmans wood but from our own* Canisteo TOTAL 821 865 932 2618 by pupils of t h e 5th grade in assembly greenhouse, saving us much, embraPRATTS Down in the Deep Cellar (Grand Fantasia) . . . F. Jroepsch March 8. There are 2 new members Tot. rassment over the nonarrival of Bowler 8 1 2 of the 0th grade: Donna and Beverly Robert Baird, Tuba Soloist Breneman's flower. Fred Williams of D. Gardner .... 128 160 177 465 The 8th grade is doing Geo-* DIAMOND; RINGS Canisteo assisted in t h e drawing of B. Pratt . Clifford P. Lillya and Merle J. Isaac Young. 395 Latin-American Fantasy 141 118 136 metric design in mathematics now. the lucky door number and the "Ny- D. Harris 406 152 134 120 A l l S S ! ^ S e "LaUn-American Fantasy" uses a few Spanish-American 'The 6th graders are designing and o$" shown" In LIFE and other'leading lons" were awarded to Miss Patricia J. Latham 385 songs as motifs, the Fantasy itself lays no claim t o Latin origin. It is, rather, making menu covers as their share 106 132 147 magazines. Tho nationally established Austin of Troupsburg. M r s . Eva D. Fenner 151 450 147 152 of Junior Red Cross work. They Latin-American music as conceived by the composers. price is on each tag and with every! Travis of Canisteo received the prize Handicap 372 124 124 124 will be used by service men at Easfor the craziest hat as modeled on the Keepsake you receive the Certificate of T h e Fantasy is based chiefly on four melodies. T h e first, La Paloma, ter time. The materials will be sent pate of our pastor, with Robert But- TOTAL Guarantee qnd Registration. Come in 780 806 887 2473 is heard in the introduction and in the coda, and m a y b e considered symbolic to the Veterans' hospital in Bath. ton and Edgar VanSkiver assisting in and see the new Keepsakes %. . in a March 15 Henrys drubbed West- of Spain. The second m e l o d y - a tango, a n d the t h i r d - * rhumba, c o n t o b u t e There is a new member of the 5th the selections. Mrs. Louise Crane, wide range of styles and prices but aU grade; He is Robert Young from brooks by 3-1: contrasting movements and colors. The fourth melody is the well known Mrs. Gerald Allen, Mrs. Floyd DenWest Bingham, Pa. The 5th grade is of traditional Keepsake quality. HENRYS Mexican folk song, "La Golondrina," which leads to t h e Conga and this in nis, Mrs. Orval Jackson were other Tot. 3 2 Bowler 1 making name cards for the Junior runners up in the hat contest. The turn leads to the brilliant closing section of the work. Red Cross. Another new pupil of 115 163 162 440 "wishing rings" were awarded to H. Tyler It is the composers' hope that this music m a y serve as a threshold to a the 5th grade is Rosemary Hastings 217 148 154 V. Caward 115 Miss Jeanne Allen of- Canisteo, Miss 394 deeper interest in the music and the people of all the Americas. from Canisteo. Bernice White has L. Heckman ... 118 131 145 Rhude, Troupsburg, a n d Mrs. Wayne N. Henry .*. 462 The Thunderer . . . • • . • J o h n ™*> S o u s a moved to Jasper: Nearly all of the 138 139 185 Marsh, winners as the best looking E. Preston 5th grade is taking Religious educa426 142 101 183 Cressence Ripley, Baton Twirler women present, with Wayne Marsh, Handicap tion. 366 122 122 122 Alvin VanSkiver and Ellsworth v^ Joanne B r u t s m a n o f the 4th grade JUNIOR B A N D M E M B E R S Drake as assistants in that selection. TOTAL has 'been ill, recently. James Doan FLUTE 750 810 945 2505 B FLAT CLARINETS March 29 is Quarterly conference, of the 3rd grade brought a very WESTBROOKS WAVERLY Sal 400.00 ORIAND Sat 192.50 Kenneth Bowles Betty Tyler, Concertmistress which will be preceded by a tureen Bowler large collection of German coins and Engagement Ring 300.00 Engagement Ring 150.00 Tot. 3 2 1 FRENCH HORNS Robert Sills supper for all members of t h e congremedals to school, which his uncle, 505 190 139 176 Mary Whiting gation and families and whoever else S. , Westbrook , f , now home from overseas, gave him. Lorna M!ay Galbraith 375 115 120 L Arlin Stephens cares to attend. Rev. Earl Burdick, » ' Kaye Potter showed the 3rd graders J i m m y Young 414 124 149 C. Meacham .. 141 MELLOPHONES district superintendent, will conduct some goose eggs which were a pres361 98 Josephine Hallett R. Scranton .... 137 126 j ent to her. They reminded the class the meeting Blanche Amic 471 148 165 L. Tyler 158 E FLAT SAXOPHONE of the very funny story that they WEATHER FACTS BARITONE 351 "The Sign of the Diamond" Handicap 117 117 117 Josanne LaValle have just read about Mrs. Goose. "March winds and April showers, Mary Russell JEWELER" MAIN STREET OANI8TEO, N. Y. The 3rd grade has finished a unit bring forth May flowers." . "YOUR TOTAL 883 786 808 2477 CORNETS TROMBONE on travel and will learn about mes "When March h a s April weather, Richard Porter League' leading Slatts continued Elwyn Burdick April will have March weather."— Donna Slatt their winning ways b y taking Brooks •' PERCUSSION French. Lyle VanWie bowlers (minus Pfltz) b y 3 to 1: William Westbrook "March flowers make no summer SLATTS William Peisher bowers." Donald Angell 1 2 S Tot. Sybil Clark SOUTH CANISTEO PERSONALS Bowler Richard Miller .. L. VanAUen . 168 127 143 488 DiAnne Totten Robert J. Button is ill a t his home 191 172 113 476 SENIOR B A N D MEMBERS with throat trouble.—Mrs. Arthur H. Porter 113 125 117 355 CORNETS AND TRUMPETS Lamphier has been ill at h e r home R. Ordway B FLAT CLARINET f 137 146 142 425 for the past 2 weeks with tonsilitis A. Slatt Kay Ordway Harold VanWie, Concertmeister 172 172 and sinus trouble, following a severe R. Reynolds Charles Brenning Betsy Anne Alexander 107 107 140 354 cold.—Mrs. Mable Butler was ill last Handicap Allen Pntzenmaier Jacqueline E i r k k week with a cold and throat soreness. Richard P o r t t r J e a n Bardeen .-^ 716 677 *827 2220 —Mrs. Leon S. Dennis entertained in TOTAL Donna Slatt BROOKS her home last Thursday in honor of Dorothy Lee S t e w a r t / Tot. I Darrell Cook 3 Dwight Reynolds 1 % the birthday anniversary of h e t m o t h - Bowler er, Mrs. "Sarah Dennis, with several E. Childs 137 107 157 395 i. -Betty Tyler Lyle VanWie old friends arid neighbors of Mrs. R. Howe 132 182 140 454 FRENCH HORNS Dennis present.—Mrs. Ervin North- T. Broofcs 167 121 96 384 E FLAT CLARINET Shirley Russell Jeanette German rup has returned to her home here G. House 128 196 151 475 Mary Whiting after treatment in a Hornell hospital. Dummy 113 113 OBOE BARITONES —Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Button and Handicap 115 115 132 362 Cressence Ripley Donald Lee son Arlan were callers here last TuesFLUTES day afternoon and their household TOTAL Duane Stephens 679 715 789 2183 Donald Middleton goods were moved on Thursday to TROMBONES Mary Lou Alexander their new home on the Merlin NicholDuane Bowker E FLAT ALTO SAXOPHONE son farm on Campbell Creek.—Mrs. Orders From O P A O d o n Jamison * Lyna Burns Alwilda Martin returned last WedA b o u t Sugar Stamp 9 PERCUSSION nesday from Lyons where she was Helen Gardner Jack Hollands * The Syracuse District OPA office called the week before by the death Josanne LaValle of a niece, and spent the remainder has issued a reminder to consumers B FLAT TENOR SAXOPHONE William Westbrook of the week visiting relatives in North that spare stamp 9 w a s validated for James Stanton ,Ruth Shepardsora Rose and Woleott.—Rev. B. J. Graves canning sugar only and not for sugar TYMPANI of Troupsburg was a caller here for general household purposes. The TUBA Christine Dennis Tuesday afternoon.—Mrs. Reed Wil- OPA office said it h a d received many Robert Baird kins and Mrs. Ellsworth Drake were calls indicating that some consumers class, which is now studying luncheon in Canisteo and Hornell on business thought spare stamp 9 h a d been valipreparation. T h e Home Economics Tuesday afternoon and were accom- dated as an extra allotment of sugar Department has also washed t h e slippanied to Hornell b y Mrs. C. W. Case for general purposes. Stressing that of Canisteo.-JMiss Ethel Butler of this is not the case, the OPA warns covers in the teachers' room and Rochester was home over the week that sugar obtained with stamp 9 WE'RE GOING RIGHT AHEAD with the job of cleaned the room. end.—Lottie and Audrey Dennis spent must be conserved for canning as| giving you better long distance service than Many children and parents are h a v Saturday afternoon with Ethelyn there will be no special applicationsever before. This picture (drawn from a ing colds at present. Miss McQueen, photograph) shows a 1500-foot reel of coaxial TROUPSBURG, N. Y., March«20.— Drake.—Laverne and Leon Chrisca- this year for canning sugar. cable being plowed into the ground to den called on Lyle Jackson, Sunday A Gold Star 4-H club has been or- school nurse, has advised keeping a make possible more long distance circuits. afternoon.—Laverne Sage, Mrs. Ger- ATTENDED WESLEYAN SERVICE, ganized in Troupsburg Central school child from school the first or second Over two million circuit miles are expected day of illness. There are some cases trude Newton, Mr. and Mrs. *Gus Canisteo Wesleyan church sent % with Mr. Hurd, agricultural teacher, of measles in the community and seeto be added to the Bell System within a year. Benson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. good delegation to the evangelistic as counselor. Ralph Kent is presiClawson and guests and Mrs. Jose- service in the Riverside Wesleyal^ dent; Hugh Cady, vice-president; ing a doctor is advised if there are phine Huntington of Hornell attended church in Corning, Thursday night, Forest Kapp, secretary; Robert Pruts- young people in the family. The the supper here, Friday evening.— March 14. TSiey were: Rev. Joseph man, treasurer; James Stone, news nurse requests that the cards given out b y the doctor be returned to the Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Drake served McClintook and son John, Mrs. Frank a chicken dinner to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Claude Hall and son reporter; Lionel Thomas, song leader, teachers with statement of w h a t has been done or shall b e done. Reed Wilkins and Mrs. C. W. Case Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. R a y Harris, Mrs. and John Welden, cheer leader. f SCHOOL ITEMS The members of the French Deand Camilla Case., Sunday, in honor Grace Vanderhoef, Mr. and Mrs. E r n 1 of the- 18th wedding anniversary of est VanSkiver and daughter Freda, The iHomemaking Department has partment were invited b y Alfred UniMrs. Mabel VanSkiver, Mr. and Mrs. been doing its housecleaning this versity to see a French film, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins. . Emmett Farrell, Mrs. Daniel Rogers, week. The members have rearranged March 5. Short features on Normandy SILVER ANNIVERSARY Rev. Stanley Lawrence and Mr. and the Home Economics kitchen., Their and 'Fontainebleau were shown in adAvoid calling the operator back for reports when your call is Mr. and Mrs. Harold Galutia, popupurpose was to make it more conven- I dition to the main picture. Those Mrs. Robert Wilhelm. wr and esteemed residents of this / • not completed immediately. Y,pu can be sure that she will i l » i T 1 » f — « . I ient to use. The new arrangement is who attended were: Pauline Rude, Place, will celebrate their 25th or silkeep trying, and will let you know just as soon as the line is being tested by the Homemaking II Burdette Bodee, Mrs. Pocock and FOR TALLER CHILDREN ver anniversary, Thursday, March 21. Research is being conducted on ready. GRADUATE NURSE Mrs. Reed Wilkins, Mrs. Ellsworth the claim that children born and urake, Mrs. C. W. Case and Camilla brought up near large broadcasting limit your call to five minutes when the operator asks you to y>se will attend the graduation of the stations are likely to b e taller than the average child. • do so. This will help other people who are waiting. ^adet Nurses class of Amot-Ogden i «emonal hospital in Elmira, Wednesday evening in Park church audi- Robt. M. Wlknson and eon Robert 8th, Make long distance calls when the lines are least crowded, wium. Miss Dorothy Anne Wilson Rev. and Mrs. Earl Burdick, Mr. ana 0r in g Mrs. Jesse Maxfleld, Mr. and Mrs. e The hours of heaviest traffic usually are 10 A. ML to 12 Noon, A p », ' ' **«***•* of Mr. and Mrs. £ . E . Wilson, will be a member of the Gerald Allen, daughter Jeanne and and from 3 to 5 P. M. son (Richard. Cass to be graduated. *tm , OUR FRIENDS CAME Among those from Cansteo attendupper a n d m L ° U r sW Program Friday e r e Mr a Bowlers Jinxed BIGEVBffffi SO. CAMSTEO by New Pins JUNIGR-SENIQR BAND CONCERT CANISTEO CENTRAL SCHOOL a a t Ceepsake IDAU • • ' > • - ' White we're doing i SCHOOL NEWS will you please do this 1 ANNOUNCEMENT! • AFTER APRIL 1 THIS STORE WILL CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS, AS£ pronson vS; ^ - »** Mr*. Jos a Tfavis MtiB S f h - » «*"*•- jant, Mr. and j * , , , GWenn HawWne, Rollms, sm n ' w T * - ,-*»WM"» mr.tmAMrt, War°n Charts, M i . . BkH»he RoHtrta. >*ted and dau^ter Natalie, Mr. Ca*. "<* <**"*&** Ruth, Mrs. C W, Mr! r ^ ^ ^ t e r Camilla, Mr. and *w. Robt. B . WiUcintaa, Mr. and Mrs STORE HOURS J A t F C I t * N . Y. Mrs. Pauline Wilcox, Mrs. Wiring, Repairing and Servicing of Radios, Appliances. Refrigerarors, Lights, Circuits • Week Days: 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. • S a t u r d a y s : 8 a. m . t o 9 p . m . Lepsch s Hardware Fixtures, Appliances for Sale G. ROBT. F2RANCR TELRPBONK * r i - « agwtswaTi "Where Quality Prevails" 19 Mum St. !•• Telephone 16* Canisteo Simw IIM > — — i — a — M i r»-"^r^T>i«i^gT^mirorff»«,Miri Jrtiyiihlfeffl'«inftMtfraNtfia**toBMto!e<'irf£«fl ••^ifei.w a-.-t 4 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 J J to help even/body get better Long Distance service ^HMV • WIWVWJJJQMSIPVV**'^""^' » " " " • ' ^ ' • ' S27 • >
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