1100 North Main Street Celina, Ohio 45822 Phone: (419) 586-2332 Fax: (419) 586-2553 Or Toll Free: 1-888-586-9271 www.purpledoorchurch.org E-Mail: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/purpledoorchurch The Tower Monthly Newsletter January 2015 Worship Schedule 7:45 & 10:45 AM Service In the Sanctuary 9:15 AM Service In the Family Life Center ‘Kids Praise’ 9:15 & 10:45 Services for Ages 3 thru Grade 4 10:45 AM Radio Broadcast WCSM – 96.7 FM Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays Nursery Available ~ 9 to Noon Worship On Wednesday 5:30-6:20pm Free-Will Dinner 6:30-7:30pm Christian Education Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm (Closed 12:30-1:30pm) Fridays 8:30am-12:30pm The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 1 Where have you seen the light? One night on a Judean hillside, shepherds keeping watch over their sheep witnessed a bright star on a holy night. An angel of the Lord spoke to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them. The first Christmas was a holy night for them. It changed their lives forever. They beheld the Christ child in Bethlehem. "There were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid; for see--I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.' " Luke 2:8-12 Hopefully all of us have experienced a holy night, a moment when time stands still and heaven and earth feel like they are one. Many of my holy nights have come as both a scout and leader at Boy Scout camps. As darkness falls each evening the campfire is lit. There is something powerful and hypnotic about a campfire. The ability of those flames to break the surrounding darkness, to provide warmth as the cold night begins, to keep the creatures that haunt the forest (real and imagined) at bay. Somehow the fire has the ability to close our mouths and lift our thoughts and spirits. For me, the flames naturally become prayer petitions lifted to God. There amid the pine trees, around the camp fire, those nights becomes a holy nights. The camp fire burns slowly with ascending flames inspiring and lifting the hopes and prayers of all present. As the camp fire grows brighter we realize we are on holy ground. We see the presence of Jesus Christ in one another. The experience of the God’s presence in flames is not limited to camping adventures but happens every time our congregational family gathers for worship. The flames of the candles remind us of the birth of the Christ Child at Christmas, the journey of the Magi following the star, the open and empty tomb at Easter and the Holy Spirit poured out on the church at Pentecost. The flames are present as we emerge from the baptismal waters and reach heavenward at every funeral to remind us of God’s promises to us. As we begin this New Year with the Lord, may you have a year filled with “holy” experiences as you humbly seek God and the light of God’s presence. Basking in His light, The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 2 “Baby Shower for Jesus” On Sunday, January 4th at all services, we will be having our annual “Baby Shower for Jesus”. Epiphany was the time the wise men brought gifts to honor the birth of Jesus. To join in this celebration, we are encouraging you to bring gifts for newborn babies to benefit those who are in need. We are collecting new baby items which will be donated to O.U.R. Home and Choosing Life Pregnancy Center, both organizations who serve Mercer County. Donations do not need to be wrapped. O.U.R. Home is a non-profit organization located at 117 West Fayette Street in Celina. It is a community resource center that provides a central entry point for Mercer County residents for assistance during times of need. They operate a food bank, a “Clothes Closet”, emergency family assistance, respite care and referrals to many other community organizations. Choosing Life Pregnancy Center is a non-profit organization located in Celina. They provide pregnancy counseling, parenting classes, adoption services and a boutique where people can “spend” their points from attending classes to purchase items. Suggestions for donations would be diapers (any size), baby food, baby formula, baby wipes, new clothing, etc. Bring your best to honor our King! Youth Charity Auction Sunday, January 25th Beginning at 2 PM in the Family Life Center A great place to donate items you no longer need or purchase that special item you do need! If you have items to donate, contact the church office. Proceeds go to the 2015 Youth Mission Trip. Mark your calendars! The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 3 “Lord, as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.” This is the prayer that inspired a group of senior high youth in Columbia, South Carolina in 1990 to create a fun way to reach out to those in need on Super Bowl weekend. They invited youth at 21 area churches to collect donations in soup pots. We at St. John joined that annual event and will have a free-will offering at our 3 church services on Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, 2015. The money collected will be given to our local CALL Food Pantry. Our goal this year is to give $400 or more to CALL. Will you help? Let's SHARE THE LOVE! Beginning Sunday, January 18th through February 8th, the SCHOOL SUPPLY boxes will return to be filled again! During the school year, students use and lose their needed supplies and need these to do their work! Let's rally around the students and teachers all of the buildings in Celina City Schools and replenish their work tools! Here is the much needed list of supplies: Lots of pencils Scissors Red and blue and black pens Lined paper Colored pencils Post-it notes Assorted markers, including smelly 2 pocket folders ones! Binders (1-1/2 inch to 2 inch) Crayons Dry erase markers Glue sticks Highlighters Erasers (pink block and cap) They will be delivered before Valentine's Day...please SHARE GOD'S LOVE with these students! Let's fill those boxes to overflowing! The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 4 2015 Ministry Opportunities & Serving Commitment As part of our discipleship process at St. John, we ask members yearly for a re-commitment of their support of our ministries through the use of their God-given gifts in service. Every year we publish a Ministry Information Catalog and a Serving Commitment form so you can designate where you would like to serve in the coming year based upon your gifts, passions, and availability. Please return these in the offering plate or to the church office as soon as possible so you can be included in upcoming schedules. Even if you would like to continue to serve in an area, we ask that you fill this out annually so we can keep our information accurate. Extras are available at the Welcome Center. TEN for TEN Challenge! Have you ever considered increasing your giving to a full tithe (10%) of your income but have been unsure how to make that change? In the next few weeks, members will be receiving an invitation to participate in a 10-week tithing challenge. As disciples of Christ, we are expected to have God be first in our lives. Many of us feel that we do that on a daily basis, but it is easy to not count our finances in this equation. What would it take for you to tithe for 10 weeks? What would you have to sacrifice out of your current situation to give God the "first fruits" of your labor? More information coming soon... Did you get some NEW SHOES for Christmas?? If so, don’t throw out your old ones! Coming this spring – St. John will be participating again in the “Shoes4Water” program in which we donate our old shoes (even mismatches!) to a group who sells the shoes and uses the profits to build wells for the people of third-world countries. More details coming soon but start bagging up those old shoes now! The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 5 NEWS AND MEETINGS Charity Circle No meeting Grace Circle - January 12th at 1pm in the Parlor Shalom Circle - January 8th at 7pm in the Parlor Friendship Circle - January 6th at 7pm in Room 106-D SEWING CIRCLE ~ JANUARY 13 AT 9 AM IN THE SEWING ROOM TH From the Sewing Room By Marilyn Nelson Co-chair Mission in Action It SEAMS you can teach old SEWERS and KNOTTERS new tricks. At our December work day, Sewing Circle started a new tradition. A Pizza/Dessert Party for our Christmas lunch instead of a carry-in. The star of the lunch was Martin Fahncke, a St. John Builders friend, who brought TWO women with him. His daughters! It was a pleasure to visit with them and have Pastor Sharon give the blessing. St. John is a generous contributor to the CALL Food and Clothing Pantry. It is often asked “What should I give?” or “What is needed?” In response, we are doing an “Item of the Month” donation. Although any item is greatly appreciated, the “Item of the Month” reflects those items that are not discounted. This is one great way that St. John is Making the Love of Christ Known. ITEM OF THE MONTH FOR FOOD PANTRY – TOILET PAPER NEEDED FOR CLOTHING PANTRY – BOYS & GIRLS WINTER CLOTHES AND MEN'S JEANS Another festive activity - tying bountiful bows on 16 comforters for the residents of the Mercer County home. Charity Circle members always give Christmas gifts to them. This year, each Wish List included a bed cover. The Sewing Circle ladies were pleased to help Santa with that. We wish a Blessed Christmas to all. And, Bless your New Year. Come join us in the Sewing Room the 2nd Tuesday of the month. See you in January! The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 6 Happy New Year! Make your New Years resolution to read more books out of our library. We are getting new books every month. Ask one of us to help you find books: Judy Bowers, Patsy Murray, Estella Nusbaum, Joan Sielschott or Diana Spicer. We would love to direct you to exciting reads. Book Review We have many books written by Gilbert Morris. The Series of Appalachia is a series of 3 books which take place during the years 1755-1776: Over the Misty Mountains – A tragic loss forces Josh Spencer to leave his home in Virginia and seek the frontier as an escape from his pain and bitterness of heart. Beyond the Quiet Hills – The Tennessee frontier has brought together Hawk and Elizabeth Spencer in the hardest of times. They struggle to survive and raise their family at the Watanga settlement. Among the Kings Soldiers – Jacob Spencer becomes embroiled in a struggle that finally forces him to decide his loyalty between the British and the Patriots, and between two women who have touched his heart. BOOK CLUB The book for discussion February 17th at 1:30 will be Steal Away by Linda Hall. It is a novel of suspense. Books will be available January 10th. Call Estella Nusbaum with any questions (419/586-3093) WHY IS GRACE SO AMAZING?? ADULT WOW BIBLE STUDY Join us on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 in Room 106-D for a Bible Study unlike anything you have experienced before. You are free to doubt. Ask your questions. Every week is different so you can drop by on any given week and not miss a beat. Contact Becca Head ([email protected]) or just stop by! Upcoming Topics: January 7th: Can God change someone – even if they don't want to be changed? th January 14 : Why should I praise God when my life is hard? January 21st: Can I be good enough to please God? January 28th: What does a life of freedom look like? The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 7 St. John Lutheran Council Meeting November 10, 2014 Present: Pastor Jeff Gramza, Ed Fuelling, David Barrett, Diane Menchhofer, Jen Roidt, Dan Heindel, Sue Buxton, Lorna Saddler, Andrea Kuehne Opening: Pastor Jeff opened with prayer. Approval of Packet: Andrea reviewed the finance package; she noted that we are currently showing a deficit of over $30,000, but our bills are being paid. Diane made a motion to approve the packet, Lorna seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Pastor’s Report: The bishop will be here on Tuesday, Nov. 11. He and his staff will meet with church councils and pastors in our conference. We will provide a light meal that evening. Several applications for receptionist have been received. Staff will be scheduling interviews soon. Pastor noted that Bea Kriegel’s reception on Sunday, Nov. 9 went beautifully, as did the birthday party the staff planned for her. Pastor will be leading a retreat for pastors at the Shrine in Maria Stein on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 13-14. President’s Report: No report Unfinished Business: No report Governance Task Force Update: No report New Business: The 2015 nominees for council positions and committees were reviewed. David made a motion to approve, seconded by Sue. Motion carried unanimously. Pastor is hoping to have the December council meeting at his home. Details will be coming. Adjourn: Motion by Lorna, seconded by Diane. Council meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. December Council Meeting Synopsis: (Full council minutes will be provided in next month’s newsletter after they are approved by Council) Council held a brief meeting before celebrating a Christmas meal together. No motions were made. Full minutes will be published next month. The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 8 November Receipts/Expenses Receipts Current Month $32,449 Expenses $34,921 $464,380 Surplus (Deficit) ($2471) ($32,890) Year-To-Date $431,490 This Month’s Church Register: BAPTISM: 12/28 Reed Michael, son of Aaron & Amanda Boeckman DEATH: 12/23 Betty Petrie 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE HERE! Envelopes are now available for pickup at the coat rack outside the Fellowship Hall. If you don't have envelopes assigned to you but would like them, contact the church office or mark your yellow communication card in your bulletin and we will have them for you the following week. Remember – As long as your contribution is in an envelope OR made by check, we will be able to credit you for tax purposes. Cash without an envelope cannot be tracked. Statements of giving for 2014 will be mailed in mid-January to all people who have given a tax-deductible donation. If you have any questions concerning your giving or would like help getting set-up with onetime or repeat giving online, contact Andrea Kuehne in the church office. The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 9 1 – THURSDAY Office Closed 2 – FRIDAY 3 – SATURDAY 4 – SUNDAY Baby Shower for Jesus/All worship services 7:45; 9:15; 10:45 a.m. Worship/HC 5 – MONDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 7:00 pm Bible Study/Parlor 6– TUESDAY 2:00 pm St. John Builders 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 7 – WEDNESDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 10:00 am Bible Study/106-A 5:00 pm Children’s Choir/Music Room 5:30 pm Free-Will Donation Meal/FH 5:45 pm Open Gym/FLC 6:00 pm Youth Handbells/Music Room 6:30 pm Education for All Ages 6:30 pm Adult Handbells/Music Room 8:00 pm Worship Team/FLC 8 – THURSDAY 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 7:00 pm Finance/Parlor 9 – FRIDAY 10 – SATURDAY 11 – SUNDAY 7:45; 9:15; 10:45 a.m. Worship 8:00 am Pancake Breakfast/FH 12 – MONDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 1:00 pm Grace Circle / Parlor 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 7:00 pm Bible Study/Parlor The Tower Newsletter 13– TUESDAY 9:00 am Sewing Circle/Sewing Room 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 6:30 pm Executive Committee/Parlor 14 – WEDNESDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 10:00 am Bible Study/106-A 5:00 pm Children’s Choir/Music Room 5:30 pm Free-Will Donation Meal/FH 5:45 pm Open Gym/FLC 6:00 pm Youth Handbells/Music Room 6:30 pm Education for All Ages 6:30 pm Adult Handbells/Music Room 8:00 pm Worship Team/FLC 15 – THURSDAY 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 16 – FRIDAY 17 – SATURDAY 18 – SUNDAY – 7:45; 9:15; 10:45 a.m. Worship/HC 19– MONDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 8:00 am St. John Builders / FH 1:00 pm WELCA Board/Library 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 7:00 pm Bible Study/Parlor 20– TUESDAY 3:00 pm Library Team/Library 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 6:30 pm Council/106-A 21 – WEDNESDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 10:00 am Bible Study/106-A 5:00 pm Children’s Choir/Music Room 5:30 pm Free-Will Donation Meal/FH 5:45 pm Open Gym/FLC 6:00 pm Youth Handbells/Music Room 6:30 pm Education for All Ages 6:30 pm Adult Handbells/Music Room 8:00 pm Worship Team/FLC ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 10 22 – THURSDAY – 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 23 – FRIDAY – 24 – SATURDAY Youth Auction Set-up/FLC 25 – SUNDAY 7:45; 9:15; 10:45 a.m. Worship 2:00 pm Youth Auction/FLC 26 – MONDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 6:15 pm Aerobics/FH 7:00 pm Bible Study/Parlor 27– TUESDAY 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 28 – WEDNESDAY 6:00 am Aerobics/FLC 10:00 am Bible Study/106-A 5:00 pm Children’s Choir/Music Room 5:30 pm Free-Will Donation Meal/FH 5:45 pm Open Gym/FLC 6:00 pm Youth Handbells/Music Room 6:30 pm Education for All Ages 6:30 pm Adult Handbells/Music Room 8:00 pm Worship Team/FLC 29 – THURSDAY 6:15 pm Aerobics/FLC 30 – FRIDAY 31 – SATURDAY Ted & Jan Elsass Carl & Kelli Thomas Mike & Lu Grunden Bill & Margie Claypool Ron & Karen Heindel Lee & Judy Fennig Doyle & Linda Baughman The Tower Newsletter 1/3 1/5 1/21 1/23 73 Years! 1/25 1/28 1/29 56 Years! ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 11 Jill Candy Brittany Bob Doris Carson Heather Sara Sandy Robert Cory Susan Amy Velone Jayne Chris Gary Cheryl Todd Tom Ryan Rick Ashley Alexa Gina Julie Jim Darlene Kendra Quade Jeanette William James Tim Joy Kris Ellis Forlow Schwarck Weber Eichler Fischbach Heiby Rolfes Kaup LaPoint Morden Stephenson Ikerd Kable Mosier Cowdery Fennig Davis Green Leininger Long Nelson Shellabarger Billger Kittle McIntosh Reed Adams Fennig Gilmore Leininger Fuelling Hiles Hone Wurster Heiby The Tower Newsletter 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/8 1/8 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/9 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/11 1/11 1/11 1/11 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/13 Andy Camden Kristen Logan Madonna Kylee Haley Jerry Nate Bryson Kathryn Ashley Marissa Dave Austin Joan Terry John Violet Wade Joanne Karen Hannah Brandon Cole Daniel Dave Tracey Paige Cindy Jackie Orlando Madelyn Paul Hadley Ron Makenzie Chris Ashton Timothy Patricia Weisman Zizelman Hellwarth Hiles Koontz Menchhofer Ritchie Weisman Boley Hirschfeld Kennedy Rodriguez Sams Kuhn Kellermeyer Jackson Fisher Gardner Taylor Zunk Hammond Heindel Miller Noll Bertke Begley Helentjaris Reineke Morris Wendel Czernik Mihm Sapp Kessler Stover Adams Fennig Nusbaum Stephenson Shellabarger Shaffer ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ 1/13 1/13 1/14 1/14 1/14 1/14 1/14 1/14 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/20 1/21 1/21 1/21 1/21 1/22 1/23 1/23 1/23 1/24 1/24 1/25 1/25 1/25 1/26 1/26 1/27 1/28 1/28 1/28 1/30 1/31 100 Years! Page 12 ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs, Fruit, Yogurt & MORE Sunday, January 11th 8:30 am – Noon $ 5.00 (10yrs & under $ 3.00) St John Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall 1100 N Main St, Celina Proceeds Benefit St. John Lutheran Youth Mission Trip The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 13 Santa's Helpers And so, as Tiny Tim said, "A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!" Thank you, every one who contributed to Santa's Helpers. Your generosity touched forty-five families and individuals with a bit of Christmas Cheer and Christ's Love. That's our congregational purpose and our blessing. Thank you so much! Dola Smith Thanks to all my family and friends at St. John. The visits from Pastor Jeff and all my friends were so welcome. Also all the flowers & cards & prayers were a blessing. I can't thank you all enough. The Lord has certainly blessed our church with loving & caring members. God bless you one and all. Mark Leininger Thank you for all the cards, visits, and prayers since my recent accident. I appreciate all your kindness and I am blessed here at St. John Lutheran. Social Concerns Thank You to all who donated gift cards for the Wernle residents this Christmas. Many of these young men and women have never had a Christmas gift. We are sure that everyone at St. John who supported this effort made a significant difference in the lives of these young people. Thanks again. Pat Maury & Lorna Saddler The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 14 Serving in Worship in January Altar Flowers ~ 04: Andrew & Debby Cowdery 11: Open 18: Ron & Karen Heindel 25: Lee & Judy Fennig Altar Guild ~ 04 & 18 (7:45) Judy Menchhofer (9:15) Kristi Huelsman (10:45) Joan Plattner/Mary Meyer 7:45 7:45 Service Readers Ushers Communion Assistants Welcome Team January 4 Estella Nusbaum Tim & Yolanda Hone, Tom & Betty Leininger Sara Beiler, Jen Roidt January 11 Sara Beiler Ted & Ellen Stachler, Jayne Selby, Steve Siebert January 18 Paul Czernik Ted & Ellen Stachler, Jayne Selby, Steve Siebert Don Green, Becky Davis January 25 Todd Hone Don & Denise Green, Ron & Karen Heindel Estella Nusbaum Sara Beiler Betty Leininger Cindy Buschor January 18 Robin Elston Pam Rasawehr & Family Jim VanTilburg, Luke VanTilburg, Sue Buxton Caitlin Grier Anaira Harris January 25 Kristi Huelsman Ted & Ellen Stachler January 25 Cindy Wendel Alan Smith Tim Menchhofer, Jason Gallman, Alan & Jane Smith Diana Spicer 9:15 9:15 Service Readers January 4 Sue Buxton Ushers Bill & Cindy Grier Communion Assistants Bill & Cindy Grier, Kristi Huelsman Kids Praise Michelle Behm Hannah Rasawehr January 11 Nancy Chaney Bruce & Linda Boley Angie Guingrich Cheyenne Glen Liz Rushton Karlee Huber 10:45 10:45 Service Assistants Readers Ushers Communion Assistants Kids Praise Welcome Team January 4 Carrie Cubberley Joann Plattner Bill & Elaine Fritzinger, Craig & Darlene Snavely Rhonda Overman, Moriah Plattner Jenny Barrett Laura Barrett January 11 Becca Head Moriah Plattner Bill & Elaine Fritzinger, Craig & Darlene Snavely Alicia Romer Breanna Romer January 18 David Barrett Joan Sielschott Tim Menchhofer, Jason Gallman, Alan & Jane Smith Lorna Saddler, Ken Taylor Andrea Kuehne Maddie Kuehne Pam Arps Lorna Saddler Trisha McMurray The Tower Newsletter ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Debby Cowdery Lauren Cubberley Page 15 Jeff Gramza Senior Pastor [email protected] Office: (419)586-2332 Cell: (765)524-0328 Cindy Snyder Director, Education & Youth [email protected] Phone: (419) 586-2332 Ext. 204 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 20 Celina, OH 45822 Our Staff ~ Andrea Kuehne Church Administrator [email protected] Phone: (419) 586-2332 Ext. 206 Brittany Schwartz [email protected] Phone: (419) 586-2332 Ext. 201 Fax: (419) 586-2553 Prayer Chain ............ Vicki Weisman [email protected] Phone: (419) 586-3444 Property Steward ........ Denny Rolfes Office Assistant .......Debby Cowdery Nursery ...................... Cheryl Heindel Organist............................. Carl Stuck Contemp. Music Dir. .. Kim Gardner Bell Choir Dir ..........Kay Klopfleisch Custodial Services ........ Gary Findley Choir Director ............ Cindy Wendel Video Creator ................. Stacy Evers Audio Director........... Jeffrey Brogan Ed Fuelling Council President Phone number: 419/586-2101 The Tower Newsletter FROM: ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH 1100 N. MAIN STREET CELINA, OH 45822 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED. Office Hours: M-Th 8:30AM-4:30PM (Closed from 12:30-1:30pm) Fri 8:30AM-12:30PM ‘Making the Love of Christ Known’ Page 16
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