THE GREENWICH SENIOR CENTER LANTERN “Enlightening Your Life” J A N U A R Y 2 014 299 Greenwich Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 Phone: 203-862-6700 Web Site: Beginning In January The Greenwich Senior Center Is Proud To Introduce Chair Zumba Gold with Certified Instructor Friend Us On Facebook Too! Jeannie Stevens Start your day right by strengthening your core, improving stamina, and enjoying great music in the Far Lounge. See the exciting details inside! Inside This Exciting Issue: Senior Water Aerobics! myseniorcenter Swipe System Is In Service Want a GREAT way to start the New Year that promises a hale and healthy YOU? How about beginning a new wellness regime at the Greenwich Senior Center? In this month’s issue check out “Winter Senior Water Aerobics” plus a host of other healthy mind/ body enhancing programs for a better quality of life in 2014 and beyond! All classes are FREE to Greenwich residents aged 55 and up. AARP Bulletin Discussion Art Gottlieb Lectures New Anti-Fraud Hotline Energy Assistance DSS Garden Center Workshop Drum Circle w/ Deanne Valentines Luncheon St. Paddy’s Party Tips On Controlling Your BP Fall Prevention Presentation Drum Circle Red Exerciser Chairs For Sale with Jewish Family Services Presents Transportation Presentation: Know How To Go CT Health Care Marketplace Deanne Wed Jan 8 10:30AM Garden Center Workshop Jan 7 1:15PM Work with plants even in the middle of the winter! Seats are limited. AARP BULLETIN DISCUSSION GROUP Meet Group Facilitator Bob Robins Mr. Robins has held positions at: CT Board of Governors for Higher Education, Stamford Urban Redevelopment Commission, CT Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on Education Cost-Sharing, Louisiana Elections Integrity Commission, Stamford Senior Center Board, Historic Neighborhood Preservation Program Board, Stamford Critical Incidents Committee, Justice of the Peace, Stamford Charter Revision Commission, President Clinton’s Working Group on the 25th Amendment, CIA Daily Brief Group for Kennedy and Johnson, and Professor and Deputy Provost, Tulane University. Group participants will read the monthly AARP Bulletin and discuss various enlightening topics of interest to seniors aged 55 and up. Please check the Lantern calendar of events for program dates and times. DISCOVER JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES Your Avenue To A Better Life JFS is a non-discriminatory, social service agency established in 1983 whose mission is to improve the quality of life for families and individuals of all ages and faiths while embracing Jewish wisdom, tradition and compassion. JFS is funded by the United Way, UJA Federation of Greenwich, the Town of Greenwich, and private donations. Join JFS Social Worker Mary Karlan, LMSW on Thurs Jan 23 @ 1:15PM for a video presentation documenting all the wonderful services that JFS offers individuals in our community like shopping, social events and support groups. myseniorcenter PREMIERS! New Easy-To-Use Bar Code System Rockets The Greenwich Senior Center Into A Bold New Tech Age! The myseniorcenter bar code system is being implemented at the front desk. This system will eventually take the place of the sign-in book now located in the front lobby. Each member will be given their own personal key chain card with a bar code on one side and the Town’s circular logo of Isreal Putnam upon his galloping horse on the other. Upon entering the building, members will proceed to the monitor located on the front desk and swipe their card. Once this has happened, a visual will appear before them with all the day’s events, including lunch, on the colorful, easy to navigate, screen. Members will then simply “touch” each item right on the screen that they plan on attending for that day. This system is capable of many useful tasks that include statistics, attendance, lists, membership database, informational blast emails and even mass robo calls. Tags can be obtained in the Senior Center Administrative offices. If key tags are lost for any reason, they can be replaced at a cost of $5. Forget your tag on any given day? Not a problem. The staff will be more than happy to show you how the system can log you in manually. T RY C H A I R Z U M B A G O L D I N 20 1 4 Target Your Core Along With The Rest Of The Body’s Major Muscle Groups In A Whole New Way! Join our very own Certified Zumba Chair Gold Instructor Jeannie Stevens and strengthen your body while enjoying lively Latin-type tunes to start your week. Jeannie Stevens has been successfully facilitating Pilates for Seniors and Chair/Floor Yoga classes for years at the Greenwich Senior Center and a host of other locations throughout Fairfield County. Now she brings us all the joys and health benefits of Zumba Gold modified for chair exercise enthusiasts. Chair Zumba will take place on Mondays at 9:30AM beginning on Jan 6. Note: The Red Exerciser Chairs will be available for purchase at $5 each. Please see Suzanne Testani for details. NEW ANTI-FRAUD HOTLINE FOR SENIORS SENATE AGING COMMITTEE LAUNCHES NEW ANTI-FRAUD HOTLINE, ENHANCED WEBSITE TO ASSIST SENIORS WASHINGTON, DC – If you or someone you know suspect you’ve been victim of a scam or fraud aimed at seniors, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging has set up a new toll-free hotline to help.The hotline was unveiled today to make it easier for senior citizens to report suspected fraud and receive assistance. It will be staffed by a team of committee investigators weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. The investigators, who have experience with investment scams, identity theft, bogus sweepstakes and lottery schemes, Medicare and Social Security fraud, and a variety of other senior exploitation issues, will directly examine complaints and, if appropriate, refer them to the proper authorities. Anyone with information about suspected fraud can call the toll-free fraud hotline at 1-855-303-9470, or contact the committee through its website, located at Online visitors can also increase text size, change colors or view a text-only version of the site. To view the new website, visit INFO ON ACCESS HEALTH CONNECTICUT Your Complete Health Care Marketplace! Access Health CT (Connecticut's official health insurance marketplace) was established to meet the requirements of Health Care Reform also known as the Affordable Care Act. If you are NOT covered my Medicare, do not have health insurance, are underinsured or have been denied health coverage due to a preexisting condition, you may be eligible for assistance through the marketplace. The open enrollment period for Access Health CT will conclude on March 31, 2014. Contact Access Health CT toll free at (855) 805-4325 or online at For information or assistance contact the Greenwich Commission on Aging (203) 862-6710. W I N T E RT I M E C E L E B R A T I O N “Valentines Luncheon” Friday Feb 14, 2014 @ The Greenwich Senior Center 12:00PM to 2:00PM Price: $8 Per Person Delicious Luncheon, Giveaways & Live Entertainment Pay & Sign Up In The Office By Thurs Feb 13 Limit: 100 participants Sorry, no to-go’s S E N I O R C E N T E R E XC I T I N G P R O G R A M L I N E U P Art Appreciation Lectures Professional guest speakers present art programs of all types using audio/ visual aides and group critique & discussion. Check calendar for dates and times. Balance & Stretch w/ Neville Join Certified Personal Trainer Neville Warburton for a creative approach to whole body balance. Billiards Come to the Lions’ Den to play pool when the room is not in use. Bingo Takes place on Fridays @ 10:30am. Winners receive a small cash prize. Cards 25 cents. Birthday Luncheon Members’ birthdays are celebrated on the last Tuesday of each month. (Sign up ahead at front desk a must!) Bridge Play Join other seniors for an afternoon of informal bridge. Check calendar for game dates and times. Chair Yoga w/ Paula Irene Genovese-Pica and Paula Schooler bring participants all the spiritual, physical and mental benefits of Yoga in a chair and on the floor! Now held in the Main Dining Room/ FL. Check calendar for days and times. Chess A group that meets to enjoy the game. Core Strengthening w/ Suzanne & Neville Specialized movements that target trunk muscles for a strong and healthy core utilizing the customized Red Exerciser Chair. Crosswords w/ Ed Do the Intermediate level NYT Crossword Puzzles with Ed Stein’s professional expertise. Check calendar for dates and times. Drum Circle/ w/ Deanne Every month we welcome Deane Maconson who will lead the group on authentic African drums. Therapeutic, creative and stress-releasing. Famous People, Places & Events An informative monthly presentation/ discussion w/ professional lecturer Art Gottlieb, CSA, MSW. See calendar for interesting monthly topics. Feldenkrais Style Movements For Arthritis Join Certified Instructor Wendy Rosa for a series of static healing movements. Total Body/ Mind Wellness Programs Credentialed professionals discuss modern mind/ body health related topics. See calendar for details. Italian Lessons w/ Luciana Learn Italian grammar from experienced educator Luciana Orzano in a structured forum. Classes meet every week. Interesting Lectures/ Presentations Professional guest speakers present on an all new array of interesting and informative topics ranging from healthcare to wellness to financial planning. Never a sales pitch. Get educated! Knitting / Needlework Groups All levels welcome. Create any item of your choice. Instruction offered on Wed mornings w/ Debbie. Line Dancing w/ Jerry Line Dancing takes on a whole new look with Certified Instructor Jerry Chylkowski and his professional dance partner/ wife Deborah. Master exciting new steps to keep you in shape, have fun and loose weight! Live Entertainment Talented musical artists perform for your pleasure monthly. Dance & sing the morning or afternoon away! Painting Classes Both novices and experienced artists are welcome. Some materials provided. Participate in local exhibitions. Peer/ professional assistance available depending on the class. Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie A strength training workout that yields visible results in just a few sessions. Floor mat required. Quilting Corner All are welcome to practice the lovely art of quilting. SCFCL Computer Classes Designed for seniors with a hands-on approach. Sessions begin every six weeks. Call (203) 862–6700. Shopping w/ The Bus Driver Twice every month on Fridays go shopping at Shop Rite of Stamford and once per month shop at Walmart Rte 7 Norwalk. Limit: 2 bags per person. Sign up at the front desk. Check calendar for dates. Silvertones Choir A group of enthusiastic seniors who love to sing led by professional Music Director Pamela Kuhn. Travel to area facilities/ organizations/ events to perform live! Special Events/ Parties/ Trips Check the Lantern/ Center flyers for upcoming fun gatherings and affordable fees. T’ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte, Ken Sing & Lamont Learn the moves of this ancient art from a trio of Certified Masters. A safe form of exercise that strengthens core balance, increases mental function, and tones the body. Classes of varying levels are offered three times per week. Water Aerobics w/ Suzanne Work out in the water to great tunes and Suzanne’s voice guiding you along on our ―Aquabuddy ― sound system! Water ―toys‖ provided for program enhancement. Word Games w/ Suzanne Challenge your brain for prizes! Check Lantern activity calendar for days and times. Yogadance w/ Pamela A fun new way to express yourself in a serious Yoga format. Zumba & Aqua Zumba Gold w/ Wendy Lee Rosa All the benefits of regular Zumba for seniors! Great music & moves. We rock out to the latest groovy tunes! It’s the real thing folks! Christmas In Song On Mon Dec 16, Winona Mullis facilitated a lovely music program where favorite Christmas carols were discussed and sung. Their origins and history were presented and shared for all to enjoy. 299 O N T H E A VENUE JANUARY 2014 (CHEF LEVI’S MENU IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Happy New Year Holiday 2 Soup du Jour House Salad 3 Soup du Jour House Salad Shrimp Scampi Pasta Green Beans No Lunch Senior Center Building Closed Yankee Pot Roast Mashed Potatoes Steamed Vegetables Assorted Desserts 6 Soup du Jour House Salad 7 Soup du Jour House Salad 8 Soup du Jour House Salad 9 Soup du Jour House Salad Beef Stuffed Peppers Egg Noodles Sauté Zucchini Herb Roasted Chicken Liver and Onions Brown Gravy Mash Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Sauterne Tilapia Cous Cous Baked Cauliflower Éclairs Yellow Cake with Fruit Topping Boston Cream Pie Apple Crisp Brown Gravy Spinach 10 Soup du Jour House Salad Stuffed Chops Broccoli Fresh Fruit 13 Soup du Jour House Salad 14 Soup du Jour House Salad 15 Soup du Jour House Salad 16 Soup du Jour House Salad 17 Soup du Jour House Salad Grilled Italian Sausage & Peppers Dinner Roll Marinara Sauce Roasted Zucchinis Jell-O Stuffed Cabbage Roasted Potatoes Steamed Corn, Cheese Manicotti Garlic Bread Sauté Zucchini Sweet and Sour Pork Baked Sweet Potato Sautéed Broccoli Chicken Kabobs Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Fruit Pie Chocolate Pudding Chocolate Cake Assorted Desserts 20 MLK Day Holiday 21 Soup du Jour House Salad 22 Soup du Jour House Salad 23 Soup du Jour House Salad Roasted Pork Loin Brown Gravy Roast Yam Green Beans Fried Chicken Macaroni Cheese Green Beans Meatloaf Mash Potato Herb Roasted Carrots Italian Ice Chocolate Tarts / Whipped Cream Senior Center Building Closed No Lunch Pumpkin Pie 27 Soup du Jour House Salad 28 Soup du Jour House Salad 29 Soup du Jour House Salad Chicken Parmesan Garlic Noodles Roast Yellow Squash Roast Turkey Bread Dressing Glazed Carrots Vanilla Pudding Birthday Cake/ 24 Soup du Jour House Salad Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes Potato Wedges Coleslaw Jell-O 31 Soup du Jour House Salad Spaghetti & Meatballs Garlic Bread Broccoli 30 Soup du Jour House Salad Baked Chicken Legs Sweet Potato Mashed Braised Cabbage Roast Beef Baked Potatoes Medley of Vegetables Jell-O Cookies Bread Pudding JANUARY 2014 (Calendar Subject To Change) Monday Tuesday We d n e s d a y Thursday 1 New Years Day Holiday 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:15 Senior Center Building Closed 9:30 Shopping @ Walmart 6 9:30 Chair Zumba w/ Jeannie-FL 9:45 Mutli Level Art Class & Peer Critique with Chris Gordon 10:15 1:15 2:15 T’ ai Chi Easy w/ Lamont Thomas Line Dancing w/ Jerry Feldenkrais Style Movements For Arthritis w/ Wendy Lee 9:30 Chair Zumba w/ Jeannie-FL 7 9:45 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:00 1:15 2:00 13 9:45 Mutli Level Art Class with Chris Gordon 10:15 T’ ai Chi Easy w/ Lamont Thomas 2:15 Feldenkrais Style Movements For Arthritis w/ Wendy Lee Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens Quilting Corner-CR T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte Chess & Bridge Play Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie Stevens Garden Center Workshop-CR Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL 9:00 Quilting Corner-CR GREATS Open Meeting 1:00 Chess & Bridge Play 1:15 T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte 2:00 Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL Senior Center Building Closed 1:00 No Lunch or Programs 9:30 Chair Zumba w/ Jeannie-FL 9:45 Mutli Level Art Class & Peer Critique with Chris Gordon 10:15 T’ ai Chi Easy w/ Lamont Thomas 1:15 Line Dancing w/ Jerry 2:15 Feldenkrais Style Movements For Arthritis w/ Wendy Lee 21 9:45 10:00 10:30 1:00 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class w/ Nev 10:00 Knitting 10:30 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 10:30 Drum Circle w/ Deanne-MDR 10:30 Know How To Go: Transportation fo 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-FL Seniors, Veterans & Disabled Indivi 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee Rosa 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing w/ Margaret Mixon of the Kennedy Center 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 15 Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens Quilting Corner-CR T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie Stevens Chinese Brush Painting w/ Maryanne 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 10:30 Silvertones Rehearsal w/ Pamela 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 1:00 Fall Prevention Seminar w/ Sen Bridges-Refreshments Served-M 22 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-LD 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee RosaMain Dining Room 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing 28 9:45 Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens 10:00 Quilting Corner-CR 10:30 T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte 1:00 Chess & Bridge Play 1:00 Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie Stevens 2:00 Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 10:30 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-LD 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee RosaMain Dining Room 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class 10:00 Knitting 10:30 10:30 Helpful Tips On Controlling Your BP w/ Diane Demaine RN of GHA 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 1:15 Get To Know Jewish Family Serv w/ Mary Karlan, LMSW 2:00 Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL 27 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class 10:00 Knitting 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-LD 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee RosaMain Dining Room 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing 10:30 Knitting Silvertones Rehearsal w/ Pamel Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR Wintertime Word Game Fun w/ Suzanne for Prizes! 8 10:30 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 9:45 Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens 20 Martin Luther King Day 14 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class w/ Nevi 29 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class 10:00 Knitting 10:30 Word Game Fun w/ Suzanne For Pri 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 1:15 Procedures For Charitable Giving John Dibble of Morgan Stanley – Refreshments Served JANUARY 2014 (Calendar Subject To Change) Tuesday We d n e s d a y Thursday 1 New Years Day Holiday 7 Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens Quilting Corner-CR T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte Chess & Bridge Play Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie Stevens Garden Center Workshop-CR Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL Quilting Corner-CR 14 GREATS Open Meeting Chess & Bridge Play T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 10:30 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 10:30 Drum Circle w/ Deanne-MDR 5 Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens 0 Quilting Corner-CR 0 T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie Stevens Chinese Brush Painting w/ Maryanne 5 Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens Quilting Corner-CR 0 T’ ai Chi w/ Sifu Duarte Chess & Bridge Play Pilates For Seniors w/ Jeannie Stevens Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL Painting Session 3 Core Strengthening w/ Neville Bingo! Fall/ Winter Water Aerobics B/GC Shopping at Shop Rite 10 9:45 Painting Session 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class w/ Neville 10:00 Knitting 10:15 Core Strengthening w/ Neville 10:30 Know How To Go: Transportation for 10:30 Seniors, Veterans & Disabled Individuals 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee Rosa 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing w/ Margaret Mixon of the Kennedy Center Bingo! 10:30 Fall/ Winter Water Aerobics B/GC 1:00 Art Gotlieb Presents-FL 1:15 Yogadance-FL 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 15 9:30 Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 22 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-LD 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee RosaMain Dining Room 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing Chair Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-MDR 10:30 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-LD 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee RosaMain Dining Room 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing 16 10:15 Core Strengthening w/ Neville 10:30 Silvertones Rehearsal w/ Pamela 10:30 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class Bingo! 1:00 Shopping at Shop Rite 1:15 Yogadance-FL 23 9:45 Painting Session 24 10:15 Core Strengthening w/ Neville 10:30 Bingo! 10:30 Fall/ Winter Water Aerobics B/GC w/ Diane Demaine RN of GHA 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 1:15 Get To Know Jewish Family Services w/ Mary Karlan, LMSW 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class 17 10:30 Fall/ Winter Water Aerobics B/GC 10:30 Helpful Tips On Controlling Your BP 29 9:45 Painting Session 10:00 Knitting 10:00 Knitting 10:30 9:30 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 1:00 Fall Prevention Seminar w/ Senior Bridges-Refreshments Served-MDR Floor Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens-FL 28 9:45 10:15 10:30 10:30 1:00 9 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-FL 1:00 Pickup Chess and Bridge Play-LD 1:45 ZUMBA Gold w/ Wendy Lee RosaMain Dining Room 5:15 Evening T’ ai Chi w/ Ken Sing 21 Knitting Silvertones Rehearsal w/ Pamela Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR Wintertime Word Game Fun w/ Suzanne for Prizes! 8 10:30 Floor Yoga w/ Paula Schooler-FL Chair Yoga w/ Jeannie Stevens 2 9:30 Balance & Stretch Class w/ Neville 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:15 Senior Center Building Closed Friday 30 1:00 Chess & Bridge Play–CR 1:15 Yogadance-FL 1:15 9:45 Painting Session 10:00 Knitting 10:15 Core Strengthening w/ Neville 10:30 Word Game Fun w/ Suzanne For Prizes! 10:30 1:00 Italian Lessons w/ Luciana-CR 1:15 Procedures For Charitable Giving w/ John Dibble of Morgan Stanley – Refreshments Served Bingo! 1:00 Shopping at Shop Rite 1:15 Yogadance-FL 31 H E L P F U L S E N I O R C E N T E R S E RV I C E S Senior Center: Open Monday thru Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Front Desk Administrator Laurette Helmrich 203 862-6700 203 862-6720 Program Coordinator Suzanne S. Testani, TRD, ADC 203 862-6721 Administrative Staff Assistant I Deana Salerno 203 862-6700 Morrison, Inc. Food Services 203-862-6725 Executive Chef Levi Argust Commission on Aging: Open Mon thru Fri 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Director Lori Contadino 203 862-6710 Administrative Staff Assistant II Chicky Krois 203 862-6710 Social Services: (Town Hall Number) 203 622-3831 Energy Asst.: Present Through May 1 Mon (By App Only) 10:30 to 12:30 12:30 to 2:00 Walk ins welcome no app. needed Office Hours: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Contact: Jayne Wilson Dept. of Social Service 203 622-6458 Senior Center for Computer Learning (Formerly SeniorNet) Director Charlie Stone 203-862-6700 Beginning November 1st Senior Center members can attend any class at the Greenwich Senior Center for Computer Learning at half price. Please contact Charlie Stone if you have any questions 203-661-7120 [email protected] Energy Assistance: Nov 1 thru April 15 Mon (By App Only) Shut-offs, out of oil, emergency issues 12:30 pm-2:30pm Contact: Dept. of Social Service 203 622-3800 Health Suite: Is located on the ground floor. Nurse is in on Tuesdays from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm— Free walk-in visits Health Suite 203 862-6730 Town Hall 203 622-7859 Utilize Senior Energy (USE): A search engine that posts jobs/ hire Seniors (50+) for positions. Located on the ground floor Open Mon thru Fri from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Director Joan Caldwell 203 629-8032 Transportation: Please sign up for transportation the day before you wish to come to the center. Reservations can be made at the front desk until 1:00 pm 203 862-6700 In case of cancellation please call TAG directly at: 203 637-4345 Luncheon by Morrison Foods, Inc. A delicious hot meal is served Mon thru Fri at the Senior Center between 12:00pm & 1:00pm. Please make reservations the day before at the front desk until 11:00am. If interested in dining on a Monday, please call the Friday before. Reservations the day of the lunch will not guarantee you a meal. Noon meal prices: Dining In: $4.00 — To Go: $4.25 Lantern Newsletter Editor: Suzanne S. Testani 203 862-6721 The Greenwich Senior Center Invites You to the Annual St. Patrick’s Party Dance the day away to live entertainment, great food, giveaways, prize wheel and much more! And don’t forget those ever-popular “Celebrity Guest Servers” who graciously bring your dinner right to you! TAG transportation available. Sign up today! Friday March 14, 2014 11:00AM to 2:00PM Price: $14 pp TAG Transportation Available The Greenwich Senior Center and Greenwich Hospital Association Present Helpful Tips On Controlling Your Blood Pressure with Diane Demaine, RN Thurs Jan 23 1:15PM Main Dining Room GREENWICH SENIOR CENTER Proudly Presents FALL/ WINTER SENIOR WATER AEROBICS with Certified Water Fitness Instructor/ Lifeguard Suzanne Testani at the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich Classes On Fridays @ 10:30AM Please call Suzanne @ #862-6721 for program details Work Your Mind With Ed Stein The Greenwich Senior Center Presents NYT Crosswords with Ed Stein Fri Jan 31 1:00PM With Ed’s expert assistance, solve intermediate level puzzles straight out of the NYT These aren’t your grandmother’s crosswords folks! The Greenwich Senior Center In Conjunction with the Kennedy Center Present Know How to Go! Southwest Connecticut A Transportation Presentation What is Mobility Management?? Coordination and marketing of all of the transportation options for People with Disabilities, Seniors and Veterans in southwestern Connecticut Identification of barriers/gaps in transportation Creation of a ―One Stop Shop‖ where individuals can find solutions to their transportation challenges solutions to their personal transportation needs with Mobility Specialist Margaret Thurs Jan 9 1:00PM Main Dining Room Nixon We will provide materials on transportation alternatives for you to take with you. We hope to have a good discussion on what does and does not work for you regarding transportation. We want to know how you get around, bus, train, friend or family member, taxi? Are there any places you can’t get to due to a lack of transportation? Please take our transportation survey at the presentation so that we can understand the gaps/barriers you face regarding transportation. We hope to see you in January! S E N I O R C E N T E R H OW T O ’ S HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER: Membership is free to any Greenwich Resident aged 55 or older. Our hours of operation are Mon thru Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm. Come in and see a friendly staff member who will register you and take you on a tour. Stay for lunch and see why we’re the best kept secret in Town. Joining is easy! Just fill out a small yellow registration card and become a member. We keep the process very user-friendly. HOW TO HAVE BREAKFAST AND OR LUNCH WITH US: The Senior Center is now serving an expanded breakfast menu along with our hot noon meal daily . Luncheon includes: soup, salad, entrée, dessert and beverage. The fees are as follows and payable by cash, check or pre paid tickets: COFFEE $0.75 (INCLUDES FREE REFILLS) MUFFIN/ TOAST W/ COFFEE $1.00 CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST W/ COFFEE $2.00 LUNCH $4.00 TO GO LUNCH $4.25 PRE PAID LUNCH TICKETS $80.00 (FOR 20 LUNCHES) Sign up at the Front Desk or place your order over the phone the day before you would like to purchase lunch by calling 203-862-6700. Monday lunch list sign up sheet will be available on the previous Friday. Please be advised that if you sign up the same day as you wish to have lunch we cannot guarantee your spot on the lunch list. Also due to the increased volume of lunches served, if we run out of an item on the menu, substitutions may occur. We also offer ―To-Go‖ Lunches. Please indicate if you choose to dine in or take out when signing up. To-Go Lunches must be picked up between 12:30pm and 1:00pm, are subject to availability, and cannot be held. Lunch Tickets are non refundable due to loss or theft and not redeemable for cash. HOW TO JOIN SENIOR CENTER ACTIVITIES: Classes, performances, lectures and health forums are free of charge and open to any Senior Center Member. Due to space limitations we occasionally require sign ups prior to a specific program, which is done on a first come, first served basis. If a sign up is required ample notification will be given via the Lantern Newsletter, Event Flyers, Sunday Greenwich Times Newspaper Senior Page, our Facebook page, and The Town of Greenwich Web Site. HOW TO JOIN IN SENIOR CENTER TRIPS/ EVENTS*: Although the majority of our programs are free, there are fees associated with our trips and theme/holiday parties. A staff member will be available Monday thru Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm to assist with trip/ event sign-ups and table assignments. Fees are payable by cash or check. Please make checks payable to: ―Senior Citizens GREATS Club–Old Town Hall‖ or for your convenience, we can stamp the check for you. The Senior Center is not responsible in whole or in part to trip participants for any loss or damage to persons or property. HOW TO USE OUR TRANSPORTATION SERVICE: Bus service to and from your home to the Senior Center is provided daily Monday thru Friday by the Transportation Association of Greenwich (TAG). Your arrival at the Center is 9:00 am and departure is at 2:45 pm. Please sign up for transportation the day before you wish to come to the Center. Reservations can be made at the Front Desk until 1:00 pm or call 203-862-6700 the day before to have your name placed on the transportation list. In case of cancellation please call TAG directly at 203 637-4345. POLICIES AND PRCEDURES: Senior Center Policy & Procedure Manuals are available for review at the Front Desk or in the Program Coordinator’s Office. They can also be purchased for $5.00 a copy. *There are: No Refunds, No Party Reservation Transfers, and No To Go Meals at Senior Center events.
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