THE BRIDGE THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD LORD - PARISH STAFF Fr. Jim Scullion, OFM, Pastor Michele Beck, Music Theresa Cassata, OFS, FFF Deacon Robert Cunningham Fr. Kevin Daly, OFM Fr. John Frambes, OFM Sr. Patricia Klemm, OSF Sr. Patricia McNiff, OSF Jo Anne Reeder, Worship Deacon Richard Titmas Deacon George Walker, OFS Parish Office (609) 494-8813 Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 3 PM (Closed for lunch 12 - 1 PM) Family Faith Formation (609) 494-8813 ext. 153 Community Center (609) 494-8861 Counseling Services (609) 494-1554 Read our bulletin online at Daily gospel reflections can be found on facebook at: Follow Follow usus onon Twitter: Twitter: @StFrancisLBI @StFrancisLBI St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Franciscan Faith Community of Holy Name Province in the Diocese of Trenton. Find out more about Holy Name Province online at Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY Vocation Office [email protected] Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia, PA Vocation Office [email protected] St. Francis is a sending Parish to ASRCS All Saints Regional Catholic School 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ, 08050 (609) 597-3800 or visit: With open arms for all! JANUARY 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord St. Francis of Assisi, 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Brant Beach, NJ DATE Saturday, January 10 Sunday, January 11 Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 Wednesday, January 14 Thursday, January 15 Friday, January 16 Saturday, January 17 MASS INTENTIONS (L) Living +Deceased 9:00 AM +Joan Chenard 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM Teen Ministry +Judith F. Ellis-Snyder +Joan Mitchell +Linda Garofalo 8:45 AM +Doris Gallagher +Teresa Cassin +Theodore Trust 10:00 AM +James T. & Eileen Karr +Lynda L. Hansen 11:15 AM +Alice J. Cisek +Frank X. Scott 2:00 PM Spanish Liturgy - Tres Reyes 9:00 AM +Louise Panczner 9:00 AM +Louise Panczner 9:00 AM +Norman Davis 9:00 AM +Patrick Whelan 9:00 AM +Paul H. Wirth +Joan Mitchell 9:00 AM +Martha Mathews 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reconciliation READINGS EVENTS 1 Jn. 5:14-21; Jn. 3:22-30 Is. 42:1-4, 6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Mk. 1:7-11 9:45 AM Contemplative Living, Sr. Lounge Is. 42:1-4, 6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Mk. 1:7-11 2:00 PM Tres Reyes & Una Fiesta Heb. 1:1-6; Mk. 1:14-20 Heb. 2:5-12; Mk. 1:21-28 Heb. 2:14-18; Mk. 1:29-39 Heb. 3:7-14; Mk. 1:40-45 1 Cor. 4:9-13; Mt. 10:16-22 Heb. 4:12-16; Mk. 2:13-17 4:30 PM Workshop - Confirmation Candidates 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation 9:30 AM St. Anthony Devotion 7:00 PM RCIA, Room 212 6:45 PM Women’s Spirituality, Room 212 7:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sacrament 8:30 AM Men’s Spirituality, Room 212 Parish Information Emergency Information: Available on our answering machine (609) 494-8861 and on WJRZ 100.1 FM; 98.5 FM; The Breeze 107.1 FM; WOBM 92.7 FM;; and and Evacuation Information: In the event of a hurricane, severe weather, or extreme high tides, please do not call the Parish Office for assistance and note that none of the parish buildings (churches, community center, residences or maintenance facilities) has been designated as an evacuation site. Evacuate as soon as you can, following the direction of local officials. Embrace Our Way of Life THE FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF HOLY NAME PROVINCE Franciscan Vocation Ministry Br. Basil Valente, OFM 129 West 31st Street, 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10001-3403 1-800-677-7788 The St. Francis Parish and Center will be CLOSED on Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Day. GOSPEL CHALLENGE: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” My Baptism calls me to be Christ for others and become an instrument of healing in the world so that God may “be well pleased.” How can I answer this call? Mass Schedule through March 21/22 St. Francis of Assisi, Brant Beach 9:00 AM Daily Mass Reconciliation: 3:30 - 4:30 PM Saturday, 5:00 PM; Sunday, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 AM St. Thomas of Villanova, Surf City CLOSED St. Thomas Aquinas, Beach Haven CLOSED St. Clare, Loveladies CLOSED Page 1 - January 11, 2015 Parish Information Parish Registration: The Parish Office is located on the second floor of St. Francis Community Center, 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach Twp., NJ. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Please notify the Parish Office as soon as possible if you are moving. Baptism: The sacrament is celebrated three times a month at St. Francis Parish. Group Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday at 10:00 AM and the last Sunday at 12:45 PM each month at St. Francis Church in Brant Beach. Baptisms during Mass are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the last Mass in each Church. Call the Parish Office for availability and requirements: at (609) 494-8813 ext. 154 or 155. Faith Formation and Education: For children ages six through high school. Please call Theresa Cassata, ofs at (609) 494-8813 ext. 153 for more information. Marriage: In accordance with the Common Policy of the five Dioceses of New Jersey, arrangements must be made ONE YEAR in advance. Couples are required to attend Marriage Preparation classes. Weddings are performed on Friday or Saturday. Weddings are NOT performed on Sundays, the beach, Memorial Day, Fourth of July or Labor Day weekends. Pastoral Visitations: Please notify the Parish Office if you or any of your loved ones are ill, homebound, in SOMC, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers. Parish Collections Second Collection Today: Interfaith Health & Support Services St. Francis is a founding member of Interfaith Health & Support Services, a coalition of area congregations. Volunteers provide free services: respite care, medical transportation and shopping for the frail elderly & isolated in our community. This collection is our annual contribution to this valuable service. Last Week’s 2nd Collection Utilities Collected: $4,032.00 This Week We Need: Budgeted: $15,000.00 Last Week’s Collection Budgeted: $16,500.00 Collected: $12,544.63 A Letter From The Pastoral Staff... Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. From a liturgical point of view we are beginning the Ordinary Time in the Liturgical Season. It is the beginning for us and that is exactly what is happening in Jesus’ public life, he is beginning his public ministry of healing and preaching the Kingdom of God. One of the phrases I learned when I was studying the Bible back in 1975 (talks about the way back meter) was that Jesus is “on the Road” to Jerusalem and also to his death and Resurrection. He intended to make this journey knowing quite well the consequences of his decision. We are challenged to make a decision to be Christians - Catholics. That means we must journey with Jesus on the Road of trials and frustrations as he did. I would like to believe that as faithful followers we might be exempt from trials and difficulties but I am afraid that is not always our lot in life. My Dad was a very prayerful person (much more than I) and when my Mother was terminally ill he prayed for her recovery. Salvation was what was given to her but not in the form of my Father’s prayer. One translation of Salvation is “to come home”; in my Mother’s case coming home was going to God. She received her salvation rewarded for her faith and good deeds. Our second reading from Acts focuses on Cornelius, a Roman centurion who was baptized along with all his household and family. The phrase I am fond of in the reading is: ”God shows no Partiality”. In Acts of the Apostles all are welcome and for us all are welcome! On January 16th the Friars will remember the feast day of St. Berard, one of Francis’ original members of the newly gathering order. He and his 5 companions who were sent by Francis to preach to non-believers salvation to all people. So off they travelled to Morocco to journey with Jesus and preach the gospel. The king or sultan of the region first wanted to kill them for being unbelievers. But instead the sultan decided to simply expel them from Morocco. Berard and his companions returned again preaching the word of God. The sultan offered them every kind of material reward if they would themselves convert to their faith. They did not and refused the sultan’s offer. St. Berard and his 5 companions became the first of many Friars-Franciscan Martyrs in 1220. Fr. Kevin Daly, ofm December 24/25 Christmas Collection Collected: $90,020.00 2nd Collection St. Francis Parish Ministries: Music Collected: $8,146.00 December 27/28 Collection Budgeted: $15,500.00 Collected: $12,257.64 2nd Collection Friars and Sisters Stipends Collected: $5,201.00 St. Francis Parish now offers Online Giving! Approved by the Diocese of Trenton. Parishioners who prefer to donate through automatic draft, Online Giving is a secure and personalized way to give to the parish. Sign up by visiting our parish website at: Be aware that it is not necessary to check the box for an additional gift to offset fees. Our fee structure using this service is the typical 2.5% discount charged to credit card usage and is not a set fee of three dollars. Most of the formats seen on the software screens are standardized and not subject to our modifications. Page 2 - January 11, 2015 Franciscan Spiritual Center presents: Spiritual Direction We now have three certified Spiritual Directors and three Interns offering free Spiritual Direction in our parish. For an appointment please call: Maryann Barrek, ofs, (609) 492-7502 Barbara Horwath, ofs, (609) 384-6188 Pat Simmons, ofs, (609) 661-1361 Anne Bock, ofs, Intern, (609) 214-3835 Sharon DeSipio, ofs, Intern, (609) 492-4690 Kathy Egan, Intern, (215) 694-4651 An Invitation to Contemplative Living This program calls out to those who desire to live more contemplatively in the world, to grow in union with God and others, and to become more aware, intentional and free. God liberates us and heals us through the practice of contemplative prayer. Monthly sessions on the practice of contemplative prayer are scheduled. This group meets from 9:45 AM to 12:00 PM in the Center. Next scheduled meeting: January 10, Sr. Lounge Presenter: Fr. Jim Scullion, ofm. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults “What Does It Mean To Be Catholic?” “What Is Catholicism?” a 2,000 year old living tradition?...a mystery? ...a relationship?...a way of life?...a world view? We invite those who are Catholic, those who want to have your questions answered, those who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith, those who are preparing to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and those who are seeking to continue to find God in the everyday goodness of life to join with us as we continue to journey in faith with God and one another. The RCIA is a process that enables us to reflect on our identity and our mission as people of God. Classes meet on Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM in Room 212 unless otherwise noted. Next scheduled meeting: January 13. “Prayer/Spiritual Direction” Presented by: Sr. Pat Klemm, osf All are welcome! Woman’s Spirituality The Women’s Spirituality Group provides an opportunity for women to gather and share with other women how they experience God in their lives in the here and now. They meet from September through November and January through June on the second Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:00 PM in the Center. Next scheduled meeting: January 14, Room 212 Men’s Spirituality The Men’s Spirituality group meets on the third Saturday of each month from 8:30 to 10:00 AM in Room 212. We discuss a broad variety of topics and share our views on how we can see the hand of God at work in all things. All are welcome. Next scheduled meeting: January 17, Room 212 The JPIC Corner: Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation “I, the Lord, have called for the victory of bring out prisoners from confinement and from the dungeons those who live in darkness.” Isaiah 42:6-7 Our brothers and sisters who live in the darkness of fear and oppression because they do not have legal standing need to be brought into the light of acceptance for the dignity that is theirs as children of our loving God. Even if we need to pursue legal action, it must always be done with respect and care. As Christian people, we must look at our actions as a nation and be sure that they are in keeping with our moral principles. Scripture Study This group meets every two weeks to learn, discuss and reflect on passages of the Sacred Scriptures. The group is led by Tom Troyano and meets from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Center. No prior experience of Scripture study is required. Next scheduled meeting January 21, Sr. Lounge CDS’s on St. Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan movement by Bill Short, OFM are available to borrow. They contain 25 minute talks for listening in your car, exercising or just while sitting at home. Please contact Sr. Pat Klemm at (609) 494-8813 ext. 161 or [email protected]. Page 3 - January 11, 2015 Family Faith Formation Monthly Meetings: Theresa Cassata, ofs, Coordinator of FFF (Ext. 153) Ellen Halvorsen, Elementary Coordinator (Ext. 150) Marion Pierri, Confirmation Coordinator (Ext. 177) St. Francis Center unless otherwise noted. Volunteers Needed: Substitute Catechists & Aides, Tuesday 5:30-6:45 PM and Wednesday 4:30-5:45 PM. Confirmation Candidates Monday, January 12 - St. Francis Church, Brant Beach Final Workshop - 4:30 PM, Students in the Church Pot Luck Dinner - 6:00 PM, Students, Families in the Hall Sacrament of Reconciliation - 7:00 PM, Students, Families in the Church Book Club Tuesday, January 27, 1:00 PM, Room 212 Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall Survivors of Suicide Thursday, February 12, 7:30 PM, Room 212 Order of the Franciscans Secular ofs Saturday, February 21, 9:30 AM, Surf City Church Day of Recollection Knights of Columbus Council #3826 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM St. Mary’s Church, Msgr. Reinbold Hall - Barnegat Family Path Meeting Wednesday January 14 - 6:30-7:30 PM. Parents and children. Children should bring their text books. Touching Safety Lesson the first 10 minutes of class. Make a Tax Deductible Gift Make a Gift to St. Francis Church or LBICC, Inc. Family Promise of Southern Ocean County (Helping homeless families with children) Thank you to all the volunteers who have helped with caring for the families. We appreciate your help and concern for the families who struggle with the reality of being homeless. We welcome all who would like to help either by preparing a meal, helping make beds, play games with the children or just visiting with the families. We also need 2 adults to stay overnight each night. We have the beds – please bring your sheets or sleeping bags! Our next dates at Maris Stella Conference and Retreat Center in Harvey Cedars will be: Sunday, January 25 to Sunday, February 1 Sunday, February 22 to Sunday, March 1 Meals Pat Juliano (609) 978-2746 Evening volunteers from 6:00-8:00 PM Chris Nachman (609) 494-7385 Overnight volunteers Connie Higgins (609) 361-2158 Questions or information about Family Promise Carole Infante, ofs (609) 978-0645 Thank you and God bless you all. If you are planning your will and/or estate and would like to make a gift to St. Francis Church or LBICC, Inc., please contact Connie Becraft, Executive Director at [email protected] or (609) 494-8861 ext. 162 for more information. HELP WANTED Substitute Aquatics Aerobics Instructor - Part Time Call Mike Thompson at (609) 494-8861 ext. 105. Volunteers - Human Concerns Help fill refrigerators and freezers several mornings a week. This task involves some heavy lifting. Help pick up grocery items from local supermarket once per week. This task involves heavy lifting and a pick up truck or SUV/mini van type vehicle. Please contact Volunteer Services at (609) 494-8861 ext. 118. St. Francis Center is an EOE/AA Employer Page 4 - January 11, 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS Men’s Cornerstone Retreat Happy New Year! What’s your New Year’s Resolution? If you’re already thinking about what you want to change in 2015, and trying to be the better-version-of-yourself is on your list, you are cordially invited to attend the 11th Annual Super Plunge Sunday February 1 - 1:00 PM (Pre-Registration Required Before Plunging) Download Registration or Sponsor Forms at Registration forms are also available at the Center’s front desk or pool desk. All proceeds to benefit St. Francis Community Center and Southern Regional High School Swim Teams. Saturday, January 31 - 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM; T-shirt/wristband pick-up and late registration Sunday, February 1 - 10:00 to 12:00 PM; T-shirt/wristband pick-up and late registration 1:00 PM – Plunge time – 48th Street beach 1:05 PM – Post Plunge Warm-up (St. Francis Gym) Free refreshments. Prizes awarded for oldest & youngest plunger, best costume, most funds raised and more! Labyrinth Walk Monday, February 2, 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM Tuesday, February 3, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall The Labyrinth is a path of prayer, a walking meditation that can become a mirror of the soul. It is a spiritual act of pilgrimage, a metaphor of life’s journey. Choose a day and treat yourself to some quiet time. A finger Labyrinth is available for those who are unable to walk the Labyrinth. 2015 Special Events 4th Annual March Madness Free Throw March 7, 2015 Men’s Cornerstone Retreat Friday, March 13, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Saturday, March 14, 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM St. Thomas Church, Surf City Even if you have previously attended, this could be the year for you to take a break and relax from your busy schedule to refresh your spirit, restore your soul and reconnect to what really matters in your life. Come experience the fellowship and camaraderie of a Lenten retreat and re-energize your faith. Brochures at the doors of the Church. Please contact Jim Mazzerina For more information at (609) 618-7683 Declaración de Capacidad Cultural El Centro St. Francis reconoce una comunidad culturalmente diversa y hace un compromiso con los principios de multiculturismo como un medio para entender, aceptar, valorar y apoyar la diversidad cultural. El término Multcultural se aplica ampliamente para incluir asuntos de minorías o estado de marginalización con respecto a raza, etnicidad, cultura, estado socioeconómico, uso del inglés como segundo idioma, género, orientación sexual, discapacidad, religión, espiritualidad y vejez. El Centro St. Francis propone desarrollar programas y prácticas que ayuden al personal, miembros de la junta directiva y voluntarios a reconocer, aceptar y afirmar las diferencias y similitudes entre la gente asi como proveer servicios que apoyen e incluyan a todos los miembros de la comunidad. Cell Phone Drop Off Please help St. Francis Parish Center by dropping off your old Cell Phones in the lobby at St. Francis Center. Please NO accessories, chargers, etc. Fish & Chip Dinner March 27, 2015 Page 5 - January 11, 2015 Senior Services Recreation & Aquatics For information call ext. 108 or 109. For information please call ext. 105. Visit the Fall/Winter Brochure online at or pick up a Brochure at the Center lobby. Daily Reassurance Calls Do you know of a senior who is isolated? Senior Services makes daily reassurance calls to seniors who have no one to check on them. Please call the Center and ask for extension 108 to request that we call them. Caregiver Support Group Second Tuesday of every month, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Ocean County Southern Services Center 179 S. Main Street, Manahawkin, NJ. Meals on Wheels Volunteer Substitute Drivers needed for all routes! Call Sherry today to sign up at (609) 494-8861, ext. 109. Walking Program Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 - 8:45 AM in the Gym. Ladies’ Exercise Class Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 to 10:30 AM Room 99 - All are welcome to attend. Volunteer Attorney Tuesdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM By appointment only for those who qualify. Cards: Senior Lounge Call if you have questions or wish to register. Canasta: Monday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Mah Jongg: Tuesday & Friday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Pinochle: Wednesday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Party Bridge: Thursday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Aquatics: January 10-February 21: Water Tots (Ages 1-4) Beginners (Ages 4 & Up) Intermediate (Ages 6 & Up) Competitive Swim (Ages 8 & Up) Private Swim Lessons: $25 per half hour Semi-Private Swim Lessons: $20 per person per half hour Daily Guest Fees: $10 per person Book of 5 Passes: $45 Personal Training with Joe Perrine APFA Certified Personal Trainer Develop and implement an individualized approach to exercise and health. Workouts may include muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and body composition. Other components such as speed, power, balance, etc. may also be addressed. Appointments made through the Recreation Department at (609) 494-8861 ext. 105. Private Baseball Lessons with Tom Natoli Educational Services (609) 494-8861 ext. 185 Southern Regional High School 600 North Main St., Manahawkin, NJ NJ High School Diploma Preparation Classes Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 - 9:00 PM (9/10 Bldg.) ESL Classes Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 - 9:00 PM (9/10 Bldg.) Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00 - 9:00 PM SRHS Boys Varsity Baseball Head Coach Appointments made through the Recreation Department at (609) 494-8861 ext. 105. Pickleball is Here! Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:15-3:00 PM in the Gymnasium $5 Fee (Free LIMITED transportation will be provided) All classes are FREE to the community. Additional Classes are located throughout Ocean County. Please call for more information at (609) 494-8861 ext. 185 or to locate a class near you. Birthday Parties Are you looking for a place to hold a birthday party? St. Francis offers pool parties at reasonable rates. For information or to book a party call the Aquatic Center at ext. 187. Page 6 - January 11, 2015 Family Support Services Human Concerns and the Food Pantry are closed on Thursdays. Children’s Services Human Concerns new hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. St. Francis Preschool is an accredited program from the National Association for the Education of Young Children. NAEYC-Accredited programs must meet NAEYC’s 10 standards for high-quality early childhood education. For more information about NAEYC standards visit: The Food Pantry currently needs: Canned Vegetables, Cereal, Soup, Laundry Detergent, Soap, Any Size Diapers, & Baby Wipes CHILD CARE & PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Open Enrollment! Full Day, Work Day or Extended Day Toddlers: Ages 14 months to 2 1/2 Preschoolers: Ages 2 1/2 to 5 Parenting and Anger Management Groups Please continue collecting St. Francis Community Center. Locations throughout Ocean County. To register, please call (609) 494-8861 ext. 194. Funded by the Department of Human Services. Auto Ownership Program Please consider donating your old car (in fair to good condition) to St. Francis’ auto ownership program. We are in need of donated cars to assist clients to make the transition from welfare to work. For more information on a tax-deductible donation please call: Auto Ownership Program Coordinator (609) 494-8861 ext. 190. Campbell's Soup Can Labels Did you know that in addition to collecting labels from cans and boxes you can also register your ShopRite card online? Any Labels for Education product purchases that you make, we will automatically receive 1 point for each product. Only residents of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut or Massachusetts are eligible to participate. To register your ShopRite card(s) go to The following information is needed: Saint Francis Preschool, Beach Haven, New Jersey, 08008. Please share this information with a friend. More than one school can be registered on a card. This will help us in purchasing equipment and materials for Children’s Services. Collection containers are located in the lobby of St. Francis Center and Children’s Services hallway. For an updated list of products please visit: or pick up a copy in the front lobby of the Center. Thank you for your continued support! When cutting your labels please only cut the UPC and the points value. See the pictures below: Give Kids a Smile Every February dentists throughout N.J. offer free dental care for children ages 12 and younger who do not have access to dental care. Friday, February 6 • Free screenings, fillings, extractions and restorative treatment. • Fluoride treatments and sealants to protect permanent • • • • teeth. Orthodontic evaluations and referrals for braces. Request an appointment at any participating location. 120+ locations statewide. List of locations with phone numbers are available on the website: Last year, dentists treated more than 2,800 children. For more information please visit Give Kids a Smile page on the NJ Dental Association’s website:, or call (732) 821-9400 or email: [email protected]. Thank you for your continual support! As of March 2014 we have collected 3662 points! Blissful Babies - Family Support "Blissful Babies" Tuesday’s, starting January 20; 10:00 - 11:00 AM Class runs 5 weeks. Stafford Branch of the Ocean County Library, 129 Rt. 9, Manahawkin. This class provides guidance on the communication of touch with parent and baby. This process will be modeled by instructors who have completed Part 1 in their training with Infant Massage USA. Training will provide parents with specific, proven infant massage techniques to promote: bonding and attachment, healthy sleeping, relaxation for baby and parent and reduce symptoms associated with colic and gas. Please call Family Support to register or inquire about future classes at (609) 494-8861 ext. 197. Page 7 - January 11, 2015 St. Francis Travel COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Call Nancy at Home Town Travel (609) 597-5100 Email: [email protected] All Saints Regional Catholic School Cruises Celebrity Eclipse Trans Atlantic Cruise April 20 - May 7, 2015 Document night, April 7, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Sr. Lounge Emerald Waterways River Cruise Prague to Budapest September 23, 2015 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ, 08050 (609) 597-3800 or visit St. Francis is a sending Parish to ASRCS INVEST IN YOUR CHILD’S FUTURE Faith based and quality programs through eighth grade. OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, January 27 (snow date Tuesday, February 3) There will be two sessions: morning session is from 9:30-11:00 AM evening session will run from 6:30–8:00 PM Parents will have the opportunity to visit classrooms, tour the facility and learn about the school’s philosophy, curriculum and the many special programs offered. Sightseeing Trips Sordevolo’s Passion Play September 13 - 22, 2015 Itinerary: two nights Rome, two nights Assisi, one night Padua, two nights Biella and one night Milan. See the play and the Last Supper. Visit the church/museum where the Shroud of Turin is vaulted. (You will see a replica and video but you will not see the original.) A $100 per person (fully refundable once price is confirmed) deposit is required. For information on any of the above trips, please call Nancy at Home Town Travel (609) 597-5100. FREE Income Tax Preparation Sponsored by AARP February 2 through April 15 . Monday, 9:00 - 2:00 PM, Walk In & Thursday, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Walk In St. Mary’s of the Pines Parish Center 100 Bishops Lane, (off McKinley Blvd.) Manahawkin Wednesday, 1:00 - 5:00 PM, Appointments Only (609) 994-3671 Perry’s Lake Club House 4 Princeton Ave., Manahawkin Homebound clients or information call (609) 294-0730 You must arrive at least one hour before closing time to assure there is sufficient time to complete your taxes. Thank you for your cooperation. St. Mary’s Perpetual Adoration—Volunteers Needed Weekly Meetings Always open to everyone! Al Anon St. Francis Center Beginners Meeting, Thursday, 7:00-7:30 PM Open Discussion, Thursday, 7:30-8:30 PM Al-Anon is a fellowship of family members and friends of alcohol/drug abusers, who share their experience, strength and hope with one another. Alcoholics Anonymous SOMC, Sunday, 7:30 PM Lights Off, Sunday, 9:00-10:30 AM St. Francis Center, Room 116 St. Thomas of Villanova, Surf City Monday through Friday, 12:30 PM Friday (men), 8:00 PM For Saturday Meetings: Call the AA Hotline (609) 494-5130 St. Mary’s Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located behind the church in Barnegat. Volunteers are assigned to cover the Chapel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These adorers offer one hour a week, however everyone is welcome to visit with the Lord at any time. New adorers are always welcomed, as each hour must have an assigned adorer. Contact Joann Kaczala, (609) 698-6168. CONTACT of Ocean & Monmouth Counties Telephone Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention 24-hr. a day Email: [email protected] Website: The next (15-week) training class for telephone volunteers for CONTACT (24-hour crisis intervention hotline) will begin on Tuesday, January 13 from 6:30-9:30 PM in the Brick Township area. CONTACT, a free and confidential service, has been assisting with the needs of individuals throughout the community since 1975 by providing a safe place for callers to talk about their problems with anonymity. Information and referral are provided when requested. For additional training information, please call the CONTACT office at (732) 240-6104. Page 8 - January 11, 2015
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