THE BRIDGE THE SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST CHRIST THE KING - PARISH STAFF Fr. Jim Scullion, OFM, Pastor Michele Beck, Music Theresa Cassata, OFS, FFF Fr. Kevin Daly, OFM Fr. John Frambes, OFM Sr. Patricia Klemm, OSF Sr. Patricia McNiff, OSF Jo Anne Reeder, Worship With open arms for all! NOVEMBER 23, 2014 “ ...whatever you did for one of the least of mine, you did for me.” - PARISH DEACONS Robert Cunningham Richard Titmas George Walker, OFS Parish Office (609) 494-8813 Mon. - Fri. 9 AM to 3 PM (Closed for lunch 12 - 1 PM) Family Faith Formation (609) 494-8813 ext. 153 Community Center (609) 494-8861 Counseling Services (609) 494-1554 Read our bulletin online at Daily gospel reflections can be found on facebook at: Follow Follow usus onon Twitter: Twitter: @StFrancisLBI @StFrancisLBI St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Franciscan Faith Community of Holy Name Province in the Diocese of Trenton. Find out more about Holy Name Province online at Embrace Our Way of Life THE FRANCISCAN FRIARS OF HOLY NAME PROVINCE Franciscan Vocation Ministry Br. Basil Valente, OFM, 129 West 31st Street, 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10001-3403 1-800-677-7788 FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF ALLEGANY, NY Vocation Office [email protected] FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF PHILADELPHIA, PA Vocation Office [email protected] Allegany Art The Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, NY Our God is a God who loves us unconditionally with all our faults and weaknesses. In turn, God calls us to love even his “least” with an unconditional love. GOSPEL CHALLENGE: “ Who is the least that I am called to love?” St. Francis of Assisi, 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Brant Beach, NJ DATE MASS INTENTIONS (L) Living +Deceased Saturday, 9:00 AM +Lillian C. Wirth November 22 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM +John & Eleanor Kopera +Renee Roselli +Phillip Cabaron Sunday, 7:30 AM +Mary English November 23 8:45 AM +Therese & Ed Hughes (L)+Stein & Kempski Families +Leo Rees 10:00 AM +Frances Narkiewicz +Joseph Andelora 11:15 AM +Roberta Baldante +Marcella Randazzo 2:00 PM Spanish Liturgy - Thanksgiving Monday, November 24 Tuesday, November 25 Wednesday, November 26 Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 READINGS Rev. 11:4-12; Lk. 20:27-40 Ez. 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor. 15:20-26, 28; Mt. 25:31-46 Ez. 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor. 15:20-26, 28; Mt. 25:31-46 9:00 AM +Linda Pawlikowski +Anthony Lissi 9:00 AM +Tammy Fadool Rv. 14:1-3, 4b-5; Lk. 21:1-4 Rv. 14:14-19; Lk. 21:5-11 9:00 AM +Mary English Rv. 15:1-4; Lk. 21:12-19 9:00 AM Thanksgiving Special Eucharist Dn. 6:12-28; +Mary English Lk. 21:20-28 9:00 AM +Frances Narkiewicz Rv. 20:1-4, 11-21:2; +Raymond Kilgallen Lk. 21:29-33 +Virgil Joseph +Christopher W. Joseph Saturday, 9:00 AM +Anne Armstrong, ofs Sir. 44:1, 10-15; November 29 3:30 - 4:30 PM Reconciliation Mk. 10:17-21 Parish Information Emergency Information: Available on our answering machine (609) 494-8861 and on WJRZ 100.1 FM; 98.5 FM; The Breeze 107.1 FM; WOBM 92.7 FM;; and and Evacuation Information: In the event of a hurricane, severe weather, or extreme high tides, please do not call the Parish Office for assistance and note that none of the parish buildings (churches, community center, residences or maintenance facilities) has been designated as an evacuation site. Evacuate as soon as you can, following the direction of local officials. Mass Schedule Nov. 29/30 thru March 21/22 St. Francis of Assisi, Brant Beach 9:00 AM Daily Mass Reconciliation: 3:30 - 4:30 PM Saturday, 5:00 PM; Sunday, 8:45, 10:00, 11:15 AM St. Thomas of Villanova, Surf City CLOSED St. Thomas Aquinas, Beach Haven CLOSED St. Clare, Loveladies CLOSED EVENTS 7:00 PM Confirmation Prep., Workshop #2 9:30 AM St. Anthony Devotion 1:00 PM Book Club, Room 212 7:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Parish & Center CLOSED Parish & Center CLOSED Christmas Eve Mass Schedule CHANGE To all our parishioners and visitors who attend Christmas Eve Mass here on Long Beach Island. The Mass schedule has changed this year and the new schedule is: Christmas Eve Mass Wednesday, December 24 - 4:00 PM and 6:30 PM in the Brant Beach Church and 4:15 PM in the Surf City Church. Christmas Day Mass Thursday, December 25 remains the same at 10:00 AM in our Brant Beach church. We hope this information will be helpful when you make your holiday plans. The St. Francis Parish and Center will be CLOSED: Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28 in observance of Thanksgiving. Page 1 - November 23, 2014 Parish Information Parish Registration: The Parish Office is located on the second floor of St. Francis Community Center, 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach Twp., NJ. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The office is closed for lunch from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Please notify the Parish Office as soon as possible if you are moving. Baptism: The sacrament is celebrated three times a month at St. Francis Parish. Group Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday at 10:00 AM and the last Sunday at 12:45 PM each month at St. Francis Church in Brant Beach. Baptisms during Mass are celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the last Mass in each Church. Call the Parish Office for availability and requirements: at (609) 494-8813 ext. 154 or 155. Faith Formation and Education: For children ages six through high school. Please call Theresa Cassata, ofs at (609) 494-8813 ext. 153 for more information. Marriage: In accordance with the Common Policy of the five Dioceses of New Jersey, arrangements must be made ONE YEAR in advance. Couples are required to attend Marriage Preparation classes. Weddings are performed on Friday or Saturday. Weddings are NOT performed on Sundays, the beach, Memorial Day, Fourth of July or Labor Day weekends. Pastoral Visitations: Please notify the Parish Office if you or any of your loved ones are ill, homebound, in SOMC, nursing homes or rehabilitation centers. Parish Collections Second Collection Today: A Letter From The Pastor’s Desk... The normal practice here at St. Francis Parish has been to cancel the 7:30 AM mass during the winter months. Some parishioners have asked me to review this policy and I have done this after consulting with the Parish Council and the Parish Staff. We all agreed that we should continue this practice. This practice is not so that the friar-priests can sleep late. John and I are up at 5:00 AM anyway, Kevin...not so much. I believe this practice says something important about who we are as a parish and the importance of full and active participation in the Liturgy. The Mass always has to be a communal experience, it is never just between “me and God.” So we need people to have that communal experience and to share and support each others faith and burdens as you do so well. Music is not an “ornament” but an integral part of the liturgy and to make a “joyful song” to the Lord we need people. Attendance at all the masses goes down during the winter months so dropping the 7:30 AM mass helps us to have enough worshipers for a true communal experience. So my decision is to continue this practice. There will be no 7:30 AM mass beginning with the 1st Sunday of Advent (November 30th). As always, please feel free to see me if you have any questions. Jim Scullion, ofm Campaign for Human Development We join Catholics throughout the country in sharing our resources with the poor and needy in the United States: the inner cities, rural areas, and Appalachia. Thank you for your generosity. Last Week’s 2nd Collection Friars & Sisters Stipends Collected: $5,790 This Week We Need: Budgeted: $16,000 Last Week’s Collection Budgeted: $18,000 Collected: $15,205.32 All Saints Collection - November 1 Collected: $849 St. Francis Parish now offers Online Giving! Approved by the Diocese of Trenton. Parishioners who prefer to donate through automatic draft, Online Giving is a secure and personalized way to give to the parish. Sign up by visiting our parish website at: Be aware that it is not necessary to check the box for an additional gift to offset fees. Our fee structure using this service is the typical 2.5% discount charged to credit card usage and is not a set fee of three dollars. Most of the formats seen on the software screens are standardized and not subject to our modifications. The JPIC Corner: Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation Today, the Solemnity of Christ the King, is the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year. Today is like a New Year’s Eve of Faith. It is a time to reflect on the closing of this Faith Year and, perhaps assess how we have lived our faith life within the framework of JPIC – Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation. The following are challenges and directions on Catholic Social Teaching from reflections of the U. S. Catholic bishops. • Life and Dignity of the Human Person • Call to Family, Community and Participation • Rights and Responsibilities • Option for the Poor and Vulnerable • The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers • Solidarity • Care for God’s Creation In consideration of the above, how would you gauge your faith life this past year? What might be your New Year’s (JPIC) Faith Resolution? Page 2 - November 23, 2014 Franciscan Spiritual Center presents: Spiritual Direction We now have three certified Spiritual Directors and three Interns offering free Spiritual Direction in our parish. For an appointment please call: Maryann Barrek, ofs, (609) 492-7502 Barbara Horwath, ofs, (609) 384-6188 Pat Simmons, ofs, (609) 661-1361 Anne Bock, ofs, Intern, (609) 492-3015 Sharon DeSipio, ofs, Intern, (609) 492-4690 Kathy Egan, PhD, Retired Chaplain, (215) 694-4651 Scripture Study This group meets every two weeks to learn, discuss and reflect on passages of the Sacred Scriptures. The group is led by Tom Troyano and meets from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Center. No prior experience of Scripture study is required. Next scheduled meeting December 4, Sr. Lounge An Invitation to Contemplative Living This program calls out to those who desire to live more contemplatively in the world, to grow in union with God and others, and to become more aware, intentional and free. God liberates us and heals us through the practice of contemplative prayer. Monthly sessions on the practice of contemplative prayer are scheduled. This group meets from 9:45 AM to 12:00 PM in the Center. Next scheduled meeting: December 13, Sr. Lounge Presenter: Sharon DeSipio, ofs, “Dreams.” Men’s Spirituality The Men’s Spirituality group meets on the third Saturday of each month from 8:30 to 10:00 AM in Room 212. We discuss a broad variety of topics and share our views on how we can see the hand of God at work in all things. All are welcome. Next scheduled meeting: December 20, Room 212 Woman’s Spirituality The Women’s Spirituality Group provides an opportunity for women to gather and share with other women how they experience God in their lives in the here and now. They meet from September through November and January through June on the second Wednesday from 6:45 to 8:00 PM in the Center. No December meeting. Next scheduled meeting: January 14, Room 212 CDS’s on St. Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan movement by Bill Short, OFM are available to borrow. They contain 25 minute talks for listening in your car, exercising or just while sitting at home. Please contact Sr. Pat Klemm at (609) 494-8813 ext. 161 or [email protected]. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults “What Does It Mean To Be Catholic?” “What Is Catholicism?” a 2,000 year old living tradition?...a mystery? ...a relationship?...a way of life?...a world view? We invite those who are Catholic, those who want to have your questions answered, those who want to learn more about the Catholic Faith, those who are preparing to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, and those who are seeking to continue to find God in the everyday goodness of life to join with us as we continue to journey in faith with God and one another. The RCIA is a process that enables us to reflect on our identity and our mission as people of God. Classes meet on Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:00 PM in Rm. 212 unless otherwise noted. There will be no class November 25. Next scheduled meeting: December 2. “Sacraments of Healing (Why do good people suffer?)” Presented by: Fr. Kevin Daly, ofm All are welcome! 2014 Christmas Flower Remembrances The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy. Psalm 65:12-13 The Art & Environment Team of St. Francis of Assisi Parish is most grateful to the many parishioners and friends who have so generously supported our Christmas Flower Fund over the years. Your gifts and prayers help our worship community reflect the wonder and joy we feel as we celebrate the glorious mystery of Christ’s incarnation and birth during this Holy season of Christmas. Our Christmas Flower Fund Drive begins this weekend and ends on December 15th. You may memorialize or honor a family member or friend by making a donation toward the Christmas and Advent flowers, decorations, and art & environment items used in the Brant Beach and Surf City churches. The names of those memorialized or honored will be published during the Christmas Season. Donations for Christmas Poinsettias, candles, and other Art & Environment components may be made in any amount. DONATIONS TOWARD THE PURCHSE OF OTHER ITEMS TO BE MEMORIALIZED; $50.00 or more - Wreaths, Garland, & Large Poinsettia $100.00 or more - Christmas Trees for the church To make a donation, please use the Christmas flower envelopes that were mailed to your home. Additional envelopes are located at the doors of the church or you may use a plain envelope. PLEASE CLEARY PRINT your name, phone number, and the name of the person you wish memorialized or honored. Your phone number is important in case we have questions about the spelling of names, etc . The envelope can be placed in the collection basket, mailed, or dropped off at the Center. Questions? Please call the Worship Office (609) 494-8813, ext. 164. Thank you and God bless you. Page 3 - November 23, 2014 Family Faith Formation Monthly Meetings: Theresa Cassata, ofs, Coordinator of FFF (Ext. 153) Ellen Halvorsen, Elementary Coordinator (Ext. 150) Marion Pierri, Confirmation Coordinator (Ext. 177) St. Francis Center unless otherwise noted. Volunteers Needed: Catechist needed for Grade 2, Tuesday 5:30-6:45 PM. Aide needed for Grade 6, Tuesday 4:30-5:45 PM. Substitute Catechists & Aides, Tuesday 5:30-6:45 PM and Wednesday 4:30-5:45 PM. Elementary No classes November 25 & 26. Happy Thanksgiving. Classes resume December 2 & 3. Thursday, December 4, 7:00 PM - Parents of First Eucharist Children - Talk with Fr. Jim. Preparation materials will be distributed - St. Francis Center Lunch Room. Scripture Modules No classes November 25 & 26. Happy Thanksgiving. Classes resume December 2 & 3. Confirmation Preparation Candidates Monday, November 24, 7:00 PM - Workshop #2 Brant Beach Church - Preregistration required. Monday, December 1, 7:00 PM - Pastor’s Focus Session. Candidates only - Brant Beach Church. Youth Ministry Meeting Friday, December 12 6:30 - 7:30 PM; Sr. Lounge If you need additional information please contact Briana at: [email protected]. Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office (609) 406-7449 - [email protected] Is God Calling You? Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation with other like-minded men through prayer and sharing vocation stories and experiences. The group meetings aren’t meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your true vocation and build your relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting on November 23rd, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at Saint Charles Borromeo Parish, 2226 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, NJ. Join Very Rev. Peter James Alindogan and Rev. Chris Picollo, as they share their experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and conclude with conversation and a meal. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling (609) 406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! Book Club Tuesday, November 25, 1:00 PM, Rm. 212 Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline There will be no meeting in December. Catholics Separated & Divorced Friday, December 5, 7:00 PM, Sr. Lounge Order of the Franciscans Secular ofs Sunday, December 7, 1:00 PM, Brant Beach Church Christmas Luncheon in Church Hall Survivors of Suicide Thursday, December 11, 7:30 PM, Rm 212 Knights of Columbus Council #3826 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM St. Mary’s Church, Msgr. Reinbold Hall - Barnegat HELP WANTED Administrative Assistant 40 hour week covering Ocean County sites, 3 nights a week. Provide clerical support to Director of Educational Services. Educational background, grant writing, budget monitoring. Bi-lingual a plus. For more information please contact Nancy Chiorazzi at (609) 494-8861, ext. 141 or [email protected]. Substitute Aquatics Aerobics Instructor - Part Time Call Mike Thompson at (609) 494-8861, ext. 105. Substitute Teacher - On Call $70 per day. Please contact Katie Opauski at (609) 494-8861, ext. 114 or [email protected]. Applications also available online at and at the front desk. Volunteers - Human Concerns Help fill refrigerators and freezers several mornings a week. This task involves some heavy lifting. Help pick up grocery items from local supermarket once per week. This task involves heavy lifting and a pick up truck or SUV/mini van type vehicle. Please contact Volunteer Services at (609) 494-8861 ext. 118. St. Francis Center is an EOE/AA Employer Page 4 - November 23, 2014 SPECIAL EVENTS Christmas Craft Show Saturday, November 22 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM & Sunday, November 23 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM St. Francis Community Center Gym This Craft Show should be your first stop for holiday shopping. Enjoy many delightful new crafts as well as old favorites. Breakfast and Lunch will be catered by Order of the Franciscans Secular. Chance Auction on Saturday, November 22. A Special Chance Auction has been added for 2 Handcrafted wooden Hobby Horses! Admission: $2 Sr. Kate’s Crocheted Hand Towels will be available at the Christmas Craft Show 2015 Special Events Super “Plunge” Sunday February 1, 2015 4th Annual March Madness Free Throw March 7, 2015 Fish & Chip Dinner March 27, 2015 St. Francis Counseling Service (609) 494-1554 - Become a Volunteer! St. Francis Counseling Service is looking for volunteers for our Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate training program beginning January 5th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM every Monday for 12 weeks at Toms River H.S. South. If you or someone you know is interested in giving your time to support survivors of sexual violence in Ocean County, please call (609) 494-1554 or email: Erin Borysewicz, Outreach Coordinator, [email protected]. Applications can be found online at: Educational Services American Red Cross Blood Drive (609) 494-8861 ext. 185 Southern Regional High School 600 North Main St., Manahawkin, NJ Wednesday, December 10 1:00 - 6:00 PM St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall The need for blood is constant. Your contribution is very important to maintain a healthy and plentiful blood supply. When you donate through the Red Cross you help save lives by giving of yourself in just about an hour. You may never meet the person who receives your blood, but you will feel good knowing you helped change a life. Appointments are not required but suggested and can be made at: (Keyword LBI St. Francis) or by calling (609) 494-8861 ext. 118. Walk-ins are welcome. NJ High School Diploma Preparation Classes Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (9/10 Bldg.) ESL Classes Monday & Wednesday, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (9/10 Bldg.) St. Francis Community Center 4700 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach Township ESL Classes Tuesday & Thursday, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, (2nd Floor) (Free LIMITED transportation will be provided) All classes are FREE to the community. Additional Classes are located throughout Ocean County. Please call for more information at (609) 494-8861 ext. 185 or to locate a class near you. Page 5 - November 23, 2014 Senior Services Recreation & Aquatics For information call ext. 108 or 109. For information please call ext. 105. Visit the Fall/Winter Brochure online at or pick up a Brochure at the Center lobby. Daily Reassurance Calls Do you know of a senior who is isolated? Senior Services makes daily reassurance calls to seniors who have no one to check on them. Please call the Center and ask for extension 108 to request that we call them. Caregiver Support Group Second Tuesday of every month, 10:00 - 11:30 AM Ocean County Southern Services Center 179 S. Main Street, Manahawkin, NJ. Meals on Wheels Volunteer Substitute Drivers needed for all routes! Call Sherry today to sign up at (609) 494-8861, ext. 109. Walking Program Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 - 8:45 AM in the Gym. Ladies’ Exercise Class Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 to 10:30 AM Room 99 - All are welcome to attend. Volunteer Attorney Tuesdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM By appointment only for those who qualify. Cards: Senior Lounge Call if you have questions or wish to register. Canasta: Monday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Mah Jongg: Tuesday & Friday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Pinochle: Wednesday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Party Bridge: Thursday, 12:30 - 4:00 PM Medicare Part D If you are satisfied with your current Medicare Advantage or Part D plan, it is still wise to check if there are plans in your area that offer better health and/or drug coverage at a more affordable price. Medicare’s open enrollment period of Medicare Part D comes only once a year. This year Open Enrollment is October 15 - December 7. If you are 65 and over, this is the time to make changes to your Medicare supplemental drug plan coverage. If you enroll in a plan during Fall Open Enrollment, your coverage starts January 1. Call Senior Services if you would like an appointment with a State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Counselor to discuss your options at: (609) 494-8861 ext. 109 or (609) 978-6220. 2nd Grade Youth Basketball - Ages 7 & 8. December 5 through February 13; 4:00 to 5:00 PM (Friday’s). Private Basketball Lessons with Dick Manzo Appointments made through the Recreation Department at (609) 494-8861 ext. 105. Private Baseball Lessons with Tom Natoli SRHS Boys Varsity Baseball Head Coach Appointments made through the Recreation Department at (609) 494-8861 ext. 105. Personal Training with Joe Perrine APFA Certified Personal Trainer Develop and implement an individualized approach to exercise and health. Workouts may include muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and body composition. Other components such as speed, power, balance, etc. may also be addressed. Appointments made through the Recreation Department at (609) 494-8861 ext. 105. Birthday Parties St. Francis Aquatic Center is a great place to hold a birthday party! For more information please contact the pool desk at (609) 494-8861 ext. 187. Volunteers Needed to Assist with Filing Taxes 2014 Tax Season FREE Income Tax preparation is available to anyone who needs help filing Federal and New Jersey taxes, with special attention to seniors. Additional volunteers are needed to work in the program and to help in the preparation of electronically filed tax returns. Volunteers must attend approximately 3 days of training during December and 5 days during January, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and to be available at least one half day weekly from February 2 to April 15, 2015. This is an AARP program in cooperation with the IRS and the NJ Division of Taxation. If interested or need more info., please call: • • • Lacey to Little Egg Harbor & LBI, (609) 294-0730; Brick, Pt. Pleasant Beach & Borough, Jackson, (732) 928-8025; Manchester, Whiting, Lakewood, Lakehurst & Toms River area, (732) 793-1806. Page 6 - November 23, 2014 Family Support Services Human Concerns and the Food Pantry are closed on Thursdays. Children’s Services Human Concerns new hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. St. Francis Preschool is an accredited program from the National Association for the Education of Young Children. NAEYC-Accredited programs must meet NAEYC’s 10 standards for high-quality early childhood education. For more information about NAEYC standards visit: The Food Pantry currently needs: Canned Vegetables, Cereal, Soup, Laundry Detergent, Soap, Any Size Diapers, & Baby Wipes CHILD CARE & PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Open Enrollment! Full Day, Work Day or Extended Day Toddlers: Ages 14 months to 2 1/2 Preschoolers: Ages 2 1/2 to 5 Parenting and Anger Management Groups St. Francis Community Center. Locations throughout Ocean County. To register, please call (609) 494-8861 ext. 194. Funded by the Department of Human Services. Auto Ownership Program Please consider donating your old car (in fair to good condition) to St. Francis’ auto ownership program. We are in need of donated cars to assist clients to make the transition from welfare to work. For more information on a tax-deductible donation please call: Auto Ownership Program Coordinator (609) 494-8861 ext. 190. Blissful Babies Family Support Services would like to introduce: "Blissful Babies" Please continue collecting Campbell's Soup Can Labels Did you know that in addition to collecting labels from cans and boxes you can also register your ShopRite card online? Any Labels for Education product purchases that you make, we will automatically receive 1 point for each product. Only residents of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut or Massachusetts are eligible to participate. To register your ShopRite card(s) go to The following information is needed: Saint Francis Preschool, Beach Haven, New Jersey, 08008. Please share this information with a friend. More than one school can be registered on a card. This will help us in purchasing equipment and materials for Children’s Services. Collection containers are located in the lobby of St. Francis Center and Children’s Services hallway. For an updated list of products please visit: or pick up a copy in the front lobby of the Center. Thank you for your continued support! When cutting your labels please only cut the UPC and the points value. See the pictures below: a 5 week group session that provides guidance on the communication of touch with parent and baby. This process will be modeled by instructors who have completed Thank you for your continual support! As of March 2014 we have Part 1 in their training with Infant Massage USA. Training will provide parents with specific, proven infant massage techniques to promote: bonding and attachment, healthy sleeping, relaxation for baby and parent and reduce symptoms associated with colic and gas. collected 3662 points! Please call to register for our next available group or inquire Declaración de Capacidad Cultural about future group schedules at (609) 494-8861 ext. 197. St. Francis Gift of Warmth Project Our focus is to keep the children in our community warm throughout the winter. We are able to do this through your generous donations of new warm clothing and bedding. Please take a tag off a tree in the Brant Beach Church, Community Center lobby, Mud City Crab House & The Old Causeway in Manahawkin, Farias on LBI or Murphy’s Market in Beach Haven and help us attain our goal of serving the children of 275 families within our community. El Centro St. Francis reconoce una comunidad culturalmente diversa y hace un compromiso con los principios de multiculturismo como un medio para entender, aceptar, valorar y apoyar la diversidad cultural. El término Multcultural se aplica ampliamente para incluir asuntos de minorías o estado de marginalización con respecto a raza, etnicidad, cultura, estado socioeconómico, uso del inglés como segundo idioma, género, orientación sexual, discapacidad, religión, espiritualidad y vejez. El Centro St. Francis propone desarrollar programas y prácticas que ayuden al personal, miembros de la junta directiva y voluntarios a reconocer, aceptar y afirmar las diferencias y similitudes entre la gente asi como proveer servicios que apoyen e incluyan a todos los miembros de la comunidad. If you would like to sponsor a family please call (609) 494-8861 ext. 106. Please return your gift no later than December 12 as distribution is on December 17th and 18th. Page 7 - November 23, 2014 St. Francis Travel COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Call Nancy at Home Town Travel (609) 597-5100 Email: [email protected] Donovan Catholic Cruises Celebrity Eclipse Trans Atlantic Cruise April 20 - May 7, 2015 (732) 349-8801 It’s A Wonderful Life Friday & Saturday – December 5 & 6, 7:30 PM Sunday - December 7 – 2:00 PM Gepp Gymnasium, 711 Hooper Ave., Toms River Tickets: Adults -$12.00 Student/Seniors - $10.00 Alumni Reception - Friday, December 5 (Intermission in Guidance) Call box office at 732-349-8801, ext. 2403. This spectacular package includes airfare from and back to Newark, overnight at the Embassy Suites in Ft. Lauderdale, 16 night transatlantic cruise along with port and government taxes. In between some relaxing Maris Stella Retreat & Conference Center sea days, you will have an overnight in Bermuda and visit Ponta 7201 Long Beach Blvd., Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008 Delgada in the Azores, Lisbon in Portugal, Bilbao in Spain, Le Harve in France with an opportunity to visit Normandy and disembark in Advent Retreat Day: Southampton. “Why Did Jesus Come? There are only 4 cabins available. Please contact Nancy at Home Town Travel for rates. This trip must be booked by November 22. Emerald Waterways River Cruise Prague to Budapest September 23, 2015 (More information coming soon.) Sightseeing Trips Sordevolo’s Passion Play September 13 - 22, 2015 Itinerary: two nights Rome, two nights Assisi, one night Padua, two nights Biella and one night Milan. See the play and the Last Supper. Visit the church/museum where the Shroud of Turin is vaulted. (You will see a replica and video but you will not see the original.) A $100 per person (fully refundable once price is confirmed) deposit is required. For information on any of the above trips, please call Nancy at Home Town Travel (609) 597-5100. Weekly Meetings Always open to everyone! Al Anon St. Francis Center Beginners Meeting, Thursday, 7:00-7:30 PM Open Discussion, Thursday, 7:30-8:30 PM Al-Anon is a fellowship of family members and friends of alcohol/drug abusers, who share their experience, strength and hope with one another. An Introduction to Franciscan Incarnational Theology and Why It Matters!” Saturday, December 13, 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM Presenter: Sr. Pat Klemm, osf Registration due: December 1 Cost: $50 includes lunch. Non-Refundable, Non-Transferable Deposit: $15. Franciscan Incarnational Theology focuses on the three principles of the goodness of God, the primacy of Christ and the dignity of the human person. For more information call Sr. Pat: (609) 494-2917 or email: [email protected] All Saints Regional Catholic School 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ, 08050 (609) 597-3800 or visit St. Francis is a sending Parish to ASRCS Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K and 1 mile Jolly Run Saturday December 20 ASRCS, 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin 1 Mile Kids Jolly Run begins at 8:30 AM 5K Run begins 9:00 AM Come to an event where it’s COOL to ROCK your UGLY sweater and a chance to win the title of THE UGLIEST SWEATER! Awards, hot cocoa, carolers and fun! Please visit for all the details and registration information. Please contact us for more information (609) 597-3800 or visit our website at St. Mary’s Perpetual Adoration—Volunteers Needed St. Mary’s Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located behind the church in Barnegat. Volunteers are assigned to cover the Chapel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These adorers offer one hour a week, however everyone is welcome to visit with the Lord at any time. New adorers are always welcomed, as each hour must have an assigned adorer. Contact Joann Kaczala, (609) 698-6168. Alcoholics Anonymous SOMC, Sunday, 7:30 PM St. Thomas of Villanova, Surf City Monday through Friday, 12:30 PM Friday (men), 8:00 PM For Saturday Meetings: Call the AA Hotline (609) 494-5130 Cell Phone Drop Off Please help St. Francis Parish Center by dropping off your old Cell Phones in the lobby at St. Francis Center. Please NO accessories, chargers, etc. Page 8 - November 23, 2014
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