Church of Saint Benedict Diocese of Allentown - Bishop John O. Barres, D.D. January 11, 2015 January 11, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE Daily: Mon. & Thur. 6:30pm - Tue.,Wed.,& Fri. 8:00 am Saturday: Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:15am Holy Day Vigil: 5:00pm; Day-8:00am & 7:00pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Celebrated the 1st Sunday of the month at 12:30pm and the 3rd Sunday at 11:15am mass. Baptism preparation class held 2nd Saturday. Please call the office to schedule a baptism & class. RECTORY PARISH OFFICE 2020 Chestnut Hill Rd, Mohnton, Pa 19540 610-856-1006 Office Hrs. Mon—Friday 9am-5pm Website: Email: [email protected] SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples should call the priest at least 6 months before the wedding. A marriage preparation program is offered to every couple. Church of St. Benedict MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the parish office if a parishioner is homebound or hospitalized. Sacrament of Anointing is offered anytime. Eucharistic Ministers are available every Sunday. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PREP (W) 610-856-5146 - (H) 610-370-0199 LaSalle Academy Office 610-777-7392 Berks Catholic High School 610-374-8361 PARISH STAFF Fr. Philip F. Rodgers ...................................... Pastor Fr. Tom Kuller, S.J…………….Weekend Ministry Valerie Christo .......... Director Religious Education Andrew Angstadt ............................. Music Director Patti Fisher, Psy. D....... Principal LaSalle Academy Jeanie Hauck .................................. Parish Secretary Anne Long ........................................... .Bookkeeper Clara Lush ........................................ Bulletin Editor Rosanne Weidner ................ Rectory Housekeeping Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Wendy S. Krisak, M.S., 800-791-9209 Confidential Sister Meg Cole, S.S.J. Safe Environment Coordinator 610-866-0581, Ext. 19 - Fax: 610-867-8702 Allentown Diocese website SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday from 4:00-4:45pm or by appointment. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program for anyone interested in the Catholic faith or in returning to the Church. If interested or have questions contact Mark Schrum at 610-856-7518. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the Parish of St. Benedict, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our patron St. Benedict, are a vibrant, worshiping and welcoming community of God. The strength of our people is obtained through joyful celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Our commitment is to promote the Gospel of the Lord through our prayers, words, and actions with Jesus as our guiding light. Page Two TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Behold my servant with whom I am pleased; he shall bring forth justice to the nations (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7) or Isaiah 55:1-11. Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm 29) or Isaiah 12:2-6. Second Reading — God anointed him with the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:34-38) or 1 John 5:1-9. Gospel — You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased (Mark 1:7-11). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 STEWARDSHIP GOSPEL THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The US Bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reminds us that Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and calls them “to offer up the world and all that is in it— especially themselves—to the Lord of all”. Stewardship- Gifts of God Thank you for your generous gifts! Stewardship Mortgage 12-28-14: EFT: 01-04-15: EFT: 12-28-14: EFT: 01-04-15: EFT: Christmas EFT: $13,791.16 $ 309.00 $ 8,542.00 471.50 $ 1,838.00 $ 65.00 $ 1,429.00 $ 165.00 $26,616.00 $ 970.00 (296 envelopes) (236 envelopes) (114 envelopes) ( 97 envelopes) Pray for the repose of the souls of Josephine Auman, mother of Deborah Landrigan; Dorothy Hauptly; and Carolyn Yoder, wife of James, mother of Hailie & Samantha. May they rest in peace. PRO-LIFE CORNER “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account”. He sees what we do and what we do not do to help end abortion. The only voice the preborn have is our own. LIFE AD—Sign-ups for the life ad in the Reading Eagle will take place the weekend of January 10/11. MARCH FOR LIFE WASHINGTON DC JANUARY 22, 2015. Sign up sheet in the gathering space. PRAYER LIST..... For those in need of Hope, Healing and Health pray for all in our parish who are ill, especially Father Louis Ogden, Rev. Stephen Price, Margaret Albert, Tim Antosy, Rosemary Deegan, Irene Didyoung, Timothy Didyoung, Robert Fanning, Kate Fratti, Robert Giering, Donna Haines, Bob Klett, Mary Messner, Richard Meyers, Suzanne Michel, Bill Nelson, Peggy Pingatore, Sam Reber, Helen Reidel, Kathy Reinert, Lewis Sauders, Vickey & Joanne Sullivan, Mia Yeager. Mary, Health of the Sick, please pray for them. Remember in your prayers our homebound parishioners and also those in nursing homes. Please remember in your prayers all who are in the military service: Amy Bourett, USArmy; Cpl. Vincent Bergandino, USMarines; Airman First Class Mark S. Cahill, USAF; Spc. Nathan Calhoun, USArmy; Grant Dufin, USMC; Tom Gutherman, USAF; Christopher G. Hari, USArmy; Richard J. Hari, USArmy; Ens George Hinerman USNavy; Sgt. Rachelle Hinerman USMC; Dan Kenyon, USMC; Lt. Michael Koch, USNavy; Matthew R. McGinn, USArmy; Lt. Matthew Palange, USArmy; PV2 Chelsea Raser, USArmy; Thomas Schaeffer; Cp. Daniel Scheidel, USMC; SFC Ken Setta, USArmy; Cpl. Sam Talarico, USMC; Major Christopher Timothy USMC; Ryan Vance, USAF; and Pvt. Michael Wagner USArmy; Airman Zachery Voelker, USAF. Please pray also for an end to abortion, and for the victims of abortion. After Jesus was baptized, he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and a voice was heard “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased”. As we give to the poor, we also can hear these same words. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them reason to believe and to trust. Page Three LANDINGS—St. Benedict’s parish has an exciting program for “returning Catholics” - Catholics who have not been attending Mass for months or years, but now want to come back, visit, ask questions, share, discuss or just see what’s going on. Returning Catholics—Landings is just for you. Friendly, listening ears, and welcoming hearts are waiting to hear your story. Landings began Monday, January 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to learn more about this program, please give us a call or send an email to: Robin Ball (610-804-4096) or St. Benedict Parish office (610-856-1006) or send an email to: [email protected] or [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY MEETING Monday, January 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the social hall. ALL are welcome! THE PRICE IS RIGHT - FREE MOVIES - Prime Timers “Brown Bag Lunch” Movie Day Tuesday, January 13— lunch at 12:30; show time 1:00. Feature movie “Mama Mia”. Each person is requested to bring your friends and your own brown-bag lunch and drink. NO covered dish or pot-luck food. ALL are welcome! FIRST CONFESSIONS- St. Benedict’s will celebrate First Sacrament of Reconciliation for the boys and girls in 2nd grade at LaSalle Academy & 3rd grade in PREP. Our parish celebration will be on Thursday, January 15 at 6:00 pm. FAMILY LIFE POTLUCK Saturday, January 24 following the 5:00 Mass. Please bring a dish to share and join us in fellowship. Sign-up in the gathering space to attend. VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION PARTY is scheduled for January 25 after the 11:15 a.m. Mass. If you volunteered at any event, activity, ministry, etc. during 2014 you are most welcome to attend this party. Come join the happiest people in Berks County and rub elbows with the most famous people in our parish—our volunteers. Sign up ahead of time is a must. Please call Jeanie in the parish office (610-856-1006) or sign your name to the list in the gathering space. FLOWER CALENDAR is posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Parishioners may place flowers at the altar on any given weekend in memory or in honor of a loved one’s anniversary, birthday, or special occasion. Simply fill in your request on the flower calendar, then send $50.00 per arrangement to the parish office at least one week prior to date requested. The parish office will order the flowers in a timely way. Flowers are not normally used in church during Lent and Advent. Say it with flowers! RCIA 2014-15 January 6 opened the next phase of the RCIA program. From January to February various presenters will be offering the Catholic perspective on the Sacraments of the Church. There are seven individuals in our RCIA group, please pray for them and our presenters as we strive to prepare them as new members into our community. ST. BENEDICT MEMORIAL SOCIETY— Memorials—After the death of a loved one, more and more people are considering a lasting memorial gift given to their parish in memory of the deceased. Memorials also may be given in lieu of flowers. For details contact the rectory office (610-856-1006). Liturgical Ministers—January 17 & 18 Saturday 5:00 PM Greeter: Justin & Katie Weidner Lector: Marissa Avadanian Servers Michael DiGiacomo, Breno Pinheiro, Matthew Kuberski EM: Robin Ball, Frank Burns, Jeanne DiGiacomo, Tom Henefer, Maria Schieber Sunday 8:00 AM Greeter: Clara Lush, Cindy Miller Lector: Gerry O’Neil Servers: Emily Angelo, Cross Cossitor, Abby Netterville EM: Cindy Miller, Tom Dobson, Helen MacMinn, Debra Mazzarelli, Tom Culbert Sunday 9:30 AM Greeter: Jim Gregor, Janet Motta Lector: Rita Setta Servers: Gina Coccia, Mariella Frisina, Sean Bigelow EM : Diane Arnold, Kelly Eichenlaub, Carie Leggett, Paul Wirkus, Chris Braccili Sunday 11:15 AM Greeter: Sandy Kozlowski, Bev Kuzmission Lector: Sister Kathleen Servers: Jonathan Nergart, Anna & Sam Coppa EM: Dianne Cooper, Karen Keenan, Joan Moffa, Steve Wagner, Courtney Marley Page Four WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PHILADELPHIA, PA SEPTEMBER 22-27, 2015 The official theme of the World Meeting of Families is: “Love is our mission: the family fully alive.” “What is family?” The Second Vatican Council said that family is “domestic church”. Pope Francis said, “The family is important for the evangelization of the new world”. Archbishop Chaput said, “Catholic families have a key role in God’s healing of a broken world. So let’s pray for each other—beginning right now—that the World Meeting of Families 2015 will become for each of us … a new Pentecost…. Join together with families from around the world in prayer and pray each day the “World Meeting of Families Prayer” for your family’s personal intentions and for the success of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, September 2015. Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us. LENT 2015—ST. BENEDICT PARISH “THE FAMILY FULLY ALIVE” “LOVE IS OUR MISSION” For Lenten Reflection and to prepare for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia 2015 and Pope Francis’ visit to Philadelphia, we invite you and your family to “Family Fully Alive”. This Lenten Study will be a five week guided tour through Scripture and Church teaching on family issues. Family—Mission of Love Family—Marriage is a Sacrament Family—Creating the Future Family—School of love, justice, forgiveness, Patience and respect Family—Home for wounded hearts There will be a general presentation followed by break-out groups for adults, teens, middle and elementary school children with activities/discussion, questions about family. Join us to renew your focus on family, the “domestic church”. Watch the bulletin for the dates of our Lenten program. Registration for our Lenten series and to reserve a seat on the bus to Philadelphia for Mass with Pope Francis on September 27 begins the weekend of January 24/25. CHRISTMAS THANK YOU ...Special thanks is extended to all who helped us celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus with great joy, dignity and solemnity. ...Gratitude is extended to all who sent cards, desserts, cookies, candy, and gifts to the rectory at Christmas time. We enjoyed the sweet treats and your kindness is very much appreciated. ...Finally, to our parish staff for their hard work and dedication I am eternally grateful. May 2015 be filled with unimaginable blessings to sustain and encourage us to live the Mission of the Christ Child. In Christ, Father Phil PAPAL MASS VOLUNTEERS AND WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES—PHILADELPHIA 2015– REGISTRATION OPEN! Mark your family calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. Registration is now open. To be a host family or volunteer for the Papal Mass, please go to: to learn more. THE SANCTUARY LAMP burns to remind us of the sacramental presence of Jesus Christ. You may have the sanctuary lamp memorialized for either a sick person or a deceased lived on or any special intention for a weekly donation of $10.00. Please call the parish office to reserve a specific date. BERKS CATHOLIC NEWS…..SAVE THE DATES…… Step Up Day, January 21, 2015: 8th graders are invited to spend the day at BC to get a real feel of what being a freshman will be like. Contact Nicky Smith for more info and to save your spot. [email protected] Open House, January 25, 2015 2-4 pm: A terrific opportunity to meet faculty, administration, current students and clubs and activities are on hand to give you a glimpse into what we are about. It’s a real neat experience seeing our community all together. Night of Champions: January 30, 3015—BC will honor Central Catholic and Holy Name championship basketball teams from 1985 and 1970. Page Five The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week in memory of Renee Tobias by the Miccicke Family THIS WEEK AT ST. BENEDICT’S Monday 01/12 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting in the social hall 7:00 PM Landings meeting in the rectory meeting room Tuesday 01/13 12:30 PM Prime Timers Movie Day 7:00 PM RCIA meets in the rectory meeting room Thursday 01/15 6:15 PM First Penance 6:15-7:30 PM PREP Classes Grades 1-8 8:00 PM AA meeting in the rectory mtg room Sunday 01/18 8:30-11:30 AM “Breakfast Sunday” 9:30 Mass with Children‘s Liturgy of the Word— Leader: Angela Hall 7:00 PM Al-Anon meeting in the rectory meeting room COMING EVENTS….. 01/19 01/19 01/24 01/25 01/26 02/25 Landings meeting K of C Officers meeting Family Life Pot Luck dinner Volunteer Appreciation Party Presidents’ meeting Common Heart at Alvernia “BREAKFAST SUNDAY” January 18 featuring Pancakes with sausage or Eggs Benedict. Breakfast is served from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Cost: $3.00 adult; $2.00 child and includes coffee, tea, milk and juice. Join us for breakfast and fellowship. BAPTISM OF THE LORD commemorates the final “Christ” feast, when God reveals the divinity of Jesus at his baptism in the Jordan River. It is a good day to celebrate our own baptism, our “new birth” in Christ and inclusion in his body, the Church. Monday 01/12 Weekday (First Week in Ordinary Time) 6:30 PM Marie T. Cooke by M/M Robert Joyce Tuesday 8:00 AM 01/13 Weekday St. Hilary St. Andre Bessette Al Yzzi by Rick Venzia Wednesday 01/14 Weekday 8:00 AM Myrtle Fox by Jim & Floss Pleitner Thursday 01/15 Weekday 6:30 PM William Coll by the Reagan Family Friday 01/16 Weekday 8:00 AM Edna Hood by the Rosary Group Rosary will be recited after Mass Saturday 01/17 St. Anthony 4:00-4:45 PM Confessions Sunday 01/18 Baptism of the Lord 5:00 PM (Saturday) Nicole DeFrancesco by parents, Rick & Sharon Frank & brother, Corey Frank 8:00 AM Stefan Gombar 9:30 AM People of the Parish 11:15 AM Robert Focht by Joanne & Phil Please pray for a priest each day: 01/11: Rev. Michael E. Ahrensfield 01/12: Very Rev. Luke Anderson 01/13: Rev. Scott R. Ardinger 01/14: Rev. Eric R. Arnout 01/15: Deceased Priests 01/16: Rev. George Aschenbrenner 01/17: Rev. Achilles Ayaton
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