January 11, 2015 - St. Peter's Catholic Church

St. Peter’s 2015 Candidates
Angelo Amog
Jayden Anderson
Matthew Bossen
Maxwell Bossen
Eva De Grace
Kattleya De Leon
Marcus Eiynk
Andrea Jones
Luis Lopez-Reyes
Madeline Meuli
Addison Owens
Nathan Paguyo
Ally Pellegrini
Hopolito Perez
Mariana Perez
Zoe Rimstad
Landon Rudolph-Sieling
Chelsea Ruelas
John Schletty
William Stevenson
Megan Sutter
January 10/11, 2015
Church of Saint Peter ! 6730 Nicollet Ave South ! Richfield, MN 55423 ! 612-866-5089 ! www.stpetersrichfield.org
Church of Saint Peter
This Week’s Events
A New Habit for the New Year
The practice of regular spiritual reading is one that you
do not hear much about these days. It is not, however,
a difficult spiritual practice to get started on and with
perseverance it can bear much fruit. If you read a great
deal, for work or for enjoyment, you will want to make
sure that your reading ‘diet’ is balanced. Your soul and
your intellect both need spiritual content. It does not
make sense if you know everything there is to know
about your professional field or about current events,
but do not know about the life of Jesus, about the history and teachings of the Catholic Church, about the
writings of Popes or about your Catholic Faith. If you
have difficulty finding time to read, the practice of spiritual reading is a Godsend. If you commit to just fifteen
minutes each day and make it a priority, you will find
that at the end of the year you will have completed several substantial books—books you would never had
read if you had waited for leisure.
Try setting aside about fifteen minutes each day for
spiritual reading. As with most spiritual practices, you
will be most successful if you have a set time for it and
make it part of your daily schedule—early in the morning, before Mass, during a coffee break, after dinner—
any time that works best for you. Begin with a prayer to
the Holy Spirit, asking for light to see what God wishes
you to see in the pages you read. Even when you find
yourself reading a difficult and opaque passage in the
letters of St. Paul or an encyclical of a pope, the Holy
Spirit can give you a precious gem—perhaps only a
sentence or even a phrase—which will shed light on
your life and your decisions.
A very good idea, whatever you choose, is to spend the
first few minutes of the fifteen you have set aside, reading the New Testament. Keep a bookmark in your
Catholic Bible so that you can always begin just where
you left off the day before. If you begin at the first chapter of Matthew’s Gospel and read just three minutes a
day to the end of the book of Revelation you will find
that you will have read the entire New Testament in
about six months. If you then go back to the beginning
and keep at it, you will find that your familiarity with the
life of Jesus and the circumstances of the earliest
Christians (on whom we are to model our lives) is growing steadily and deeply. The readings at Holy Mass will
have more context and the mysteries of the Rosary
more richness; the details of your own life will call to
mind the details of Jesus, each shedding light on the
other. Your household will then have the opportunity to
learn from your deepened faith.
Pastor’s Sharing, Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Phoenix, AZ
January 11—18, 2015
Sun (01/11/15):
9:00 am
10:00 am
Noon-1:00 pm
7:00 pm
Mon (01/12/15):
10:00 am-noon
6:30-8:30 pm
Tues (01/13/15.)
Wed (01/14/15):
8:45 am
12:15 pm
The Baptism of the Lord—9:00 & 11:00 am
Liturgy of the Word with Children (Music Room)
Little Lambs (Rm E)
RCIA with Anne Marie (Rms. C/D)
Confirmation Session (Rms. C/D)
Blessed Trinity Pizza Luce Night
Prayer Shawl Ministry (Rm E)
Prayer Shawl Ministry (Rm E)
Life in the Spirit Prayer Group-all are welcome (Rm E)
Blessed Trinity & Seniors’ Mass and luncheon
(Church, Social Hall)
6:00 pm
EDGE (Youth Rm, Rms. C/D)
7:00 pm
RCIA with Fr. Jerry (Rm E)
7:00 pm
Adult Choir Rehearsal (Music Rm)
7:30 pm
LifeTeen (Youth Rm, Rms. C/D)
Thur (01/15/15): Eucharistic Adoration
8:30am-8:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel)
6:45 pm
Contemporary Group Rehearsal (Church)
7:00 pm
Parish Council Meeting (Rm B)
7:00 pm
Blessed Trinity Advisory School Board at St. Richard’s
7:30 pm
Kingdom Builders (Rm C)
Fri (01/16/15):
8:30 am
Help stuff the bulletins after 8:00 am Mass (Rm B)
Sat (01/17/15): Mass Time—4:30 pm
Prayer Shawl Blessing at Mass
Blessed Trinity Aluminum Can Drive by Gym
Sun (01/18/15): Second Sunday in Ordinary Time—9:00 & 11:00 am
Prayer Shawl Blessing at Masses
Fellowship Sunday between Masses
Blessed Trinity Aluminum Can Drive by Gym
9:00 am
Liturgy of the Word with Children (Music Room)
Noon-1:00 pm RCIA with Anne Marie (Rms. C/D)
What’s Coming Up:
January 21
January 22
January 26
January 29
January 31
Blessed Trinity Open House at Nicollet Campus
Blessed Trinity Open House at Penn Campus
Blessed Trinity—no classes
Blessed Trinity Learning Fair
Sno*Ball Silent Auction & Dance at St. Richard’s
Save the Date
St. Peter’s Spaghetti Dinner — February 15th
A Vocation View
No one is humanly worthy to be a priest, deacon, sister or brother. No
one is worthy to stoop and untie the sandal straps of Jesus. But He still
calls us and favors us to do His work. Will you serve?
The Baptism of the Lord
Faith Formation
Especially for St. Peter’s Parishioners...
for Families, Youth, Children & Adults
Blessed Trinity Catholic School News
Biblical Portrait of Mary
From a Blessed Trinity Parent
Fr. Jerry will restart the class on the Biblical Portrait of Mary on
Mondays from 7-8:30 pm in Rm D starting January 26th. This
class presents to us a Biblical portrait of our Lord’s first and
greatest disciple, Our Blessed Mother. It’s a basic and wonderful
foundation for our Marian devotion. Please bring your bible to
each session.
“In addition to receiving a top notch education at Blessed
Trinity, I always felt my kids were taken care of emotionally as
well. The middle school years can be challenging for teens,
but I feel that the teachers at Blessed Trinity really care about
each child as an individual and this helps contribute to their
overall success as both students and people. While the cost of
a private school usually requires some sacrifice, in the end, it is
an excellent investment in your child's future. It gives them a
strong foundation on which they can build and be successful
members of their community.”
~Parent of two BT graduates & one current BT student
The Gospel of St Matthew Classes
Fr. Jerry will also restart the classes on the Gospel of St. Matthew on Tuesdays at 7-8:30 pm and Wednesday mornings from
9:30-11:00 am in Rm D starting January 27th.
Early Catholic Family Life — Coming to St. Peter’s
Are you wondering how you can be a strong guidance for your
young children in the Catholic faith? Would you like to have an
opportunity to discuss faith education with other Catholic parents? Are you looking for a great opportunity to assist parents in
developing the spirituality their children were given at Baptism?
Consider being a part of EARLY CATHOLIC FAMILY LIFE
ECFL is a parent-child program developed through the archdiocese and sponsored by the Office of Marriage and Family
Life, which is aimed at an underserved, but essential part of all
parishes—parents with children 0-5 years old.
ECFL consists of a parent-child interaction component, a
parent discussion time and a children’s time.
ECFL gives Catholic parents an opportunity to learn more
about passing their faith on to their children from the earliest
The seven-sessions are scheduled Saturday mornings at St.
Peter’s, 9:30-11:30 am, two Saturday mornings per month: Feb.
21, Feb. 28, March 21, March 28, April 18, April 25 & May 2nd.
ECFL emphasizes the importance of putting faith at the center of
family life at the earliest stages. If you have children 0-5 years
old, call Theresa at the parish office at 612-767-1781 to register.
Every Day A Prayer
Sign-up to pray for the well being of our parish and
parishioners by calling 612-866-5089.
Sunday, January 11
Monday, January 12
Tuesday, January 13
Wednesday, January 14
Thursday, January 15
Friday, January 16
Saturday, January 17
Pat Proft
Rita Boulay
Ralph & Alice Laven
Pat Proft
Bernadette Sura
Visit & Tour Blessed Trinity
! Blessed Trinity will host an open house for preschool
through third grade on Thursday, January 22nd, Penn
Campus. Information sessions will begin at 4:30pm and
5:30pm but visitors may stop in anytime between
4:30pm-7:00pm. Blessed Trinity offers morning and
afternoon preschool options, as well as both full and
half day kindergarten options.
! Blessed Trinity will host an information night for those
interested in learning more about grades 4-8 at our
Nicollet Campus on Wednesday, January 21st. Parents
and students are welcome to attend starting at 6:30pm.
Information presented will include curriculum, the Blessed
Trinity “extras”, financial aid and our unique community.
! Extended care for all our students is available year
round. Financial aid is available to most families. To
RSVP for an open house or to schedule a private tour
please call 612-866-6906 or visit www.btcsmn.org.
Sno*Ball Dance, Dinner & Auction
Blessed Trinity’s all-ages Sno*Ball Dance, Dinner & Auction
will be held in the gym at Penn Campus (7540 Penn Ave S)
on Saturday, January 31st. Doors will open at
6:00pm. Parishioners are invited for dinner, dancing and fun!
Advance priced tickets are $20/family or $10/individual. A
homemade pasta dinner will be available for purchase at the
event for $5.00. Seniors tickets are also being sold for just
$8.00 and will include the cost of the pasta dinner! Print ticket
order forms at www.btcsmn.org.
Sno*Ball Auction Donations Needed
Consider making a donation to our Sno*Ball Auction. Gift cards
and tickets to events are heavily bid on at this auction. Or
bring a pre-assembled basket or brand new item to either
school office. For questions, please contact Terry at 612-8695200 or [email protected].
Church of Saint Peter
Special Announcements
Attention Seniors
Welcome New Parish Council Members
Welcome, all seniors 55 years and older, to our Mass and
luncheon. Save the date, January 14th, to join with your friends
in worship, fellowship and entertainment. The monthly Mass will
be held at 12:15 pm, followed by a hot lunch ($3). Entertainment
will be Woody the juggler, singer & magician. Please call Rita at
612-866-8834 or Pat at 612-869-2153 to make reservations by
Sunday, January 11th. Come to enjoy!
We welcome Joanne Foley and Casey Martin who have joined
our Parish Council as members for the next three years. We
appreciate all the time and input given by all our Parish Council
members through their term.
Christmas Décor Take Down
The Environment Committee needs volunteers, young & old, to
help take down Christmas trees & decorations this Sunday,
January 11, after the 11:00 am Mass. All parishioners and
Knights of Columbus & spouses are invited to come and help.
Ebola Outbreak Collection
Catholic Relief Services has asked that a special collection be
taken up to provide support for those affected by the Ebola
outbreak in W. Africa. Our parish will have this collection next
weekend, January 17 & 18. These funds will be used by CRS
and other various partners to meet the most urgent needs facing people in W. Africa who have been exposed to the disease.
Academy of Holy Angels Open House
Wednesday, January 14th, 6:00 PM
6600 Nicollet Ave South, Richfield
Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast
This will be sponsored by the Knights of St. Edward’s Parish
on Sunday, January 18, from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm as a fundraiser for renovation of the kneelers and pews in the chapel.
Tickets at the door are $7.00. Children ages 6 thru 12 are
$3.00 and children under 6 are free. Early bird tickets are available at $6.00 by contacting the St. Edward’s office.
Catholic Women’s Conference - February 14
Women of all ages are invited to the Catholic Women’s Conference sponsored by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis in partnership with WINE: Women In the New Evangelization. February 14, 8 am – 2 pm. (Doors open at 7 am for
coffee, camaraderie and caramel rolls!) Lunch is provided.
Cost: $30 per person before January 19, (early bird); $40 per
person after January 19. For more information or to register,
please call 651-291-4411.
Submit names for the bulletin of those who are
serving our country, or have died while serving
our country, by printing their name clearly and
placing it in the collection basket. Keep all men and
women in our armed forces in your prayers, especially:
Gerald Hollenzer, Joshua Grout, Ryan, Sean & Kelly
Tom 612-866-9541 Carole 612-296-8250
Father Jerry’s Inspirational Crèche Collection
Now open until January 24, 2015
Viewing hours are:
Monday—Friday 8:30 am — 8:30 pm
Saturdays 9:00 am — 6:00 pm
Sundays 9:00 am — noon
Pennies for Life
The Pennies for Life collection will be held after all Masses
January 17 & 18. You are encouraged to donate a penny (or
more) for each year of your life and the lives of your loved
ones. Proceeds from this collection will go to organizations that
work to protect human life.
Prayer Vigil for Hope, Healing & Mercy
For over forty years, legalized abortion has left many men and
women empty, confused and longing to be whole again. This
vigil on Wednesday, January 21 from 7-11:00 pm at the St.
Paul Seminary is open to all and is a special invitation to those
who have been hurt by abortion.
Pro-Life March for Life - January 22nd
The Annual Prayer Service at the Cathedral and the Annual
March for Life will be held Thursday, January 22. This is the
anniversary of Roe vs. Wade making it legal to kill unborn children. There will be a bus for this annual event: Prayer Service
at the Cathedral and March at the Capitol. A bus for this event
will leave St. Peter’s west parking lot at 9:30 am on Thursday,
January 22, returning about 1:30 pm. Dress warmly as the
march is outside. Those who don’t plan to march may remain
in the bus. A free will offering will be taken to defray the cost of
the bus. For information call Jane at 612-866-1304.
Respect Life
For those who are hungry, oppressed
or homeless: teach us to care for them
so they may experience the warmth of God’s love,
we pray to the Lord.
January 11, 2015
Parish Staff
Rev. Gerald Dvorak (612-866-5089)
Mr. Mark Johanns (612-866-5089)
Pastoral Assoc. for Ministry
Sr. Rita Worm, SLW (612-866-5089)
Pastoral Assoc. for Liturgical Music
Kevin Pisel (612-866-5089)
Faith Formation Coordinator & Youth Ministry
Kathryn Arend (612-866-5089)
Adult Faith Formation Coordinator
Anne Marie Strabala (612-866-5089)
Business Administrator
Ann Garland (612-866-5089)
Maintenance Office Tony Good/Tom Lagermeier (612-767-1792)
Special Projects
Melissa Cavanaugh (612-767-1791)
Administrative Assistant
Patti DeMay (612-767-1782)
Administrative Assistant
Theresa Jensen (612-767-1781)
218 envelopes of 821 were collected the week of 12/21/14.
Automatic withdrawal is used by 88 households.
Regular Fund:
Last Week’s Regular Collections ........................... $10,410
Automatic Withdrawal Year to Date....................... $63,023
Total Regular Collections Year to Date ............... $251,601
Regular Needed Year to Date.............................. $302,500
Amount Short........................................................ -$50,898
Endowment Fund:
Last Week’s Endowment Collections....................... $1,241
Automatic Withdrawal Year to Date......................... $4,777
Total Endowment Collections Year to Date ........... $16,757
192 envelopes of 821 were collected the week of 12/28/14.
Regular Fund:
Last Week’s Regular Collections ............................. $5,956
Automatic Withdrawal Year to Date....................... $63,023
Total Regular Collections Year to Date ............... $257,557
Regular Needed Year to Date.............................. $325,769
Amount Short........................................................ -$68,212
Endowment Fund:
Last Week’s Endowment Collections.......................... $549
Automatic Withdrawal Year to Date......................... $4,777
Total Endowment Collections Year to Date ........... $14,306
212 envelopes of 821 were collected the week of 1/4/15.
Regular Fund:
Last Week’s Regular Collections ............................. $6,653
Automatic Withdrawal Year to Date....................... $78,072
Total Regular Collections Year to Date ............... $279,260
Regular Needed Year to Date.............................. $325,769
Amount Short........................................................ -$46,509
Christmas Collection………………………………….$14,686
Endowment Fund:
Last Week’s Endowment Collections.......................... $435
Automatic Withdrawal Year to Date......................... $5,194
Total Endowment Collections Year to Date ........... $18,158
Readings for the Week of January 11, 2015
Next Sunday:
Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts
10:34-38Mk 1:7-11
Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20
Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28
Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39
Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45
Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12
Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17
1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn
Mass Intentions
To offer a Mass for someone
please call (612-866-5089) or visit the parish office.
Monday, January 12 - Sunday, January 18
8:00 am †Kathleen Kaluza
8:00 am †Phyllis Smith
Wednesday 8:00 am †Helen Lindseth
8:00 am †Agnes Kiser
8:00 am †Frank Sura
8:00 am †Tim Fristrom
4:30 pm †John Leighton
9:00 am †Fred DeNucci
11:00 am People of the Parish
Life in Christ
Fred DeNucci, Delorez Hallet, Joan Lapensky, Margaret Vogelgesang, Helen Leary, Kathleen Brant and Jean McKeown
passed away recently. Please pray for their families. Keep
them and all our deceased in your prayers.
Sacrament of Reconciliation at St. Peter’s
Saturdays: 8:30 am and 3:30 pm
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 7:30 am
Or call 612-866-5089 for an appointment
Richfield Catholic Parishes
(Envelopes are exchanged every week among parishes.)
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
9:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
St. Peter:
8:00 am
St. Richard: 8:00 am
12:15 pm
8:00 am
Assumption: 8:00 am
8:00 am
Assumption — English
St. Peter — English
St. Richard — English
St. Peter, St. Richard
& Assumption — English
St. Peter & St. Richard — English
Assumption — Spanish
Assumption — Spanish
Assumption — Spanish
Communion Service
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Nokomis Chapel • 612-721-1651
Cedar Avenue at Nokomis Parkway
Werness Bros Bloomington Chapel • 952-884-8145
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Mike Warner, CPA
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