THE CANISTEO TIMES. CANISTEO. STEUBEN PAGE COUNTY^N^ OOff Thursday, July 2 9 , 1948 PERSONAL NEWS ITEMS IN List Honors, Attendance in CANISTEO AND yiCINITY Canisteo School for Year 0 SOCIETY NEWS Gerald Feeney, Beverly Florence, Lorna Galbraith, Josephine Hallett, Josanne LaValle, Onnalee McMindes, Richard Miller, Betty Nolan, Ruth Payne, Elaine Russell, Betty Tyler, Truman Stephens, Lyle VanWie. Grade 10: Jean Bossard, Mary Kay Bowles, Bonnie Carrington, Frances Ann Englert, Margaret Ferrler, June Fisher, Keith Kernan, Dorothy Kinner, Shirley Porter, Bernard Ringrose. Grade 11: Barbara Atkins, Lois Bettinger, David Coddington, Jeannette Garman, Phyllis Mace, Donna Reynodls, Beverly Waight, Barbara Zeltwanger. Grade 12: Barbara Angell, Darrell Cook, Christine Dennis, Sally Heyer, Barbara Ingalls, Joan King, John McClintock, Eloise Mullen, Phyllis Parks, Yvonne Welles. I'o-a-c.raduates: Nelson . Mullen, Allen Pfitzenmaier, Jack Shafer. 50th Anniversary I Grange Program Honors Stephen Foster The Canisteo WCTU is holding • reception in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Prior and Canisteo Grange No. 460 made Leslie Baker's golden wedding anniRobert Wilcox of Bath was a visIn point of numbers, the 3rd grade Wilson, Michelle Woodward, Ronald definite plans to proceed with Grange Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nicholson of Horversary in the Baptist church parlors Woodworth, Mary Dee York, Kathitor in Canisteo Monday. pupils in Canisteo Central school Tuesday, Aug. 3, from 3 to 5 p. m. hall repairs in the near future, at Dorman Covert spent his vacation nell were party guests of Mr. and captured honors for the year, with ryn Young, Larry Vanderheof, VerAll their friends are cordially in- thtir meeting Tuesday evening. Mrs. Philip Colegrove, Saturday at Silver lake, last week. 58 on the honor roll. The first grad- non VanZile, Lillian Esposito, Violet vited. The Stephen Foster program Lewis Tyler of Urban* visited Dr. evening. ers were not far behind, with 49 hon- Ordiway, Martha Wilson, Anna Wyopened with the singing of "My Old ant, Dora Woodworth. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fleck, son or pupils. and Mrs. L. L. Tyler, Sunday. Kentucky Home" by the Grange. ATTENDED PARTY Joseph D'Agostino of Hornell was James and daughter Dorothy of Grade 4: Priscilla Allen, William Perfect attendance for the year in Canisteo on business, Tuesday. Tampa, Fla., are visiting her mother, finds the 6th grade at the head of the Booth, Russell Campbell, Patricia Those from Canisteo who attended Camilla Case, as reader, gave the biMrs. William W. Allen is visiting Mrs. S. R. McKibben and Mr. Mc- list, with 20 unblemished records. Gillis, Joyce Harrington, Sandra the birthday party of Mias Jody ography of Stephen Foster and a Jamison, Sally Lewis, Francis Mider, fnends in Waverly andsSayre, Pa. Kibben. Steinkamp in Rochester, Sunday, description of his melodies influenced HONOR ROLL Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Hubertus were: Misses Peggy and Jeannette by his affectionate sympathy for all Mrs. Lewis Hale of the Hartsville Those on the honor roll for the Sandra Powers, Joyce Ann Rogers, Jerry Tyler, Larry Welles, Lulu Garman, Dorothy Lee Stewart, Jul- people. During the reading, a playlet road, who has been ill, is improving. of Bath, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Suth- year ending June 30, 1948: anne Stephens, Suzanne Miller, Bet- on left stage, which represented FosEugene Aigan of Elmira was a bus- erland were recent visitors at the 1st Grade: Sharon Beyea, Kermit Woodworth, Carolyn Chandler, Neal ty Travis, and Robert Miller III, ter's home in Pennsylvania, presentiness visitor in Canisteo one day last Glenn Hawkins home in East Main Bossard, Lynn Brotzman, Shirley Yongue, Lance Barash, Sandra BarHoward Garman Jr., Jack Wambold, ed Wayne Crandall aa Stephen Fosweek. Bush, Jerry Brown, Judy Cooper, ris, Dale Barron, Leonard Campbell, Arthur Havens and his friends en- Nathelia Dennis, Erin Dillon, Norma Melvin Campbell, Gladys Carney, William Dennis, Andrew Travis Jr. ter discussing the production of "Old John Burns of Bath was a busiFolks at Home"'with his brother ness visitor in Canisteo one day last joyed a succulent gy^pound wood- Evingham, Charles Gardner, Susan Carolee Clarkson, Kathryn Cfosby, DR. GROSSMAN FETED chuck dinner this Wednesday eve- Jane Gay, Harriett Hallett, Yvonne Barbara Flanagan, Paul Greenfield, Morrison, played by Leon Dennis. week. . ,. Dr. James E. Grossman was guest , Right stage wats decorated with Mr. and Mi's, Norman Williams ning, Arthur being the successful Hallett, Catherine Henry, Cynthia Dorothy House, Joyce Kilmer, Jeanne Perfect attendance for the year Jamison, John Lee Jamison, Dolores LaValle, Charles Peterson, Wanda ending June 30, 1948, was as follows: of honor, Wednesday night, at a flowers and a picket fence to reprewere guests pf friends, in Hornell on hunter. Miss Beverly Flaxington of Hornell Martin, Lewis Mehlenbacher, Kath- Richardson, Beverly Wallace, Patribirthday dinner which also served sent the sunny Southland. Here at Sunday. V Kindergarten: David Dennis, Ger- to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. intervals throughput the readings apMr. and' Mrs. Philip Colegrove at- spent Sunday with Mr. end Mrs. Wes- ryn Mosher, Sharon Powers, William cia Yoder, Sterling Stewart. ald Roe. peared singers in Negro makeup to Grade 5: Jane Allen, Barbara Amitended the GLF employees' picnic in ley Lee and attended the Union Ser- Rennells, Danny Stephens, Clair Grade 1: William Rennells, Norma Francis Crossman. Besides the honvice in the Baptist church Sunday Storer, Carol Welch, Diane Young, don, Dale Barnard, Peter Bowles, sing the songs written about them. ored guests, Mrs. J. E. Crossman had Bath, Sunday. Evingham, invited Francis Crossman and daugh- "Oh, Susanne" was sung by Charles Robert Dibble, Nancy Birch, Thomas Margaret Comstock, William Davie, Dr. and Mrs. John S. McDowell of morning. Grade Zi Elaine Hallett, Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham Humphrey Brush, Donald Burdick, Sandra Ca- Arden Henry, Ardena Henry, Esther Greenwood street were visitors in Crandall, Elmer Hallett, Kenneth ter Mary Frances of Hornell; Mr. and Yoder with banjo accompaniment by and son John of Bast Main street ward, Lynda Campbell, Harold Day, Kenyon* William Keplinger, Billie Schaumberg. Mrs. Irving Caward and children Leon Freeland; "Old Dog Tray" by Bath, Sunday. Sandra and Dean, and Rev. and Mrs. Charles Yoder; "Swing Low, Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Simons and left Thursday on a business trip to Gerald Dieter, Julia Hartman, Bar- McCourt, Jane Mullen, Gordon Plank, Grade 3: Mary Lou Beaver, Fenfamily have been vacationing at New York City, returning home on bara Hill, Keith Jamison, Edward Joyce Preston, Joan Sills, Marvin dora Rennells, Karleen Russell, Ern- John Harrison, lately of Fall River, Chariot," by Charles Yoder, Leon Khork. Thomas Kinney, Lynn Lam- Skillman, Jerry Vanderhoef, Bradley est Baker, Lewis Pierce, Leroy Plank, Mass., who expect soon to be going Freeland and Irving Caward and the Saturday. Demon's Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Harrington, Mr. phier, Twila O'Dell, Reid Pierce, Wood, Lois Bardeen, David Benson, William Rahmlow, Ronald Wood- to a new charge. Grange agricultural chorus. Violin Mrs. Russell Wilkins of South Elm solos by Stanley Eason, accompanied street has been a patient in Bethesda and Mrs. Stuart Hallock of Hornell Ralph Preston, Priscilla Sanford, Di- Janet Campbell, Norene House, Jean worth, Bonnie Jeanne Preston. CLASS PICNIC were at Saranac lake in the Adiron- ane Scott, Erma Vanderheof, Sharon Marlatt, Carolyn McClintock Richby Mrs. Wayne Crandall, were: hospital, Hornell. Grade 4: Royce Kilmer, Dale FeeTuesday night, the Mitchell class "Come Where My Love Lies DreamThe Wambold family called on dacks, last week, attending a music Wallace, Kenneth Wheaton, Robert ard Merring, Elizabeth Neidermaier, naughty, Robert Johnson, Kenneth Arlere Preston, Laura Storer, Donna Miller, Melvin VanZile, Larry Welles, of the Methodist Sunday school held ing" and "Jeannie with the Light Wilkinson, Jane White. Miss Mary Jean Kingston at Demon's conclave. Pond, last week. Dr. and Mrs. Porter S. Sweet and Lvila Belle Woodworth, Cloice Briz- a picnic at the home of Mrs. Alida Brown Hair." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grade t: Julia Ann Abbey, Nancy Barron. Kaye Potior. Ordway on the Greenwood road. Greenfield, representing Foster and Grade 6: George Russell, Joyce zee. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Stanton and children Porter and Nancy of Roch- Allen, Stanley Arthur, David Burns, his wife, sang "Beautiful Dreamer." family are spending their vacation ester, who are vacationing at Loon Joan Callahan, Carol Campbell, Nan- Campbell, Leon Chriscaden, William Grade 5: Richard Aber, Elwood DINNER GUESTS The last song presented was "Old at Lake. Keuka. *• lake, were recent callers on relatives cy Carrington, Elmer Chandler, Beryl Condon, Robert Eason, Roy™ Evans, Miles, Dale Warters, Lois Bardeen, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton VanOrsdale Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Williams in Canisteo. Conklin, Curtis Crandall, Linda James Flahive, Georgia Lee Gay, Lee Una Sweet, Jack Brizzee, Moritz of Hornell, her sister Mrs. Harry Black Joe,, with Irving Caward to visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donlan Richton Gardiner who was em- Crawford, Ellen Day, William Peter- Hallett, Doris Hartman, Elizabeth Flohr, Richard House, Hugh Rogers, Fairbanks of iFilmore were dinner represent that character. in Hornell, Sunday. ployed at Veterans Administration son, Lyda Mae Russell, Kenneth Henry, Sally Jones, Rose Mario Mc- Marvin Skillman, Bradley Wood, guests Friday at the home of Mr. and A brief quiz on Stephen Foster was given by Mrs. Archie Moore. Mrs. Pearl Sherman of Clark Sum- in Bath, now is working for Azel L. Schaumberg, Andra Skillman, Nan- Mindes, Robert Midei, Janice Porter, Jane Allen, Joyce Preston. Mrs. Fred A. VanOrsdale in East Recreation at the close of the proGrade 6: William Allen, Hall Dib- Main street. mit, Pa., is visiting her daughter, Kline's Overhead Door concern in ette Stewart, Shirley Stocum, Joyce Edj'in Vanderhoef, Albert Willis, this place. Teribury, Lloyd Wheaton, Bonnie Gretchen Barnaid, Bonaiee Camp- ble, Roland Moore, Richard Sills, gram was "round singing" led by Mrs. Charles Fish. Ivan Crosby of Emporium, Pa„ Lea Wood, Barbara Allen, Mary Lou bell, Heather Kilmer, Dorothy Ann Gary Stephens, Heather Kilmer, Charles Yoder. IN JASPER William C. Smith of Buffalo street who has been recuperating at his visited Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Stephens, Bardeen, Glenyce Beyea, Jerry Bush, Page, Lyndel Porter, Carolyn Pres- Shirley Rhude, Barbara Tyler, Ernest Canisteo Grange members who atTHURSDAY PICNIC Sunday. While here he took them Neil Carney, Shirley Cook, James ton, Joanne Ray, Shirley Rhude, Kinner, Charles Baker, Marilyn tended "Neighbor Night" in Jasper home, is able to be out. Evening group of the WSCS, MethMr. and Mrs. Harold Shinebarger for a ride over the Canisteo Valley Condon, Duane Comstock, Keith Franklin Russell, .Edith Salisbury, Budde, Viola Clair, Jean Rogers, last week, included Mr. and Mrs. IrvCrosby, Sidney Decker, Theresa Em- Freeman Shaw, Richard Snyder, Royce Evans, Harold Maine, Ivan ing Caward, Roy Greenfield, Mr. and odist church, held a picrtic supper at and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Preston were in his airplane. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, who erson, Elaine Hallett, Nadine Lain, Marilyn Stewart, Barbara Tyler, Shorts, James Terry, Jack Warriner, Mrs. Glenn Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs, Duane visitors in Rochester, Sunday. Gerald Wright. Marlene Cooke, Janice Porter. F. E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harris in Bennet street, Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benson and have been visiting her parents, Mr. Richard McMindes, Betty Ordiway, Crittenden School: Diane Bossard, Grade 7: Charles Bettinger, Elden B. Wheaton, Mrs. Mary B. Cornish, night. A social evening was enjoyed sons of Fourth street vacationed last and Mrs. Milton Powell in Bennet Richard Smith, Kathleen Stephens, 'St., will leave Saturday for their home Charles Teague, Ada Woodworth, Kay Bossard, Thomas Burnard, Vic- Dennis, Carol Amidon, Patricia Mrs. Lee Cooper and Mrs. Mabel following the supper. Those attendweek at Allegany State Park. ing were: Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Teague, Patricia Woodworth. toria Ross, Ronald Cook, Rona Bur- Beaver, Donald Merring, Dale Wood- Baker. Clark W. Garnet operated the in Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Anthony Butwid and children Mr. and Mrs. Everett Young, Mr. and nard, Virginia Carlin, Susanne Kerworth, Carolyn Morton, Lois Pierce, Grade 3: Margaret Amidon, EleaCanisteo taxi stand, several nights Gretchen and Terry of Rochester nor Atherton, Mary Lou Beaver, Sal- nan, Anna Jean Bossard Nancy Bos- Margery Pierce, Delores Sanford, Mrs. Lowell Moss, Mrs. Gordon SUNDAY PICNIC last week, for Elwyn Simons. spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. ly Ann Benedict, Denzil Coots, Thos. sard, Thomas CampbeuV Bonnie Lee Eliza Woodworth. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Caward, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Madison of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shelley are Charles E. Smith. Mr. Butwid came Dagon, Paul Daniels, Bernice Evans, Carlin. Grade 8: William Pfitzenmaier, Kissimee, Fla., were honored guests Mr. and Mrs. Ord Reynolds, Mr. and entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Miles after them, Sunday. Jon Pat Feenaughty, Kathleen FowGrade 7: Richard Allen, Patricia Beverly Norton, Diane Norton, Elea- Sunday at a family picnic, held at Mrs. Gilbert Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Covil of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. George Hallock of Mrs. Mabelle B. Jones of Cameron Towanda, Pa., Miss Ruth Beach of ler, Barbara Freeland, Norma Jean Beaver, Charles Bettinger, Janice nor Powers, Jean Beyea, Lois Birds- the Edgar Stewart farm, Hartsville Joseph Latham Jr., Mr. and Mrs. road. A socal time was enjoyed by Edward W. Crandall, Miss Camilla FD was a visitor at the Canisteo East Orange, N. J., are guests at the Henry, Janet Ingalls, Sally Jamison, Campbell, Sybil Clark, Elden Dennis, all, Joyce Feenaughty. Case, Mrs. John Graves of Illinois, Gralde 9: Gordon Dye, Robert Bet- the large number in attendance. Times office, Friday afternoon. home of the Misses Padgham in Harold Miller, Gerald Norton, Paul James Gillis, Suzanne Hallett, Arlyce Mrs. Lloyd B. Smith of Fredonia, and Norton, Robert Pfitzenmaier, Fendora Ives, Esther Lawrence, Donald Mer- tinger, Lynford Buchborn, Richard Mrs. Walter Woods of Cambridge, Greenwood street. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs. Harris. ring, Nita Murray, Herbert Peterson, Rennells, Anna Rogers, Nancy RusMiller, Duane Stephens, Lyle VanMass., has been called to Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Fleming Jr. and The young people of the South Patricia Plank, John Schnurle, WanWie, Janet Atkins, June Baker, Anna Mass., by the illness of her mother. daughters Ann and Kathryn of Al- sell, Lorna Shaw, Linda Welles, DanMORTON PRESIDENT Canisteo church will sponsor an ice Mr. and Mrs. Clair Dennis and bany visited her parents Mr. and iel White, Janette Woodworth, De- da Teribury* Mary Jane Tyler, How- Budde, Lorna Galbraith, Josanne cream social, Friday evening, from District Attorney Harry L. Morton ard Warriner, Mary Alice White, anna Yoder, Lyle Barron, Beatrice LaValle. Lennius O. Burrell of South family of the South Canisteo road Mrs. of Hornell was named president 5:30 until all are served. Elm street, last week. ^^^^^m Campbell, Arden Chandler, Dorothy Eliza Woodworth. Gi were in Williamsport, Pa., Sunday. the annual Crane reunion, July 17, Flanagan, David George, Nelson Grade 8: John Benson, Jack Bos- Dorothy Kinner, John Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Englert and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Gardiner SCHOOL REUNION in Denison Park, Corning. Miss Charhave returned from Keuka Lake daughter Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hawkins, Deneil Ives, Dale Maine, sard, Jason Carrington, Robert Ed- Donna Slatt, Mildred Weston. The teachers and schoolmasters lotte Morton of Cameron Mills was Margaret Morton, Thomas Plank, gett, Joyce Feenaughty, Margaret Grade 11: Donna Reynolds, Bever- annual reunion of Branch School elected secretary and Mrs. Kenneth where they spent a week's vacation. Falzoi of Arkport have returned Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Brasted from a visit to Washington, D. C , Bonnie J. Preston, Jacqueline Pres- Hartman,. Norman Ingalls, Beverly ly Waight, Lois Bettinger, . District No. 13, Cameron, was held McCaig of Painted Post, treasurer. ton, Leon Roe, Arlen Shaw, Barbara Norton, Sidney Parks, Freida Steffey, and children are spending the sum- and Gettysburg, Pa. Grade 12: Robert Barron, Norma Sunday, July 18, at the home, of Mr. Approximately 50 family members Mrs. B. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Sick, Patricia Sparkes, Patricia Kristin Whiting, Mary Whiting, Jas. Amidon, Jane Baker, Christine Den- and Mrs. Clarence Barrett of Cam from Corning, Painted Post, Addison. mer at their camp at Demon's pond. nis, Yvonne Welles, Eleanor Free- eron, with a large attendance. Fol- Cameron Mills, Hornell and Elmira Lynn Clemmons and Gordon Scott ert «L. Dwight and son Bobby, Maple Strimple, Robert Strimple, Lyle, Young * lowing a basket dinner, a business attended the reunion. attended the Dairymen's League out- street, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zielinski Thompson, Richard White, Nancy I Grade 9: Thomas Allen, Jean Ba- land. Crittenden School: Bonnie Carlin. meeting was conducted and officers ker, June Baker, Barbara Clemons, ing and clambake in Elmira Thurs- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ithemore Hadlock of Addison wasLyle Crouch in Phelps. day. were elected as follows: Clarence named chairman of a committee of 3 and 2 older children, Celeste Ann and Mrs. Hattie Teague and Mr. and Edgar, are on a trip to New York Mr. and Mrs. Harold Andrus have Shettler of Pulteney, chairman; Mrs. to arrange for a memorial monument moved into the 2nd floor apartment Mrs. Roland Godfrey and daughter City and other points. In their ab- , Ina Koon of Cameron, president; Ed- to be erected in the old cemetery in the I. M. Welles house in Russell Eunice of Chicago spent Tuesday sence, little Charles and infant sister j ward Koon of Cameron, vice-presi- just outside Addison. Collections with Rev. and Mrs. Louis C. Teague Marjorie Yvonne will stay with their street. dent; Alice B. Torrence of Stephens have been taken at the reunions for Mr. and Mrs. Noyes Allen and at the Methodist parsonage. Mills, secretary-treasurer. The^old- several years for this purpose. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Ingalls have Burd of Orchard street. daughters of 39 Third street are enest member, Charles Gould of Bath, joying a vacation at Chautauqua returned from a visit with their son, I Mrs. William E. Finch of 23 East was unable to attend because of ill Arthur Ingalls, in Rochester; and Main street and guest, Mrs. Charles Lake. Miss Josie Willis of Hornell, well beauty. I drove a jeep to Almolonga health. The oldest woman present Arleigh Swain of Buffalo visited daughter and family, Rev. and Mrs. Davis of Binghamton, left for that known in Canisteo, is on a tour of the to view the volcanic baths—boasting was Carrie Rosa of Cameron; the oldATTENTION REBEKAHS! friends in Canisteo, Friday. He was Nicholas Titus of Syracuse. city, Monday forenoon. From there Latin America Baptist Mission Fields. hot water directly from the nearby est man, Edward Koon of Cameron; Please make reservations for the the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mr. and Mrs. James Zuber of Kan- Mrs. Finch will go to Lake Mohawk, In a letter to The Times this week, volcano. This bath house is extreme- the youngest girl, Nancy Knapp of banquet to be held in honor of the Rowley. sas City., Mo.; Mrs, George Robinson Sparta, N. J., to visit her brother she writes of Guatemala: Cameron; the youngest boy, Rodger ly popular. Home Week Celebration of AssemDonald Garrison of Elmira has of Hornell were Friday visitors at and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Daily in each* part of the country Gee of Elkland, Pa. It was decided Guatemala can best be described bly President Nellie T. Mason for to hold the next reunion the last been visiting his "grandparents, Mr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Dodge. by the Spanish word "magnifico.". It one sees Indians walking to market. Sunday in June in 1949 at the home and Mrs. Lee Cooper, in Russell VanOrsdale, East Main street. Tuesday, Aug. 3 at Montour Falls, Rodney, small son of Mr. and Mrs. is a land of color—Indians in cos- Their tribe is recognized by their at Among the visitors at the Kahoco Charles Lisk of West Main street, tume of every country, heavily-wood- tire. One never tires of watching the of Mrs. Ross Beni&tt of Cameron. street. tf\ or Wed., Aur. 4 at Odessa; with Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hollands vesper service Sunday night in the knocked himself out in a, fall down ed mountain slopes, the blue of Lake women carrying huge baskets of prowere guests of Dr. and Mrs. George Baptist church were Mrs. Lottie the cellar stairs, Tuesday. He Atitlan and the adobe houses and duce, balanced un their heads.. Often About one-third more sour cher- Mrs. Virginia Tripp by Thursday Taylor of Hornell at Conesus lake, Sweet of Rochester; Mrs. L. A. Ben- achieved the same result one night walls painted in soft pastelo. by their sides will be small boys, ries are being harvested in N. Y. noon, July 29. Price $1.50. ton and (Mrs. Laura Brown, Hornell. last winter in diving from a high Thursday. The capital city of Guatemala is a starting their training in the burden- State this year than last. Mrs. Harry Woodworth of Depot bedstead. Rodney seems to have cultural and educational center. I some field of freighting. I Observed Ann Salisbury has returned with ,'!''! -•'•r. her grandmother, Mrs. Cora Harring- street is making progress toward re- recovered completely from his in- visited the Guatemalan-American may loads being carried by the huillllllllillR iii..;!.,n; ton, to the latter's home in Couders- covery following a recent operation jury. man freighters, and was told that the Institute founded 3 years ago and in St. James hospital. Mrs. John port, Pa. Those from Canisteo who were in aided by the U. S. Department of maximum poundage for a man was Ross of the Greenwood road is carMrs. W. F. Stephens of PhiladelWhitesville recently to attend a State. The English classes, the art 125 pounds. phia, who has been visiting r>. and ing for her. One is constantly amazed at the birthday celebration and picnic at the center and the library are of interest Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bullock and home of Mr. and Mrs. William to thousands of Americans and Guat- lush fruit and flowers in Guatemala. Mrs. G. W. Cheesman, left for her Miss Alma Allen, Jasper; Mrs. Delia Graves, honoring Mrs. Sarah Wal- emalans. I renewed an acquaintance Oranges, pineapples, bananas, bouhome, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peterson Vroman and daughter Mrs. Mac Old- lace, were: Mr. and Mrs. James Wal- with the American artist Miss Caro- ganvillea, papya« carnations, roses, and family of Third street are on a ford and 2 children of Detroit, Mich., lace and daughter Sharon, Mr. and lyn Bradley, whose water colors of gardenias and lilies are here in vacation this week in the Adirondack called on Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Haw- Mrs. Lee Wallace and daughter the Americas are highly regarded. abundance. kins, Thursday. Mountain region. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, I was unusually privileged in seeThe Presbyterian church has esRev. and Mrs. Louis Teague en- daughters Beverly ond Patty and son. tablished a primary school for boys ing the mission work of the country. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ordway and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ordway visited j tertained the following guests from and a hospital, 'both of which are There are many free fine churches, Mr. and Mrs. George Teribury in Chicago, Tuesday and Wednesday: schools, hospitals and excellent reheld in highest regard. Mrs. Hattie Teague, Mr. and Mrs Elaisdell, Sunday. Apparently, all modes of transpor- sults are being accomplished in the Mrs. Minnie C. Chamberlain of Roland Godfrey and daughter Eu-1 tation are used in this country. Air field of translating the Indian langBath is spending a few days with nice and Miss Doris Krause. travel is extensive as both national uages and in the radio broadcasts. Among faculty members of Canisher sister, Mrs. Robert McKibben, Swale Old Home day will be held and international air facilities are The mission work has an organizateo Central school, last year, who en- August 8, the 2nd Sunday of next available. Pan American and Aviat- tion called the Synod and included and Mr. McKibben. Gail Norton, daughter of Mr. and joyed a Great Lakes trip last week, month, when the old Swale church I eca use the superb airport which has in this are the following: Friends, Mrs. Kenneth Norton, has returned were Misses Frances Dolan, Rachel will be the center of activities. A a convenient location. The Lima bus Nazarenes, Presbyterians, Primitive from Baptist youth camp. Pathfinder Hassman, Lilyan Shrigley, Margu- picnic dinner will be held at noon line has established a reputation for Methodists and Central American erite Mattie and Jean Persons. Lodge at Cooperstown. punctuality and fine equipment. I Mission. and coffee will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Roe of RusMr. and Mrs, E. R. Kilibury, Mrs. 1 go from the largest of the CenAn informal program has been traveled 9 hours in the western highHerbert J. Gray and Miss Maude L. sell street are visiting their daughter planned for the afternoon, according lands to Quetzoltanango. Two super- tral American Republics, Guatemala, Tuller attended Old Home Day in Emily (Mrs. Maxwell Hathaway) at to Mrs. Mabelle B. Jones of Cameron ior drivers took us over miles of to the smallest, San Salvador. Be Ft. Niagara. Erick Leander and RD. Assemblyman William M. Stu- mountain road, hewn out by hand tween the capitals of these countries South Dansville Sunday. Mrs. Arnold Pruteman and daugh- daughter Margaret Jayne of Evans- art of East Main street, Canisteo, will and revealing vistas of breathtaking the distance is 56 minutes by air. ter of Jasper spent the first of the ton, 111., left with them Tuesday. be speaker for the occasion. week in Canisteo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Stuart of Mr. and Mrs. Remer Jones. Laurel, Md., and children Barbara, NEIGHBOR NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pulver, Billy and Roger; Mrs. Everett Hall Jasper Grange observed "Neighbor Mrs. Laura Horton., and Mrs. Laura and sons Richard and Everett of Night" Tuesday evening, July 20, in Cincebox 6f Prattsbiirg "were guests Rochester are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Central school. a—sad by Streptoceeem agalactia** Wm. M. Stuart of East Main street. of Miss Nettife'Nevyus, Sunday. Dr. Charted M. Waldo of Wellesley Mrs. Edgar VanHyning and childStick* of active p e n i c i l l i n — safe, e a s y ren, Olean, were guests of her par- Hills, Mass., a member o f the Hartff to use — w o r k f a i t — e c o n o m i c a l ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Burd, Or- vard University Dental school faculty, visited his mother, Mrs. Helen chard street over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paine, grandson R. Waldo, and William G. Riddell tot ftevofoffofiory,— because to *!•*• AT Bruce of Elmira visited Mrs. Leona West Academy street, last week. H e pie and effective. No apparatus, Paine of Orchard street, recently. was enroute to Denver, Col. no solution* to prepare. Harmless The latter has been visiting in Bath. J. Monroe Ackley, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Dickerson of Clark Sauer of Chicago, 111., Mr. and to cows and milk. Get important Taylor street were in Naples Sunday Mrs. Orville Marshall of Dana, HI., f l v a * occyroty information folder — ask in for to pick berries, and returned home arrived July 16 to spend a vacation your free copy right away. ivitll long lift with 15 quarts of purple raspberries. on the Ackley farm, Erskine (Hollow, Charles A. Wilder, who is em- and visit Canisteo friends and rela^^^^"•BWHWiir T^r^fc m MMnfTrl M C90MO Pf? •WOpWOOBRSH OfOMt*0*M ployed in Clyde, N. Y., visited his tives. They will return July l | , 50c each parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Miss Frances Failing of Indianf.79 dfop#* Wilder of 3rd street, over the week apolis, Ind., has returned home fol100 Main St. Home end. lowing a visit with Miss Elizabeth "Charlie and Neil" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Spruce Bennet and Mrs. Vera Rrtblee July 20street, were recent visitors in Knox- 21 at their home in 3rd street. She ville, Pa^ at the home of his sister is art supervsor In the George WashL?S 11 • i * im: t MAIN STREET CANISTEO, N. Y. and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Mur- ington high school, Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar VanHyning Perfect Attendance •••:/ MISS WILLIS DESCRIBES NUMEROUS COLORFUL SIGHTS IN GUATEMALA IIlIiiIl!lll£lliiilllll1!Illili.lJlill!!lIi;illlliiilU IlillllllllHIl! ill: 11 III STUART SPEAKER AT SWALE EVENT Bestform Foundations PENSTIX control MASTITIS #j£» • 6AUERY GOIF BALLS __ Wineburg and Gleason, Inc. BEAVERS BEAVER'S Drug Store I >?'.'••" u.pwa w | l ;*> |«f w i n TF Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ^ - ^ !Llt>iJ»!!ll«* M'M.fctt; *l T ; r ; : | ; r r -,;• • - • • ; : . ...• " 80CIEJ7; M:/L?
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