NON-PROFIT PAID ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT #141 MELBOURNE, FL Volume 8 - Issue 10 January/February 2016 FROM THE COMMANDER I trust everyone had a joyous holiday and is now looking forward to the new year ahead. As of December 31st, everyone should have renewed their membership for 2015; if you have not, please do so as soon as possible. At the Department Fall Conference Post 163 was recognized as the post with the highest percentage in Category VI within Department of Florida. Thank you to those members that renewed on time. On December 5th while attending the Pearl Harbor and Pacific Theater Observance Ceremony at Patrick AFB, Post 163 was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from LtCol Dyball, Vice Commander of the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC). I hope everyone has their tickets to the Past Commanders and Past Presidents Dinner on Jan 10th. Have a fine prime rib dinner and honor the past leaders of our post. And, on the following weekend, join us in welcoming our newest members. In February, 12th District will hold a bowling tournament (8th), the Department Commander will be visiting the area (17-22), the Eastern Area Oratorical Contest will take place at Post 191 (21st), the Eastern Area “Ball” will be held at Post 1 (21st), Post 163 will have interviews for Boys State (22d), the 12th District meeting will be held at Post 318 (28th), and Post 163 will hold our combined American Legion, S.A.L., and Auxiliary Birthday Party (28th). THANK YOU: to everyone that participated in the Veterans Day Parade; to one and all representing Post 163 at the various functions held outside of the post; and, to all the volunteers and officers who, on a daily basis, make Post 163 what it is. As always, volunteers are needed throughout the whole year so stop by and see how you can help. Serving with you and for you. For God and Country, Mark Johnson Commander FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER (5:30) 6:00—8:00 (8:30) PM SATURDAY MORNING BREAKFAST (7:30) 8:00 —11:00 (11:30) AM POSITIONS: Cooks, Dishwashers, Waiters &/Or Waitresses & Additional Help As Needed. It’s easy, fun & makes you feel good. PLEASE VOLUNTEER (Volunteers are needed from 1/2 hour before to 1/2 hour after meals.)To help See The Commander OR Kitchen Manager January – February EVENTS 1/10/15 PAST COMMANDER & PRESIDENTS PRIME RIB DINNER COCKTAILS 5-6 PM, DINNER - 6:00 PM – RSVP OTHER THAN INVITED GUESTS $8.00 1/11/15 AUXILIARY QUARTER ($ .25) AUCTION 1 – 5 PM 1/17/15 MEMBER INITIATION CEREMONY - MEET 'N' GREET 6-7 PM - CEREMONY @ 7PM 1/22/15 AUXILIARY DINNER 5:30 – 8 PM 1/25/15 BIG CHILL RIDE III - LEGION RIDERS - ALL DAY EVENT 1/31/15 ALL-U-CAN-EAT FRIED CHICKEN DINNER & SOCK HOP w/DJ $8.00 @ 6 PM 2/1/15 4 CHAPLAINS SERVICE 11-12 AM 2/8/15 GIRLS STATE INTERVIEWS 1 PM 2/14/15 VALENTINES DINNER/DANCE $8.00 COCKTAILS 5-6 PM DINNER 6 PM 2/17-21 DEPARTMENT COMMANMANDERS VISIT TO 12th DISTRICT 2/21/15 EASTERN AREA BALL – POST #1 TITUSVILLE 2/22/15 BOYS STATE INTERVIEWS 1 PM 2/26/15 AUXILIARY DINNER 5:30 – 8 PM 2/28/15 12th DISTRICT MEETING POST 318 9:00 AM 2/28/15 LEGION POST #163 JOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY 6 -- ? PM 3/7/15 3/14/15 MARDI GRAS 6 – 10 PM - S.A.L.’S COOKIN’ “CAJUN STYLE” $8.00 ST. PATRICKS DAY DINNER 4 – 8 PM CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE $8.00 AUXILIARY VALENTINES DINNER DANCE SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 DINNER 6 PM $8.00 DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF “ONCE B 4” 1/17/15 MEMBER INITIATION CEREMONY MEET 'N' GREET 6-7 PM CEREMONY @ 7PM 2/1/15 4 CHAPLAINS SERVICE 11-12 AM Scavenger Hunt JAN 25th 2015 3rd Annual Registration $10.00 & $5.00 for rider Ride is open to all Car or Bike. Registration 9:30 till KSU at 11:30, last in by 3pm. $5 Bagger Steak/Cheese Sandwiches or $3 Fatboy Hotdogs both with Kickstand fries 50/50, Raffles (tickets $1ea, 12 for $10) Drawing 4pm. MUSIC, GAMES ! FUN ! You don't have to be present to win! The purpose of the Ride is to raise funds to support our local homeless veterans. Like us on Facebook “American Legion Post 163” FROM THE S. A. L. COMMANDER Well, the holidaazz are over for another year. We hope they were fun and safe for all. As of this writing, membership is still a sluggish 53 %. If you haven’t already, please get your renewals in. We need them. If you have, then thank you for your continued support. Jan 10th will be the Past Commanders and Presidents Dinner…. S.a.l. for cleanup... So if you can spare a couple of hours, your help would be greatly appreciated... Jan 17th is our Member Initiation Ceremony. All new members are urged to come out and meet your comrades... They’re a great bunch of people...most of the time; ha ha There will be a refreshment buffet... Don’t forget to check the rest of your newsletter for upcoming events... Remember our meetings are at 4:00 pm on the 1st Sunday of the month...“BE THERE OR BE UNINFORMED“. Bring in some new ideas. They are always welcomed. ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS I CAN BE REACHED HERE AT THE POST WEEKEND NIGHTS OR E–MAIL ME ANYTIME at [email protected] Thank you in advance. See you around the Post. For God and Country Your S.A.L. Commander Jerry Larson 1/10/2015 PAST COMMANDER & PRESIDENTS PRIME RIB DINNER Cocktails 5-6 pm, Dinner 6 pm RSVP Other than invited guest $8.00 ALL ARE WELCOME FROM THE A.L.R. DIRECTOR Wishing you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year from the Riders! The Riders had several successful events, from visiting senior/assisted living facilities, to participating in local fund raising events for NVHS and other charities supporting our homeless veterans. Our outing to Hooters with the veterans from Avante was once again a great success and has become something the veterans look forward to doing. The Riders are now in the process of preparing for the '3rd Annual Big Chill Ride' which is scheduled for the 25th of January. A lot of people had fun doing this event in their cars last year so come out and join in the fun. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate with us for the event! The upcoming year will be an active one for the Riders as we will be attempting to have more events this year than what we have had in the past. So keep an eye on the bulletin for the announcements of these upcoming events. Remember that ALL OF THE RIDER EVENTS ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE. Some photos of the events will be posted on the website as soon as we are able to do so. Have a great holiday season and hope to see you at our events. For God and Country Robert Hughes Director Legion Riders Chapter 163 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT FRIED CHICKEN DINNER & SOCK HOP DINNER 6:00 PM $8.00 FOR DINNER TICKETS DJ 6:30 - 10:30 PM TAPS Christy S. Good, Charles O. Mills, Robert A. Cornelius, Robert G. Sherker, Chester T. Boord Come on out for Meat Shoot Every Saturday from 1-3pm. The steaks, chicken, pork and more are the best ever, we have great raffles and food is served each week. Have fun, win prizes and support the Legion, S.A.L., Auxiliary and Legion Riders functions. See the board for who’s calling & what’s being raffled!!! New Event/Entertainment Committee Wednesday Jan 14th 7pm “Meet and Greet the Events Committee” Everyone/anyone is welcome, your input is requested. Help improve the post events and entertainment. IDENTIFICATION STATEMENT American Legion Post 163 Newsletter is published bi-monthly as “Mathers Member Link” by the J.W. Mathers, Jr., American Legion Post 163, 1795 N. Harbor City Blvd, Melbourne, FL. 32935. The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or the opinions of the membership, the Post Officers, or the State or National parent organizations; nor does the mention of a product or organizations imply endorsement. BULLETIN BOOSTER (Date is Expiration) BE A BOOSTER FOR ONLY $10.00 PER YEAR, YOU’LL HELP THE POST SAVE ON THE EVER GROWING COST OF PRINTING & POSTAGE. FORGIVE ANY OMISSIONS AND/OR ERRORS. 1/15 CHARLES DURHAM 3/15 MIKE O’NEAL FREN MATTHEWS IN MEMORY OF CARMIE JOEL & PAT BLATT 4/15 IN MEMEORY OF FRANK A. WARNER BARBARA TAYLOR IN MEMORY OF ROBERT E. TAYLOR 5/15 LINDA CLIFFORD IN MEMORY OF GEROGE H. ELLIS 7/15 ROBERT T. & KATHLEEN K. VEAUDRY 8/15 DR. MARK HOFFMAN, DSR J. & E. M FRANCIS CIRCOSTA IN MEMORY OF SUSAN E. CIRCOSTA 9/15 CHERI & JERRY HARTMAN SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION SHIRLEY GARRIEL 11/15 ROBERT M. CHILCOTT IN MEMORY OF ELSIE & BOB CHILCOTT ANTON MARTH 12/15 WILLIAM R. EDWARDS NINA & ROY MOORE IN MEMORY OF RON MOORE RALPH K. PERRY IN MEMORY OF CLAIRE E PERRY CAROL BARTON & FAMILY IN MEMORY OF DAVID & GLORIA DEVOL 1/16 JEROME H. PORTER 4/16 JIM GREEN IN MEMORY OF BARBARA & SHASTA GREEN RIP & NANCY COLLINS “KAY BIRD” & ROCK 5/16 DIGGER O’DELL IN MEMORY OF RALPH & MARSHALL VEST 7/16 WAYNE O. SMITH 12/16 LOREN & ALMA VON RIESEN 2/17 L. PAUL MURRAY 3/17 IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANTHONY & CARRIE LA MARCA 5/18 BOBBY WENDRZYK IN MEMORY OF CHET WENDRZYK 9/19 SHELDON E. KELLEY 12/19 TOM PECHACEK SPACE COAST HONOR FLIGHT, W.W. II 12/21 LEGION RIDERS CHAPTER 163 1/23 STAR & JACK LUCIEN & PAT WEGNER IN MEMORY OF GEORGE & TERRY WEGNER 5/24 PATRICIA WEGNER IN MEMORY OF LUCIEN WEGNER JOSE (JOE) VEGA IN LOVING MEMORY OF LAURETTE CONSTANCE VEGA You can view this Newsletter on line anytime, along with more information on upcoming events on our web site at Printed by Mike Roebuck, Legion Member / Legion Rider Good Impressions Printing 1696 Aurora Road, Melbourne FL 32935 * 321-255-3922
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