mm DEVOTED TO THE BEST INTERESTS OF T H E REOFLE OF T H E UFFBR COHOCTON VALLEY tfched 1870 COHOCTON, NEW YORK, JULY 15, 1925 Vol. 55—No. 12 WILLIAM P. NEUFANG E OPE* LETTER COATS-GORTON Dansville and a sister, Mrs. Charlti MRS. LUCY A. OELDS CLELAND EAST 8PRINGWATBR William F. Neufang passed away 637 Aver ill Avenue On Saturday, July 11, 1925, Miss On Wednesday, July 8th, 1925, The Stone .family 'reunion was Ostrauder of South New Berlin. Rochester, N. Y. at the home of his son, Theodore, Vera Gorton of Alma and Mr. Wade at the home of her daughter Mrs. Funeral services were held at the held Sunday at the home of Mr. u following Coats of Buffalo were united in July 13, 1925. Monda, July 6th, 1925, Lula Glover at Wayland, occurred Mrs. Norman Stons. Those pres- home Saturday, July 4th, at o n t Times-Index an illness of four months, aged 65 marriage by Rev. Bates, pastor of the-#eath of Mrs. Lucy A. Oelds ent from out of town were Mr. and o'clock, Rev. J. Green of South, Editor years. ,-...; the First Presbyterian Church of Burial was Cleland. ,N. Y. Mrs. S. Stone and daughter Gladys Dansville officiating. May I please be The deceased was born in the Olean, at Olean. Mrs. Coats, who made In Forest Lawn Cemetery at Editor: Her health had been quite feeble of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. William d spac n your paper to town of Cohocton, May 3, 1860, is a graduate of Alfred University, for some time and owing to her 'Stone of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Rogersvllle. The bearers wera " few sentiments concern- and had spent his entire life time has been teacher of History and advanced age, she was confined to George Peacock of Coldwater, Mr. William Wolfunger, Fred and BenFloyd Werth, L o ( William E. Adair? here. He was the son of Theobald Mathematics in the Cohocton High her home for several months. She and Mrs. S. J. Jackman and family juinin Wolfunger, Mr. was a devoted mother and cheer- of Coldwater, Mr, and Mrs. George Milton and Henry ZerfasB, anble judgment news of and Marie Neufang, both deceased. School the past two years. rt) of this esteemed gentle- His father passed away only last Coats is a machinist, employed by ful companion, always bearing her Pfund of Kendall, George Roller of The floral tributes were many , been received with very December and was 91 years of age. the New York Central Railroad. sufferings patiently and with great Scottsville, and Miss Gladys Hart and beautiful. On March 4, 1886, in this place Cohocton pupils and friends ex- courage. OARD OF THANKS rets. of Elm Grove. occured the marriage of William tend to Mr. and Mrs. Coats best We wish to thank our many rel« jjair surely was a person of Mrs. Cleland was a member of Mr. and Mrs. William Cochrane I attainments and we may F. Neufang and Henrietta R. Zim- wishes for a long and happy wed- the Methodist Church and has al- of Wayland spent Sunday with their ntlves and friends for their kind* ness and sympathy during our lata proud of the fact that he mer. To this union three children ded life. ways lived an upright Christian son Robert and-family. Mrs. Anna Dantz of toduct of Cohocton, where were born: life, having been united with the Elmer Hills and family spent bereavement. Also thank them for ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING jj the major portion of h i s Atlanta, Theodore W. Neufang and church in 1885. Her life was a Sunday with Fred Standbrook and the beautiful flowers and the use Notice is hereby given that the great example, not only for those family at Macedon, N. Y. of automobiles. • a musician, he ranked Mrs. Elizabeth Beechner of CohocMrs. Neufang proceeded him annual school meeting for School of her own family, but for every C. W. Bailor and Family. His abilities ton. Mrs, H. J. Smalt and daughter, 5h in his day. District, No. 5, of the Town of Co- one who knew her, and she will be Lois spent Thursday with etist, composed and direc- in death several years. friends July 13 1925. Mr. Neufang is survived by two hocton, N. Y., will be held at the greatly missed in this community. music were well recognized. in Rochester. to reminisce in the period sisters, Martha Bartz and Miss Julia school building in said district, LOON LAKE Arthur Wolfanger and family of She was born November 19th, .twenty odd years ago w h e n Neufang of Cohocton and two Tuesday evening, August 4, 1925, 1841, and was united in marriage Wayland spent Sunday During the heavy thunder show* evening summer evenings of band brothers, Edward Neufang of Co- at eight o'clock. er early last Friday morning light-, to James Cleland in 1860. To this with Glenn Sherwood and family. of * A. A. Gehrig, [Is before the members had hocton and Lewis Neufang Mrs. Catherine Ash who has been nlng struck the church in this place union seven children were born, dl2-13 Secy ad, Mr. Adair would step Nichols, also six grandchildren. feve daughters and two sons, two at the home of C. W. Bailor for the tearing off a few shingles and dam* Carpenter work was his trade j front room of the old Band of the daughters, Mrs. Erie Clark past two weeks returned to her aging the plaster, paper and linplay solos l o r the en- and which he carried on until for cleum on the inside. Fortunately ICE CREAM SOCIAL and Mrs. Esther Wetmore having home Sunday. t of the community. His the past few years when he conThe W. C. T. U. will hold an ice passed away during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whitford spent the building did not take lire. at triple-tonguing and i m - ducted a restaurant on Maple ave- cream social at the home of Mr. Several from this place attended Those who survive are Lester Saturday and Sunday with his ig were superb, and I be- nue. and Mrs. Lloyd Eeveland next Cleland of Prattsburg, Jonah Cle- •brother Dewey Whitford and wife a variety "shower" at the home of The funeral was held Thursday week Friday evening, July 24th. land of Delta, Ohio, Mrs. Lula at Hector, N. Y. 1 opinion well shared that Mr. and Mrs, Dell Wagner in Cohocmost generous in giving afternoon, July 9, 1925, at St. Part of the proceeds will be for the Glover of Wayland and Mrs. Alice Val. Hept and , son and brother ton Friduy evening, given In honor is talents. More than that, Paul's. Lutheran Church, of which ^benefit of the Lent Hill church. Mcore of Cohocton, together with of West Bloomfleld, called on C. W. Of their daughter Gladys who reed the same free will tow- he had long been a member. Rev. Every one is invited. Ladies are several grandchildren and great- Bailor and family Sunday. cently married Armin Ochs, Mrs, musical activities of the Paul T. Rohde officiated with burial requested to bring cake. grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peglow of Ochs was formerly a Loon 1-uke in St. Paul's Cemetery. dl2-13 By Order She is also survived by one half Wayland spent Friday with their girl and friends here extend hearty fMrcongratulations. brother Samuel Oelds of Avoca and son Raymond and family. that this genius has passed About 40 of the Hornell camp fire PICTURELAND THEATRE CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder and a host of other relatives and ur midst, the thought occurs PROGRAMS sons Alton and Charles of Atlanta, girls came to the lake Saturday to friends. would it not be fitting to . We wish to thank all those who Funeral services were held Sat- and Mrs. Eliza Lyon of Cohocton, spend Beveral weeks. They are ao- , b some sort of a memorial assisted us during the sickness and Cohocton, N. Y. urday afternoon at two o'clock at spent Sunday with H. L. Pries and companled by swimming and recreawould appropriately perpet- after death of our father, and for tion teachers and other ladles. s memory? Could not such the floral tokens and those who furShow starts at 7.30 and 9 Satur- the Methodist Church, Cohocton, family. nished cars. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Dtdas and Rev. F. I. Stultz, officiating. BurMr. and Mrs. Mark Bowles of it be carried to a successful days; other nights at 8.15. family spent Sunday with his brothial was in Mapleview Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Dantz Wayland and Miss Doretta Rynion through the instrumenAdmission, 10c and 20c er Peter in Lfvonia. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Neufang ders, Leon Rynders and Miss Letta of the Band, whose present Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Beechner S.'ramons of North Cohocton called Dearest mother thou hast left us, | and splendid progress are To-Night: two children of Cohocton were Sunon W. E. Wetmore and family, SunAnd thy loss we deeply feel, some measure, no doubt, to News and Comedy— day, ^ g j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ day guests of Mr. and Mrs. But 'tis God, who hath bereft us, uence left by it's former DEATH OP MRS. WEIERMILLER Feature—Thomas Meighan's latest Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sherwood? -M. Mehlenbacher. He qan all our sorrows heal. The death of Mrs. Louisa WeierParamount star picture, "Woman Several of the farmers in this Mr. and Mrs. Clare Schull and *':' he way of suggestions, a miller took place at the home of her Proof." Softly at the dawn of morning, Chester Bailor spent Sunday in vicinity have been working on the tablet placed in the band son J- J- Weiermiller of Roulette, Did we hear the Death Angel call D&nBvllle. now County road. | better still, why not build Fi'iday evening following a seven Friday and Saturday, July 17-18 And her spirit passed to Heaven M. and Mrs. William Emo and Funeral services Mrs. Guy Lamphier and son Donstand to be placed in some weeks illness. While we mourn here, one and ald of Aurora, 111., left for their children of Sandy Hill spent Sunday spot in the village? Eith- were held 'Sunday afternoon at 1.30 News and Comedy— all. home Monday last after spending a with their Aunt Mrs. Jacob Werth. would be within reason fln- o'clock, Rev. Barber of Roulette of- ^Feature—"The Steadfast Heart," Charles Wall, wife and two chilmonth with her parents Mr. and I but I belive the latter ficiating, and interment was made with Marguerite Courtot, Mary dren of Rochester spent, the week Mrs. Fred Wolfanger. Her sister Oh! how sweet to think with Jesus prove more appropriate as in Card Creek Cemetery. Alden, Joseph Depew, etc., in the Edith returned with her for a visit. end with his brother M. G. Wall a t She is waiting for us there; Mrs. Louisa Weiermiller was born be put to practical use for • cast. Through drama-crowded Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shaver of the Palace. ncerts and the general pnb- in Wayland, N. Y. in April 1848 years a country girl followed the Where no death can ever enter Mr. and Mrs, Ervine Drum ,of Wayland called on his brother ld have the advantage of it. and was 77 years of age at the time fortunes of the boy she had cnce . And she knows no pain or care. Wayland are spending the w e e k ' a t Harry and wife, Sunday. 'y, I am convinced that cf death. She resided in this section befriended. Village suitors askMrs. Ira Johnson, Mrs. Frank William Drum's cottage. ch project is worthy of con- tfrj greater part of her life, living ed her hand in marriage but she Sad how sad the thought of parting Miss Marie Saxton of Rochester and son Allan Frank of Buffalo, But the sweeter, bye and bye on, and I trust It mav be for thirty-six years on the farm at waited patiently for the man Burtville. She went to Roulette in with favor. whom fate would surely bring vVhen shall come the last great arc spending some time with the spent Wednesday last at the home of her brother Edwin Saxton. formers father Joseph Wetmore. April 1924 and made her home with meeting, back to her. Yours very truly, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marsh o f her son, J. J. Weiermiller. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Ely attended And we'll never say good-bye. A. L. Mehlenbacker North Cohocton and Mr, and Mrs. 'vthe wedding of their friend Miss She leaves three sons, J. J. Weier- Tuesday and Wednesday July 21-22 Albert Becker and two daughter* Olive Hebbard and Gordon Green POSTOFFICE NOTICE miller of Roulette, C. W. WeiermillMISSIONARY PICNIC News and Comedy— of Vlneland N. J. were guests of M Rochester, Thursday, July 9th. On and after August 1st, 1925, lightful picnic was enjoyed er of Port Allegany, Charles WeierFeature—''The Call of the Canyon" Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Saxton Sunday. The bride's parents celebrated their all insured and 0- O. D. parcels are ladies of the Woman's Miss- miller of Cohocton, N. Y. and one by Zane Grey. Mrs. Viola Louk of Beachvillo twenty-fifth wedding anniversary accepted with the understanding Society of the Presbyter- daughter, Mrs. Hattie Larm of Long "The Call of the Canyon" Is said visited her niece Mrs. W. H. Meb« and also Mr. Hebbard's birthday. that the senders in every insatnee prch on the beautiful lawn of Is-land, N. Y. She also leaves one to be one of the best stories ever lenbacker Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ely remained until Sunday for guarantee any return or forwarding brother, Criss Miller of Cohocton, red Snyder's home yesterday written by Zane Grey and in the The friends of Kenneth Davis are postage which may be necessary, a visit with her friend Mrs. George N Y. on, production of the picture, the rliiil to hear he Is doing fine in Batb when Buch parcels become ^undoilv- Fallesen. Mrs. Weiermiller was a very esPresident, Mrs, W. Edmunds spirit of the original has been Hospital, and is able to get around Miss Betty Ely is visiting her erable. All domestic insured and short devotional service timable woman, greatly liked by a faithfully retained. Mr. Grey by means of a wheel chair. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Collect-on-delivery parcels should who knew her, and will be greati *as followed by a pleasant personally assisted in the search Ely at West Henrietta. bear, in connection with the sendThe Palace continues to draw missed by her family and many |*W. A delicious cafeteria for locations as a background for ers return cards, pledges guaranteelarge crowds every evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Wetmore friends.—Allegany Reporter. was then served which was the picture. ing return forwarding postage, but July 13, 1925. and daughter Louita with Mr. and by Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. P. The featured players are Rich- regardless of whether or not the Mrs. Charles Hannen of SpringCARD OP THANKS Mrs. C. R. Gifford, Mrs. F. ard Dix, Lois Wilson, and Mar- parcels bear such pledges, they shall water were guests of Percy Clurek — P a y your subscription. W e wish ^o thank the friends for and Mrs. Wentworth. jorie Daw and heading the* sup- be treated as though the pledges and family at Scio a week ago Sat—Try an ad. in the Times-Index 1 of thanks was given the their ktndn»ss during the illness and porting cast are Noah Beery, v/ere on the parcels, urday and Sunday. and inereaaa your business. after deatfr of Mrs. Louisa Weierfor her hospitality. Ricardo Cortez and Fred Huntley Arthur Bailor of Syracuse and miller; also those who gave flowers THIS WEEK'S TEXT AND COMNOTICE Claude Bailor of Dansville, returnand the use of their cars for the "ITIOXAL DONATIONS MENT Road tests for chauffeurs and ed to their homes Sunday of last BMng the report of the funeral, COMPLIMENTARY TICKET By J. H. Stanton operators licenses will be given week. Mr. J. J. Weiermiller. donations for the Fourth of from 9 a. m., until 12 a. m., at the Mrs. Arthur Bailor remained Mr. Charles Weiermiller. Juration last week, a sheet Ray Brown and Wife Righteousness exalteth a nation following places. Monday at Horhere with relatives until WednesMr. C. W. Weiermiller. tog some of the names had John Bush and Wife but sin is a reproach to any people. , is nell, Tuesday at Corning, Wednes- day. *V laid and we give those beMrs. G. Larm. Claud Campbell and Friend Proverbs 14:34. days at Bath. Tests will be given Mrs. Clarence Tyler entertained J. J. Christian and Wife the Ladles' Aid Tbursday. no other time. THE POWER OF RIGHTEOUSShoultice $1.00 RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT NESS McDowell, $2.00 Mr, and Mrs. W. 8. Ely of West At a communication of Liberty Friday Night, July 17, 1925 AGAIN TAKEN INTO CUSTODY No words were ever penned '8 Place $5.00 Henrietta visited their son B. C. Lodge, No. 510, F. & A. M., the PICTURELAND THEATRE Escaping from the Elmira Rewhich contained more sober truth, Ely and family over the Fourth. following resolutions were adoptCut This Out formatory in September, 1920, than those of our text. Righteous• • • • • • • • • Darwin Ely and family of West ed: NOTICE J Ralph C. Putnam, aged 26 years, of Henrietta also visited there on ness means living in right relation* Whereas, death has again enteroekah LodUr<wiii hold an m Wayland, was returned to the Inwith God and man. It stands for Sunday. social on the Cohocton ed the ranks of our sacred BrotherCOBIN-WISE REUNION st ilution Saturday, Putnam was clean and virtuous living and noble Lawn, Thursday evening, hood and removed our worthy The second annual Cobln and Wise MRS. C. W. BAILOR sth taken into custody at Black Rock, Ideals and actions. And those art The Cohocton Band friend and brother, William E. reunion will be held at Stony Brook After an Illness of only a few near Buffalo, Friday night of last the- things which make a nation ^ s h music. Hot dogs will Adair, therefore be It, Glen, Saturday, July 18. All reladay, Mrs. C. W. Bailor passed away week by Officer Byron Vosburg of stronger—not her multiplying inResolved, That while we mourn- tives and friends are invited. served. Everybody welat her home in this place, Wednes- stltutlons of wealth and the Reformatory after he had been prosperfully deplore his departure from c l l - 1 2 Bessie Whltwood, sec. day morning, July 1st. Mrs. Bailor ity nor her art and culture. deported by Canadian officials. No earth and a life of usefulness and By Order had been in poor health for several physical prosperity nor brilliancy of Putnam made good his escape well doing we humbly bow in sub- OPENING OP MILLINERY AND while working with a gang of pri- years but was only confined to her statesmen nor advancement in mission to the will of our Heavenly BEAUTY PARLOR OVER T H E *nn KR REUNION bed from Friday until Wednesday. learning nor athletic prowess nor soners on the highway between F . V. POiiTS' STORE *«*d annual reunion of the Father trusting that our loss is His Mary Elizabeth Ash was born in military genius ean take the place A new and beautiful line of Mil- Elmira and Horseheads. fin 1923 family will be held Satur- gain. tbc town of Wayland Jane 30th, of righteousness in making a an* J Resolved, That in token of the linery, Trimmings, Frames, Etc., he was arrested In Canada on the oiy isth, at Stony Brook 1864, and was united in marriage tion mighty. The ruins of the Colcharge of assault. He was sent to j e s p e e t of our Brother, the lodge straight from the heart of New York v/ith C. W. Bailor of Dansville, In iseum and Parthenon are interestHurwash' Farm and escaped after be draped In mourning for thirty City, with the latest styles. B y Order. August 1386. To this union was ing relics of the granite and marble days, these resolutions copied upon Also ready to do all kinds of serving two months. He was caught born seven children, fire of whom structures of past centuries, but shortly after however, and waa senthe minutes, published in the Beauty Parlor Work, consisting of PU >OR SURFACING survive. They are as follows, Arth- they are mbre than tbat tbey are tenced to two years in Kingston Tlmeadndex and a copy engrossed Ralreuttlng, Shampooing. Hair Dye•installed a new floor surur of Syracuse, Claude of DansReformatory at Sutbury, Ont. Folthe monuments of nations that boand presented to the family. ing, Scalp Treatments, Facials, Manmachine—Araorlc*n Univerville, Oliver, Mrs. Clare Schull and lowing the expiration of his term came decadent through practicing M. E. Rex, icuring, Mareeling a specialty. * electric unit—and am Mrs. Lee Whitford of this place. at Kingston Putnam was deported great vices rather that great virA, H. Wilcox, I win carry the very boat of •Mto 'esnrfaea now or old Gretta and William having passed by the Canadian officials and the tues. These nations fell whan E. W. Folts, Creams and Powders, Cosmetics of 0r p r t w Reformatory authorities away a number of years ago. She their treauries wera full, i JL * a n d particular*, w their Committee all kinds. Something yoa can rely Elmira nte notified. is also survived by bar husband, armies were strong and their eduon. P h o n e F. V. Folts Store for apAlbert Lane, her mother, Mrs, Catherine Ash of cation and art werre supremo, bat pointments. 78 — P a y your subscription, f *TankUn 8L, Danorllle Rogersvllle, two brothers. Henry they were corrupt and evil at heart. M P r y aa ad. la the Mrs. Clara Devney, *-JTrr *n »«.. to «»• TTmaa-lada* Ash- of Rochester and William of ditf Over Folts 8tora, Oohoetoa t a d taereaas yoar and Increase your b a s l n e m ^ *>w subserlptlo*. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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