Knutsford Town Council Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA 01565 653929 [email protected] 7th January 2015 To: The Members of Knutsford Town Council Dear Councillor, You are summoned to attend the meeting of Knutsford Town Council to be held at 19:00 on Monday 12th January 2015 in the Lower Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices. Yours sincerely, Adam Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Agenda 1 To consider apologies for absence 2 To note declarations of Members’ interests 3 Public Participation A period not exceeding 10 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. 4 To consider matters related to the King Street Enhancement Project Representatives from Cheshire East Council will be present for this item. 5 To consider matters related to parking charges at Knutsford Community Hospital John Wilbraham, Chief Executive of East Cheshire NHS Trust will be present for this item 6 To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held 8 December 2014 (attached) 7 To note the minutes of committees which have met since the previous meeting th a) Environment Committee (5 January ) th b) Operations Committee (16 December) th c) Planning Committee (5 January) th d) Finance Committee (15 December) 8 To consider a recommendation from the Finance Committee with regard to the budget for 2015/16 and to confirm the precept to be set for 2015/16 (attached) 9 To receive an update on asset transfers 10 To receive reports from Members having attended external events since the previous meeting 11 To receive an update in relation to Member surgeries 12 To receive a report from Cheshire East Councillors th 13 To note and approve payments and receipts (attached) 14 To consider matters related to Rail Services in Knutsford (Cllr Malloy) 15 To consider enrolling in the Local Council Award Scheme (attached) 16 To consider creating a Community Work Placement (attached) 17 To consider matters related to the Knutsford Hosts project 18 Member questions to the Town Clerk 19 To receive a report of Mayoral Duties (attached) 20 Public Participation A period not exceeding 5 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. 21 To note the date of the next meeting (23/02/2015) Knutsford Town Council Town Clerk: Adam Keppel-Garner Council Offices, Toft Road, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6TA 01565 653929 [email protected] Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held December 8th 2014 In the Lower Council Chamber of the Town Council Offices 14/109 Present Cllrs Forbes, Dean, Davies, Bancroft, Gardiner, Hutchence, Houghton, Lasham, Malloy, Raynes and Gray. In attendance: A Keppel-Garner (Town Clerk) 14/110 To note the results of the Nether Ward by-election th Members noted the results of the by-election held on November 13 . Christopher Gray Julie Tempest Graeme Webster 271 160 62 Elected The Town Clerk confirmed Cllr Gray had signed his declaration of acceptance of office and the Mayor welcomed Cllr Gray to the Council. 14/111 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Goodrich (business) Nicholson, P Coan (personal business) and B Coan (health). Members resolved to approve Cllr B Coan’s absence for a period of 5 months. 14/112 To note declarations of Members’ interests Cllr Forbes Non-pecuniary 14/116 Cllr Raynes Non-pecuniary 14/122 Member of the Transfer of Public Assets Community of Carnegie (UK) Trust. Finance Portfolio Holder at Cheshire East Council 14/113 Public Participation A representative of South Knutsford Residents Group expressed the group’s support for the Council providing a funding contribution to CEC towards the town centre CCTV. 14/114 To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting held 27 October 2014 Members resolved to approve the minutes which were duly signed by the Mayor following a typographical corrections to 14/092 and 14/098. 14/115 To note the minutes of committees which have met since the previous meeting Cllr Bancroft asked if the Personnel Committee had appointed a maternity cover Deputy Town Clerk; the Mayor confirmed it had. 14/116 To receive an update on asset transfers The Town Clerk reported he was awaiting final confirmation on rights to access over the track at Warren Avenue but that transfer was imminent. The Town Clerk explained he was awaiting a formal response from Cheshire East Council on their intentions to transfer other assets as requested. th 14/117 To receive reports from Members having attended external events since the previous meeting Cllr Forbes reported on attendance at an A556 stakeholder meeting, the King St enhancement engagement event, a meeting of Community Spirit and the CEC Town and Parish Conference. Cllr Bancroft reported on attendance at a meeting of Community Spirit and the Macclesfield area meeting of ChALC. 14/118 To receive an update in relation to Member surgeries Cllr Hutchence reported attendance at the December surgery where no members of the public attended. 14/119 To consider an update from the Health & Social Care working group Cllr Malloy provided an update primarily regarding the introduction of parking charges at the community hospital. Members resolved to invite the Chief Executive of the East Cheshire NHS to explain matters and to express concerns to Cheshire East Highways given the potential safety implications. 14/120 To receive a report from Cheshire East Councillors Cllr Raynes gave an update on the current status of the Local Plan and provided information on the Cheshire East energy project. Members requested the Town Clerk ask CEC for details of the s106 funds allocated to Knutsford. 14/121 To note and approve payments and receipts Members resolved to approve the payments detailed in Annex A. 14/122 To consider making a contribution towards the costs of town centre CCTV Members resolved to make a contribution towards the costs of town centre CCTV at a cost of £12,950 per year for three years subject to an option to exit after 12 months if service provision is not up to the required standard. 14/123 To consider a report from the Sessions House working group Members resolved to apply to Cheshire East Council to register the Sessions House as a community asset. Members resolved that the working group arrange a public meeting to allow the public to express their thoughts on the future of the building. 14/124 To consider matters related to the Knutsford CAB service Members resolved to note the report provided by the Chief Officer of CE-CAB North and adjust the projected spend for the current financial year accordingly. 14/125 To consider a recommendation from the Neighbourhood Plan Committee Members resolved to apply for the Parish of Knutsford to be designated a Neighbourhood Area and to authorise the Neighbourhood Plan committee to continue with the production of a Neighbourhood Plan as per the committee terms of reference. 14/126 To consider the membership of committees Members resolved to appoint Cllr Gray to the Operations, Neighbourhood Plan and Finance committees and Cllr Houghton to the Neighbourhood Plan committee whilst removing Cllr Nicholson from the Finance committee and Cllrs B Coan and Raynes from the Neighbourhood Plan committee. 14/127 To consider supporting the Good Neighbours Scheme Cllr Gardiner outlined the scheme and encouraged members to publicise that the scheme is in need of additional volunteer drivers. 14/128 Member questions to the Town Clerk Cllr Hutchence enquired about the cost and necessity for the meeting microphone system. Cllr Forbes referred Cllr Hutchence to the Operations Committee minutes and reported that he received comments from members of the public that they had found it difficult to hear members during meetings. Cllr Bancroft requested that the Town Clerk invite representative of Cheshire East Council to attend the January Council meeting to discuss the King St enhancement project. 14/129 To receive a report of Mayoral Duties The Mayor reported on attendance at the events detailed in Annex B. The Mayor extended his thanks to officers and the community for the fantastic Christmas weekend events and to all stallholders who donated prizes towards raising funds for the Mayor’s charity and good cause. 14/130 Public Participation No members of the public wished to address the Council. 14/131 To note the date of the next meeting Members noted the date. Knutsford Town Council ANNNEX A Payment Schedule 08/12/2014 Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref 11/11/2014 SLCC 3705 11/11/2014 SLCC 3706 11/11/2014 Mereside Brass 3707 100.00 AKG 256.00 AKG 20.00 Personnel 11/11/2014 Knutsford Promenades 3708 4,000.00 Events 11/11/2014 Ansa Environmental Services 3709 517.25 Events 11/11/2014 Burrows Communications Ltd 3710 5,160.00 Environment Transaction Detail TC Membership Community Governance Registration Crib Service Band Contribution to 2015 Event Pumpkin Path Road Closure Town Guides Reprint 11/11/2014 Cheshire East Council 3711 52.30 AKG 11/11/2014 Chilli Cactus Limited 3712 293.00 Events Christmas Flyers Wallwood – Use of parking bays 11/11/2014 Commercial Caretakers 3713 234.00 AKG Offices Cleaning Oct 14 11/11/2014 Dixon Rigby Keogh 3714 406.00 AKG Registration of Wallwood 11/11/2014 Envisage Promotions Limited 3715 273.56 Events Santa Hire 11/11/2014 Festive Lighting Company 3716 13,984.56 Events 3,652.20 AKG Christmas Light Hire 11/11/2014 Fisher German 3717 11/11/2014 Juliette Hamilton Design 3718 50.00 Environment 11/11/2014 Steve Ikin Limited 3719 1,078.00 Environment 11/11/2014 KDE Ltd 3720 11/11/2014 Ash Waste Services DD01 355.36 AKG Market Waste Nov 11/11/2014 Opus Energy DD02 254.17 AKG Oct Electricity (Market) 13/11/2014 Office Furniture Online 3721 784.80 Operations Market Tables & Chairs 72.00 Operations 60 King St – Management Fees Elvis Replacement Antlers Bench Repairs Market Hall Electricity Works 13/11/2014 Snaggers Amazing Balloons 3722 130.00 AKG Christmas Light Switch On 13/11/2014 West Mercia Supplies 3723 111.78 AKG Stationery / Market Costs / Fire Extinguisher 13/11/2014 Pear Technology Services Ltd 3724 432.00 Operations Mapping Software Licence & LR 13/11/2014 KDE Ltd 3725 396.00 Operations Emergency Lighting Work (Market) 13/11/2014 iPrint Cheshire 3726 506.40 Events Business Welcome Pack Printing 13/11/2014 Sarah Raisbeck 3727 60.00 AKG Bugler at Remembrance Sunday 13/11/2014 Techno Type 3728 81.50 AKG Posters (Christmas Events) 13/11/2014 Dixon Rigby Keogh 3729 3,600.00 AKG 13/11/2014 PC World 3730 104.48 AKG 13/11/2014 Orange DD03 39.00 AKG October Mobile Costs 13/11/2014 Baker Boothman Edy 3731 24.12 AKG Xmas Electricity (2011/12/13) 13/11/2014 TechnoType 3732 64.56 AKG Xmas Electricty (2011/12/13) 13/11/2014 The Pudding Club 3733 9.84 AKG Xmas Electricty (2011/12/13) 13/11/2014 The Men's Room 4734 15.12 AKG Xmas Electricty (2011/12/13) 13/11/2014 Edmunson Electrical 3735 3.00 AKG Xmas Electricty (2011/12/13) 13/11/2014 Dixon Rigby Keogh 3736 103.00 AKG Allot Registry / Consideration 19/11/2014 Payroll PAYROLL 22/11/2014 Abigail Chetham 3737 22/11/2014 Jacob Phillips 3738 02/12/2014 Knutsford Old Folks Club 3739 28.00 Events 02/12/2014 The Joshua Tree 3740 350.00 Events 7,707.64 AKG 75.00 AKG 150.00 Allotment Transfer Legal Costs Microsoft Publisher November Payroll Talent Factor Prize Talent Factor Prize Jubilee Hall - Lantern W/shop Donation - Mark Radcliffe – Xmas Lights 03/12/2014 L Benskin 3741 32.59 AKG Expenses 03/12/2014 C Stuart-West 3742 53.01 AKG Expenses 03/12/2014 N Forbes 3743 103.65 AKG 03/12/2014 A Keppel-Garner 3744 85.48 AKG 03/12/2014 Cranford Cafe 2750 286.25 AKG Catering @ two events (Rem Sun / Lions) 03/12/2014 AA SIGNS 3745 674.16 Events Xmas Market AA Road Signs 03/12/2014 Belle Epoque Limited 3746 1,584.00 AKG Mileage Claim Expenses 60 King St - Ceiling Repair Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref 03/12/2014 Berrys Ltd 3747 76.80 AKG Xmas Road Closure Signs 03/12/2014 Event Buddha Limited 3748 2,786.40 Events Christmas Event - Staging 03/12/2014 Commercial Caretakers 3749 286.80 LB Transaction Detail Offices Cleaning - Nov 2014 03/12/2014 Dixon Rigby Keogh 3751 28.00 AKG 03/12/2014 Dimension Projects Limited 3752 2,600.00 Events Disbursements: Market Transfer 03/12/2014 KDE Ltd 3753 132.00 Operations Electrical Remedial Works (Market) Knutsford Hosts Costs (jackets/consultancy) 03/12/2014 THE LEAFLET TEAM 3754 453.00 AKG Indoor Market - Xmas Promo 03/12/2014 Knutsford Little Theatre 3755 100.00 AKG Talent Factor Venue Hire 03/12/2014 Niche Event Hire 3756 8,653.80 Events Niche - Christmas Market 03/12/2014 People and Places Partnership 3757 1,200.00 Events People & Places Signage Review Bird Dropping Removal Nov 14 (60 King St) 03/12/2014 Rentokill Pest Control 3758 5,660.40 AKG 03/12/2014 Techno Type 3759 7.99 AKG 03/12/2014 Vision ICT Ltd 3760 66.00 AKG Biennial fee for 03/12/2014 Knutsford Window Cleaners 3761 40.00 AKG Window Cleaners 03/12/2014 West Mercia Supplies 3762 17.19 LB Stationery 03/12/2014 FP Teleset DD1 72.00 AKG Quarterly Rental Franking 03/12/2014 The Royal Bank of Scotland DD2 10.00 AKG Payroll Charge 03/12/2014 Gusto Restaurants Ltd 3764 184.80 AKG 03/12/2014 Northwich Mayor's Xmas Charity 3763 44.00 AKG Civic Tickets 03/12/2014 CURZON CINEMAS 3765 72.00 AKG Scoping Meeting Room Hire 03/12/2014 British Telecom DD Total Payments 178.47 AKG Poster Print (Market) Xmas Post Meeting Refreshments Phone / Broadband 71,023.43 14/28 Knutsford Town Council Charge Card Payment Schedule Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref 11/11/2014 Booths CP10 11/11/2014 WM Morrison 11/11/2014 Trophy Store 11/11/2014 Pre-paid Finance Solutions CP-FEES 19/11/2014 Musgrove Willows CP13 114.00 Events 26/11/2014 Amazon CP15 17.37 AKG Transaction Detail 4.49 AKG Coffee CP11 2.50 AKG Orange Juice (Remembrance) CP12 24.93 AKG Total Payments 2.00 AKG Talent Trophies Card Fees (Oct/Nov) Lantern Making Materials Table Cloth 165.29 14/28 ANNNEX B Mayoral Engagements November / December 2014 Date 23/10/2014 24/10/2014 24/10/2014 29/10/2014 02/11/2014 04/11/2014 09/11/2014 09/11/2014 09/11/2014 09/11/2014 11/11/2014 13/11/2014 15/11/2014 15/11/2014 16/11/2014 19/11/2014 20/11/2014 22/11/2014 27/11/2014 28/11/2014 29/11/2014 29/11/2014 30/11/2014 02/12/2014 05/12/2014 06/12/2014 07/12/2014 Event North West in Bloom Awards WW1 Photos at The Heritage Centre North West in Bloom Awards Knutsford Hosts Welcome Event Nantwich Civic Service Young Leaders in Service Partner Meeting Remembrance Sunday – St Cross Service Remembrance Sunday – St John’s Service Remembrance Sunday – Memorial Hospital Remembrance Sunday – Tatton Park Remembrance Day at KTC Offices Promote Knutsford Forum Macmillan Cancer Support Choral Concert Handel's Messiah Knutsford Youth Orchestra Choir Tatton Estate Management Drinks Party The Welcome AGM Knutsford has the Talent Factor Tatton Park Town & Parish Council Liaison Meeting Pantomania Christmas Market Raffle Stall Christmas Lights Switch On Crib Service Cubs & Beavers Carol Service Loo of the Year Awards Christmas Tree Festival & Lantern Parade Northwich Mayor’s Charity Lunch Attended By Mayor Mayor Deputy Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor 14/28 Report to: Full Council Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 12th January 2014 8 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk & RFO Subject: Budget and Precept 2015/16 Reserves The Finance Committee recommends the Council reserves for 2015/16 are set as per the table below. The earmarked reserve for the market is to consist of the existing reserve plus any surplus generated by the market during the current year, presently estimated at £8,000. General Reserve E/M Works E/M Market E/M King Street E/M War Memorial St Johns Wood Community Centre Current 95,000 50,000 23,000 15,000 5,000 36,000 2015/16 95,000 50,000 31,000 15,000 10,000 Total 224,000 201,000 Precept Calculation Projected Bank Balance 31/03/2015 (including current reserves) 2015 Reserves Surplus (a-b) Budget Expenditure 2015/16 Budget Income 2014/15 Net Budget Expenditure 263,467 201,000 58,617 459,306 152,843 306,463 Precept Required (f-c) 247,846 Precept Band D Equivalent 2014/15 225,207 40.01 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 2015/16 247,846 44.01 Recommendation Since the Finance Committee meeting where the budget was recommended to Council, the calculation has been adjusted in accordance with: a) Increase in projected income next financial year by £600 2 b) Increase in yearend bank balance by 1,000 1 2 Contribution from High Legh Parish Council towards the CAB service Payment from Northwest Funfairs (Christmas Event) 1 This has the effect of reducing the required precept from the recommended level of £249,446 to £247,846. It is therefore recommended that Council approve the draft 2015/16 budget enclosed and set the 2015/16 precept at £247,846 representing a 10% increase in precept requirement. Knutsford Town Council Payment Schedule 12/01/2015 Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref 17/12/2014 December Payroll PAYROLL 17/12/2014 L Benskin 3772 11.96 AKG Batteries 06/01/2015 Cheshire East Council 3773 40.00 AKG Lottery Licence (Civic Ball) 06/01/2015 L Benskin 3774 4.99 AKG 06/01/2015 E Hutchinson 3775 74.85 AKG Refund of Munch 3 Ticket 06/01/2015 Cllr Forbes 3776 91.00 AKG Civic Mileage 06/01/2015 Fisher German 3777 594.00 Operations Indoor Market Survey 06/01/2015 Commercial Caretakers 3778 288.00 AKG Cleaning Cover 06/01/2015 Manchester Community Pipe Band 3779 500.00 AKG Rem Sun / Xmas / Lantern Parade 06/01/2015 Signs of Good Taste 3780 260.00 Operations Market Sign 06/01/2015 West Mercia Supplies 3781 16.54 AKG 06/01/2015 MBC Badge Company 3782 163.50 EGP Former Mayor's Cadet Badges 06/01/2015 Ansa Environmental Services 3783 105.00 AKG Christmas Support (signage) 06/01/2015 Techno Type 3784 17.03 LB 06/01/2015 Ash Waste Services DD01 9.24 AKG 06/01/2015 EE DD02 39.32 AKG 06/01/2015 FP Teleset DD03 150.00 LB Postage 06/01/2015 Siemens DD04 285.37 AKG Quarterly Copier Lease Fee 06/01/2015 Orange DD05 3.98 AKG 06/01/2015 EE DD 06/01/2015 Macclesfield Charter Trustees 3545C -60.00 AKG Cancellation of Cheque 06/01/2015 Dixon Rigby Keogh 3736C -103.00 AKG Cancellation (returned) 06/01/2015 Business By Technology Ltd DD05 179.27 AKG 07/01/2015 CE Citizens Advice Bureau 3785 2,250.00 Council 07/01/2015 Loch Fyne Seafood and Grill 3786 937.65 AKG Total Payments Amount Paid Authorized Ref 8,145.51 AKG 60.00 AKG 14,064.21 Transaction Detail December Payroll Office Coffee/Sugar Toilet Rolls A4 Laminator Pouches Excess Weight Charges (Market) Mobile Costs Dec Final Orange Mob Costs Mischarge (refunded) Nov Copier Usage Funding of Service to 31/03/15 Munch with the Mayor 3 Knutsford Town Council Charge Card List of Payments made between 04/12/2014 and 07/01/2015 Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref 10/12/2014, Webfusion Ltd CP17 17/12/2014 Envato CP18 17/12/2014 Booths CP19 4.20 AKG Refreshments (Xmas Meeting) 06/01/2015 Pre-paid FS CP-FEE4 3.00 AKG Card Fees Total Payments Amount Paid Authorized Ref 8.38 Neighbourhood Plan Committee 39.39 NP Committee 54.97 Transaction Detail Neighbourhood Plan Domain Wordpress Theme (NP Website) Knutsford Town Council Civic Account Income Schedule Date Cash Received from Receipt No Receipt Description Receipt Total 18/12/2014 Smalldridge 160/BACS Munch 3 Income 99.80 23/12/2014 Benskin 160/BACS Munch 3 Income 50.00 23/12/2014 Fielding 162/BACS Munch 3 Income 49.90 23/12/2014 Munch 3 Income 160/156 Munch 3 Income 204.25 06/01/2015 Lewis/Pegg 164/157 Munch 3 Income 75.00 Total Receipts 478.95 Knutsford Town Council Current/ Deposit Account Income Schedule 05/12/2014 to 07/01/2015 Date Cash Received from Receipt No Receipt Description Receipt Total 05/12/2014 Mitchell 140/232 Market Income (Nov/Dec) 08/12/2014 Civic Account TRF Talent/Munch 2 Costs 16/12/2014 Cooke 152/DP January Market Fees 260.00 16/12/2014 Westbury 147/DP January Market Fees 190.36 18/12/2014 Jamieson 157/233 Fish Stall Dec 18/12/2014 Sales 158/233 Batteries for Lanterns 18/12/2014 Northwest Funfairs 19/12/2014 Jamieson 19/12/2014 Nxtep Personal Training 29/12/2014 Brade 30/12/2014 1,320.83 60.00 Fairground at Christmas Weekend 159/234 466.56 Fish Stall Jan 5.00 1,000.00 60.00 Residents Pack Advert 150.00 153/DP January Market Fees 551.00 Royal Bank of Scotland Interest Interest 578.38 02/01/2015 Bolshaw 149/SO January Market Fees 681.92 02/01/2015 Brown 150/SO January Market Fees 331.93 02/01/2015 Brown 151/SO January Market Fees 778.61 02/01/2015 Emmess 148/SO January Market Fees 397.92 05/01/2015 Clare Illingworth Residents Pack Advert 150.00 06/01/2015 EE PL720 Refund 06/01/2015 Mitchell 146/235 January Market Fees 06/01/2015 Knutsford Lions 60.00 Repayment of YLIS Refresments Total Receipts 233.28 86.25 7,362.04 Printed on : 10/12/2014 Page No 1 Knutsford Town Council At : 11:37 Current/ Deposit Account List of Payments made between 04/12/2014 and 10/12/2014 Date Paid Payee Name Cheque Ref Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail 10/12/2014 Knutsford Lions 3766 500.00 Finance Millennium Bursary 10/12/2014 10/12/2014 Event Buddha Limited 3767 180.00 AKG Talent Factor - Equipment Steve Ikin Limited 3768 183.00 Ops/Env Canute Info board fitting 10/12/2014 Jacques Landscapes Limited 3769 9,609.60 Operations Wallwood Paths 10/12/2014 Shaw and Sons Limited 3770 1,022.40 Environment 241796/710/KTC162 10/12/2014 Silk 106.9 FM 3771 714.00 Events 326814/711/KTC175 10/12/2014 Opus Energy DD 253.63 AKG Market Elec 02/11-01/12 10/12/2014 Business By Technology Ltd DD 136.22 LB Copier Usage- Nov & Dec 10/12/2014 The Royal Bank of Scotland Direct Deb Total Payments 10.00 AKG Payroll Charge - November 12,608.85 APPROVED BY FINANCE COMMITTEE 15/12/14 Report to: Full Council Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 12th January 2015 15 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Local Council Award Scheme Background The council was accredited a “Quality Council” in c.2010 under the old quality council scheme. The scheme had since been put in abeyance and a new scheme developed. As a holder of Quality Status, the council has automatically been awarded Foundation Status for 1 year. New Scheme 1 The full scheme details are enclosed for reference . th The Local Council Award Scheme was launched on 7 January 2015 replacing the former Quality Council Scheme. The scheme is split into three levels of award: Foundation – demonstrates the council meets the minimum requirements for operating lawfully and according to a standard practice Quality - demonstrates that a council achieves good practice in governance community engagement and council improvement. Quality Gold - demonstrates that a council is at the forefront of best practice and achieves excellence in governance, community leadership and council development. Underpinning the scheme are the following three principles: • • • Good governance Community leadership Council development To achieve the awards the Council resolves that it meets certain requirements (see full scheme) such as providing certain information online or having a register of assets. It then notifies the accreditation panel coordinator who will carry out spot-checks to confirm that the documentation and information is in place, up-todate and complies with guidance. For the Quality Gold award the Council must also prepare 4 statements on how it meets certain requirements. Accreditation lasts for four years and the council may seek re-accreditation at the same level after four years. If it does not achieve a new accreditation or re-accreditation within three months of the four-year end-date, it loses its award. Although some circumstances may change, the council will not lose its award unless a 1 Or can be viewed online: significant event such as an audit, employment tribunal, court case or police investigation demonstrates the council’s poor performance. Benefits to the Council Achieving accreditation under the scheme gives partners confidence that the council is delivering to a national professional standard and contributes to the national reputation of local councils. It provides the council with recognition and respect for commitment and hard work and provides assurance of being up-to-date and progressive. Achieving an Award As a Council previously accredited to Quality Status, the Council has automatically been given the Foundation Award for one year. The Town Clerk believes the council is currently 73% towards achieving Foundation Award, 73% towards achieving a Quality award and 63% towards achieving Quality Gold. Assuming members wish the Council to be accredited with Quality Gold status the following action plan is recommended: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Personnel Committee is tasked with developing a Training Policy for both members and employees to be approved by Council The Town Clerk develops a business plan for approval by Council; developed in accordance with the 2020 Vision and the remit of the committees. The Town Clerk prepares the statements required for Quality Gold for circulation prior to approval by Council The Environment Committee is tasked with developing a Community Engagement policy The Town Clerk ensures all information required to be published online is on the Town Council websites. As a Quality Council under the old scheme, the Council is entitled to a 25% discount on the accreditation fees; 2 making the total fees for seeking Quality Gold Status £200 Decisions Required 1) 2 Does the Council wish to seek Quality Gold accreditation under the Local Council Award Scheme as outlined? Registration fee = £50, Quality Gold accreditation fee = £200 (reduced to £150). Report to: Full Council Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 12th January 2014 16 A Keppel-Garner Town Clerk Subject: Community Work Placement Background Seetec has been appointed to deliver the Community Work Placement Scheme for the Department for Work and Pensions. The Community Work Placement is a mandatory work placement of benefit to the community for 30 hours per week lasting up to 26 weeks. Seetec has appointed to deliver the scheme for two years. Seetec made an approach to Town and Parish Councils through ChALC in December looking for organisations which could offer a work placement. The Town Clerk met with a representative of Seetec to discuss how the Town Council could potentially assist in the delivery of the programme by creating a community work placement. The Town Clerk believes a placement could be created to assist with: 1) 2) 3) Archiving historical documents held by the Town Council including the digitisation of photographs and documents to make them more available to the public. Supporting the general administration of the Town Council Assisting with the organisation of events Benefits to the Council Aside from the benefit of having an additional person to assist with some tasks it would allow the Council to get its archive of documents and photographs catalogued and made available to the public. The opportunity of gaining experience in a work placement aims to give long term unemployed people the skills, experience and help they need to get jobs and to stay in jobs. Process The placements are for individuals who have been out of work for a period of 2 years and are to be for 30 hours over 4 days per week. Should the Council wish to create a placement, Seetec would provide details of a number of suitable candidates for the Council to choose from allowing the Council to pick both the most suitable candidate and potentially to specify that a candidate be a resident of Knutsford. Financial Implications There are no direct costs to the Council for being part of the scheme. Seetec make a nominal payment of £380 1 to the Town Council for providing the placement . Decision Required Does the Council wish to offer a placement through the Community Work Placements programme as outlined? 1 Weeks 1-12 = £15, 13-22 = £10 and Week 23 = £100. Report to: Full Council Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Prepared By: 12 January 2015 19 Clare Stuart-West Subject: Mayoral Engagements 9 December 2014 – 12 January 2015 Date 11/12/2014 13/12/2014 14/12/2014 16/12/2014 18/12/2014 20/12/2014 24/12/2014 25/12/2014 07/01/2015 09/01/2015 Event Knutsford Academy production of ‘Hairspray’ Tatton Singers with Bexton Juniors: Choral Xmas Concert Knutsford Unitarian Chapel Carol Service St John’s Wood Lunch Club Christmas Party Winsford TC Christmas Carol Service & Tree of Lights Children's Christmas Art Competition Awards Knutsford Methodist Christmas Midnight Communion Knutsford Lions Christmas Day Luncheon Munch with the Mayor at Loch Fyne Showmen’s Guild of GB Annual Lunch Attended By Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Deputy Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor Mayor
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