•'.". 3'.. • i -7 Tnursday, November 30, THE CAN1STE0 TIME3..CANISTEO. S T E V B E N C O U M Y . NEW YORK fat* feds' •4- Monday, December 4 song by LeHa Green; Jeltf e a t i n g i b k w n from the tool shed, MRS. SYMONDS HONORED lar t r e 6: SO p .m. Chancel choir rehearsal « n e * r the Lawrence Mrs. Paul Symonds and Mrs. contest. David Davis and,Charles 1 A P«P 7:30 p jn. Girls Bible study class George Symonds entertained Fri- Fox vs. Earl Miller and Cart E s - i Stewart farm home fell on the under the leadership of Mrs. V. day evening, honoring Mrs. Elwin tes, with the former winners; a T h o u s e - d o i n * considrable damage. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Dartt, Wat kins; Mr. and Mrs. Wightman. • THANKSGIVING GUESTS Symonds. A very pleasant evening Thanksgiving prayer by Minnie Fruit trees were damaged or deWednesday, December a fWOODMLL. N. Y.. Nov. 28—Mr. Charles Grover of Painted Post; was enjoyed with Mrs. J. F. Mur- Cilley and a profile drawing con- stroyed. Electric power was main- Rev. William J. Sample, Pastor Friday, December 1 and Mrs. Myron Austin, Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Hotaling and phy, Mrs. W. P. Symonds, Mrs. teat won by Kenneth Rogers and tained. 8:30 p. m. Junior group choir reGloria and Nyht Austin, Mr. and three sons, Addison; Mr. and Mrs. Elon Symonds, Mrs. Edward An- Charles Fox, was presented by the SOUTH HOWARD PERSONALS 1:00 p. m.: The Greenwood Street hearsal. Mrs. Vernon Austin and Jimmie of Elwyn Hotaling and children and drews, Mrs. Robert Mason, Mrs. lecturer. A special meeting for (Next to Post Office) 7:30 p. m. Mid-week service. An Mrs. Ranger Edgett and son Tens will meet In the Perish House. Troupsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Dobert the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brown. Mrs. M. K. Husted, A tureen luncheon will precede the hour of Christian fellowship and Lewis attended the Eddie Spoo conferring first and second degrees ;• ————— Morton and Marcia. Mr. and Mrs. Hotaling. Mrs. Swltzer and Miss Jacklyn will be held November 80. An at- program at Totten's store in Can- business meeting and annual elec- Bible study. We are currently Wayne Loper and Miss Mary Esstudying the Gospel of Lulie, and THANKSGIVING HOSTS SwiUer, Mrs. Kala Damon, Mrs. tendance contest between the men Isteo, Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs- tion of officers. ther Loper and Harold Symonds 9:30 p. m : Junior choir rehearsal. invite all interested to share It Thanksgiving dinner guests of Minnie Casinelli, Mrs. Margery Sy- and women with Isabelle Dyer and Harvey Litteer of Churchville spent ge had dinner, Thursday, with Mr. Mr .and Mrs. Sterle Olin were Mr. 7:30 p. m.: Senior choir rehearsal. with us. Thursday and Friday at their farm monds, Mrs. Winifred Wade, Mrs. Gerald Rogers as captains, will and Mrs. Gerald Preston. and Mrs. Robert Elliott and chil- Mary Davis, Miss Joyce Austin, run between December and Feb-' here.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest PfitzSunday, December 8 8:80 p. m. Choir rehearsal. dren of Knoxville, Pa.; Mr. and | Mrs. Alma Bebout, Mrs. Frances ruary. 10:00. a. m.: Church school. AT JACKSON SUMMIT Sunday, December 10 enmaier and son Billy attended the 11:00 a. m.: Worship service. Mr. and Mrs. Elon Friends, Mr. Mrs. William Olin, Ashley and Shumway, Mrs. Mary Heckman, This is the date of the Annual Pleezing fall festival of Alfred Ag. Tech. in IS IMPROVING and Mrs. Mllford Friends and fam- Omy Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Mildred Heckman. Mrs. WinMrs. William Paul, a patient in Alfred, Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. Clar- First Sunday in Advent. Sermon by Choral Christmas Vasper service. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rude Olin, Elaine and Peggy Lou, Mr. ifred Heckman, Mrs. Cora Rogers Arnot-Ogden hospital, Elmira, Is ence Bossard attended the donkey the pastor: "The Secret of True You are cordially Invited to be apd fajnily, J £ r ^ and Mrs. Hugh Lee and Joyce Ann of Jasper; Mr. and son, Mrs. Louise Symonds, Miss making satisfactory recovery from basketball game in the Canisteo Peace of Mind." Make a new start with us at that time. Pleezing Friends and 'family and Mr. and and Mrs. Gerald Olin, Connie Lou Laura Symonds, Mrs. Joyce Mor- a major operation performed last central school, Tusday evening.— in your life by attending church Mrs. Richard Friends and chil- and Jon of Osceola; Mr. and Mrs. ton, Mrs. Veronica Smith, Mrs. week. Ernest Pfltzenmaier and son (Billy during Advent. TOUNG HICKORY BAPTIST dren spent Thursday with Mr. and Carl Carpenter, Norman and David, Susie Boyd, Mrs. Norma Symonds, attended the FFA father and son 6:30 p. m.: Westminster Fellow- Rev. Marlon P. Wheeler, Pastor AIDED HUNTERS Dennis, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Charles Smith at Jackson Gertrude and Grant Symonds of j M r ( J n^M Earl Brown and Howard Leach- banquet, in Canisteo central school, ship for young people. Sunday, December 8 Summit. Greene. • Monday, December 4 | Park, Mrs. Betty Henry, Mrs. Ol- were in Corning Friday morning Thursday evening. — The Herbert 10:00 a. m.: Sunday school. ELKLAND VISITORS 7:30 p. m.: The trustees of the THURSDAY GUESTS thea Taft, Mrs. Eleanor Fuller, Mrs. with the Smith ambulance to re- family has moved from the upper 11:00 a. m.: Worship service. Oysters . Mr. and Mrs. John R. Colvln, Virginia Hargrave, Mrs. Symonds, move, the hunters who were ser- Dayey farm to the Lloyd Palmer church will meet in the pastor's Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wheatcraft On Dec. 7„ the Thursday club entertained at a family gathering. Mrs. Harry Nugent, Mrs. Elon Sy- guest of honor and the hostesses. iously injured when a panel truck;, farmhouse.—Mr. and Mrs. Ernest study. will meet with Mrs. E. L. Plaisted. mar, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kil- monds, Mrs. TenBroeck, Mr. and Wednesday, December 7 operated by Lester Aldrich of this Pfltzenmaier and sons attended the FIVE MILE HIKE A freewill-offering dinner will be mer and daughters Sally, Ella and Mrs. Homer Morton, Mrs. Jeffrey Midweek service. Subject: "The served at noon. Each member is Last Thursday 21 Boy Scouts of place, ran into them as they stood 49th wedding anniversary observRosanna of Weston, W. Va., Thurs- Smith, Mrs. Charles Peters and troop 39 with the assistant scout by the side of the road. The ac- ance of Mr. and Mrs. Bart Conlon, Holy Spirit." This is part of a asked to bring a small gift for day. Miss Laura Symonds and P.D.D. masters David Davis and Jeffrey cident occurred on the Woodhull- at their home on Col. Bill's creek, study of Basic Christian Beliefs as exchange of Christmas presents. recently.—Mrs. Vinnie Edgett spent outlined in the Apostles' Creed. Mrs. Mona Husted of Woodhull Smith Jr. met at the Methodist Addison road. FAMILY GATHERING Dec. 8, our December Sunday Thanksgiving with her son, Ranger (Everyone welcome. Mr And Mrs. George Hotaling chapter OES visited Elkland chap- church at 6 a. m. and went for a SUDDEN DEATH school fellowship will be held with Edgett, and family.—Mr. and Mrs. entertianed at a family gathering, ter, Tuesday evening. It was the five-mile hike, cooking their breakWord was received Sunday by Friday, December 8 Mr. and Mrs. Fay Eddy. Saturday evening. Present were annual visitation of their district fast of bacon, eggs and potatoes, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Williams Cash, Willis and family attended 1:00 p. m.: The East Main Street NEW STORE HOURS the funeral of her brother, Lynn Mrs, Susan Ferry of Presho; Mr. deputy, R.W. Mildred Thomas. Two en route. of %he sudden death Sunday, of Tens will meet at the Parish House SKATING PARTY and Mrs. Lee Bartlett and Frank candidates were initiated. DEER HUNTERS Mrs! Shirley Keiger of East Beth- Karr, at the family home near Ark- for a tureen luncheon and election 8:00 a. m. to 6:30 j>. m . The members of Gamma Kappa Successful hunters were Robert any. Mrs. Keiger was formerly port, Sunday. Mr. Karr was killed of officers. Closed Sundays Theta Rho held an enjoyable skatMorgan, Fay Hargrave, Merle Her- Miss Shirley Rosemark and was while operating a tractor. — Mrs. Sunday, December 17 ing party at Dansvllle, recently William Thompson of Howard is a rington, Gus Aldrich and Harold married four weeks ago to Robert The Christmas Communion will Symonds. Keiger of Alexandria, where they patient in Bath Memorial hospital be observed at the morning service Twenty-eight girls made the trip. planned to make their home. Mr. with injuries received when she and the annual church school FRIDAY HOSTESS Mrs. Elon Friends entertained and Mrs. Keiger called on Mr. and fell at her home. Her eyesight has Christmas program will be presentbeen impaired for some time. Mr. Friday evening honoring Mrs. Rich- Mrs. Williams a week ago. and Mrs. Thompson were foranerly ed at the vesper service at 4 p. m. MAJOR OPERATION ard Friends. The guests were Sunday, December 24 Ray Colegrove is recovering from residents of Buena Vista.—Mr. and Mrs. Earle Calkins, Mrs. Lula Christmas E v e : There will be Mrs. Harold Berry and children Wormley, Mrs. Reva Friends, Mrs. a major operation performed at secial music by the choir at the Beverly Hackett, Mrs. Eleanor Ful- the Corning hospital last Wednes- visited her sister and family, in morning worship service at 11:00 Dover, N. J., over the week end. ler, Mrs. Barbara Friends, Mrs. day. a. m. Plans are also being discussed Norine Wheatcraft, Mrs. Rena MEET SATURDAY NIGHT for a special Christmas Eve service Friends and the guest of honor. Regular meeting of the OES will of carols and candlelighting at Games, Dolls ,Toys — They're All be held Saturday night. As the WOODHULL GRANGE 11:00 p. m. Here in a Gala Array. Gifts to Suit At the meeting of Woodhull contest ended in a tie, the whole During the Advent season, Rev. Grange, Saturday evening, the first chapter will unite in a tureen supSemple will continue his series of the Fancy of Every Youngster. and second degrees were conferred per on Saturday evening. Supper sermons on the theme "The Meanon Charles Fox, Earl Estes, James will be served at 7 p. m. Coffee ing of the Good News of the ChrisTHANKSGIVING GUESTS Murphy, Mary Cronk, Alfreda and rolls will be provided. All tian Faith." NORTH JASPER, N. Y., Nov. 28 Towsley, Elaine Grant, Viola Cal- members are expected to bring —Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Dennis had kins and Gertrude Drlscoll. A table service and a dish to pass. WESLEYAN METHODIST as their guests on Thanksgiving program, "Thanksgiving", by IsaTURKEY SUPPER Rev. Calvin R. Stopp, Pastor Day her parents, Mr. and Mrs. belle Dyer; accordion music and The annual turkey supper and John Stewart, his brothers and Friday,. December 1 Every woman takes pride in her dlnbazaar of the WSCS will be held their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Earl nerware — whether she's a bride of a 7:30 p. m. special services with Tuesday, December 5, in Hopper Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rev. Claude Ries Houghton speak- week or 50 years. See our gorgeous patCITATION trns in pottery — and Chinaware — from The People of the State of New Memorial hall. All knids of fancy Stewart all of Coopers, also the ing; also Saturday, Dec. 2; Sunday, Starter Sets to Service for 12. York, to all the heirs at law, known work, a parcel post sale and candy newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. John O. Dec. 3. Hosiery, Lingerie and Many or unknown, of Emegene Nivison will be on sale. Supper will be Dennis. Sunday, December 3 Caaterline, and to Hon. Nathaniel served from 5:30 on. 12 PIECE STARTER SETS FOR 4 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. IN JASPER Other Practical Gifts to L. Goldstein, Attorney-General of 11:00 a. m. Worship service with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Stephens, 35 PIECE SETS FOR 6 the State of New York. Isaac Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Ries speaking. Brighten Her Christmas. 53 PIECE SETS FOR You are hereby cited to show 6:30 p. m. Young Peoples service. Earl Hayes, Ellen and Loren of cause before the Surrogate's Court Also children's service. this place, Mrs. Sara Lamson and 95 PIECE SET FOR • HOSIERY of Steuben County at the SurroWednesday, December 6 Mrs. Albe/ta Dibble and son, VERNE E. DARLING (Irregulars at Real Savings) gate's Office in the Village of Bath, 7:30 p. m. Prayer service. SOUTH HOWARD, N. Y., Nov. Stephen of Hornell spent Thanksin said County, on the 11th day of • NIGHTGOWNS giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. December, 1950, at ten o'clock in 28.—Verne E. Darling of Howard Clark Dennis in Jasper. RAPTIST CHURCH • HOUSEDRESSES the forenoon of that day, why the died in the Bath Memorial hospital Rev. George G. Upham, Pastoi after three weeks' illness, at tlje THANKSGIVING DINNER Last Will and Testament of Eme^ We Give S&H Green Stamps. Friday, December 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leland Dennis^ gene Nivison Casterliae, late o | age of 68 years. The Senior Philathea group will Mrs. Lottie Dennis and Warren Mr. Darling had been superin^ City of Hornell, Steuben County, meet with Mrs. Myra Roe for a New York, deceased, which relates tendent for the Julius Kayser Com "Dennis were Thanksgiving Day Chrismas party. 25c gifts will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne to both real and personal estate, pany in Walton for 25 years; trusexchanged. and is hereby presented for proof tee and mayor of Walton village Marsh. Sunday, December 3 RUFFALO GUESTS by Benjamin C. OeWitt of the City for 10 years, and had served sev10:00 a .m. Church school. A eral years as a member of the WalMrs. Lucy VanSkiver entertained of Hornell, New York, executor The Finest Patterns — Community, the New Daffodil "White Christmas Tree ceremonv CANISTEO MAIN ST. - PAULINE J. WILCOX therein named, should not be ad- ton board of education. He was a her daughter and family, Mr. and will be observed. Gifts suitable for member of Masonic Lodge No. 251 Mrs. Adrian Maxwell and daughter mitted to probate. Pattern Including Holloware, Rogers 1847, the Upstate Baptist Orphanage at IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. and of the Royal Arch chapter of Buffalo over the Thanksgiving Oneonta, and the City Christian Holmes and Edwards. We have caused the seal of our there, and a member of Howard weekend. "*•• Centers are solicited. Please wrap SATURDAY SHOWER said Surrogate's Court to be here- and Pomona Granges. He had made his home in Howard for the On Saturday evening there will gifts in white paper, and mark for unto affixed. past eight years. be a shower at the Grange Hall girl or boy. Gifts of money will en(L. S.) WITNESS, Hon. GEORGE able us to send gifts to their desSurvivors are his widow, Mrs. honoring the newlyweds, Mr. and tinations. W. PRATT, Surrogate of the Mrs. John O. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Anna M. Darling; two daughters, said County of Steuben, at 11:00 a. m. Worship service. Ser123 MAIN ST HORNELL PHONE 1091-J Bath, the 30th day of Octo- Mrs. Arthur Blizzard of Bath and Dennis are both members of Ban- mon, "The Lord's Family." A ner Grange. Mrs. Clarke Ballantine of Hamden; ber, 1950. 6:30 p. m. Youth Fellowships meeta brother, Rev. Roger Darling of NO. JASPER PERSONALS &/£&.; (Signed) ing. San Jose, Calif.; and one grandMr. and Mrs. Harold Hilts and HAROLD L. RICHARDSON, family of Canisteo spent several Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. child. Lewis Lodge of Howard held Ma- days last week visiting her parYour personal appearance is not required unless you wish to oppose sonic services, Saturday evening, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nowal.— in the funeral home. Funeral Miss Ellen Hayes spent the weekthe probate of this will. To: All the heirs at law, known or services were held Sunday from end visiting her grandmother, Mrs. unknown, of Emegene Nivison the McKee funeral home in Bath Sara Lamson, in Hornell.—Word with Rev. Samul R. McKinstry has been received here that Sgt. Casterline, And to: Hon. Nathaniel L. Gold- officiating. Burial was in Rural Charles Allen on his "way to his air 1948 CHEVROLET SPORT SEDAN *485 base in San Antonio, Texas, has bestein, Attorney-General of the State cemetery, Hornell. come snow bound in Ohio. His car Acting pallbearers were: H. P5 1941 OLDS 6 SEDANETTE $495 of New York, PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Hopkins, J. S. Fox, Clair Bennett, was stuck in the snow four times 1941 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN 9*96 the above citation is served up u n j Deyo Carroll, Guy Robbins and and finally was unable to proceed 1941 CHEVROLET 8-DOOR . " . . . . . . . . . (496 at all. —Many hunters are being you by publication in pursuance of | Louis R. Bennett. 1940 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 9396 Town officials acted as honorary entertained in the homes of this an order made by H^n. George W. vicinity.—Sgt. Charles Allen and 1940 P L Y M O U T H 4-DOOR . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . .""".".'."'.".'.'".".". $395 pallbearers. Pratt, Steuben County Surrogate, sister, Miss Arlene spent Thanks1940 C H E V R O L E T Z-DOOR 9396 Mr. and Mrs. Darling would have and entered in the Surrogate's ofgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 295 fice of the County of Steuben on observed their 50th wedding anni1939 FORD Z-DOOR • I Dennis.—Mr. and Mrs. James Marthe 30th* day of October, 1950. versary early in December. 1938 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR, CREAM PUFF • • • *2M latt, Marjorie, Jimmy, Darlene and Dated: October 31, 1950. WIND DAMAGE 1938 FORD Z-DOOR *195 Grayca, Elmer Butler. Mr. and Mrs. JOHN W. HOLLIS, Some damage was reported from O. B. Marlatt and Mr. and Mrs. NEW LH.C. CUB TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT $995 Attorney for Petitioner the severe wind and rain, Friday Office A Post Office Address night and Saturday. Older resi- Walter Marlatt, Jean, Walter Jr and Phyllis sp^nt Thanksgiving a' 125 Main Street dents claim it was the worst in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. TruHornell, J*ew York. years. At the Charles Rose farm, man Burd of Olean. The Karne W 45/4c/48 near Big Creek, the roof was family were unable to be present on account of whooping cough.— Mrs. Eldred Walrath and daughter Rose Marie, of Jasper, visited her When you're faced with the kind of of the Fire and Police Departments, the mother, Mrs. Elma Allen, on j Thanksgiving. Mrs. Mary Church ( Your Willys Dealer damage the wind did over the week end, Public Service Men and the State Agenspent Saturd«v and Sunday with TELEPHONE 9-Y-3 JASPER, N. Y. her mother.—Mr. and Mrs. Leland you've really got a job. cies who pitched in to clear away the Dennis and Mrs. Lottie Dennis attended the funeral rites of the late damage in record time. Our thanks, also, Rev. Frank Blish, pastor of the AU the emergency work is cleaned up Jasper M. E. Church, on Sunday.— to our neighbors who gave our employees Mr, and Mrs. George Dobbs and now. Most homes without electricity have VttMBfft Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Stuart snent a helping hand where they could. Thanksgiving at the home of Everit again — thanks to skilled service crews ett Holmes in Troupsburg.—MM. R, J. Sherwood of Northrup Hill who worked without rest to make reWe're grateful to our customers for ?pent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. O, B. Marlatt. pairs. bearing with us during the emergency. Churches Woodhull Department Shibley's Tide Sugar 2 1 . 57c 5 lbs. 49c Sauerkraut 2 lge. 25c Milk 4 cans 49c Hamburg lb. 59 pt. 79c Bacon Squares lb. 39c Sliced Bacon lb. 59, Mild Cheese lb. 59 Toy Headquarters DINNERWARE SILVERWARE North Jasper make the prettiest And for Her South SILVERWARE The Fashion Shoppe . . . WALDORF'S Enjoy the Holidays With One of These Fine M&^&mm^mmm^m.mmmmmm^m&&m — PRICED TO SELL — " Worst Storm Ever" Say Veteran Employees SEE U S FIRST EZY TERMS WE BUY - SELL - TRADE Harry ( . Potter When You Phone Hornell 2190 YOU RECEIVE Insurance mom With a proper standard of servbascd on the tradition of generations, Harold B. Crandall Jr. faithfully serves your beet Interests. CRANPALLfRANPALL Funeral Service Successor to Scranton Funeral Home N&w In f h# Fourth Generation Herald B. Crandall ana Harold B.CrandallJr. HAROLD B. CRANDALL Jr., Resident Manager TS'GREENWOOD ST., CANISTEO PHONE 4831 AND Your cooperation and patience helped Service MUCH MORE THAN A PIECE OF PAPER WITH A PROMISE Robert A. Sweeney Successor to Jacob Vickers Agency, Inc. 307 CJWISTEO ST. HORNELL, N. Y. PHONE 2190 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING It was a tough job — one we couldn't A public hearing will be held on December 4, 1960, at 11:00 a. m„ In the Civil Service Office, 30 E. Steuben St., Bath, N. Y., for the purpose of amending the Civil Service Rules in regard to veterans' credits in accordance with amendments to the Stale Constitution and Section 21 of the Civil Service Law. The full text of the above amend| ments is available for inspection at the office of the Steuben County Civil Service Commission at Bath % Y\, from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m STEUBEN COUNTY CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Attest: Dorothy Miller Secretary Dated: November 27, 1960. have finished as quickly as we did with- Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com us get the big job of restoring electricity done as quickly as it was. out the outstanding help and cooperation NEW YORK STATE ( $ ) ELECTRIC & UAS
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