OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH 131 Davis Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center and St. Bernard’s Oratory: 132 S. Fifth Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center hours 8 AM – 4 PM daily Monday thru Friday (except holidays) Phone: (610) 252-7381 • Fax: (610) 252-6757 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: www.olomercy.com Through Stewardship ~ Reaching Out With Love Pastoral Staff: Administrator: Rev. Keith Laskowski Permanent Deacon: Mr. Jose DeCastro Permanent Deacon: Mr. Henry Fleck, Jr. Catholic Ministry to the Sick: Rev. Elias D. Munyaneza, A.J. Easton Area Catholic Youth Group: Mrs. Kelly DeRaymond Business Manager: Parish Music Director: James Convery PREP Coordinator: Mrs. Johanna Florez Baptism/Bautismo: (Pre-registration is required) English Preparation Class: 7:00p.m. 1st Monday of Month Baptisms in English: Third Sunday of the Month 2:00p.m. Charlas Pre-Bautismales: Primer Domingo del mes Bautismos en Español: Segundo Domingo del mes 2:00p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday / Sabado 3:30 – 4:15p.m. at St. Bernard’s Oratory or by appointment at any time. Ministry to the Sick: Communion Call List/Homebound Visits: Call Parish center to be put on list. Hospital Calls/Last Rites: Notify your hospital staff. They will contact priest on call or dial 610-252-7381 x309. Religious Education/Educación Religiosa Notre Dame High School (610) 868-1431 Parish Religious Education Program Classes are held: Sunday/Domingo 8:45 – 10:15a.m. Grades 1-8 and Special Sacramental Programs in the Parish Center. For information call Johanna Florez at the Parish Center. Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LCP Confidential Telephone: (800) 791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sr. Meg Cole, S.S.J. - Telephone: (610) 866-0581 January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord SATURDAY VIGIL MASS: St. Bernard’s Oratory 4:30p.m. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: St. Bernard’s Oratory 7:30a.m. (English) 9:00a.m. (English) 10:30a.m. (English) 12:00noon (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES: St. Bernard’s Oratory Monday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Tuesday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Wednesday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. 7:00p.m. (Spanish) Thursday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. Friday: 8:00a.m. 12:10p.m. New Parishioners: WELCOME! See the Priest after Mass to register. BAPTISM OF THE LORD Upcoming Weekend Schedule January 17th & 18th Mass Schedule 4:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Marcia Colton Eucharistic Ministers: Susan Cordero Altar Servers: Campanelli Sisters Greeter: OUR LADY OF MERCY ST. BERNARD ORATORY Saturday, January 10 4:30 pm Leroy [Buddy) Stocker [Family] Leilliah Ramirez-2nd Ann. [Lilly Torres] Sunday, January 11, BAPTISM OF THE LORD 7:30 am John/Helen Hodge [Family] 9:00 am Michelle Durko [Evans Family] 10:30 am Andrew Hutchinson-5th Ann. [Mary Jane Bowen] 12:00 pm Monday, January 12 8:00 am Edward Rafferty [Marion Rafferty] 12:10 pm Spec. Int./Norma McGrath [Cimino Family] Tuesday, January 13 8:00 am Frank Search [Son] 12:10 pm Mary Fida [Family] Wednesday, January 14 8:00 am Spec. Int./Christine Buchanan [Cordero Family] 12:10 pm Dr. Leroy Indorato [Nancy J. Lazzara] 7:00 pm Thursday, January 15 8:00 am Alceo Calzetti [Piergallini Family] 12:10 pm Spec. Int. [Betty Smith] Friday, January 16 8:00 am Spec. Int./Robert Cordero [Cordero Family] 12:10 pm Parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Saturday January 17 4:30 pm Valerie Martin [Mother] Sunday, January 18, 2ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 am Dorothy Mangino 9:00 am John English [Family] 10:30 am Anthony/Mary Fida [Family] 12:00 pm 7:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Julie Gerancher Eucharistic Ministers: Frank Prekel Altar Servers: Steve Wallo Greeter: 9:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Richard Larkin Eucharistic Ministers: Tom Hess Altar Servers: Brandon Kummer Greeter: 10:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: David Kmetz Eucharistic Ministers: Dora Gaviria Altar Servers: Matthew Smickle, Michael Jablonski Greeter: Millie Reichard Collection Counters: Carmen/Lois DeFrancesco, Diane Wallo Katherine Malia During the flu season, Bishop Barres has suspended the Sign of Peace and the offering of wine from the chalice from January 2 until Holy Thursday, April 2. RESPONSORIAL PSALM: You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation. The Women’s Guild will have a meeting Thursday, January 15, at 1:30 pm, St. Bernard’s Oratory. New members are welcome. Budgeted Sunday Offering $7,500 December 27th & 28th - $7,142 January 3rd & 4th – $7,414 THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE will be selling gift certificates at the weekend Masses of Jan. 17 and Jan. 18 Please pray for our parishioners who died in December: Mafalda McGarvey, Dorothy Mangino, Margaret Akrep and Nellie McGary. 4:30 pm. – Pat Bleam 7:30 a.m. – Bill Scannell 9:00 a.m. – Mary Louise Evans 10:30 am – Nancy Bonfanti 2 204 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH January 11, 2015 Thank You The 42nd Annual March for Life will be held Thursday, January 22, 2015. There is a bus leaving Phillipsburg to attend the March or to visit the Basilica of the National Shrine. Also, there is a bus leaving from St. Jane’s to the March. OLOM Pro-Life Group will pay for the bus seat for all wanting to come with us. For more information, call the Klein’s 610-838-2817. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a word of gratitude to all who participated in making the Christmas Liturgies so beautiful. I appreciate the men and women who gave time to prepare our Church buildings. Both Our Lady of Mercy Church and St. Bernard Oratory were cleaned, decorated and transformed for the Christmas season. Thank you to Jim Convery, our music director, and Damian Rodriquez, our Spanish director, and our wonderful choirs who sang beautifully. Thank you also for your generous response to the Giving Tree. We gathered many gifts for young children and their families. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin who organized this important charity. Lastly, a special thank you for your cards, prayers, Christmas treats and other remembrances to Fr. Elias, Fr. Winne and myself during this beautiful season of Christmas. Your kindness is deeply appreciated “A Celebration of Christian Unity” An Ecumenical Prayer Service for all Christian Churches in the Easton Area will be held at St. Jane’s Church on Sunday, January 18, at 3:00 pm. Guest Speaker: Rev. Pat Honszer, Pastor, First Moravian Church. Free Tax Preparation Assistance Junior and senior accounting students from DeSales University will provide tax preparation assistance free of charge to senior citizens and those with lower incomes beginning Monday, January 19, through Friday, April 3. The program is part of the United States Internal Revenue Service’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Students are required to pass a test given by the IRS in order to receive certification to participate in the program. To schedule an appointment, call 610-2821100, ext. 1868. A DeSales student will return the phone call and provide assistance accordingly. Individuals needing assistance should bring all printed tax information and all documents pertaining to federal, state and local taxes with them to their appointment. Father Keith Catholic Schools Week January 25 – January 31 Open House St. Jane Frances de Chantal School Sunday, January 25, 11 am-3 pm Monday, January 26, thru Thursday, January 29, 9 am-1 pm Tuesday, January 27, - 5 pm-7 pm ABOUT BEING NEIGHBORLY… While we understand it is very convenient to park on the street in front of the church, our neighbors, who are so kind, have requested that our parishioners use the lot that the Parish provides for parking. The parking in front of their homes is the only parking they have for their cars. Please use the lot when attending mass and/or functions at the Oratory. Thank you for your understanding. Forks of the Delaware Serra Club will meet Tuesday, January 13, at St. Francis Retreat House: 6:15 pm-Mass, Rev. Stan Moczydlowski; 7 pm-Dinner (Reservations 610-252-3340); 7:45 pm-Deacon Joseph Bogusky. Just as we are gifted by the Lord for a special role in life, so too, are we called to be stewards of the gifts God has given us. The prayers a person says on his feet are just as important as those he says on his knees. Thought for the Week 3 204 BAPTISM OF THE LORD PREP January 2015 NO PREP Jan. 18th – MLK JR. Holiday Jan. 25th First Reconciliation Parent Meeting (Tentative date) English Only! February Feb. 1st Reunión de Padres de la Primera Reconciliación en español Feb. 7th First Reconciliation 11 am in St. Bernard’s Oratory. Bring a rock! Parents must accompany their child. Parents please bring your child’s baptism certificate if you still have not handed it in. Easton Area Catholic Youth Group News & Upcoming Events Monday, January 19th Snowtubing at Blue Mountain The Cost will be $34 each. $29 ticket $5 toward gas (Cash only) If we have 15 people the tickets will cost $23 Anyone interested in attending please contact Mrs. DeRaymond at 610-253-7188 or [email protected] by Thursday, January 15th THE INSTITUTE FOR CATECHESIS AND FORMATION ICF 105 - Morality: This course provides an introduction to the fundamental teachings of Catholic morality and its foundations in Sacred Scripture, Tradition and Natural Law. Participants will examine virtue, conscience formation and make application to contemporary moral issues in the areas of health care, sexuality and social justice. Jan 22 – March for Life – Washington DC Jan 31 – Feb 1 – Souper Bowl of Caring Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage This informative 4 week course will be offered at three locations this Winter. Saturdays, January 31, February 7, 14, & 21 -- 9 AM-11 AM at Bethlehem Catholic High School, 2133 Madison Ave., Bethlehem The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by atternding a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13-15 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more information or to register for our upcoming weekend visit our website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. For weather alerts, please go to wfmz.com for PREP closings. If you have changed any personal info, please make sure to notify both the office PREP. Sunday January 11 The Baptism of the Lord Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11 Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9 Mk 1:7-11 (21) Monday January 12 Weekday (First Week in Ordinary Time) Heb 1:1-6 Mk 1:14-20 (305) Tuesday January 13 Weekday Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Heb 2:5-12 Mk 1:21-28 (306) Wednesday January 14 Weekday Heb 2:14-18 Mk 1:29-39 (307) Thursday January 15 Weekday Heb 3:7-14 Mk 1:4045 (308) Friday January 16 Weekday Heb 4:1-5, 11 Mk 2:1-12 (309) Saturday January 17 Saint Anthony, Abbot Heb 4:12-16 Mk 2:13-17 (310) Sunday January 18 Second Sunday In Ordinary Time 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Jn 1:35-42 (65) UPON THIS ROCK, a young adult speakerseries sponsored by the Office of Youth and Young Ministry, invites you to its next event! “What God Has Joined: Equality & The Redefinition of Marriage” will be held Friday, Jan. 16th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Queenship of Mary Parish Gathering Place, 1324 Newport Ave., Northampton. Sara Hulse, Instructor of Theology at DeSales University, will present on the topic followed by open discussion. The event is free of charge—light refreshments will be provided. For more information go to the following: www.allentowndiocese.org/young adults. The trouble with being a good sport is you have to lose to prove it. 4 204 OUR LADY OF MERCY CHURCH Week of 01/11/14 Time Sun. 1:30 Mon. 9:15am & 7pm Tues. 10:30 7 pm Wed. 7:30pm Thurs. 1:30pm 5 pm Sat. Week of 1/18/14 Time Sun. 1:30pm 1:30pm Mon. 9:15am & 7pm Tues 10:30 7 pm 7:30pm 6:30pm Wed 7:30pm Thur. Fri. 5 pm Sat. January 11, 2015 Event Ultreya de Cursillo Loc. St. B O Book Club St. B O Rosary Group Knitting Ministry Juan XXIII Women’s Guild Mtg. Spanish Charismatic St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O Event Ultreya de Cursillo Baptisms Book Club Rosary Group Knitting Ministry Pro-life mtg. DivineMercy Cenacle Juan XXIII Grupo Carismático Location ST. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O St. B O Lecturas: Isaías 42:1–4, 6–7; Salmo 29; Hechos 10:34–38; Mateo 3:13–17 Salmo: Te alabamos, Señor. Misa de Domingo 01/11 Ministro de Eucaristía: Bertha Mendez Lector: Deisy Escalante & Roger Cruz Contadores: Amada & Wilfredo Alvarenga, Margarita Palacios Scrip: Esteban & Tatiana Soto Los Sacramentos Confesiones: Sábado 3:30 – 4:15 PM Bautismo: La charla para los bautizos será el primer domingo del mes después de la Misa de las 12:00 del mediodía. Los bautizos se celebrarán el segundo domingo del mes a las 2:00 pm. Hablar con el Padre o el Diácono después de la Misa Dominical para hacer los arreglos. Requisitos Debe estar registrado y asistiendo a Misa por lo menos 3 meses y dar constancia, en preparación para todos los Sacramento. Favor de usar los sobres en la ofrenda. Matrimonio: La Diócesis requiere un tiempo de preparación de 6 meses para matrimonios. Favor de hablar con el Padre con tiempo para más información. Clases de Religión (catecismo)- todo niño estudiando en una escuela pública debe venir a las clases de PREP. Empezando el 1er grado. Misa en Español: La Misa dominical en español es a las 12:00 pm. Hay una Misa durante la semana en español, los miércoles a las 7:00 pm. Misa de Domingo 01/18 Ministro de Eucaristía: Leonel Pleites Lector: Daysi Diaz & Margarita Carreon Contadores: Maribel & Martin Flores, Rosario Meneses Scrip: Evodio & Margarita Palacios Tema de la Misa: En esta celebración del Bautismo del Señor una interpretación obvia de interpretar las lecturas es a través de los lentes de nuestro propio bautismo. La primera lectura (otra lectura de Isaías del tiempo de Navidad) empieza con el agua y con una invitación a ir al Señor. La segunda lectura, de la primera carta del apóstol san Juan, está llena de imágenes bautismales. Y por supuesto el Evangelio, que es de san Marcos, nos ofrece la narración más breve que tenemos del bautismo de Jesús. Por tanto, pongámonos nuestros “lentes bautismales”, escuchemos estas lecturas y descubramos lo que nos dicen acerca de nuestro bautismo. 5 204 BAPTISM OF THE LORD • “Hombres de Oración" • ¿Cómo orar en medio de tantas distracciones? 28 de enero del 2015 • • Lugar: Oratorio de San Bernardo 132 S. 5th St. Easton, PA 18042 Hora: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (Iniciando con la celebración de la Santa Misa) Presentador: Padre George Winne • • (Director espiritual de la Renovación Carismática - Diócesis de Allentown) • TE ESPERAMOS! “Vivan orando y suplicando. Oren en todo tiempo según les inspire el Espíritu. Velen en común y perseveren en sus oraciones sin desanimarse nunca, intercediendo en favor de todos los santos, sus hermanos" (Ef. 6,18) Oficina de Asuntos Hispanos (610) 289-8900 X 234 Bernarda Liriano • • Mayor cercanía, confianza y diálogo con su pareja y sus hijos. Favorece la apertura y la flexibilidad, disminuyendo la violencia intra-familiar. Aprendizaje optimo para escuchar y tener una fluida comunicación en familia. Cambios de actitud y de conducta en los hijos. Aprender y ejercitar alternativas para resolver problemas. Motivación para seguir estudiando y aprendiendo sobre la paternidad eficaz y exitosa Hijos auto-gestionantes, autónomos y emocionalmente sanos. Conciencia del valor de las personas, de su libertad y compromiso ciudadano. Compromiso en proyectos de desarrollo social y comunitario. Horario: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Martes: Febrero 11, 18 & 25 * Marzo 4, 11, 18 & 25 * Abril 1, 8 & 15, 2014 1.-Cambio de Rotulación 1.1.-Bio-psico-socialidad 1.2.-Enfoque de Salud 1.3.-Promoción de la Salud 1.4.-Prevención en Salud 1.5.-Adherencia Farmacológica 2.-Enfoque psicopedagógico 2.1.-Enfoque Alumno-Maestro 2.2.-Proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje 2.3.-Ambiente educacional 2.4.-Metas de Logros-Logro de Metas 2.5.-Formación Integral 3.-Paternidad Formadora 3.1.-Padres Formadores 3.2.-Padres Triunfadores 3.3.-Premios y pérdidas de privilegios 3.4.-Hijos triunfadores 4.-Desarraigo 4.1.-Impacto en los inmigrantes 4.2.-Costos sociales y económicos 3.3.-Las Ocho Variables 3.4.-Estrategias de Solución 3.5.-Escala del Desarraigo. 5.-Dinámica Familiar Funcional 5.1.-Familia Funcional 5.2.-Modelos Parentales 5.3.-Premios y pérdidas de privilegios 5.4.-Hijos triunfadores 6.-Estimulación Psicológica 6.1.-Conexión Mente-Cuerpo ESCUELA DE PADRES OBJETIVO "Fortalecer la tarea formadora de los padres y educadores a través de un modelo de formación familiar que mejore sus relaciones y los apoye a formar a sus hijos como personas únicas, positivas, seguras y comprometidas con su comunidad." Es un programa con tres enfoques: 1.-PROMOCIONAL: en la familia HISPANA tenemos muchos valores propios de nuestra idiosincrasia, muy arraigados, que es esencial fortalecerlos y transmitirlos a los hijos, promoverlos como legado a futuras generaciones para conservar nuestra cultura e identidad. 2.-PREVENTIVO: para preparar a los padres como educadores de la vida y formadores para que sus hijos sean ciudadanos responsables, felices y comprometidos con su comunidad. 3.-DISCIPLINARIO: los padres que asisten a estos cursos con hijos en edades diversas, aprenden la manera correcta de corregir los comportamientos de sus hijos y de potencializar sus talentos. RESULTADOS • Mejoramiento del ambiente familiar. 6 204 KARL H. KLINE Attorney at Law Lehigh Valley Families Together, Inc. Experience and personal attention a winning combination Contact us to learn about making a difference in the lives of children by becoming a foster parent. 2925 Wm. Penn Highway [email protected] www.lvfamiliestogether.org 610-559-8668 “We CLEAN for You!” Residential & Commercial Locations Reasonable Prices Reliable • Professional • Experienced Contact: Jessica 484-838-4727 [email protected] 15% OFF YOUR 1ST CLEANING SERVICE W/ AD 610-432-9420 FUNERAL HOME, INC. 610-252-8875 602 W. Berwick St., Easton, PA 18042 RONALD P. PLANTONE SUPERVISOR 610-258-7211 2101 Northampton St., Easton PA 18042 MELISSA PLANTONE RECCHIA SUPERVISOR www.strunkfh.com Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto www.jppc.net conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! PennDot Online Motor Vehicle Services FedEx • UPS • USPS •DHL •Se Habla Espanol Stop By & See All We Have To Offer! In The Exxon Plaza, Sullivan Trail • 484-373-3150 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: PK MASONRY “We specialize in Stonework” Fireplaces • Steps • Retaining Walls • Plastering Foundations • Concrete Work • Block • Patios Brick Work • Repointing • Sidewalks • Garages FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 610-438-3879 Easton, PA DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE Check out our reviews on: FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com Please Consider Having Your Business, Service, or Professional Practice Recommended Here To Our Parish Families Please call Glenn Wassmer this week Cell: 267-549-7210 1-800-333-3166 extension #171 204 Our Lady of Mercy, Easton, PA (inside) R John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net Family Owned and Operated Since 1955 3720 Nicholas Street • Palmer Twp. 610-253-4941 Funeral Home, Inc. John A. Morello F.D., SUPVR Hope S. Newell, F.D. Morgan Stanley RAUB’S FLORIST and GREENHOUSES Office Supply 610- 515-0103 808 Packer St., Easton The Regan Family FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Potted & Garden Plants From Our Own Greenhouses • Homegrown Fruits & Vegetables In Season Morgan Hill Rd., Off Easton Exit of 1-78 1-610-250-8795 2 Acre Facility Ample On-site Parking Advance Planning Specialists Michael R. Glovas, CFP® Executive Director CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM 700 Bushkill Drive, Easton, PA 18042 Resident Manager (610) 253-6215 101 Larry Holmes Drive Suite 301 Easton, PA 18042 HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING Main 610-515-1062 • Toll Free 800-965-9110 FUEL OIL [email protected] 1-800-359-UNION ©2014 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member of SIPC T& H ATTORNEY AT LAW AUTOMOTIVE Transmission • AC Beth A. Knickerbocker 101 S. Third St., Suite 203, Easton, PA Family Law Wills & Estates Real Estate Diagnostics General Repairs Emissions/Inspections 290 N. Riverside Dr., Easton 610-253-8227 610-252-6653 BELL APOTHECARY Home Medical Equipment & Supplies Mastectomy Products Prescription Services • Drive Up Window Stair Glide • Stairway Lifts Oxygen and Respiratory Supplies Maryann Isaac, R.Ph. John Isaac, R.Ph., Parishioner Kathy Kelly R. Ph., Parishioner FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 2045 Fairview Ave. Easton, PA 18042 R. Kline Ashton, Sr., F.D. • R. Kline Ashton, Jr., F.D. W. Scott Ashton, F.D. • Debra Jo Ashton-Chase, F.D. 14th & Northampton Sts. Easton, PA 18042 (610) 253-4678 Family Owned & Operated Since 1939 Law Offices of Alan R. Mège Parishioner Free Consultations All Legal Matters Including Immigration & Bankruptcy 70 East Broad Street, Bethlehem 610-954-5393 Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. PHILLIPSBURG MEMORIAL CO. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Monuments & Markers Cemetery Lettering & Cleaning 1300 South Main St., Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 258-2311 252-4411 Experience Peace of Mind: Phone: (908) 454-2341 www.philipsburgmemorial.com EASTON BAKING, CO., INC. G. Mosellie Family, Proprietors Italian Bread Donuts Rye Bread Cakes Cookies Cannollis 34 North 7th 610-252-6343 Or go to burialplanning.com for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. William K. Murphy, Esq. ATTORNEY Real Estate • Title Insurance • Wills • Living Wills Family Law • Contracts • Estates • Trials • Trusts HERSTER, NEWTON & MURPHY Initial Complimentary Consultation 127 N. 4th Street • Easton, PA 18044-1087 610-258-6219 GUTTER CLEANING FINEGAN 4080 William Penn Hwy. Easton, PA John M. Finegan, Director Jeffrey E. Finegan, Supervisor 204 Our Lady of Mercy, Easton, PA (back) R FUNERAL HOME, INC. (610) 258-7021 www.FineganFH.com 610-776-2000 1837 Washington Blvd. Easton, PA 18042 GUTTER DOCTORX David J. Williams, Supervisor John M. Finegan, Director Jeffrey E. Finegan, Director Licensed & Insured PA 050067 John Patrick Publishing Company • 1-800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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