Newsletter - Ferris Heights United Methodist Church

Ferris Heights
United Methodist Church, Waxahachie TX
Making Disciples, Looking Up, Reaching Out Together through Christ.
January 2015
Contact Information
108 Center St.
Waxahachie TX 75165
Church Office
Fax 972-937-1339
Office Hours
8 :3 0 a. m. - 1 :0 0 p . m.
Mo n d a y - Frid a y
Our Staff
R e v . C a r o l Ro b e r t s
P asto r
C a rol_ Rob er ts2011 @
s b c glob al.n e t
9 7 2- 9 2 3-0 0 1 9
Dawn Davis
The Promise of New Beginnings
I’ve hung the 2015 calendars at home and in my office and have begun to
more earnestly fill in the planning calendar that seems to be my lifeline for
reminding me when and where I should be or what I should be doing. It’s hard
to believe that as I write this, 2014 is fastly fading into memory and a new year
looms on the horizon.
This new year is filled with the promise of new beginnings. We have
decided as a congregation to begin this year on a new leg of our journey
together. We have a road map before us in the form of the Small Church
Initiative prescriptions. We have a seasoned coach to guide us. We are
discovering an expanding array of resources to tap into. Before us are new vistas
that will humble us, and small discoveries that will astound us.
But this is no sight seeing trip. Our very lives and the lives of those around
us depend on the decisions we make and the work we accomplish. Our journey
must be life giving if we are to survive, not thrive!
This new year is filled with promise because we stand on the affirmation that
God is with us and God is working in and through us. Romans 8:28 expresses
this well:
“We know that God works all things together for good for the ones
who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
This affirmation is at the heart of who we are as a people of God. This
promise is a gift of God to each of us and a blessing as we move forward. Hear
this in poetic form in the words of Fred Pratt Green1:
Now praise the hidden God of love,
in whom we all must live and move,
who shepherds us at every stage,
through youth, maturity and age:
Shannon Goretska
Youth Director
Who challenged us, when we were young,
to storm the citadels of wrong;
in care for others taught us how
God’s true community must grow:
Mary Lou Shipley
Choir Director
Angie Merrell
P ia ni st
Who bids us never lose our zest,
though age is urging us to rest
but proves to us that we have still
a work to do, a place to fill.
H a r o l d Po i n t e r
Lisa Rodriguez
C u sto d ia n s
Angie Heck
Secr et ar y
FH UM C @ sb c g lo b a l. ne t
Melanie Marrs
Abby Machuca
As we embark into this new year together, let this be our prayer: May we put
our trust in the loving God who promises to journey with us. May we give
ourselves wholeheartedly to the grace-filled work God places before us.
New beginnings . . . Just imagine all the people we will meet, the places we
will go, and the life-giving message we will share.
God’s blessings! Pastor Carol
Green, Fred Pratt. “Now Praise the Hidden God of Love,” The Faith We Sing, 2027.
January 2015
Page 2
Vote Approves Prescriptions
On December 18 Dr. Bob Holloway, East District
Superintendent, presided at the Church Conference to
vote on the Small Church Initiative (SCI)
prescriptions. Forty-six adults, youth and children
attended the potluck dinner and meeting. The vote of
church members to accept the Prescriptions contained
in the November 21 Consultation Report passed by an
overwhelming majority.
The conference has been notified of the
congregation’s decision to move forward with SCI
process. Rev. Allen Goss has been assigned as the
church’s coach. He and Pastor Carol will be meeting
soon to discuss the working relationships between the
coach, pastor, and congregation. Pastor Carol is also
involved in a Clergy Peer Mentoring Group facilitated
by Rev. Bill Boyd, pastor at Edgepark UMC in Fort
Worth. Members of this group include pastors whose
churches are going through the SCI process. The
group meets monthly.
The first step in the Prescriptions begins with a
Day of Prayer which will be held on January 18 (see
related article). This will be followed by Day of
Visioning workshop in February to clarify and provide
more focused and collaborative efforts in
implementing the mission and vision for the church.
This is an exciting time for Ferris Heights UMC to
rethink and learn how we are to be body of Christ in
our mission field. Please pray that God will use this
process to enhance the ministry of the UMC in this
part of the world.
Day of Prayer
Leader Training—January 25
The East District Office has
announced that churches in the
district will be joining the
North District for a special
leader training on Sunday,
January 25, in the afternoon.
This training targets finance, trustees, and pastorparish relations committees dealing with stewardship.
There will be a ministry safe component as well.
More details, such as time and place will be available
Transportation in the church van or by car pooling
is being planned.
As outlined in the newly adopted Small Church
Initiative (SCI) Prescriptions, the first step in the
transformation process begins with a Day of Prayer.
This Day of Prayer will take place on Sunday, January
18, and is the focus of our morning worship at 10:00
a.m. Our SCI Coach Rev. Allen Goss will lead the
worship service that day.
The first purpose of this Day of Prayer is for
confession, asking God to forgive the congregation—
collectively and individually—for not marshalling its
resources to make more disciples of Jesus Christ. The
second purpose is to seek forgiveness and healing
related to any decisions that have caused pain within
the congregation. The third purpose is to pray that
God will give the leaders and congregation the energy,
strategy, and vision to reach the community in which
the church exists.
Friendship Class Studies Fishing
by Don Hellstern
Our Friendship Sunday School
Class is currently teaching lessons
with the video series “Go Fish”
presented by Pastor Andy Stanley,
founder of the largest church in
This is a six-part series that we
began on December 21st. It is an easy-to-follow
series with an enthusiastic message about bringing
people to Christianity. It is based on Jesus’ calling of
the fishermen to become fishers of men and what that
means to us as believers.
Come at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays, and watch each
session with us and join in a short discussion that
follows or simply sit back, listen, and learn. It’s very
quick to be caught up if you’ve missed a session or
two. We’ve had several visitors sit in, and we
welcome all who are interested in joining us. We
recently moved to a larger classroom upstairs to
comfortably accommodate our growing numbers.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
10:15 a.m. ~ Friendship Classroom
What does God look like? That’s a tough question,
yet there are many images of God that give us clues to
God’s nature and character. The study through
February 10 is designed to look at the ways we image
and talk about God.
Jan. 6
Jan. 13
Jan. 20
Jan. 27
Epiphany images
The Great “I AM” - Exodus 3
Images of God we use now
The richness of biblical language about God
DeCorellis Emmaus Gathering
1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
January 6 at Waxahachie Bible Church
February 3 at God’s House Lone Elm Road,
Waxahachie TX 75167 (call the church for
directions, 972-937-2344)
January 2015
Page 3
by Shannon Goretska
The youth are kicking off the New Year with a
new study titled, "Gross, Weird, True". This 4-week
study looks at some of the strange stories and
commands in the Bible. Please join us Wednesday
evenings, 5:00 for study,
games, and a snack supper.
This is the beginning of
our "busy" season.
 We are gearing up for
Mid-Winter Retreat on
February 20- 22. I will
be sending texts & emails
with more information
about departure times,
what to bring, and cost
per attendee.
 This month will also kick
off the beginning of CTCYM Mission Trip
planning. I will be attending a group leader
training this month to glean info for our
trip. FHUMC youth will be attending the July
trip this year. Please be on the "lookout" for info
about planning meetings and fundraisers for this
fabulous experience!
New Wednesday Noon
Support Group
The Waxahachie Narcotics
Anonymous Group has recently
added another meeting day and
time. A Wednesday group now meets from noon to
1:00 p.m. in room 106.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a nonprofit group
of men and women for whom drugs had become a
major problem. As recovering addicts, they meet
regularly to help each other stay clean and abstain
from drug abuse.
The group also meets at Ferris Heights UMC in
the evenings from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays for open discussion; on Fridays
for basic text study; and on Saturdays for Step Study.
Parking and entrance to the meetings is on the Dunn
Street side of the church. On Wednesday evenings, 89 p.m., the group meets at Waxahachie Homeward
Bound located at 1311 Ferris Ave.
For more information, contact Pastor Carol or the
church office. Referrals will be made to NA leaders.
Mission Spotlights
UMC Special Offering . . .
Human Relations Day Offering
Turn on the news or
drive around the outskirts of
your town and you will find
what Jesus called “the least
of these.” Those living in
the margins of society,
People like:
An immigrant teenager in Texas’ poorest county,
being recruited by a local gang
A father struggling for sobriety in Little Rock,
An Oklahoma woman recently released from
incarceration looking for work.
Over and over Jesus served people like this,
embracing them. And that’s what we want to model as
the people of The United Methodist Church. To
continue the ministry of Jesus we established Human
Relations Day as a Special Sunday that calls all of our
churches to participate in helping all God’s children to
realize their potential.
As a member of The United Methodist Church,
your gift allows the work of folks like Bruce and
Becky Ballou to build relationships with those teens in
Texas. Your gift allows Montey Payne to lead
recovering addicts towards healing in Arkansas. And
your gift helps Rev. Steve Burr find work for exoffenders in Oklahoma.
This work, and hundreds of other ministries, are
possible because you give.
Go to http://
-day to access more stories.
The Human Relations Day Offering is one of six
church-wide special offering that enable United
Methodists to offer refuge in times of disaster,
promote peace and justice, provide scholarships and
student loans, reach out to the community, teach skills
to encourage self-sufficiency and share the love of
Jesus Christ with God's people everywhere.
Mark your donations “Human Relations Offering.”
Second Mile Giving—December Report
Healthy Women Healthy Liberia—$500
One Man Show Ministries—$500
Kairos—$20 + cookies
January 2015
Become a Pen Pal
Page 4
by Rev. Carol Roberts
So far twelve adults have
signed up to become Pen Pals
with the 19 students in Mrs. Mendoza’s 3rd grade class at
Northside Elementary School.
Even though some pals said they
will write to 2 students, it would be great if each student had their own pen pal.
The time commitment is small, possibly 15-20
minutes twice a month to write a postcard to your student. Guidelines will be provided, as well as topics
for comments and questions. Since the format is a
postcard, only a few sentences are required.
Hopefully, with enough Pen Pals this activity will
kick off in mid-January.
Contact Pastor Carol to sign up or if you have
D.E.A.R Day with
Waxahachie ISD
Waxahachie ISD is still
looking for guest readers for
D.E.A.R. Day (Drop Everything
And Read) on Febr uar y 6.
There are two shifts available: one at 8:45 a.m. and the
second at 10:15 a.m. Readers are asked to arrive at
their assigned school 15 minutes early and then spend
15-20 minutes reading. The whole procedure should
take one hour or less.
Another way to support reading is to make a
donation for books to be purchased for students at $10
each. If you would like to support either of these
efforts, please contact Pastor Carol by January 12.
Waxahachie CARE Thanks YOU!
Linda Naizer with Waxahachie CARE wishes to
thank everyone at FHUMC for being so instrumental
in the food donations during 2014. Waxahachie
CARE gave out 400 Thanksgiving and Christmas
baskets during the 2014 holidays. They had a
marvelous turn out and an incredible year. November
and December were very busy with approximately
1,000 volunteers each month.
The plea for food this spring is “fresh foods.” If
any one is planning a garden and would like to donate
to Waxahachie CARE they would be most
appreciative. Other items to donate are spaghetti
sauce, crackers, canned or fresh fruit and items to
replenish their pantry.
2015 Church Leaders
January 2015
Page 5
Finance Committee
The beginning of the new year brings changes in
church leadership as approved in the Charge
Conference. The congregation has many talented
people who have agreed to faithfully use their gifts,
talents and skills to lead the church in making
disciples for Jesus Christ. Please pray for these
leaders, support and encourage them in the work we
do together as God’s people.
Ervin Brown (Chair), Rev. Carol Roberts, Chris Buse,
Nancy Cannaday, Angie Merrell, Angie Heck (staff, nonvoting), Kenneth Johnson, Robert Munoz, Betty Campbell,
Trustee chair
Administrative Council
Trustees (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary to be elected 1/8/15)
Nancy Cannaday
Lay Leader
Chris Buse
SPRC Chair
Angie Merrell
Finance Chair
Ervin Brown
Trustee Chair
(to be elected)
Church Treasurer
Kenneth Johnson
Lay Members to Annual Conference
Nancy Cannaday
Chris Buse
UMM Rep.
Billy Wright
UMW President
Ruth Shugart
Young Adult Rep.
Shari Mutulo
UM Youth Rep.
Shannon Goretska
Rev. Carol Roberts
Judy Munoz
Members at large
Patsy Thompson
Larry Mathis
Honorary members
Katherine Brock
Marie Heine
Elwanda Pevehouse
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Angie Merrell (Chair), Rev. Carol Roberts, Chris Buse,
Nancy Cannaday, Annie Johnson, Judy Munoz, Richard
Moir, Patricia Kelsey & Jo Johnson.
Ruth Shugart, Ervin Brown, Gerald Reed, Tommy
Cannaday Walter Shugart, Lane Johnson, Rev. Carol
Nominations & Leadership Development
Rev. Carol Roberts (Chair), Chris Buse, Erica Brown,
Patricia Kelsey, LaJoyce Brown, & Kyle Goretska.
Permanent Endowment (Chair to be elected at 1st mtg)
Lane Johnson, Larry Mathis, Betty Campbell, Walter
Shugart, Sandra Bishop, Marilyn Adlof, Nancy Cannaday,
Ervin Brown, & Rev. Carol Roberts.
Parsonage Committee
Sherry Wright (Chair), Rev. Carol Roberts, Angie Merrell,
Nancy Cannaday, Kathryn Harriman, Erica Brown, billy
wright, Sherry Wright & Ervin Brown.
Council on Ministries
Children’s Ministry
Young Adult Ministry
Adult Ministry
Older Adult Ministry
Higher Ed.
Sunday School Super.
Asst. SS Super.
Prayer Team
Member Care
Membership Secretary
Asst. Membership
UMW President
Hispanic Ministry
Bereavement Coordinator
Lay Speaking Rep.
Chris Buse
Shannon Goretska
Karen Lawton
Marva Reed
Patsy Thompson
Rev. Carol Roberts
Ruth Shugart
Deborah & Scott Green
Gary Bishop
Billy Wright
Joyce McNeely
Sherry & Billy Wright
Annie Johnson
Betty Campbell
Wylinda Brown
Ruth Shugart
Robert Munoz
Jo Johnson
Chris Buse
Gary. Bishop,
Doyle Varner
Word of the Month – Believe
We as a congregation must Believe that
what has come our way in the form of the
Small Church Initiative was a gift from God.
God is giving Ferris Heights UMC new
opportunities to rethink how we are Christ’s disciples.
This takes accepting change. We can do this by having
a strong Belief that our leaders will take FHUMC in a
direction which will allow us to grow by being better
disciples to our community and the surrounding areas
of Waxahachie. Let us be strong and Believe; for God
is with us at all times. We must fight the good fight
(not each other) and do the work that God has asked.
Happy New Year from Your Brother in Christ,
Dave Lundeen
January 2015
Page 6
The Ladies of Ferris Heights
hosted a Wedding Shower in
In honor of Becca and Phillip
Quigley -Married 7/26/2014
Betty Campbell, Marva Reed,
Kathryn Harriman,
Becca & Phillip Quigley, Jo Johnson
and Joyce McNeely.
Friendship Class Christmas Party 2014
Golden Teens Christmas Party 2014
Fellowship Class Christmas Party 2014
United Methodist Women
Projects Around the Church
Trustee Report
You may have noticed the “A Frame” (or the
exterior front of Wesley Hall) changing colors; that’s
because it has been painted and the trim work
repaired. It is still a work in progress.
detectors, and a bathroom sink has been installed. The
master bathtub has also been reglazed.
The Trustee committee is currently collecting bids
to improve the exterior lighting on church property.
January 19 will be the 2015 planning meeting.
Please plan to attend. We will meet at the church,
7:00 p.m.
New Women’s Group Forming
By: Shannon Goretska & Angie Merrell
A new women’s group is forming and we invite
you to join us. Our first meeting will be January 22,
2015, 6:30 p.m. at the home of Angie Merrell. (305
Moonlight Trail, Waxahachie). This group will be a
time for supporting each other and to share each
other’s hopes, dreams & struggles. We would love for
you to be there!
January 2015
Page 7
Attendance / Birthdays / Calendar
Sunday Leaders for January
Jan. 4
Jan. 11
Jan. 18
Jan. 25
Worship Leaders:
David Lundeen
Doug Merrell
Sunday Trustee:
January—Ruth & Walter
Worship leaders are needed for future months. Sign up on
the bulletin board by the stairs or contact Lay Leader Chris Buse.
The Sunday Trustee is the contact person in case of facility
problems & security. issues.
Thank you!
Thank you all for the love &
prayers in 2014. I’ve had my ups &
downs but can’t complain.
church family are the best! Don’t
know how you do without them. The
Carolers were great—They can’t be beat. Thanks
again and God Bless you all.
Elwanda Pevehouse
Congratulations to
Michael Quigley
Chamber of
Commerce’s 2014
Employee of the
year award.
We are so proud of
Vela Brown
Stephen Smith
Lexi Baker
Scotty Jenkins
Blaine Smith
Breanna Eggleston
Jordan Lynch
Lane Johnson
Erica Brown
Christopher Taylor
Vicki Kelsey
Samuel Goretska
Kenneth Johnson
Steve Loftis
Jacob Stewart
Nathan Campbell
Chester Cole
Angie Merrell
Mark Odom
Chris Campbell
Cindy Hellstern
Finance Update:
Sunday School:
December 2014
Giving—budget, Lord’s Festival, etc. = $15,011
Operating Expenses—Pastor Compensation, Salaries,
Utilities, Programming & Connectional Giving = $12,416
Connectional Giving paid thr u December
Calendar of Events
Weekly recurring:
Sunday School
Bible Study
Intercessory Prayer
Choir practice
Sunday, 9:00 am.
Sunday, 10:00 am.
Monday & Wednesday, 10:00 am.
Tuesday & Friday, 9-10 am.
Tuesday, 10:15 am.
Tuesday, 6:30 pm.
Wednesday, 5:00 pm.
Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.
Community Groups
NA (Narcotics Anonymous): Group Support—M, Tu, Th, F, & Book Study—Sa,
8:00-9:00 pm. W 12-1:00 p.m.
Habitat For Humanity of Ellis County: Last Tues. of the Month, 7 pm
Girl Scout Troop #740 Every other Fri. 1/2, 1/16, 1/30, 2/13, 2/27 - 6:30 to 8 pm
Girl Scout Troop #9339: 1st & 3rd M, 1/5, 1/19, 2/2, 2/16-6:30 to 7:30 pm
Girl Scout Troop # 5530 Every other M. 1/12, 1/26, 2/9, 2/23-5:30 to 6:30 pm
Girl Scout Troop # 6983 Every other T. 1/13, 1/27
Ellis County Christian Home School Organization (ECCHO)—Board
meeting—1st Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm ECCHO Dance Group Sa, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. January will meet on TH
Double H Farms Sa, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 2/14 or 21, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9
Monthly: Cut out and place on your fridge
Jan. 8
Jan. 13
Jan. 18
Joshua Adams
Victoria Thibodeaux
Benita Brown
Wyman Harriman
Samantha Almond
Sue Adams
Ginny Campbell
Patsy Thompson
Deborah Green
Scott Green
Shannon Goretska
Leonard Limmer
Amanda Rose Diaz
Charles Adkins
Chris Loftis
Dec. 7
Dec. 14
Dec. 21
Christmas Eve
Dec. 28
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Jan. 21
Jan. 24
Jan. 25
Feb. 6
Trustee meeting, 5:30 p.m.
SPRC, 6:30 p.m.
A Day of Prayer (focus of 10 am
worship) - Rev. Allen Goss, our SCI
Coach, will be our guest
UMW, 7:00 p.m., Church
Finance meeting.
Golden Teens luncheon.
“Pay it Forward” —A women’s
Retreat sponsored by Ferris Heights
United Methodist Women, 9:00 a.m.
to 2:15 p.m.
East District Leader Training, place &
time TBA
January 2015
Bob Fitch
& Rev.
LaJoyce Brown
Patsy Thompson
Page 8
Marva Reed, Kathryn Harriman,
Larry Mathis, Aliza Thomas
Rev. Carol Roberts, Valerie, Silvia & Vivian Holloway
108 Center Street
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Marva Reed,
Anita Wheeler &
Gerald Reed
Johnson &