G O I O G T O N • A' L L • T T I M E S - I N D E X —When were the wagon wheels COOK DISTRICT AT COHOCTON WALLACE greased last? iir. and Mrs. William Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calkins of — U s e an ordinary egg beater to Sunday Methodist Episcopal Church Elmlra were week end guests of Mrs. Kate Briglin were keep the scum oft cocoa. guests of L. R. Johnson and family. F. I. Stulti, Paster Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Russell. —Clarence F. Jenks visited friends Mr. and Mrs. Willis Northrop of The services at the church for the Mrs. Floyd Tlerney and son Earl A In Dansvllle over Sunday. week of June 22nd, and Including spent Friday at the home of Henry Prattsburgh visited her people Mr. —Mrs. M. E. Weld of Cresco, Pa., and Mrs. Jesse Chapman Sunday. St. John and family at Bath. ^«v »as Father's Day. was a guest of friends In town, Sunday, June 28th: Fred Gay and family were in ElMiss Mary Noel Bowen of RochRegular prayer service at the {ied^left Moaday Monday. usual hour, studying the 17th psalm. ester spent a few days of last week mira Sunday to see their daughter — A . M. Smith of Elmlra visited Mrs. Henry Hayes and family. hlo. M r s . L o r l s 8 D. Parmenter and other old friends Find the "Three Awakenings, 81eep, with her uncle Z. C. Bowen and wife. aBd to Mr. Ervle Polmanteer and Leo F o x Lloyd Wilkinson of Wayland spent Trouble and Death." 25 a June 19, 1 9 last Friday. Friday. Regular services on Sunday, June Sunday with his aunt Mrs. Frank were in Bath Sunday. —Some men think they need more 28th. Mrs. Herman Schwingel and Mattoon. -ndwich m a t e s .a p l e a s - capital when all they really need is daughter Edna spent Friday afterIclub Mrs. Victor Rynders and three Preaching at 10.30. Subject, 0 u the regular S u n d a y more ingenuity. "Great Little Word Text, 'We Are* ". sons of Skaneateles, are visiting with noon with Mrs. William Gibson and but"1 —Aunt Ada's Axioms: The pleasher parents Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mrs. Kate Briglin. Sunday School as usual. ;'eevcr calls you by ant child is usually the reflection of Miss Hilda Simons spent a few VanWormer. Evening service at the usual hour. name there's something a pleasant home. Miss Margaret Neu of Wayland, days last week with her aunt Mrs. is a good investment in comSong service of profit and interest. —Some rush to the ends of the Sermon, subject, "I've Tried spent Sunday at the home of Chas. Alice Briggs at Ingleside. *V°G,'stantoB of Mt. Mor- earth for,happiness; others find it In Harvey Graves and family of fort, health. Them All," an advertisement sub- McManus. *•,, villi her son Mrs. back-yard gardening. Sunday Mrs. Gervin Mattoon called on her Ingleside were pleasant Sunday afject, given a religious setting. A swing takes the place of — A . . C . Oliver is having his resiStanton. ternoon callers of Miss Lena Johngrandmother Mrs. Florence Stephens The pastor will preach at both and tires get three chairs and can be used dence newly painted. Lyon & Neu-' services and cordially invites all the Sunday. son and brothers. Uomobiles will go to fang are doing the work. ieap€r noboby Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Clark of E l m on a sleeping porch as a bed. Mrs. Henry Reynolds attended unchurched, visitors and others withSaturday^. —One of the biggest dividends out a church home to worship with commencement exercises held at bois and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Hunter Hose Crouch of Cohocton, paid by the garden is In good health us. Prices $ 1 2 . 0 0 up. of Italy Hill were Bunday guests of Geneseo last week. t e B t 0 f her son Clifford and to the person who does the gardentheir sister Mrs. Dwight Graves and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stevens and ing. LNaples News. son Wilton of Avoca called at the family Mr. and Mrs. Victor N i m s Zlon United Lutheran Church —Train up a child in the way h e and daughter of Prattsburgh took and Mrs. Krutziky attended home of Bert Maynard, Sunday. Rev. Paul G. Krutzky, Pastor .Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lena and Joseph Mattoon of Fre|„ond Jubilee of S t . John's should go, and when he Is old, he English services at 10.30 a. m. will not depart from It.—Proverbs Raymond Dillenbeck, •t potter, Sonday. mont aTe visiting their grandmother, (Sunday School at 11.30 a. m. J d o r e A. Zeh of P i t t s b u r g . 22-6. Mrs. Emma Cragg. Monthly meeting of Ladles' Aid jt week with h i s p a r e n t s — T h e gardner trims back the Society at home of Mrs. George MehWilliam Bowen is spending the I jjra William Z e h . rose trees to Improve the blooms; lenbacher, Thursday, July 2nd. week in Rochester, the guests of his we are given our trimmings for a and Mrs. B. F. Edmunds Strangers and visitors cordially uncle Glenn Bowen and wife. A T T H E PALACE, LOON LAKE titer of Pittsburgh, visited similar reason. The Ladies' Aid will hold an Ice welcome at all services. Mrs. A. H: Oliver, Sunday. J J I OVl Afternoon and — R e v . W. T. H. Bayford and cream social at the home of Mrs. f i r Thursday Club will be <en- family leave Wednesday, June 24, Frank French, Wednesday evening, St. Paul's Lutheran Church at the home ol Mrs. Frank for New York City enroute for EngJuly 1st. Remember the date. Rev. Paul T. Rohde, Pastor 25 of the G R E A T E S T L I T T L E E N loureday afternoon of this land.—Naples News. • Mrs. Horace Dygert Is now gain- On a Picnic Party. English service at I'D a. m. Ob—Rev. and Mrs. J. Hubert Stanton ing, which her many friends are glad T E R T A I N E R S , out for a Holiday. Playing at T H E Florence Weber and "Miss are visiting In Buffalo this week at servance of Children's Day. Special to know. . spent the the home of Mrs. Stanton's brother, program by the Sunday School and S H A T T U C K , H O R N E L L , T H U R S . , F R I and S A T ' Y . 0f Syracuse Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mattoon and choir. & with the formers parents Mr. Donald MacMurray. Adult Bible Class Friday a t eight children of Fremont spent Sunday |jfayland Register. — R o m a i n e Phillips left the emwith Mrs. Emma Cragg. Augusta Schulthelss and ploy of the Gunlock ChalT Factory o'clock p. m. Mrs. Mary Smith has returned Bible School for children, SaturCarl spent Saturday night at Wayland and Is employed at t h e home. iday with their l i s t e r Mfess factory of the N e w T o r * Canners, day morning at eight o'clock. The threshing of peas has begun DANCING—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Rehearsal of Children's Day proiultheiss in Rochester, in this place. at our viner. They started Tuesday. gram Saturday at nine a. m. Nights. Murray Driscoll and his orfid Mrs. Chartes, P . ;Schr — A m o n g the sales of new cars in John Benson and family are enMeeting of Ladies' Aid Society, \i daughter Nettle attended Steuben County reported at County chestra all this week. tertaining her mother and sister of leral of James E. Cchwarzen- Clerk's office the past week we note Thursday afternoon, July 2. Elmlra. SKATING—Every Afternoon and on Monday, WedHornell, Sunday afternoon. the following: Charles A. B u s h of Mrs. Mark Drum and Mrs. Leo nesday and Friday Evenings. kd W. Fronk Is administra- North Cohocton. Presbyterian Church Clark are spending , a few days in •he ?5,000 personal property Rev. J. Hubert Stanton, Pastor Rochester. —Coat hangers are great space 10.30 a. m., Morning Worship. |geW. Fronk of the town of \kavera'on rainy'washdays' Put'the DC DCZJ C Mrs. Ida Larkin of Cohocton, 3C JC 11.45 a. m., Sunday School. Three sons and a daugh- wet clothes on the hangers and the was a caller In this place Monday. 7.30 p. m., Evening Worship. e Intestate, share equally in capacity of your Indoor clothes line Mrs. Charles Nicholson and son A large congregation filled the spent Thursday with her mother, iritance. will be almost doubled. church for the Baccalaureate ser- Mrs. Florence Stephens. ,e following letters . remain BY BUYING R E G U L A R L Y A T T H E —Jtev. and Mrs. W. T. H. BayFollowfor at the Cohocton Post ford had as a w e e k end guest F. F. vice last Sunday evening. June 22, 1925. I the week ending June 20, Lewis of Wheeler, and aTe now en- ing the sermon the diplomas were follows: Mr. E. H. Cugler, tertaining Mrs. W . D. Stanton of Co- awarded to the graduates by Mr. Rex FLOOR SURFACING the president uf the Board of Eduf M. Sanderson, Edw. S. hccton.—Naples Record. I have Installed a new floor surcation Mary Dryden. j s e s j | —Prof. E. A. Lewis of Haverling facing machine—American UniverERVICE The pastor exepects to attend the 'ONFIDENCE IRILNDSHIP, A Jlo fans will be glad to High School of Bath, was presented sal with Delco electric unit—and am Emory B. Randolph of with a purse of gold as a token of State C. E. Convention in Buffalo on prepared to resurface new or old ik, a former Cohocton boy, appreciation by the pupils of High Friday and Saturday of this week. For prices and particulars, PRICES GUARANTEED UNTIL JUNE 27th There will be no Prayer Meeting floors. tost over W.J.Z. next Sun- School and the grades, at the close of call or write this week or choir rehearsal. ftrnoon at 3.30 and 4 o'clock, school last week. Albert Lang, It might be well to bear in mind Dansville, Wayland, Avoca and Cohocton, N. Y. and hear him sing. — T h e P e n n Yan Gas Light Comd46tf 75 Franklin St., Dansvllle Snior Annual of Wayland -pany, one of P e n n Tan's oldest busi- on extremely warm Sundays that our Jhool has been completed and nesses has been sold to the N e w church usually averages 20 degrees Give Them Home Made —Try an ad., in the Times-Index on sale. The publication is York Central Electric Corporation. below t h e street a n d several degrees and Increase your business. Bfl to Mrs. Guinnip, a member The Gas 'Light Company h a v e been below t h e average home. !actilty, and who was a t one In bulness for 65 years. INGLESIDE •teacher in Cohocton THlgh .~-Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry 9f They are easier to make, look better, Not a few tdok in Old Home Day Allen of Canandaigua, June 19th, Sunday. M\ T. Jennings, editor <ot twins, a boy and girl. Congratula- at Italy-Naples Church taste "better, and cost less when made with Jngston Republican, a weekly tions. Mrs. Allen will be remember- There was gathering of about 2 0 0 . FOR H O T W E A T H E R Two ministers were present at the published at Geneseo, ed as Miss Anna Sick, formerly of —Porch Shades Baptist service Sunday. It was an brother, Bryan T. Jennings, this i>lace. —Nantuckets Geneseo, each have fallen — T h e N e w York Canners started all day meeting. Y. P. S. C. E. business meeting at Jbout ^30,000 by the terms the season's pack of peas yesterday. —Sreen Doors Boil One Minute—It Never Fails. mother's will.—Rochester They expect a big run of peas -and the parsonage Friday evening. —Thermos Bottles The Drake reunion was held Sation. the factory will be a busy place from PAN F I R E D and B A S K E T F I R E D T E A 3 grades and Mrs. Salem Marsh of now until the season closes. —Refrigerators Ray urday at the home of Elmer Wells, with about 100 present. After a fine mer residents of Wayland Peacock is superintendent. —Oil Stoves dinner the following officers were for a few days after hav—'Ray Drum, while standing on Pres., S. E. Drake; vice —Window Screens t the winter In Florida. the sidewalk at the corner of Maple elected: president, F. Tuttle; secretary, L. M to return to Florida in avenue and North Main street, MonYou can't beat our quality at these prices. If you —Camp Stoves, Etc. Mte where Mr. Marsh has day noon, was struck by a passing Wells; treasurer, Alta Butts. Next want the best, try our 68c a lb. Tea. It only costs contracts in the building car and hurled through the window meeting at Maynard Butts' in one Peck-Lookup Hardware Co* J year. a little more per cup but it satisfies. ^^^ ayla-nd Register. of the Plctureland Theatre. iHe was Horace Durand of Ruramerfield, Cohocton hort letter received from badly cut afbout the hands and face. der of Long Beach, Calif., The car was from Massachusetts and Pa., was with D. M. Vail, Sunday at the Baptist meeting. are all •well out here operated by two ladleB. ' *-V»{< The Fourth will be observed by DUZ is unique among soap powders, because It is Jig. See by the Times-Index \2? —One of t h e most significant the sale of ice cream, etc., at the \L-VSS People are goring to have an so powerful in its cleansing properties, and it is so meetings ever h e l d in SteubenCounty halL All are urged to be present. v, • * ¥ & . « celebration t h e Fourth. will be held to the Presbyterian 1 At the regular meeting of the mild that it affects the skin no more than a toilet mind Wing back for the Church at Bath next Sunday, June 'Ingleside Grange to be held SaturThe weather here has been soap does. They say " D U Z does i t , " because DUZ 28th, a t three p. m. At this meet- day evening June 27,the lecturer's «ry day the same." ing will be formed a permanent or- hour will be given over to speakers does do it I Sunday afternoon while the ganization of the Council of Churches from the New York State AgriculSmall pkg. 1 (\^ Large pkg. "eat was its height the briclf of Steubem County. Two laymen and ture School at Alfred, who will give 1 at the entrance t o Maiden the minister of each church will com- a lantern slide talk. All Grangers * Main street bulged about pose this Council a n d its purpose are urged to be present ws. On Monday morning will be better co-operation and unity I() June 22, 1925. Pped back some. Many of the chUTch forces. hat an explosion might take Sift top tins, each 15c a lb. 47C —-Cohocton High won the ball tte A BIG CUT ON EVERY ITEM Pressure became too Always Fresh Most for your money. game with Geneseo Saturday last, Many truck loads of clean, fresh ^n Yan Express. by a score of 7 to 4. Shanley, goods for every need have been Clifton Springs Press reMed. Size corkscrew artist for Geneseo, held brought to Naples during the past «tory that a sitting hen California Cohocton without a run until the week for Dollar Day, Saturday, to Frank Haubner, of that seventh Inning, when they found June 27th, 1925. d9 Memorial Day left her nest him for three and four more in the after spending two week* If ever there was a big moneighth. " H o p " Wlttig was in fine NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS OF '"Brteen eggs, Assuming form and Genesee's hits were scatey's worth, Victrola No. 1-1 W( DOGS *e spoiled, Mr. Haubner tered. T h e y made four runs In the 8 All Dog Licenses expire June 30th h«ch in the loft of his is it! This is the most comName nine Innings, and many of them were and a renewal Is necessary on or beIWeefe later, hearing some pact little Victrola ever made; retired because they pounded away fore July 31st. If you have disposed 1 ir,v c g ti g a t e d and found at Hop's phantoms and didn't hit. ae of your dog before that time be sure but in true Victrola fashion, Address ^__ .' : _ __ at had hatched all but and notify the clerk, as otherwise it «• fourteen eggs.—Naples NAPLES DOLLAR DAY, SATURDAY may be necessary to impose the pen- it brings into your home every Bring this coupon and Buy $1.00 worth of Groceries alty required by law. J U N E 27TH, 1025 bit of entertainment in the big and get ' J * B- Pratt, son of Mr. Every household need may be License Fees are as follows: repertoire of Victor Records "• v - Pratt of this village, purchased at a reduced price at Male Dog, $2.25 the one thousand and by great artists. Naples on Dollar Day. d9 Female Dog, $5.25 mdaates receiving deSpayed Female Dog, $2.26 m Cornell University at the Offer good until 9 P . M. June 27, 1925. All payable to Mrs. Emma Searl, The instrument is in rich manth "Last evening, sir, I distinctly saw annual commencement Deputy Town Clerk. hogany finish, will play any my daughter sitting in your lap. abating i n the'arts and L. D. Tripp, BIG DISPLAY O F What explanation have you to make? e Victor Record and lists to sell " was a member of the d7-8 Town Clerk "I got here early, sir, before the pha fraternity, of the at only Fifteen Dollars, a others.";—Exchange. Then — D o yon want fist) price within reach of every7 a r a member of the leave your order for next job of 1 We buy many carloads of Watermelons, Potatoes, —Do " want tho * • * • **•• J;* - Mr. and Mrs. Pratt printing a t the Print body. s leave your ardor tor your n « t job of graduation. Vincent a Etc. direct from the growers. We will save you shop at OoBoexet *n f ^ . and M » . John printing a t » • T l i M i l p i W Frtmt money. Home grown berries at theirl>est. Shop at Oohoeton. ' ns?,ll6 ftlso ln°t » wai The Tlmee-Jaaex M a t 3C 3C 31 —Pay your tubocriptloab LNEWS A Porch Swing T. S. Crosby & Son Cohocton See Irving s Imperial Midget? Wednesday, June Z4 Evening ~LOON LAKE THE PALACE, I 3C Q Make Your Dollars STRETCHfi ASH I^OOD STORES a JAMS and JELLIES Suggestions CERTO, a bottle 29c TEA 53c 60c 68c a lb. DUZ $?s 10c. C F S Coffee This Summer a VICTROLA for $15 23c C F S Spices Prunes 2 lbs. for 25c Worth Money COUPON 5 lbs. of Sugar for 15c D Fruits and Vegetables - • * 7. S. Crosby & Son Cohocton, Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com i ac — » "•' H -
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