January 6, 2015 CORNERSTONE UMC LAY LEADERS SELECTION & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2015 CHURCH COUNCIL CHAIR CHURCH COUNCIL V-CHAIR LAY LEADER ANNUAL CONFERENCE DELEGATES ALT ANNUAL CONFERENCE DELEGATE RECORDING SECRETARY TREASURER FINANCE CHAIRPERSON BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRPERSON SPR CHAIRPERSON MINISTRY TEAM CHAIRPERSONS 1. Worship 2. Education 3. Mission 4. Evangelism MINISTRY COORDINATORS: 1. Nursery 2. Sr. Adult OTHERS: 1. Preschool Representative MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: 2015 2016 Beverly Brophy Winslow Findley Randall Price Micha Littell Michele Jones Mary Jo Hoover Dante Corpuz Nancy McReynolds Karen Duffy Linda Hash Scott McClintic Kay Cullum John Kluth Troy Spencer STAFF: Pastor Pastor Deacon Director of Youth Director of Music Dir. of Children Financial Administrator Tom McKenney Tricia Wallace Marilyn Grim Jerry/Nancy Fogleman Doris Folser Beverly Brophy Tom McKenney Jim Fernie Hugh Corpening Rick Skinner Helen Rupert Charlotte Woodruff Michele Moura/Bill Turner Rob Pennington/Kristen Frazier Erica Knight Marilyn Grim Director/Co-Dir/Board Chair: Becky Rivard 2017 Roy Finney Seth Stegall Jennifer Gilmore Doug Hascall Liz Thomas Mark Ellis Dave Meadows Trish Woodruff Brenda Porter Scott Grow Steve Hoyle Erica Knight Linda Humphrey Touchstone 01-06-15 FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends, One thing I always like to do at the start of each new year is to make New Year's Resolutions. Many of them I am unable to keep, but sometimes I do. Sometimes I am able to keep the resolutions and when I do I find my life much happier. What New Year's resolutions have you made for the year 2015? Let me suggest you add the following Christian resolutions to year list: …Like Paul, forget those things which are behind and press forward. …Like David, lift up your eyes to the hills from which does your help come. …Like Abraham, trust the Lord implicitly. …Like Enoch, walk in daily fellowship with your heavenly Father. …Like Moses, stand up for what is right and proper. …Like Job, be patient and faithful in all circumstances. …Like Joseph, turn your back on all evil advances. …Like Gideon, advance even when your friends are few assured that God is with you. …Like Andrew, strive to lead another to Christ. And as you look to the New Year, my hope and prayer for you is that you will have: …Enough happiness to keep you sweet. …Enough hope to keep you happy. …Enough success to keep you eager. …Enough friends to give you comfort. …Enough wealth to meet your needs. …Enough enthusiasm to make you look forward to tomorrow. …Enough determination to make each day better than the day before. …Enough love to make life worth living. …And the blessed assurance that God will be with you each moment of each day. God's richest blessings, Dr. Dave PLEASE NOTE: Every week Dr. Meadows has a new “Pastor’s Note” on our website (www.Cornerstoneumc.org/pastordesk). You are encouraged to go to our website each week and read his inspirational thought for the week. ATTENTION 2015 CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS MEETING & INSTALLATION The 2015 Cornerstone Church Council will hold its first meeting of the year on Saturday, January 24th from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The Council will be: a) reviewing the organizational structure and flowchart of CUMC; carefully evaluating 2014; making plans, setting goals and setting calendar dates for 2015; approving the 2015 Cornerstone Budget; and receiving a recommendation from the Building Committee. All Council members are expected to attend. If you will be unable to attend, please call the church office (281-859-4141). Don't forget, the 2015 Church Council will be installed on Sunday, January 11th during the 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. worship services. Please make plans to be in attendance at one of these services. Touchstone 01-06-15 ADVENT/CHRISTMAS EVE OFFERING GREAT SUCCESS “Methodism 101—We Believe” BEGINS 01/11/15 A special “Thank You!” to everyone who gave so generously to our annual Advent/ Christmas Eve offering. It was a great success raising more than $9,000 to go toward our Texas Conference apportionments and the various ministries around the world supported by them. Because of your generosity and faithful stewardship we were able to pay our 2014 apportionments in full. Once again, the members and friends of Cornerstone UMC prove that when they join their hearts, hands and resources together, great things can be achieved for the Lord. Well done, good and faithful servants! As our Cornerstone “Family of Faith” continues to grow, many of our new members come from a variety of religious traditions and denominations. Some also come professing their faith in the Lord while never being raised in a church. With these various backgrounds comes an assortment of questions about what United Methodists really believe. The pastors got together and decided it would great to kick off 2015 with a six week sermon series on Sunday mornings that would address some of the teachings and doctrines of the United Methodist Church. The sermon series will be entitled: “Methodism 101---We Believe”. The sermons in this series will include information on some of the teachings solidly found upon the Holy Scriptures that help to make United Methodism special including the Sacrament of Baptism, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, Grace, “Koinonia”, the Wesleyan way to knowing what to believe and more. Mark your calendars and make plans to be in church every Sunday for this wonderful sermon series. You are not going to want to miss a Sunday as we study and affirm what “We Believe as United Methodists”. Celebrating Baptisms! Celebrating Baptisms on December 28, 2014 at the 10:45 service. Here’s Joe Romo with his daughters Marianda & Mia. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We would like to welcome the Romo family who united with Cornerstone United Methodist Church on December 28, 2014. Pictured are Joseph (Joe) Romo, Josh, Miranda and Mia. Landon is seated on Our Sympathy Our deepest sympathy go to the following families. Carman & Patty Ragatz on the death on their son Joshua Ragatz Jim & Bev Brophy on the death on his cousin, Bob Kinsey Rebecca Funk & Family on the death of her grandmother, Mrs. Lyndell Norton Joe. Be sure to give them a warm Cornerstone welcome and include their information in your church directory. Joseph (Joe) Romo 281-928-6815 (hm-cell) 10810 Broken Sky Dr. Houston, TX 77064 Touchstone 01-06-15 “Soul Care For the New Year” Women - we all have hopes and dreams; longings in our heart. Whether it might be for projects around our home or the desire for a spiritual renewal, dreams and longings are woven into our female DNA. Often times, in the middle of all this pondering of possibilities, we put our own Soul Care on the last ‘page’ of our To Do list (yes, I know your To Do list, is not a one page thing!). On January 22nd, grab a friend and join other busy women who long to live purposefully from a strong spiritual center. Soup will be served at 6:30 p.m. along with rich conversation and practical help for seeking a balanced life with your soul, God and others. Guest speaker is Lucinda Secrest McDowell, a graduate of Gordon Conwell Seminary and author of 11 books, including the new 40 day devotional Live These Words. Check out her websitewww.EncouragingWords.net Come to this free event and be nourished in every sense of the word. Let your co-workers know, dinner is on you and join us for a fabulous evening - where dreams and longings are welcome in the middle of taking care of yourself! Free childcare is available if you RSVP. Please email Trish Woodruff at [email protected]. If you do not need childcare, it would be great if you could let us know you are coming as well, so we can make sure we have enough food. However, if you decide at the last minute - head your car towards 18081 West Road and we will be thrilled for you to join us. CORNERSTONE MOVIE NIGHT - Heaven is For Real It is Family time, January 17th! Grab your neighbors and jump in the car and head to Cornerstone UMC. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. to munch on some popcorn and other goodies. Heaven is For Real is a true story, based on the #1 New York Times best-selling book of the same name. The movie brings to the screen the true story of a small-town father who must find the courage and conviction to share his son’s extraordinary, life-changing experience with the world. Don your comfy clothes, bring your blankets and pillows as we get together to watch this incredible movie together in our Sanctuary. We encourage you to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers - anyone who comes to mind to join in our Friday night together! What a wonderful way to reach out to our community. Doors open at 5:00. Movie begins at 5:30. Let's fill the Sanctuary so we can all enjoy this real life story about the promises of God. Please RSVP for free childcare to Trish Woodruff at [email protected]. Note: Rated PG thematic material including some medical situations CHRISTMAS MIRACLES SIGHTED!!! Many Christmas Miracles were reported taking place at 18081 West Road during the Christmas season! This community of faith honored Christ by donating: 45 robes and 41 stuffed animals to the Mission of Yahweh women’s/children’s shelter; 148 gifts to the inner city mission of the Children’s Activity Center; 28 missionaries spent a Saturday in the inner city bringing the hope and love of Jesus to a couple hundred children; and $400+ dollars in gift cards to Fiest Elementary, helping underprivileged families celebrate the miracle of Christmas. He who serves the least, serves Jesus! What a privilege of partnering with God in a miracle! Rev. Trish Touchstone 01-06-15 CONFIRMATION INFO FOR 2015 What is confirmation? Confirmation is a class for students foundations of the faith. Students in 6th grade or older who have not yet participated in confirmation are invited to join us as we journey together to understand the foundations of the Christian faith. After completing this course students make their first public statement of a profession of faith. In a sense they confirm their faith. What to Expect Attend 9:30 Service together This allows us to come together as a class to worship with the larger church family. 10:45 Confirmation Class Each week we will discuss the topic about the Christian Faith Field Trips We will be visiting several different services throughout the class to help us better understand the background to the Christian faith as well as the opportunity to visit different Christian Churches. Faith Statement & Banquet At the end of the class each student will create a short powerpoint or artistic presentation about what they have learned in confirmation and how they hope to integrate what they have learned into their daily lives. They will get the opportunity to present this to friends and family during the confirmation banquet. Parents/Mentors. Mentors have the great opportunity to walk with the students as they learn the foundations of the Christian faith, sharing with them their own experiences that have helped them grow in their own faith, as well as encouraging students throughout the class. Each week the students will gather to learn about a different topic of the Christian faith and then split into small groups to discuss what they have learned together. If you are interested in becoming a mentor to one of our students in confirmation please contact Scott Grow at [email protected] Curriculum The curriculum we are using is called Re:form. This curriculum utilizes short funny videos for each topic, and includes a workbook for the mentors, as well as one for students. The workbook has activities that allow students to interact with the faith topics in fun and sometimes challenging ways. This is a great opportunity for students to take the next step in the development of their faith, but it is a commitment. Each lesson builds upon the next so while we do allow a few excused absences students will have to make up the work so that they are not missing out on anything. Touchstone 01-06-15 Sarah Ball Fayah Korfeh Rick Bridges Janie Moore Joahn Bennett-Scott Christina Ginn Jake Larson Ann McKee Carol Gillis Sandra Woodward Lauren Clement Chase Talbot Alexei Wade Tom McKenney Carter Bostick Brooke Bryan Ross Davis Jeff Vandervort Alyssa Bryan Susan Carley Karina Barnett Nuwoe Blackie Mary Stallman Stella Gurley Jacob Spencer Elizabeth Omokheyeke Hollie Choate Debi Copeland 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/10 1/11 1/11 1/11 1/13 1/14 1/14 Mitchell Woodward Rick Skinner Nancy Fogleman Wyatt Jacobson Suzanne Linck Winston Si Elizabeth Frable Chase Woodruff Mason Jones David Gill William Hayter Gina Palermo Steve Hoyle Whitney Foreman Barrett Findley Landon Samson Glo Myddleton Scott McClintic Virgil Hydes Amy Boyd Christina Johnson Neil McLemore Rickie Barchue Matt Swain Dawson Bennett Grady Stegall Bruce Bennett 1/15 1/17 1/17 1/17 1/18 1/18 1/19 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/22 1/23 1/23 1/23 1/24 1/24 1/24 1/26 1/26 1/27 1/27 1/28 1/29 1/29 1/30 1/30 1/31 ELECTRONIC GIVING QUICK REFERENCE (QR) CODE: Use a QR Code Reader App on your smart phone or tablet to connect from your mobile device to Cornerstone’s secure Electronic Giving web site. This site is hosted for us by Vanco, who is a PCI certified secure site approved by the United Methodist Church. You can also start at our giving home page (http:// www.cornerstoneumc.org/give/ Thank you for your financial support of Cornerstone United Methodist Church. Every seed that you sow is used to fulfill our mission of igniting a passion to follow Jesus. We strive to honor the Lord with the “first fruits” (Proverbs 3:9) of all our labor. Touchstone 01-06-15 Mission of Yahweh (Women’s Shelter) On Going Food Drive Thank you for your constant support of the Mission of Yahweh. The “NEED” never goes away! You will find a the regular list of needed items located on the notice board in the Narthex and Education Buildings. Please remember that just ONE item each week makes all the difference in the world. December donations were 173 food items, 2 home goods, bag of travel size toiletries and 41 stuffed animals. The donations numbers for 2014 were over 1490 food items, 23 bags of clothes, 35 coats, 321 toiletry and home good items and 152 school supply items. Thanks for an amazing year of sharing Cornerstone! IMPORTANT: Please do not place any OPENED or EXPIRED food in the donation bins. Please be sure to thank our Cornerstone delivery team Lisa Simmons, Linda and John Hash, Ingrid Johnson and Kay Cullum. Remember, you are always welcome to visit the Mission Of Yahweh for a tour of their facility at 10247 Algiers Houston, TX 77041 (713466-4785 ext 107), or visit their website www.missionofyahweh.org for more information and how you can help. Pop Tabs for Ronald MacDonald House BRING IN YOUR POP TOPS!!!! We are still collecting for the upcoming year. Please continue to collect your tabs at home in a plastic zip bags or milk cartons and drop them in to the basket in the Ed Building. Also, if you buy a soda at church, don’t forget to drop your soda pop tab in the BLUE BOTTLE by the donation table. Remember, the tab just has to be aluminum, so it can be a soda or other beverage can, a pet food can, other canned meats like Spam, etc. Please help us reach our goal of 100 pounds of tabs to deliver to the RM House! Michele Moura [email protected] 2015 Blood Drives – The Gift of Life As your blood drive coordinator, I am looking forward to the 2015 Blood Drives and hope to be able to grow our numbers. A valiant effort was made at the last drive on 11/30, but we still fell a little short of last year’s numbers: Whole Blood in 2013: 60 units; in 2014: 57 units (-3)/ Automated (Platelets and Double Reds) in 2013: 34 units; in 2014: 26 units (-8). I do want to thank everyone that participated this past year, whether you assisted at the sign up table, or helped with announcements, or if you gave blood or were deferred, because we could not have a blood drive without you!! Remember, also, that this drive is not limited to our church and congregation. You may invite friends, family, and neighbors to participate as well. Following are the scheduled Blood Drive dates for 2015. I hope that you will make note of them on your new calendar: Your gift of blood is a gift of life. March 8 May 31 August 16 November 29 Every unit donated saves 3 lives! For more information or to sign up, please go to www.giveblood.org Please contact me with any questions. Michele Moura [email protected] OUTREACH MISSION COMMITTEE The Outreach Committee is always looking for “new blood” to bring new ideas and enthusiasm to the table. Our next meeting will be on January 12 at 7PM where we will discussing plans for events and missions in 2015. We would love to have you join us. Please consider participating on our committee. If you have any questions please feel free to contract Michele Moura 281-797-5828 or [email protected] or Bill Turner at [email protected] Touchstone 01-06-15 THE CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY is in prayer for: Our Sympathy: Carman & Patty Ragatz on the death of their son, Joshua Ragatz, Jim & Bev Brophy on the death of his cousin, Bob Kinsey, Rebecca Funk & Family on the death of her grandmother Mrs. Lyndell Norton Illness/Hospitalization: Sydney Loper, Pearline Scott, Lyndell Norton, Berkley Gill, Sandy Hunt, Dianne Andrews, Bill Allen, Leo Willrich, Erik Hokanson, Hailey Hokanson, Bill Robinson, Rachel Wickman, Joan DeAngelis, Angelica M. Moura, Alexis Ragatz, Ida Rodriguez, Bennie Johnston, Jim Brophy, Kellie Molina, Rhonda Porter, Cynthia Cox, Donna Finders, Beverly Pates, Marlene Mussack, Santosh Korde, Carolyn Llorens, Hawa Harmon, Beth Hubby, Fern Wass, Kenneth Mitchell, Pam Keplinger, Lori Robinson, Connie Eustace, Tom Majors, Mike Odell, David Todd, Leslie Kirkbride General: All first responders and military personnel, All persons affected by disasters & tragedy in our country & around the world, Amelia Welch, Tyler Runyon, Les Sarles, Sharon Stephenson, Rosemarie Visconti, Pamm L., Maurice Primeaux, Isaac LaBauve, Charlotte Boullion, David Johnson, Becky Mitchell, Madison LeClair (send prayer requests to [email protected]) <Requests are on the prayer listing for 3 weeks> Our mission is to respond to God’s call by reaching out to nurture and grow the family of Christian disciples. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 am - Worship w/ piano 9:30 am Worship w/ Journey Praise Band 10:45 am - Worship w/ Chancel Choir CHRISTIAN EDUCATION from age 3 9:30 am Nursery Available - 8:15 - 12:00 Handicap Accessible CUMC 18081 West Rd, Houston, TX 77095 Office: 281-859-4141 Fax: 281-859-3915 Financial Office Hours Monday -Thursday - 8:00 - 4:00 The Touchstone is published twice a month. Email articles to [email protected]. For more info, please call Gloria (Glo) Myddleton at 281-859-4141. NEXT NEWSLETTER - January 21, 2015 Articles due by 9:00 am - Friday, January 15 Staff Pastor Dr. Dave Meadows Associate Pastor Rev. Trish Woodruff Deacon Rev. Brenda Porter Church Secretary Gloria (Glo) Myddleton Financial Administrator Linda Humphrey Youth Director Scott Grow Children’s Director Erica Knight Music Director Steven Hoyle Accompanist Dr. Karina P. Barnett Preschool Director Debbie Durkin Preschool Asst. Director Donna Heath Administrative Office Hours Monday -Thursday - 8:30 - 4:00 Friday - 8:30 -12:30 Preschool: 281-859-1612 Touchstone 01-06-15
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