February 10, 2015 Building Committee Presentations for Church Conference On Monday, February 16th, a Church Conference led by our District Superintendent will be held in the worship center to hear and vote on the Cornerstone Church Council approved recommendation by the Building Committee for the building and funding of the newest addition to our church plant. Following a survey of the congregation in September, 2014, which overwhelmingly expressed an interest in the building of a gym/fellowship facility with a kitchen, the Building Committee has been hard at work designing a building that would meet the church’s request at a cost that the church could afford. This new facility labeled “The Happening Now Building” will be another important step forward in our relocation to West Road enabling us to increase our ability to minister to our members of all ages as well as to the community around us. The Building Committee will be hosting information sessions to better inform the membership of the church about the building and funding as well as to answer any questions people may have. These information sessions will be held on Tuesday, February 10th at 7 p.m. and Sunday, February 15th at 12 noon. These information sessions will be held in the worship center. Mark your calendars now and plan to attend one of the information sessions as well as the Church Conference. Cornerstone UMC has an exciting future ahead. Come and learn more about that future and how you can be a part of it. Everyone is invited to attend. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE - February 18th, 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Season of Lent occurring forty days (excluding Sundays) before Good Friday. It is traditionally a time for worshippers to gather together with penitent hearts to have their foreheads marked with a cross of ashes in an act of penance and contrition before the Lord. On Wednesday evening, February 18th at 7 p.m. we will be having an Ash Wednesday worship celebration. This service will include the marking of ashes on each worshippers head followed by a quiet time of reflection at the altar. In addition, as we do each Ash Wednesday service, there will be something “extra” to illustrate God’s forgiveness of our sins. Special music will be provided by the Chancel Choir. This will be a meaningful service and everyone is invited to attend. Cornerstone United Methodist Church is located at 18081 West Road (across from the CFISD Berry Center and next to the CVS). For more information, please call the church office at 281-859-4141 or check out our website at www.cornerstoneumc.org. Touchstone 02-10-15 FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends, A golden anniversary party was thrown for an elderly couple. The husband was moved by the occasion and wanted to tell his wife just how he felt about her. She was very hard of hearing, however, and often misunderstood what he said, With many family members and friends gathered around, he toasted her: “My dear wife, after fifty years I’ve found you tried and true!” Everyone smiled approval, but his wife said, “Eh?” He repeated louder, “After fifty years I’ve found you tried and true!” His wife harumped and shot back, “Well, let me tell you something---after fifty years I’m tired of you, too!” When we first marry, we are carried along by the first blush of love’s passion. Everything is new and fresh. With anticipation of each new discovery comes excitement. The feelings of romance feed on this excitement. We are carried away by the feeling of falling in love. Then, as the years past, life turns routine. Marriage and family exert their daily demands. The excitement of first blush romance seems far away. Captured by a pervading sense of loss, the longing to recapture the magic of time now gone beckons like the smell of baking bread. Here are some suggestions how we can rebuild and recapture that “loving feeling.” 1) Do the things that helped you fall in love the first time. Treat them special, go to new places, share your dreams for the future, talk about your plans, and go for quite walks to be alone together. 2) Look for something each week to give thanks for in your partner; something new, something fresh, something captivating. It’s there if you’ll only look. 3) Do romantic things with your partner; surprise him/her with something new and different just for fun. Do something they know is not your favorite thing to do, but they love to do. 4) Ask God to help you find the feeling of falling in love with the one who has shown they love you for a lifetime. I think if you’ll follow these suggestions, you’ll be surprised that you can recapture the excitement and love with the one who has been most faithful and familiar over all the years! And you’ll never have the occasion to say to your spouse, “I’m tired of you, too!” See you Sunday. God’s richest blessings, Dr. Dave PLEASE NOTE: Every week Dr. Meadows has a new “Pastor’s Note” on our website (www.Cornerstoneumc.org/pastordesk). You are encouraged to go to our website each week and read his inspirational thought for the week. CORNERSTONE UMC TO OFFER “FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY” Cornerstone United Methodist Church located at 18081 West Rd (across the street from the CFISD Berry Center and next to the CVS) will be offering Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University.” “Financial Peace University teaches God’s ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps on how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more. You are invited to attend a 30 minute free preview of the class on Tuesday, February 17th at 7 p.m. and Sunday, February 22nd at 12 noon. The nine week course will be offered on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. beginning on March 3rd. To register call the church office at 281 -859-4141, online by zip code at www.daveramsey.com/findaclass, at one of the preview sessions or in the lobby of the church on any Sunday through March 1st. The cost of the materials is $93 and will be available at the first class. This entitles anyone living under the same roof to attend and repeat as often as desired. Partial scholarships are available. For more information, please visit our website at www.cornerstoneumc.org or the Financial Peace University website at www.daveramsey.com/fpu/home. Touchstone 02-10-15 Cornerstone UMC Preschool is now registering for the 2015-2016 school year. New families who have taken a tour of the preschool register on February 12th at 10 AM and registration is open to the public beginning February 12th at 11 AM . Pass the word to your family and friends who are searching for a preschool. We would love to meet them and discuss possible enrollment. We truly are the best preschool in town! If you have questions concerning registration, contact the preschool office at 281-859-1612. EASTER CANDY DONATIONS CUMC’s Children’s Ministry is accepting candy donations to fill our eggs for the Children’s Easter Festival. Candy donations can be placed in the green plastic bin located in the narthex under the information board. Chocolate is discouraged because it MELTS! Individually wrapped or mini packaged candies work best. Egg Filler Suggestions: Jolly Rancher hard candies Jellybean mini-packages Skittles mini-packages SweetTart mini-packages Fruit flavored Tootsie Rolls Nestle Wonka Egg Filler Mix Questions?: Contact Erica Knight at [email protected]. Touchstone 02-10-15 Live Nativity Update The Evangelism Committee wants to thanks all those who made the 2104 Live Nativity a great success. We particularly want thank Dave Gill for his many years as program chairman of the event. Dave is stepping down and we need a new program chairman for the 2015 event. If you are interested or have questions, please contact Rob Pennington at 713-927-8251 or email at [email protected]. Vacation Bible School 2015 Hi-ho there campers!! Vacation Bible School at Cornerstone UMC is going to be “tree-mendous” this year! At Camp Discovery, campers will explore Bible stories that demonstrate how God works in and through us to save and serve His people. Join us June 22nd - 26th from 9am to noon and discover for yourselves how God has a plan and purpose for us all! Registration starts soon!! Questions? Contact Erica Knight at [email protected] or Vicki Stegall at [email protected] or you can call the church office at 281-859-4141. Cornerstone UMC is located at 18081 West Rd., Houston, 77095. We are near the corner of Barker-Cypress and West Rd., across from the Berry Center and behind CVS Pharmacy. Church office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30 to 4:00 and Friday 8:30 to 12:30. Trustee Corner We have installed more stop signs on the gym road and CVS road to improve the safety of folks pulling from West Road into our neighborhood. HOWEVER, do not assume everyone will pay attention to the new stop signs. It takes time to change old habits. Be alert and watchful. Reminder—the new sidewalk installation may block our eastern exit for 4 or 5 days. There is no plan to block the western exit at all. FROM FUMC OF MERCEDES, TEXAS Cornerstone Friends! Olan & Lola have been working in the LaMesa Colonia in Mercedes. It is a tiny Methodist Hispanic Church serving a very poor area. Your gifting poor children with shoes is a huge blessing as some school require black shoes or the children are sent home. Families must paty tuition, text material starting in kindergarten. Your help sees that children can be in school. The Halberts are true missionaries at heart & we love how they put their faith in action. Sincerely, Tammy Ross - Mission co-chair Dear Methodist at Cornerstone UMC, I thought I’d send an update on Olan & Lola Halbert’s work in Mercedes, Texas. Along with retired Methodist NOMADS, they are working in one of the poorest counties in our nation. They have enclosed a walk-way in a tiny, poor Methodist Church North of Mercedes turning it into a needed nursery. (The, the church, fed breakfast & lunch last summer to hundreds of children.) They made repairs to a home with 7 family members. The home is made of particle board. They have made repairs to our country teams home which provides housing for construction workers in Mexico. Your support by gathering shoes for children and sharing Lola & Olan is greatly appreciated. They will share stories with you I’m sure. Thanks again for being a part of this ministry! Sincerely, Mercedes Mission Fanny Ross - co-chair Touchstone 02-10-15 WHAT’S CHANGED??? If you have changed your address, phone number, email address, or your children have left your home, please alert the church office of this change. Now is the time to check and make sure we have updated information on you and your family. We are usually the last to know of a change and as your church family we should be one of the first. Please contact the church office at 281-859-4141 or [email protected] if there is a change. Keep us current with your changes. Thank you. Angels..... as explained By Children. Children’s Easter Festival Cornerstone United Methodist Church - March 21st Cornerstone United Methodist Church invites and welcomes our community friends and neighbors along with our own “Family of Faith” to join us for our annual Children’s Easter Festival on Saturday, March 21st, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. There will be games and activities for the whole family including a petting zoo, crafts, face painting and more. Of course, there will also be an Easter Egg Hunt for various age groups as well. Cornerstone UMC practices being cheerful and generous givers. If you are able, please bring a non-perishable food item to benefit The Mission of Yahweh, a local woman’s shelter. Cornerstone UMC is located at 18081 West Road (across from the CFISD Berry Center and next to the CVS Pharmacy). For directions or more information, please call the church office at 281-859-4141 or check our website at www.cornerstoneumc.org. We hope you will join us for this time of good fun and fellowship. I only know the names of two angels, Hark and Harold. - Gregory, age 5 Everybody's got it all wrong. Angels don't wear halos anymore. I forget why, but scientists are working on it -Olive, age 9 Angels work for God and watch over kids when God Has to go do something else. -Mitchell, age 7 My guardian angel helps me with math, but he's not much good for science. -Henry, age 8 Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!! -Jack, age 6 Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead. - Daniel, age 9 When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath again, somewhere there's a tornado. - Reagan, age 10 Touchstone 02-10-15 Outreach Missions Calendar 2015 Feb 9: Meeting 7PM Feb 14: Valentine’s Day reception for Women & Children of MOY (on location) 1PM-3:30PM Feb 1-Mar 1: Pet needs drive for Provisions Through Christ March 9: Meeting 7PM March 15: 1st Qtr Blood Drive 8AM-12:30PM – TShirt Drive! April 13: Meeting 7PM May 11: Meeting 7PM May-June (Date TBA): Faith In Practice May 31: 2nd Qtr Blood Drive June 7-Au23: MOY Summer Food Drive June 8: Meeting 7PM July 5-Aug 9: MOY School Supply Drive July 13: Meeting 7PM August 10: Meeting 7PM August 16: 3rd Qtr Blood Drive Sept-Oct: (Date TBA)11th Annual Seafarers Fellowship Cookout September 14: Meeting 7PM Oct 4-Dec 20: MOY Holiday Food Drive Oct-Nov: Coat Drive October 12: Meeting 7PM November 9: Meeting 7PM November 29: 4th Qtr Blood Drive December 12: (TBA) Children’s Activity Center event December 14: Meeting 7PM Blood Drives – Save the Date March 15 Looking forward to all the smiling faces donating blood on March 15th! It will be a “T-Shirt” drive, so everyone who attempts to donate will get a great “Commit for Life 2015” t-shirt. You may sign up online NOW to get your preferred time for the March Drive at www.giveblood.org. Early sign up helps us to know how busy this drive will be. We will have sign up at church the week before the drive on March 8th. Your gift of blood is a gift of life. Every unit donated saves 3 lives! For more information or to sign up, please go to www.giveblood.org or contact Michele Moura [email protected] Pop Tabs for Ronald MacDonald House PULL FOR THE HOUSE!!!! The collecting continues this year!! The monies from the tabs helps to provide a “home away from home” for critically ill children and their families. For more information about the local facility please go to https://rmhhouston.org/ . We are now up to about up to about 20lbs. Please continue to collect your tabs at home in a plastic zip bags or milk cartons and drop them in to the basket in the Ed Building. Also, if you buy a soda at church, don’t forget to drop your soda pop tab in the BLUE BOTTLE by the donation table. Remember, the tab just has to be aluminum, so it can be a soda or other beverage can, a pet food can, other canned meats like Spam, etc. Please help us reach our goal of 100 pounds of tabs to deliver to the RM House! Michele Moura [email protected] Touchstone 02-10-15 LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR OR BASS Billy Raines is a seasoned Worship Leader and Band Leader with a passion to teach others to play stringed instruments. Billy has been active in leading worship for over 20 years in the Houston area. He has taught many to play the guitar and bass. Lessons are one on one and structured to make you successful in playing as soon as possible. If you already know some guitar, he can help you take your knowledge further and achieve more. He has developed a system for teaching guitar that makes getting up to speed playing songs very easy and quick. In 45 minutes sessions Billy will take you through everything you need to learn to play. Contact Billy Raines at 832-259-6692 or email him at [email protected] for more information. Mission of Yahweh (Women’s Shelter) On Going Food Drive Thank you for your constant support of the Mission of Yahweh. The “NEED” never goes away! You will find a the regular list of needed items located on the notice board in the Narthex and Education Buildings. Please remember that just ONE item each week makes all the difference in the world. January Food Donations: 6 bags of groceries and toiletries. Volunteer Needed for 2015 to deliver donations 3 months out of the year. Please conatct Kay Cullum at [email protected] if interested. IMPORTANT: Please do not place any OPENED or EXPIRED food in the donation bins. Please be sure to thank our Cornerstone delivery team Lista Simmons, Linda and John Hash and Kay Cullum. Remember, you are always welcome to visit the Mission Of Yahweh for a tour of their facility at 10247 Algiers Houston, TX 77041 (713-466-4785 ext 107), or visit their website www.missionofyahweh.org for more information and how you can help. FIEST NEEDS Fiest needs your undies! Well, maybe not your undies but purchased underwear that you might be able to donate on behalf of elementary school children. Our wonderful adopted school is in need of underwear in the following sizes: Girls - sizes S,M,L Boys - size S Please place all undies in the basket marked for Fiest Donations. No one should really go without! ELECTRONIC GIVING QUICK REFERENCE (QR) CODE: Use a QR Code Reader App on your smart phone or tablet to connect from your mobile device to Cornerstone’s secure Electronic Giving web site. This site is hosted for us by Vanco, who is a PCI certified secure site approved by the United Methodist Church. You can also start at our giving home page (http://www.cornerstoneumc.org/ give/) Beginning 1/20/15 - New login page: myvanco.vancopayments.com Thank you for your financial support of Cornerstone United Methodist Church. Every seed that you sow is used to fulfill our mission of igniting a passion to follow Jesus. We strive to honor the Lord with the “first fruits” (Proverbs 3:9) of all our labor. Touchstone 02-10-15 THE CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY is in prayer for: Our Sympathy: Richard & Edwina Barchue & Family on the death of his sister, Cynthia Barchue, Pam Lillico & Family on the death of her mother, Faye Morris & her aunt, Lucille Morris, Hollie Choate & family on the death of her mother Illness/Hospitalization: Ginny Harwell, Kenneth Mitchell, Lisa Gregory, Brad Thomas, Brenda Standley, Sue Hooper, Don Hascall, Domingo Salinas, Isaac LaBauve, Allison Gomulka, James & Maryann Bart, Eric Watson, Larry Hatcher, Don Bain, Lois Palmgren, Ali Brown, Kristine Morman, Mary Smart, Artila Tyler, Bud Tyler, Pearline Scott, Lyndell Norton, Hailey Hokanson, Bill Robinson, Joan DeAngelis, Angelica M. Moura, Ida Rodriguez, Bennie Johnston, Jim Brophy, Kellie Molina, Rhonda Porter, Cynthia Cox, Donna Finders, Beverly Pates, Marlene Mussack, Santosh Korde, Carolyn Llorens, Hawa Harmon, Beth Hubby, Connie Eustace, Tom Majors, Lori Robinson, Mike Odell, David Todd, Leslie Kirkbride General: All first responders and military personnel, All persons affected by disasters & tragedy in our country & around the world, Becky Mitchell, Sandy Hunt, Pam Keplinger (send prayer requests to [email protected]) Our mission is to respond to God’s call by reaching out to nurture and grow the family of Christian disciples. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 am - Worship w/ piano 9:30 am Worship w/ Journey Praise Band 10:45 am - Worship w/ Chancel Choir CHRISTIAN EDUCATION from age 3 9:30 am Nursery Available - 8:15 - 12:00 Handicap Accessible CUMC 18081 West Rd, Houston, TX 77095 Office: 281-859-4141 Fax: 281-859-3915 Financial Office Hours Monday -Thursday - 8:00 - 4:00 The Touchstone is published twice a month. Email articles to [email protected]. For more info, please call Gloria (Glo) Myddleton at 281-859-4141. NEXT NEWSLETTER - February 24, 2015 Articles due by 9:00 am - Thursday, Feb 19 Staff Pastor Dr. Dave Meadows Associate Pastor Rev. Trish Woodruff Deacon Rev. Brenda Porter Church Secretary Gloria (Glo) Myddleton Financial Administrator Linda Humphrey Youth Director Scott Grow Children’s Director Erica Knight Music Director Steven Hoyle Accompanist Dr. Karina P. Barnett Preschool Director Debbie Durkin Preschool Asst. Director Donna Heath Administrative Office Hours Monday -Thursday - 8:30 - 4:00 Friday - 8:30 -12:30 Preschool: 281-859-1612 Touchstone 02-10-15
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