Padre Pio Press January, 2015 Meeting/Epiphany Party Join us Sunday, January 11th for our annual Epiphany party. If you are new to us, you will receive a Bible verse for the year, a saint for the year, a prayer partner, and deceased brother or sister to remember in prayer. If we have a visitor, we will ask that person to pray for the fraternity all year. We also get a small gift that helps us spiritually all year long. (Pray for prompt mail delivery.) Council meeting will be held at the Serros residence on Saturday the 10th at 1:00 PM. Las Cartas He or she was created by the same God that created you. If you are dealing with the messiness of life by cleaning up after others, thank God for the opportunity to serve Him. After all, it is for God’s greater glory that we serve. If you are not satisfied with your prayer life, don’t desire to be like others. Just thank God that you do have a prayer life and believe and trust in Him alone. Start with thanking God for everything, at every time, and with all your heart. You will not be disappointed. You may be surprised. Remember, we are called to be examples for others as Franciscans by the way we live. “Rely on the mighty Lord; constantly seek His face. Recall the wondrous deeds He has done, His signs, and His words of judgment.” (Psalms Beginning a new year is always like dusting out the cobwebs from our ceilings. We are energized to clear out our spaces and lives and start anew. Unfortunately, after a couple of weeks into the New Year, we are usually back to the same routine. I usually start with a promise to myself that I will journal, but that usually goes to the wayside. I just have to look at my various journals that begin in the New Year and start up again at the end of the year. Let me suggest a challenge for the New Year. Start your day with looking for the beauty of God and find a way to serve Him. It is simple, according to all the saints. If you are not a morning person and begin each day growling like a bear, instead, thank God for the beauty of the day. If you meet that person at work whose mere voice irritates you, look for God’s goodness in that person. 105: 4-5). Peace and All Good, Janet Lenten Retreat St. Francis and St. Clare Fraternity is hosting a Lenten retreat for the Riverside/San Bernardino district. The date, given in the last newsletter has changed. It is March 7th, one week later than originally planned. It will begin at 9:30 AM and will end at 2:00 PM. Breakfast type foods will be provided in the morning and participants are asked to bring a dish to share for lunch. We will meet at Jane’s home between 8:00 and 8:30 and carpool to Holy Spirit Church in Hemet which will serve as the venue for the retreat. Plan to join with your brothers and sisters from Hemet, Riverside, Claremont, and Moreno Valley. As sister used to say at our Chapter Meetings, “Get more holier.” See you there. 1 Serra Retreat Our annual Secular Franciscan Retreat will be held in Malibu at the Serra Retreat Center on May 23, 24, and 25. Fr. Dan Horan, OFM will be the retreat master. The theme of the retreat will be Living our Franciscan Tradition Today: Prayer, Franciscans, Spirituality, and the Significance of Pope Francis. It is recommended that we register early as this retreat is sure to be full. I am trying to get the applications for our Sunday meeting. There is an application available online at the Serra Retreat website, but some computers will not open it. joined her there. After taking charge of the center, the sisters established a school for women and girls. She then took charge of the home that St. Damien de Veuster had established for men and boys on Molokai. She changed life there by introducing cleanliness, pride, and fun to the colony. As part of her approach, women were provided with pretty dresses and bright scarves. Mother Marianne was awarded the Royal Order of Kapiolani by the Hawaiian government and was written about in a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. She continued her work and her sisters still work on Molokai where they have attracted many vocations. Mother Marianne died on August 9th, was beatified in 2005 and was canonized seven years later. The Point at Serra Retreat Center Saints’ Corner St. Marianne Cope, OSF St. Marianne Cope was borne to Peter and Barbara Cope of Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany on January 23, 1838. When she was two years old, the family immigrated to the United States and settled in Utica. When she was young, she worked in a factory. In August of 1862, she went to join the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis in Syracuse. One year later, in November, she was professed and began teaching in Assumption parish school. Sister Marianne was superior in many different places and was superior at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse where she learned skills that would later help her in Hawaii. In 1877, Mother Marianne was elected provincial and remained in that position upon reelection in 1881. In 1883, she answered the call to go to Hawaii to run the Kakaako Receiving Station for people who were suspected of having leprosy. Six other sisters Mother Marianne Cope, OSF Franciscan sisters in Molokai Poem Following is a poem about St. Marianne Cope, OFS written by poet Robert Louis Stevenson. This poem was published in the Burned-Over District Observer on October 23, 2012. The Burned-Over District is a term “used by some to describe the region of Western New York in the historical period of 1899-1850. It is also sometimes called the second great awakening with combination of religious, social, and political elements.” Robert Louis Stevenson’s Poem for Saint Marianne Cope To the Reverend Sister Marianne, Matron of the Bishop Home, Kalaupapa. To see the infinite pity of this place, The mangled limb, the devastated face, The innocent sufferers smiling at the rod, A fool were tempted to deny his God. He sees and shrinks; but if he look again, Lo, beauty springing from the breasts of pain! He marks the sisters on the painful shores, And even a fool is silent and adores. Franciscan Calendar of Saints for January 3 Most Holy Name of Jesus 6 Bl. Diego Jose of Cadiz, priest, I Order 7 St. Angela of Foligno, religious, III Order 8 Bl. Eurosia Fabris, III Order 12 St. Bernard of Corleone, religious, I Order 14 Bl. Ordoric of Pordenone, priest, I Order 16 Sts. Berard, priest, and companions, protomartyrs of the Order 18 St. Charles of Sezze, religious, I Order 19 St. Thomas of Cori, priest, I Order St. Eustochia Calafato, virgin, II Order 20 Bl. John Baptist Triquerie, priest, martyr, I Order 23 St. Marianne Cope, virgin, OSF 24 St. Francis de Sales, bishop, doctor, III Order, founder 27 St. Angela Merici, virgin, III Order, founder 29 Bl. Roger of Todi, religious, I Order 30 St. Hyacinth of Mariscotti, virgin, III Order 31 St. John Bosco, priest, III Order, founder Ongoing Formation for January When we think of the holiday season, we often think of gifts. The time before Christmas is a flurry of shopping and decorating. People often become stressed. We also think of resolutions with the New Year. The Magi came to worship our Lord. They were resolved to see the face of God. They had their worries. Herod did not greet the news of a new king with glee. He did take them seriously, however. He was so frightened of the new king that he ordered the slaughter of the Holy Innocents. Still, the Magi pressed on. They were resolved to see the face of God and to bring Him gifts. They put some thought into these gifts. They brought him gold as one did for a king. They brought incense which acknowledged Him as God. Finally, they brought Myrrh which was used to prepare a body for burial. This foretold His death one day. Christ also brought a gift. He brought the gift of His sacrifice for our sins. He brought love and a new way of life. Like the Magi, once we know God, we walk a new path. To prepare for our meeting, pray, listen to God, and ask yourself, “What is my gift for the Baby Jesus?” Like the Magi, resolve this year to really get to know your Lord. Special thanks to Father Gregory Elder, PhD for his inspiration for this article. Also, a special thanks to our Spiritual Assistant, Bill Mussatto, OSF who reminds us to listen when we pray. Obligations for the Professed of the Secular Franciscan Order To join in Liturgical prayer in one of the forms proposed by the Church, preferably the Liturgy of the Hours The wear the Secular Franciscan habit (Tau Cross) To examine one’s conscience daily To contribute to the Fraternity’s common fund according to one’s means To observe the commandments of God and the precepts of the Holy Mother Church To attend monthly meetings for on-going formation and community building To observe moderation of dress, recreation, food, and manner of life. To give good example, avoid disputes, and minister to the needs of others, especially the poor. Pray for our Military Justin Williams (Marine) Erica Borne (Air Force) Marcus and Dominic Fontenot Matthew Day (Air National Guard) Please Pray Dennis Herron, conversion and health Keith Beard, conversion and health Shirley Hulse, health Agatha Borne’s sister-in-law, repose of soul Elizabeth Richards, well-being/peace in family January Birthday’s None January Professions None Lucy Oliva: Repose of Soul Julie Bash Angelina and Ara Sagherian Rhonda Turkowski Adriana and Ruben Rose Cassandra Beddingfield and family Forrest Clark An end to abortion Sanctity of marriage Johnathan Kimball Charles Cushing Eilene Smith Judi M. Johnson Janet Serros Guadalupe Serros Anne Hurst Robbie Ward Barbara and Tom Turkowski Health and wellbeing of Betty Sonderman and her friends and family All caretakers for peace, strength, and comfort For the safety of those who are persecuted by terrorists and oppressive governments The end of human trafficking The end of domestic violence Isabella Keller, pancreatic cancer Lucille Adams, health and comfort Gerard Borne, Jr. for the peace and guidance of God in his life and for ongoing conversion A dear sister, Lucy Oliva, passed away. She was formerly a member of the Holy Spirit Fraternity in Claremont. Lucy was a hair dresser by trade and was proud of her Native American heritage. She liked pretty things, and once asked me if I could embroider gold thread around the Tau on the scapular that members of Holy Spirit were buried in. I promised to do it and I regret that I could not fulfill the promise. Lucy was a gentle soul and a wonderful sister. I know she will receive her gold in Heaven. Please pray for the repose of her soul and for her family. Treasurer’s Report Beginning Balance: 11/30/14 $4,428.42 December Donations General Fund 220.00 Change for Charity 210.31 Gregorian Masses 430.00 Total Deposits/December 860.31 Expenses St. Francis Region/ Chapter Meeting 325.00 Spiritual Assistant 35.00 Ending Balance: 12/31/14 $4,928.73 Words of Padre Pio “A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” Franciscan School of Theology The Franciscan School of Theology is now located at Mission San Luis Rey. According to an email from region, Secular Franciscans will receive a discount on tuition. Phone numbers are (760) 547-1800 or toll free (855) 355-1550. Change for Charity Please remember to contribute to our Change for Charity box. One hundred percent of the proceeds go to support our charities. Infirmarians Our new Infirmarians are Agatha Borne and Hermie Quevedo. They will work together to bring comfort to our ill and homebound. Contacts Minister Janet Serros 951-242-7370 H 909-519-4448 C [email protected] Vice-Minister Denise Leslie 951-242-7778 [email protected] Secretary Dixie Marshall 951-485-2326 [email protected] Treasurer Julie Bash 951-242-3270 [email protected] Formation Jane Wurzel 951-247-4786 [email protected] Councilors Stephanie Thiebaux 951-961-0135 [email protected] Hermie Quevedo 951-242-3632 Infirmarian: Agatha Borne 951-943-2709 [email protected] Hermie Quevedo 951-242-3632 [email protected] Spiritual Assistant: Bill Mussatto 909-626-3777 909-920-9154 [email protected] Editor Dixie Marshall 951-485-2326 [email protected]
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