Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Church Crosby Sick Anne Brownsell, Wally Reynolds, Paul Garrett, Jim Sheerin, Trish Hodson, George & Wyn Coughlin, Vanessa Hall, Che Burnley, Ann Sumner, Jonathan Crofts, Mrs Moore, Maria Carragher, Jack Kirby, Alice Tansey, May Ruxton, Blair Fowler, John White, Joe Burke, Ann Hughes, Charles Sankey, Joseph Greville, Maura Murphy, Brian Orford (Jnr), Gerard Tansey, Ian Buchanan, Mary Griffin, Margaret Reynolds, Helen Burgess, Veronica Duffy, Maureen Hall, Pam McHugh, K Nuss, Annette Hemming, Ken Hemming, Tommy Carter, Ben Hamill-Hope, Mollie Finnigan, Glen Sands, Joseph Forshaw, Sheila Cummins, Tommy O’Brien, Sheila Connolly, Mary Rimmer Lately Dead Joan Marcroft, Teresa Dooley, Ann Anderson, Dolores Donaghue, Nessie White, Hilda Byrne, Paul Mercer, Jack Taylor, Alice Tansey Anniversaries Harry Kenny, Ursula Cooke, Mary Miller, Eddie Kelly, Kathleen Maguire, Liz Milling, Brian Ferns, Gerald Beattie, Michael Murphy, Frank McGrath ——————————————————————————————————–——————————————————————————--————————————-- Engaged Couples Course: Those getting married in our area during 2015 will be invited to come along for the Marriage Preparation Course, starting on Tuesday 17th February at 7.30pm, in the Parish Hall at Ss Peter and Paul. Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday 6.45pm - 7.15pm & Saturday 10.30am - 11.00am Exposition & Morning Prayer Weekdays 8.30am - 9.10am (except Thurs & Sat) Benediction & Exposition Tuesday 6.30pm - 7.15pm 1st Sunday of the month 3.30pm Stations of the Cross Every Friday of Lent at 7.00pm Parish Priest: Mgr. John Furnival Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc. Registered Charity No. 232709 Feast of the Baptism of The Lord Year B - 11th January 2015 Parish Priest: Rev. Mgr. John Furnival Asst Priest: Rev. Fr. Roy Cooper Deacons: Rev. Tony Johnson Rev. Terry Rimmer Rev. Ernest Diggory (retired) In Residence: Rev. Fr. John Seddon Saturday 10 January 5.45 Marian Murphy & Maureen Potter Sunday 11 January 9.30 Sp. Int (S&R McC) & Patricia Moore 11.30 Joanie Counding & Family & Patrick Buckley Monday 12 January 9.10 Phillip Goodwin, William & Elaine Maddocks 11.00 am Requiem Mass: Nessie White Tuesday 13 January 9.10 Eucharistic Service 11.00 Funeral Service: John Stephen Taylor 7.30 Tony Sexton, Sr. Marian & Harry Kenny Wednesday 14 January 9.10 Paul Mercer, Pamela McHugh & Teresa Dooley Friday 16 January 9.10 Ursula Cooke & Mary Miller Saturday 17 January 5.45 Eddie Kelly & Reusburg-Philips Family Address: 161 Liverpool Road Great Crosby Liverpool L23 5TE Tel: 0151 928 3456 Fax: 0151 949 1930 E-Mail: [email protected] Sunday 18 January 9.30 Liz Milling & Kathleen Maguire 11.30 Brian Ferns & Mr & Mrs Kwok Fong 3.00 pm Christian Unity Service. Monday 19 January 9.10 Wallace & Martin Families & Sp Int (MH) 11.00 am Requiem Mass: Hilda Byrne Tuesday 20 January 9.10 Eucharistic Service 7.30 Samuel Maddock & Richard Lofthouse Wednesday 21 January 9.10 Mike Harris & The Cryan Sisters 11.00 am Requiem Mass: Alice Tansey Friday 23 January 9.10 Gerald Beattie & The Wilson Family Saturday 24 January 5.45 Margarita & Christopher Dunne & Agnes Lyons Sunday 25 January 9.30 Benjamin & Rachael Gibbons & Michael Murphy 11.30 Vincent Thirwall & Frank McGrath FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD: This Sunday 11January, we celebrate the Baptism of The Lord, which brings to an end the Church’s celebration of Christmastime. It is a Feast Day on which we can give thanks for the sacrament of baptism and personally renew the faith promises made for us on the day of our baptism. WHITE FLOWER APPEAL This will take place on 11 January in our Church, in support of SPUC. It was a great disappointment to hear of the ruling of the Supreme Court recently, going against the midwifes who had refused to assist in Abortion operations. Please continue to pray for the protection of the Unborn Child. Ss. PETER AND PAUL WEBSITE Why not visit our new website for all information and events in our parish and area on: Have a look and follow the links for events and what’s on, local Crosby churches and other information. UNITED SERVICE - 18th January: The week of Prayer for Christian unity this year will begin with a special Service in our church at 3.00 pm and we will be joined by the Archbishop of Liverpool, the Bishop Liverpool and The Leader of the Methodist District, who will all give a short Address. Please come along to pray together for the Unity of Christians on what is also Peace Sunday. (see the parish website for more information). ALTAR SERVERS: We are pleased to have enrolled 3 new Altar Servers on St. Stephen’s Day, 26 December 2014. Would all servers please note there is a trip to Southport on 17 January 2015 for the Pantomime (Snow White). A coach will leave Church straight after the Evening Mass, family members are welcome. Please sign the list in the Servers sacristy. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Jack Taylor, Hilda Byrne, Sr Rose, Joan Marcroft, Ann Anderson, Paul Mercer, Alice Tansy, Nessie white and Felicity Brown who have died recently. May they rest in peace. FAIRTRADE SLIDE SHOW: Takes place on Wednesday 25 February at St. Luke’s church, Crosby. Contact St. Lukes’ office, Liverpool Road for details. NUGENT CARE TALK: Marie Reynolds will be with us for the weekend Masses of the 24th & 25th January. The talks will be on the work that Nugent Care does in the Archdiocese. WATERLOO PARTNERSHIP: the bag packing event before Christmas, raised £4,200 to help the victims of the Ebola virus crisis in Africa. Many thanks to all who contributed to this wonderful success and thanks to those who helped on the day. SVP: £375.00 was collected in this month’s collection. Many thanks for your continued generosity. CONFIRMATION: With the re-organising of Sacramental programmes, we are aware that some children may have missed out on being confirmed. If you have anyone who would like to join a group preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the New Year - please contact the parish office. FOOD FOR THOUGHT MEETINGS: A reminder that these meetings, held in the Islington Room at St. Helen’s Church starting at 2.00pm each Thursday, will recommence on January 15 with the topic of Unity. The topic for January 22 will be The Kingdom of God, and January 29 will be Selflessness. DAYS OF REFLECTION AT SANDYMOUNT HOUSE OF PRAYER, BLUNDELLSANDS: Saturday 28 February - Lenten Day of Reflection led by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, Archbishop of Liverpool Saturday 14 March Preparing for Easter led by Father Daniel O’Leary Saturday 18 April Holy Madness - Who is St. Teresa of Avila? led by Gillian Coxhead Saturday 23 May A day exploring Etty Hillesum’s Thinking and Spirituality led by Donna Worthigton £20 per day, simple lunch included. More information at [email protected] or RESPONDING TO THE CALL: Vocation Discernment Group. There is a Day of reflection and recollection on 7th February at St. Charles’ presbytery, 224 Aigburth, Liverpool. Similar meetings take place on the first Saturday of each month. Contact Fr. James Preston for details on 0151 727 2493. Sunday Readings: Feast of the Baptism of the Lord: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Acts 10: 34-38 Matthew 1: 7-11 2nd Sunday of the Year:1 Samuel 3: 3-10. 19 1Corinthians 6:13-15. 17-20 John 1: 35-42
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