THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF BUNDABERG Jesus, the carpenter of Nazareth, travels to the River Jordan And standing in line with all humankind, is baptised by John. Baptism of the Lord - Year B - Hours of the Feast, Te Deum - Psalter Week 1 - 11th January 2015 Holy Rosary Church Corner Barolin & Woongarra Streets Bundaberg CBD St Patrick’s Church 16 Powers Street Bundaberg West St Mary’s Church Corner Barolin & Boston Streets Bundaberg South St James’ Church 38 See Street Bargara Parish Office & Christian Gift & Bookstore Rossolini Place Level 1 / 66 Woongarra Street PO Box 79 Bundaberg Qld 4670 Parish Office Hours 8:30am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday Telephone (07) 4151 6666 Facsimile (07) 4153 3102 Email [email protected] Website The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Pastoral Team Fr John Daly - Parish Priest Fr John Fitz-Herbert - Parish Priest Assistant Fr Andrew Hogan - Associate Pastor Anne Sheehan - Liturgy, Sacramental, RCIA Co-ordinator Joe McCorley - Team Member Nadia Fregonese - Stewardship & Adult Faith Co-ordinator Denise Tuzes - Visitation & Funeral Co-ordinator Diana Pippia - Office Manager Kaye Andersen - Reception Mass Times (07) 4151 6666 (Afterhours) Centacare 1300 523 985 Towards Healing Helpline 1800 337 928 St Vincent de Paul (07) 4151 5455 St Joseph’s School - (07) 4151 4771 Principal - Kaye Beston St Mary’s School - (07) 4152 2167 Principal - Madonna Davitt St Patrick’s School - (07) 4152 1380 Principal - Mark Fox Shalom College - (07) 4155 8111 Principal - Dan McMahon FOCUS (by Fr Andrew Hogan) You have called your children to this cleansing water, that they may share in the faith of your Church and have eternal life. By the mystery of this consecrated water lead them to a new and spiritual birth. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) The Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord this Sunday. In the proclamation of Jesus’ own experiencing of baptism in the Gospel this weekend, there is for us an invitation to reflect on our own baptism and the affect that it has in the living out of our lives. Following his immersion in the waters of the Jordan, Jesus set out on his public ministry. In word and action he comforted the suffering, healed the sick, and proclaimed God’s reign in the world. Through his life and ministry, Jesus shows us how to fulfil our own baptismal call, to be sharers of the faith of the Church and participants in its mission. In the Rite of Baptism for Children, what this means is made explicit when the presider addresses the parents stating, “It will be your duty to bring them up to keep God’s commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbour.” Loving God and our neighbour might seem simple enough but in his life Jesus faced opposition and derision even though he did what was proper and right. The sinfulness of others sought to impede his actions. The sinfulness of others and our own sinfulness can impede us but just as for Jesus, love won out in the end, for us too, our Baptism means that we are not trapped by our sinfulness or the sinfulness of others but we are freed into a new life and a new way of being. At Jesus baptism, the heavens were torn apart, the Spirit descended on him and the voice was heard to say, “You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rest on you.” Through our own baptism, God’s favour rest on us, and the Spirit empowers us for mission and leads us to live lives worthy of our vocation. LITURGY SPOT Drawing from the Eastern tradition of Epiphany, the West has remembered the baptism of the Lord on the octave of the Epiphany since the eighth century. Formally introduced into the Roman calendar in 1960 on the Sunday after the Epiphany, it now concludes the Christmas season, and replaces the first Sunday of Ordinary Time. It commemorates the revelation of Jesus as God's beloved Son, the Christ, anointed by the Spirit. STEWARDSHIP This weekend we thank those involved in the Baptism ministry: those who prepare parents for the celebration of infant baptism, who baptise, assist at the celebration, provide music for the rite, and sew the baptismal garments. Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The US bishops pastoral on stewardship reminds us that Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His priestly work and calls them “to offer up the world and all that is in it especially themselves - to the Lord of all”. LITURGY TIMETABLE SATURDAY, 10th JANUARY 2015 Sunday Readings as per back page. 7:30am St Mary’s LWC followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament; 6:00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS; th SUNDAY, 11 JANUARY 2015 Baptism of the Lord Sunday Readings as per back page. 7:00am St James’ MASS; 8:00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9:00am St Mary’s MASS; 11:00am Kepnock Grove MASS; 5:30pm Holy Rosary MASS. MONDAY, 12th JANUARY 2015 Hebrews 1:1-6; Mark 1:14-20. 9:00am St Patrick’s MASS. TUESDAY, 13th JANUARY 2015 Hebrews 2:5-12; Mark 1:21-28. 9:00am St James’ LWC followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10:30am; 12:15pm Holy Rosary MASS. WEDNESDAY, 14th JANUARY 2015 Hebrews 2:514-18; Mark 1:29-39. 5:30pm St Patrick’s MASS. THURSDAY, 15th JANUARY 2015 Hebrews 3:7-14; Mark 1:40-45. 6:30am St Mary’s MASS; 12:15pm Holy Rosary MASS. FRIDAY, 16th JANUARY 2015 Hebrews 4:1-5,11; Mark 2:1-12. 12:15pm Holy Rosary MASS. SATURDAY, 17th JANUARY 2015 St Anthony Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 2:13-17. 7:30am St Mary’s LWC followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. 6:00pm St Patrick’s Sunday MASS. th SUNDAY, 18 JANUARY 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Samuel 3:3-10, 19; 1 Corinthians 6:13-15, 17-20; John 1:35-42. 7:00am St James’ MASS; 8:00am Holy Rosary MASS; 9:00am St Mary’s MASS; 5:30pm Holy Rosary MASS. RECONCILIATION Saturday 11:00am - 12 noon at Holy Rosary Church, or by appointment. BAPTISMS In the Bundaberg Region one month’s notice is required for all baptisms. All couples are asked to participate in one preparation session. Please contact Parish Office. WEDDINGS Weddings are by appointment. Please note that we require at least six months notice for marriages. Preparation also required. BAPTISMS This week, we welcome Mason Angelo G RIM A and Ros al ie F ranci s McKENNA into the Body of Christ through the sacrament of Baptism. RECENTLY DECEASED Dorothy SPENCER; John Natale NATTA (Sydney); Parker RIVERA (USA); Concetta BARONE; Geoff MURRAY (Wangaratta); Jeffrey BAART; Neil JOSEPH (Melbourne); Graham CAESAR; Carmel PATTERSON (Tara); Enea GIANNANGELO; Patricia CHAPMAN; Brian QUINLAN (Toowoomba); Alice TOLLEY (Brisbane); Rosa MANISCALCO (Sydney); Kathleen COTTE; Kay McCUSKER (Rockhampton); Fr Len O’ROURKE; Antonio UCCISELLA. “On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples, a banquet of rich food.” Isaiah 25:6 PRAYER GROUPS CHRISTIAN MEDITATION ~ Every Tuesday, 10:00am-10:30am and Friday, 11:30am-12noon. Held in the prayerful space of the Chapel in the Parish Office. Beginners are invited to join the regular meditators in this “prayer of the heart.” Contact Joe McCorley - 0418 727 845 or Nadia Fregonese - 4151 6666 or just turn up! MOTHER’S PRAYER GROUP ~ Tuesday, 13th January 2015, 11:00am12:00pm in the St Mary’s Catholic Community Centre, Room 2. EL SHADDAI Catholic Charismatic Renewal Fellowship. Open to all denominations and to all nationalities. 2nd & 4th Saturday each month, 1:00pm - 4:00pm in the Novakoski Centre. For more information please contact Lee Pendleton 4159 3938. THE WORD AMONG US The January Edition of the ‘Word Among Us’ can now be collected from the Parish Office. IN THIS DIOCESE APPOINTMENTS MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK KNIGHTS OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS ~ Wednesday, 14th January 2015, 5:30pm-7:30pm in the Novakoski Centre. DIVINE MERCY HOUR with EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Sunday, 18th December 2015, 4:00pm-5:00pm in St Mary’s Church. MEDJUGORJE AFTERNOON in the form of ROSARY with EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ Sunday, 18th December 2014, 4:00pm-5:00pm in St Mary’s Church. RAFFLE WINNERS The St James’ Christmas Carols Raffle Winners were: 1st Prize - Sibi Marano; 2nd Prize - Helen Ryan; 3rd Prize - Fred Houlahan; 4th Prize - Helen Stewart; 5th Prize - Sandra Cain; 6th Prize - A & D Jones; 7th Prize - Eunice Walters; 8th Prize - Sr. Mary Stallard; 9th Prize - Katarina; 10th Prize - Alison White. Thank you to everyone for their support. ROSARY TIME ~ Wednesday, 14th January 2015, 5:00pm in St Patrick’s Church. INDIAN COMMUNITY PRAYER GROUP ~ Friday, 16th January 2015, 6.30pm-8.00pm in the Novakoski Centre. IN THIS PARISH Father Bryan Hanifin Administrator of St Joseph’s Cathedral and Parish Priest of the Parish of Rockhampton South and Administrator of St Mary’s Parish North Rockhampton; Fr Stephen Hanly Parish Priest of the Parish of North Mackay and Administrator of the Parish of Farleigh; Father Peter Tonti Parish Priest of the Capricorn Coast Parish; Father Matthew Moloney Parish Priest of the Parish of Emerald; Father Robert Hollow SM Parish Priest of Longreach and Administrator of Barcaldine; Father Bill Senn Administrator of the Parish of Blackall and Tambo; Father Rod de la Rosa SVD ~ Administrator of the Parishes of Moranbah and Dysart (Middlemount) and Moderator of the Parishes of Peak Downs; Father Ronaldo Rodriquez SVD Administrator of the Parishes of Clermont and Capella (Tieri); Father Thadayoose Lazar HGN Administrator of the Parish of Walkerston and Eton; Father Jose Joseph Opraem Administrator of the Parishes of the Callide and Dawson Valleys and Monto; Father John Tete HGN Associate Pastor to the South Mackay Parishes; Father Raj Kodavatikanti HGN Associate Pastor to the Rockhampton Parishes; South Father Johnson Mathew Opraem Associate Pastor to the North Mackay Cluster of Parishes; Father Marcel Kujur HGN Associate Pastor to Longreach Parish and residing in Barcaldine. The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg Finance Total Pledges .................. 597 Amount Pledged ..... $8 703.70 Total Given ............ $8 978.60 PATHWAYS OF ST PAUL Join parishioners from Holy Innocents’ on a 20 day Pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, departing Monday 20th April 2015. Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul, visit the places where he lived, worked and was imprisoned. Also visit island of Patmos, where St John wrote the book of Revelation, Basilica of St John built over the tomb of "The Divine" Apostle and the "House of Mary" where it is said Mary spent the later years of her life. For Itinerary Brochure and Booking Form please contact Fr. Peter Krigovsky, [email protected], 02 97474291, or download from COLUMBAN CALENDARS The 2015 Columban Calendars are available at the Church Piety Stalls and the Bundaberg Cathedral Bookstore at the cost of $9.00 each. Join our facebook page to see what’s happening in our Parish . Log onto JUSTICE & SUSTAINABILITY Living Justly. Living Sustainably The theme of the Pope’s Message for this year’s World Day of Peace is: “Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters”. Let us remember and pray for the approximately 30 million people worldwide (Global Slavery Index) living in slave-like Conditions - in the form of human trafficking, exploitation, slave labour and the enslavement of women and children. (Social Justice Diary 2015) WORLD NEWS Pope Francis’ Daily Homily - National Catholic Reporter - National Jesuits News - UCAN - Vinnies stores provide VALUE SHOPPING, selling a range of quality items at affordable prices. Shop at Vinnies and support the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. VOLUNTEER to socialise, stay active and to contribute. RECYCLE your goods at Vinnies to help the less fortunate. 18 McLean St 4151 5455 | 20a Quay St 4152 4984 | 37 See St Bargara 4159 2000 | 71 George St (Furniture Sales) 4152 4049 (Furniture Collections) | [email protected] |
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