OFFICE USE ONLY Prescott Chomber Space #, Amt. Pd. of Commerce 25th Annuo! FALLFEST IN THE PARK Cs/ck/cc Bol. Due Featuring Arfs d Craffs & Other Specialfies October 10-11 Date Bol.Pd. Acpt. Sent Electricity ,2015 APPUTCATION Pleose print cleorly, complete both sides of this form ond sign Return poyment cnd opplicction to Prescott Chomber the !iobility declorotion. of Commerce. LA5T NAME FIRST NAME BUSINESS NAME ADDRESS check STATE CIry PHONE checkif if new- ZTP new-E-MAIL check if new- Vehicle Informotion:* Color License Plate Mok e/ Model A copy of the SHOW PARKING PASS shall be displayed on the dashboard of all vehicles related to a booth space on the square. EXHIBIT fTEMS: Please describe your ort or croft in detoil, listing eoch type of item seporately ond how thot item is mode. ftems qre to be hondmode or signif icontly embellished. Pleose include photos, either by moil or by emoil. The Prescott Chomber of Commerce ?ese?ves the right to approve any ond oll items thot will be sold, os well as refuse ony opplicotion for ony reoson. All decisions mode by the promot er are final. On the doy of the show, on exhibitor found disploying non-guolifying items will be asked to remove those items from the booth. Note: Prescott Chomber of Commerce ond the Sister City Committee o?e the ONLY ones permitted to sell woter or sodo. tlrly canopy is 10 or rlty canopy is 10 x 15 x 10 or *This regords the vehicle you will use ot the Show. Rev. 1/2015 - fuly canoPy is 10 x 20 (Attoch shee'l if more spoce reguired.) - non-refundoble $50 deposit will hold your spoce until September tO, 2015. At that time the balance must be poid in full or the deposit will be forfeited. No reminder wi!! be sent. A $25 late fee may opply to overdue poyments. All concellotions must be mode prior to September 10, 2Ol5 to receive o refund. (Refundsoreless aA $50 of prepoid fees.) FEE SCHEDULE: $ $ $ $ Artist's Booth 15'x 10' (or 10'x 15') spoce is $250 Food Service Booths 15'x 10' ts $275. Double Booth 30'x 10' is $475 (Double Food Service = $525) Oversize Booth 20'x 10'is$350 - opplies ONLy to Spoces 28, 31,34,45,47,53, 68, 88, 93, 135, 144, 167. Electricity - odd $15 (limited ovoilobility) $ The f ees include $?5 Prescott City Soles Tox / temporory Soles Permit. 1 Arts ond Crafts ore in'fegrated. Spoce qltocotion is on o f irst-come, first-poid bosis. Pleose #3 #2 indicote sDoce ossionment oref erence: #L TNOTE: NOTE: The following spoces ore OUT OF SERVTCE f or the 2075 Seqson: 50,51, 69 , 78,83,84,85,86,87,t36,L37,138, 139. Pleasekeepthisinmindwhenreguestingspoces. (We will try to occommodote your prefeeence but lSend : connot guorontee this.) Poyment 4 photographs,minimum: l of Booth set-up,3 (minimum) of items to be sold 2 Self -oddressed Stanped Envelopes (l for acceptance/denial, I for return ofphotos - after the event has ended.) Check (PAYABLE TO PRESCOTT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) or Credit Card: Security Code Name on Card Expiration Date Card Nurnber ENTER AMOUNT PAID $ you choose to poy a deposit by credit card, the bolonce will be charged to the some cord on the If due dote. IJABIutry have read and agree to abide by the rules and I, (please print your name) that the booth must be staffed at all times when my I understand regulations, which I received with my application. products are on display and that I may not spread out beyond my allotted space. In addition, I hereby release and hold harmless the PRESCOTT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE from any and all liability, including, but not limited to theft, personal injury, bodily injury, strike, public enemy, or act of God, and to flrther indemniff it for any damages arising from my conduct at FallFest Lr The Park. I understand that any items left on the Plaza overnight remain there at my own risk. I further understand that I am liable for any charges resulting from damage done to the.Courthouse Plaza by my failure to follow the rules and regulations regarding stakes, tarps, etc. Check here if first-time vendor in Prescott Chamber of Commerce sponsored show. SIGNATLIRE MAIL TO: Prescott Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 928-44s-0068. Rev. 1/2015 DATE 1147, Prescott, AZ 86302-1147 or FAX to Exhibitor Submission Process Every application for the Chamber of Commerce-sponsored Arts & Crafts Events on the Courthouse Plaza must include a description of the item(s) to be offered for sale and the method by which such items are produced, along with a set of Photographs. (One set of photographs is sufficient for ALL shows applied for simultaneously.) Items offered must be handmade or significantly embellished. Applications are considered on a frst-come, fust-served basis. Notifications will be made as soon as decisions are reached. PHOTOS REQUIRED: 2 (or more) of artwork or ffaft to be sold in the Show* 1 of booth that will occupy the assigned space 1 artist creating the artwork or craft to be offered for sale *Items unrelated to those in the photos may not be offered for sale in the booth. Photos may be submitted by mail with the application or by email to [email protected] - photos returned. One set of photos is sufficient per artist more than one show is applied for. if . . o r r o e o o r r . r o o COURTHOT]SE PLA Z A RI]LE will not be S Regular Booth space is 15 x 10 feet (150 square feet) maximum2' x l5' storage space behind booth. Booth must be placed flush with the curb. (Exception - timeline spaces due to permanent flag poles.) Crates and boxes, all storage, must be raised off ground to allow airflow and minimize damage to grass. Bring wood or PVC for this purpose. In case of raia, ONLY burlap or "breathable" RV Ground Covers maybe used on the grass. Vehicles are not allowed to drive or park on the brick driveways or sidewalks ("I-Blocks"). Use of Plaza picnic tables, benches and trees to assist in your booth set-up is prohibited. Exhibitor will provide canopies, tables and/or display units for merchandise. Delivery, handling, erecting and removal of booth display, equipment & materials (i.e. rocks, blocks AND TRASH) are the responsibility of the exhibitor. No equipment or materials are provided. A portable fire extinguisher is strongly recommended for each booth. If damage is determined by Yavapai County, the exhibitor will be responsible for the repair/clean-up cost. Securlty is provided each night of the event. . ..Exhibitors leave their work at their own risk. Booth must remain open during show hours. Exhibitors are prohibited fiom distributing literature of, or promoting any religious, fraternal, political, or commercial organization. Literature on the artist's/craftsperson's work or gallery is permitted. No stakes/spikeslyard art or displays may be driven into the ground; nothing may be affixed to trees. Bring weights to secure your booth in the event of wind. Tax rate to collect for State & County is 6.35%. Ciry portion is prepaid by Chamber as part of Transient Merchant Fee from your Booth Fee. o o 2015 Spaces out ofService: 50, 51, 69,78,83, 84, 85,86, 87,136,137,138,139. Water or Soda may be sold ONLY bv Sister Citv / Chamber of Commerce. r Friday Evenings: Spaces around the Square are closed to others and RESERVED FOR YOU to load and unload. Please display your parking pass on your dashboard. (This is included with the acceptance letter.) Parking r o Exhibitors shall move their vehrcles as soon as unloading and loading is completed. Event parking FOR ALL EXHIBiTORS shall be at Mile High Middle School field, which accommodates self-contained units for dry-camping, OR AMINIMUM of 2 BLOCKS AWAY FROM THE PLAZA. Check-in Times Check-in begins on Fridays, at the Gazebo after 4:00pm. Set up will not start until the Judges leave the Courthouse, which is estimated to be 6:00 p.m. Check-in resumes Saturday morning at 6:30 a.m. A1l set-up must be completed by 8;30 a.m. SatLrday. Show times: 2-day shows 3-day shows - Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-4 Saturday 9-5, Sunday 9-5, Monday 9-3 Questions? by emailing Scott or Jill Currey at [email protected] or by ca11ing928-445-2000, x 112. Please use email when possible. Prior to mailing your application, make a copy for yourself for future reference. Applications may be FAXed to 928-445-0068 Any questions Rev. 1/2015 carr be asked
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