32nd Annual Arts & Crafts Festival - August 15, 2015 · 9 am - 4 pm Full Name: _______________________________________Company Name: __________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City: ______________________________ State: _______ Zip: ___________ Phone: _________________________ Email: _______________________________ Website: ____________________________ Space Requirements Payment Informa on ‐ $90 per Booth Do you use a canopy? YES____ or NO ____ Is this your first year? YES____ or NO ____ Booth Number ‐ You will be assigned the same booth number you had last year, unless you request otherwise. Request:________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 10x10 space #____ of booth(s) x $90 = $_______ Late Fee a er 7/31/15 $20 = $_______ Total amount of payment = $_______ Make checks payable to the Buffalo Chamber. MN State Sales Tax # _________________________________ ALL APPLICANTS are to submit at a minimum 3 photos of your ar s cally handcra ed item(s). The photos should include your work space and raw materials. List the items you will be selling below. Electronic submissions are also acceptable. DO NOT apply if your items are NOT handcra ed. Judges will be policing the show in the am. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules: Please read, ini al and sign below. ______By signing this document I am sta ng that all informa on provided in this applica on is correct and that I have read the 2015 Rules & Regula ons document and agree to abide by its content. ______I will conduct myself in a professional manner with respect to my neighbors, volunteers, customers, and the Chamber of Commerce staff. ______I fully understand that if the officials of the 2015 Arts & Cra s Fes val find fault with my product or conduct, I will correct it or voluntarily leave without refund or incident. ______I cer fy that all the items I will be selling are produced by me or a close acquaintance, NOT buy/sell or commercially produced items. ______I agree to indemnify the Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Buffalo, or anyone connected with the cra sales, and hold them harmless against all ac ons, claims, liabili es, losses, costs and expenses which in any way may arise in connec on with or resul ng from the Buffalo Arts & Cra s Fes val sponsored by the Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce, including claims for bodily injury or death of persons and for loss or damage to property, whether the same be to negligent acts or omission of this organiza on, their agents, employees or otherwise. Signed Date _______________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ Enclosed with this signed applica on you must include your payment and a completed MN ST‐19 form. Return to BACC · 205 Central Avenue, Buffalo, MN 55313 · (763)682‐4902 Fax (763)682‐5677
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