Saint John Paul II Area Faith Community Bulletin Church of the Holy Family 700 Main Street West Silver Lake, MN 55381 320 • 327 • 2356 Pastor: Associate: Associate: Rev. Anthony Stubeda Rev. Paul Schumacher Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku Church of the Holy Trinity 110 Winsted Avenue West, PO Box 9 Winsted, MN 55395 320 • 485 • 2182 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Pius X 1014 Knight Avenue North Glencoe, MN 55336 320 • 864 • 5162 Called to See and Hear I learned how to interpret my mother’s call to me by the time I was five years old. If she said, “Tony come here,” it was just for something normal. If she said, “Anthony come here,” I was in a little trouble. If she called me Anthony John I was in more trouble, and if she said, “Anthony John Stubeda come here,” I would wait before going, because I knew that I couldn’t get in much more trouble than I was already in. It was all a matter of understanding what my name meant in different situations. I think that my childhood experience makes it difficult for me to know what people are thinking when they call me Fr. Stubeda. I think that using my last name began as a way to distinguish me from the other Fr. Tony when we worked together, and when he moved I thought that people would begin calling me Fr. Tony, but it never happened. Habits had been formed, and I am to remain Fr. Stubeda. However I always have to remind myself that I am not in trouble when I hear it. In today’s readings we reflect on the call of the prophet Samuel and to the call of the first disciples. Samuel hears God calling him, but does not recognize his voice. His confusion is resolved only with the help of his teacher. In the Gospel, John the Baptist points Jesus out to his own disciples who then are given the invitation to come and see. They in turn call others to come and know Jesus, and Simon’s name is changed to Peter by Jesus. In each of these stories the call to know the Lord’s goodness and mercy needs interpretation and those called need help in answering the call. In their encounter with the Lord, both Samuel and Peter come to understand that their call is to see the world through God’s eyes and to let the word of God guide their lives. Discipleship requires us to listen to God’s call and to answer it with our lives. Discipleship is an invitation to see the world with God’s eyes and to touch the world with the power and love of God. This week we will observe the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. This sad anniversary is a time for us to renew our commitment to the protection of all life. It is a call to hear God’s proclamation of the dignity and value of life. It is a time to strengthen our hope that God will answer our prayer and penitence with an outpouring of a spirit of conversion and hope. We have been called by name to proclaim the light of the Gospel, the power of Christ shining in every human heart and the glory of salvation in each person’s dignity and value as a child of God and a brother or sister in Christ. We are called to be light in the darkness, hope to the despairing and proclaimers of the Gospel of life. May God renew each of us in our commitment to his saving plan for us. Fr. Tony Stubeda Holy Trinity, Winsted Holy Family, Silver Lake AFC Pastoral Leaders St. John Paul II Area Faith Community Directory Pastor Rev. Anthony Stubeda [email protected] 320-979-7248 Associate Pastors Rev. Paul Schumacher [email protected] 320-297-0309 Rev. Cornelius Ezeiloaku [email protected] 320-224-3385 Baptisms Call parish office for class time and Baptism schedule Liturgist and Director of Music Kelly LeCrone: [email protected] 320-864-5162 Parish Office: 320-327-2356 Business Administrator Shirley Nowak [email protected] Director of Religious Education Lori Penas [email protected] Homebound Ministries/Pastoral Care Celia Knoll [email protected] Mass Times Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Sunday: 8:00 p.m. Reconciliation Saturday: noon Adoration: Tuesday 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Parish Office: 320-485-2182 Business Administrator 320-485-5651 Nancy Neumann [email protected] Development/Marketing 320-485-5652 Andrew Meuleners [email protected] Dean of Students 320-485-5650 Wesley Kapping [email protected] Dean of Faculty/Elementary Principal 320-485-5630 Cathy Millerbernd [email protected] Director of Religious Education 320-485-5633 Lori Penas [email protected] Deacon Michael Thoennes [email protected] 952-465-8293 Mass Times Saturday: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. St. Pius X, Glencoe Marriages Please talk to a priest before setting a date Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Adoration: Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Parish Office: 320-864-5162 Business Administrator Shirley Nowak [email protected] School Office: 320-864-3214 School Principal Cathy Millerbernd [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education Mark Simons [email protected] Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry Elvia Peña [email protected] Mass Times Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 10:00 a.m. English 11:30 a.m. Spanish Reconciliation Saturday: noon Adoration: First Friday 8:50 a.m. – Noon Area Faith Community Week at a Glance Monday January 19, 2015 MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Tuesday January 20, 2015 Wednesday January 21, 2015 Thursday January 22, 2015 DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN Friday January 23. 2015 Fr. Tony returns to work Saturday January 24, 2015 Catholic Schools Week Family Fun Night at Holy Trinity Sunday January 25, 2015 OPENING OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Catholic Schools Week dinner at St. Pius X Financial Stewardship: January 10-11, 2015 CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY: Adult: $3,092.86, Student: $22.86, Loose Plate: $600.25 Initial Offering: $26.00, Fuel: $5.00, Mary Mother of God: $1.00. CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY: Adult: $7,855.82; Student: $49.60; Loose Plate: 245.85; Budget: Total Contributed YTD: $207,541.62 Total Budgeted YTD: $238,431.36; Under Budget: $30,889.74. CHURCH OF ST. PIUS X: 2014 YEAR END: Sunday Adult: $125.00, Christmas: $310.00, SUNDAY: Adult: $4,559.00, Student: $25.11, Loose Plate: $207.47, Second Collection School: $25.00, Initial Offering: $75.00, Fuel: $250.00, Mary Mother of God: $140.00; Pius Connections to the Future: $115.00; Spanish: $258.85. Scripture Readings Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 – 8:6; Mk 3:7-12 Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 New Parishioners If you would like to register as a parishioner of one of our Area Faith Community Churches, please call the appropriate parish office: Church of the Holy Family: 320-327-2356 Church of the Holy Trinity: 320-485-5651 Church of St. Pius X: 320-864-5162 Priest Meetings/Vacations Fr. Tony is on vacation and will return to work on Friday, January 23, 2015. In his absence please call one of the other priests, or during regular business hours you may call the parish offices. Please watch the bulletin carefully for weekday Mass schedule changes. Church of the Holy Family WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday January 19, 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday No Mass Parish Offices Closed Tuesday January 20, 2015 St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr Saint Sebastian, Martyr 8:00 a.m. Mass (+George, Margaret, Tony & Bill Schaeve) 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00 a.m. CCW Quilting 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus meeting Wednesday January 21, 2015 St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr 8:00 a.m. Mass (+Sylvester & Mark Pokornowski, +Frank & Anna Schermann) 5:30 p.m. Grades 1-6 Religious Education classes 7:00 p.m. Grades 7-11 Religious Education classes Thursday January 22, 2015 10:10 a.m. Cedar Crest Rosary 10:30 a.m. Cedar Crest Mass (+MaryAnn Wendolek) Friday January 23, 2015 St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr St. Marianne Cope, Virgin 8:00 a.m. Mass (+Margaret Ardolf) Saturday January 24, 2015 St. Frances de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Noon Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:00 p.m. Mass (+Ramona Wosmek) Sunday January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. Mass (In Honor of Jerome & Annette Kaminsky) 12:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus Free Throw Registration 1:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest 8:00 p.m. Mass (+Marcile Reml) BOBBI’S OFFICE HOURS AT HOLY FAMILY Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Celia & Lori are available to assist as schedules allow. PRAYER NETWORK: Please pray for…Gilbert Stifter, Jim Condon, Roz O’Fallon, Margaret Schlueter, Betty Pulkrabek, Ray & Rose Posusta, Scott Miska, Ray Pavlish, Ray Bayerl, Glenn Pilarski, Cliff Knoll, Duane Wanous, Francis Pokornowski, Barbara Baune, Bob Wendolek, baby Jackson, Amya, Robert Sopkowiak, Dorothy Hlavka, Luane Mickolichek, Marie Pilarski Butler, Dolores Schultz, baby Max, Magdalen Ardolf Miller, Cynthia Entinger and 13 special intentions. KEEP THE DIOCESAN MINISTRIES APPEAL GROWING: We thank all of you who have made a commitment to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. As of January 13, 115 families or individuals have committed $22,765.00 of our $18,662.12 goal. We have now surpassed our quota and all money donated to the DMA from now on will be saved for our floor, pew and air-conditioning fund. If you would still like to make a commitment to the DMA and contribute to the completion of the pew, carpet and air-conditioning project for our church. Get a DMA commitment envelope in the parish office. Complete it and drop it at the parish office or mail it in yourself. Together we can accomplish the tasks before us. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Please keep our second graders in your prayers as they finish up their preparation to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Wednesday, February 4. ADORATION is honoring and adoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. During Adoration, we “watch and wait”, we remain “silent” in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces. By worshiping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, the Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us. If you are interested in being a permanent adorer or a substitute, please contact Celia Knoll 320-327-2356 or cell 320-583-1320. HOMEBOUND If you or someone you know will be homebound at home or in a care facility for any period of time, please contact Celia Knoll so arrangements can be made for a visit. Cell: 320-583-1320 or [email protected] ROSARY LEADERS NEEDED: We are in need of Rosary Leaders before the 8:00 a.m. Masses on the fourth Sunday of each month and before the Wednesday morning Mass, also in need of substitutes. Please pray that we find volunteers, if you know how to pray the rosary, you may be the one we are looking for. Please contact Celia Knoll at the parish office 327-2356. CHURCH BULLETIN BOARDS: If you would like something posted on the church bulletin boards, please bring your item to the church office for office staff to post. ROSARY SOCIETY: Each member in good standing of the Holy Rosary Confraternity share in the prayers, good works and Masses of the society throughout the world. Each member gains extraordinary indulgences applicable to the souls in purgatory. We invite men & women to join the confraternity and share in the abundance of graces. If you would like to join the Rosary Society or get more information, please contact Celia Knoll at the parish office or call 320-327-2356. Next Rosary Society meeting will be held on Saturday, February 7 at 9:00 a.m. in the church lower level. We invite all members to join us as we begin our new year. THIS WEEK THE TRAVELING CHALICE will be at the home of Edmund Jr. & Wendy Nowak family Next week ~ January 25, 2015 Janice Konerza Please remember to return the chalice Saturday afternoon Church of the Holy Trinity WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday January 19, 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday No Mass No School – Teacher Workshop Day Tuesday January 20, 2015 St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr Saint Sebastian, Martyr 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 10:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s 6:00 p.m. Mass (l. & d. members of Louis & Anna Artmann family) Wednesday January 21, 2015 St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr 8:15 a.m. Mass (Poor souls in Purgatory) 6:30 p.m. Religious Education classes Thursday January 22, 2015 8:15 a.m. School Mass (+Stephen Stifter) Friday January 23, 2015 St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr St. Marianne Cope, Virgin 10:00 a.m. Mass (+Bernice Strauss) Saturday January 24, 2015 St. Frances de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 4:00 p.m. Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. Mass (+Marvin Lacina) Sunday January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 a.m. Mass (+Art & Helen Antil) Please, do not schedule any events before checking with Nancy in the parish office. Thank you! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Held every Tuesday, starting at 9:00 a.m. In adoration, gazing upon our Jesus, speak to Him from your heart, gaze upon Him in your soul, where He is present for your happiness. We have need of an adorer for the 10:00 a.m., noon, 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. hour, as well as substitutes. If interested, please contact Wanda Paumen at 320-485-2138 for more information. PRAYER NETWORK: To activate the Holy Trinity Prayer Network, or to become a member you may call either Mary Mahon at 320-485-2257 or JoAnn Fasching at 320-485-3773. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY: If you are going to be homebound for any period of time or know someone who is, please call the Parish Office so we can make arrangements for someone to bring them communion. THE KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS SPONSORED A “KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS” POSTER CONTEST. Entrants had to include a slogan reflecting the topic and an original visual image. The posters will now go on to be judged at the district level. Winners at HT Elementary School based on age brackets were: ages 5-7, 1st place – Jackson Remer, 2nd place – Anna Mendiola, ages 8-10, 1st place – Allison Pokornowski, 2nd place – Carly Wolter and ages 11-14, 1st place – Elizabeth Anderson and 2nd place – Jayden Gray. Congratulations to these students! KEEP THE DIOCESAN MINISTRIES APPEAL GROWING: We thank all of you who have made a commitment to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. As of December 30, 114 families or individuals have committed $32,679.12 of our $23,314.72 goal. Having surpassed our goal, every dollar donated now comes back to our parish to support the completion of our new entry. Get a DMA commitment envelope in the parish office. Complete it and drop it at the parish office or mail it in yourself. TODAY IS PRO-LIFE SUNDAY: The Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a breakfast on Sunday morning, January 18 in the church basement from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. This is a free will offering event with all proceeds benefitting Pro-Life efforts. Also, a second collection will be taken at the Masses for Pro-Life organizations. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Please keep our second graders in your prayers as they finish up their preparation to receive the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on Wednesday, January 28 at 7:00 p.m. 2015 Student Contribution Envelopes were sent home with RE and HT students the week before Christmas. If your child/ren have not received envelopes and would like them there are some available in the back of church. RAFFLE CALENDAR: A big thank you goes out to all of the people that sold Raffle Calendars this year and to everyone who purchased a ticket. We were able to sell 928 calendars, which should give us a profit of about $9,600.00. Special thanks to Margie Heimerl for chairing this important fundraiser and keeping all of the books and records straight. Everyone’s help and support is truly appreciated. FAMILY FUN FEST: We will be kicking off this year’s Catholic Schools Week on Saturday, January 24, starting with Mass at 5:00 p.m. Right after Mass will be a hot dog/sloppy joe supper in the cafeteria and all kinds of fun and games in the gym for the entire family. WORN-A-BIT: The shop is in need of clothing, especially children’s. Now may be the time to clean out some closets and donate unwanted items to the shop. Also, the shop uses clothing that is not in good condition to make rags. They sell several hundred dollars of rags each month. The shop is located behind the Pantry Café and is open every Wednesday and Friday afternoon from 12:30-4:30 p.m. HOLY FAMILY COUNCIL #204 Christmas and Valentine Party will be on Sunday, February 8 in the Church Social Hall with Social Hour starting at 10:30 a.m. with lunch at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $10.00 per person. Children 10 and under eat free. All members and their families are invited. Please RSVP to Rosie Quast by February 1 at 485-2245. Food shelf items and/or cash will be collected. VOTIVE LIGHTS: In loving memory of Clarence & Gertrude Ogitziak; In loving memory of Kenneth J. Zimmermann; Very Special Intentions; Loving memory of Paul & Sally Millerbernd; Brian Allen Baldwin, life will never be the same; Loving memory of Linus, Magdalen, Reggie, Katie & Cliff Hertzog; Loving memory of Leonard Rozeske; For Hubert Haekenkamp Jr., forever loved and missed; For Ben Weinbeck, forever loved & missed; For Beverly Weinbeck Guider, forever loved & missed; In memory of Eugene Fiecke & improved health for Larry & Kim Pogue & Janet Grimm; Loving memory of Bernie Fasching & a Special Intention for Ronnie; Heimerl & Schmitt families; Intention of Allen Fiecke & Brad Swedberg. If you would like a votive light burnt for a loved one or a special intention please put $5.00 in an envelope marked with your intention and drop it in the collection or at the Parish Office. Church of St. Pius X WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday January 19, 2015 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday No Mass School Closed Parish Offices Closed Tuesday January 20, 2015 St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr Saint Sebastian, Martyr No Evening Prayer 5:30 p.m. Mass (+Janet Hable) 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus meeting Wednesday January 21, 2015 St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr No Evening Prayer 5:30 p.m. Mass (+Marie Cathy Ewald) 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Grades K-6 Religious Education classes 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Grades 7-11 Religious Education classes Thursday January 22, 2015 10:30 a.m. GRHS-LTC Mass (+Ted & Geraldine Popelka) 2:50 – 3:50 p.m. Jr. Choir practice 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Schoenstatt Boys’ Group meeting Friday January 23, 2015 St. Vincent, Deacon and Martyr St. Marianne Cope, Virgin 8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer 8:20 a.m. School Mass (+Bernice & Joe Nix) 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass (+Bea Buhman) Saturday January 24, 2015 St. Frances de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 10:00 a.m. Edith Lucille Sieler Funeral Noon Reconciliation 6:00 p.m. Mass (Link & Huering families) Sunday January 25, 2015 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00 a.m. CSW Parish Mass (+Greg Peters) 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Catholic Schools Week Dinner 11:30 a.m. Spanish Mass (For the Parish) No Spanish Religious Education classes WANTED: Prizes are needed for the bingo games held during the Ham and Turkey dinner on Sunday, January 25. Items should have a value of $3.00 or more and items might include laundry detergent, large bottles of juice, kitchen towels, pop, children’s or adult games. Items should be dropped off in the gather area or library or Sarto Room the morning of January 24. Please be generous! Proceeds from this event go to the St. Pius X School and there is a match by Catholic United Financial. KEEP THE DIOCESAN MINISTRIES APPEAL GROWING: We thank all of you who have made a commitment to the Diocesan Ministries Appeal. As of December 30 123 families or individuals have committed $24,357.00 surpassing our quota of $13,699.34 and beginning to build funds for needed repairs to the retaining wall and rectory. If you would still like to make a commitment to the DMA and contribute to needed repairs in the rectory and to the parking lot retaining wall, there is still time. Get a DMA commitment envelope in the kiosk in the gathering area. Complete it and drop it at the parish office or mail it in yourself. Together we can accomplish the tasks before us. THE RE CONNECTION: When the K-10 kiddos’ footsteps once again fall in the ‘ol hallowed halls this Wednesday night, it will have been thirty-four days since they exited said evangelical establishment for Christmas break. Hmm…with such a tremendous transpiration of time, will they even know who Jesus is anymore??? Oh come now, that was a joke, which contrasts completely the commendable catechesis craftily curried by our Holy Hep-Kats. Mind you, our Blessed Lord isn’t drilled into those precious kiddo brains through preachy propaganda, but rather, His ways and teachings are instilled into those innocent little kiddo hearts through illustrious example. So until He comes again, here’s to never forgetting Who He is, what He taught, or how He loved! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SELLING FISH FRY TICKETS: The Glencoe Knights of Columbus 35th Annual Fish Fry is Friday, February 6, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at the Pla-Mor Ballroom. Advance adult tickets are available at Hite Hardware, Pla-Mor Ballroom, and St. Pius X Parish Office and from any Knights of Columbus member. KC Fish Fry Posters: The Knights of Columbus have supplied KC Fish Fry posters on the table in the gather area for anyone wishing to display one at their place of work. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Volunteers Needed: The St. Pius X Council of Catholic Women is planning a Bake Sale during the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry. A Volunteer is needed to be the Coordinator of this event. There is a folder with all the information you will need. There are support people you can call for assistance. If you can make yourself available to help with this important CCW Project, please leave a message at the Parish Office or you can call Mrs. Kathy Urban at 864-6006 with any questions. Please take some time to seriously think about God's call to help spread His message through all the projects this fundraiser will support. The proceeds from this fundraiser go to support the Madonna Plan and to SponsorA Child at San Lucas, Toliman mission as well as other items for our parish. St. Pius X Council of Catholic Women is looking for a volunteer(s) Food Coordinator to cook funeral luncheon meals. For more information please contact Linda Ratike at 864-3429. Area Faith Community Schools News Holy Trinity School News Mon. Jan. 19 Tues. Jan. 20 Thurs. Jan.22 Fri. Jan. 23 Sat. Jan. 24 No School – Teacher Workshop 4:45/6/7:30pm-BBB-HHT- W.Lutheran 5:30/7pm-GBB @ West Lutheran 8:15am – Mass, planned by Grade 4 9am – Bus leaves for Pro-Life Rally 6/7:30pm-GB-HHT-Heritage 4pm-JHBB-HLP-NYA 4:45/6/7:30pm-BBB @ Heritage 5:00pm to 8:30pm – Family Fun Fest February 8 2:00 p.m. AFC First Communion Parent Meeting at Holy Family, Silver Lake February 12 February 16 February 18 8:15 a.m. Mass NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day 8:15 a.m. Ash Wednesday Mass Mid-quarter 8:15 a.m. Mass February 19 St. Pius X School News PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE THE PAPER/CARDBOARD, we will be having another paper drive on Saturday, February 7. The profit from our last paper drive was $488.16. CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL HAM AND TURKEY DINNER AND BINGO: January 25, 2015 - BINGO prizes are needed. We can use small toy trinkets, candy, soda, jewelry, sports items, new books, and gift cards. Please drop off you donation to the school or parish office. Upcoming Events January 19 January 20 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 27 January 28 January 30 February 4 February 5 Upcoming Events No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day/Teacher Workshop 3rd quarter begins 8:15 a.m. Mass Catholic United Financial Raffle sales begin 5:00 p.m. Catholic Schools Week Mass 6:30-8:30 p.m. Family Funfest in the gym 2:15 p.m. Living Rosary in the gym 7:30 a.m. Donuts and juice for school families in the cafeteria 7:00 p.m. First Reconciliation at church 8:15 a.m. Mass with Bp. LeVoir HLWW two hour late start – no morning busing for Holy Trinity students 8:15 a.m. Mass January 19 January 21 January 23 January 25 No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1:00 p.m. Spelling Bee at GSL High School Catholic United Financial Raffle sales begin 8:20 a.m. School Mass Grade 3 planners 10:00 a.m. Catholic Schools Week Mass 11:00 - 1:30 p.m. Turkey and Ham CSW Dinner and Bingo CATHOLIC UNITED FINANCIAL RAFFLE ONCE AGAIN St. Pius X Catholic School and Holy Trinity School were fortunate to be selected to participate in the Catholic United Financial Catholic Schools Raffle. The raffle is an annual fundraiser sponsored by Catholic United Financial whose purpose is to raise money for Catholic schools in Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota. Catholic United underwrites all the expenses of the Raffle, so the participating schools can keep every dime raised from the sale of the $5.00 raffle tickets. 2015 Prize List 2015 Ford Escape SUV or $25,000 cash Dream Vacation Package Minnesota Pro Sports Suite Ticket Package for 2 2-night Family Getaway at Mall of America North Shore Getaway Package for 2 iPad Air - 16GB, Wi-Fi enabled Advanced Elements Advanced Frame Inflatable Kayak GoPro Hero 3+ High Performance Camera $150 Gift Cards to $100 VISA Gift Cards 1 winner 1 winner 3 winners 2 winners 2 winners 5 winners 3 winners 5 winners 15 winners 15 winners JANUARY 23-MARCH 6, 2015: While the raffle tickets can’t be sold until January 23, 2015, we want everyone to plan ahead to support this 100% profit fundraiser that benefits both St. Pius X Catholic School and Holy Trinity School. THANK YOU! CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK MASSES: Both Holy Trinity School and St. Pius X Catholic School will be celebrating the kick off to Catholic Schools Week by participating in a parish liturgy. The Holy Trinity School Catholic Schools Week Mass will take place at the 5:00 p.m. Mass, January 24. The St. Pius X Catholic Schools Week Mass will take place at the 10:00 a.m. Mass, January 25. St. Pius X Catholic School 1103 East 10th St. Glencoe, MN 55336 Turkey & Ham Dinner and Bingo Sunday, January 25, 2015 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. MENU Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy stuffing, cranberry sauce, vegetables, fresh baked rolls, homemade apple crisp, beverages. Take-out meals available. TICKETS Adults $9.00- (ages 13 and up) Children $5.00- (ages 3-12) Ages 2 and under~ free Tickets available at: Hite Hardware and St. Pius X Parish Office. For more information, please call 320-864-5162 Holy Family Catholic United Financial Matching Grant Event. Catholic United Financial will match proceeds up to $1,000.00. All proceeds to benefit St. Pius X Catholic School, Glencoe. 35th Annual Knights of Columbus Council No. 4842 PLA-MOR BALLROOM, GLENCOE, MN TH FRIDAY, FEB 6 , 2015 Serving from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or until fish is gone. TAKEOUTS SERVED THRU-OUT THE DAY INSIDE AND ANDAT OUR DRIVE THRU! Music by Lyndon Peterson 4:00-7:00 ALL YOU CAN EAT!! Dine-In Only! $10 Advanced Tickets $11 at the door Children Ages 5-10, $5 Preschoolers-FREE Takeouts $11 Menu: Fish, Cole Slaw, Scalloped Potatoes, Baked Beans, Milk, Coffee, Bread & Butter REGISTER TO WIN A FREE $100 DOOR PRIZE World Meeting of Families September 22-27, 2015 “called together from all over the world in faithful celebration of the family.” The Office of Family Life directed by Sister Candace Fier is busy planning for this exciting event. To be held in Philadelphia, the six diocese of Minnesota have decided to make this event a pilgrimage. It is hoped that the diocese could send 60 people to this seven day event. Those attending from the diocese will serve as ambassadors bringing the experience back to the diocese to those who could not attend. Imagine coming together with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and attending workshops related to families and family values. All the while you will be rubbing shoulders with people from all over the world who also came to celebrate families. Get Involved…… • You can attend the event. Contact Sister Candace at 507-359-2966 to reserve a spot. • Sponsors are needed to help fund this trip. Contact Sister Candace or the Development Office (507-359-2966). ~Would you make a contribution to help defray the cost of the bus trip? ~Could you provide sponsorship for those interested attendees who can’t afford the entire trip? (It is anticipated that the cost will be near $2,000 for transportation (bus) , lodging, and other expenses.) ~Would you become a major sponsor of this holy event? Contact the Development Office to discuss further this possible opportunity. JANUARY CALENDAR WINNERS 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 $200 $20 $40 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $40 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $40 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $40 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 JoAnn Ardolf Kurt Rosenau Tim Provo John Weissmann Bruce & Nicole Koch Susan Fynboh Nick Neumann Ron Jorgenson Margie Heimerl Diane Zellmann Mike Meuleners Sarah Arandia St. John’s Church Crystal Lachermeier Mike Nathe Richard Walter Irene Otto James Neumann Jan Kappel Roger Grotbo Ronda Herbolsheimer Joe Neumann Rick Alberts Bev Hoffmann Ray Quast Adam & Krissy Ernhart #848 #26 #963 #851 #277 #475 #388 #40 #1000 #883 #730 #642 #295 #36 #162 #950 #107 #693 #693 #191 #428 #718 #614 #69 #756 #30 AREA FAITH MISSION GROUP: The annual Pre-Valentine’s Day Waffle Supper, Bake Sale and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, February 7 at the Crow River Winery, serving from 4:308:30 p.m. Tickets are $6.50 in advance or $7.00 at the door, and can be purchased from any Mission Group member or from the parish offices. All proceeds will go directly to our Mission in San Lucas. Waffle Supper Tickets can be purchased at the Parish Offices of Holy Family and St. Pius X or from Ann Brown 320-485-3971, or Betty Johnson 320-543-3722 at Holy Trinity or from any Mission Group member. For more information please Call Gerald Kucera at 320-327-2441 The Area Faith Mission Group is looking for women and men to do some baking for their Bake Sale on February 7, 2015 at the Crow River Winery. Every baker will receive a free ticket for the Waffle Supper. Every baker should please call Gerald Kucera at 320-247-2441. The Area Faith Mission Group is looking for items for their Silent Auction on February 7, 2015 at the Crow River Winery. Please call Gerald Kucera at 320-327-2441 “I tell you brothers and sisters, the time is running out.” Time passes so swiftly. Soon there will be no more time to enrich our marriage. Now is the time to act. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are February 6-8 in Buffalo, February 13-15 in Windom, February 20-22 in Fargo, March 20-22 in Baxter, March 27-29 in Minot. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Mary Beth at [email protected] or 507-838-8178. Area Faith Community News THE ST. JOHN PAUL II AREA FAITH COMMUNITY DIRECTORIES HAVE ARRIVED: To ensure that everyone gets the directory they ordered we are asking that you pick up your directory at your home parish. If you did not receive your directory at Mass, you may pick it up at Holy Family’s parish office during Bobbi’s office hours, at Holy Trinity in Nancy’s office during regular office hours and St. Pius X in the parish office during regular office hours. If you wish to purchase a directory for $10.00 you may stop at your parish office to purchase it. We will not be selling directories after weekend Masses. DIRECTORY CORRECTIONS: It has come to the attention of the AFC Directory Committee that the photograph of David & Karen Osmek, members of St. Pius X, were inadvertently placed in the Holy Family section of the directory. We were also made aware that the photo of Dolores Schultz, a Holy Family parishioner, was placed in the Holy Trinity section of the directory. We are very sorry for these errors. FUNERALS AND DAILY MASS SCHEDULES: While Fr. Tony is on vacation there may be changes in the daily Mass schedule if there are funerals. As always our morning daily Masses at the parish where a funeral is being celebrated will be cancelled. It may also be necessary to cancel Masses at other parishes if the priests are not able to make it because of a funeral Mass. If you have questions about how a funeral Mass is going to affect the Mass schedule in your parish, please contact the parish office. PROMOTING A CULTURE OF LIFE: This Thursday we are called to a day of prayer for the legal protection of unborn children. In the past we tried to have a special Mass in the evening that met with very little success. In place of this special Mass we encourage all of you to attend one of the regular Masses in our parishes or to attend the Mass and rally in St. Paul announced below. It is also a day in which through fasting or other penitential actions we can offer God our prayer and pleas for the establishment of a Culture of Life in our nation. On January 22, 2015 we will commemorate the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in the United States. Millions of babies have lost their lives in these past 42 years, with over 9,900 babies being killed in Minnesota alone every year. Once again this anniversary will be marked by prayer and witness to the sanctity of life. The Annual Prayer Service for Life will take place at 10:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul with Bishop Lee Piche presiding. Following the prayer service the MCCL March for Life will take place at the State Capitol starting at 12:00 noon. Please refer to the Family Life page of the diocesan Web site, for possible transportation opportunities in your area. ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: “Faith and Farming with Deacon Tim Dolan is a 5 to 10 minute weekly internet program with timely farm program tips from a 25-year-veteran Extension agent, life-time farmer, and Catholic deacon. Programs include a video with news tips (federal and state programs or meetings), Psalms, quotes from the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, and intercessory prayers. Visit and click the ‘Rural Life’ tab to watch the programs.” FUNDRAISER FOR JUVENILE DIABETES is looking for crafters and/or small businesses to sell their products on February 28, 2015 at the Blue Note Ballroom in Winsted. Please contact Anita at 612-719-0722. SECOND COLLECTION FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Recently, the University of Notre Dame formed a task force on Catholic education to seek out and to support Catholic primary and secondary schools in the United States. The printed results of this task force’s study concluded with the following statement. “To those who wonder how we can afford to make the investment necessary to sustain, strengthen, and expand Catholic schools, we respond by turning the question on its head. How can we afford not to make this investment? Our future depends on it more than we may suspect.” Recognizing the value and importance of our diocesan Catholic schools, Bishop John M. LeVoir has implemented a second collection the weekend of January 24 and 25 for the purpose of sustaining and strengthening the Catholic schools of the diocese. Please be generous in supporting this collection. PRAYER, FASTING & ALMSGIVING: A LENTEN EXPERIENCE WITH THE SISTERS FROM THE DIOCESE OF NEW ULM: Junior and senior high school girls are invited to a Lenten experience with sisters from throughout the Diocese of New Ulm on February 28, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Church of St. Mary, Bird Island. Please register by February 23. For a registration form, contact your parish office or Jeovana Michels at (507) 359-2966. BUS TO PRO-LIFE RALLY: The Holy Trinity Knights of Columbus will be sponsoring a bus to the Pro-Life Rally on Thursday, January 22. This is open to all members from our area faith community, students as well as adults. The bus will leave Holy Trinity around 9:00 a.m., right after morning Mass. We will go to the Cathedral for a service and then march to the State Capital. Please remember to dress warm and to bring a bag lunch for the ride home. To reserve your spot, please contact Elaine Kahle at 320-485-5625. Upcoming Community Events please see bulletin board for more information SUNDAY, JANUARY 18: Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the men of St. John’s Catholic Church, served at the American Bar and Grill, Hector, matching grant funds provided by COF, 9:00 a.m. – noon. FRIDAY, JANUARY 23: Options for Women, Mankato is sponsoring “Celebration for Life” benefit concert, Hosanna Lutheran Church, Mankato, 7:30 p.m. Admission is free, but a tax-deductible, free will offering will be accepted. SUNDAY, JANUARY 25: Silver Lake American Legion Post 141, is hosting breakfast, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the legion club. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31: Liturgical Workshop for Permanent Deacons, Cathedral, New Ulm, 8:00 a.m. Mass. To register contact Sr. Anna at [email protected] or 507-233-5320. Please register by Monday, January 26. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31: Chili Feed, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. at Winsted American Legion, Sponsored by Lake Mary VFW. SATURDAY, JANUARY 31: Follow Your Heart – A Day of Discernment for Women, 9:00 a.m-3:00 p.m. This day will examine the spiritual practices that guide us in living a discerning life. Sister Joanne Dehmer, SSND, will lead the day. She has a background in spiritual direction, teaching and pastoral care and will join us from Loyola Spirituality Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The event will take place at the Notre Dame Center, 1910 Graham Ave., #217, St. Paul, Minnesota. Please register by Wednesday, January 26. 2015. Free will offering accepted. Contact Sister Mary Swanson, SSND, [email protected] or 414-305-9011. Contact the Parish office 320-327-2356 to place your ADVERTISMENT here K & K Storage 512 Lake Ave Silver Lake, MN 55381 320-327-0123 Serving others to help them grow in their faith Debbie Huikko * Karrie Weber 25 Birch Avenue S., Maple Lake, MN Ger ald Kasella ~ Frank Kaczmarek 320-963-5200 Tuesday & Wednesday 10am-2pm; Dobratz ~ Hantge Funeral Chapel 899 Hwy. 15 South Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-2128 (24 Hours) Results Lynne Garbers, GRI,SFR Broker Associate 23 Juniper St. N - Box 6 Lester Prairie, MN 55354 Cell: 320-224-1623 Fax: 952-829-1565 Email: [email protected] First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association Life Ins. - Annuities - IRA’s Milton A. Trnka___________ General Agent Phone: (507) 744-2655 Fax: (507) 744-2655 [email protected] 802 Arizona St., NW Lonsdale,MN 55046 Each office independently Owned and Operated Attorney at law [email protected] Citizen Bank Building, Suite 202 PO Box 98 Hutchinson, MN 55350 320-587-3900 320-587-9597 PO Box 129 * Cokato, MN 55321 Contact the Parish office 320-327-2356 to place your ADVERTISMENT here Silver Lake American Legion LIVE MUSIC 2nd Sat. Total Country Band 3rd Sat. Jim Brewers 4th Fri. Detour Band 4th Sun. Breakfast Buffet 9-11 a.m. 320-327-2404 Leisure Time Mowing Mowing, Spraying, Fertilizing Steve Weber 22102 Flower Road Silver Lake, MN 55354 320-282-9443 320-327-3138 Contact the Parish office 320-327-2356 to place your ADVERTISMENT here
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