Vol. XXXV; No. 2 February 2015 Published 10 times annually Richard S. White, Editor www.lakesidehistory.org Lakeside and East County Devoted Volunteer Lost President's Message Susan Brown Submitted by Betty McMillen Happy New Year and I hope everyone had a great holiday season. We are looking forward to having fun and interesting times at the Lakeside Historical Society in 2015. This year we will be forming a nominating committee to fill three board positions for 2016. If you are interested in serving on the committee or have a name you would like to put forward, please call 619-561-1886 and let us know. The positions to be filled are two year terms for President, Vice President and Secretary. Please do not let the titles scare you off from considering serving. I personally have served as Secretary, Vice President and President and am surprised at how fulfilling it has been without being overwhelming. Below are descriptions of the general duties of each position to help you decide which you would like to try. President: Act as the “face” of our Society. Set agenda and chair monthly board meetings. You are able to choose what day and time is most convenient for you. Run monthly general meetings. Write monthly President’s message for newsletter. Co-Presidency is allowed. Vice President: Chair meetings in absence of the President. Arrange for speakers or programs for approximately 6 meetings a year. Co-Vice Presidency is allowed. Secretary: Attend board and general meeting to record items discussed. Provide written record once a month per Society requirements. In addition, we are looking for a Chairperson(s) for our Heritage Day event as well as Christmas Home Tour. The chairperson for Heritage Day arranges catering for a lunch on October 24th for 60-80 attendees and coordinates with the Archives for a theme and decoration motif. This is a great project for friends who like to plan parties! And last but by no means, least, we are in need of a Chairperson for our annual Holiday Home Tour. This involves securing 4-5 historic and/or interesting homes or businesses in the Lakeside area and coordinating docents. This sounds daunting but there is always help to be given by our members to help smooth the way. This again is a great project for friends who like planning events. Please plan to attend our general meetings and other functions throughout 2015 and join in the fun. ELAINE (STRONG) BRACK April 16, 1941 - December 17, 2014 Lakeside and East County lost a devoted volunteer last December. Elaine (Strong) Brack passed away peacefully at Magnolia Post-Acute Care. Elaine served as the President of Lakeside Historical Society for two years and before that, was our treasurer for 15 years, she also served as the chair of the Archive Committee for six years, helping to preserve the history of Lakeside. She was our grant writer, helping us attain funds to continue our preservation efforts. We nominated her for the Citizen of The Year in 2010 and she won the coveted award and got to ride in the Western Days Parade. She was also active in the Lakeside School District, Las Donas Past Presidents Club, Bostonia Women's Club and Southern District of Women's Clubs. Elaine was instrumental in resurrecting and breathing new life into the defunct Santee Historical Society, she was also their treasurer. She was in charge of our various fund raisers which included The Home Town Reunion, Chicken Pot Pie Dinners and Holiday Home Tours. You could find her acting as a docent to Social Clubs and Adult Education tours and 100's of young school children as they came to the Historical Society during Christmas Walking Tours of Lakeside's Historic District. In 1989 Elaine served on the successful committee to purchase the historic Olde Community Church from the Presbytery, the mortgage was paid off within three years, thanks to the hard work of the fundraising members. Elaine was on the founding committee of the Lakeside Museum which now displays antiques and collectibles from Lakeside pioneer families. Prior to retiring from the Lakeside Presbyterian Church as their Secretary, Elaine was an active volunteer, greeting guests, Superintendent of Sunday School, Wedding Coordinator and Funeral Director. She was co-chair of the Youth Groups and Church Camps and assisted Jean Angus, the founder of the Pre School at the church. She co-founded the Children's Art Show for the Lakeside School District in 1993 and served as Arts Department for Cali- History is that which has happened and that which goes on happening in time. But also it is the stratified record upon which we set our feet, the ground beneath us; and the deeper the roots of our being go down into the layers that lie below and beyond the ... confines of our ego, yet at the same time feed and condition it, ... the heavier is our life with thought and the weightier is the soul of our flesh. ~ Thomas Mann (Continued on page 2) 1 (BRACK continued from page 1) fornia State Women's Clubs. She was also our Traveling Historian, going to schools in her period costumes to tell the students about Lakeside history. Elaine leaves behind her loving husband, Charles and two daughters, Tami Pinachio and her husband, John, two Grandsons, Craig Cook and Darren Gay. Daughter, Juli Champlin and husband Scott and two Grandchildren, Jenna and Marshal Champlin. Her Mother, Ruth McMullin passed away in 1999. . A memorial service for Elaine was held on January 9th at the United Methodist Church in Santee. Her family suggests a donation in her name to her favorite charity, the Women's Domestic Violence Shelter through her Bostonia Women's Club. Please send donations to Center for Community Solutions, 4508 Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, 92109 and specify Project Safe House in East County in memory of Elaine Brack. Our Members Did It Again! Pennie McMahon Once again our Mrs. Claus’ Resale Shoppe was a huge success! It gets bigger and better every year. Thank you everyone for all your wonderful donations. If we don’t have donations, we don’t have a sale. We had a great crew come the Saturday before Thanksgiving and get everything out of storage and unpacked and then we started organizing, pricing, decorating and of course shopping. Marrokal Construction Company, again this year, made a very generous donation. Thank you Marrokal! Gift certificates were again given to the Christian Help Center to distribute to families to come shop at our store. We had many elves help during this event and I don’t know where to start to thank everyone. It is a busy time of year and the Historical Society appreciates everyone giving up time from their busy schedules to come and help make our sale a success. Steve Miller, who works all year on so many projects, put lights, decorations and even music in the bell tower for the holidays. Of course, John Swink who is always around to do whatever needs to be done. Donna Swink decorated our fences and brought really yummy food several times to feed the volunteers. Our dear Dorothy Wood, who has had a rough year this year, was there almost every day being our efficient cashier and always gave us a total at the end of the day and put smiles on everyone’s faces. She also made some beautiful necklaces and donated them for us to sell. Gordon Shackelford not only worked at the store but took care of counting and banking all those dollar bills and quarters. He does a great job all year as our treasurer, thank you Gordon. Janis Shackelford assembled all of our trees and put batteries in everything and made things wiggle and dance. Also, Nita Finder was a tremendous help. She started the Christmas Shoppe several years ago and it just continues to grow. I want to say a big thank you to Roger. He loves the challenge of making things work. He always makes such a great display of electrical decorations. He loves Christmas and makes a big commitment every year and never misses a day. We had several other members who worked hard to do whatever needed to be done: Susan Brown, Ann Gilbert, Bob Tea, Karen Stephens, Bev Reyes, Judy Bowman, Dixie Lansdowne, Judy Trussell, Cheryl Celius, Chris Herzog, Dorrie Campbell, Barbara Hogue, Lee Bost, Delores Gruner, Ed and Janet Hillan, Coleen Owens, John Digeman, Margaret Tuitel, Linda Barnett and Diane Angus. Bobbie Pogue is a very special lady who really holds our organization together when it comes to volunteering. She is Lakeside Museum Hours Saturday only 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and by appointment. (619) 561-1886 such a “worker bee”. She doesn’t want to be in charge or have a title but she is at the Historical Society volunteering for every event. She always keeps our store decorated and organized. She works the museum and makes sure there are docents working on Saturdays. She helps with the newsletters every month and whatever it is she is there. Bobbie worked so hard during our Christmas sale. She was there almost every day. Not only is she a hard worker but a good friend to so many and she makes volunteering fun. THANK YOU BOBBIE FOR ALL YOU DO, ALL YEAR! I know there are some I have forgotten, but please know we appreciate your help and don’t be strangers. There is always something to do at the Historical Society and we can use your help. Thank you everyone! I enjoyed being the Chairperson for this event and the volunteers make what I do enjoyable. I wish all of you a very Happy and Healthy New Year! 2 FEBRUARY 2014 Dolls, Dolls, Dolls . . . Birthdays The Lakeside Historical Society has acquired over 60 very collectable Annalee Dolls from a generous donation. The dolls are all seasons and all sizes. They are For Sale in our store, call for more information at 619-561-1886; or, come by and see us. 02 05 07 08 08 09 09 10 10 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 22 24 25 26 28 28 Christine Van Dusen Curtis D. Clubb Paul D. McMillen Dr. Samuel Sloan Roberta J. Knoles Bessie Langly Carol Ben-Judah Beverly Miller Ron Conley Faye R. Anderson Jerry L. Thompson Denise Civil Lynette Mitrovich Cathy Clevenger Denise L. Benegas Vincent Sullivan Dick Denure Robert Hewitt Carol Swink Pibnatelli Mary J. Hockenberry George Bailey Jennifer Roczey Anniversaries 03 03 05 05 05 09 11 12 14 14 15 18 19 19 26 Claire & Henry Winus ? years Christine & Leon Herzog 48 years Judy & David Phares 49 years Kathryn & Larry Paddock 43 years Jeanne & Larry Taylor 37 years Louise & Charles Seiber 42 years Patricia L. & Robert E. Heger 58 years Roslyn & Don Neleson ? years Connie & James Morgan 6 years Serena & Dana Jones 12 years Donna & John Swink 58 years Riverview Water District 99 years Jean & Byron Conrad 66 years Margaret & Fred Puhn 49 Years Patsy & George Shaeffer 33 years LHS Calendar of Events JANUARY 26, Monday General Meeting 6:00 pm FEBRUARY 23, Monday General Meeting 6:00 pm LHS Board Meetings 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 am 3 $50.00 Business/Organization $200.00 Individual Life Membership $20.00 Per Person $35.00 Per Family LAKESIDE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 4 LAKESIDE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 9906 Maine Ave., Lakeside, CA 92040 (619) 561-1886 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED LHS Board Meetings 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 am Spaghetti Dinner, welcome back. Program: TBA Oct. 24, Saturday: Lakeside Heritage Day Luncheon, NO general meeting in October Nov. 23, Monday: Date may change Election of officers Dec.: NO General Meeting due to Holidays, Home Tour, Christmas Store. Sept. 28, Monday: 6:00 p.m. General Meeting June, July and August: No noon-potluck. Program TBA April: NO meeting due to Lakeside Western Days Event May 18, Monday: Time: TBA Program: TBA Mar. 23, Monday: 12:00 Chicken Pot Pie dinner, $10 donation. Program TBD Feb. 23, Monday: 6:00 p.m. soup/salad provided by board members, home tour home owners thank you, and white elephant gift exchange. $5.00 donation. Jan. 26, Monday: 6:00 p.m. LHS 2015 General Meeting Dates TOP Non-Profit ORG U.S. Postage Paid El Cajon, CA Permit No. 119 February 2015 Place mailing label here Mail to: Lakeside Historical Society, 9906 Maine Ave., Lakeside, CA 92040 Spouse’s Name and Birthday_____________________________________________________Wedding Date_________Your Birthday_________ Address_____________________________________________________________City_______________________State_____Zip___________ Name__________________________________________Phone_________________________E-Mail__________________________________
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