Valley Prep ROAR January 16, 2015 Dear Valley Prep Families: I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere apprecia:on for your warm welcome as I assume my responsibili:es as the Interim Head of School. Although the learning curve is naturally steep, I have benefited greatly from generous support (and pa:ence) of faculty and staff in learning the intricacies of Valley Prep’s opera:onal rou:nes and procedures. In a con:nuing effort to ensure I fulfill my responsibili:es in a manner consistent with the established philosophy, goals and objec:ves of the school, I have scheduled opportuni:es to meet individually with all faculty and staff members during the week of January 19. It is my inten:on to open an ongoing dialogue with those who work :relessly every day to ensure your children receive a world class educa:on. In this regard, I plan to iden:fy a school leadership team that will meet regularly to review the educa:onal program and focus our efforts toward aNaining the school’s established goals and objec:ves. I also look forward to working with parents through the established school organiza:ons to ensure we are mee:ng the needs and expecta:ons of our school-‐ community. I believe it is essen:al to establish open channels of communica:on within the en:re school-‐community to benefit from the input of all stakeholders and to foster support for the educa:onal program. It is apparent from my aNendance at my first Parent Teacher Organiza:on (PTO) mee:ng this week that parent involvement is a cornerstone of the success of Valley Preparatory School. It is truly gra:fying to observe the high level of interest and par:cipa:on of parents (oSen genera:onal) in the life of the school. It is my hope that I will have an opportunity to meet every parent in the very near future. Turning my aNen:on to upcoming events, I encourage all Valley Prep families and their friends to aNend the “Explore-‐O-‐Rama 2015” on Saturday, February 7, from 9:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This event promises to be a wonderful opportunity to par:cipate in crea:ve, fun-‐fill ac:vi:es, and invite other families in our community to learn more about high quality educa:onal programs offered at Valley Preparatory School. Please visit our website at to register for this event. As we move rapidly into the coming months and the pace of events gathers speed, I encourage all parents to review the events calendar to assist in planning for your full par:cipa:on in the amazing lineup of wonderful events and celebra:ons. In closing, I want to reiterate my sincere apprecia:on for the warm welcome I have received from the school-‐community, and I look forward to working with you to serve the wonderful students of Valley Preparatory School. Respec_ully, Patrick Kelleher Interim Head of School Valley Prep ROAR Dates to Remember Monday, January 19 Mar5n Luther King Day No School Thursday, January 22 Trip, Grades 6, 7, 8 French Field Classes, 11:00-‐12:55 p.m. Chez Sabine French Restaurant, Redlands Monday, J anuary 26 Uniform Closet Open 8:00-‐9:00 a.m. Friday, January 30 Dine with the Pride Grades 1-‐2, 11:15-‐12:00 Middle School Party Night, 6 :00-‐8:00 p.m. Monday, February 2 PTO Mee5ng Thanks-‐A-‐LaVe, AWer Flag, Room 18 Tuesday-‐Wednesday, February 3-‐11 Valen5ne Candygram Sale Friday, February 13 House Spirit Day Progress Reports go home Candygram Delivery Friday, February 20 Re-‐Enrollment Contracts mailed home Wednesday, February 25 Come Get the Scoop 6:00-‐8:00 p.m. Friday, February 27 Dine with the Pride Grades 3-‐5, 11:15-‐12:00 Note: Basketball Prac5ce every Monday and Wednesday, 3:00-‐4:00 p.m. Soccer Camp month of February for ages 4-‐7 (flyer forthcoming) PTO Corner Hello Everyone First, I would like to say Happy New Year to everyone and hope you all had a wonderful winter break. As we begin the second half of the school year, there are some exci5ng events coming up. To highlight a few: the Explore-‐O-‐Rama, the Great Gatsby Gala, the Spring Book Fair and Teacher/Staff Apprecia5on Week. You have all heard a great deal about the VPS Explore-‐O-‐Rama coming Saturday, February 7, 2015. Mark your calendars to come join the ac5vi5es for this fun filled family day. Make a point to invite a guest with their children who do not currently aVend VPS so they can see what we are all about. The event is free and will showcase our faculty and school with the crea5ve workshops planned for all aVendees. Contact Karen Johnson for any ques5ons you may have. Valley Prep ROAR The Pancake Breakfast will not be in February this year due to other events scheduled. At the Feb PTO Mee5ng, we will discuss differing it for this year, or re-‐scheduling this fun event to March or April. Next, our premier fund raising event for the year, the Great Gatsby Gala, is just around the corner on 4/25/15. The commiVee has a wonderful evening planned with a great deal of magnificent items for auc5on to make this an outstanding fundraiser for the school. The Spring Book Fair will be 4/14 at Barnes and Noble in Redlands. Mrs. Lowe is working hard to develop a successful event highligh5ng an author signing and the Lion’s Chorus, Teacher/Staff Apprecia5on Week is in May and is always an exci5ng week of events. The commiVee will be sharing the theme and items that will be needed to support the event in upcoming PTO mee5ngs. Our next mee5ng will be 2/2/15 at 8:15. Gail Horrigan PTO President Explore- -RAMA Join us for a fun-‐‑ filled family day! Mark your calendar, and visit www.valleyprepredland to register for this event. Hands-‐‑on sessions including: Musical Brilliance Groovy Math with Pete the Cat Creepy Crawly Friends Storytelling with Puppets Fitness Frenzy Math you can Count on Gyotaku – Tales from the Sea Solar Cars on the Go Valley Preparatory School • 1605 Ford Street • Redlands, Ca • 909-‐‑793-‐‑3063 Now enrolling students in grades preschool through eighth CAIS and WASC Accredited , the children with stockings, al ac:vi:es, and even gave the children elf names! The Preschool Kindness Elves had an amazing month paying kindness forward! d deeds. The children had a busy three weeks that included giving giSs to all of the specialist teachers, walking to Christ the King School to diver giSs to a class of three and four-‐year olds, leaving a giS for the mail carrier, providing a dinner basket for Dr. Cencirulo, leaving surprises on all of the staff vehicles, making treats for the birds and squirrels, making cards for Veterans and so much more! For all of their hard work, Fluffy surprised the children with stockings, magical ac:vi:es, and even gave the children elf names! The Preschool Kindness Elves had an amazing month paying kindness forward! all of the staff vehicles, making treats for the birds and Valley Prep ROAR squirrels, making cards for Veterans, and so much more! For a d work, Fluffy surprised the children with stockings, magical act gave the children elf names! The Preschool Kindness Elves had an amazing month paying kindness forward! ds and surprising others with giSs and kind deeds. The children had a busy three weeks that included giving giSs to all of the specialist teachers, walking to Christ the King School to deliver giSs to a class of three and four-‐year olds, leaving a giS for the mail carrier, providing a dinner basket for Dr. Cencirulo, leaving surprises on all of the staff vehicles, making treats for the birds and squirrels, making cards for Veterans, and so much more! For all of their hard work, Fluffy surprised the children with stockings, magical ac:vi:es, and even gave the children elf names! The Preschool Kindness Elves had an amazing month paying kindness forward! WANT TO ESCAPE TO PARIS OR BARCELONA AND MADRID NEXT SUMMER? Open to all grades, including grads and siblings. Ooh la Paris Dates la for Paris: open Valley Prep ROAR Dates for Paris: open Olé, Olé, España Dates for Spain: 07/19/2015-‐07/27/2015 with some flexibilty Valley Prep ROAR
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