“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience…” 1 Peter 3:15b-16a January 18, 2015 Peace Mennonite Church 11571 Daniels Road Richmond, B.C. V6X 1M7 Phone: 604.278.0111 Lead Pastor: Tim Kuepfer [email protected] Pastor of Youth & Young Adults: Jon Gifford [email protected] Pastor of Family Ministries: Brittani Gifford [email protected] Pastor of Senior’s Ministry: Linda Enns [email protected] Office Administrator: Heidi McAlary [email protected] Website: www.peacemennonite.ca Our Mennonite Church Vision Statement: God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world. Peace Mennonite Church January 18, 2015 – 9:30 AM Celebration Prelude ................................................................ John Kroeker Welcome & Call to Worship ............................. Sandra Kuepfer Announcements Worship in Song Prayer of Confession and Words of Assurance Teaching *Children’s Worship ......................................... Diedre Sportack Scripture: Matt. 28:18-20, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 6:37, John 14:16 ............................................... Mary Zhao Message: “Claiming Christ, Loving All: Christian Commitment in a Pluralistic World” ......... Pastor Lydia Cruttwell, from FUMC Response Song of Response Offering Sharing and Prayers of the People Sending Song Benediction STUDY HOUR Everyone is welcome into the gym following the service. Coffee and tea are served. Adult Study — no adult study today. Youth — will be meeting in room 1b. *KIDS TAG – Together After God) — Children are excused after the Children’s worship to go into the gym. Pray for our Sunday morning KIDS’ TAG (Together after God). Pastor Brittani is excited about this year and is looking for more volunteers. If you able to help, please call Brittani at 778.808.3291 THIS WEEK ~ January 18 - 25 WELCOME TO PEACE MENNONITE CHURCH We hope that you will experience the goodness of God and the hospitality of God’s people this morning. Please don’t hesitate to ask an usher or greeter if you have any questions. Guests, Welcome Cards are in the pews. Please fill one out and deposit it in the offering bag. Church Information. There are numerous resources available by the bulletin board which explains who we are, what we believe, and the various activities of the church. Please feel free to take them or any of the periodicals on the shelf. Offerings are collected each Sunday. They are used to maintain the staff, the church facility and programs as well as our mission and relief commitments. As a guest, please do not feel obligated to give. PRAYER & PEOPLE NEWS Urgent prayer request for our brothers and sisters in the Philippines as they continue to struggle with the devastating impact of Typhoons Haiyan and Hagupit and now faced with the impact of another tropical storm that struck Dec. 29, 2014. Peacebuilders Community Inc. (PBCI), including MC Canada Witness workers Dann and Joji Pantoja, are responding to the needs of several areas hit by floods. They are offering relief while extending the gospel of Christ and building community. Pray that adequate resources will be raised for this work. To donate go to: https://donate.mennonitechurch.ca/project/Hagupit Fri Feb 20 and Sat Feb 21 the MCBC LEAD Conference and Annual Meeting will be held at Peace Church. We are looking for people who would be willing to host some of the people requiring billeting; 1 or 2 Camp Squeah staff, an AMBS Rep and a Canadian Mennonite Rep. This would be for one night only, if you are willing to help, please contact Heidi in the church office. Your Peace Church Council has accepted the request of MCC BC to extend an invitation to Edwin Baroi of Bangladesh to serve as a pastoral intern here at Peace from August 2015 to July 2016 through IVEP (International Volunteer Exchange Program). Edwin will work with Peace staff to provide outreach programs for our community’s children and youth. He will be involved in the Kids TAG program, as well as Tuesday’s Foodbank, Kids Zone, and Community Meal. He will also be helping as a youth and young adult sponsor. Many of you will remember former IVEP pastoral interns Sophea Rith from Cambodia and Hyun-Sil Moon from Korea. This is a missional opportunity for Peace Church to join with MCC in training young leaders from other parts of the world. Tuesday – 20 10 AM — Ladies LIFE Group, meet in the fireside room. Peace Food Bank and Community Meal Schedule 1:30 – 2:30 PM — Prayer in Pastor Tim’s study. 2:30 - 3:30 PM – Food Bank Set-Up 3:30 - 5:00 PM – Food Bank 3:30 - 5:00 PM – Kids Zone 5:30 - 6:30 PM – Community Meal 6:30 - 7:30 PM – Clean-up 7 – 9 PM — Youth Night. Wednesday – 21 9:30 - 11:30 AM — Mom’s Group. A time for moms with preschoolers to come together. Beginning this week, we will be meeting in the fireside room. Call Pastor Brittani at 778.808.3291 if you have questions. Thursday – 22 9 AM - 3 PM — MCC Blanket-making in the fireside room. 7:30 PM — Peace Choir Rehearsals. Join us for another great year of music under the direction of Kathy Lumsdon. The only requirement to join…is enthusiasm! Jr. Youth. We’re going TUBING! For more information and to register please call Pastor Brittani. For all kids in grades 6 – 7. Invite your friends too! Sunday – 25 8:50 AM — A Time for Prayer in Pastor Tim’s study. All are invited to join in prayer before the worship service. Pastor James Wittenberg will continue our series Year of the Bible with the message: “The Cost of Covenant”, (Luke 14:25-30). Worship Leader: Sue Nickel. COMING EVENTS Tue Feb 10 – 7:30 PM — Council Meeting in the fireside room. Sat Feb 14 – 9 AM — Peace Church General Annual Meeting. All Youth Welcome invite your friends too! Tue Jan 20 — Youth Night. Tue Jan 27 — Small Group Night. You can connect with Jon Gifford, Pastor of Youth and Young Adults, at: [email protected] Tue Jan 20 – 5:30 - 6:30 PM — Community Meal. If you’d like to get involved in this ministry, please speak to David McAlary. There are many ways to help! Sat Jan 19 – 9 AM – 3 PM — Life in the Neighbourhood with Karen Wilk. How can we live ‘in and for’ our neighbourhoods in everyday life? What does it mean to be present in our neighbourhood? This is a timely and encouraging event meant to equip all members of the church to be God’s people. Please join us at Level Ground Church, 31216 King Road, Abbotsford. The event is free but you must register. Please go to: www.forgecanada.ca and use promo code “MCBC2014″ Sat Jan 24 — Jr. Youth. We’re going TUBING! For more information and to register please call Pastor Brittani. For all kids in grades 6 – 7. Invite your friends too! Thu Jan 29 - 1 – 3 pm — Thomas Merton: A Man for All Seasons Regent College, Room 100, 5800 University Boulevard on the campus of UBC. Thomas Merton is viewed, by many, as one of the most significant contemplative theologians and prophetic Christian public thinkers of the 20th century. January 2015 signals the 100th anniversary of Merton’s birth. Join us for an afternoon symposium that touches on significant aspects of Merton’s life and writings. Speakers include: Jens Zimmermann (Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Thomas Merton: Christian Humanists); Lynn Szabo (Merton’s Theopoetics: The Symbiotic Relationship between Theology and Poetry); and Ron Dart (C.S. Lewis and Thomas Merton: Mutual Admiration and Soul Friends). Admission free. All are welcome! Info: 604-988-8835 or [email protected]. Sat Jan 31 – 9 AM - 4:30 PM — Storytelling and the Spiritual Lives of Children by BC Ecumenical Advocates for Reconciliation at the Vancouver School of Theology Chapel of the Epiphany, 6030 Chancellor Blvd, UBC. Register on-line at www.vst.edu $75.00 incl. lunch. Sat Feb 7 – 1 - 4:30 PM — The 3rd Sto:lo History & Culture Learning Day will feature Sto:lo Sonny McHalsie of the Sto:lo Siems Anthropology Department sharing information on Sto:lo History and Culture at St. Mary's Residential School, 34110 Lougheed Highway, Mission. Suggested donation, $15 at the door. Fri - Sat Feb 20 - 21 — MCBC LEAD Conference and Annual Meeting will be held here at Peace Mennonite Church. The LEAD key note speaker, Dan Unrau, will be speaking on “Addressing Power & Authority in the Church”. Please register with Heidi McAlary in the church office if you will be attending the Conference and/or Annual Meeting as a guest or as a delegate. Wed Feb 25 — Registration for Regent College Summer Courses begins! View their 50+ courses and start planning your summer. Go to: www.regent-college.edu. Graduate Students in Healthcare Professions: Mennonite Healthcare Fellowship (MHF) offers scholarship funding for Anabaptist students to learn and serve in cross-cultural mission/service settings in developing countries. Deadline for 2015-16 academic year is May 15, 2015. For details and application form, see http://mennohealth.org/SET, email [email protected], or call 1-888-406-3643. On-Line Donations are available for digital banking for people who don't use cheque books, and for those who would like to make donations, other than at a Sunday service. Look for the "Donate" tab in the lower right corner of the church home page on our website at: www.peacemennonite.ca. On-line donations are tax deductible for the full donated amount but please be aware that for every $100 online donation, Peace Church receives only $97.50 (because of the 2.5% processing fee). Mennonite Church Canada is seeking an Educational Childcare Worker for two children ages six and three until summer 2016. Parents Norm and Lillian Nicolson are engaged in a Bible translation and vocational training ministry in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The successful candidate will have a spirit of adventure and a desire to relocate to Africa. For more information, visit http://home.mennonitechurch.ca/node/481 or email Tany at [email protected]." EVERYONE needs to go that extra mile in helping to keep the church maintained and secure! Doors are being left unlocked and lights are being left on all night. Please make sure when you leave all lights are turned off and ALL doors are closed and locked. If you use things at the church: hymnals, glasses, mugs, chairs, papers, put all things back clean and where they belong. Please don’t leave it for SOMEONE else to clean up. The condition you leave the church sets an example for others. You do make a difference!
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