Donaldson Area Amenity Association Newsletter December 201 4. 1 Newslefter time. 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 5 Clearly the last Newsletter before the end of the year, the following is an attempt to update you on matters of concern and interest to our area. Please try and ascertain if your neighbours are subscribers to the Association and if they are not encourage them to be. lt really is important that our awareness of items of interest is as good as possible to enable us to act with knowledge and conviction for the benefit of the area. The €5.00 annual subscription to receive Newsletters can be paid to lan Fairley the Association Treasurer, or any committee member, the addresses of whom are below. New residents in our area. We are not aware of any new residents in the area since the last Newsletter. Planning Applications in or close to our area. 48 Haymarket Tetrace. Change of Use Class 1 Retait to Class 3 Retail cafe/restaurant. Advertised 2sth July, Granted20t^ October. Advertising Station, Roseburn Terrace. Granted 24th November. 2 Magdala crescent. cut back a cotoneaster. Advertised 20th August. Kew Terrace. Council/Developer clarification has taken place and work proceeds well. 9 Osborne Terrace. Replace existing rooflights with dou'ble glazed rooflights. Advertised 14th November. 62 Haymarket Terrace. Amend previous consent: add bread baking oven, induction hob, electric fryer and extraction canopy. Advertised 14th November. Donaldson's Gollege. No further update on the good news of the sale of Donaldson's but we hope to hear soon on progress of design work for conversion to flats and new houses to the north of the site. lncidentally there is a splendid 2015 calendar which has been published by Roman Photography which, for the month of October, has a very fine coloureO photographic view of Donaldson's College as seen from the west gate. The calendar is very good value at f4.99 and a nearby source is the post Office in West Maitland Street. lf not try other retail outlets or Roman Michnowicz, tel 0141 gg2 2054 or y{ww.rolanphotoqra Just the thing for friends at home, abroad or here! Murrayfield Gommunity Council. MCC met on 2nd December and items of particular relevance to us are; Community Police Report. PC Euan Sinclair reported on the period 1"t'to 39th November; ln the Roseburn/RavelstonMester Coates area there had been twenty eight recorded crimes, four of which had been solved with culprits to go before the piocuiator Fiscal. The majority of crimes concemed thefts of moior vehijles and thefts from motor vehictes. ln the Saughtonhall/Riversdale/Balgreen area there had been thirty tnree reporteJ' crimes, eight of which had been solved with culprits to go before the procurator Fiscal. Most of these had also been theft related but there had-also been one incident of fire raising, five of vandalism and five of threatening or abusive behaviour. The Community Policing Team are taking active steps to provide targeted patrols at relevant times to combat theft of personal belongings from homes and vehicles. ln answer to a question PC Sinclair reported as i"i of the attempt to create awareness of the early 2013 changes brought in only four fines had been issued across the city to cyclists using footpaths and that none of these had been issued in this area. With regard to excessive on street parking of cars from the Nissan garage, and damage to some of these, the g-arage manager (Andrew oag, tel 2zg316s) ilas inxious to r,"r, from residents in an effort to alleviate difficulties. It was noted that the drink-driving limit in Scotland is to change downwards from 35 to 22 micrograms of alcohor in 100 millilitres of breath on the ,o*ing of s,n oecem;;rroi;. The meeting was reminded that the Community Policing Team-can be contacted at rra or in person at The MCC Chairman stated that Councillor Edie had confirmed to him that there was no truth in the rumour that the Airport bus service 100 was to be re-routed via eueensferry Road (or any other) to the airport. CEC Councillor's Reports. Councillor Jeremy Balfour reported; Phase Two of the Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme is on target to commence on site in Autumn 2015 following re-routing of the existing gas main next Spring. The result of the 20mph consultation is to go before the Transport Committee on 13th January 2015. The result of the consultation period on the extension of the Controlled Parking Zone (to the west of Zone N5) will go before the Transport committee on 13th January 2015. It is hoped that an Application for Planning Permission for Donaldson's College will be ready to be lodged in Spring 2015. Councillor Frank Ross reported; A new contract for tram and bus stop advertising in the city has been completed and the provision of a new bus stop in Haymarket Terace for west bound bus passengers is a priority, temporary in the short term and permanent in Spring 2015. Due to the narrow widths of pavements in Shandwick Place consideration is being given to the feasibility of providing bus shelter type roofs cantilevered from building facales. It was confirmed that there are no plans to close any Edinburgh Leisure facilities. Their are numerous concerns expressed across the city at proposed rises in allotment charges. Over 1500 public submissions had been received on the CEC Budget consultation documentation. It was stated that there had been a visit to the Murayfield area to remove Autumn leaf fall and there would be another such visit before the end of the year. Following a brief discussion it was agreed the Chairman would write to the City Council reiterating the view so often stated that there should be a "barrow beat" in the-tvlurrayfield and Roseburn area. The experimental traffic/pedestrian/street cafe arrangements in George Street (which had been commenced at the Festival) were to remain foitwelve months r,iith, among other things, a duty on a PR company to record the views expressed in one hundred iandom interviews per month carried out across a range of days of the week and times of the day. Roseburn Action Plan. Robert Smart the MCC Planning Convenor reported on the progress of this which involved the provision of improved landscaping finishes at the OIO Bridge, the possibility of providing pedestrian bollards and planters, the removal of excessivJnumbers of ,.A boards" at shops, delineation of cycle lanes, and provision of anti-cycling stencilling etc. Margaret Laing of CEC was taking steps to implement some of the pointi in the pla-n and she will report back in the New year and a further walk round will take place. Any Other Competent Business. The MCC Chairman refened to the fact that our MSP Marco Biagi has been appointed as Minister for Local Government and Community Empowerment aid it was ,grd"O that he write a letter of congratulation on behalf of MCC. A discussion took place regarding a footpath at the east of Murrayfield Stadium which had been spoken of being brought into public use to give improved access to the new stadium tram stop and councillor Ross agreed io investigate this. MCC next meets on Tuesday 13'n January 2015 at 8:00ph in Murrayfield parish Church Upper Hall. These meetings are open to the public and you are encouraged to attend. Neighbourhood Watch. The latest unsavoury incident we are aware of was that a white middle aged male stranger to our area was seen climbing on rear garden walls and garden-shed roofs in Stanhope Place last week in broad daylight. Quite whether or not the individual had an awareness of where he was is unknown but by not being seen falling of his various perches suggests he may have been sober........... Always report incidents you are aware of to the potice at the eartiest possibte time however inconsequeniial you think these may be. Part of the value to them and so to ourselves - is that these form statistics that help in the allocation of police resources. Keep a note by your telephone that the numbei to use to contact poiice Scofland is 101 except for emergencies which remains as gg9. P/ease be good but be sfreef-r,vrse tool Cockburn Association Edinburgh Civic Forum The Forum met on 25'n November and received and update from Council staff on both nationaland city-wide-planning matters and a detailed explanation on the experimental measures in George Street, touched on at Murrayfield Community Council item 5 above. 8 Western Edinburgh Community Safety Forum. (Police/City Council/Public bodies). Again short notice of the meeting, held on 10'n December, prevented our representation. 9 Taxiwaiting area at Haymarket Terrace. We are attempting to establish the Council's views on allocating an area for this af the corner of Rosebery Crescent. lt is incredibly unsatisfactory and highly dangerous. {0 Ongoing absence of public convenience facilities at Haymarket. We are attempting to establish quite what the position is regarding this incredible state of affairs which by any standards is a disgraceful indictment on the City Council. 11 Road closures/bus diversions on concerUmatch days at Murrayfield Stadium. It is understood that there is to be some sort of meeting to take place, hopefully to bring this unsatisfactory matter to a head, and we have asked for the opportunity to be present. 12 Osborne House. It seems that Osborne House really is unloved, not only by many residents in the area but also by some who work there and also those who are responsible for maintaining it. The contractor for removing waste bins does not do so often enough and even prior to them overflowing plastic waste bags regularly get dumped on the adjacent concrete slabs. This is a delight to foraging seagulls, magpies, cats and foxes and the mess is awful. DMA conespondence with the letting /maintenance agents earlier this year brought about an improvement and it is hoped recent repeat correspondence will do the same. 13 Scottish Government. Congratulations to our two MSPs in new positions; Marco Biagi is now Minister for Local Government and Community Empowerment and Sarah Boyack now has the Environment portfolio. DAAA appreciate their help and diligent support regarding local issues here. 14 Elected representatives for our area. councillor Jeremy Balfour, city chambers, Edinburgh, EH1 1yJ. Tel 52g4og3 Councillor Paul Edie, City Chambers, Edinburgh, EHI 1yJ. Tel S2gll7z Councillor Frank Ross, City Chambers, Edinburgh, EHI 1yJ. Tel S2g4gg7 Mike crockart, MP, office, 185 st John's Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7LD. Tel 3390339 Marco Biagi, MSP, office, 77 Buccleugh street, Edinburgh, EHg gLS. Te|66g3642 Sarah Boyack, MSP, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EHgg 1Sp. Tel34gS751 15 Association committee members. George Douglas, 1 West Catherine Place. Karen Cullen, 60/6 Balbirnie Place, Liz East, 5 Stanhope Place. lan Fairley, 9A Hampton Terrace.(Treasurer/Neighbourhood Margaret Henderson, 36 Balbirnie place. Ed Housley, 6 Kew Terrace. Mike Lamont, 15 West Catherine Place. Jeff Raynor, 17 West Catherine Place. Mike Stevens, 7 Pembroke Place. Watch). Tel33i2B72g. 16 Festive Season. Christmas is almost upon us and on behalf of your committee hope is expressed that it will prove to be a joyous and meaningful time for you and your families and friends. This can be a challenging time, and it often seems as if our worid gets more mad and more bad. Hope springs eternal though, and firmly believing that humour is a very serious business, d'ecided to include the following which was enclosed with a Christmajcard I received. It is entitled "Daily Prayer'and as I thought it was brilliant I hope you like it 1oo........... I'm proud to say, so far today, l've got along alright, I have not gossiped, whined or bragged, Or had a single fight. I haven't lost my temper once. Or criticised my mate. I have not lied, I have not cried, Or loudly cursed my fate. So far today I've not one time, Been grumpy or morose, l've not been spiteful, cold or vain, Self-centred or verbose. But Lord, l'm going to need your help Throughout the hours ahead, So give me strength, dear Lord for now l'm getting out of bed. Regards, George Douglas. I
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