ADDENDUM NO. 2 Ricks Center for Gifted Children University of Denver 2040 S. York St. Denver, CO 80208 ISSUED TO: All Plan Holders DATE: 3 July 2012 BY: McGrath Incorporated 5353 West Dartmouth Avenue Suite 506 Denver, Colorado 80227 This Addendum adds to, supplements, amends or clarifies by way of explanation, portions of the Construction Drawings and/or Contract Documents for the above named project. This addendum will be attached to and become part of the Contract Documents and submitted with the Contract. Note: There have been occasions when the failure of a Contractor to acknowledge receipt of Addenda has cost him the award of a Contract. Please note the space for this acknowledgment on the Bid Form. Pertaining to the Specifications 1. Corrected date of contract documents in spec section 00 30 00. 2. Revised spec section 20 53 13 in response to question number 9 below, changes shown in bold and italicized font. 3. Add Hydrotherm and Buderus to the list of approved boiler manufacturers under section 23 52 16-2.01A. 4. Add Twin City Fans to the list of approved utility set fan manufacturers under section 23 34 23-2.01-A, 2.02-A and 2.03-A. 5. Add Nailor to the list of approved manufacturers for fire-smoke dampers 23 33 00-2.05A, air terminal units 23 36 00-2.02-A, and GRD’s 23 37 13-2.01-A, 2.02-A. Pertaining to the Drawings 1. None. Ricks Center University of Denver HVAC System Upgrade Addendum #2 Page - 2 Questions from the Contractors 1. Q: How are the fire alarm smoke detectors to be handled with the removal of the ceiling during construction to keep a working system in tact? Shall they be left hanging? Removed? Relocated? Is this a free wire system? Piped? Etc… and who is responsible for this? A: The fire alarm system modifications are specified on Sheet E0.01 as design build by the contractor. 2. Q: Who is responsible for taking the F/A system offline and putting it online during construction? A: The contractor is to coordinate with the University. 3. Q: Are the existing fixtures to be removed during construction or shall they be left hanging in place? A: Up to the contractor, who will be responsible for their condition at the completion of construction. 4. Q: Are the grid fixtures supported by wire? A: Based on the age of the building we're not sure. Reinstallation will require independent support. 5. Q: Will there be onsite storage for any fixtures to be removed during the ceiling demolition? A: Coordinate with the University. 6. Q: Will the fire alarm system need to be integrated into the new roof top units and damper units being installed? If so who will be responsible? A: Yes, design-build by contractor. 7. Q: During the walk there was some mention to existing cables in the ceiling that needed to be supported to meet code. Could you please clarify the quantity and type of this cable? Or what is specifically trying to be obtained. A: Existing data cabling above ceiling must be supported independent of the ceiling by the contractor. The cabling existing throughout the school and we have no way to quantify the amount. 8. Q: HWP-1 & 2 and CHWP-1 & 2 are to be provided with VFD’s per the mechanical schedule, do these VFD’s have internal disconnecting means or shall a disconnect be provided? A: Either integral or separate disconnect is acceptable. 9. Q: BCP-1 & 2 show a magnetic starter with a disconnect, is this correct or was the intention to have a combination Hand-Auto-Off installed? A: Provide combination starter and disconnect per revised spec section 20 53 13. ADDENDUM 2 3 July 2012 Ricks Center University of Denver HVAC System Upgrade Addendum #2 Page - 3 10. Q: RF-4 & 5 the mechanical schedule states for a VFD to be installed, the one line shows a disconnect with a magnetic starter, and drawing E103B shows two disconnects and a magnetic starter according to the legend. What is the preferred method of installation if a VFD is to be used? A: To the Code, both VFD and magnetic starters are both motor controllers. As such a disconnect switch is required on the line side of and within sight of the controller. The Code also requires a disconnect switch in sight of the motor. If the controller disconnect is within sight of the motor, then the controller disconnect satisfies both requirements. Provide VFD's per the Mechanical Drawings and Spec's 11. Q: On drawing M221A, does VAV2-2 have HWS&R? The schedule indicates a reheat coil? A: VAV2-2 should be connected to the HWS&R piping with ¾” pipe with all valves and specialties indicated on the piping schematic. This is the save for VAV2-1. 12. Q: What type of glycol is in the existing systems? A: According to existing documentation glycol is not present in the system. 13. Q: What is the volume of the hot and chilled water systems? A: We estimate the volume of the heating system to be 515 gallons and the chilled water system to be 460 gallons. Contractors are required to verify system volumes. Attachments 1. Spec Section 00 30 00. 2. Spec Section 20 53 13. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 2 ADDENDUM 2 3 July 2012 SECTION 003000 BID PROPOSAL FORM A. Having carefully examined the bidding Documents, Contract Forms, General Conditions, the Drawings, and the Specifications, and being familiar with all conditions affecting the Work, including the availability of materials and labor, the undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all labor, and materials and plant required for the construction of the “HVAC Systems Upgrade” to the Ricks Center for Gifted Children, 2040 South York Street Denver, Colorado, in accordance with the accompanying Drawings and Specifications prepared by McGrath, Incorporated for the Contract Prices specified below, subject to additions and deductions according to the terms of the Specifications. B. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The undersigned Bidder acknowledges examination of the following: C. 1. Contract Documents: Drawings and Project Manual dated June 8, 2012. 2. Project Site/Existing Conditions. 3. Receipt of Addenda Numbers, ________ , ________ , ________ ,________ , ________ . BASE BID: All labor, materials, services and equipment necessary for completion of the Work shown on the Drawings and the Specifications. The Proposed Contract Price is DOLLARS ($ D. ) In submitting this Bid, I agree: 1. To hold my bid open for 60 days subsequent to the date of the bid Opening. 2. Attend the Mandatory Interview scheduled for Wednesday, July 11, 2012. 3. To enter into and execute a Contract, if awarded on the basis of this bid, and to furnish all bonds and insurance required by the bidding documents. 4. To accomplish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5. To complete the work by the time stipulated in the Agreement. Bid Proposal Form McGrath Incorporated© 003000 - 1 Ricks Center for Gifted Children HVAC Systems Upgrade Date: Firm Name: Signature: Name (Typed): Title: (Seal if Corporation) END OF SECTION Bid Proposal Form McGrath Incorporated© 003000 - 2 Ricks Center for Gifted Children HVAC Systems Upgrade SECTION 230513 COMMON MOTOR REQUIREMENTS FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 A. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY Section includes general requirements for single-phase and polyphase, general-purpose, horizontal, small and medium, squirrel-cage induction motors for use on ac power systems up to 600 V and installed at equipment manufacturer's factory or shipped separately by equipment manufacturer for field installation. COORDINATION Coordinate features of motors, installed units, and accessory devices to be compatible with the following: 1. Motor controllers. 2. Torque, speed, and horsepower requirements of the load. 3. Ratings and characteristics of supply circuit and required control sequence. 4. Ambient and environmental conditions of installation location. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 A. 2.02 GENERAL MOTOR REQUIREMENTS Comply with NEMA MG 1 unless otherwise indicated. MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS A. Duty: Continuous duty at ambient temperature of 40 deg C and at altitude of 3300 feet above sea level. B. Capacity and Torque Characteristics: Sufficient to start, accelerate, and operate connected loads at designated speeds, at installed altitude and environment, with indicated operating sequence, and without exceeding nameplate ratings or considering service factor. 2.03 POLYPHASE MOTORS A. Description: NEMA MG 1, Design B, medium induction motor. B. Efficiency: Energy efficient, as defined in NEMA MG 1. C. Service Factor: 1.15. D. Multispeed Motors: Variable torque. Common Motor Requirements for HVAC McGrath Incorporated© 230513 - 1 Ricks Center for Gifted Children HVAC Systems Upgrade 1. 2. For motors with 2:1 speed ratio, consequent pole, single winding. For motors with other than 2:1 speed ratio, separate winding for each speed. E. Multispeed Motors: Separate winding for each speed. F. Rotor: Random-wound, squirrel cage. G. Bearings: Regreasable, shielded, antifriction ball bearings suitable for radial and thrust loading. H. Temperature Rise: Match insulation rating. I. Insulation: Class F. J. Code Letter Designation: 1. Motors 15 HP and Larger: NEMA starting Code F or Code G. 2. Motors Smaller than 15 HP: Manufacturer's standard starting characteristic. K. Enclosure Material: Cast iron for motor frame sizes 324T and larger; rolled steel for motor frame sizes smaller than 324T. 2.04 POLYPHASE MOTORS WITH ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS A. Motors Used with Reduced-Voltage and Multispeed Controllers: Match wiring connection requirements for controller with required motor leads. Provide terminals in motor terminal box, suited to control method. B. Motors Used with Variable Frequency Controllers: Ratings, characteristics, and features coordinated with and approved by controller manufacturer. 1. Windings: Copper magnet wire with moisture-resistant insulation varnish, designed and tested to resist transient spikes, high frequencies, and short time rise pulses produced by pulse-width modulated inverters. 2. Energy- and Premium-Efficient Motors: Class B temperature rise; Class F insulation. 3. Inverter-Duty Motors: Class F temperature rise; Class H insulation. 4. Thermal Protection: Comply with NEMA MG 1 requirements for thermally protected motors. 2.05 SINGLE-PHASE MOTORS A. Motors larger than 1/20 hp shall be one of the following, to suit starting torque and requirements of specific motor application: 1. Permanent-split capacitor. 2. Split phase. 3. Capacitor start, inductor run. 4. Capacitor start, capacitor run. B. Multispeed Motors: Variable-torque, permanent-split-capacitor type. C. Bearings: Prelubricated, antifriction ball bearings or sleeve bearings suitable for radial and thrust loading. D. Motors 1/20 HP and Smaller: Shaded-pole type. Common Motor Requirements for HVAC McGrath Incorporated© 230513 - 2 Ricks Center for Gifted Children HVAC Systems Upgrade E. 2.06 Thermal Protection: Internal protection to automatically open power supply circuit to motor when winding temperature exceeds a safe value calibrated to temperature rating of motor insulation. Thermal-protection device shall automatically reset when motor temperature returns to normal range. COMBINATION STARTERS AND DISCONNECTS A. General: Furnish starters for all motors provided under Division 23 unless noted otherwise. B. Combination Motor Starter and Disconnect Characteristics: Comply with NEMA standards and NEC. Furnish NEMA 1 enclosures for indoor switches and NEMA 3R raintight enclosures for switches where exposed to the weather. Provide general purpose enclosures with padlock ears, and with frames and supports for mounting on wall, floor or panel as required. Furnish the type and size of starter recommended by the motor manufacturer and equipment manufacturer for the applicable protection and start-up condition; refer to individual equipment sections for basic load requirements. All disconnect switches shall be approved for main line service, horsepower rated, quick-make, quick-break, 600 volt, heavy duty rated, load interrupter type with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in HAND or AUTO position. Handle shall be lockable in OFF position. All safety switches shall be General Electric Company type “TH” or approved equal. C. Fuses: Provide fuses for switches, as required, of classes, types and ratings needed to fulfill electrical requirements for service indicated. 1. Except as otherwise indicated, provide fuses of type, sizes, ratings and electrical characteristics of a single manufacturer. Fuses shall be manufactured by Bussmann or Littelfuse. Provide fuses labeled UL Class L, RK1, or RK5, current limiting and rated for up to 200,000 amperes. 2. Where fuses are shown feeding individual or groups of equipment items, comply with manufacturer’s recommendation for fusing; adjust fuse size and type as necessary to comply with manufacturer’s recommendation. 3. Provide spare fuses amounting to one spare fuse for each 10 installed but not less than three of any one type and size. D. Manual Control. 1. Furnish maintained-contact push buttons and pilot lights, properly arranged for single-speed or multi-speed operation as indicated. 2. Furnish manual switch and pilot light for motors 1/2 horsepower and smaller, except where interlock or automatic operation is indicated. E. Automatic Control. 1. Furnish magnetic starters for motors 3/4 horsepower and larger and for smaller motors where interlock or automatic operation is indicated. Include the following: a. Minimum number of auxiliary contacts available: three N.O. and three N.C. b. "Hand-Off-Automatic" switches in starter cover. c. Interlocks and similar devices as required for coordination with the control requirement specified in 23 0993 “Integrated Automation Control Sequences”. Common Motor Requirements for HVAC McGrath Incorporated© 230513 - 3 Ricks Center for Gifted Children HVAC Systems Upgrade d. a. Built-in 120 volt control circuit transformer, fused from line side, where service exceeds 120 volts. i. Control circuit conductors to be protected in accord with Article 250-5, Exception 5, of the National Electrical Code. e. Trip-free thermal overload relays, each phase. f. Externally operated manual reset. g. Under voltage release or protection. Phase failure/phase reversal protection PART 3 - EXECUTION (Not Used) END OF SECTION Common Motor Requirements for HVAC McGrath Incorporated© 230513 - 4 Ricks Center for Gifted Children HVAC Systems Upgrade
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