The Chaplain is the Rev’d Dan Inman. Dan is available to all members of college to discuss any matter of personal concern in confidence, regardless of religious belief. If you are interested in talking more about faith, being more involved in Chapel, or are thinking about being baptized or confirmed this term, do get in touch. Dan’s room can be found at Front Quad 5/2 and Dan be contacted on (2)79143 or by e-mail ([email protected]). The Organist is Professor Owen Rees. Junior Chapel Committee President Treasurer Sacristans Senior Organ Scholar Junior Organ Scholar Bellringers Matt Clucas James Jenkins Sian Allen Johnny Church Matt Davies Mark Holmes Emma Papworth Amelia Tudor Beamish Nelson Wee Harry Meehan Rebecca Baker Simon Kenwright (Captain) Alexander Hartley Alissa Machin Tom Marshall Haoyu Niu Rose Rands The Christian Union ( is represented by Ruth Ng ([email protected]) and Nelson Wee ([email protected]). They meet every week in college for Bible study and fellowship. The College’s Roman Catholic Rep is Johnny Church ([email protected]). For more information on the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy go to Collections this term go to Teenage Cancer Trust, which helps provide world-class treatment and support for young people in the UK living with cancer. Cover: ‘Ecce Homo’ by Georges Rouault (a recent gift to Queen’s). Photo courtesy of Graeme Salmon. HILARY TERM 2015 THE CHAPEL OF THE Queen’s college TIMES OF SERVICES Monday to Friday Morning Prayer Evensong (on Wed and Fri) Evening Prayer (Mon, Tues, Thurs) 9.00am 6.30pm 6.55pm Sundays Holy Communion (except in 5th week) 9.30am This is the central act of the College’s weekly worship, with hymns and a short sermon, usually from a junior member of College. It is followed by breakfast (for free) in the Magrath Room. Evening Service 6.15pm This is generally a service of Evensong, and usually includes a sermon from either the Chaplain or a visiting preacher. It is followed by drinks in the Magrath Room. On 15 February (Sunday of 5th week), the evening service will be the College’s termly Corporate Communion at 6.15pm. < Special Services in Hilary Term 15 February 18 February 24 February 8 March College Corporate Communion Sung Eucharist for Ash Wednesday Sung Compline for St Matthias’ Day Service of Lessons and Music for Passiontide 6.15pm 6.15pm 10.00pm 6.15pm Other Events Temple Soc takes place in the Chaplain’s Room every Friday afternoon for an hour at 3pm. This is a relaxed group that meets over tea and cake and this term we’ll be reading some key texts for thinking about God since the Enlightenment. On Shrove Tuesday (17th Feb) there will be a pancake party in the St Aldates Building from 8.30pm. More information to follow nearer the time. There will be a contemplative art installation – ‘A Few Miles Above’ - by Rebecca Pannett (2nd year, Fine Art) in Chapel between 8pm and 10pm on 2nd and 3rd March. Sunday Evening Preachers in Hilary Term 1st week 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 18 January The Chaplain 2nd week Conversion of St Paul 25 January Dr Elaine Storkey is a writer and broadcaster, and was until recently president of the charity Tearfund. 3rd week Candlemas 1 February The Rev’d Dr Peter Groves is the vicar of St Mary Magdalen, Oxford. 4th week 2nd Sunday before Lent 8 February The Rev’d Robert Clucas is the vicar of the Bridges group of parishes in the Diocese of Coventry. 5th week Sunday next before Lent 15 February College Corporate Communion: The Chaplain 6th week 1st Sunday of Lent 22 February The Very Rev’d Dr Jeffrey John is the dean of St Albans Cathedral. 7th week 2nd Sunday of Lent 1 March The Chaplain 8th week 3rd Sunday of Lent 8 March Service of Lessons and Music for Passiontide For more details of music and readings, go to the Chapel website:
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